The marketing and advertising department is doing what. What does the marketing department do? Analysis of the marketing department at the enterprise

May 27, 2012 No comments

Many employees of the enterprise, seeing in the corridor of full-time marketers, ask themselves the question - what does the marketing department do? Some people think that behind this buzzword lies another sales department, but this is not at all true.

Initially, marketing departments are created to achieve certain goals, including development prospects, as well as various economic issues of the company. In accordance with the above, the goal of creating this department is to create recommendations on such areas of the company’s activities as:

Coordination of activities of all divisions that are related to the implementation of sales;

Given the current dynamics of the modern market, as well as resources, the definition of marketing policies for this particular enterprise.

For a department to work efficiently, its recommendations on market orientation, after appropriate approval by the management of the company, should be binding throughout the company, regardless of its division. Only then will this service work effectively, and not be just a fashionable appendage that does not carry economic benefits.

The main tasks of the marketing department include:

1. The implementation of a continuous analysis of factors that affect the company, as well as the results of its commercial activities and assessment of the state of the modern market.

2. Development of forecasts of the market share of the company, as well as forecasts of sales.

3. Development of pricing and product policies.

4. The choice of rational methods for promoting products, as well as distribution channels.

5. Carrying out market analysis (situational).

6. Development of current and long-term marketing plans for certain groups of products and for the enterprise as a whole, as well as coordination of the activities of all company departments in this area.

7. Development, together with the leadership of the company and other divisions of the strategy and goals of market activity in foreign and domestic markets.

9. Providing divisions, as well as the entire company as a whole, with market information (marketing information).

We hope you understood from our short article what the marketing department of the company is doing. In conclusion, it must be pointed out that this department is extremely important only if the tasks are set correctly and if there are qualified employees.

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There are many definitions of marketing, but it’s not so important to know all the definitions, how important it is to understand that they all reflect the single essence of marketing: in order to make a profit, the campaign must effectively, competitively sell its goods or services to the end customer.

The main goal of the marketing department at the enterprise

The primary responsibility of a marketing manager is to manage the perceived value of a company's product. Why is this necessary? The perceived value of the product directly affects the ability to receive a high rate of profit from the sale of the product, is the easiest working indicator to assess the effectiveness of the marketing department.

Improving the consumer value of the product is the main goal and priority of the marketing manager. It is with this task that the work of any specialist in this field should begin. The high value of the product increases the profitability of the exchange with the buyer, as a result of which the buyer satisfies his need, and the company receives the maximum income and profit.

Perceived value of the product (perceived value) - the apparent difference between the benefits and costs of the selection and use of the product.

It is important to understand that marketing directly affects the company's profit, which means it must occupy a key role in the structure of the company, be part of top management and have enough resources (including managerial ones) to manage the value of the goods.

The main functions and tasks of the marketing service in the enterprise

So, we figured out the main importance of marketing for the company. Now we propose to consider the tasks that a marketing specialist must fulfill in order to follow his global goal of increasing the value of a product. In practice, there are 8 key tasks of a marketing manager, performing which a specialist of any level will be able to shift the company's sales in a positive direction and increase the brand's success in the market.

Responsibilities of a marketing manager:

  • Market research and market trends
  • Consumer behavior research
  • Target Market Selection
  • Development of a competitive advantage
  • Approval of product development strategies
  • Tactical product management company
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Monitoring and analysis of work results

Now we propose to consider each task of the marketer in more detail.

Studying market needs and key trends

Market analysis is carried out by a marketing manager. He can do this on his own, or he can involve analytical research agencies in this process. It all depends on the budget and the significance of the analysis to make decisions. In the first case, the marketer conducts the research himself, draws up reports and draws conclusions. In the second case, he draws up a research plan, determines the depth of the market analysis and the basic data that must be obtained, and also helps to make the right strategic decisions based on the market research.

It is important to understand that it is the marketer who can form the overall picture of the market, divide the market into niches / segments, assess the attractiveness and viability of each segment, and identify growing and promising areas of business.

Studying target audience behavior

It is believed that it is the marketer who has the sacred and ideal knowledge of the end user. And it is precisely this knowledge that helps him to make a good product, to sell it in the right place, at the right price, with effective communication. How he does it?

