The difference between GL 4 from GL5. Transmission oil: from dental pain. How to choose a transmission lubricant

In this article, we will talk about transmission oils, their views and applications. You will learn what oil it is better to take for the summer, and what - for the winter. We also tell about the danger of the replacement of GL-4 on GL-5. - This is a lubricant for gearing boxes, which is created on the basis of petroleum products with adding additives or by the synthesis of chemical elements.

Decoding SAE 75W90 by viscosity

Types of oils

Almost every car owner knows what transmission oil is and for what it is necessary. Some themselves choose lubricant for their car, others trust the experience of friends or, without bothering themselves with this case, use the services of a hundred. But not everyone knows what letters and numbers mean in the title, what oils are in composition and from which their price depends. Oils are synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral.

"Mineralka"As it is called in the people, cheap transmission oil with mineral base in the form of recycled petroleum products. "Synthetic" (On the box is indicated as Fullly Synthetic) are obtained by the synthesis of chemical elements. The basis "Polysintetic"are petroleum products with the addition of various additives (a drug that is added to improve operational properties). In this list, the most expensive is synthetic oil.

Did you know? At the beginning of the twentieth century, nigrol was used in the form of transmission oil. The summer version was the residue from the area of \u200b\u200boil, and the winter consisted of asphalt tar and distillate oil.

When choosing, immediately pay attention to markovka Transmission oil (if there is a letter "w", as in SAE 75W90, then it is all-season), as well as on the numbers to this letter and after it. Figures to "w" Show fluid flow at low temperatures, figures after "w" - Viscosity range at a temperature of 100 degrees. The absence of numbers after the letter "w" means that it is winter oil. If there is no "W" (Winter) in the marking, then you keep an exclusively summer oil in your hands.

Expanding viscosity

Let us turn to the decoding of transmission oils 75W90 by viscosity. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is deciphered as "Community of automotive engineers." Among the other, "SAE" sets the class of viscosity for the checkpoint (it is precisely the indicator of SAE regulates how "thick" or "liquid"). Since we consider transmission oils, it is worth highlighting summer, winter and all-seasonlubricant liquid. If we speak in a clear language, the viscosity is the ability of the lubricant to remain on the surface of the internal elements of the mechanism, while maintaining fluid flow. From the viscosity of the oil depends too much so as not to be considered with it.

The synthetic oil 75W90 has an optimal viscosity in the range from -40 to +35 degrees. If you compare the oil 75W90 and cheap mineral 85W90, then the latter at a temperature of -12 degrees will have such a viscosity as the oil 75W90 at -40. Is impressive? Obviously, in one case, the transmission will be switched to very noticeable effort, and in the other - instantly.

What oil to use in summer, and what winter

Most auto owners use demi-season oils that will perform their function at any temperature. If you are considering seasonal oils, first of all, select the oil for your gearbox, and only then, depending on the temperature (for harsh winter or very hot summer). For the summer it is better to take the SAE oil with an index from 20 to 60, which perfectly feels at the heat. In winter, the SAE transmission oil is better suitable with marking from 0W to 25W.

Important! The required viscosity index for the checkpoint is indicated in the operational directory of the car.

The difference between GL4 and GL-5 oils

Before proceeding to the next section, the temperature modes of transmission oils should be considered.

The GL-4 API standard is defined for transmission oils that are used for gearboxes (as conical hypoid) and aggregates in leading bridges operating under conditions of moderate loads and speeds. It is better to navigate at 75W90 GL-4, since it is rational to use the extraction oil.

The GL-5 API standard is designed for high-speed hypoid gears and leading bridges that operate only at high temperatures and are subjected to short-term shock load. A lot of factors affect the good work of the vehicle, but the main thing is the condition of the engine, the body of the machine and the transmission. It all depends on the care of the owner of the car. The most important thing is to replace the transmission oil in time.

When choosing a lubricant fluid, two main factor is considered: the load strength and the speed of relative slip. A semi-synthetic oil is a golden middleness between price and quality. This composition combines the best quality "synthetics" and "mineral water".

Specified transmission oil is capable of:

1. Provide stable transmission operation at low temperatures.

2. Extend the service life of the CAT.

3. Maintain performance in wide temperature ranges.

The most rational option will be the purchase of semi-synthetic - transmission oil 75W 90. With this we do the following conclusions: the GL-5 API provides better protection in high pressure and load conditions. This type of oil overlaps the requirements of the GL-4 standard. But, unfortunately, the classification of transmission oils does not take into account the technological features of a number of gearboxes.

