Optimal systems with extreme control objectives. Extreme project management - doug decarlo Pros and cons of XPM

XPM is not limited to software development. Extreme project management will be effective for experienced teams that implement innovative projects, startups, work in chaotic, unpredictable conditions.

What is Extreme Project Management?

The XPM concept was developed in 2004. But it would be unfair to consider him the only developer. Doug was inspired by a number of techniques from other authors:

  • model of radical project management Rob Tomset,
  • APM Jim Highsmith,
  • extreme programming concept Kenta Beck.

DeCarlo invested in Extreme Project Management chaos theory and complex adaptive systems.

Chaos theory is a mathematical field dedicated to the description and study of the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems, which under certain conditions are subject to the so-called dynamic chaos.
A complex adaptive system is a system of many interacting components that meets a number of conditions (fractal structure, capacity for adaptive activity, etc.). Examples of CAS include a city, ecosystems, and the stock market.

Doug compares extreme project management to jazz.

Although jazz can sound chaotic, it has its own structure, thanks to which musicians have the opportunity to improvise and create real masterpieces.

Rather than going down the beaten path, at Extreme Project Management, project managers discuss the best alternative with the client, experiment, study the results, and use that knowledge in the next project cycle.

One of the properties of some chaotic systems,
which are the objects of consideration of the theory of chaos - the "butterfly effect",
popularized after Ray Bradbury's "And Thunder Came"

Brian Wernham, author of "", outlined five steps an Extreme Project Management team must follow to successfully complete a project:

  1. See- clearly state the vision of the project before starting extreme project management
  2. To create- involve the team in creative thought process and brainstorming to create and select ideas to achieve the established vision of the project
  3. Refresh- encourage the team to test their ideas through the implementation of innovative solutions
  4. Overestimate- when approaching the end of the development cycle, the team must re-evaluate their work
  5. To distribute- after completing the training, it is important to disseminate knowledge and apply it to future stages of the project, as well as to new projects in general.

Since people are at the forefront of Extreme Project Management, this also determines the specifics of measuring the success of an XPM project:

  • users are satisfied with the progress and intermediate deliveries - there is a feeling that the project is moving in the right direction, despite the surrounding instability.
  • users are happy with the final delivery.
  • team members are satisfied with the quality of their lives while working on the project. If you ask them if they would like to work on a similar project, most of them say yes.

Pros and cons of XPM

Among the main advantages of the methodology are the following:

  • integrity- despite the fact that Extreme Project Management includes a variety of methods, tools and templates, they only make sense when applied to the entire project as a whole. As a project manager, you can see the entire project as a single system without the need to analyze its individual parts
  • human-centeredness- XPM focuses on project dynamics. It allows stakeholders to interact and communicate, and ultimately - to meet the needs of the client.
  • focus on business- Once the result is achieved, you will have a clear vision of how the project can benefit your client. The team is constantly focused on early and frequent product delivery
  • humanism Is one of the principles of Extreme Project Management. It consists in taking into account the quality of life of the people involved in the project. Being an integral part of the project, the passion for work and the corporate spirit strongly affect the business, therefore, the physical and morale of the team is important during the work on the project.
  • reality as a basis- extreme project management allows you to work in an unpredictable, chaotic environment. You cannot change reality to fit the project. The opposite happens: you adapt the project to external factors.

Not without its drawbacks. These include:

  • uncertainty- this feature cuts off a large sector of projects, starting with those with a critical hazard (military facilities, nuclear power plants, Internet banking applications, etc.), ending with tender projects with a strictly agreed budget, terms and other properties of the project;
  • high requirements for the experience and qualifications of the project team- it is necessary to constantly adapt to changes in the project environment, establish effective communication with each other, stakeholders and the project manager, and work in short iterations (the latter is relevant for the IT sphere);
  • the need to change the way of thinking- unlike traditional project management, in which work on a project proceeds according to the usual stages, according to the approved plan and roles, the XPM team needs to rebuild and be prepared for the impossibility of complete control over the project;
  • impossibility of long-term planning- yesterday's plan for relevance will not be fresh news for the last month. For the team to work correctly to achieve the goal of the project, it is necessary to show the qualities of flexibility and self-organization.