The marketing manager is talking to the consumer. With the help of various studies and surveys, he forms the ideal knowledge about the needs, problems and prejudices of the target audience. And offers a product that helps solve existing problems and fits perfectly into the picture of the consumer’s world. The marketer determines the key motives for the purchase and encourages consumers to make purchases more often and to a greater extent, works with consumer prejudices that limit the purchase of campaign goods; reveals the unmet market needs for the possibility of intensive campaign growth.

Choosing a target market and target audience

Thanks to a good knowledge of the market and the target audience, the marketing manager understands which group of buyers will bring more money to the company in the long term, and also helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. It helps to decide on the choice of the target market and target audience, taking into account the potential of the market segment, competition in the segment and the company's ability to invest in product development.

Creating a competitive advantage

It is the marketer who gives the product a character, the desired image, distinguishes it from the mass variety of similar market offers. The marketing manager ensures the competitiveness of the product by analyzing competitors and creating a differentiating benefit from the purchase of the final product. He knows the weaknesses of competitors and understands what methods of competition will be effective in a particular market.

Development of a long-term strategy

It is recommended that a marketing manager be involved in the development of a long-term company development strategy. Firstly, he knows the trends of the market and the consumer of the market, which means he can find interesting free niches, point to promising segments and low-competitive markets. Secondly, he has strategic thinking and will help identify key sources of growth and existing threats to the business, and will help develop an action plan to reduce risks.

Company product management

The marketing manager knows which product, with what characteristics the consumer will like; understands what needs to be told about the product in order to stimulate the purchase; knows at what price the consumer is ready to buy the product and where it will be more efficient to sell the product.

Customer Relationship Formation

The marketing manager is responsible for the growth of the company's consumer base. He develops measures to attract new customers, retain existing and return the departed customers. The growth of a loyal customer base often becomes the key task of a marketer, as it has been proven: loyal consumers are able to provide high long-term income.

Control and analysis

A marketer is always a project manager and coordinates the activities of different departments to create the perfect product. He analyzes sets up marketing workshops and analyzes the results achieved, develops corrective measures and manages limited resources to achieve maximum results.

Tags: https: //site/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Prezentacionnyj.jpg 300 450 Igor Belov /wp-content/uploads/2018/05/logo.pngIgor Belov2014-04-20 19:48:48 2014-04-20 20:55:46 What does the marketing department do?

In every large organization, there is a mandatory marketing department, which has some specific, but at the same time important functions. Depending on the structure of the enterprise, the marketing department may vary. So, with large LLCs, OJSCs or ZAOs, this is a whole unit in which more than a dozen people work. There is a director, the bosses of the "middle arm", as well as the lower management and the well-known office plankton. As for small firms in the form of IP, the marketing department may not be provided for in them, but still there are a few people who are engaged in advertising. They are entrusted with all the functions and tasks of the marketing department.

  Thus, regardless of the size, structure and other features of the company, marketing specialists are obligatory present in it. If there is no person who is engaged in advertising and product promotion, then such an organization cannot be called a full-fledged business, because it does not shine any expansion.

Marketing is the basis of business!

I have repeatedly repeated this phrase in different variations in my previous articles, and I will gladly repeat it again. The fact is that without an effective advertising system, modern business becomes absolutely uncompetitive and will soon go bankrupt, or it will work, but it will not grow and expand. The company will freeze at one stage of its development and will not move further. Of course, there are areas of activity in which advertising is rarely used.

For example, it can be factories that have several large buyers, and they do not need new customers. But marketing is aimed not only at attracting consumers, but also at finding new employees. If few people know about your business, then only a few will come to get a job. Perhaps this is enough for you to operate normally, but it’s much better if several people apply for one place at once, because in this case you have the opportunity to choose the most competent one. And if your company does not yet have a marketing department, then create it immediately, and you will see the result in a couple of weeks.


