Where is graphite grease used? Graphite grease: characteristics and application on a vehicle. Application of graphite grease

Graphite grease is obtained by treating petroleum oil using so-called calcium soap. The result of this processing is a thick ointment. Currently, graphite lubricant used in a car that helps to reduce friction is presented in various names.

With the increase in the number of cars, the composition began to be used much more actively than when it was opened at the dawn of the automotive industry. In addition to choosing between different licensed brands, there is the possibility of its own production.


Grease characteristics

Externally, graphite grease resembles a thick cream of brown or dark color. The characteristics of different types of grease differ, as regards primarily the minimum temperature at which it begins to freeze. In most cases, this happens at minus 20 degrees Celsius. When this threshold value is reached, it begins to thicken, and therefore the friction between the individual elements in the car increases.

There is another threshold - the maximum positive temperature, which is equal to 70 degrees on average.

Azmol graphite grease

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that graphite grease is in good contact only with metals subject to oxidation. In some cases, it can be used to process precious metals. Such use of it is atypical and will not bring the desired result. If we consider the interaction of a substance with metals in a car, then in this case a decrease in friction is achieved due to the presence of water molecules between individual layers of graphite. The weak connection of the elements reduces the friction of parts with each other, due to which the lubricant is so widespread in industry.

Ready-to-use graphite grease

Grease application

For the first time, oil-based substances were used to treat individual parts of lifting devices. Subsequently, with the development of technology and the emergence of new methods of oil refining, its application became more active. In any car, a significant part of the fuel energy goes to overcome the friction force. In addition, too much contact between parts increases wear and tear, and, accordingly, increases the cost of servicing the machine. By using one of the types of lubricants on the market, the car owner reduces fuel consumption and mechanism wear.

Bicycle layout where lubricant is applied

With the use of graphite, friction between the leaf springs is reduced, and the movement of the parking brake cable also improves. In addition, motorists use the agent to lubricate loops and improve radio performance. The latter is achieved by lubricating the contact point - thanks to this, it is possible to cut off unnecessary interference and restore the previous level of signal reception.

In the absence of licensed lubricants, sometimes substitutes are used, however, their freezing point is often above 20 degrees, which is not always acceptable. Therefore, not everyone undertakes to make their own lubricants. One of the important conditions here has always been the observance of the correct proportion of the raw materials. So, for 500 grams of solid oil, there are 100 grams of gear oil and graphite powder. Before mixing, the grease must be heated to 50 degrees. Heating is necessary for the rapid dissolution of other components in the solid oil.

Lubricant Testing Video

In the video, you can see the process of applying graphite oil and evaluate the benefits it brings.

If you have your own options for how to use graphite lubricant in a car or advice on choosing specific oils, leave your feedback to the article.

When choosing a graphite lubricant, it should be borne in mind that it belongs to the class of organic lubricants with a solid structure. Generally, graphite grease is not suitable for use under vacuum conditions.

With active use and to ensure functionality, water or a small amount of oxygen is mandatory. If we consider graphite as a filler, it should be borne in mind that the most effective is the use of such a lubricant for bearing shells that look like pressed graphite inserts.

What is the maximum temperature for graphite grease?

A prerequisite, which is provided for in the requirements for graphite lubricant, is a layered texture, as well as good stability in contact with air, including thermal stability and stability, which can reach 400 - 600 degrees Celsius, the so-called. Universal graphite grease can be used in various industries.

Grease of this type significantly improves the technical characteristics of springs of various types and connections with a threaded structure, it can be used for open-type gears with a gear surface. However, like any other lubricant for graphite, a special temperature regime is provided in which it functions most effectively.

Such a mode can be set by the manufacturer independently and is indicated on the marking, but in any case it must comply with the GOST standards, which are established specifically for graphite-filled lubricants.

Temperature range for lubrication

According to the standards of GOST 3333-80, the optimal temperature for using graphite grease is at least 20 degrees Celsius and not higher than 60, but exceptions are always set, for example, if graphite grease is used in springs and similar devices, then it is possible to work in a temperature mode below 20 degrees Celsius lubrication efficiency.

The graphite grease has increased thermal stability, which makes it versatile and therefore very popular among consumers. If you use the grease at temperatures below 20 degrees, it will freeze very quickly, thus the friction will increase and the lubrication efficiency will decrease accordingly.

And provided that it is used at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees, the maximum indicators of oxidation stability are provided and, thus, the scope of application of the lubricant is significantly expanded, including for precious metals. If you want to achieve the desired result and ensure the most efficient use of the lubricant, you should definitely adhere to the temperature regime, which is established by the standards of GOST and the manufacturer.