Interesting fact! Several tens of years ago, manufacturers of lubricants used lead additives against wear. Now they are replaced by gray-phosphoric packets of additives, as lead negatively affected the environment.

And so, we were defined that in GL-5 more gray-phosphoric additives than in GL- 4. These additives create a special coating to protect the transmission parts, which acts as a "shield" against wear. This coating is a stronger surface of copper and other soft details with which it in contact. As a result, we obtain wear not only the protective layer, but also the surface of the soft metal element. That is why, some manufacturers of GL4 and GL5 lubricants indicate that this product is not intended for transmissions with synchronizers (makes unstable engagement of the sliding clutch with a mounted gear wheel). Synchronizers made of copper, when using lubricants are susceptible to increased wear.

Interesting! In domestic cars, synchronizers are ordinary bronze, crazy on the machine without coverage. After all, synchronizers work in fairly difficult conditions and any additional coating collapses very quickly.

We will make the following conclusion: GL-5 is designed more for hypoid gears, in which friction or slip is present. GL-4 transmission oil is more suitable for gears that work in different loads. This oil is designed more for cone and hypoid gears that have a small axis offset. It is suitable for transfers of trucks, tractors and buses.

As we see, there are no real damage from GL-5, but it is better suitable for bridges, GL- 4 - for PPC. It should also be noted the viscosity of the oil. The 80W 90 transmission oil shows a normal viscosity at 100 degrees Celsius, keeps the load well and has low-temperature properties.

What is dangerous replacement GL-4 on GL-5

GL-4 is designed for gearbox, as it is capable of working in conditions of moderate loads and speeds. GL-5 is more suitable for hypoid gears and leading bridges, which, in turn, operate at high speeds and heavy loads.

But! GL-5 contains a lot of contamination additives, poorly combined with bronze synchronizers in the gearbox. Most likely, if you pour into the GL-5 box, quite soon the car will start turn on with a scratch, and soon - "bent" at all. It should be noted that there is universal GL4 and GL5 that will work worse on the bridge and gearbox than clean GL-5 or GL-4. If you want to save, which is definitely not advised to do, you can buy 2 liters of GL-4 for the gearbox and 2 liters GL-5 for the bridge. But, again, it will suit more ordinary gearboxes. For the hypoid gearbox, and to ensure the necessary resource in them, is suitable exclusively GL-5.

Now about the dangers. Most often, in service centers, GL-4 or GL-5 oil is poured both in the checkpoint and in leading bridges, which usually leads to extraneous noise and leakage. What is the problem? The capacity in which the pump in the "distribution" catches the oil, is small, therefore, the oil passes through the bearing in the "distribution" or through the gland. At high speeds, pressure and heating rises. Often, this leads to a breakdown of the glands, so we conclude that the oil should be stable. GL-4 It is worth pouring exclusively in the gearbox, and GL- 5 - in the aggregates of the leading bridges.

Important! Incorrectly chopped oils lead to the wear of the protective layer and the surface of the element consisting of a soft metal!

After reading the article, you will certainly choose oil for summer, winter, or all-season transmission fluid. At the same time, do not forget about the actual recommendations of the manufacturer of your "iron horse". After a detailed study, we found out that the optimal all-season oil can be considered for the whole year, SAE 75W90, which in the heat, and in the frost will work equally well. Also, we did not pass the side and oil hypoid SAE 80W90, which also holds well as with "plus" and "minus" temperatures. We considered that the risk of incorrect oil fill and how this action can harm the car.

At the end, I would like to say: "It does not matter whether you have a dear" synthetics "or the cheap" mineral water ", it is important how well your car works with so oil." Therefore, do not forget that if the same butter came for all cars, then, as I think, the manufacturers would not stamp so much varieties of transmission oils for the checkpoint.

What is API GL-5? Transmission oils are necessary to lubricate aggregates associated with car transmissions. Many front-wheel drive cars, the CAT is combined with the main transmission. The box so that the car can work normally, it is required to fill a special lubricant. The aggregates have a cylindrical gear. The risk of scaling is not considered great. The automatic transmission requires special low-grade lubricants. In international practice they are called ATF (Automatic Transmission Liquid). Other cars and trucks are equipped with aggregates that need exclusively transmission oils.

For passenger cars, 2 groups of transmission oils are used today: GL -4 and GL -5.

