Continuation of the ______________ test protocol


1. This standard applies to fuel, oil and hydraulic systems of aircraft, engines, propellers and propfans, gearboxes of aircraft, ground handling equipment for aircraft, test equipment (hereinafter referred to as systems), as well as units and instruments included in systems and supplied to the consumer for these systems.

The standard establishes standards for the purity of working, storage and filling fluids of the internal cavities of systems, units and devices during acceptance tests of systems, units and devices.

2. The cleanliness classes of the liquids must be as indicated in the table.

3. In the fuel refueled in aircraft tanks, the mass fraction of contamination should not exceed 0.0002%, the mass fraction of free (emulsion) water should not be more than 0.0025%.

4. For hydraulic systems of aircraft and single-action engines, hydraulic systems for braking the wheels of the landing gear of aircraft and helicopters, aggregates and instruments included in these systems, aggregates and instruments not related to the hydraulic system of the aircraft, the developer of the system, aggregate or device ( as agreed) to establish the cleanliness classes of working, conservation and filling (for systems) liquids no more rough than class 9 in accordance with GOST 17216-71.


1. Fuel system of the aircraft

Aircraft power plant system for placing fuel on the aircraft, supplying fuel to engines, depleting it in a specific order, as well as performing auxiliary functions in signaling fuel depletion

2. Engine fuel system

Fuel supply and automatic control system of the engine, using the fuel entering the engine as a working medium

3. Aircraft oil system

A system that ensures the placement of oil on the aircraft, supplying it to engines and other units, removing oil from them and cooling, signaling oil depletion

4. Oil system of the aircraft gearbox

Autonomous lubrication system of the aircraft gearbox

5. Engine oil system

Engine lubrication system, providing oil supply to friction units, its removal and cooling, venting of oil cavities, as well as the use of oil as a working fluid in propeller systems, propfans and engine hydraulic devices

6. Aircraft hydraulic system

A system that uses hydraulic fluids as a working fluid

7. Engine hydraulic system

A control system for engine mechanization elements (nozzle flaps, compressor guide vanes), in which liquids that differ from the fuel entering the engine are used as a working fluid

8. Means of ground handling of aircraft

A set of technical means ensuring maintenance during preparation for flights and safety of the aircraft

9. Test equipment

According to GOST 16504-81

10. Acceptance tests


This instruction defines the procedure for handling waste containing oil products:

  • Hazard class III: "waste hydraulic oils", "waste industrial oils", "waste engine oils", "waste transmission oils", "waste transformer oils, halogen-free, polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls", "sludge of oil separation plants", " floating film from oil catchers (petrol catchers) "," used car filters ";
  • IV hazard class: "cleaning material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%)".


This Instruction is applied in all separate divisions (branches) " Business name " .


7.GOST 12.4.026-2001. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and application rules. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods.

10. GOST 10541-78 Universal motor oils and for automobile carburetor engines. Technical conditions.

11. GOST 12337-84 Motor oils for diesel engines. Technical conditions.

12. GOST 23652-79 Transmission oils. Technical conditions.

13. GOST 20799-75 General purpose industrial oils. Technical conditions.

14. GOST 982-80 Transformer oils. Technical conditions.

16. Instruction on the organization of collection and rational use of waste oil products in the Russian Federation (approved on March 16, 1996 by the RF Minister of Fuel and Energy E. S. Morozov).

17. OST 37.001.471-9031 Oil filters, replacement elements for fine oil filters

18. MPO-9-99 Waste engine and transmission oils. A collection of methods for calculating the volume of waste generation. SPb. 2001

19. MR on the calculation of waste generation standards for road transport enterprises. SPb. SRI Atmosfera. 2003. (012.02 Floating oil products of oil traps; 012.12 Waste engine oil; 012.13 Waste hydraulic oil; 012.20 Waste gear oil; 013.07 Oil rags; 013.10 Filters contaminated with oil products).

21. GOST 26319-84 Dangerous goods. Packaging.

  • waste of used motor, transmission, hydraulic, transformer (not containing polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls), industrial oils, sludge of oil separation plants and floating film from oil separators, used car filters are classified as waste of III hazard class - moderately hazardous waste .
  • wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%) is waste IV hazard class - for low-hazard waste .

The degree of harmful effects Wastes of III class of hazard to the environment are average. When they impact on the environment, the ecological system is disturbed. The recovery period is at least 10 years after the reduction of the harmful effects from the existing source.

The degree of harmful effects Waste of IV class of environmental hazard is low. When they impact on the environment, the ecological system is disturbed. Self-healing period at least 3 years

State of aggregation Waste of waste motor, transmission, hydraulic, transformer, industrial oils, sludge of oil separation plants and floating film from oil catchers - liquid.

State of aggregation car filter waste, sawdust contaminated with oils and cleaning material contaminated with oils - solid .

Hazardous properties of waste containing oil products - fire hazard.

Component composition of liquid waste containing oil products :

Component composition of solid waste containing oil products :


6.1. Hazardous properties of waste components

Hazardous components of waste of the 3rd hazard class "waste hydraulic oils", "waste industrial oils", "waste engine oils", "waste transmission oils", "waste transformer oils, not containing halogens, polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls", "oil separation plant sludge" , "Pop-up film from oil catchers (gasoline catchers)", "used car filters" and 4 hazard classes "cleaning material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%)", "sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content less than 15%)" are petroleum products .

Spent fuels and lubricants represent a flammable mixture of cyclic hydrocarbons (mainly of the naphthenic series) with a density of 0.905 g / cm (3) and a molecular weight of 300 ... 500, a flash point not lower than 100 ° C, solidification not higher than -10 ° C, depending on composition. The dangerous properties of petroleum products are their toxicity and fire hazard. Petroleum products are classified as super-ecotoxicants of the 1st hazard class (xenobiotics).

In terms of toxicity, waste oil products are classified as hazard class 4, but the issues of toxicity of oil and oil products are still far from being developed. This is explained by their complex, complex chemical composition and differences in chemical properties. It has been established that the most toxic are hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 150 to 275 ° C. Some fractions of petroleum products have a pronounced carcinogenic effect. Acute poisoning of most fish species occurs when the concentration of emulsified oil products is 16-97 mg / l. The toxicity of water-soluble petroleum products also depends on the chemical composition. Multicomponent fractions cause acute poisoning of aquatic aquatic organisms in concentrations of 25-29 mg / l and subacute poisoning of 15-19 mg / l. When the content of naphthenic acids in them up to 65%, the death of fish occurred at concentrations of 0.03-0.1 mg / l. Fishery MPCs of petroleum products in freshwater reservoirs 0.001 mg / l, in seawater 0.05 mg / l. The maximum permissible concentration of vapors of hydrocarbons in waste oil products in the air of the working area is 300 mg / m (3).

The fire hazard of waste containing petroleum products is due to their ability to sustain combustion, self-ignition and spontaneous combustion.

Self-ignition is the process of igniting petroleum products without contact with an open flame. Autoignition temperature is the temperature at which petroleum products ignite without an external source of open fire. The autoignition temperature of mineral oils is 315 ° C, fuel gasoline - 510 ° C, kerosene - 435 ° C, diesel fuel - 336 ° C. The autoignition temperature of petroleum products depends on both their fractional and chemical composition; the heavier the petroleum products in terms of their fractional composition, the lower their autoignition temperature.

Spontaneous combustion - Spontaneous combustion of combustible substances as a result of increased oxidation. Oxidation is the process of combining a combustible substance with atmospheric oxygen. Rusting of metals, decay of organic matter, combustion are one and the same oxidation process. The oxidation process, as a result of which spontaneous combustion is possible, depends on a number of factors, the main of which is the oxidation rate. With an increase in the oxidation rate, the amount of heat released increases; little heat is released during slow oxidation. In this case, most of the released heat is dissipated in the environment, and less is spent on self-heating of the substance and prolongation of the oxidation process. In turn, the oxidation rate depends to a large extent on the temperature of the combustible substance and the environment; an increase in the temperature of the combustible substance for every 10 ° C doubles the oxidation rate.

Petroleum products, especially lubricants, in contact with atmospheric oxygen, oxidize slowly at first, the heat released during oxidation causes an increase in temperature. As the temperature rises, the oxidation process accelerates, and this in turn causes even more heat release. This will continue until the temperature is high enough that oiled cotton ends, rags, rags, oiled overalls, or other similar materials begin to char and then ignite and burn.

Lubricating oils are most prone to oxidation. Any oily material should be handled with great care, no matter what oil it may be. So, if 4 ... 5 kg of cotton rags are moistened with 250 ... 300 g of drying oil at a temperature of 25 ° C, then after 2 hours their temperature will rise to 58 ... 60 ° C, after 3 hours - up to 187 ... 190 ° C , and after 4 hours it will reach 300 ° C and these rags will catch fire without an extraneous source of fire. At first glance, safe oily rags and rags thrown into a corner, forgotten in overalls or left unattended, as well as oiled overalls piled up for storage, can ignite and cause a fire without extraneous sources of ignition.

