Maintaining a time sheet. Employee time sheet. It is required for use.

Human behavior is, in most cases, a manifestation of his emotional state, unconscious fears and desires, complexes. And if a person is unable to cope with his inner experiences, then his behavior can easily become not very pleasant for others. One of the negative manifestations of a psychological state is a cry.

Why does a person scream: the main reasons

  • Shouting, rudeness in conversation, dispute is resorted to by the one who cannot convey his thought, prove his innocence in other ways. This is often characteristic of people who are not too smart, as well as those who, deep down in their hearts, admit that they are wrong, but still strive to get what they want in some way.
  • To show who is the boss in the house, that is, to achieve recognition of his authority, power.
  • They shout in order to take out their anger, bitterness, resentment, envy and other negative emotions on others. That is, to make the other feel bad, as if taking revenge on him for his own misfortune (even if the person is not at all to blame for this).
  • Often people who are accustomed to this kind of communication raise their voices and are rude. Perhaps this is how they communicated in their family. Or maybe, little attention was paid to a person in childhood, and he was used to attracting him to himself through shouting, daring antics, rudeness.

As you can see, regardless of the reason for the cry, we are dealing with a person who clearly has something wrong in life. Understanding this, you may be able to more easily endure this kind of rudeness, not take it as a personal insult. After all, a cry is nothing more than a manifestation of a person's inner discomfort.

There are people who constantly speak in a raised voice. "Do not scream!" - we ask them. And they answer: “I don’t shout, it’s my voice!” They are cunning, their voice is normal, but high and loud notes betray the psychological problems of these people. Let's try to figure out which ones.

One of my acquaintances to the question: "Why did you break up with this woman, because you loved her so much, you were even ready to adopt her children from your first marriage?" - answered: “They yell all the time. For any reason. It is unbearable!"

You've probably noticed that in moments of excitement or uncertainty, we often begin to speak louder than usual. As if we are defending ourselves or asking for help without knowing it ourselves. If you hear a scream, you need to react. By and large, the cry is the notorious "SOS!"
Change, etc.

That is, ultimately, the cry is addressed to others. Sometimes it is very important. And it requires an immediate response. In general, he says that a person is bad and needs help. It seems that everything is transparent, what else is there to discuss.

But, it turns out, not everything is so simple. Sometimes raised tones are used to other purposes:

Suppressing others
Suppressing your own fear and anxiety
Self-affirmation, etc.

After all, screaming may just be a bad habit soaked in the milk of a negligent mother who constantly yelled at her baby.

The habit of yelling comes from childhood

There are families where they yell at children a lot. Why? You can try to find a logical explanation for this, such as the fact that the child does not hear and does not perceive the usual tone of speech, he has to be addressed many times, therefore we shout, they say, so that it will get through faster.

This, in my opinion, is the main secret of parental raised tones. I want to achieve results faster and with less effort. It's just too lazy to explain something to a child, to persuade him long and tediously. It’s easier and faster to shout, and everything will be our way. But in the end, a certain style and communication algorithm is developed in the child's mind. And gradually he gets used to screaming and demands more and more decibels and more and more angry parental reaction. And then he himself learns to communicate with people in a raised voice.

So the usual parental laziness gives rise to long-lasting problems in communication and human life. In adulthood, we invariably copy the parental patterns of behavior learned in childhood. It turns out that "this is my voice!" since childhood. Many of us, in our conscious adult life, have to struggle with, among other things, the habit of solving issues in a raised voice.

Screaming doesn't solve problems

Among other things, this is the easiest way to resolve a conflict or problem. He seems to be lying on the surface. In fact, screaming does not solve problems, or rather, it only leads to temporary and superficial results. Most likely, in order to avoid the negative effect that someone else's cry has on the psyche, eardrums and our mood, we will fulfill the request, do something to stop this cry. So to speak, we will take emergency measures. But the very cause of the conflict will remain unresolved, the situation will repeat itself sooner or later, and then wait for a new attack of screaming.

The wife can raise her voice as much as she likes at the husband who throws his socks everywhere. And to avoid her screaming, he will pretend that he is trying to be neat. But this will not be his conscious decision, connected with the understanding that this should be done so as not to create problems for his wife and not disturb the order in the house. It is rather a favor that does not eradicate bad habit... It is worth temporarily removing the source of irritation from the apartment (that is, the wife), as the socks again scatter around the entire perimeter of the dwelling.

You have probably noticed that it is difficult for us to do something out of a stick, that is, under the influence of an angry shout. A person is so constructed, the most valuable are his conscious actions. That is, those that he does voluntarily from his own good motives. How to achieve such voluntary, deliberate behavior from children and adults is a question for another article. But it can be quite difficult to achieve this by shouting, especially if this style of communication is familiar in your environment. People get used to everything, including, unfortunately, to screams, no longer perceiving them as extreme distress signals.