Criteria for selecting transmission oils

The car owner can choose both synthetics and mineral water. Both products on the gears of the checkpoint act equally. If we consider the issue from an economic point of view, then mineral lubricant is more profitable. For nodes of transmissions, oil is selected taking into account the following two criteria:

  • specific loads in the mechanisms;
  • speed \u200b\u200bfor relative slip.

Lubricating fluids differ in viscosity and the number of additives. Non-promotional additives include sulfur compounds in their composition, which, with critical modes of operation, can cause modification of metal parts. A thin layer of film appears on the metal surface, which, after time, will become a product of wear.

The higher the GL oil rate, the better its operational qualities.

For passenger cars, 2 groups of transmission oils are used today: GL -4 and GL -5. This is an overseas classification. If we talk about domestic, then it is represented by TM -4 and TM - 5, respectively. API GL-4 - suitable transmission oils for the transmission of front-wheel-water domestic vase models. API GL5 can be used in all other Russian-made machines. There is a so-called universal version on the market - GL-4/5 oil.

The car owner can easily check out which type of oil is suitable for foreign cars, according to the catalog. The same information is contained in the instruction manual. Many newcomers mistakenly believe that lubricants with the class API GL-5 are higher in quality compared to the GL-4 API. Is it really?

In fact, these two classes cannot be compared. Each of them is a different purpose. If you pour the GL-5 to the vase box 2109, then you can say goodbye to synchronizers. For this, the car is recommended to use GL-4 oil. Failure to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations may fail the car.Oils in both of the above-mentioned classes are high quality products. However, their use is not recommended for appointment. Otherwise, get ready to put the vehicle to overhaul. When the motorist is not confident in his choice, he needs to consult with a hundred officer.

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Subgroups of transmission oil API GL-5 and viscosity lubrication selection

The transmission of the GL-5 class in turn is divided into 3 subgroups by SAE:

  1. 85W90 includes mineral oils from Manufacturers of Norsi, LUKOIL TM-5-18, Rexol-TM-5-18.
  2. 80W90 is also a mineral water, but not so thick. Lubricants are manufactured by Spectrol-striker, Vella TM, Mobile Mobilube HD, Texaco Geartex EP-C.
  3. Semi-synthetic and synthetic on the domestic market are products of foreign manufacturers. Synthetic oils are represented by the GL-5 SAE 75W90 class. In this subgroup, lubricants of foreign companies - Teboil EP, BP Energear SGX, Motulgear are presented.

After the selection of lubricants in terms of operational characteristics, an equally important task has to be solved. It is necessary to find a suitable viscosity for the product. So, SAE oils with a class 140 can be used only in a hot climate. For Russia, where mainly moderate temperatures are more suitable class according to SAE 90. It is more profitable to apply all-season oils. An embodiment with an index 75W90 is suitable even for a real Russian winter. This is a universal solution. For domestic auto, the use of Russian transmission oils having a classification of GL-5 may end the synchronizer breakdown.

For the front-wheel drive vase, GL-4, GL-4/5 oil is better fit. Such lubricants of domestic production is almost impossible to find. Alternative - Oils of foreign production - can be purchased at a relatively high price. However, this is a true way to prevent the premature wear of the engine. Semi-synthetic and synthetic products are guaranteed to extend the life of the gearbox. Overhaul, subject to the use of high-quality lubricants, will not need soon.

High viscosity oils applied incorrectly, negatively affect the operation of synchronizers. These details constantly have to get rid of oil surplus. The producer of the VAZ recommends using TM-4-12. However, it is difficult to find this oil if it succeeds, then often the lubrication turns out to be fake. On the front-wheel drive vases can be used both transmission and engine oils. New lubricants can be used for PPC VAZ-2110.

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GL-4 and GL-5: classification differences

GL-4 is oils containing only 4% of native additives with sulfur and phosphorus. The API GL-5 SAE contains more such additives - 6.5%. Therefore, the purpose of these oils is different. They are used for more loaded gears. GL-5 lubricants can be used as universal, which are suitable for all mechanical transmissions.

Additives, which contains a lot of sulfur and phosphorus, become often the cause of corrosion of parts from copper alloys.

Their large amount is also harmful to metal parts of the car. Specialists advise the use of GL-4 oil in synchronized CPP, and in the bridge or main transmission - GL-5. With the front-wheel drive car, the situation is as follows. Main transmission and synchronizers are located in one block. It is necessary to decide what is more important - the protection of synchronizers from corrosion or the fight against looting on the main gear. All transmissions producers give their advice.