6.2. Environmental Impact of Waste Components

Petroleum products are among the most harmful chemical pollutants. The presence of 2 g of oil and oil products in 1 kg of soil makes it unsuitable for plant life and soil microflora; 1 liter of oil and oil products deprives oxygen of 40 thousand liters of water; 1 ton of oil and oil products pollutes 12 km (2) of the water surface. In the presence of oil products in the water in the amount of 0.2-0.4 mg / l, it acquires an oil smell, which is not eliminated even during filtration and chlorination. Poorly treated oily wastewater contributes to the formation of an oil film on the surface of the reservoir with a thickness of 0.4-1 mm.

The effect of oil products on aquatic fauna happens in several directions:

  • the surface film of oil delays the diffusion of gases from the atmosphere into the water and disrupts the gas exchange of the reservoir, creating an oxygen deficiency
  • oily substances, covering the surface of the gills with a thin film, disrupt gas exchange and lead to asphyxiation of fish
  • water-soluble compounds easily penetrate the fish organism
  • at an oil concentration of 0.1 mg / l, fish meat acquires an unavoidable "oil" smell and taste
  • bottom sediments of oil undermine the food base of reservoirs and absorb oxygen from the water

In the presence of an oil film, the amount of oxygen dissolved in water drops sharply, because it is spent on the oxidation of petroleum products. Dissolution of the new portion of oxygen is prevented by the oil film on the water surface. A decrease in oxygen in the water column adversely affects the life of aquatic organisms. Thus, with an oxygen content of 4.5 mg / l, respiratory depression is observed in fish. The oil film also disrupts other physicochemical processes in the reservoir, contributes to an increase in the temperature of the surface layer of water. As a result, plankton - an important part of the fish food supply - stops reproducing. Negative conditions are also created for the vital activity of neuston - the richest community of a wide variety of organisms living in the upper layers (5-10 cm) of the water column. There is a "nursery" for juveniles of many species of fish and invertebrates, which, growing up, inhabit the water column and the bottom of water bodies.

From the surface of the reservoir from the oil film, light fractions evaporate, water-soluble fractions dissolve in water, heavy fractions are adsorbed on solid particles suspended in water, settle and accumulate at the bottom of the reservoir. Some of them decompose, polluting the water with soluble decomposition products, and some are again carried to the surface with gases released from the bottom. Each bubble of bottom gas, coming out to the surface of the water, bursts, forming an oil slick. The formation of a bottom sediment contaminated with oil leads to its poisoning of zoo- and phytobenthos, which serves as food for fish. With strong oil pollution, zones are formed that are practically devoid of life, except for the development of a large number of oil-oxidizing bacteria. In addition to the above factors, the acute toxicity of petroleum products is also explained by the fact that their constituent hydrocarbons wet the surface of aquatic organisms and, penetrating inside, dissolve lipoid fractions of cell membranes and membranes, loosen and change their permeability. By destroying the lipoprotein complexes that make up the cells, oil-forming hydrocarbons change the physicochemical properties of the cytoplasm and disrupt the ordering of biochemical processes. The negative impact of oil and its products on the genetic apparatus of aquatic organisms, in particular on the content of RNA and DNA in cells, has been established. The fry hatched from the eggs of contaminated fish have mutagenic disorders (absence of gills, two heads, etc.). In acute poisoning of fish with oil products, signs of a disorder of the functions of the nervous system and respiratory disturbance caused by their local action on the gills prevail. In the early stages of intoxication, the fish are very mobile, they tend to jump out of the water, then turn over on their side, lose their balance, make circular movements, breathing faster by 1.5-2 times. Then comes the phase of oppression, the fish go into a narcotic state and die with the phenomena of paralysis of the respiratory center. The corpses of dead fish are dull, slimy, with signs of focal dermatitis, manifested by spotty hyperemia of the skin, decay and sloughing of the epidermis, and ulceration. Damage to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye can result in blindness. In the gills, edema of the petals, hyperemia of capillaries, swelling, degeneration, necrobiosis and focal desquamation of the respiratory epithelium and mucous cells are noted. The defeat of internal organs is limited to congestive hyperemia and granular-vacuolar degeneration of parenchymal cells. In subacute and chronic poisoning, swelling and hyperplasia of the epithelium prevail in the gills. In the liver, kidneys, pancreas, pronounced necrobiotic cell changes are combined with a proliferative reaction, expressed by an increase in the number of macrophages and melanocytes of the spleen and kidneys. In all cases, dead fish have a strong "oil" smell and taste.

The most toxic are light fractions of petroleum products, especially aromatic hydrocarbons. With prolonged exposure, hydrocarbons of oil products accumulate to a toxic level in tissues, internal organs, and muscles of fish and are able to be transmitted along the food chain, and then, entering the human body, cause the formation of a carcinogenic-protein complex in fat cells. The consumption of such foods is dangerous to human health.

Soil pollution with oil products affects the entire complex of morphological, physical, physicochemical, biological properties of the soil, which determine its fertile and ecological functions. Under the influence of oil products, the amount of water-resistant soil particles larger than 10 mm increases, soil particles aggregate, the content of blocky particles increases, and the content of agronomically valuable small particles decreases. Soils saturated with petroleum products lose their ability to absorb and retain moisture. Hydrophobic particles of petroleum products impede the flow of moisture to the roots of plants, which leads to their physiological changes. A change in the physical properties of the soil leads to the displacement of air by oil products, a disruption in the flow of water and nutrients, which is the main reason for the inhibition of the development of plant growth and their death.

Active changes are taking place in the chemical composition of humus contaminated with oil products. The amount of carbon in it increases sharply, while the content of introduced carbon increases, the ratio C : N (the most favorable from 10 to 20), in contaminated soil the ratio C : N ranges from 50 to 400-420 depending on the amount of introduced carbon and soil type. This leads to a deterioration in the nitrogen regime of the soil and a violation of the root nutrition of plants. Simultaneously with the deterioration of the nitrogen regime, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium decreases. The products of transformation of petroleum products dramatically change the composition of carbonaceous substances from which soil humus is composed. The proportion of all its own components of humus decreases. In soils contaminated with oil products, there is a change in oxidation-reduction conditions, an increase in the mobility of humic components and a number of trace elements. Soil pollution with oil products, even in insignificant quantities (0.15%), reduces the yield of grain crops, and the growth of reproductive organs of plants decreases.

A decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the soil promotes the development of anaerobic microorganisms, the development of aerobic microflora is inhibited. Initially, even weak soil contamination with oil products leads to a decrease in the number of soil microorganisms. The restoration of the number is observed several months after the pollution; in the future, even a slight increase in the number of microorganisms is possible due to the use of carbon of oil products as a nutrient. However, the intensive growth of microorganisms that assimilate soluble compounds greatly depletes the soil in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Soil pollution with oil products creates a new ecological situation with a corresponding number of organisms in the soil. A common feature of all oil-contaminated soils is the limited species and ecological diversity of pedobionts. There is a deterioration in autotrophic assimilation, a slowdown in the functional activity of soil animals and the enzymatic activity of soils.

Oil pollution of soils suppresses the photosynthetic activity of plant organisms. This affects, first of all, the development of soil algae. Oil products cause massive death of soil mesofauna: the most toxic for them are light fractions of oil products. After hitting the soil surface, liquid oil products, first of all, saturating the soil, enveloping the roots, leaves, plant stems and penetrating through the cell membranes, upset the water-air balance of the soil. The consequence of the violation of the water-air balance is the intensification of soil erosion. This, in turn, leads to a deterioration in the state of vegetation and a drop in land productivity. A gradual increase in the concentration of petroleum products on the soil surface, together with the processes of evaporation and decomposition of their light fractions, leads to the accumulation of hard-to-decompose hydrocarbons, such as paraffins, cyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, resins and asphaltenes, which seal the pores of the soil cover

6.3. Human health effects of waste components

The toxicity of petroleum products and gases emitted from them is determined mainly by the combination of hydrocarbons that make up their composition. Features of the impact of vapors of petroleum products are associated with their composition. The most harmful to the human body is a combination of hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide. In this case, the toxicity manifests itself faster than with their isolated action.

Liquid petroleum products have a great effect on the skin. With systematic contact of the skin with lubricating oils, they cause tissue necrosis, follicular lesions ("oil" or "kerosene" acne), pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as eczema and pigmentary dermatitis, and if it gets into the eye - corneal opacity.

