The prestige of working professions among young people. Personnel hunger. How to raise the prestige of blue-collar occupations? Attention - to the collective agreement

In addition, even educational standards become obsolete faster than specialists can learn. Meanwhile, today companies are setting themselves new trend in the development of the economy - they increase the attractiveness of blue-collar occupations. Young, but dynamically developing market players are especially indicative in this regard. Among them is LokoTech Group of Companies - the largest domestic company in the field of railway engineering, which in just a few years has become the leader of the traction rolling stock service market. The company currently serves thousands of locomotive sections across the country. The Deputy General Director for Personnel and organizational development GC "LocoTech" Natalia Pletenetskaya.

- Natalya Aleksandrovna, your company operates in 64 out of 84 Russian regions. Where and what kind of specialists are you looking for?

- We have 10 locomotive repair plants, about 90 service depots, 250 points of presence in almost all regions of the country, and in order to maintain the status of an expert in the field of locomotive repair, we must constantly deal with professionals in their field. But we, like many others industrial companies, we are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. The payroll of our company at the beginning of June is 60,258 people. 70% of them are working personnel. Can you imagine how many specialists we need?

The most difficult situation is in the Far East. As a business that has a large factory and a number of depots there, we see that local residents still continue to leave there. As a rule, the reason for leaving small towns is the lack of social infrastructure. Sometimes this is an elementary shortage of kindergartens and the proper quality of education. Unfortunately, small settlements today they are not adapted for comfortable living of people, in contrast to large cities.

From those regions where the extractive industry is most developed, for example, in Siberia, young people leave less often, but even there we feel a lack of personnel, because alternative employers are also interested in finding specialists in blue-collar specialties. If we consider the southern territories - Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan, etc., then here we are faced with another problem - the seasonality of workers. This is mainly connected with agricultural work - in the fall people come to us, and in the summer, on the contrary, it is quite difficult to find personnel.

Of course, among the local residents there are those who have established a foothold and work. Some of our repair plants have a history of over 100 years. And we have employees who have worked for 30-40 years within the same enterprise. There are even labor dynasties where children and grandchildren came to work for us. However, we mostly feel a shortage of personnel - especially for young and middle-aged workers.

Do young people still want to be economists and lawyers?

- I would not generalize so. In my opinion, if we talk about the guys who higher education do not receive, then today, on the contrary, the majority go not to economic specialties, but to technical ones, where exact sciences prevail. There is no clear trend in the preference of blue-collar occupations, but there is a feeling that now there is a whole category of young people who have an interest in occupations where one can make money with their hands. The modern generation differs from the previous one in that they strive to make quick money and enjoy life. Having earned, they can leave, try themselves in a completely different field of activity, and then return again. And we, as a business, must adapt to these trends and the speed of today.

And what kind of workers are the most difficult to attract?

- First of all, turners. This is a profession where a skill is acquired only with work experience. It would seem that what is easier - to drill required amount holes in the part, but no. Real craftsmen can process the material with minimum tolerances only when the hand is full, and for a certain machine, equipment. Therefore, we often have cases when we, developing in any region, know practically all the best turners, and they work with us.

What are your requirements for working professionals?

- We employ different personnel. Sometimes people come to us to get jobs with no education at all, from places of imprisonment; this topic is especially relevant for distant regions. We take responsibility for the re-socialization of such people, as they must return to society. In the absence of qualifications, the first two months after hiring, our employees undergo compulsory vocational training. They receive a certificate of conferring a profession - and only then can they start independent work. We give the opportunity to constantly improve their level not only for low-grade workers, but also for experienced craftsmen. For example, we in the company determined for ourselves that in order to more effectively comply with the technology for performing work on the repair of locomotives, we need an average grade of 4.7 (now the company has 4.3). Thus, our task is to increase the bit depth of workers so that their qualifications allow them to carry out repairs with greater quality and high speed.

You have now touched important topic corporate education. It turns out that you yourself train workers according to your profile?

- Now we are creating our own Corporate University on the basis of the Ussuriysk locomotive repair plant. The primary task is to train workers according to our specialized programs, for example, for each series of locomotives, for different types of equipment, etc. Complete course training is designed for 300 hours, of which two-thirds is internship at the enterprise. Now we are preparing the material, technical and methodological base for training - we develop and approve programs, choose the best visual aids, prepare electronic content for LMS with 3D visualization of locomotive units and mechanisms. In total, by the end of the year, we plan to train 120 people at our Corporate University.

But this is not enough, given the scale of your company. How are you currently training workers?

- Of course not enough, we are just launching the project. In the future, employees in other regions where our repair plants are located will also receive distance learning at the Corporate University. But today we also actively interact with the personnel - we train and retrain over 12 thousand people annually in working professions alone. We enable our workers to improve qualifying rank, master the second profession. For example, if before a person was only a turner, then, after completing additional training, he will be able to work as a milling machine. We also train highly specialized workers within the company. Do you know who the NDT inspectors are? They reveal the presence of defects on various mechanisms - whether or not the locomotive needs to be repaired, which parts are to be restarted, etc.