The development of graphite grease was required due to the rapid development in the field of mechanical engineering, which in turn led to the need to improve the performance of the grease and improve its composition.

The characteristics of a lubricant depend on several components, in particular, they directly depend on the base oil that is used in the manufacture of the lubricant, the type and characteristics of the thickener that is added to its composition even in small amounts, as well as on solid fillers and additives.

It should be noted that graphite-added greases have several main advantages that distinguish them favorably from traditional greases:

  1. One of these advantages is excellent antifriction properties;
  2. The bearing capacity is significantly increased, which allows for an even layer and good adhesion to the surface;
  3. The movement of the driving mechanisms is smoother, graphite grease fits well even on an uneven surface and slightly evens it out;
  4. The lapping of metal parts has also been improved, making it easier to sand and grout grease when needed;
  5. Thermal conductivity is improved and is distinguished by its high performance;
  6. Plastic-type graphite greases have good electrical conductivity.

Why Graphite Lubricants?

Particular attention is paid to the composition of graphite grease, which completely excludes abrasive impurities and filler particles that contain finely dispersed inclusions. Lubricants with the addition of graphite, manufactured using this technology, provide high thermal conductivity, are effectively used at elevated temperatures, and can significantly reduce wear during intensive surface treatment.

Graphite grease can be made from all natural materials, and also contain oils that are made from mineral or synthetic components, which include thickeners of a lithium or organic type. Such a lubricant has a number of additional advantages, one of which is antifriction properties, as well as increased load-carrying capacity.

They are universal, they combine different properties of operation, for example, conventional and special. It is also worth noting the advantages of graphite as the main component of graphite lubricant:

  • it does not corrode;
  • electricity is an excellent conductor of heat;
  • antistatic;
  • not afraid of high temperatures and withstands without losing its technical characteristics;
  • multifunctional can be used in different areas of production.

Where is graphite lubricant used?

This type of lubricant is perfect for additional metal protection, as well as for eliminating squeaks, but this does not end there. Also, among the advantages of graphite in lubricants, it should be noted that its molecules interact well with oxides of other metals, graphite is weakly attracted to other particles, thus guaranteeing a high bearing capacity of the film and additional protection against frictional friction.

Graphite grease can be made on the basis of an annular thickener and its composition will resemble the well-known grease. The calcium thickener allows for increased resistance to high temperatures, as well as to their drop.

The scope of application of graphite grease can be, it is used on valves, when installing special suspensions, suspensions of special equipment, during the repair and installation of open gears and springs, in addition, it can be used for low-speed bearings.

On our website, you can familiarize yourself with the catalog of graphite lubricants, as well as other products of our company.

Car care and prevention of all kinds of malfunctions implies, first of all, checking the presence of oils and lubricants in all working units of the machine, as well as their timely replacement or replenishment. Regular replacement of the lubricant is the main guarantee of the durability of both the car as a whole and its individual parts, especially those subject to friction.

One type of grease used in automobiles is graphite grease. In this article, we will talk about what kind of lubricant it is, what its properties are and where it is applied.

All types of lubricants are conventionally divided into four categories:

  • organic;
  • inorganic;
  • hydrocarbon;
  • soapy.

Belonging to a particular category is determined by the composition of the grease thickener, which also determines its basic performance properties. In this respect, graphite lubricants are synonymous with inorganic lubricants. In addition, "graphite" refers to lubricants containing graphite, which most often acts as an additive. Also, graphite powder can be used as an independent lubricant.

Characteristics of graphite and graphite lubricants

Graphite itself is familiar to most of us. It is a black solid, which has a fairly high thermal conductivity, as well as electrical conductivity. Also, graphite can withstand high temperatures without changing its structure, which makes it possible to use it in various operating conditions.

The beneficial properties of pure graphite are also retained when added to various types of lubricants. The positive quality of graphite lies in the behavior of its molecules, which hardly attract each other, but at the same time bind well with metal oxides. Due to this property, a firmly sitting protective film is formed on the surface of metal parts treated with graphite lubricant, which helps to neutralize friction forces.

Another advantage of graphite grease is its high durability due to its double action. First, the protective film prevents friction. Secondly, even with the destruction of the protective film, the graphite particles themselves perform the function of an antifriction substance, protecting the parts from friction and its harmful consequences.

