Adaptation of a manager to a new position. The best school director is a former teacher, not an outside manager. What prevents directors from working with their teams

To the modern leader In order to effectively manage a company (firm, organization, enterprise, structural unit, department, team, etc.), it is important to successfully combine six main roles in your activities: from the owner and entrepreneur to an effective professional and a civilized person.

First, briefly, for a clearer understanding, we will consider these skills (leader roles), and then we will analyze each role separately in detail and provide practical recommendations for their development.

The roles of a modern manager in company management

Role No. 1 - Civilized person.

This leadership role in the management system demonstrates socially acceptable norms of behavior. A modern leader in various situations must always behave appropriately and show respect for the employee in particular and the team in general. A civilized person (leader) knows how to win over a person and never violates the agreements reached.

Role No. 2 - Effective professional.

This role of the leader in the organization implies maximum achievement of positive results in work through the active use of one’s knowledge and abilities. As an effective professional, the leader demonstrates deep knowledge in his field, while constantly improving it. Also, this role of a leader in a team includes such actions as demonstrating experience and skills to his employees and colleagues and providing them with assistance.

Role #3 - Team player.

One of the main purposes of a manager’s roles in management is to attract people, taking into account their motivation and qualifications, distribution of responsibilities, ability delegate authority correctly, effective interaction with other team members, exchange of information, making personal contribution to achieving goals, maintaining team spirit and a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. A team player welcomes multiple opinions.

Role No. 4 – Manager.

The importance of this role in general manager role system difficult to overestimate. After all, the main skills of a manager lie precisely in the ability to organize employees, set goals correctly and monitor their timely achievement. The general role of a manager in a management system cannot be imagined without managerial skills. A manager, in order to complete assigned tasks, must be able to quickly find resources and rationally distribute them, increase labor productivity organization and its divisions, as well as effectively interact with subordinates, partners and senior managers. Management is the No. 1 role of a leader, although it is not in first place on this list!

Role No. 5 – Entrepreneur.

The manager, through consistent actions, must ensure that the company moves along the intended path and formulate (both for himself and for the staff) a vision of the future. The role of a modern leader is unthinkable without the ability to see opportunities for creating new values. Moreover, a true manager always takes full responsibility for the organization’s results.

Role No. 6 – Owner.

The role of a manager in managing an organization is no less significant than the previous one. It lies in the ability to achieve long-term results with the help of a strong professional will and a combination of outstanding personal qualities (including leadership qualities personality). The “owner” places the interests of the company above personal interests, as well as above the interests of employees, and when he makes decisions and acts, he always thinks about the possible consequences for the company. To achieve success, he focuses on long-term development and purposefully develops his followers.

Development of leadership skills (roles)

Developing the role of a leader as a civilized person

Developing the role of a leader as a professional

  • Set specific goals and objectives that you will implement. Tell team members about your ideas, as well as explain action plans for their implementation.
  • Be a role model for others, never promise what you cannot deliver, and always keep the promises you make. Do what you advocate for yourself.
  • Are you wondering what you can change to make your work more effective?
  • Don't avoid criticism, and when receiving information that is unpleasant for you personally, do not become aggressive. Correct following leadership roles in a team unthinkable without image formation professional Ask yourself what you did to achieve this.
  • To obtain information about your professional activities, using various sources - periodicals, educational programs, professional conferences and forums, the Internet, etc. Try to understand how effectively you learn new things and improve yourself in the professional field. Think about how this process can be improved?
  • Discuss with your employees the latest and greatest trends in your industry. If someone asks you for professional advice, approve and encourage it, or find out for yourself if there are areas where you can provide guidance (direct them by pointing out where and how they can find the answer to their question) and provide assistance.

Developing the role of the leader as a team player

  • Constantly analyze your team's performance. Encourage your work team to regularly work on ways to improve the quality of their duties. Feedback tools should be set up to analyze interactions within the team and obtain data.
  • To spend more time with people, you shouldn't oversaturate your agenda. It is also important to master the skill holding effective meetings.
  • Managerial roles of a leader are unthinkable without the role of a leader in conflict management. Make sure that the psychological atmosphere in the team is healthy. There are often cases of mobbing. You must do everything in your power to prevent and prevent this phenomenon. New employees are more often exposed to psychological pressure, so it is important to first working day at a new job make it clear to him and everyone else that he is part of the team and is necessary for the company. To do this you need to know how to introduce a new employee colleagues.
  • Invite a coach or someone you trust to one of your team meetings. Ask him to objectively evaluate the team's performance, focusing on the following questions:

Is there a hidden conflict in the team?