Please tell us how your personnel development system is structured as a whole?

- We have a code corporate culture- the mission, vision and values ​​of the company must be shared by all employees. Based on the code, a corporate competence model is formed. On the basis of this model, a personnel development system is being created. In turn, the system itself implies different types training separately for each type of competence - separately for managers, separately for line managers and specialists, separately for young workers, as well as students and workers. Of course, there is an assessment of the effectiveness of each of our five competencies and specific employees, which ultimately leads to an understandable financial and economic result of the company's activities.

In addition to training and retraining of working personnel, a huge part of our work is associated with attracting young people. We are actively working with universities, attracting 4–5 year students to participate in corporate projects. For example, in June our company is holding the final stage of the Growth Points competition. Both students and young employees of the company participate in this competition. Required condition- new projects should not only relate to narrow activities at the enterprise, but also show a specific business result, high efficiency. In this case, the winners of the competition will receive prizes, and the project itself will be scaled up to a number of enterprises, where similar series of locomotives are repaired or serviced.

How do you prepare leaders based on your system?

- Leaders are a special category, but for some reason, there is a misconception among most people that they can not be trained. It is not right. Leaders must always be trained. They must constantly develop and improve, since everything that happens in the company rests on them. Moreover, in most cases, we ourselves strive to raise local leaders, and not attract them from the general labor market. Our company has enough narrow specialization, we have 250 points of presence in almost all regions of the country - and it is not always possible to quickly transfer someone there from our other branches.

Last year, we implemented a large training program "Change Management", which was attended by 523 people - from deputy depot managers to the best masters... In our company, we have introduced the practice of internal coaching - these are special courses from leading employees of the enterprise on the development of operational and managerial competencies, which are conducted at factories, depots, and branches. Since there are many of us, and we want all employees to speak the same language, have common concepts and approaches, we conducted seminars in the form of a webinar - in our opinion, today this form of training is the most effective, both in terms of personnel costs, and the speed of knowledge transfer. As a result, those line managers who have successfully mastered our program are now our talent pool.

What competencies should managers have?what do they not know?

- Most new leaders have a gap in managerial competencies- for example, in the ability to set tasks for subordinates. At first glance, everything seems obvious. The locomotive came for repairs. The foreman must gather the foremen, distribute assignments. Motivate them. Set a due date for this task. Then come and check how this task was completed. Then take into account the work that was done in the future. Distribute correctly according to regulatory documents monetary rewards - reward those who have coped with the task, chide the laggards and show them an example of how to work.

And certainly, if people who have management skills. However, in relation to management, many act on a whim - someone remembers how his past leader set tasks for his subordinates, someone is trying to educate himself. Unfortunately, we are faced with the fact that in the traditional educational system such practical knowledge is not taught. In our company, we need an extremely clear process, understandable tasks and an obvious result, since everything is tied to time. The locomotive has entered the depot - after a certain time it should leave. Strict adherence to the schedule is required. Craftsmen are the backbone of our company, who organize the work of workers. The clearer the master works, the more efficient the whole company is. Therefore, the masters must have the skills operational management- motivation, setting tasks, monitoring tasks. In addition, we teach how to resolve complex issues, the ability to negotiate and deal without conflicts. These essential communication skills are constantly required in business, both with customers and with colleagues.

And yet, finally, how do you attract personnel to your company in addition to education? social guarantees?

- One of the forms of securing employees in our company is a collective agreement - this is a tripartite agreement between the company, trade union organization and an employee. We provide our employees with all sorts of benefits and guarantees - the opportunity to purchase vouchers for sanatorium treatment, travel tickets, payment for kindergartens, etc. We also attach great importance to social issues... We hold all kinds of cultural and festive events, all kinds of competitions. We always emphasize that a person is important to us not only as an employee, but also his personal qualities. Everyone can read about himself in the corporate newspaper if he has distinguished himself somewhere - maybe he plays in a rock band in his free time, is a donor or saved the lives of other people.

By the way, just to emphasize how important it is for us to thank a working man, we held the Heroes of Our Time award three years ago. It was clean at first corporate project- at our factories we were looking for people who have done various things: someone helps animals, someone grows a forest, someone saved a person in a fire, etc. But in three years the project has become truly all-Russian. Since last year, employees of not only our companies, but also others have taken part in it (in 2017, more than 100 applications were received from 17 enterprises). Starting this year, the organization of "Heroes of Our Time" will be dealt with by the Center social projects"Be human". We will remain in the status of a general partner.

Interestingly, our recent corporate survey revealed the following: about 70% of employees are completely satisfied with their work in the company.