Oils under normal conditions practically do not evaporate, so their harmful effect on the human body is manifested when they come into contact with open areas of the body or when working in clothes soaked in them, as well as when inhaling oil mist or their vapors. Inhalation poisoning from lubricating oils is rare, but the danger is increased if the oil contains a lot of light hydrocarbons or if an oil mist is formed. Vapors of aromatic hydrocarbons in high concentrations have a narcotic effect. Situations that contribute to the inhalation of poisons into the body are created, for example, when cleaning containers of petroleum oils or when being in closed rooms with high temperatures in the presence of oil mist in the air. Hydrocarbons in high concentrations can cause paralysis of the respiratory centers of the central nervous system and almost instant death; in lower concentrations, they have a pronounced narcotic effect. The symptoms of poisoning are non-specific: general weakness, severe headaches, dizziness, tracheobronchitis. Lightning-fast forms of poisoning with a lethal outcome are described. In these cases, the severity of the poisoning is associated with the action of hydrogen sulfide, which is formed in the presence of sulfur compounds in the oils. Data on cancer incidence directly related to exposure to oil products are rather contradictory. It has been proven that when the body is exposed to oil and oil products, men belong to the risk group for lung cancer, larynx, lip, and women - cancer of the lung, colon, breast and genital organs.

All hydrocarbons have a pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system and on blood parameters (a decrease in the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes), possibly liver damage, disruption of the endocrine glands, affect the central nervous system, cause acute and chronic poisoning, sometimes with a fatal outcome. When vapors of petroleum products enter through the respiratory tract or as a result of absorption into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, a partial dissolution of fats and lipids of the body occurs. Irritation of the receptors causes excitation in the cerebral cortex, which involves the organs of sight and hearing in the process of suppression. In acute oil poisoning, the state resembles alcohol intoxication. It occurs when the concentration of vapors of oil products in the air is 0.005-0.01 mg / m (3). at a concentration of 0.5 mg / m (3), death occurs almost instantly. As a result of frequent repeated poisoning with oil products, nervous disorders develop, although with repeated exposure to small amounts, addiction (decreased sensitivity) may occur. Clinical symptoms acute intoxication - shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, weakness, acrocyanosis, tachycardia, tachypnea, signs of impaired coronary circulation on the ECG, erythrocytosis, leukocytosis, pulmonary edema is possible - they develop quickly and last for 2 days. Recovery occurs after 1 week (with moderate poisoning without complications). In severe poisoning with complications, these signs persist for up to 4 weeks. Chronic intoxication characterized by functional disorders of the nervous system (asthenia, neurasthenia), irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, changes in the blood picture (neutrophilic leukocytosis, anemia, etc.). Diffuse changes in the myocardium are a complication of chronic poisoning. Diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract are provoked.


Persons at least 18 years of age who have been trained and have a certificate of admission to work with waste of I-IV hazard classes, who have passed a medical examination, introductory instruction on labor protection, instruction at the workplace are allowed to work with waste of III and IV hazard classes, who have mastered the practical skills of safe performance of work and passed the knowledge test on labor protection in the scope of this instruction. The personnel performing work with waste containing oil products must have a complete understanding of the effect of oil products on the human body and the environment. This instruction must be issued to all persons involved in handling waste of III-IV hazard class against receipt.

Trained and instructed employees are fully responsible for violation of the requirements of this instruction in accordance with applicable law.

Liquid waste containing petroleum products includes:

  • waste hydraulic oils
  • industrial waste oils
  • waste engine oils
  • used transmission oils
  • waste transformer oils, halogen-free, polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls
  • oil separation sludge
  • pop-up film from oil catchers (petrol catchers)

Transformer and turbine oils are classified as "used" and are subject to collection as waste only if it is impossible to restore their physical and chemical properties in a separate division (branch) "Business name" or in a specialized enterprise (in accordance with the concluded agreement).

Solid waste containing petroleum products includes:

  • used car filters (air, oil, fuel)
  • wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%)

Sources of waste containing petroleum products are the maintenance of vehicles and equipment (machine tools, mechanisms, electrical equipment, car washes, drying and centrifugation of transformer oils, etc.). In the process of maintenance of vehicles and equipment, out-of-date oils, filters are replaced, contaminated parts of machines and mechanisms are wiped, floating film and oil sludge are removed from the oil trap tanks, resulting in the above-mentioned hazard class 3 and 4 wastes.

Handle petroleum waste with care to prevent accidental spillage and ignition. Spillage of liquid waste containing oil products as a result of careless handling is an emergency situation,in which emergency measures are taken in accordance with section 12 of this instruction.

Collection of waste containing petroleum products is carried out strictly separately by type of waste.

Collection of liquid waste containing petroleum products, conducted by groups:

  • MMO - used engine oils (for piston, carburetor and diesel engines), industrial, compressor, vacuum oils
  • MIO - waste industrial, transformer, turbine, gas turbine, instrument oils and working fluids for hydraulic systems
  • СНО - a mixture of waste oil products: transmission, cylinder, axle oils, oils used in heat treatment of metal, mixtures of oil products collected during cleaning of storage facilities, transportation and extracted from treatment facilities and oily waters, oil flushing fluids

Discharge of liquid waste containing oil products from vehicles and equipment is carried out using special devices and / or devices that exclude their spillage, collection of liquid waste containing oil products is carried out into special plastic or metal sealed containers installed on a metal tray to collect accidentally spilled oil ...

When generating and transferring liquid waste containing petroleum products to a temporary storage warehouse, they are accounted for in accordance with Section 9 of this instruction.

Collection of solid waste containing petroleum products, carried out by types of waste:

  • used car filters;
  • wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%);
  • wood sawdust contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%).

The collection of solid waste containing petroleum products is carried out in strong sealed bags made of polymer film, which are placed in special plastic or metal sealed containers with a tightly closing lid (barrels, boxes, etc. - see Appendix 2), installed away from direct sunlight, any heating elements and heating devices.

Waste air, fuel and oil filters of vehicles are collected in a container for collecting used automobile filters, from which excess liquid oil products have been previously removed. To do this, used filters are installed on a grid (mesh) fixed over a container for collecting flowing oil products. After oil products stop draining from the filters, the filters are placed for storage in strong sealed bags made of plastic film, and then in a container for collecting used filters. The collected liquid oil products are carefully poured into a container for accumulation and temporary storage of liquid waste containing oil products of the corresponding group.

When generating and transferring solid waste containing petroleum products to a temporary storage warehouse, they are accounted for in accordance with Section 9 of this instruction.

It is prohibited:

· smoking, using open flames when working with any waste containing petroleum products;

During collection and temporary storage, mix different types and groups of waste, soda neighing oil products;

Drain, pr gully, spraying of liquid waste containing oil products onto the soil, into sewerage systems, surface and underground water bodies, scattering over the territory of a separate subdivision (branch) or settlements of solid waste containing oil products;

Any actions (throwing, hitting, disassembling, turning on the side or upside down, etc.) that could lead to mechanical damage or destruction of containers with waste amy containing oil products and / or a pool of waste oil products;

Discharge into a container with solid household waste, incineration (in a boiler room, heating oven or container), transfer of solid and / or liquid waste containing petroleum products, to individuals or legal entities that are not licensed to neutralize and dispose of wastes of I-IV hazard classes;

· placement of solid and / or liquid waste containing petroleum products at landfills and dumps of solid household waste, burying them on the territory of a separate subdivision (branch) of LLC "Name of the Enterprise" or the settlement where the branch is located.


Temporary storage and accumulation of waste of 3-4 hazard classes containing oil products is allowed for no more than 6 months in special containers, depending on the amount of waste generated during a given period of time, on racks, pallets or in stacks:

In specially designated covered storage areas (well ventilated, with a lock, located separately from production or household premises). The floor, walls and ceiling of the warehouse must be made of solid, smooth, waterproof and oil-proof material (metal, concrete, ceramic tiles, etc.), painted with paint. Exclude unauthorized access. The warehouse should be equipped with emergency response equipment: a box of sand, a shovel or shovel, a fire extinguisher.

Under a canopy that excludes the ingress of water and foreign objects or on a planned fenced area with a hard water- and oil-proof coating, protected from direct sunlight and precipitation. On the fencing of the site, a plate should be installed or the inscription “Warehouse of waste containing oil products. Responsible for the warehouse - full name. ”Exclude unauthorized access. The site should be equipped with emergency response equipment: a box of sand, a shovel or shovel, a fire extinguisher.

On the doors of the waste warehouse, containers, boxes with liquid or solid waste containing oil products, a yellow safety sign “Fire hazardous. Flammable substances "(Fig. 1) in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026-2001, Appendix D" Warning signs ", Table E.1, sign code - W 01.

For each type of liquid or solid waste containing oil products, separate containers (barrels, canisters, boxes) must be installed, on which an inscription must be applied (with paint or a sticker) with the name of the waste collected in this container and a yellow safety sign. signal color “Fire hazardous. Flammable substances "(Fig. 1).