Are you a good leader in conflict?

Are you engaging your employees well?

Are you listening?

Do team members participate openly?

During meetings, do you control the agenda, overview of possible solutions, development of a strategy for further actions, time management (how many wasted time) etc.?

What can you say about the composition of the enterprise?

  • Make sure that the distribution of responsibilities matches the motivation and competence of employees. If this is not the case, roles and responsibilities need to be reassigned accordingly.
  • Involve people with different thinking styles to work in a team, because the most diverse composition is more flexible in completing tasks. Encourage multiple opinions. Analyze how and in what areas employees can complement each other and be useful.
  • From time to time, allow your team members to make decisions on their own without being the first to speak out. your point of view.

Development of the role of the leader as a manager

Development of the role of the manager as an entrepreneur

  • Follow current popular industry trends. Find information sources that provide the best advice in areas such as HR, finance, marketing and logistics. Use whatever is applicable to your organization.
  • Read the business press once a week and identify a realistic idea that could improve your business. Ask yourself more often: how can we create added value for the enterprise by combining different technologies, products or services?
  • Don't be afraid to develop your own business use other people's ideas. Fight with creative crisis and find inspiration in fields related to and different from yours, such as science or art. Talk to people from a variety of backgrounds, using their expertise to improve the organization's performance.
  • Support new ideas that improve organizational performance from your employees and partners.
  • In order to find out how suppliers and clients evaluate your company and your services, meet with them periodically. Find out the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • In order to find new solutions for the development of your own company and establish yourself in the role of a leader, it is sometimes useful to put yourself in the place of your competitors and imagine what strategic decisions they could apply to push you out of the market?
  • It is also useful to imagine that your company does the same thing (produces the same product or provides the same services), but is not connected by its history and existing structures. What would you do if you weren't limited by this?
  • Try to explain to your employees complex and incomprehensible issues in business development in a simpler and more accessible language so that they have a clear understanding and do not have the slightest ambiguity. More actively introduce a holistic vision of the business picture into the minds of your subordinates, encourage a strategic approach and global thinking.

Developing the role of the leader as an owner

The role of the modern leader in an organization - a complex role. The leadership role system requires a person to have many different skills. The boss must know at least a little (the more the better), but about everything - from the tricks of financial science to the secrets of marketing, from the secrets of human psychology to ways of organizing modern production. Of course, one article cannot reflect the entirety of the role of a manager in management, so in the future we will definitely return to this topic and consider some points more fully.

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The current concept of reform and modernization of education places all the difficulties of its implementation primarily on educational institutions, giving them the opportunity not only to independently conduct financial and economic activities in the field of education, but also responsibility. Implementation of a national educational project, improving the quality of education, introducing specialized and distance learning, new information and communication technologies in the educational process and management process, providing material resources, new principles of financing and independent management - this is not a complete list of tasks that will fall on the shoulders of leaders and managers of educational institutions.




student of advanced training courses

for additional professional educational

professional development program

"Modern educational management"

FULL NAME. listener: Kireev Nikolay Mikhailovich

District: Northern

Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 648

Job title: Deputy Director for HR

Essay topic: The modern head of an educational institution - who is he?

The current concept of reform and modernization of education places all the difficulties of its implementation primarily on educational institutions, giving them the opportunity not only to independently conduct financial and economic activities in the field of education, but also responsibility. Implementation of a national educational project, improving the quality of education, introducing specialized and distance learning, new information and communication technologies in the educational process and management process, providing material resources, new principles of financing and independent management - this is not a complete list of tasks that will fall on the shoulders of leaders and managers of educational institutions.

What should a modern head of an educational institution be like?

What qualities should you have?

Does the success of education modernization depend on the personality of the leader? What and how should you do?

Who is he, an effective leader of a modern school?

For effective changes in education, the school principal is a key figure. The fate of Russian education and, ultimately, the future of Russia depends on his ability to accept and implement the basic ideas of modernization.

The main thing for a modern head of an educational institution is a clear vision of the ultimate goals, an understanding of the scale and depth of the tasks facing modern society, correctly identifying priorities and ways to express them, formulate and predict the result.

An effective leader of a modern school solves the main task - to ensure the proactive nature of education: to set tasks that are important today and that will become even more important tomorrow, and, most importantly, to be able to find ways to solve them.

To develop innovative activities in an educational institution, it is necessary for the director to have competent, skillful knowledge of new modern technologies in his work.