To fully develop in our team, you need a desire to work, actively develop - then employees will boldly move up the career ladder... There is no need to be afraid of change. Recently, they say that robots will replace our work, and we ourselves, in the future development of the digital economy. This is not true. If people continue to improve themselves intellectually, then robots will not replace us. We will only control robots. Our activities will change. And those specialists who understand this and acquire new knowledge will always be in demand.

It's no secret that the Russian manufacturing sector in general and the Orenburg sector in particular has long been experiencing a shortage of those who can, and most importantly, want to work with their hands. The assertion that blue-collar occupations are low-paid and unattractive is firmly entrenched in the public mind. In industrial enterprises, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel at all levels - from workers to engineers - and young people are not interested and do not want to enter vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, since they do not feel the prestige of working specialties.

According to Minister of Labor and Employment of the Orenburg Region Vyacheslav Kuzmin, it is impossible to consider the issues of the prestige of professions, youth employment without understanding the foundations of economic development.

On the one hand, over the past seven years, the gross regional product has grown from 500 to 850 billion rubles, respectively, and the budget has grown from 50 to 80 billion rubles, says the minister. - On the other hand, we have the presidential decrees in May requiring an increase in the salaries of workers in health care, education, and culture. All this is a non-production sphere, in which products as such are not produced. Where can I get the funds? It is clear that they can appear only due to an increase in labor productivity, economic development, and, as a consequence, an increase in budget revenues.

An increase in labor productivity is possible subject to the technical re-equipment of production, the introduction of new efficient equipment and technologies, the intensification of labor, rational organization production processes and depends on the professional competence of personnel.

The current type of economy assumes constant improvement work force through her training and professional development and dictates the need for labor resources of a qualitatively different type.

However, we often have cases when a specialist, having a diploma in a particular specialty, new technique, as they say, I did not see it in my eyes, - says Vyacheslav Kuzmin. - The situation is even worse when a so-called specialist, having received a diploma, believes that now he should not learn anything and anywhere.

Today, there are 10 thousand vacancies in the region for 14.4 thousand unemployed. And there is often no one to fill these vacancies, since there are no employees with suitable qualifications.

Educational and industrial symbiosis

So that specialists of the proper qualification leave technical schools and colleges, they do not stand still and educational programs... Starting from the next academic year, a new educational standard is being introduced, designed to radically change the approach to teaching in secondary vocational educational institutions.

- The Ministry of Labor of Russia has compiled a list of professions in demand on the labor market that require an average vocational education, - said the head of the professional education department of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region Larisa Filkova. - This list was named "TOP-50" professions. It was compiled on the basis of the country's requests, the benchmark was high-tech industries, as well as the service sector. At the same time, the requirements for the competence of participants in competitions within the framework of WorldSkills championships were taken into account.

According to the regional Ministry of Education, this year 31 organizations with specialized vocational education in the region are ready to accept about 1,500 applicants.

These requirements also set new approaches to teaching itself - in order to educate a competent and qualified specialist, first you need to invest in teachers who can transfer knowledge of the proper level.

In order for future specialists to receive not only theoretical, but also practical skills already in the process of training, and it is precisely those that will be needed in a specific production in the future, colleges and technical schools enter into a kind of symbiosis with industrial enterprises. Such mutually beneficial cooperation has been built, for example, between the Strela Production Association and the OSU University College. The company spent funds and purchased necessary equipment, where students from different colleges can have an internship. As he says Deputy Director of the College Sergei Dorofeev, thus gaining experience throughout the training, the company receives a ready-made specialist with the skills that are needed exactly at this place of work.

But here it is important to understand that successful career waiting only for those who are really interested in building it. The sooner a student decides on his future profession, the more likely it is that he will go through all the stages preceding the birth of a real professional. These are the guys who come to the Orenburg College of Service.

- We have guys who, even before admission, go to our various courses in order to get to know the profession better, - shares Director of the College of Service Tatiana Malgina... - Therefore, after graduation, almost 100% of graduates find a job. Over the past couple of years, I can remember only one case when our student ended up at the labor exchange.

Piece goods

If specialists are fully prepared to work in production, then they are snapped up like hot cakes. But let's be honest, this doesn't happen as often as we would like. Situations when enterprises retrain or retrain those who came to them with a diploma have become quite commonplace.

- We understand that we have a specific production, and therefore ready-made specialists who can come to our enterprise and immediately start work, we simply will not find, - says Olga Kosova, Head of Personnel Management Service, Plastic LLC... “That is why we have developed an institute of mentoring in production, when more professional employees share their experience with young people.

A somewhat different situation has developed at the Kushkul greenhouses eco-farm. The company works with completely new technologies, growing vegetables in greenhouses.

- Unfortunately, when we faced the problem of finding employees for our enterprise, we found out that the Orenburg Regional Agrarian University does not prepare such specialists, - she shared Eco-farm HR manager Julia Chusova... “Therefore, we decided to train ourselves practically from scratch those who wish to work with us. As a result, we literally get a piece product that fully meets our requirements.