Liquid waste containing oil products is collected and stored in special polymer (oil-resistant plastic) or metal sealed containers (canisters, barrels, etc. - see Appendix 2) installed on a pallet to collect accidentally spilled oil. The size of the pallet should be wider than the container for collecting liquid waste containing oil products, by about 10-12 cm on each side, the height of the sides of the pallet is 7-10 cm. Each container must bear an inscription (paint or a sticker) corresponding to the group of oil products collected in this container: "MMO", "MIO" or "SNO". Above each container, there must be a plate with a list of liquid petroleum products permitted for collection in this container. When storing containers with liquid waste containing waste oil products, install the lids (plugs) upwards, while the lids (plugs) must be in place and be tightly closed (screwed).

The packaging of solid waste containing petroleum products, according to its functional purpose, is divided into inner packaging and shipping containers,

Inner packing (sealed bags made of durable polymer film) is designed to prevent the access of air oxygen, reduce the rate and stop the oxidation process of solid waste containing oil products and, accordingly, prevent spontaneous combustion of waste. The maximum weight of plastic bags when filling should not exceed 30kg.

When transferring solid waste containing petroleum products to a temporary storage and accumulation warehouse, it is mandatory to check the correctness, integrity and tightness of their internal packaging, if necessary, correct deficiencies. Polymer bags are weighed, placed in containers, barrels or boxes (shipping containers).

Transport container (metal, polymer containers, barrels, boxes) are designed to protect solid waste containing oil products from external influences and to ensure the convenience of loading and unloading, transportation and temporary storage. Each transport container (container, barrel, box) with waste containing petroleum products must be marked with a description of the transport hazard of the cargo.

In accordance with the Recommendations on the carriage of dangerous goods (Ch. 3.2. "List of dangerous goods") waste "wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15%)" has the transport name "Oil rags", serial number 1856, corresponds to class 4, subclass 4.2. This substance is exempted from marking with danger signs, but its class or subclass must be indicated (clause 29 of Ch. 3.3). In accordance with Appendix A, h. 3 tab. 4 Oil rags are not subject to ADR.

Used car filters (air, fuel, oil) are not included in the list of dangerous goods "Recommendations for the carriage ..."

As the storage and accumulation of waste containing oil products up to the established limits (but not more than 6 months), they are transferred for neutralization to a specialized company in accordance with the concluded agreement.

It is prohibited:

· placement of containers for the collection of waste containing oil products in direct sunlight, near heating elements, heating devices and other heat sources;

· storing and eating food, smoking and using open flames in places of temporary storage and accumulation of waste containing oil products;

· accumulation of waste containing oil products in places of temporary storage in excess of the established limits;

· Storage of waste containing oil products for more than 6 months.


Accounting for the formation and movement of solid and liquid waste of 3-4 classes of hazard containing oil products is carried out in accordance with instruction No. E / Watkh "Procedure for accounting for waste management in LLC" Business name ».


The transfer of all types of waste containing oil products for disposal is carried out in accordance with an agreement concluded with a specialized enterprise licensed to neutralize and dispose of waste of I-IV hazard classes.

A written application for the disposal of waste containing oil products is prepared to a specialized enterprise with which an agreement has been concluded, indicating the name and quantity of each type of waste. In the case of transfer of all types of used oils for disposal, the written application shall additionally indicate the bank details of the separate subdivision (branch) of LLC Company name »To transfer funds for the transferred waste. A written application for waste disposal is signed by the head of the branch. A correctly completed written application is sent to a specialized enterprise by fax, then by the phone specified in the contract, the date, time and conditions for the acceptance and transfer of waste and receipt / issue of documents (invoice, act of completed work, act / certificate of acceptance and transfer of waste etc.). The transfer of waste containing oil products to a specialized enterprise is carried out only after the preparation of all accounting documents and agreement on the conditions for the transfer of waste.

Upon receipt of documents on the transfer of waste for disposal from a specialized enterprise, their originals are transferred to the accounting department of a separate subdivision (branch) of Kuzbass Energy Grid Company LLC; by order (decree) of the head of the branch for attachment to the annual statistical reporting in form 2-tp (waste) as a document confirming the actual transfer of waste for disposal. ...


11.1. Requirements for carrying out loading and unloading operations

When loading and unloading waste containing oil products, it is necessary to take into account the meteorological conditions. It is prohibited to load / unload waste containing oil products during rain or thunderstorm. In case of ice, the loading / unloading areas should be covered with sand.

Work on the loading / unloading of waste containing petroleum products must be carried out in the presence of a person responsible for monitoring hazardous waste management, appointed by order of the head of a separate division (branch).

No accumulation of people is allowed in places designated for loading / unloading waste containing oil products. The transshipment platform should be equipped with fire extinguishing and emergency response equipment (see section 12 of this manual). No more than one vehicle can be loaded / unloaded at the same time.

The body of the vehicle must be cleaned of the remains of previously transported cargo, various packaging materials and combustible residues (sawdust, straw, shavings, hay, paper, etc.).

During loading / unloading, the vehicle's engine must be turned off, and the driver must be outside the designated area for carrying out loading and unloading operations.

Before loading / unloading waste containing oil products manually, the person responsible for controlling the handling of hazardous waste conducts a special briefing of the loaders in the scope of this manual.

Carrying out loading and unloading operations with waste containing oil products, loaders should be guided by the following instructions:

Strictly comply with the requirements of labeling and warning labels on packages;

Do not discharge containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products from the shoulder;

Do not turn containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products on their side or upside down;

Do not use auxiliary handling devices capable of damaging the shipping container in which wastes containing oil products are packed;

Do not drag or tilt containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products;

Fasten containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products in the body of a vehicle in such a way as to exclude the possibility of their movement during transportation and only with the help of a tool that does not give sparks during operation;

Smoke only in designated areas.

Before loading containers with waste containing oil products into a vehicle, check the correctness, integrity and compliance of their transport packaging with the requirements listed in section 8 of this instruction. If necessary, correct deficiencies.

The loading / unloading of waste containing oil products packed in shipping containers must be carried out carefully and carefully. The installation of containers in the vehicle should be done in the correct rows with the covers facing up. The covers must be tightly closed.

In the car, transport containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products are installed and secured in such a way as to avoid loss of cargo during transportation, move it in the body and ensure maximum safety of the driver and forwarder in case of an emergency.

It is prohibited:

· throw, hit, overturn containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products upside down or on their side;

Damage in any way the shipping container in which the waste is transported, with containing petroleum products;

· place other types of cargo on containers (cans, barrels, boxes, containers) with waste containing oil products;

smoke when loading / unloading waste containing oil products

11.2. Waste transportation requirements

Transportation of hazardous waste is carried out in accordance with:

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.1993 No. 1090 "On the rules of the road" (together with the "Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety").

Transportation of waste containing oil products for disposal to a specialized enterprise is carried out by the transport of a separate subdivision (branch) or an enterprise with which an agreement has been concluded for the transportation of this type of waste, subject to the following conditions:

Availability of documentation for the transportation and transfer of waste, indicating the amount of transported waste, the place and purpose of their transportation;

Availability of a copy of the waste passport, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure.

Waste containing petroleum products is transported by road in closed vehicles, in transport packaging ensuring their safety. Vehicles must be equipped with a metal chain (ground) touching the ground on an area of \u200b\u200bat least 200 mm and a metal pin to protect against static and atmospheric electrical charges in the parking lot. The design of vehicles and the conditions for the transportation of waste containing oil products must exclude the possibility of accidents, losses and pollution by waste of the vehicle and the environment along the route.

When transporting waste containing oil products, the driver must have with him:

Certificate of completion of special training according to the approved program for persons admitted to handling hazardous waste;

Vehicle technical passport;

A copy of the departure passport;

Documents for the transportation and transfer of hazardous waste, indicating the amount of transported waste, the place and purpose of their transportation (waybill, contracts for transportation and acceptance for waste disposal, payment order for payment for waste disposal, power of attorney to receive documents, consignment note, etc. .P.);

If the driver does not have a certificate of special training for persons admitted to waste management, the transportation of used and / or rejected mercury-containing lamps must be carried out in the presence of a person holding such a certificate.


When handling waste containing petroleum products, an emergency (emergency) situation means:

Combustion of waste containing oil products;

An accidental flood of liquid waste containing oil products.

In the event of a fire in waste containing oil products, notify the personnel using an automatic fire protection system or by voice, inform the immediate supervisor, the dispatcher of the enterprise, call the rescue service by phone. 01. Sand, foam, powder formulations, carbon dioxide are used for extinguishing.