As a rule, this department never has problems with financing, unlike, say, the department of labor protection, environmental safety, etc. And the point is not at all that marketers require little money, but that the company's profit directly depends on their activities. Why improve the quality of the goods and wait until the consumer appreciates this, when you can simply make a new attractive packaging design and increase your clientele many times over?
  With the structure of joint-stock companies, the marketing division in general constantly receives what it asks, because it is beneficial for shareholders that the company not only work to maintain, but also expand. That is why the lion's share of capitalization is divided between the production department, which increases the volume of production, and marketing, which increases the influx of consumers. The latter, in turn, will buy new products.

The main functions and tasks of the marketing department!

  1. The main function of marketers is, of course, advertising. The marketing department is engaged in the promotion of company products among consumers, concludes contracts with advertising agencies, etc. Moreover, in the modern world there are many varieties of advertising, and the task of the department is to determine which type will be the most effective and profitable.
      As mentioned above, advertising can be targeted not only to customers, but also to potential employees. The more people who want to work in a company, the more choice its management has and the more competent and competent people will work here. However, not everyone is engaged in such advertising, and even many are limited to regular newspaper advertisements. But in fact, such marketing can bring results, and some businessmen understand this. They sponsor the activities of educational institutions, create private universities only so that new and advanced specialists go to work specifically for them. To expand the organization, not only surplus goods and consumers are needed, but also employees who will produce and sell this surplus

  1. This department is also involved in planning a further marketing strategy and analyzing previous results. As a rule, this unit has action plans for the next six months, which, moreover, can be easily changed to meet the new needs of the consumer. Marketing does not stand still, and if you do not follow the innovations, then your competitors will go ahead of you, and you will be left without a clientele.
  1. Thanks to this department, the sales efficiency of a certain product is increased, because everyone knows that advertised products diverge better than a brand that no one knows. The better the marketers work, the more sales the company will have.

  1. As I said, marketing does not stand still, and every day there are more and more new ways to promote products. Do not be afraid to use the latest advertising techniques and methods, because if they turn out to be ineffective, you won’t lose much, but if the innovation really justifies itself, then the flow of customers will increase many times over in a short time.

The main task of marketing!

The main task that any marketing department strives to fulfill is to increase the company's profit and expand it. Of course, such a goal simply cannot fail to attract entrepreneurs and investors, therefore such units are created in any organization. In total, it turns out that the better the marketers work, the more income the company and its direct owners will receive.

Marketers in the law!

It often happens that it is precisely because of the activities of the marketing department that a state fine is imposed on a legal entity. The fact is that the line between effective advertising and illegal advertising is very thin, and you can cross it without even noticing. That is why it is strongly recommended that several competent lawyers be kept in this unit so that once again you do not run into lawsuits and administrative fines.

Afterword ...

In the end, I want to add that the functions and tasks of the marketing department are sometimes underestimated. This is especially true for small firms that simply do not have enough money for new employees and an advertising campaign. But remember one thing: without marketing your business will not be profitable and competitive, so before you open your organization, consider if you have enough money for marketing. And if the answer is no, then it’s better to wait a bit, earn more money and only then begin to realize yourself as a businessman.

Why is the Marketing Department Doing Strange Work? Where is the Efficiency?

Marketing is no longer just a buzzword. Managers believe that marketing should be present in the structure and therefore hire a marketer. But after a few months, they see no result, no improvement, no deterioration. What is the matter?

There are many opinions about this. Many marketers claim that management does not know what marketing, its tasks and functions are. Therefore, they cannot set specific goals and form a department.

This is partly true. Marketing is a new concept and few people understand it to the end. Yes, company owners hire marketers and cannot set goals for them. But, here's the question: “Why do marketers themselves do nothing, but wait for goals and objectives from management?”. The answer is simple, in Russia there are very few really qualified marketing specialists. Marketing is taught relatively recently, which means there are not many marketing specialists with experience. Most likely, these are not specialized specialists.

But today, marketing is taught with all its might, and applicants believe that this is a fashionable direction, such as advertising, where a creative approach is needed. From this and all the ensuing problems. If a student graduated from the institute with a degree in marketing, then he is far from an expert, because he studied only theory (if at all). Moreover, an outdated theory, which in practice means nothing.