Sometimes you have to watch unbridled voice battles on various political and talk shows. Everyone is shouting, no one hears anyone, no one respects, and no one wants to understand. Sometimes the same type of dialogue happens between spouses. As a result, the truth is not born, the problem is not solved, but the abyss of misunderstanding increases and the conflict is aggravated. Worst of all, love and respect are gone ...

Don't get in on the screams

Whatever the reason for the raised tones, do not be like the screaming and do not go to the level of his decibels. Sometimes it is quite obvious that this is exactly what he wants. Be calmer, wiser and stronger. Calm analysis of the situation, an emphatically quiet voice sometimes acts amazingly like a lightning rod. Better yet, mirror the state of your opponent, agreeing with his cry and trying to explain it from your point of view. " I understand that you freak out, that you feel bad, that you are nervous, etc. I feel bad too… But ... Come on ...»

These three magic words should help you pull the sufferer out of the screaming state.

I understand… You do not repulse it, do not dismiss it as an obsessive, noisy fly, whose buzzing you are pretty tired of or pissed off. You are trying to understand and accept what is happening to him. This is your first and main step.
But… It gives you the opportunity to express your attitude to what is happening, helps the person in distress to look at the situation from a different angle, find feedback, tune in to analyze the situation and help find a way out of it.
Let's try… This is already magic. The rescue. Exit. This is what was actually expected of you, raising your voice. Here the result depends only on your wisdom, kindness and breadth of soul.

In general, we all, perhaps, need to remember: when a person is good and happy, he does not shout. Maybe we just need to become kinder and help each other be happy, and then negatively charged screams and raised tones will leave our lives.

Why do people scream? Well, of course - from pain, in a situation of danger. Sometimes with delight and joy ... But that's not what I mean. Why do people yell at their children, wives, husbands, parents, subordinates, colleagues, passengers and drivers, sellers and buyers, and so on and on and on? .. It seems that the answer is obvious: everyone yells for their own reasons, of which an insane set ... But still, what are these reasons that make us offend close and not very close people, "lose face", breaking down on colleagues or completely strangers?

A man screams when he is dissatisfied with himself

Many years ago I read the phrase: "A man shouts when he is dissatisfied with himself." The phrase stuck in my brain and radically changed my attitude towards screaming as such. If you look, what can make you yell at, for example, a child? Lessons learned? Unwashed dishes? Inappropriate communication with adults or disobedience?

But excuse me, weren't you raising this child from the first days of his life ?! You, it is you, did not teach him diligence, understanding, diligence, did not bring up politeness and respect in the child. Genetics? Well, excuse me, then either you yourself carry these shortcomings and that means there is nothing to be surprised at, or, again, you chose a carrier of vicious genes for your child as parents (fathers or mothers) ... What does the child have to do with it?

Or, let's take subordinates, for example. Failed to prepare a report, cannot cope with the assigned work, is daring? Dumb, lazy, liar? Wait a minute, didn't you hire him? This means that either you failed to adequately assess the competence of an employee when hiring him, or, which, in my opinion, is more terrible, you were afraid to hire a competent employee because of your unwillingness to pay decently for competent work or out of fear of being hooked ... So what now "Foam"? It is much more honest to admit your mistake and fire, or on the contrary, if the situation is not hopeless - to help, teach, educate.

Do you not like your colleagues, work, bosses? Excuse me, didn't you choose this job? And also a supermarket for shopping, a foreman for repairing your own apartment ... The kitten that wrote to you in your shoes, most likely, you bought it yourself, you don’t find time to bring it up, and, by the way, you didn’t hide the shoes yourself ... Yes, in general- then, and your soul mate, most likely, your neighbors did not choose ...

Aware of the above

Realizing the above, it is not the first year that I have tried not to scream. It would be untrue to say that it always works, but every time the phrase “a person screams when he is dissatisfied with himself” flashes in the brain, and I understand the uselessness and incorrectness of such behavior. Sometimes I feel ashamed of my behavior, sometimes I scold myself for incontinence and “loss of face”, but over and over again I am convinced that the cry is an admission of my own weakness and mistakes.

Is there anything I can advise you? I think I can, but your right is to use my advice or not. If you are shouted at, try to understand why this is happening in this case, what exactly makes the screamer raise his voice here and now, in relation to you or your loved ones. Do not get angry, do not be offended, do not answer with a shout. Your opponent is overwhelmed with emotions, perhaps he does not even understand that in 99% of cases only he is to blame for the fact that now he needs to "blow off steam" in this way. Not responding to a cry is not weakness, but strength. I can’t imagine an intelligent, strong and self-confident person screaming. Be wiser.