Thus, for all types of graphite lubricants, the following inherent useful properties can be distinguished:

  • low cost with a sufficiently high efficiency;
  • heat resistance, allowing the use of mechanisms in a wide temperature range;
  • double antifriction action (the main lubricant is petroleum oil and graphite as a filler);
  • chemical neutrality, which allows the lubricant to be applied to parts made of various materials without fear of negative consequences.

When storing graphite-containing lubricants, it is advisable to avoid exposure to direct sunlight, which would impair their antifriction properties.

Application of graphite lubricants in a car

Graphite-based lubricants can be used in various areas of technology where it is required to ensure smooth interaction of conjugated metal elements. It is especially recommended to use graphite lubricants in units operating under high mechanical loads, as well as during the grinding of parts in new or repaired mechanisms.

Due to the above useful properties, graphite lubricants are effectively used in vehicle maintenance. Since this lubricant is capable of functioning at temperatures from minus 30 to plus 120 degrees Celsius, it can be used in almost all latitudes of our country.

An indispensable assistant to the motorist are graphite lubricants used in the following automotive components:

  • suspensions and ball bearings;
  • steering knuckle bearings;
  • steering racks and gears;
  • cardan cross-pieces for rear-wheel drive vehicles;
  • various threaded connections;
  • battery terminals.

It should be noted that in some assemblies the use of graphite grease is undesirable, since the particles of graphite have low abrasive properties and may cause premature wear of small bearings.

For the above automotive units, graphite lubricants allow not only to extend the service life, but also to ensure smooth interaction, get rid of extraneous sounds and noises, and reduce production. In threaded connections, such a lubricant prevents corrosion and sticking, which in turn greatly facilitates the disassembly of units and preserves the resource of parts for a longer period.

The general rule for using graphite grease in a particular automotive assembly is to follow the recommendations of the vehicle and lubricant manufacturers, as well as the expert opinions of specialists in this field. With the judicious use of this type of lubricant, the car as a whole and its most vulnerable parts will serve their owner much longer than without their use.

The beneficial properties of graphite have been known for more than one century. For more than 300 years, it has been actively used to reduce friction in various mechanisms.

The use of graphite as a component of various lubricating compositions significantly expands their capabilities and scope.

Despite the emergence of many modern lubricants with higher performance properties, graphite grease remains one of the most popular and demanded in production, in the maintenance of automotive equipment, for domestic applications.

What is Graphite Lubricant?

Graphite grease (graphite grease) refers to all lubricants that contain graphite. It can act as an additive or in powder form used as a stand-alone material.

Currently, the most widespread is graphite grease in a traditional form. It is a thick brown to black "ointment" made with an oil and a soap thickener. Its main properties were standardized and fixed back in Soviet times by GOST 3333-80 (USSA mineral calcium graphite grease).

However, there are many developments that allow using the useful properties of graphite in the composition of other materials - made on the basis of various basic components, as well as in the form of liquid lubricants, aerosols, pastes, and special antifriction coatings.

Taking into account the synergistic effect of interaction, in addition to graphite, other substances (copper, molybdenum disulfide, etc.) are often added to modern lubricants. Combinations of such materials in certain proportions significantly increase the operational properties of graphite lubricants.

Composition of graphite grease

Traditional graphite grease, manufactured in accordance with GOST 3333-80, is obtained by thickening petroleum mineral oil with calcium metal soap and graphite.

Modern formulations can be produced not only in the form of greases.

Aerosol lubricants, for example, are very convenient to apply to hard-to-reach areas.

You can often find graphite lubricant in the form of liquid oil dispersions - their formula does not provide for the use of a thickener.

Other components may be included in the composition of graphite grease manufactured to various regulatory and technical requirements. For example, the use of lithium instead of calcium soap made it possible to increase the heat resistance to +130 ° C and above.

Various additives improve anti-corrosion, extreme pressure and other performance properties of the lubricant.

To improve the adhesion of grease to metal surfaces, leading manufacturers use polarized graphite instead of conventional graphite.


The characteristics of a graphite grease are determined by the properties of the components present in the material.

Graphite is one of the forms of carbon existence. It has a layered structure.

Particles of graphite fill and smooth out the microroughness of the surface of the lubricated part, forming a kind of film on it. Due to this alignment and the formation of a graphite layer, the effective contact area of \u200b\u200bthe parts increases. This increases the bearing capacity of the lubricant, and the coefficient of friction is significantly reduced.

The oils that are part of any graphite lubricant provide optimal operation of units in friction modes when the surfaces of the parts are separated by a layer of liquid lubricant.