Teachers sometimes themselves do not understand why marketing is needed and who such a marketer is. The specialist can only say: “Segmentation ... Positioning .... 4P .... SWOT analysis. " Hence the problems with marketing in Russia. Students study the theory (we assume that they study hard), but due to lack of experience, they do not know what it really is. Experts in the field of marketing with experience are not specialized (I have met marketing experts with a philological education). So what do businessmen do in a situation where no one can really say what marketing is and what it is responsible for? Take everything into your own hands! How? This digest is dedicated to this.

Let's make some corrections to our general knowledge of marketing. What we generally know about him and what marketers say. As for the theory (Kotler, Blis), the definitions of marketing are very incomprehensible and complex. In general, these definitions of pure water, the theory does not apply to a real company or business. But what do the marketers themselves who have read these books do? As a result, we have a marketing department that speaks a lot and does very little.

And in particular, the marketing department, today, is engaged in advertising, questioning, positioning, segmentation, customer satisfaction, branding. Do you know these words? Marketers love to pronounce them, they are fashionable (no offense to marketers). Why is the department that deals with advertising and research called marketing? Why does management think marketing is creative?

No one remembers that marketing is the science of the market. The science! And creating a marketing department, we accordingly create a department that deals with market research. But for what? For this you create this department? Well, maybe she’s doing a bit of advertising in our company ....

Marketing is, first of all, the science of the market. And she appeared, because many competitors appeared in the markets. In the days of Henry Ford, marketing was not needed at all, because there was no competition as such. But for the time being, for the time being. The market becomes open and attracted other participants - competitors begin to share the market. This is where marketing begins to emerge as a science, 80 years ago. In order to study the moves, events of companies, in order to use them and improve. This science tried to answer the question: “Why how do some companies succeed, while others do not?”

And today, marketing is a science that studies the market activities of organizations (no matter what - commercial or non-commercial. For example, the deputy’s actions to attract votes are the same marketing. Turkey, as a resort area, also engages in marketing). All that is connected with the organization outside (in the market) is marketing.

Over the past years, marketing, as a science, has accumulated a lot of knowledge, has developed many methods, techniques for organizations, has absorbed several other sciences, such as economics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and thereby has formed a set of methods and stages of marketing. Therefore, in order to put the knowledge of this science into practice, a marketing process is needed. And he exists, logical, consistent and effective.

Today, marketing covers all market activities of any organization. This is much more than just research and advertising. Marketing, today, is the concept of managing an organization, a business. Why so grand? Make sure of this, read on.

It is completely impossible to tell how marketing works in one article, but nevertheless, in short, I will try to state the theoretical foundations and their application in real business.

As a student, I was always touched by how the teachers of logistics and advertising argued about what was more important in business. Advertising or logistics? Who would have thought that these were complementary marketing tools?

Not much theory ....

Marketing studies the market activities of your company. Therefore, I suggest taking a look at your company in the market schematically. Any organization does not exist in a vacuum. The market is not only you and your customers. These are competitors, suppliers, possibly intermediaries, consumers, economic changes, political unrest, ecology, technological growth, culture. All of this has an impact on your organization. We will not go into detailed details of how culture has a direct impact on your company, but consider how the main market players work with you.

Like any organism on this planet, the organization must adapt to environmental conditions. The world is evolving along with changes in nature. A living organism uses the senses to receive information about the external environment, such as eyes, lungs, skin, and sense of smell. Our senses receive information and adapt the body to the environment. Also an organization. Here are just the senses are completely different. Consider how and why the organization should adapt to the market (external environment).

In order to ensure success in the market you need to find a place in it. Your organization should have regular customers and be different from competitors. The difference between competitors does not mean to be brighter or just to have an excellent slogan or logo, or to put service personnel in company clothes. This is necessary, but we are talking about something else. Each company in your market should ideally be different from the competitive ones. And that is, focus on a specific segment of customers.

Therefore, there are companies that offer expensive, medium and cheap products, beautiful, technological or simple. Depending on the selected (prospective) segment of consumers (buyers or intermediaries), preferences, tastes, needs, requirements of customers are different. So there are people who need a sports car, a jeep, inexpensive, compact car, premium sedan, or a hybrid with an electric engine. All people are different and their preferences are different, but still, they can be divided into groups according to preferences and requests.

