Rostourism has created an operational headquarters for clients of Natalie Tours and DSBW. Rostourism created an operational headquarters for clients "Natalie Tours" and DSBW Natalie tours urgent help phone

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow has opened a "hot line" in connection with the situation with the tour operator "Natalie Tours", the press service of the department reported.

“In connection with the information posted on the official website of the tour operator Natalie Tours about the cancellation of all booked and paid tours, the Moscow Department of Rospotrebnadzor promptly opened a hotline on consumer rights to receive emergency assistance and compensation for losses,” the statement says. message.

Rospotrebnadzor draws the attention of consumers that in the event of an announcement of the suspension of activities due to the impossibility of fulfilling obligations under concluded contracts for the provision of tourism services, obligation to return Money paid by the tourist, in accordance with the law, is assigned to the organization that insured the civil liability of the tour operator, or the organization that provided the bank guarantee.

“The consumer also has the right to demand compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the provision of services of inadequate quality, compensation for moral damage. In case of failure to reach an agreement upon termination of the contract for the provision of tourist services and the return of funds by Natalie Tours, the necessary consultations and explanations will be provided by phone hotline management: 8-495-785-37-41. You can also receive recommendations on obtaining emergency assistance and compensation for losses in connection with the termination of the tour operator’s activities, as well as free assistance in drawing up claims and statements of claim against the service provider by calling: 8-495-687-39-61 (consulting department services of FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow")", - explained in the department.

It is noted that in the office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow on weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00 a public reception is open, by contacting which you can get the necessary clarifications on the conflict situation that has arisen and help in drawing up a claim against the service provider and statement of claim to court.

“In the event that consumers are denied satisfaction of legal requirements, the Moscow Department of Rospotrebnadzor is ready to immediately file lawsuits in court in defense of their rights. The situation remains under the control of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow, ”the department concluded.

On Wednesday, July 4, the Panorama Tour tour operator (Natalie Tours brand) announced that it was canceling all tours for the period from July 4 to September 30, 2018. At the end of June, the company canceled its own flight programs to Barcelona, ​​Rimini, Catania, Naples, Antalya and Heraklion.

Earlier, the company's president Vladimir Vorobyov said that Natalie Tours plans to resume sales of tours from October 1, 2018.

Tour operator Natalie tours offers its customers a wide range of profitable travel offers for various directions. By contacting the company for help, the client can not only purchase a ticket to any direction he is interested in, but also issue or renew a passport, and obtain a visa. All that is required of him is to provide the necessary package of documents. Their transfer to the appropriate authorities and the registration procedure will be undertaken by the employees of Natalie Tours.

Hotline Natalie Tours Moscow operates around the clock. So if a client has problems, he can count on help at any time of the day or night.

Tour operator Natalie tours Moscow tour search

Tour Search given operator can be done in two main ways: by calling Natalie Tours Moscow and arranging a meeting at the company's office or directly on the company's official website. In recent years, the latter option has become increasingly popular among potential consumers of tourism services.

Addresses in Moscow Working mode Phone
1 Dolgorukovskaya, 7 8‒800‒700‒17‒71
2 Zemlyanoy Val, 64 st2Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
3 Taras Shevchenko embankment, 23Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
4 Gross, 21 k125Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
5 Tsvetnoy boulevard, 1Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
6 Mira prospect, 75 building 1Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
7 Strastnoy Boulevard, 8aMon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
8 Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya, 1Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
9 Volgogradsky prospect, 10 building 2Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
10 Leningradsky prospect, 33aMon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
11 Leningradsky prospect, 33aMon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71
12 Rusakovskaya, 31Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00, Sat: 10:00-20:00, Sun: 10:00-18:008‒800‒700‒17‒71

The editors of the professional portal site tested the work of the hotline organized by Rostourism on July 4 to inform tourists about the situation around Natalie Tours and recommendations on actions to be taken by those whose trips through this tour operator are disrupted.

It was possible to contact the phone numbers listed on the website of the department only after half an hour of continuous attempts, although both lines were free. As it turned out, the questions are answered by employees of the Turpomoshch association, and not by Rostourism.

Cancellation of tours "Natalie Tours": an algorithm for the victims

On July 4, the president of Natalie Tours, Vladimir Vorobyov, announced that the company was forced to cancel all tours. Industry lawyer Dimitry Morozov has prepared an algorithm of actions for tourists and travel agencies in this situation. We publish the expert's recommendations in full.

The situation around "Natalie" on the "hot line" was called "force majeure", characterizing it with this term financial difficulties travel agencies.

The operator evaded answering the question of who and on what basis will pay compensation for a disrupted trip in conditions where the tour operator did not even announce the termination of activities, although it cannot fulfill its obligations to the tourist. Obviously, the tourism departments were not ready for such a situation and cannot yet give effective advice to travelers on what to do. After all, all the recommendations received are relevant precisely for the case of an official statement of the tour operator about leaving the market. Characteristically, even the creation of an interdepartmental operational headquarters in Rostourism is explained on the agency’s website by “suspension of the activities of tour operators Natalie Tours and DSBW-Tours, although the first of these companies claims that it will continue to work.

We add that Rospotrebnadzor also posted recommendations on obtaining emergency assistance and compensation for losses to tourists on its website. But they also refer only to the option of suspending the tour operator activity of the company.


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