When considering specific examples, you can see what is actually happening when choosing one or another oil. For mechanical transmissions of French proceedings, it is recommended to use GL-5, other companies advise to choose GL-4. In the oil class GL-4, it is contained almost 2 times less than sulfur and phosphorus. This means that both products are endowed with contaminate protective properties and aggressiveness to copper alloys. However, the specified characteristics are manifested differently.

The right approach to the choice of oil is considered to use lubricants with such a specification, which indicated in the operating instructions. Manufacturer. Sometimes car owners are ready to risk and donate corrosion of synchronizers, which can happen, but quite rare. Drivers choose oils with high contamination properties. With severe operating conditions, it becomes necessary. Dual oil specification indicates the possibility of using lubricant in two cases described.

It should be noted that the specifications also relate to semi-automatic PPCs. Select the lubricant liquid not for the brand of the car, but for the motor. Buy oil pr reserve. In case, in the way the level in the PPC lubrication will fall sharply, it will be necessary to top up the lubricant. The optimal option is considered to add the same oil. Under certain conditions, the possibility of mixing the lubricants of the same type is allowed. In no case cannot be mixed with lubricating fluids when they differ in color. Such lubricants are not compatible with each other.

Many consumers are asked: what is the difference between transmission oils of the API GL-4 and API GL-5? In addition, often manufacturers of lubricants indicate their products compliance with both standards simultaneously - API GL-4/5.

The GL-4 API standard is defined for transmission oils used for conical and hypoid gears of gearboxes and the aggregates of leading bridges operating under conditions of moderate speeds and loads. Standard API GL-5 - for high-speed hypoid gears and leading bridges operating at high temperatures and exposed to short-term shock load.

Thus, in accordance with the classification, the GL-5 API oil provide the best anti-flaw properties, protection in the condition of high loads and pressures. It is absolutely correct to argue that API GL-5 oil overlaps the requirements of the API GL-4 standard. The problem lies in the fact that the classification of transmission oils does not take into account the technological features of a number of transmissions.

If you follow the history of the development of transmission oils, it can be noted that several tens of years ago manufacturers of lubricants used lead additives to protect against wear. Subsequently, they were replaced by gray-phosphorous additive packages due to the fact that lead has a negative impact on the environment. It was then noted that sulfur causes corrosion of parts from copper and other soft metals. However, about 20 years ago, additive packets were developed to neutralize corrosion from gray-phosphoric additives.

The key point is the fact that, on average, the oils of the category API GL-4 gray-phosphorus additives are twice as smaller than in the oils of the GL-5 API. Serious-phosphoric additives create a special protective coating on the details of the transmission. During operation, the contact between the driving elements occurs through this coating and thereby details are protected from wear. However, when contacting copper parts it turns out that this coating is more durable than the surface of the parts from copper or other soft details. As a result, it takes place not only the protective layer, but also the surface of the element made of soft metal.

A number of studies have shown that when using the API GL-5 APIs in boxes where the use of an API GL-4 oil is required, causes copper in the used oil 2-4 times greater than when using the GL-4 API oils. As a rule, synchronizers are made of copper and they are susceptible to elevated wear, when using lubricants with a high content of gray-phosphoric additives. Some manufacturers of lubricants, specifying the API GL-4/5 standard, directly indicate that the product is not intended for transmissions with synchronizers.

On the other hand, the GL-5 API standard no longer always meets the requirements of modern technology, which caused the emergence of a new international SAE J2360 standard. Accordingly, a natural question arises, as far as the GL-4/5 transmission oils containing a moderate package of anti-grades for transmissions with synchronizers, good for use in other high-loaded units.

Lubri-Loy recommends when choosing a transmission oil to clearly follow the recommendations of the car manufacturer's plant. The Lubri-Loy assortment allows you to choose the best product to meet the requirements of various manufacturers of original equipment OEM.

Due to the fact that many modern boxes are susceptible to serious loads, Lubri-Loy manufactures API GL-4 standard from a fully synthetic base base: Lubri-Loy® Premium Synthetic Gear Oils 75W90 API GL-4.

For the most severe operating conditions, including trucks, Lubri-Loy produces fully synthetic transmission oil Lubri-Loy® Premium Synthetic 75W90 GL-5 Limited Slip Gear Oils. API GL-5, MERITOR O76-N, International TMS 6816, Mack GO-J, SAE J2360 API MT-1 (PG-1), PG-2, MIL-L-2105E, Eaton Roadranger® 6 x L60-1.