Dividing customers into groups, we will see segments. But this is not enough to adapt the organization. After all, there are competitors and suppliers. For example, if you have chosen for yourself the segment of the most inexpensive shoes (that is, have gathered or are already offering the market low-cost shoes), then your segment probably has a competitor, and maybe not one. A competitor who also offers inexpensive shoes, like you to the same customers. How is your organization different from a competitor in your segment?

For this, it is necessary to study the customer segment in more detail. Perhaps they are not comfortable with design or reliability? As for suppliers, there are also many nuances to consider. After all, basically the basis of the difference from competitors is in the products - and your supplier, as we know, can very easily find your competitor and then again you will not be any different and buyers may not pay attention to your brand, unless of course you have an exclusive .

It is not necessary to enter one segment, there are many companies whose product line contains both expensive and cheap positions. And it is the analysis of the market that allows you to determine what place the organization should take in the market and how it should differ in order to secure a prosperous future. Having determined the segment, the requirements of customers in this segment, the offer of competitors and the availability of various suppliers of products suitable for this type of buyers, you can consider marketing tools.

I remind you that we consider marketing now, as a theory. About the organization a little later.

Knowing that group of people who will buy products with certain characteristics from you (by the way, the better you know the buyer, the more likely you are to find the difference between your company). And also, knowing the competitors of other segments and your segment, suppliers and possibly intermediaries. You need to understand how it can take this place in the market.

There are 5 marketing tools for this. These tools are the result of the preparatory work of the marketing organization.

  • Products
  • Service
  • Promotion
  • Sales channels
  • It is for the selected market segment, taking into account competitive offers and suppliers, that marketing prepares: products, services, prices, advertising, points and methods of sales. These 5 tools are called marketing mix. Mix, then that, managing, selecting, changing, replacing with these tools, your organization adapts to the conditions of the segment, while being different from competitors.

    Global manufacturers use this to the maximum. They not only take into account competitors, suppliers and buyers, but also technological progress, thereby offering something that we could not think about. It is a detailed and painstaking analysis of consumers that can provide information about them, prepare a new product to form a demand for a completely unique, new product.

    We can imagine how much time and effort is needed to prepare a new assortment, make purchases and organize a warehouse, determine future costs and set prices, train sellers and establish services, develop advertising campaigns and printed materials. And in order to prepare a marketing policy (advertising policy, pricing, product policy, sales policy) it is necessary to conduct an extensive market analysis, and then prepare a marketing strategy.

    Can your marketer or marketing department do all this? Namely, all this should be done, because this is how marketing works at 100%. Sales cannot work without promotion, promotion cannot work without pricing, pricing cannot work without sales. Everything is interconnected. Imagine that you are selling premium bags. The pricing specialist made the price too low, the advertiser promotes bags for schoolgirls, and the logistic buyer buys plastic bags.

    Yes, this is a primitive example, but it clearly displays what happens when there is no marketing management.

    How does marketing work?

  • Developing a vision.
  • Market analysis.
  • Goal setting.
  • Product positioning, company.
  • Product policy development (service is included here).
  • Development of pricing policy.
  • Development of sales policy.
  • Development of advertising policy.
  • Preparing a budget and payback plan.
  • This is a strategic marketing plan. In simple words, we answer the following questions in it:

  • Where do we go?
  • Where will we go?
  • How do we get there?
  • And now we can make sure that one person can not cope with this work. So who is preparing this plan and how?

    Your organization must have people responsible for:

  • Marketing planning
  • Market research
  • Logistics / Purchasing and / or Product Development
  • Pricing
  • Sales and Service
  • Advertising
  • Budgeting
  • Depending on the size of the company, the marketing structure will be different. If the company is small, then one person can be responsible for several areas of activity. In large companies, maybe a few people, for example, in advertising, as the volume of work increases.

    What you need to do is hire a marketing planning manager (in large companies, it can be either the general director of the company itself or the director of the marketing department). If you yourself, regardless of the size of the company, find it difficult to plan marketing yourself, then the ideal option is to hire a manager or director. By the way, in Russia, a marketer is a commercial director.

