My mom is a seamstress presentation. Presentation "seamstress profession" presentation for the lesson on the topic. Where does the seamstress work

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Authors: Beldy Natalia, student of 9th grade. (VIII species); Galochkin Alexey, student of 6th grade (VIII species); Voronina Svetlana, student of grade 6 (VIII species); Kuzminskaya Victoria, student of grade 6 (VIII species); Shvets Anastasia, student of grade 6 (VIII species). Head: educational psychologist Pascal Victoria Viktorovna.

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The seamstress dresses us in summer, winter, autumn and spring, giving us beautiful dresses and sundresses, skirts and blouses, coats and jackets. In ancient times, when primitive people wore clothes made of animal skins, they learned how to sew them using ox veins. And the primitive needle was a thin, but strong, sharpened plate of stone. Much later, the steel needle and linen thread appeared, and for many decades they remained the main tool of the seamstress. With their help, craftsmen sewed pieces of leather, fur, fabric. The first sewing machines appeared in the 18th-19th centuries. At first, they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually mechanics introduced more and more improvements to the device of sewing machines. And now, with the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, overcast buttonholes, quilt lining and even sew on buttons.

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What is the job of a seamstress? Now it largely depends on where the seamstress works. Whether he sews clothes according to an individual (i.e., a single, separate) order, works in an atelier or at a sewing factory. If the master works in a studio, then he is part of a small team, in which each has his own duties. Some of the tailors perform manual work with a needle, scissors, a piece of chalk, someone works on sewing machines - joins the details of clothing with seams and stitches, someone is busy ironing a dress, coat or blouse. It is important that the finished item pleases the customer! If a seamstress works at a garment factory, then here she is part of a large team. Clothes in factories are sewn in large batches, and models are developed by fashion designers. The cut fabric is handed over to the brigade: some of them sweep it away, others sew it, and still others iron it.

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Let's think together with you what character traits a seamstress needs? Sociability - the ability to communicate easily and freely with the customer, the ability to listen to him and understand how he wants to see his new coat or dress. She also needs taste, the ability to work carefully, painstakingly, achieving perfection, so that people say: "This seamstress has golden hands!"

state treasury educational institution of the Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education boarding school VIII kind stanitsa of Grushevskaya Aksay district

Class teacher N.N. Balashova

The work of a seamstress is held in high esteem

This is an important, necessary work,

The seamstress is fashionable and beautiful

Sews clothes for everyone!

The first sewing machines appeared in the 18th century. At first, they performed only the simplest operations of sewing the edges of the fabric, but gradually mechanics introduced more and more improvements to the device of sewing machines. And now, with the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to embroider, overcast buttonholes, quilt lining and even sew on buttons. The first garment factory appeared in the 19th century - it was then that the profession of a seamstress became in demand. ...

Where to get a profession:

Sewing skills can be mastered in vocational schools or special courses. In addition, you can learn sewing skills directly in practice at sewing factories, watching how professionals work.

History of the profession

  • Tailoring is a very ancient profession that is very popular. We now call them designers.
  • A tailor (from other Russian port - a cut or piece of fabric, clothing; outdated Swiss, seamstress) is a handicraft profession for making clothes from textile fabrics.

History of the profession

  • In ancient times, primitive people learned how to sew animal skins using ox veins. And the primitive needle was a thin but strong pointed plate made of stone. Steel needle and linen thread appeared much later, and for many decades they remained the main tools of the tailor. With their help, craftsmen sewed pieces of leather, fur, fabric.

interesting fact

  • The first tailors were men. They were very scrupulous in their craft and did not divulge the secrets of their craft to women. Skills and skills were passed from father to son.

Tailor or seamstress

  • The tailor is different from seamstresses higher qualifications, he can sew a product from beginning to end, while a seamstress specializes in performing one operation of a sewing production - for example, he processes all the details or only a certain knot of a garment on a sewing machine (seamstress-minder).
  • As a rule, a tailor works in an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes for individual orders, and a seamstress - in conditions of mass production in a factory, where all operations of the sewing process are clearly distributed among the workers.

A tailor can work independently or in a team, performing work on sewing, restoration and alteration of garments. He takes part in the development of new models, has the skills of manual and machine production of works on sewing products of various groups for different categories of clients. Designs clothes, makes patterns, is engaged in the manufacture and processing of parts of garments, ironing of finished garments. If the tailor performs all the technological operations himself when sewing a product individually, then when sewing products by the brigade method, these operations are distributed among the members of the team.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

A qualified tailor should know:

 mathematics, drawing, drawing, human anatomy;

 classification of fabrics for sewing garments;

 technology for processing parts, basics of modeling clothes, technology for working on sewing equipment, etc.