Few people know what GL oil is for lubrication of any units in which increased wear resistance is required, there are transmission oil, the main tasks of which is excellent protection against wear, damage and corrosion. When lubricating the mechanisms containing gears, the ability of lubricant is played with an important role to resist the gear teeth and the microenere detection due to the temperature difference.

GL 5 automotive oil perfectly protects parts from wear.

What is transmission oil

There are many mechanisms and aggregates in which the gears of different diameters are operating tools that make up gears of conical, worm, cylindrical and chain characters. These include mechanisms with steering, gearbox, dispensing and differential devices. All of them are called transmissions, and their stable work depends on good lubrication.

Transmission oils have high viscosity.

Since all these aggregates have similar operating conditions (in their work there are practically no strong drops of temperature and modes), the transmission oils have a high viscosity. The temperature at which it is frozen, low enough. Since there are many rubber sealing products in these mechanisms, the lubricant should have the property to reduce the gaps during the operation of transmissions and prevent the deformation of these gaskets. It is important to know that even when this mechanism is not used for a long time or does not work in full force, oil properties are saved, gears remain lubricated and well protected.

The transmission oil prevents water from entering or any other liquid inside the unit, thereby preventing the formation of harmful impurities and generics on gears and other parts of transmissions. It creates a protective film not only on the surface of the teeth, but also on all the details, thereby protecting against corrosion and other mechanical and chemical damage. It must be remembered that hypoid transmissions can not be lubricated by this oil. They exist special hypoid oils containing various chemical components that cause the necessary chemical reactions.

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How to choose oil

Transmission oils are not used in all mechanisms having gears. They can only be used in custom-made cars, with all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive mechanisms. In no case cannot be used such a lubricating fluid in vehicles with an automatic transmission, since in that case this oil will not work due to high viscosity.

For them, there is a special lubricant, which can be purchased in automata.

Oil brand depends on the manner and driving style.

Each itself is free to choose which oil is better to use. There is synthetic, semi-synthetic or oil of mineral origin. Since the temperature of the transmission is unimportant mode, this property when choosing a lubricant does not play a special role. The only criterion for which the oil needs to choose in this case is an economic benefit. From this point of view, it is advantageous to acquire mineral lubricant, it is cheaper than 30% synthetic. Of great importance when choosing lubricants have several criteria.

  1. The power of loads that experience parts of the transmission in the process of work. In this case, the lubricant must be sufficiently viscous so that complete circulation occurred, the anti-corrosion properties should be at the highest level. Non-promotional properties should prevail over any other, otherwise the gears will inevitably lead to their breakdown. And this will disable the entire unit.
  2. Loads that contain exactly rotational movements depending on the rate of relative slip. In this case, the lubricant must have excellent protective features that allow all gear and cylindrical transmissions in good condition. In this case, rubber seals should be lubricated on all sides so that the gaps are not formed during the work.

So that the above properties of transmission oils work in due mode, they add various additives that are carefully developed and selected depending on the mode in which the mechanism is going to work. Especially interesting in this regard anti-mailing additives, which are chemical compounds. These compounds may bring both benefit and harm. After all, chemicals, especially under the influence of different temperature modes, can eliminate metallic surfaces. This can lead to wear gears and chains. The created protective film does not prevent corrosion, but can suspend this process.

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Oil GL 4 and GL 5

Industry offers transmission oils of two groups. This GL 4 and GL 5. So classify your lubricants European and American manufacturers. According to the American quality system (API), there are groups of lubricants that differ in their properties and characteristics. Both types of oil are used only in cars with manual gearbox.

Oil is suitable for cars of Russian production.

  1. The GL 4 transmission oil is recommended for use of light and medium severity. It can be used in all cars of Russian production (except "Niva"), as well as in various trucks, minivans and buses, where forward-wheel drive transmissions are installed. For the aggregates of the leading bridge, they can also be used. And even for those gears, where there is a small axis shift during operation. Such oils are in the rules of all leading manufacturers of automotive oils, including Russian. This lubricant is synthetic or semi-synthetic, that is, produced in laboratories from purified oil refining products, with the addition of 4% of unique additives that make up a whole package. Each of the additives improves some one property of the oil.
  2. Transmission oil API GL 5 is recommended for use in heavy and extreme operating conditions. It is used for all-wheel drive boxes (with hypoid transmissions), since it contains special additives for working with them. Recommended by Russian manufacturers for Niva cars, since there are mechanisms with a significant and large displacement of the axes of gears in this car. Since this oil contains up to 10% additives to improve each lubricant property, it is the best transmission lubricating fluid today. This type of lubricant contains a unique package of additives that are developed in the United States or Europe.