    Take your time hiring all the other marketing staff, try to find a planning manager with experience. It is important. And remember, such a person must have broad official powers - this is your right hand and more than a deputy. Further with this person, you can definitely determine the necessary amount of work and marketing structure. In a medium-sized business, ideally marketing is as follows:

  • Marketing Director - responsible for planning and execution.
  • Marketing Research Specialist - Responsible for market research.
  • Advertising Manager - responsible for promotion.
  • Director for Logistics and / or Production - responsible for procurement, warehouse logistics, production.
  • Pricing Specialist (economist) - is responsible for pricing.
  • Budgeting Specialist (economist or financier) - responsible for finance.
  • Sales Manager (Head of Sales, Director of Sales) - is responsible for sales planning, customer service, training for sellers.
  • That’s exactly what this will be highly organized marketing, because, look: you have a person in charge of promotion, a person in charge of sales and services, a person in charge of prices, a person in charge of the range and production of products, a person in charge of market research for that would correctly direct the work of all these people in the right direction and the person who monitors and controls all this.

    Now with this structure, your marketing planner can move on to developing a strategic plan. The strategic plan is prepared for 1, 3, 5, 7 or more years, but we then know what planning is in Russia, so the best option is to prepare a strategic plan every year.

    Where does it all begin.

    This is a good question). Because it all starts with developing a vision, which no one can do today. Yes Yes. Have you ever heard of a mission? Nobody believes in it, and does not want to do it. I will not convince you of this, but there will certainly be a digest. If a hired marketing planner also doubts his ability to prepare a vision, then skip this point. The negative side of lack of vision is also in the new digest.

    Further, a marketing research specialist should conduct a full-scale marketing research, both on their own and with the help of third-party companies. Then, the planning manager prepares a marketing strategy (segmentation and positioning). After that, goals are formulated in the field of target sales volumes by the planning manager and all policies are prepared together with a specialist in advertising, logistics, production, sales (what products are needed to achieve the set target sales volumes, what prices to set, what to educate sellers, how many outlets discover how much to produce, how to advertise a new product or service). Then, the budgeting specialist should determine how much money is needed and when to implement this plan.

    After agreeing on a plan, it will be implemented in a year and a new year will be prepared. This is a complete and constant cycle of analysis, planning, implementation. Despite the fact that no article will show all the significance and all the specific work of marketing, I still decided to write, why marketing does not work in many companies. This introduced you to marketing integration very briefly, but in reality everything is much more complicated. But, anyway, I hope that I helped, someone and showed in which direction it is necessary to move.

    If you have questions, you can contact me by e-mail, I am always happy to provide professional advice. I promise an individual approach.

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    Marketing department is now necessary for almost every company, because without studying the market it is very difficult to sell a product with maximum benefit. What does the marketing department actually do and what are its goals?

    Term concept

    The attitude to marketing in the business environment is controversial. Most entrepreneurs and businessmen understand the need to implement certain marketing strategies in their companies, but there are still those who take the concept of marketing negatively.

    What does the marketing department do in principle? And why were opinions divided around the need to create a department?

    In fact, all owners of shops and enterprises are engaged in marketing. It's just that those who think that they are not engaged in marketing are actually most often engaged in poor marketing. Or how-to marketing.

    When you determine the price of a product in your store, when you think about how to sell a long-lying product, when you make a decision on the purchase of a product, you are already engaged in marketing.

    Marketing in essence is the totality of all the actions that a company performs in the market. And the task of the marketing department will be to build the right market action strategy that will increase the company's sales.

    Marketing inside the company or outsourcing

    Like the activities of any department that is not directly related to production, the marketing department can be outsourced. This way of organizing the company's marketing is preferable if you need a quality implementation of new strategies, as well as in the case. when it’s not practical to pay a permanent marketer on staff.

    However, in most cases, companies still need to have a full-time employee who, even when working with non-staff specialists, will make key decisions on the implementation of a particular strategy.

    This increases the possibility and effectiveness of control.

    Which companies need a full-time marketer or marketing department

    Any manufacturing company in the modern world just needs a marketing department.

    However, it is not always necessary to have a marketer on staff. In some stores or online businesses, the marketing function is partially performed by another employee, for example, a merchandiser or category manager.