A qualified tailor must be able to :

• use technological equipment;

 draw sketches of models, prepare templates and adjust models in

depending on the individual wishes of the customer;

 organize a workplace, observe safety rules, etc.

Personal qualities of a tailor

  • impeccable sense of style;
  • scrupulousness;
  • patience;
  • responsibility;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to sketch and draw;
  • volumetric eye;
  • vivid imagination;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy.

Career prospects

Possible ways of developing a tailor:

the tailor can improve his skills, and

also master related specializations,

such as: master of industrial training, fashion designer, sewing technologist, etc.

You can become a top-class professional only after graduating from a higher educational institution in one of the the best universities of light industry in Russia , which include:

  • Moscow State Textile University. A.N. Kosygin;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design;
  • National Design Institute of the Union of Designers of Russia;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

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Slide captions:

Profession - seamstress sequence of work of a tailor, seamstress Performed by: Medvedeva Ya.V.

the formation of children's ideas about the role of labor and the importance of the profession of a seamstress in the life of society. Objectives: -to cultivate a sense of respect for the work of adults; - to enrich the vocabulary of children through familiarization with the subjects necessary in the work of a seamstress; - to form elementary experience of professional actions in children; -Continue to teach to observe safety precautions when working with piercing and cutting objects. Purpose:

First, measure the dimensions with a centimeter tape, that is, take measurements. Taking measurements

Then they draw a pattern on paper. Creating a pattern

The seamstress cuts out parts of the future product. Cutting model parts

And only then the seamstress or tailor baits (sews) manually, with a needle and thread, they try on whether everything fits in size Sewing parts by hand

A hand-sewn product must be tried on and adjusted to fit. First fitting

Which needs to be ironed to give the product a good look. Ironing

The finished product is finally tried on. Fitting the finished product

And give it to the client. Delivery of the finished product

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Memo for parents. The sequence of work to correct violations of sound pronunciation.

At the beginning of the school year, after examining the speech of children, the speech therapist reflects information about the disturbed sounds in the child's individual notebook. So it is easier for parents to track the dynamics of development ...


To educate a person intellectually without educating him morally is to raise a threat to society. Theodore Roosevelt ...


In the booklet you will find exercises for the development of speech breathing, as well as the technique for performing these exercises ...

The ability to dress people -
ancient craft.
At all times there have been
respected profession
seamstresses and dressmakers.

From the history

Primitive people sewed clothes with
using ox veins with a stone needle
or fish bone.
Later, a steel needle appeared and a lot
has been the main
seamstress tool.
In the 18th - 19th centuries, the first
sewing machines.

With a modern sewing machine you can:

To sew
Overcast hinges
Quilting the gasket
Sew on buttons

Where does the seamstress work?

Individual order (seamstress
performs all operations on
tailoring myself)
Atelier (a small team at
everyone has their own responsibilities)
Factory (seamstress member of the big
team, cut fabric
some sweep away, others
sew, the third iron)

Individual order



Fashion designer

Develops models

Sewing equipment operator

Works for
factory or in
types of work on


Works in a studio. He helps
the customer to choose the style of the product,
takes measurements from him, cuts
fabric, makes fitting of the product

Clothing repair tailor

Works in a repair shop
clothes. He is renovating
linen, outerwear.


Works in an atelier, workshop,
garment factory. Performs ironing
various parts or finished

The seamstress must be able to

To communicate with people
Have a taste
Work carefully, painstakingly



Sewing business: textbook. for 5 cl. specialist. (corrected) educ.
Institutions of the VIII type / Kartushina G.B. Brain G.G. - 4th ed. -
M.: Education, 2007 .-- 160 p.
[Electronic resource]. -
: http: // text \u003d% D0% BA% D0%
B0% D1% 80% D1% 82% D0% B8% D0% BD% D0% BA% D0% B8
% 20% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE% D1% 84% D0% B5% D1% 8
1% D1% 81% D0% B8% D0% B9
Author compiled by: Naumenkova S.P. primary teacher
classes of SOGOU Dukhovshchinskaya special
/ correctional / boarding school No. 1 of the VIII type


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