  1. the project is being created in a dynamic environment- there is a constant change of circumstances, speed, requirements;
  2. possible application trial and error in work on a project;
  3. an experienced team is working on the project- unlike traditional project management, people are at the forefront, not processes;
  4. developing an application- during the development life cycle, the software in most cases manages to change its functionality or expand the list of available platforms. The more users use the software, the more changes can be made, for which extreme project management is perfect.
  5. this is a meta project- that is, which is divided into many small projects. XPM in this case will help to cope with the delay in the start of work;
  6. the business owner is ready to participate in the work on the project from start to finish. Connections must be made "Project manager - businessman",
    « project manager- stakeholder ",
    "project manager - business owner - stakeholder".
Stakeholders are people and organizations that influence the project in one way or another. This includes those who are actively involved in it (project team, sponsor), and those who will use the results of the project (customer), and people who can influence the project, although they do not participate in it (shareholders, partner companies).

Extreme project management requires quick adaptation of the team to the unusual, constantly changing conditions in which they have to work. Therefore, there are several key rules that are required for the effective use of Extreme Project Management:

A basic example of a difference classic project management from extreme... In the first, the planned result is achieved, in the second, the desired one.

eXtreme Project Management:
Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility Doug DeCarlo

# 1 for anyone looking to master Extreme Project Management. Based on experience with over 250 project teams, the author has written a comprehensive guide to Extreme Project Management. The book is praised by project managers of major international organizations: Management Solutions Group, Inc., Zero Boundary Inc., Guru Unlimited, etc.

Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme,
Third Edition Robert K. Vysotsky

After reading which, you can get an idea of ​​not only extreme project management, but also adaptive. Interesting - at the end of each chapter, questions are given to organize the submitted material, which is full of real cases of projects from different areas.

Radical Project Management Rob Thomsett

Extreme project management is presented from "A" to "Z", each tool and technique, with the help of which Extreme Project Management is implemented, is disassembled. Maximum practical information with case studies.

Architectural Practices: Extreme Project Management for Architects

Not a book, but, but it is impossible not to include it in the collection because of its uniqueness. This is a great resource for using XPM in architecture and construction. Unfortunately, the author of the site no longer updates it, but the page is still good as a cheat sheet.


the art and science of facilitating and managing the flow of thoughts, emotions and actions in a way that maximizes results in difficult and volatile conditions.

The reasons for XPM's success among other management techniques lie in three dimensions:

  1. Extreme Project Management makes it possible continuous self-correction and self-improvement in real time;
  2. XPM focuses on defining and following the mission of the project instilling confidence in stakeholders and the project team;
  3. human-centeredness, humanism and the priority of people over processes as key features of the methodology.

The main most common types of extreme systems, in which the static mode of operation of an object is optimized, are extreme systems that ensure the operation of an object at the extreme point of its static characteristics.

The static characteristic should reflect the relationship between the quality function of the object and the operating parameters of the object.

It is advisable to use extreme self-propelled guns:

1. There is an indicator of quality (technical and economic, characterizing the operation of an object, and this dependence has a pronounced extremum) (most often)

2. Benefits from increased quality functionality.

3. There is a possibility of the current definition of the quality functional.

The control device in this case is called an optimizer or extreme regulator.

The quality functional for setting the operating mode is written:, where is the change, which determines the operating mode of the object.

Depending on whether the extreme static characteristic is stable or changes during the operation of the object, extreme systems are divided into two groups: - static; - dynamic.

Static: Here, extreme control is provided, corresponding to the extremum of the static characteristics of the object with constant parameters set for a given extremum point, and the system is similar to a conventional regime stabilization system.

Dynamic: Here the characteristic can shift independently and the extremum point too. In this case, two cases are possible:

It is known how the characteristic is shifted, and program control can be dispensed with;

The displacement of the most extreme characteristic and the extreme point is of a random nature (you must first find the optimal point, then move to it).

In extreme systems, when the extreme characteristic is shifted, there can be an automatic search for the extremum and a shift to it.

In such cases, two operations are carried out:

1. Trial search engine(Determination of the ratio between the current quality index Q and Q extr and determination of the direction of movement. Reduces to the determination of the slope of the characteristic:).