In case of accidental flow of liquid waste containing oil products, the place of the flow is covered with sawdust or sand, which are then carefully collected in a strong plastic bag and placed in a special container with a tight-fitting lid. Wood sawdust or sand contaminated with oil products is subsequently transferred for disposal to a specialized company with which an agreement has been concluded.


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The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Automotive and Automotive Institute" NAMI "(FSUE" NAMI ")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 56 "Road Transport"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 7, 2010 No. 172-st


Information about changes to present standard published at annually published information pointer "National standards ", and text changes and amendments - at monthly published information pointers "National standards ". AT case revision (replacements) or canceling present standard appropriate notification will be published at monthly published information pointer "National standards ". The corresponding information, notification and texts are located also at information system general use - on official website Federal agency by technical regulation and metrology at networks the Internet

1 area of \u200b\u200buse. 2

3 Terms and definitions. 3

4 Technical requirements. 4

5 Acceptance rules. five

6 Test methods. eleven

7 Manufacturer's Warranties. 12

Appendix A (recommended) Dependence of the average (50%) screening fineness on the completeness of screening of the filter element for quartz dust with a specific surface area of \u200b\u200b5600 cm 2 / g according to GOST 8002. 12

Appendix B (normative) Determination of the hydraulic resistance of the filter and the replaceable filter element, the completeness of the dropout and the resistance of the filter element to an increased pressure drop. sixteen

Appendix E (normative) Testing the filter and filter elements for pulsation resistance, vibration resistance and heat resistance. 20


Automotive vehicles


Technical requirements and test methods

Vehicles. Fine filters of oil for automobile, tractor and combine engines.
Technical requirements and test methods

Introduction date - 2010-09-15

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to dismountable and non-separable full-flow and partial-flow filters, as well as replaceable filter elements for them, designed for fine oil purification in lubrication systems of automobile, tractor and combine internal combustion engines. The standard does not apply to centrifugal filters.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

4.2 The completeness of screenings of filters and filter elements should be at least 25%. The dependence of the subtlety of dropout on completeness is given in Appendix A.

4.3 The resource of the filter element before replacement (for category 1 of operating conditions) in accordance with GOST 21624 is set in the manual (instructions) for the operation of the car, while it must be at least 10 thousand km of the car's run or 250 hours of engine operation.

The resource of a collapsible filter (except for the filter element) must be at least the resource of the engine for which it is intended. The resource of a non-separable filter must be at least the resource of the filter element installed in it.

4.4 The tightness of the filter must be ensured at an oil pressure of at least 2.5 R nom

4.5 The filter element must be tight.

4.6 The tightness of the anti-drain valve of the filter must be ensured when the oil pressure in the filter is not more than 2.6 × 10 -3 MPa. Oil leakage is allowed no more than 0.003 l / h.

4.7 The maximum permissible oil leakage through the bypass valve at a given pressure should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the design documentation.

4.8 The hydraulic resistance of the filter, replaceable filter element and bypass valve, determined from their hydraulic characteristics at a given oil flow rate, should not exceed the value specified in the design documentation.

4.9 The filter element must withstand the increased pressure drop (D R) equal to at least 2.0D R start to open the filter bypass valve.

4.10 Filters must withstand without breaking a pressure of at least 3 R No.

4.11 The pressure of the beginning of the bypass valve opening must be within the limits established by the requirements of design documentation.

4.12 Parts of filters and filter elements should not have pores, cavities, nicks, cracks, burrs, corrosion and other defects that affect their parameters and appearance.

Protective coatings for metal parts of filters and filter elements must comply with GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.306.

4.13 The completeness of filters and filtering elements must meet the requirements of design documentation.

4.14 Filters and filtering elements should be vibration-resistant to pressure pulsations and remain operational at temperatures from minus 50 ° С to plus 135 ° С.

4.15 Filters and filter elements, their seals and other parts must be oil-, petrol-, water-resistant.

4.16 Materials used for the manufacture of filters and their elements should not release constituent components into the stream of filtered oil.

4.17 The design of the filter and its location should ensure the minimum number of sealing points, as well as quick and convenient replacement of the filter element or filter with minimum maintenance costs.

4.18 Safety requirements for testing - in accordance with GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010.

4.19 During the tests, workplaces must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.2.032 and GOST 12.2.033.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Manufactured filters and filtering elements for them (hereinafter in the section - products), prior to their shipment, transfer or sale to the consumer, are subject to acceptance in order to certify their suitability for use in accordance with the requirements established in this standard and design documentation, agreements, contracts (hereinafter in section - regulatory and technical documentation).

5.2 For quality control and acceptance, manufactured products are subjected to:

Acceptance (control) by the technical control service (STK);

Periodic testing;

Type tests (when making proposed changes to the design of manufactured products and (or) their manufacturing technology).

5.3 Acceptance of STK and periodic tests in aggregate must ensure reliable verification of all properties of manufactured products subject to control for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

The controlled parameters during the acceptance of the STK and during the tests are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Monitored parameter of filters and filter elements 1)

Test type

STK acceptance


1 Main dimensions

2 Completeness of dropouts

3 Filter element life

4 Filter tightness

5 Tightness of the filter element

6 Tightness of the anti-drain valve

7 Permissible maximum oil leakage through the bypass valve

8 Pressure drop of the filter

9 Pressure drop of the replaceable filter element

10 Pressure drop of the bypass valve

11 Resistance of the filter element to increased pressure drop

12 Non-destructive filter pressure

13 Pressure of the beginning of the opening of the bypass valve

14 Filter appearance and protective coatings

15 Completeness

16 Resistance to pressure pulsation

17 Vibration resistance

18 Heat resistance

1) It is allowed to include the determination of other parameters and characteristics during testing.

2) At least once every 3 years.

3) Selective control.

Note - Legend: "+" - control is carried out; "-" - control is not carried out.

5.4 The measuring and control instruments used during testing and control must be verified, and the test equipment certified in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with GOST R 8.568.

5.5 The results of tests and control of product units are considered positive, and product units are considered to have passed the tests if they are tested in the volume and sequence established for this category of tests (control), and the results confirm the compliance of the tested units of the product with the specified requirements.

5.6 The test results of product units are considered negative, and product units are considered to have failed the test if the test results reveal that the product unit does not comply with at least one requirement established in the normative and technical documentation for the test category being carried out.

5.7 Acceptance of products STK

5.7.1 Manufactured products must be accepted by the manufacturer's JTC according to the technological process and must have its acceptance stamp.

The sequence of the control, as well as the places and type of STK stamping must be established in the technical documentation of the developer.

5.7.2 The basis for making a decision on the acceptance of units (batches) of STK products are the positive results of previous periodic tests carried out on time.

5.7.3 Sampling rules:

a) presentation of products for acceptance by STK is carried out individually or in batches, which is reflected in the bearer document drawn up in the manner accepted by the manufacturer. A batch is considered to be products of one design option (model, modification, version, configuration) made in one shift;

b) samples of products presented for acceptance by the STK must be completed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

c) in the process of STK control, it is not allowed to adjust (regulate) product samples and replace replaceable elements included in them, unless this is provided for by special requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

5.7.4 Acceptance of the STK is carried out by the method of continuous or random inspection.

For sampling, it is recommended to apply sampling procedures in accordance with GOST R ISO 2859-1. In this case, the values \u200b\u200bof the sample size and the acceptable level of quality (AQL) should be assigned from those established in GOST R ISO 2859-1 for a one-stage plan under normal control with an acceptance number Ac \u003d 0 and a rejection number Re \u003d 1.

The accepted inspection method (solid or sample), sample size and acceptable quality level (AQL) should be specified in the product specification.

5.7.5 Acceptance of STK products is suspended in the following cases:

The products did not pass the periodic tests;

Disruptions in the execution of the technological process were found (including inconsistencies with the established requirements of testing and control tools), leading to irreparable defects in products.


1 Acceptance of products can also be suspended in other cases at the discretion of the manufacturer, which is recommended to be reflected in the documentation in force at the manufacturer, in accordance with the quality management system in force at the enterprise.

2 In case of suspension of acceptance of products, the manufacture and ongoing technical inspection (or acceptance) of parts and assembly units that are not subject to self-delivery is allowed to continue (except for those defects of which are the reason for the suspension of acceptance).

5.7.6 The decision to resume acceptance of JTC products is made by the manufacturer's management after elimination of the reasons for the suspension of acceptance and execution of the relevant document

If the acceptance of products was suspended due to negative results of periodic tests, then the decision to resume acceptance is made after identifying the causes of defects, eliminating them and obtaining positive results of repeated periodic tests.

5.7.7 Products accepted by STK are subject to shipment or transfer for safekeeping. The manufacturer must ensure the preservation of the quality of the products after the acceptance of the STK until delivery to the destination, if this is determined by the terms of the agreement (contract).