Experts see the root of the problems in the low prestige of blue-collar professions in the fact that at a certain period of time the state missed the opportunity to regulate the labor market.

- In the 90s, when the main thing for the state was to pull young people out of the gateways, they began to massively recruit graduates for humanitarian specialties- says Andrey Kirillov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Consumer Market, Services and Entrepreneurship Development of the Orenburg Administration. - It was then that we received a mass graduation of economists and lawyers who simply oversaturated the labor market. Today, despite targeted recruiting and other attempts to regulate the social order for personnel, the state has not debugged this system. In any case, the solution to the problem is in a dialogue between all parties involved in the process, including between the business community as a potential employer.

All the participants of the round table agreed with this, admitting that a constructive dialogue took place, which means that each participant got an idea of ​​what to work on for each side, in order to ultimately solve personnel problems in the region by joint efforts.


Upbringing in isolation from life

Anna Pavlenko, head of the youth policy department of the Orenburg administration:

“Unfortunately, today, when we come to schools and conduct career guidance events, we see, then up to graduation, schoolchildren have no idea who they want to be in the future. In order for them to get the opportunity to get better acquainted with the working specialties, we offer them to work during the summer holidays. The employment situation of adolescents also leaves much to be desired. Earlier, more guys asked for work. Today, there are cases when mothers are brought to the headquarters for the employment of adolescents. In addition, schoolchildren no longer want to be engaged in landscaping and cleaning of territories. They are more attracted to work in offices, although they do not have enough qualifications for it. What is the reason? In many factors, but I believe that lion's share responsibility lies with education. Unfortunately, today children are protected from life as much as possible, protected from everything and often too much. Schoolchildren don't see manual labor because enterprises are afraid to take responsibility and monitor the safety of working with a teenager. Even labor lessons in school today have turned into theoretical ones. Where, then, do we get locksmiths and turners, if the children do not even know what the machines look like? "

Evgeniya Matrusenko, Chief Specialist Department of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety Industrial Safety Department of Gazpromneft-Orenburg LLC:

“To work at our enterprise requires a certain qualification, since we have a complex modern production. To adapt a specialist, we organize training for him in refresher courses, as well as attach a mentor to support him in the first months labor activity... Representatives of each profession are tested annually, according to the results of which the question of the need for additional training... Professional educational institutions, of course, give the future specialist certain knowledge about the methods of certain works. But to work in such a specific production as oil production, a specialist can only be taught in a company. But that's not all: it is not enough to be a qualified worker, it is important to do your job safely. And along with a worthy wages and social package "Gazpromneft-Orenburg" offers its employees safe working conditions. One of the main corporate values companies - industrial safety and labor protection. In our work, we strive to achieve the "Goal - Zero". This means zero harm to human health, zero harm to the environment, zero harm to the equipment we work on. To this end, the company implements a set of preventive measures, for example, the "5 steps of safety" program, which are designed to form a correct understanding of these important issues, to improve the production culture. The company invests large sums of money in the appropriate training of personnel, provision of all employees with modern and high-quality personal protective equipment. I would like to note that our enterprise is included in the regional register of the most conscientious employers, annually confirms the title of the best enterprise in the Orenburg region in the field of labor protection. Such a significant status for us is the result of systematic work within the framework of the general corporate policy in the field of industrial safety. "


Lilia Kosheleva, head of the personnel management department of the Orenburg branch of EnergosbyT Plus, JSC:

“We have positions for which we accept even without work experience - with initial vocational and secondary vocational education. These are specialties that do not require special qualifications: controllers, technicians, contact center operators. If people want to develop further and get a more serious position, then they will certainly need to get a higher professional education. Personnel policy of our company is aimed at helping to develop its employees. There is an opportunity to study, receive education at the expense of the company, a mentoring system works. We need highly qualified specialists, but if we cannot find them, we train them ourselves.

We are happy to promote the employees of our company up the career ladder. We have developed horizontal and vertical rotation. For positions that require a high level of competence and are accordingly highly paid, we, as a rule, appoint those who have already worked for us for some time. But employees must show that they are ready to learn: perhaps linger after work, learn new software systems.

Every month we accept up to 10 people in all branches of the company in the Orenburg region. The level of the initial salary is not less than 15 thousand rubles. However, if the employee proves himself, he has a chance to earn more and occupy a high position. The company is present in 17 regions. And our former employees today they work at the highest level positions in other cities. In general, there are a lot of opportunities for the development of young specialists. And if a person wants to try his hand, he can declare himself in several ways. First, to come to practice, after which many young people remain at the enterprise. He can also send a resume: in electronic or paper form... Because of internal transfers we almost always need controllers and contact center employees, we invite new employees to these positions ”.