The director is a teacher and organizer who has legal and economic knowledge, cares about the role of the teacher in his team, helps improve the qualifications of teachers, and creates conditions for the development of their creative abilities. To create comfortable learning conditions at school, he needs knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, various methods, technologies, and the ability to understand people and their knowledge.

A leader must be a leader worthy of emulation. Leadership is an art, skill, skill, talent, creativity.

It is necessary to have the courage to take proactive actions and the ability to instill this courage of responsibility in your employees.

The director is the main person in education. The system of school traditions depends on it: cultural, ethnic, hygienic.

Head psychologist , because it is always focused on the human soul and stands guard over spirituality. He guards the school as a place where the child's soul is nurtured. Where the highest values ​​of life are comprehended, where a person acts in his essence as a bearer of social relations.

Director is the first person in the system management the authorized owner of the school and a particularly responsible person, because he is responsible for the school building as a whole, having financial, economic and legal literacy. A large list of characteristics of the improvement of schoolchildren in an educational institution and the combination of material and technical elements that provide physical comfort for both children and adults depend on it.

The effectiveness of a school depends on the style of team management, on personal qualities leader. This is self-confidence in your abilities and capabilities. The leader knows everything, knows everything, can do it! What does a confident leader mean to a subordinate? This is, first of all, the fact that in a difficult situation you can rely on such a leader; with such a leader it is easier to think about tomorrow, he gives psychological comfort, provides and increases motivation to work. It is mandatory for a leader to have emotional balance and resistance to stress.

The dynamics of the expected transformations depend on the managerial competence of the leader, his ability to create a team of like-minded people and transfer the institution to work in an innovative development mode.

The school is going through difficult times right now. And only a qualitatively different leader, capable of thinking and acting at the level of global change and looking far into the future, is able to steer his ship forward and forward. Without fear of storms, storms and the unknown.

Prepared by:

Maksimishina Oksana Sergeevna,

Deputy Director for Educational Work, Geography Teacher, KSU “Incomplete Secondary School No. 31”

city ​​of Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan region

The role of the head (director) in the management of a modern school.

The head of the school (school director) is a key figure in the field of education, determining the success of the implementation of ongoing changes in education. According to many experts in the field of pedagogical management, the director of a modern school is an effective leader who has such qualities as: competence; communication skills; attentive attitude towards subordinates; courage in decision making; ability to solve problems creatively.

An effective school leader (director) is:

    a creative person capable of overcoming stereotypes and finding unconventional ways to solve problems facing the school, creating and using innovative management technologies;

    a person who constantly works on himself, on his professional and personal qualities;

    a strategist who sees the development of his school for several years ahead;

    a person who inspires the teaching staff with his example.

Director of the Leadership Research Center at the Institute of Education, University of London, Professor Alma Harris, believes that there are many skills and competencies that a modern school leader (principal) must possess, but the most important thing is the ability to form a team of teachers. It is the teacher who works directly with the student, and therefore the director must believe in the teacher, trust his opinion and assume that he can understand some issues better than him.

In recent years, significant changes have been taking place in Kazakhstani schools. The educational process is being saturated with modern educational and technological equipment, teaching aids and educational complexes.

Innovative educational technologies are being introduced into the educational process, not at the level of replacing individual parts, but at the level of conceptual changes, requiring the training of qualified teachers of a new formation.

Schoolchildren of the 21st century are significantly different in development from schoolchildren of the twentieth century. Under these conditions, the functions and role of the school leader (director) change significantly. On the one hand, a school director is an effective manager, since today a school director has to perform a lot of management functions - budget management, interaction with the public, interaction with senior management, etc. The skills of managing an organization are becoming more and more important every day, and the director has no time to deal with pedagogy.

Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management, based on many years of observations, came to a paradoxical conclusion: “strong professionals”, excellent specialists in their field, extremely rarely become good leaders. This is due to the fact that management is a very special type of professional activity, the result of which is directly related to a person’s personal effectiveness.

On the other hand, within the framework of great freedom, the director of a modern school, in addition to management theory, must understand modern educational paradigms, priorities, and promising educational technologies.

Many experts believe that it does not matter what education a school director has, but he must have teaching experience: “Any school director must “stand at the bench”, at the blackboard in the classroom - have teaching experience. Otherwise he will not be able to be an effective school principal. Maybe he will be able to manage the school budget well, but he will not be a school director, in the real sense of the word.”