5.8 Rules for conducting periodic tests

5.8.1 Periodic tests are carried out to periodically confirm the quality of products and the stability of the technological process in a specified period in order to confirm the possibility of continuing the manufacture of products according to the current design and technological documentation and continuing its acceptance by the STK.

The sequence of testing should be established in the technical documentation of the developer.

5.8.2 Periodic tests are carried out by the manufacturer with the involvement, if necessary, of other interested parties, including representatives of the consumer.

5.8.3 Periodic tests are carried out at least once every 6 months.

The calendar dates for the periodic tests are set in the schedules that are drawn up by the manufacturer.

The schedule indicates: the place and timing of the tests, the timing of the documentation for the test results.

Schedules are drawn up in accordance with the procedure adopted at the manufacturer.

5.8.4 Sampling rules:

a) samples of products for the next periodic tests are selected, as a rule, from the number of units of products manufactured in one shift of the production cycle, preceding the next tests, and passed the STK acceptance;

b) product samples submitted for periodic testing must be completed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

c) in the process of periodic tests, it is not allowed to adjust (adjust) product samples and replace the replaceable elements included in them, unless this is provided for by special requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

d) the selection of products is documented in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer.

5.8.5 Periodic testing is carried out by sampling. The system, scheme and plan of acceptance control, including the sample size, are established by the manufacturer in the product specification.

Recommended systems, schemes and plans for statistical acceptance sampling - in accordance with GOST R ISO / TO 8550-1. General requirements for the organization and regulatory and methodological support of statistical acceptance control - in accordance with GOST R 50779.30.

5.8.6 Upon receipt of positive results of periodic tests, the quality of the products of the controlled period is considered confirmed by the indicators checked as part of the periodic tests. The possibility of further manufacture and acceptance of products is also considered to be confirmed (according to the same documentation according to which the products subjected to these periodic tests were manufactured) until the results of the next (subsequent) periodic tests carried out in compliance with the established periodicity standards are obtained.

Note - Provided that a single technological process is used for the manufacture of design options (configurations and variants) of the base model (or modification of the base model) of the product, it is allowed to apply positive results of periodic tests of samples of the base model (or modification of the base model) to a set of design options (configurations and variant execution).

5.8.7 If the product samples have not passed the periodic tests, then the acceptance of STK products and their shipment to the consumer is suspended until the causes of defects are identified, their elimination and positive results of repeated periodic tests on a doubled number of products are obtained.

The manufacturer must analyze the results of periodic tests to identify the reasons for the appearance and nature of defects, draw up a list of defects and measures to eliminate defects and (or) the reasons for their occurrence, which is drawn up in accordance with the procedure adopted at the manufacturer.

5.8.8 If the data of the analysis show that the detected defects significantly reduce the technical characteristics of products, and can also lead to harm to the life, health and property of citizens and the environment, then all accepted (but not shipped) products in which there may be such defects , return for revision (replacement), and for all accepted and shipped products, in which there may be such defects, a decision is made that does not contradict the interests of consumers.

5.8.9 Repeated periodic tests are carried out in full periodic tests on modified (or newly manufactured) samples of products after the elimination of defects on a double number of products.

By the time the repeated periodic tests are carried out, materials must be submitted confirming the elimination of defects identified during the periodic tests and the adoption of measures to prevent them.

In technically justified cases, depending on the nature of the defects, repeated periodic tests are allowed to be carried out according to an abbreviated program, including only those types of tests during which non-compliance of products with the established requirements was found, as well as types for which tests were not carried out.

5.8.10 In case of positive results of repeated periodic tests, the acceptance of STK products and their shipment to the consumer is resumed.

5.8.11 Upon receipt of negative results of repeated periodic tests, the manufacturer makes a decision to terminate acceptance of products manufactured according to the same documentation according to which units of products were manufactured that did not confirm the quality of products for a specified period, and on measures taken for shipped (sold) products ...

If the manufacturer is unable to eliminate the reasons for the release of products with defects that may harm the health and property of citizens and the environment, such product designs are removed from production.

5.8.12 The decision to use samples of products that have undergone periodic tests is made by the manufacturer's management and the consumer on mutually acceptable terms, guided by the terms of contracts for the supply of products and the recommendations of the relevant legal acts.

5.9 Type test rules

5.9.1 Type testing of products is carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed changes in design or manufacturing technology that may affect the technical characteristics of products related to safety for life, health or property of citizens, or compliance with environmental protection conditions, or may affect for the operation of products, including the most important consumer properties of products.

5.9.2 The need to make changes in the design of products or their manufacturing technology and conduct type tests is determined by the holder of the originals of the design documentation for products (hereinafter referred to as the product developer), taking into account the validity and protection of copyright.

5.9.3 Type tests are carried out by the manufacturer or, under an agreement with him and with his participation, a testing (third-party) organization with the participation, if necessary, of representatives of the product developer, consumer, environmental authorities and other interested parties.

5.9.4 Type tests are carried out according to the program and methods developed by the product developer, which should mainly contain:

Necessary checks from the composition of periodic tests;

Requirements for the number of samples required for type testing;

Indication of the use of type-tested samples.

If necessary, the program of type tests may also include special tests (for example, comparative tests of samples of products manufactured without taking into account and taking into account the proposed changes, as well as tests from the composition of tests of prototypes of products or tests carried out when products are put into production).

The scope of tests and controls included in the program should be sufficient to assess the impact of the changes introduced on the characteristics of products, including their safety, interchangeability and compatibility, maintainability, production and operational maintainability, as well as product recyclability.

5.9.5 The program and methods (in the absence of standardized) type tests are developed by the product developer, who, in the prescribed manner, approves the design or technological documentation for the product.

5.9.6 Type tests are carried out on samples of products manufactured with the introduction of the proposed changes in the design or manufacturing technology.

5.9.7 The results of type tests are considered positive if the actual data obtained for all types of inspections included in the type test program indicate the achievement of the required values \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bof the parameters of products (technological process) specified in the program and methodology, and are sufficient to assess the effectiveness (feasibility) making changes.

5.9.8 If the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed design changes (manufacturing technology) are confirmed by positive results of type tests, then these changes are made to the product documentation in accordance with the established procedure.

5.9.9 If the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed changes are not confirmed by positive results of type tests, then these changes are not introduced into the corresponding approved and current product documentation and a decision is made on the use of product samples manufactured for type testing (in accordance with the requirements of the test program) ...

5.10 Test reporting

5.10.1 The results of each test carried out by the testing laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the laboratory) must be documented accurately, clearly, unambiguously and objectively.

Note - Under the "testing laboratory" in this standard means enterprises (organizations), centers, special laboratories, subdivisions of enterprises (organizations) that are the first, second or third party and carry out tests, which, inter alia, form part of the control during production and product certification.

5.10.2 The test results are documented in a test report, which indicates all the information necessary for the interpretation of the test results.

5.10.3 Each test report should contain at least the following information (unless the laboratory has a valid reason not to provide this or that information):

a) the title of the document - "Test report";

b) type of tests (periodic, typical, etc.);

c) unique identification of the test report (e.g. serial number) as well as identification on each page to ensure that the page is recognized as part of the test report;

d) numbering of pages indicating the total number of pages;

e) the name and address of the laboratory, as well as the place of testing, if it is not at the address of the laboratory;

f) name and address of the manufacturer of the tested product;

g) identification of the method used;

i) description, condition and unambiguous identification of the tested product (model, type, brand, etc.);

j) the date of receipt of the product to be tested, if this is essential for the reliability and application of the results, as well as the date of the tests;

l) test results indicating (if necessary) units of measurement;

m) name, position and signature of the person who approved the test report;

o) if necessary, an indication that the results relate only to tested products.

5.10.4 In addition to the requirements listed in 5.10.3, test reports shall, if necessary for the interpretation of test results, include the following:

a) deviations, additions or exclusions related to the test method, as well as information on special test conditions such as environmental conditions;

b) an indication of compliance / non-compliance with requirements and / or technical conditions;

c) opinions and interpretations, which may, in particular, relate to the following:

Opinions on the compliance / non-compliance of the results with the requirements;

Opinions for improving samples.

5.10.5 In addition to the requirements given in 5.10.3 and 5.10.4, the test reports containing the results of sampling shall include, if necessary for the interpretation of the test results, the following:

Date of sampling;

Unique identification of the products sampled (including, if applicable, manufacturer's name, model or type designation and serial numbers);

The place where the samples were taken, including any graphics, sketches or photographs;

A detailed description of the environmental conditions during sampling that may affect the interpretation of test results;

Reference to any standard or other normative and technical documentation concerning the sampling method or procedure, as well as deviations, additions or exclusions from the corresponding normative and technical documentation.

5.10.7 Based on the results of tests (periodic, typical, etc.), an act is also drawn up. Recommended forms of test reports are given in Appendix B (forms B.2 and B.3).