2. Working(works out the found values ​​of changing the regulator setting to ensure the extremum of the function)

You can determine the magnitude and sign of the derivative or use a special stepwise method for finding an extremum.

Depending on whether an additional signal is used to search for an extremum, the systems are divided:

Systems without an additional search signal (depending on whether the slope S 0 is used in the formation of working operations or the sign of the derivative system is divided by proportional and relay(direction of movement is determined by the sign dx slave / dt = h 0 SignS = h 0 Sign, that is, the implementation of "independent search" and RO moves from one state to another and back, leading the object to the extremum of the static character Here the logic device switches when the sign of the derivative changes - this leads to a change in the setpoint of the regulator and the corresponding displacement of the regulator. They are used for low-inertia objects.). For inertial systems, the system is used. stepping type(here, at the command of the command generator through the step Dt, measuring the value of the quality indicator and comparing it with the given Q, as a result, the signal at the input does or does not reverse)

· System with add. Search. signal (a harmonic signal and a signal from a logical device are fed to the input. The search for the extremum is carried out on the basis of the study of the phase shift of the signal X n to the output of the system. The search signal in relation to the main one is the modulating signal.

Based on signal. X is superimposed harmoniously. search signal and if start signal. X resp. position to the left of the extremum point (X 1), then on out. extra. link, an additional search signal will create a harmonic. component Q * with the same f as the search signal and there will be no phase shift. Main signal X 3 - harmonic. state on out extras. link shifted rel. Search. signal at an angle –pi. Main signal X 2 - harmonic. state on out extras. the link will have f 2 times more than the original f. signal. That. by phase shift m.o. define. direction movement.

Multidimensional extreme systems. are constructed for multi-parameter objects that have several inputs and outputs, and one of the outputs has an extreme characteristic, and restrictions are imposed on the other outputs.

To build such extreme systems. use specials. methods of mat. programming and algorithmic. optimization methods.

The condition for an extremal function of several variables is the equality to zero of all its parts. derivatives with respect to parameters

In a particular case, if the generalized quality function Q is represented. extreme. static har-coy, then for design it is multidimensional. sist. m / b used the method of simplex planning, and in this case in the system. centuries device for comput. hail. extreme. har-ki and a device for forming. control signal.

The principle of constructing a device for calculating. hail. in the operation of finding an extremum depends on the method of determining. private derivatives and the type of algorithm used.

The most widely used methods are:

1.of course increments

2.time derivative

3.synchronous detection

4.applying an adaptive model

1. The finite increment method is based on replacing partial derivatives with a finite ratio. increments and defining it. In this case, the cord is alternately changed. control and comput. correspondence. it increments. yavl. components of the gradient of the function.

2. Also, the control actions are changed in turn and the quotient is calculated. derivatives and gradient functions.

Disadvantages 1 and 2: the need to alternately change control. influences and calculation of the gradient for each change of exercise. signal. This requires additional. time for calculation.

3. Control coordinates are modulated by add. harmonious. signals with different. amplitudes a ni and frequencies w ni. Number of detectors def. number independent coordinates defining the extremum of the function Q xi. Sync output signal detector. proportional to private derivative ... Because modulating signals are divided by frequency. spectrum, then made up. gradient def. parallel. With the use of a computer, this time will be MIN.

1. I (the Client), I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data received from me in the course of sending an application for information and consulting services / admission to training in educational programs.

2. I confirm that the mobile phone number I have provided is my personal phone number assigned to me by the cellular operator, and I am ready to bear responsibility for the negative consequences caused by the indication of my mobile phone number belonging to another person.

The Group of Companies includes:
1. OOO MBSh, legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.
2. ANO DPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.

3. Within the framework of this agreement, "personal data" means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training / receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Site of the Group of Companies
(namely: surname, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, e-mail address).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative of an individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation) who has filled out an Application for training / for receiving information and consulting services on the Site of the Group of Companies, thus expressing his intention to use educational / information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The group of companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application form) and maintains this information up to date.

6. The group of companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from the Group of companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The collected information allows you to send information in the form of e-mails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS distribution) to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified by the Client for the purpose of receiving services for the Group of Companies, organizing the educational process, sending important notices, such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and the organization of the educational and admission process for training in the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying the party under agreements and contracts with the Group of Companies, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

9. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive information to the e-mail address by sending an e-mail to the address:. It is also possible to refuse to receive information by e-mail at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I have been informed that at any time I can refuse to receive an SMS message to my specified mobile phone number by sending an e-mail to the address:

11. The group of companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data of the Client from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.

12. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this agreement and the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement.

13. With this agreement, I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions specified in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the access of the Client to the personalized services of the Site of the Group of Companies.

LLC MBSH legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.
LLC MBSh Consulting legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky prospect, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.

The optimization problem usually consists in finding and maintaining such control actions that ensure the extremum of a certain criterion of quality of the functioning of the control object. This problem can be solved automatically with the help of extreme controllers, which search for optimal control actions in the process of work. Systems that implement automatic search and tracking of an extremum of a certain indicator of the quality of an object's performance are called extreme control systems or automatic optimization systems. Automatic optimization systems, due to the implementation of algorithms for finding optimal controls in them, have a number of advantages, the main of which is their ability to function normally under conditions of incomplete a priori information about the object and about the disturbances acting on it. The use of extreme control systems is advisable in cases where the criterion of the quality of the object has a pronounced extremum and there are opportunities to implement the search and maintain its optimal (extreme) mode of operation. The development of the theory and technology of extreme control systems has reached a significant level at present. The industry produces typical extreme regulators (automatic optimizers) for a number of technological processes.

Extreme control systems are one of the most theoretically and practically developed classes of adaptive systems. Such objects of automatic control are called extreme, in which the static characteristic has an extremum, the position and value of which are not known and can vary continuously.

Typically, the extreme controller searches for and maintains such values ​​of the object coordinates at which the output reaches an extreme value. This mode of operation of the object and the system as a whole is optimal in terms of the minimum or maximum quality criterion. An example of a one-dimensional extreme object is an airplane. Dependence of kilometer fuel consumption y on the flight speed x characterized by the presence of an extremum, the magnitude and position of which change when the weight of the aircraft changes due to fuel consumption.

Depending on the number of extremums, objects are divided into single-extremal and multi-extremal, and in the latter case, the control task is to find a global extremum, i.e. the highest high or the lowest low. Depending on the number of control actions formed in the extreme controller, one-dimensional and multidimensional systems of extreme control are distinguished. By the nature of work in time, extreme systems can be continuous and discrete. Depending on the nature of the search signal, extreme systems with deterministic and random search signals are distinguished.

Name: Extreme project management.

Extreme Project Management is a flexible and dynamic model for projects of any type that are characterized by high speed and uncertainty, and in which failure is unacceptable.
The book Extreme Project Management provides practical guidance for leaders working with high risks and high pressure to achieve the expected end result. Drawing on Doug DeCarlo's extensive experience with over 250 project teams, his Extreme Project Management model is built on a set of agreed principles, values, skills, tools, and practices that perform well in an environment of constant change and uncertainty.

In a world where new technologies are developing and being introduced at a dizzying pace, we are increasingly faced with new types of projects. The world seems to be literally engulfed in them. These are projects where deadlines are critical, the cost of an error is extremely high, requirements change chaotically and unpredictably, and the customer may decide at the last moment that he actually needs a completely different result. Uncertainty in everything, sometimes there is too much of it, it is controlled by special people - managers of extreme projects in "project-crazy" companies.
To manage the unknown, you cannot use traditional project management based on careful planning and clear processes, this approach works worse and worse, and on some projects it does not work at all, says Doug DeCarlo. It is necessary to accept high uncertainty as the norm, learn to exist in this changing world and add “quantum” thinking to the traditional “Newtonian” project management tools.