And yet - shout

And yet - shout! Scream with joy and wild delight. Shout, descending on a sled from a snow-covered mountain, shout from the cold spray, running into the not too warm sea. Shout, overcoming the threshold of a mountain stream, shout, descending on a parachute. Shout for joy when meeting friends with whom, for various reasons, have not seen for a long time. Scream from the tickle inflicted by the rough tongue of the insanely happy puppy at you. Scream with happiness when you hear your child's first word. Women - scream during childbirth, men - scream under the windows of maternity hospitals. Scream for love!

Live in harmony with yourself and be happy.

ARTICLES on the same TOPIC

Tue, 24 December, 2019 - 16:00
Energy of Money
700 UAH

Any business pays wages based on actual hours or days worked. These data for accounting and payment of wages according to hours worked require a special form for primary accounting. Such a form is considered to be a timesheet.

Below is information about this document, its rules for filling out according to the working hours worked at the enterprise.

Why is this document necessary and why should I issue it?

It should start with the fact that the timesheet is a document that every employer or his agent must maintain in the enterprise, regardless of the number of employees and the form of ownership in the staffing table.

If this document will be absent from the enterprise, this will lead to the responsibility of the management in the form of fines when checked by the labor protection body.

In the case when labor remuneration occupies a very significant place in the costs of the enterprise, the documents during the tax audit can issue a hypothesis regarding the unjustified accrual of salary and its exclusion from the list of expenses of the enterprise. In this case, unpleasant consequences will take place.

Forms T-12 and T-13: rules and stages of filling out

The timesheet is kept every working day of the month, and on the last day, a report on the total number of days / hours worked is prepared... The completed document is transferred to the accounting department.

Here is an example of instructions for filling out a time sheet and calculating wages, taking as a basis the forms T-12 and T-13. They are not significantly different.

  • At the top, the name of the organization should be indicated in accordance with the constituent documents and the name structural unit if available.
  • The cells "compilation date" (the last day of the working month) and "document number" are filled in.
  • V " reporting period"The time interval from which the number is calculated is indicated wage according to plan.
  • The first column in the timesheet indicates the ordinal number of employees.
  • Columns 2-3 are filled in on the basis of personal cards of employees in accordance with the T-2 form, instituted on the basis of an order for admission to the enterprise.
  • Columns 4 and 6 are intended for codes of expenditure of working time and information on the number of hours worked in the past month.
  • Columns 5 and 7 are intended to mark intermediate results for two halves of the month.
  • Columns 8-17 are filled in at the end of the reporting month.
  • The total number of days does not include the days of absence of the employee (sick leave, business trips, absenteeism, weekends).
  • Columns 14 and 16 are filled with the number of days and hours.
  • 15 - code of reason for not showing up for work
  • 17 - the total number of holidays, days off of the employee for the reporting month.

The document is signed by an employee of the personnel department, structural unit, director or any person authorized by him.

Drawing up a timesheet with a shift schedule and other nuances

According to the 91st article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employer must keep a record of the actual hours worked by each employee... Working hours are paid according to physical location at the place of work. They are calculated by registering the appearance and non-appearance at the workplace.

Shift work is a condition collective agreement and must be documented. Work in shifts can be carried out exclusively according to the shift schedule in accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It takes into account daily working hours and frequency of shifts. The shift schedule in this case acts as a local independent normative act.

To coordinate work on night shifts, it is required that the work be included in the list determined by the contract or act of the employer under article 97 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In practice, the most often used schedule is the daily work of the "time-rate regime". With the time-based regime, the worked shifts per month are taken into account, and its duration should be the same throughout the entire period. Work performed in excess of the duration cannot be compensated for by a defect on another day or time off.

If the conditions of the enterprise do not allow observing the working conditions in accordance with Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they undertake the introduction of a summarized accounting of the working time. Shift work can be combined with the introduction of time tracking. The procedure for introducing cumulative accounting in the company is regulated exclusively by internal work schedule... Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only requires not to exceed the nominal number of work units per month.

The following video describes in detail the procedure for maintaining a timesheet:

Sanctions in case of incorrect filling of the timesheet

In the course of tax and financial audits, auditors may find the following types of violations in filling out the time sheet:

  • salary data do not correspond to those specified in the primary reporting documents and the report card;
  • salary data do not correspond to those specified in the payment and settlement documents and the report card;
  • the use of codes and designations is incorrect;
  • overtime or overtime is not included;
  • calculation of the amount of benefits on a sheet of temporary disability.

Violations can lead to the imposition of penalties on the accountant or employer up to 5000 rubles... Failure to have a timesheet or its absence in the workplace during the audit of auditors may entail an administrative penalty in accordance with Article 5.27 and the imposition of fines on the head of the unit in the amount up to 50,000 rubles.


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