6 Test methods

6.1 Requirements for test and measurement instruments

6.1.1 The measuring instruments used to determine the oil flow rate through the filter and its pressure drop must have a measurement error of no more than ± 2.5%.

Note - The accuracy class of measuring instruments used in the control of the parameters of filters and filtering elements defined by this standard (except for 6.1.1, 6.1.2) is established in the design documentation.

6.1.2 The balance used for weighing tests shall have a measurement error of not more than ± 2.5%.

6.1.3 Tests should be carried out on oils, the grades of which should be indicated in the design documentation for each type of filter and filter element.

The oil used for testing must have a passport or inspection (analysis) protocol, certifying its compliance with technical requirements.

It is allowed to check the resistance and pressure of the opening of the bypass valve on a mixture of oil and diesel fuel, while the viscosity of the mixture should be equal to the viscosity of the oil at a temperature of 80 ° C.

6.2 Test methods

6.2.1 Checking filters and filtering elements according to 4.1, 4.12 and 4.13 is carried out by visual inspection, measurements and comparison with the requirements of design documentation.

6.2.2 Tests according to 4.2, 4.8 (except bypass valve) and 4.9 are carried out in accordance with Annex B.

6.2.3 Checking of filtering elements in accordance with 4.3 is carried out during operational or motor-bench tests according to the program-method, approved in the prescribed manner.

6.2.4 Tests of the filter for leaks in accordance with 4.4 are carried out on a hydraulic bench by creating a pressure equal to 2.5 R No.

Tests on a pneumatic bench are carried out at a pressure that provides identical results.

The holding time of the filters under pressure is according to the design documentation for a particular type of filter. No fluid leakage is allowed.

6.2.5 The tightness of the filter element according to 4.5 is checked by the bubble method or by determining its buoyancy according to the methods given in Appendix D.

6.2.6 Verification of 4.6 is carried out as follows. The filter is filled with oil with a viscosity of (20 ± 4) mm 2 / s (cSt) at a temperature of (20 ± 5) ° C.

The filter outlet is connected to an oil tank and a pressure of 2.6 × 10 -3 MPa (0.3 m of oil column) is created.

A rejection sign is an oil leak through the anti-drain valve of more than 0.003 l / h. The test duration is set in design documentation for a specific filter type.

6.2.7 Checking the maximum leakage through the bypass valve according to 4.7, determining its hydraulic resistance according to 4.8 and the pressure of the beginning of opening according to 4.11 is carried out according to Appendix D.

6.2.8 The tests of filters according to 4.10 are carried out by increasing the oil pressure in the filter to at least 2.5 R nom and holding for 2 min. If the filter has no leaks through seals and castings, the pressure at the filter inlet is increased to at least 3 R nom and kept for 2 minutes.

Leaks and deformations are not allowed.

6.2.9 The tests of 4.14 are carried out in accordance with Annex E.

7 Manufacturer's warranty

7.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of filters and filtering elements with the requirements of this standard, provided that the established rules for storage, transportation and operation are observed.

7.2 Guaranteed operating time of filters - according to CD for filters of a specific type, but not less than the resource specified in 4.3, while the guaranteed operating time of collapsible filter housings must be no less than the resource of the engines for which they are intended.

7.3 The guaranteed operating time of non-separable filters must not be less than the guaranteed operating time of the filter element installed in it.

7.4 The guaranteed shelf life of filters and filtering elements must be at least as long as the guaranteed shelf life of the engines for which they are intended.

Dependence of the average (50%) fineness of filtering out on the completeness of filtering out
element for quartz dust with a specific surface of 5600 cm 2 / g by
GOST 8002

The dependence of the average (50%) filtering fineness on the completeness of the filtering element for quartz dust with a specific surface area of \u200b\u200b5600 cm 2 / g in accordance with GOST 8002 is shown in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1

The average (50%) dropout fineness to the nominal (95%) is recalculated according to the formula

logd 0.95 \u003d 0.689 logd 0 + 0.825, (A.1)

where d 0.95 is the nominal screening fineness, microns;

d 0 - average fineness of screening, microns.

Typical forms of documents drawn up during the test

Form B.1 - Test report

Sheet 1 Total sheets 2


the position of the head of the testing laboratory *

Test report

type of test

1 Test item _____________________________________________________

product number

2 Manufacturer of the tested product _____________________________


name and address

3 Testing laboratory ________________________________________________


name and address

4 Date of receipt of samples for testing _____________________________________

5 Number of test pieces ___________________________________________

6 Test date ________________________________________________

7 Technical requirements ___________________________________________________

title of the document

8 Test methods _______________________________________________________

title of the document

* Enterprise (organization), testing center, special laboratory, division of the enterprise (organization), etc., performing tests.

Sheet 2 Total Sheets 2

Continuation of the ______________ test protocol

type of test

No. ____ dated _________ 20

9 Test results:

Test parameter

Specified requirements

Test result

10 Conclusion ____________________________________________________________



Tests carried out by (official):

Date __________________

Form B.2 - Report on the results of periodic tests

Sheet 1 Total sheets 1



________________ _______________________

personal signature initials, surname

M. P. Date ___________________

ACT No. ______

on the results of periodic tests

No. ___ dated _____________ 20___

name and drawing designation, identification


product number

2 Manufacturer of the product __________________________________________


name and address

3 Test results _____________________________________________________

positive or negative result in general;


in case of a negative result, list the identified defects or provide links to the list of defects

4 Conclusion ______________________________________________________________

whether the products withstood or failed periodic tests

5 The act was drawn up on the basis of the Periodic Test Protocol No. _____________

These periodic test results apply to products manufactured by

before ______________

month year

________________________________ _________________ ______________

position personal signature initials, surname

Date __________________

Form B.3 - Act on the results of type tests

Sheet 1 Total sheets 1



position of the head of the manufacturer

________________ _______________________

personal signature initials, surname

M. P. Date ___________________

ACT No. ______

on the results of type tests

No. ___ dated _____________ 20___

1 Tested product _____________________________________________________

name and drawing designation, identification

Manufactured by __________________________

product number month and year of manufacture

2 Manufacturer of the product __________________________________________

name and address

3 Purpose of the test: to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed changes


changes made

4 Test results _____________________________________________________

positive or negative result in general;


if there are negative results, they are listed

5 Conclusion _____________________________________________________________

corresponds (does not correspond) the sample of products to the requirements of the test program;


confirmed (not confirmed) the feasibility of making the proposed changes to the design,


in the manufacturing process

6 The act was drawn up on the basis of the Protocol of periodic tests No. _____________

dated "____" _____________ 20___

The act was drawn up by (official):

________________________________ _________________ ______________

position personal signature initials, surname

Date __________________

Appendix B

Determination of the hydraulic resistance of the filter
and replaceable filter element, completeness of dropout
and the resistance of the filter element to increased pressure drop

B.1 Test preparation

B.1.1 A schematic of a filter test setup is shown in Figure B.1.

1 - Bucks with butter; 2 - electric heater; 3 - electrocontact thermometer; 4 - valve; 5 - electric motor with stirrer;
6 - adjustable pump; 7 - valve for switching on the process filter; 8 - technological filter;
9 - adjustable throttle; 10 - valve for disconnecting the tested filter; 11 - pressure gauge; 12 - tested filter;
13 - sampling valve; 14 - container for sampling; 15 - flow meter activation valve;
16 - flow meter (liquid meter)

Figure B.1 - Schematic of a filter test setup

B.1.2 Before the start of the test, the stand must be thoroughly flushed with diesel fuel in accordance with GOST 305 or engine oil intended for testing by pumping it in a closed loop.

A process filter must be installed in the circuit to ensure the necessary oil purification. The process filter must be replaced when changing the oil in the tank.

B.1.3 Before testing filters, oil samples should be taken and analyzed for compliance with the standard in the following parameters:

Viscosities at 50 ° C and 100 ° C according to GOST 33;

If the standards are met, the oil is poured into the tank of the installation, where it is additionally cleaned according to the contamination test mode for 60 minutes using a process filter.

B.1.4 The oil poured into the stand tank and heated in it to the specified temperature is continuously pumped through the pump through the working circulation circuit: tank - pump - filter - flow meter - tank. Ensuring the specified operating mode of the filter by the pressure at the inlet to the filter element or the temperature of the oil in the tank when determining the characteristics is carried out accordingly:

By changing the speed of the pump drive electric motor and bypassing a part of the oil supplied by the pump to the tank (through throttle 9);

By adjusting the intensity of heating.

Determination of the characteristics of the filter should be carried out with intensive and continuous stirring of the oil.

AT 2 Determination of the hydraulic resistance of the filter at the nominal oil consumption

B.2.1 The hydraulic resistance of the filter is determined from its hydraulic characteristics.