Alexander Shlychkov, head of the training and production center of JSC PA Strela:

“Is the region experiencing a shortage of workers? I would say more precisely: the region is experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel. A skilled worker, for example, a turner, can become only after 5-6 years of work. Our training and production center has existed since the 60s. Today, annually about 500 people from schools, universities and colleges come to us - and the specialists of the UOC introduce them to production process, technologies used at the merger, modern high-precision equipment. We are licensed to train in 65 professions. For this, the training center has all the conditions: equipped classrooms, an excellent computer class, a production site where 8 machines are installed. These are versatile and CNC machines. All specialists who teach theoretical disciplines have been trained in the psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational training for adults. Future machine operators first undergo theoretical training. These are such subjects as: metal science, tolerances and technical measurements, reading drawings and diagrams, labor protection, special technologies - everything that a highly qualified worker should know.

Direct costs for training, for example, a turner are about 60 thousand rubles. In addition, every month we pay the student a salary of 1 minimum wage.

However, some students still do not finish their studies: they leave, realizing that these are not their professions. But there are very few of them - less than 3%. The rest remain in production. The company has signed contracts with many educational institutions, from where many children come to practice. And yet, only we ourselves can fully prepare an employee for our specifics. Yes, we select employees, we keep only the best. But we also pay decent wages- and this is on average more than 40 thousand rubles. about the plant - and we know for sure that people are interested in their work, they are interested in it and will remain at the enterprise. "


List of professions in demand in the labor market of the region for May 2017 *:

  • doctors of various specializations;
  • nurse;
  • teachers of various specializations;
  • car driver;
  • cashier;
  • Cook;
  • machine operator;
  • locksmith for the repair of rolling stock;
  • turner;
  • tractor driver.

* according to the regional Ministry of Labor and Employment

It has long been known that prestige is the most important criterion for a professional choice. A distinctive feature of prestige is the degree of respect for a given object, as well as the influence of the person who has mastered this object or given activity. In an era of change public system, in which Russia is not very happy, the problem of the prestige of the chosen activity has a special meaning. As is known, in critical historical epochs, the social mobility of the population increases, namely, the transition from one social sphere to another is noticeably facilitated. The former "elite" sharply reduces their mental abilities and activities. And on the contrary, some of those people who used to belong to the "lower" strata of society are quickly enriching themselves, gaining social influence. In particular, the appearance in Russia of the so-called “new Russians” is, first of all, the trend of the “new elite”.

Basically, a young man chooses this particular profession, not because he is attracted by the labor process and its content (he still does not really know, has not felt all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen professions), the young man rather chooses a certain way of life, where the profession is just one thing from the means of building your own happiness. This explains why many adolescents and young people choose professions such as a lawyer or an economist: by themselves, these professions are unlikely to be of interest to most young people (work with regulations and financial reports - this is still an "amateur"), but it is these professions that still allow a person to earn a lot and build a certain, "rich", "comfortable", and the most necessary - a "prestigious" way of life.

A teenager who self-determines has the risk of making a mistake in his choice when the prestige of professions changes: he focused on prestige and “elitism,” but ended up among the so-called losers, among the mass of a huge number of unclaimed specialists.

Just getting teens thinking about the future is not enough. We need to provide them with a means of thinking about these difficult problems. But these problems, indeed, are the most difficult and important, since we are talking about social forecasting. If you do not understand in time where our country is heading, you can make a big mistake with the professional choice, because it is unclear in what “space” to self-determine.

Self-knowledge and self-esteem influence correct professional self-determination. If they are not correct, wrong self-determination occurs. Unfortunately, correct self-assessment is available to a small number of students. Basically, they tend to either overestimate themselves or underestimate.

The prestige of a profession is determined by the content (share of creative functions, creative functions, creative character) of the given type of work and the degree of popularity of the profession. A job that involves monotonous manual operations or does not give career prospects leads to the low prestige of the corresponding professions. When it comes to prestige and popularity, one should not forget about social and psychological factors. Even the name of the profession matters here: there are cases when its change significantly increased the prestige of this profession.

List of aspects by which the most prestigious profession, differs in variety. It contains the conditions and level of salary, confidence in the stability of one's position, the opportunity for creativity, free work schedule, opportunities for career advancement, access to power, work abroad, independence, etc.

When choosing future specialty each of us, as a rule, strives to get one of the most prestigious and popular professions and to be in demand, well-paid specialist in a few years. In order not to be mistaken on initial stage, it is worth considering the fact that the type of professions in demand changes every five years, and the very demand and prestige depend on many factors, such as: the political and economic situation in the country, technological process development of a certain region. Therefore, connecting your life with a specific profession, you need to think well and analyze its characteristics, as well as possible combinations of the chosen profession with any other.

I represent the opinion of experts, according to which, by 2016-2017, the “ten” of the most prestigious and demanded professions will look like this:

Engineers. Due to the fact that large-scale city-forming industries appear in some of the largest cities and regions of the country, as well as the rapidly developing international industrial partnership, there is already an acute shortage of professional engineers, technicians and middle managers in production. A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially appreciated.