Professor Alma Harris, director of the Center for Leadership Studies at the Institute of Education, University of London, shares a similar point of view: “Modern principals need to be able to manage their schools effectively, efficiently and intelligently. But for a school that is experiencing serious difficulties, just a good manager is not enough. She needs a director who can show by example what a good lesson is, because in problem schools, as a rule, there are few good teachers, and teachers simply have nowhere to take examples of high-quality teaching practice. The director must be able to do everything himself in this situation.”

In practice, when a director has a lot of managerial and other tasks, it is difficult to demand that he be an effective manager and an effective innovator in terms of educational technologies. According to a number of researchers, today there are four main types of school leaders (directors):

    “democratic business executive”;

    "democratic leader"

At the same time, two of them are most often encountered: “authoritarian business executive” and “authoritarian leader,” the most popular of which is “authoritarian business executive.”

Unfortunately, such a combination, when the director is both a talented teacher and an effective manager, is only possible ideally. Close to it are the original schools, where the director himself is a generator of innovation. According to experts, “the personal example and personal relationships that the director builds are key. An excellent manager who does not like people, an excellent manager who is not a teacher, cannot lead a school.”

For the most part, effective leaders are not born, but made. You can gain knowledge and skills of effective management by undergoing special training. At the same time, this can be achieved through self-education. In all cases, appropriate motivation is needed: personal ambitions (I’m no worse than others), the desire to make a career (the soldier who doesn’t want to become a general is bad), school patriotism (my school is better), the desire to earn money (if you work better, you get more).

In modern times, the head (school director) is a coordinator, a social builder, a bearer of everything new, progressive and democratic. Based on various management principles, the manager uses an individual approach to teachers in his work, taking into account a person-centric approach.

One of the options for a human-centric approach to the socio-psychological and cultural-ethical aspects of management is Dale Carnegie’s system, which he outlined in his famous 10 rules:

1. Start with praise and sincere recognition of the dignity of your interlocutor.

2. Point out the mistakes of others not directly, but indirectly. Direct criticism is useless because it puts you on the defensive.

3.Talk about your own mistakes first, and then criticize your interlocutor.

4. Ask your interlocutor questions instead of ordering him something.

5.Give people the opportunity to save their prestige.

6. Be generous with praise.

7.Create a good reputation for people, which they will strive to maintain and justify.

8. Encourage. Give the impression that mistakes are easy to correct, make everything you encourage people to do seem easy to them.

9. Make sure that people enjoy doing what you want.

10.Give people the opportunity to save face.

“Effective manager” is a conventional concept that denotes an ideal manager who knows the basic principles of management theory, is able to effectively implement them in practice, and is characterized by high professional competence. An effective leader in modern society is one who knows how to correctly set and solve problems.

There are plenty of methods and trainings on how to become an effective school director - choose according to your taste. For example, the methods of Peter Drucker, who believes that in order to become a successful leader, first of all, you need to learn to manage yourself, because “the ability to manage is different for all people, but those who know how to manage themselves, their actions and decisions successfully manage others.”


    Bolshakov A.S. Management. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2000. - 160 p.

    Intra-school management: Issues of theory and practice. Ed. T.I. Shamova. - M., 1991. - p. 352

    Isaev I. F. School as a pedagogical system: Fundamentals of management. - M.; Belgorod, 1997. - p. 286

    Kustobaeva E. Managerial culture of the director: adequate self-assessment. Public education. - 2002. - No. 1.

    Pedagogy. Ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo. - M., 1998. - p. 452

    Managing a modern school: A manual for the school director. Ed. M. M. Potashnik. - M., 1992. - p. 298

Polyakova Yulia Vladimirovna

“I believe that the qualities of a manager

must be judged by how well he can

organize a large number of people and

how effectively can he achieve

the best results from each of them,

merging into a single whole."

A. Morita

School, in the traditions of all times, has always been the center of attention among different peoples. Its successful operation largely depends on who manages it. Currently, the role of the school director, who must be able not only to organize the educational process, but also to make it cost-effective, is becoming especially relevant. Today, when school principals work in a market economy, they are required to make many important management decisions every day - from finding ways to make money to finding ways to improve the quality of education. The question arises - who is he, an effective leader of a modern school?

Based on materials from the press conference “On the way to a new school. The role of the director in the modernization of general education":

    I.I. Kalina, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: “the key figure in a school is the school director, who gathers teachers and creates conditions for effective work.”

    ME AND. Kuzminov emphasized that “personal example and personal relationships that the director builds are key. An excellent manager who does not love people, an excellent manager who is not a teacher, cannot lead a school.”

    N.N. Pryanishnikov: “being a school director is much more difficult than being the head of a modern business: there are fewer resources, but more tasks

    K.M. Ushakov: one of the main tasks of the director is “to develop the mission of the organization and make it everyone’s personal matter,” because pedagogical work is not possible without awareness of the mission.