The traditional GL-4 transmission oil of any given viscosity has about ½ level of phosphorous additive, which is available in GL-5, so that the surface of the surface tension is not as strong, and, therefore, a brass can be removed from the course of a certain time ( Wear parts of the box). This means that GL-4 gives a little less protection against ultra-high pressure. Therefore, for high-speed hypoid gears, the GL-4 API is not quite suitable.

If you use GL-5 oil in a gearbox that requires GL-4, the process of premature wear of synchronizers and gears is also observed. This is due to the sedimentation of copper in the oil GL-5. In the latter it is more than 4 times, than in the API GL-4 standard oil.

What if you can't find GL-4?

Everything is very simple! An excellent replacement for transmission oil GL-4 80W-90 will be the SAE 50 oil that meets the CAT TO-4 specification. The interchangeability here takes place, since the operating temperatures are very similar, and, in the case of SAE 50, the copper level does not exceed the mark specified and on the GL-4 80W-90 package.

What is the difference between GL 4 from GL 5?

To fundamental differences that still have a kind of value, both for the car and the buyer, can be attributed:

  1. Gearbox operating ranges. The GL-4 API is acceptable to use on passenger cars with "stock" boxes that are not susceptible to high loads.
  2. Different viscosity. GL-4 has a smaller viscosity, both on a heated box, and not.
  3. Non-promotional properties. For the above-mentioned boxes, it is a decent option, as it has a balanced amount of impurities of copper and iron. GL-5 in its composition has significantly more copper, which will necessarily damage the box of low load range.
  4. Price. This parameter in the aspect of the difference in transmission oils is influenced exclusively on the buyer / car owner.

What kind of oil to choose when changing the configuration of the car?

What should I do if you put a more powerful engine in a car or increased HP sharply? The use of synthetic oil GL-4 will be the rational solution. The price category also plays the role. How to understand that the oil is chosen correctly and its further use does not hurt a box? Here everything is worth paying the case or feeling of "stubbornness" boxes. If this takes place, then replaced the selected need to GL-5. The fusion sample of the oil is worth to give the analysis, and the new stressed is analyzed throughout the same period of time.

If the sample will show the excess of the amount of iron, then uniquely GL-4 is not suitable. GL-5 transmission oil, thanks to a higher viscosity, creates an improved protective film, but the amount of copper impurities in the total amount of oil increases. So to speak: - Pick in two ends.

If the only solution to the protection of the box from premature wear is the use of GL-5 oil, then a compensation event that will correctly fix / reduce the amount of copper impurities will become a filter with a magnet.

Such a replacement of the unit entails additional costs, both in terms of re-equipment and traditional transmission oils. The specificity of re-equipment involves the replacement of both synchronizers and gear wheels. If synchronizers can still be attributed to the discharge of consumables, the latter should be guarded, and, in fact, use GL-5. Especially it will be useful in cases where the power of the car increases per 100 hp and more.

The main difference and rationality of the purchase

No matter how cool, the main differences of such oils is operating range. For example, the GL-4 API is used under conditions of different gravity, and GL-5 is relevant for high-speed hypoid gears and leading bridges, which, in turn, operate at sufficiently high temperature modes alternating with short-term shock loads.
The creation and preservation of native properties is very important for any unit in which any of the above-mentioned synthetic oils can be used. The choice is correct in no way ends in the purchase and use of the highest class, even the same API GL-5.

Visual example

As a visual example, you can take a popular and affordable Lanos car. To pour into his box too expensive oil seems absurd, and, as practice shows, is irrational. The box on the principle of its functioning refers to the average degree of load. Someone will say that it is better to fill GL-5 and forget about it. As mentioned above, this oil has a high anti-flawful property due to the increased concentration of copper impurities. It is copper, of course, in unnecessary quantities, literally for half a year, synchronizers and other driving elements will abate. As a result, the potential owner will receive a spoiled box and headache in the form of an additional cost of expenses.

The GL-4 API, with regard to the same "Lanos", will cost somewhat more expensive, since the frequency of planned changes of oil differs from the above-mentioned in a large side, but eliminates the possibility of premature wear of the box elements.

Note! Exhaust oil, whether it will be GL-4 or GL-5, cannot be reused in any node of the car units.


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