IT specialists and computer hardware developers. AND Information technologies and communications are the most rapidly developing sphere at the moment all over the world and in Russia in particular. It is assumed that for several more decades, specialists who create, debug software and those supporting it, digital broadcasting professionals and web designers will be some of the most sought-after and highly paid.

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology. Since at the moment in Russia the development and implementation of nanotechnologies (technologies based on working with molecules and atoms) is a federal target program government, then, of course, in the near future, the demand for nanotechnology specialists will grow in almost all areas: in mechanical engineering, in space technologies, in Food Industry as well as in medicine.

Experts combining electronics and biotechnology. Biotechnologies using biological systems and their elements are widely used today in agriculture where genetically modified products are obtained using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. In addition, they are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical industries and other industries. The purpose of scientific developments can be, for example, the creation of new power supplies or electronic circuits based on living microorganisms.

Marketers. According to experts, in ten years Russian market there will be oversaturation of goods and services, therefore, the country will need marketers - company strategists whose task is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and meeting the interests of producers and consumers; conduct market research, develop business plans, offer the most profitable options for investing the company's money.

Service specialists. The growing demand for professions in the service sector in the next decade is due to the need of the country's population for high-quality service. Therefore, the need for such specialists as private doctors, lawyers, teachers, medical workers, psychologists, image makers, managers, specialists in the field of creating official and entertainment events, employees of cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, shops.

Logisticians. Russia's entry into the world market will provoke the need for professional logisticians involved in the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of commodity circulation.

Ecologists. It is assumed that in the future, an increasing place will be occupied by the problems of preserving environment... Accordingly, the demand for professional ecologists with knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, computer modeling skills and natural processes will increase.

Medical professionals associated with the search for life extension means. In ten years, specialists in the field of medicine predict in our country the introduction into practice of the achievements in the field of electronics and biotechnology, which have already been developed at the moment, associated with the search for means of extending human life. Consequently, this will entail the need for practitioners.

Chemists. Specialists in the field of chemistry, first of all, will be in demand in the field of energy, since now work is underway to develop alternative energy sources, despite the existing oil reserves.

Finishing the first chapter of the curriculum work, you can do the following output.

Professional self-determination is a multidimensional and multistage process in which the tasks of society are singled out and an individual lifestyle is formed, part of which is professional activity... The period of adolescence is a period of self-determination. Social, personal, professional, spiritual and practical self-determination constitutes the main task of adolescence. The process of self-determination is based on the choice of the future field of activity. Professional self-determination is associated with the tasks of social and personal self-determination, with the determination of life prospects, with the design of the future. The main goal of professional self-determination is the gradual formation of internal readiness to independently and consciously plan, adjust and implement the prospects for one's development (professional, life, personal).

The journal "Accreditation in Education" acted as an information partner of the First Open Championship of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University held in February according to the WorldSkills rules. Within the framework of the competition, a seminar "Staffing of highly productive workplaces" was held. The events aroused great interest in vocational education organizations in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Arkhangelsk regions and Krasnoyarsk.

M.V. AFANASIEV, Director of the International Scientific and Educational Center "Metalworking Automated Production" of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Doctor economic sciences, Professor

E.I. SHAROV, Assistant at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

The goal of the international movement WorldSkills International (WSI) is to increase the prestige of blue-collar occupations and develop professional education by harmonizing best practices and professional standards around the world. Currently, 72 countries, including Russia, participate in the organization and conduct of professional excellence competitions within the WSI.

The first such competition in the northern capital, held in the status of the semifinals of the national championship in the North-West federal district on four high-tech competencies, was held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University at the end of February.

The organizers were two SPbPU centers - the Computer Engineering Center and the Metalworking Automated Manufacturing Center, and the main co-organizers were the WorldSkills Russia Union and the WorldSkills Russia Regional Coordination Center (WSR) in St. Petersburg.

The championship was attended by representatives of 13 educational institutions from St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Murmansk regions. For three days, the participants demonstrated their professional skills to experts and guests of the competition, mentors shared their experience of preparing for competitions of this level and took an active part in monitoring compliance with high WSI standards and judging.

The result of the competition for the competence "Milling work on CNC machines" was a confident victory for Yuri Zaitsev, a representative of the College of Shipbuilding and Applied Technologies (St. Petersburg). Vyacheslav Sushkov, representing the Kirov Polytechnic College (Leningrad Region), became the best in the competence "Turning on CNC machines".

For the first time in Russia, a team competition was held on presentation competencies "Computer-Aided Design in CAD / CAM and Manufacturing on CNC Machines" and "Computer-Aided Design in CAD / CAM and Manufacturing on 3D Printers", where the participants needed not only to create a 3D model, but it is also possible to make a part in metal or plastic. Egor Vasilenko, a student of the St. state university telecommunications them. Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg State University of Technology (St. Petersburg), and Yusuf Rakhimov, a student of the Industrial and Technological College (St. Petersburg). Kirill Gladkov (Malokhtinsky College, St. Petersburg) and Artem Domrachev (Industrial and Technological College, St. Petersburg) received the coveted cup for the victory in the second competence.