    But it is worth noting that in most cases it is easier to monitor the effectiveness of the company's sales precisely in the event that a specially dedicated specialist is focused on marketing, the motivation of which is directly related to its effectiveness.

    Marketing Department Objectives

    The marketing department has the following goals (depending on the goals, the responsibilities of the marketing department as a whole and each individual employee are formed):

    • Increasing product value in the eyes of customers. The value of the product in the eyes of the buyer is formed on the basis of ideas about the usefulness of the product and its benefits.
    • Market analysis of competitors and related products is a constant monitoring of the market of competitors and related products in order to study its dynamics, search for new sales platforms and niches.
    • The choice of target market. Identification of target audience and key customers.
    • Development of a marketing strategy. Depending on the choice of the target audience, the development of interaction with potential buyers.
    • Assortment management company.
    • Analysis of sales and success of the existing strategy for promoting goods and services.

    What is the company's marketing department for?

    What is his task? A key function of the marketing department is to build brand and customer relationships.

    In fact, everything that marketers do is done just for that.

    Accordingly, based on the main function, additional ones can be distinguished:

    • market research (study of demand, supply, customer behavior);
    • development of product policy (selection of assortment, bringing the product in proper form, packaging, proposal for goods);
    • pricing, setting pricing policies;
    • sales strategy;
    • organization of communication with the market (holding shares, branding, establishing the image of the company).


    The structure of the marketing department can vary greatly depending on the type of company, its goals and functions. What does it look like in practice?

    The marketing department at the enterprise will be very different from the marketing department of an online portal or publisher.

    Most often, the marketing department consists of a marketing director, analyst, and product promotion manager. In this case, the analyst collects market data, the promotion manager draws up a sales plan based on the data received. Also, in some cases, the department may include a specialist in assortment of goods and a person specializing exclusively in promotion on the Internet.

    Marketing department employees are usually divided into five levels, which are partially present in some companies and completely in some. It happens that in small companies the organization of the marketing department is such that one employee combines the execution of tasks at different levels.

    • strategic management (department head);
    • tactical management (department manager);
    • executive level (state marketers);
    • technical (level of implementation of marketing campaigns);
    • auxiliary (designers, copywriters, content managers).

    The task of the head will be to coordinate the actions of employees, ensuring their workload and monitoring the effectiveness of the marketing department.

    Marketing department performance

    The marketing department must constantly increase sales growth through the most complete tracking and closing of customer needs. The effectiveness of the marketing department in different companies will be calculated differently. However, there are general criteria that reflect the essence of the problem. It should be noted that the marketers themselves do not sell anything, they are creating optimal conditions for the sale.

    The effectiveness of the marketing department can be assessed by the following criteria:

    • Sales funnel efficiency.
    • Sales conversion. Ratios of the number of informed customers to customers who made a purchase.
    • Compliance of the sales plan with the real capabilities of the sales department. As a rule, this is 100% fulfillment + - 20%. If sales amounted to more than 120% or less than 80% of the plan, then the marketing department worked ineffectively in either planning or promotion.
    • The increase in enterprise profits should also be in line with the plan.
    • Optimization of the use of advertising budget.
    • Price per customer.
    • The price of one application.
    • Reaching the target audience during the marketing campaign.
    • The effectiveness of investments in a particular marketing campaign.

    Responsibilities of a marketing director or department head

    The head of the marketing department manages everything that the marketing department does. Briefly describe its functions as follows:

    • Budget planning for a company’s marketing.
    • Coordination of marketing activities.
    • Determining the need for certain marketing activities.
    • Monitoring the activities of department employees.
    • Communication with the sales department.
    • Communication with outsourcing specialists.
    • Conducting marketing campaigns.
    • Monitoring compliance with labor discipline.
    • Identification of the need for marketing activities in the company.

    Employee Requirements

    The requirements for marketing staff may also vary from company to company. Much depends on the specifics of the tasks. For example, what a marketing department at a metalworking company does will be different from marketing campaigns in a clothing store. Most often, the main requirement for employees will be the availability of specialized education or experience in this field, as well as successful cases. However, this is not always the case. The job description of the marketing department and its employees may vary depending on the specifics.