The addition of graphite to the composition of greases gives them additional improved properties, allowing them to better hold in the friction zone and withstand high loads.

The cost of graphite is low, therefore, lubricants based on this material are among the most affordable lubricants.

Thus, graphite greases have the following main characteristics:

  • increased bearing capacity
  • improved antifriction properties
  • water resistance
  • excellent adhesion
  • antistatic properties
  • good combination of efficiency and cost

The heat resistance of graphite greases mainly depends on the other components of the composition. So, materials made on the basis of calcium or lithium soaps are efficient from -40 ...- 30 to +70 ... + 130 ° C. Antifriction graphite coatings provide protective and lubricating properties up to several hundred degrees.

Graphite has good electrical conductivity. At a sufficiently high concentration in lubricants, they can also have electrically conductive properties.

However, one should take into account the structural features of graphite - under normal conditions, water and oxygen molecules are present between the layers of its particles. This leads to a decrease in the lubricating properties of graphite greases in a vacuum.

The disadvantages of these lubricants also include restrictions on their use in high-speed mechanisms and assemblies with high-precision manufacturing of parts. In these cases, graphite particles break the geometry of the contact, which leads to accelerated wear of the parts.

Application area of \u200b\u200bgraphite lubricant

Where is graphite lubricant used?

The scope of application of such lubricants is huge - they are used both in industry and in domestic conditions. For the maintenance of heavy construction, road, special, oil production, agricultural machinery, in many cases these materials are also an excellent solution.

Traditional graphite lubricants are used to service highly loaded friction units of low-speed mechanisms:

  • lead screws
  • hinges
  • slide bearings
  • guides
  • threaded connections
  • gearboxes
  • bearings

The use of thickeners and other types of liquids instead of calcium soap and mineral base oil makes it possible to increase the thermal stability, speed characteristics and other performance properties of graphite lubricants and significantly expand their area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

Oil dispersions can be used either independently - in this case, graphite particles easily come even to hard-to-reach friction zones - or as additives to other commercial oils.

Automotive Applications

The field of application of graphite grease in automotive technology remains quite wide even now, when many materials with higher performance properties have appeared on the market.

Its extreme popularity can be explained simply - "graphite" can be purchased almost everywhere, used for most assemblies, and at a cost it is much more attractive than modern materials.

Application examples:

  • leaf springs to reduce friction and eliminate squeaks
  • wheel nuts, studs, bolts - to prevent jamming
  • cable drives - for a smooth ride and reduced wear
  • the base of the rod of the retractable antenna - to eliminate crackles and rustles when receiving a radio signal
  • protection of electrical connections and contacts against corrosion
  • suspension and steering assemblies (steering joints, racks, gears, ball joints, anti-squeak washers, etc.)
  • threaded connections for body parts and suspension
  • caliper guides and anti-creak plates of disc brakes
  • cardan crosspieces in rear-wheel drive models
  • door hinges, lock mechanisms
  • seat rails
  • jacks
  • car couplings

The use of graphite grease in a car is not limited to the examples given. Almost everywhere where there are loaded mechanisms with a low speed of movement, it will be very useful.

Industrial application

The use of graphite lubricant in industrial production provides high reliability of units and mechanisms, extended service intervals and excellent working properties of equipment.

Mineral and synthetic based graphite greases are widely used in a wide variety of industries.

Examples of industrial equipment assemblies for which graphite lubricants are used:

  • Drill bit supports in the oil industry
  • Units of special equipment, agricultural and industrial equipment operating in dust and other abrasive contaminants
  • Open gear drives of material handling equipment, mixers for bulk materials
  • Shut-off pipeline fittings
  • Low speed bearings
  • Open and closed shafts
  • Rolling and sliding bearings for drying chambers and ovens
  • Tire dryer chains
  • Coolant filtration mechanisms
  • Chains of powder coating lines, filling machines, sausage production lines
  • Conveyor chains
  • Bearings and gears of electric and pneumatic tools
  • Centrifuge Drives Bearings and Gears
  • Spindles for tinting machines
  • Trawler winches
  • Screw pairs of machine tools

Household Applications

Graphite greases are also used in domestic environments. Good owners use them to lubricate door hinges and locks, for maintenance, repair and storage of electrical and mechanical tools, bicycles, etc.

Thus, we have made sure that graphite lubricants are effective, inexpensive means of protecting contacting parts from wear, friction, corrosion and increasing their resource.

The use of these materials in the listed nodes, as well as for many other applications, will be a successful solution to many problems in the repair, maintenance and storage of industrial and household equipment and vehicles.


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