The President of the WorldSkills Russia Union Pavel Chernykh, who highly appreciated the level of the championship, suggested organizing a training base in SPbPU for the members of the national team, which in August 2015 will go to defend the honor of our country at the 43rd World Championship. professional skills in Sao Paulo (Brazil).

In January 2015, Russia submitted an official application to host the 2019 WorldSkills Competition. The relevant documents were signed general manager WorldSkills Russia Union Robert Urazov and Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Training of Workers and Further Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Official Delegate of Russian Federation at WSI Natalia Zolotareva. Kazan became a candidate city.

The WorldSkills Russia movement is actively supported by the Head of State and the Government of the Russian Federation. in particular, at a meeting with leaders of education projects in January, Dmitry Medvedev noted: “I am convinced that holding such a championship in Russia is a good opportunity to once again draw attention to working professions. And if we are lucky and the decision is made in favor of our country, we will do our best to hold this event at the highest level. "

Information from the website of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

Within the framework of the First Open Championship of SPbPU according to WorldSkills rules, a seminar “Staffing of highly productive workplaces” was held. The aim was to exchange experience of the leading training centers of the Russian Federation (universities, colleges, resource centers) on the training of specialists for high-performance jobs in production and engineering technologies.

The seminar addressed the issues of training specialists in production and engineering technologies based on WSI standards, convergence of employer requirements and professional competencies graduates (tools and implementation mechanisms), certification of workplaces and workers of enterprises based on the principles of WSI.

The seminar was attended by 46 representatives of SPbPU, professional education organizations of St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Arkhangelsk regions and Krasnoyarsk, involved in the international movement WSI. The speakers were the heads of a number of industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg and high-tech foreign companies- partners of professional skills competitions.

It was about state of the art and the prospects for the development of the WorldSkills movement in Russia, instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and federal ministries in the field of increasing the international competitiveness of students and graduates of domestic educational organizations. Special attention was paid to the issues of introducing WSI standards into the educational process, improving professional standards taking into account the principles of WSI, positive experience foreign countries in this direction.

The speakers spoke about the problems of staffing enterprises, aging staff and the need to expand the competence of line employees. When educational organizations, industrial enterprises and high-tech companies join forces, good results are achieved. The importance of joint training for import substitution technological development Russia is certainly great. Joint training centers allow students not only to get acquainted with modern equipment and foreign technologies in practice, but also to receive a double diploma.

After the completion of the main speeches, a transfer was organized for the guests of the seminar to the competitive events, where everyone could see the performances of students participating in the First SPbPU Open Championship according to the WorldSkills rules and attend master classes. Here, the guests were presented with the "Educational Model" of practice-oriented training in production and engineering technologies, which is implemented at the university on the basis of the introduction of a network form of education, the opening of applied bachelor's programs and the creation of scientific and educational centers with high-tech companies. The speeches of the championship participants, their qualifications and ability to independently implement the chain of technological operations made a great impression on the guests of the seminar.

The issues of training highly qualified personnel - from workers to technologists, from highly specialized specialists to engineering "special forces" - are at the center of attention of the state educational policy.

The prestige of a profession is one of the main social mechanisms that regulate the process of professional self-determination, and is understood as a comparative assessment of the significance and attractiveness of various professions based on certain values. Each social and socio-professional group has a certain scale of prestige due to different value systems. Therefore, professions that are attractive to some social groups of young people may not enjoy the prestige of others. The hierarchy of prestige in the public consciousness changes over time, which depends on changes in the field of professional stratification and mobility. The prestige of professions in demand at a given moment in the labor market ensures the attractiveness of the corresponding faculties and specialties at the university.

Have various social and professional groups there is common set of values but their functional weight is different. Therefore, young people value higher the prestige of those professions with which they are better acquainted, but according to the same criteria. In part, this also explains the overestimation of the prestige of their own profession.

The role of the prestige of a profession in the regulation of the process of professional self-determination of young people is that prestige determines the attractiveness of professions and their popularity among young people and thereby orients young people towards the preferences of some professions over others. According to American sociologists, the prestige of professions reflects the system of stratification of a particular society, therefore, the study of prestige is one of the methods of studying social stratification.

In addition to the prestige of the profession, the prestige of the institution is also viewed as social mechanism regulation of professional self-determination of youth by social institutions profession and education.

In the public consciousness, the prestige of the profession and the university is associated with employment opportunities, as well as professional career... Nod professional career means successful advancement through the levels of professional, social, official, property and other hierarchy. Career opportunities determine choices promising profession and a prestigious university, which provides regulation of professional self-determination at the personal level.