B.2.2 The hydraulic characteristic of the filter is determined by pumping clean oil through an uncontaminated filter at a temperature of (80 ± 2) ° C.

During the tests, the oil pressure drops across the filter are determined at flow rates of 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and 110% of the nominal.

The construction of the characteristics is carried out according to the average values \u200b\u200bof the results of at least three measurements.

B.2.3 The hydraulic characteristic of a filter element is defined as the geometric difference in the characteristics of a filter with and without an element.

B.2.4 Based on the constructed charts of characteristics, the values \u200b\u200bof the hydraulic resistance of the filter and filter element are determined at the nominal oil flow through them.

IN 3 Determination of the completeness of dropout

B.3.1 The screening density is determined using quartz dust with a specific surface area of \u200b\u200b5600 cm 2 / g as an artificial pollutant. The method for determining the specific surface of dust is in accordance with GOST 8002.

B.3.2 The oil circulation circuit through the filter is switched to the flow meter by valves 10 and 15 ... After stabilization of the filter operation, a control determination of the flow of uncontaminated oil through the filter is carried out. Then the filter is turned off with a valve 10 and an artificial pollutant is introduced into the oil in the tank of the installation during continuous operation of the agitator in a quality established in the technical specifications for a particular type of product.

After stirring for 15 minutes with a valve 10 include the filter and after a while T oil samples are simultaneously taken from the line of the installation (No. 1 - before the filter and No. 2 - after the filter) in the amount of 200 ml each into the washed dish.

Time T, s, are determined by the formula

where V- filter volume, l;

Q - oil consumption through the filter, l / s.

B.3.3 To determine the completeness of elimination, samples taken in accordance with B.3.2 are analyzed for the content of mechanical impurities in accordance with GOST 20684.

It is allowed to determine the content of quartz dust in samples by other methods that provide an error of determination no more than according to GOST 20684, including the method of spectral analysis. For testing, a reference mixture is prepared by introducing quartz dust into fresh oil of the same brand as that used on the bench. The test results are considered valid when the concentration of the pollutant in sample No. 1 differs from the calculated one by no more than ± 10%.

The dropout completeness j is calculated by the formula

where x 2 - mass concentration of the pollutant in sample No. 2 (after the filter), g / cm 3;

x 1 - mass concentration of the pollutant in sample No. 1 (before the filter), g / cm 3.

It is allowed to determine the completeness of elimination using a photocolorimeter.

AT 4 Determination of the resistance of the filter element to an increased pressure drop

B.4.1 The filter housing with the blocked valve is installed on the test bench and the pressure drop is determined at the nominal oil flow rate specified in the technical conditions (TU) for the filter elements of a particular type.

B.4.2 The filter element, which has passed the tightness test, is installed in the housing and the pressure drop is determined at the nominal oil flow rate according to B.4.1.

B.4.3 An artificial pollutant is introduced into the system continuously or in portions at regular intervals, maintaining the nominal oil flow rate and temperature.

The pollutant is injected until the pressure drop across the filter element (equal to the total pressure drop across the filter minus the pressure drop across the body) reaches the value of the limiting pressure drop specified in the technical specifications for specific filter elements, or a sharp drop in the pressure drop across the filter occurs indicating the destruction of the filter element.

B.4.4 A filter element is considered to pass the test if, after reaching the limiting pressure drop, it withstands the tightness test.

B.4.5 Other methods of determining the resistance of the filter element to increased pressure drop are allowed.

Methods for checking the tightness of the filter element

D.1 Checking the tightness of the filter element by the gas bubble method

The installation diagram for determining the tightness of the filter element is shown in Figure D.1.

1 - air supply under pressure; 2 - valve; 3 - pressure gauge; 4 - reducer; 5 - receiver;
6 - release of excess air into the atmosphere; 7 - flexible pipeline (hose); 8 - piezometer;
9 - the tested filter element; 10 - bath; 11 - plugs of the filter element

Figure D.1 - Installation diagram for determining the tightness of the filter element

D.1.1 A filter element with technological plugs is immersed in a bath with a liquid specified in the TU for filter elements of a specific type. The element should be installed parallel to the surface of the liquid at a depth of (12 ± 2) mm from the surface.

Liquid temperature (20 ± 5) ° С.

Before starting the tests, the element is kept in liquid for at least 2 minutes.

Air is supplied to the inner cavity of the filtering element under pressure specified in the design documentation for filtering elements of a particular type. Then the element is rotated 360 ° with a rotation frequency of no more than 1 - 2 min -1.

D.1.2 The filter element is considered to have passed the tightness test if air passes evenly through the pores of the filter curtain, appearing on the surface of the liquid in the form of small bubbles evenly distributed over the entire surface.

If continuous air bubbles appear on the surface or from under the covers of the filter element and in the places where the filter curtain is glued together, the filter element is rejected.

D.2 Checking the tightness of the filter element by determining its buoyancy

D.2.1 The filter element is impregnated with diesel fuel.

D.2.2 Close the end openings of the element with plugs. The weight of the plug for each type of filter must be determined empirically.

D.2.3 The filter element is lowered horizontally into the tank with diesel fuel and rotated around the axis with a frequency of 3 - 4 min -1 until the last air bubble emerges from under the shell.

D.2.4 An element that sank to the bottom within 1 min after the last bubble emerged is leaky.

D.2.5 After the test, the filter element is freed from diesel fuel by centrifugation at a speed of 1900-2000 min -1 or dried.

Evaluation of tightness and determination of hydraulic performance
filter bypass valve

E.1 The valve test stand is shown in Figure E.1.

1 - oil tank; 2 - electric heater; 3 - electrocontact thermometer; 4 - valve;
5 - adjustable pump; 6 - oil filter; 7 - adjustable throttle;
8 - test valve; 9 - pressure gauge; 10 - flow meter

Figure E.1 - Diagram of a setup for testing filter bypass valves

E.2 The filter valve is installed in a special technological spacer that simulates its installation in the filter.

E.3 Oil is poured into the stand tank, which has a viscosity of (10 ± 2) mm 2 / s (cSt) at 100 ° С and heated to 80 ° С (it is allowed to use oil with a viscosity of (20 ± 4) mm 2 / s (cSt) at a temperature of (20 ± 5) ° С without heating).

E.4 Turn on the pump 5 with the throttle 7 fully open. After the temperature has stabilized, gradually close the throttle 7, increase the pressure in front of the test valve 8.

Oil leaks through the valve are measured with a measuring container. As the valve opens and leaks increase, their flow rate is measured using a flow meter 10 .

E.5 Based on the test results, a curve is plotted for the dependence of the oil flow through the valve on the pressure on the valve.

Appendix E

Testing the filter and filter elements for resistance to pulsation,
vibration and heat resistance

E.1 Tests are carried out according to design documentation agreed with the consumer.

E.2 Pulsation tests are carried out by applying a pulsating oil pressure to the filter.

The range of change of oil pressure in the filter should be from 0 to 2 R No. Cycle time up to 2 s.

The number of loading cycles must be at least 25 × 10 3.

E.3 The test of the filter for vibration resistance is carried out on a vibration stand under the following conditions:

Amplitude, frequency and direction of movements according to the requirements of design documentation;

The test duration is at least 1 × 10 6 cycles.

During testing, the filter should be completely filled with oil, and the installation on the bench should simulate its location on the engine.

It is allowed to combine tests for resistance to pressure pulsation and vibration resistance.

E.4 Heat resistance test of the filter or filter element.

E.4.1 Instruments and means of testing: refrigerating chamber, thermostat, container for tested products, stand for placing elements in the container, motor oil.

Requirements for test devices and test facilities are established in CD.

E.4.2 Products are placed in a container with oil until they are completely immersed. The container is then successively cooled in a refrigerator, heated in a thermostat and cooled indoors at room temperature.

E.4.3 Products are tested according to the following thermal cycle:

Exposure at a temperature of minus 50 ° С - 6 hours;

Exposure at a temperature of plus 135 ° C - 6 hours;

Exposure at a temperature of plus 20 ° C - 12 hours;

The number of thermal cycles must be at least 10.

F.4.4 Upon completion of the product test, its parts and the condition of paint and varnish coatings are visually inspected according to design documentation.

In the absence of visible damage, the product is tested for tightness.

F.5 For dismountable filters with replaceable filter elements, before and after each test for resistance to pulsation and vibration resistance, the tightness of the filter and the filter element is checked, and after testing the filter element, its tightness and resistance to increased pressure drop are determined.

When testing non-separable filters, the tightness of the filtering element should be checked after removing it from the housing before testing for heat resistance, and after the test, its tightness and resistance to increased pressure drop should be determined.

Key words: filters, filter elements, tightness, vibration resistance, nominal oil consumption


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