Preface to the Russian edition.
The project is jazz 11
Foreword 13
Introduction. See the light 17
What makes extreme projects different 20
Prepare, Fire, Aim! 23
Extreme project management 2 5
Paradigm Shift 27
Part One: New Reality 31
1 Applying Quantum Thinking to Extreme Reality 33
Is there a method in your madness? 35
Linear Madness 37
Newtonian neurosis and extreme project management 39
Self-diagnostic tools 41
Are you in charge of your words? 43
This is jazz, not classical 44
Towards Peaceful Coexistence 45
Conclusion 4b
2 Extreme model of success 49
Keys to Success 49
What is a "project"? New definition 51
What is project management?
New definition 53
What is an "extreme project"? 56
What is Extreme Project Management? 56
How to measure the success of an extreme project? 59
Who determines the success of a project? 60
What are the basic elements of an extreme success model? 62
Tools, skills and conditions for achieving success:
5 Critical Success Factors 67
Part Two: Leadership Skills in an Extreme World 71
3 Leadership starts with self-discipline 75
Project-Insane Organizations 76
Self-torture formula 78
Self-Discipline Formula 82
Applying to higher authorities 98
4 The Role of a Leader for an Extreme Project Manager 103
The Role of the Extreme Project Manager 104
Participants: Project Environment Management Extreme Project 112
You're in a Process Leader 118
Nine Reasons for Failure of an Extreme Project Manager 129
You Are Much Stronger Than You Can Imagine 131
If Commitment Is Impossible 135
5 Principles, Values ​​and Interpersonal Skills for the Project Leader 139
4 Accelerators: How to Unleash Motivation and Foster Innovation 141
10 Shared Values: How to Establish Mutual Trust for Success 146
4 Business questions: how to ensure that the customer gets valuable results at every stage 150
Developing interpersonal skills in an extreme world 152
Principles for Effective Communication 159
How to Negotiate 165
Conflict Resolution 178
If all else fails 180
6 Management of an extreme team 183
Process Values ​​184
Command Description 186
Building a core team 188
Creation of conditions for successful team work 197
Rules for Conducting Effective Meetings 210
Facilitator Skills 216
Decision Making and Problem Solving 220
How to Earn the Right to Become a Process Leader 227
7 Management of participants in an extreme project 233
Difficulties in managing participants 234
Business values ​​237
Relationship Management 238
Universe of Participants 238
Project Participant Management 244
The role of the steering committee 258
How to Deal with the 260 Illusory Cycle of Claims
Change management: you created them, but will they take root? 261
Business Question 4: Is it worth it? 269
Part Three: Agile Project Model 271
8 Project Vision: Understanding the sponsor's vision for the project 279
The answer to the first business question: who needs it and why? 280
First meeting with sponsor 284
Start of work on the Charter of project 295
Second meeting with sponsor 304
9 Developing a Project Vision: Building a Shared Vision 311
Preparing for the third meeting with the sponsor 312
Obtain or Not Obtain Permit: Third Sponsor Meeting 320
Preparing for Framework Meeting 327
Conducting a framework meeting 332
After meeting 346
10 Project Evaluation: Planning Meeting 357
Preparing for the Planning Meeting 359
Twelve Stages of a Planning Meeting Zb 1
11 Project Appraisal: Post-Planning Activities 397
Assessment of Project Management Infrastructure 399
Assessment of financial claims 400
12 Stage of Project Update: learning by doing 413
Main Driving Forces 414
Creation of time blocks 418
Application of the IPSSR 420 model
Purpose of the renovation phase of project 432
13 Project Reassessment: Determining the Destiny of the Project 443
What the re-evaluation of the 44b project is not
Revaluation process 447
14 Implementation of the project: obtaining an economic effect 467
What happened to the fourth business question: is it worth it? 470
The moment of transmission of the result 472
Stabilization period 473
Project Review Meeting 474
Realizing Benefits 477
Part Four: Managing the Project Environment 489
15 Real-time communication 491
What are the basic communication needs of the project participants? 495
What are the main characteristics of a viable real-time communication system? 497
What does a real-time communication system consist of? 499
Where can you find the right solutions to get you started quickly? 502
What are the technical requirements for
planning and running virtual meetings? 506
What you need to know about planning and running web conferences? 509
How not to fall into the trap? 510
16. Flexible Organization: A Management Briefing 513
New dynamics of project 515
How Organizational Leadership Can Undermine Effective Project Management 517
The role of the 520 project sponsor
Agile Organization: Worst and Best Approaches 523
Reaching an Agreement 538
Transition period 540
The world is getting more extreme 541
Afterword by Robert K. Wysotsky 543
Extreme Means and Techniques 547
Means and methods of self-discipline 547
Interpersonal tools and skills 5b3
Facilitator Techniques 572
Project Management Tools 580
References 583


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