    Knowledge, skills and personal qualities that a marketer should have:

    • analytical mind;
    • knowledge of the characteristics of the studied market;
    • ability to work with a large amount of information and in multitasking mode;
    • flexibility of thinking;
    • willingness to learn something new;
    • deep understanding of the mechanisms for promoting goods on the market.

    Marketing motivation

    The marketing manager’s efficiency coefficient is usually more difficult to calculate than the sales manager’s similar indicator. If the seller’s everything is simple and is calculated by the number of calls, involved customers and sold goods and services, then the effectiveness of a marketer is more difficult to calculate at first glance.

    However, there are parameters by which its effectiveness can be evaluated:

    • Number of clients.
    • The increase in the number of customers.
    • Customer value. It is considered in this way: the entire budget spent on advertising is divided by the number of all customers.
    • The cost of the application or lead (for Internet marketers - one of the key performance indicators).
    • Percentage of increase in the number of repeat purchases.
    • The increase in the number of positive reviews about the product.

    If we consider a way to motivate a marketer, then the well-established option is the standard salary + bonus bonus part, which is considered based on KPI indicators.

    Department Interaction

    To maximize the effectiveness of the company in the market, the sales department and the marketing department must work closely.

    The marketer must collect information about customer behavior during real dialogues, and the seller must listen to all the recommendations of the marketer.

    In this case, in the interaction of the marketing department and the sales department, the following nuances should be taken into account:

    1. Communication should be established and structured. This can be an exchange of letters, communication with managers and any other.
    2. Promotion strategy should be agreed between sales and marketing. Ideally, each seller should understand why he performs certain actions. A marketer consider any feedback.

    You should not find out which department is more important. Both of them work together and are created for one purpose - building relationships with customers. In this case, the marketing department performs strategic planning, and the sales department - the tactical implementation of the campaigns.

    Internet Marketing

    If ten years ago few people knew about Internet marketing and few used it, now it’s hard to imagine a company that wouldn’t be promoting its products on the Internet.

    In some ways, the Internet is a new type of media, where much is borrowed from traditional communications.

    But the online market is different from the classic. The advantage of online trading platforms is a much simpler analytics of sales and applications.

    Modern analytical web services allow you to track a sales funnel in stages without the presence of any special knowledge and skills.

    Thanks to the introduction of Internet marketing, there are many areas of business development and, accordingly, new professions for the specialists who make up the marketing department. These are professions such as:

    • content manager - a specialist who selects content for a site or blog, as well as community on social networks;
    • SMM-specialist - a specialist who interacts with clients on social networks;
    • SEO-specialist - a person who optimizes the site for search results;
    • directologist - a specialist in setting up contextual advertising;
    • targetologist - the same directologist, only on a social network (in the marketing department staff, these two functions are combined by one specialist);
    • web analytics.

    Also, copywriters and web designers can be present in the marketing department, who also help to carry out what the marketing department in the company does.

    Consider examples of the effective use of marketing in various organizations.

    What does the marketing department at Tefal do? An excellent example of market research and the impact of the data is the change in the Tefal advertising campaign under the influence of consumer market research. Tefal manufacturers have long positioned their pans as a way to save on oil. However, when conducting surveys and focus groups, it turned out that buyers see the main advantage of the Tefal pan that, thanks to the Teflon coating, food does not stick to it, which means it is easy to clean. And that was exactly the most important advantage of the pan in the eyes of buyers. Thanks to the information received, the concept of the advertising campaign and positioning changed, which allowed a sharp increase in sales.

    What does the marketing department at P&G do? There was a time when sales of powder from the famous Ariel brand were not about to move off the ground. P&G commissioned a large-scale study on how people care for their clothes. It turned out that most of the population uses powder in only 30% of cases, using dry cleaning services in 70% of cases. At the same time, the results of the study showed that most of the powder consumers work for hire, and go to work in suits that are cleaned in dry cleaning. It also turned out that many work more efficiently when they go to work in casual clothes. And P&G allowed employees to go to work in casual wear a couple of days a week. The news was widely covered in the press. Many companies have followed suit and the detergent market has grown by 20%.

    We studied the structure of the marketing department. As you can see, this is a pretty important topic. Often, the well-being of the company depends on the proper operation of the marketing department.


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