At the moment, there is a situation that consists in the inconsistency of the hierarchy of prestige. The prestige of professions, which correspond to the highest salaries and ample opportunities to make a career (lawyer, manager), is growing, and a decline in the prestige of a number of professions requiring high qualifications and level of education (engineer, teacher) is noted. This hierarchy of prestige reflects the crisis transitional state of society - the discrepancy between education, profession and income as indicators of social status. As a result, being guided by a certain social status, young people entering universities have few opportunities to get a job or income corresponding to their profile and level of professional training. Disruption of the connection between the level of education, the sphere of professional employment and the salary of a specialist forms an appropriate scale of prestige and thus not only leads to forced employment outside the specialty, but also affects the motivation for choosing the level of education, profession and university.

Russian sociologists conducted a study of the image of the profession, which is interconnected with the concept of the prestige of the profession. Profession image- a subjective picture of the world, it reflects the interaction of the subject (professional) and his environment, the dynamics of the formation of professionalism and its change depending on changes in the social environment. Potential specialists make a choice not of a profession, but of an image of a profession, or rather, an image of a specialist of a certain professional group... They choose a profession not as a functional, as a type of activity, but as a group of belonging and, in general, as a future social status, a model of the desired future. The future profession is perceived by them as a tool for shaping this future.

Professional affiliation taking into account qualification, educational and other characteristics can be considered as an indicator characterizing the social position of a person in society, since social groups ns can exist otherwise than through professional groups. Concept prestige of the profession related to the concept professional career. Both of these terms act as an indicator and indicator of individual success from the standpoint of changes in the social position of the individual.

Terminology problems

Giving a definition of a career in the Dictionary of the Russian Language, S. I. Ozhegov notes that there are several meanings of this word. The first is where career is understood as an occupation. In another sense of the career "the path to success, a prominent position in society, in the service field, as well as the very achievement of this position."

Russian scientists conducted a study, during which it was found that the attitude towards the prestige of the profession among students changes throughout their studies at the university. During the transition from junior to senior courses, the share of students who are guided in the choice of their future occupation by the motive of vocation steadily decreases, and at the same time the share of those who intend to build their relations with the professional life world based on the assessment of prestige increases. future work, prospects for job growth, the level of remuneration.

The prestige of a profession is fluid in time: the hierarchy of professions in the public consciousness is changing, which depends on changes in the field of professional stratification and mobility. The movements of various professions on the scale of social prestige over time are explained by the changing needs of the labor market for specialists of a certain profile and certain qualifications.

The prestige of the profession is determined by the level of qualifications, the time spent on vocational training to master the profession. Consequently, the choice of a profession is carried out already from the choice of the training system, the level of professional education. Thus, the high prestige of the professions of intellectual labor for certain strata of young people orients them towards entering universities.

The prestige of professions that are currently in demand on the labor market ensures the attractiveness of the corresponding faculties and specialties in the university; the most prepared applicants who are able to withstand competitive exams are guided by these specialties. The rest are forced in their choice to focus, rather, not on the prestige of the profession, but on obtaining higher education in general, thus forming a situation in advance where subsequent plans are not connected (or almost not connected) with employment and a career in the specialty they receive at the university. Hence, social orientation in this case, it completely displaces the professional one.

So, the prestige of the profession and the university in the public consciousness is associated with the opportunities for professional growth, professional career, which at the personal level regulates the process of professional self-determination.

Interviews of students of various universities in the city of St. Petersburg. The sample structure included students from different faculties, receiving completely different specialties. Target this study- collection and analysis of data to determine the factors influencing the professional self-determination of student youth.

Having analyzed the data of the questionnaire, the following conclusions can be drawn. Almost all students today are working students. Their occupation affects the value consciousness of students. Students with no hands-on experience are less career-oriented and professional growth... The values ​​of education and professionalism are more significant for those students whose work is related to the profile of their specialty. If a student plans to work in his specialty, then it becomes an actual value for him. Otherwise material values ​​prevail. The specificity of professional self-determination at the student stage is that the choice future profession has already been done, but it remains unfinished, can be rethought based on new experience and revised. This largely depends on the satisfaction with the already made choice of the university and specialty, since the motivation for choosing a future place of work and professional plans largely depend on this. Half of the respondents are satisfied with their choice of university and profession. Economists, architects, and lawyers are highly satisfied with their choice of profession and university. This is largely due to the prestige and high wages in these professions. Students who are satisfied with their choice are more likely to plan to work in their specialty. Among the motivating values, an interesting nature of work prevails, status motivation - they value the prestige of the profession. Almost all respondents are characterized by the dominance of the motive for high earnings in future or present work. You can also note a certain egocentrism in the process vocational guidance: a profession is needed in order to realize one's potential, make a career, and have a good income. Students strive to receive benefits for themselves, and not to give to people, society, and the state.

  • Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1982.S. 239.


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