Modern requirements for education are changing the position of the school principal as a manager. Now we need knowledge of financial management and school economics. To do this, you need to have strategic thinking, but also have a good knowledge of the educational process. The combination of these qualities will improve the quality of education, which is the main task of a modern school.

To develop innovative activities in a school, the director needs to have competent, skillful knowledge of new technologies. Only when the director understands from his own experience how important and convenient it is to use modern technologies in his work, then this will become an indispensable condition for changing the attitude in the development of these technologies by the team.

An effective leader of a modern school solves the main task - to ensure the proactive nature of education: to set tasks that are important today and that will become even more important tomorrow, and, most importantly, to be able to find ways to solve them.

School management is necessary not only for effective personnel management, coordinating their activities in achieving goals, objectives, decisions, but also for organizing control and analysis of their implementation. In the context of rapidly implementing changes in education, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of their essence and nature, legal support, and changes in the legislative framework regulating education. For effective changes in education, the school principal is a key figure. The fate of Russian education and, ultimately, the future of Russia depends on his ability to accept and implement the basic ideas of modernization.

The director manages the child, parents and teaching staff. To do this, he must be a teacher and organizer, possess legal and economic knowledge. Must take care of the role of the teacher in his team, contribute to the improvement of teachers’ qualifications, and create conditions for the development of their creative abilities. To create comfortable learning conditions at school, he needs knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, and various techniques. Teaching work, despite the heavy workload, is necessary because... it helps in strengthening relationships with teachers and students.

Also, any manager must have special personal qualities that ensure the success of management activities. The effectiveness of the school depends on the style of management of the team. The personal qualities of a leader are revealed in the management style. For a manager, by developing and improving his personal qualities, changing his leadership style, he can increase the efficiency of the educational institution.

The professional competence of a school leader today, more than ever before, includes managerial, pedagogical, communication, diagnostic and research qualities; the effectiveness of his work is determined by the level of formation of professional knowledge and skills, the degree of development of professionally significant personal qualities that are necessary for the implementation of managerial functions to achieve intended goals.

One of the essential personality traits of a leader is self-confidence. The leader knows everything, knows everything, can do it! And if he doesn’t know, he’ll find out, find a way out, and be able to. What does a confident leader mean to a subordinate? This is, first of all, that in a difficult situation you can rely on such a leader; with such a leader it is easier to think about the future, he gives a certain psychological comfort, provides and increases motivation to work.

It is obligatory for a leader to have his emotional

balance and stress resistance. A leader must control his emotional manifestations. He is constantly surrounded by people, and with all of them, regardless of his mood and personal disposition, he must have smooth, business-like relationships. In addition, emotional imbalance can reduce a person’s self-confidence, and thereby his business activity.

There are few people who are born leaders, talented leaders. But it is possible to become like this - if only you had the desire, the desire for knowledge, the use of new technologies, the ability to work, and most importantly, tolerance towards others. A wise leader understands that the main thing he has is his subordinates. He gives preference to them over other people. A leader achieves anything only thanks to his subordinates. And therefore, one of the main tasks of a leader’s effectiveness is the ability to understand people, their knowledge, and character traits. “Management is about developing, influencing people,” Lawrence Eppley, president of the American Management Association, said many years ago. There is nothing more to add to this.

UDC 316.354; 373.1 P-90

Puchkova Tatyana Egorovna

director of Nizhneolkhovsk secondary school [email protected]

School director as an innovative manager of an educational institution (personnel aspect)


The article shows that the school director, acting as an innovation manager, faces interrelated problems: the impossibility of forming clear strategic goals for the innovative development of an educational institution and the lack of the necessary human resources capable of implementing strategic objectives.

Key words: educational system, secondary school, innovations in education, school principal.

In modern dynamic conditions, the problem of increasing the effectiveness of education through the development of innovative school management styles aimed at transferring it to a new qualitative state is urgent.

There is a need for effective ways to regulate the sociocultural space of a general education institution, and for the development and implementation of new innovative teaching technologies. A general understanding is being formed in society that modern management activities should be carried out by a special type of leader - an innovative manager. It is no coincidence that the professional activity of a leader in the general education system is increasingly becoming creative; his ability to act adequately in situations with a high degree of uncertainty, make non-standard management decisions, overcome stereotypes, and rethink his personal experience of interaction with subordinates acquires special value in it. But at the same time, today insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the role of the high school principal in relation to the innovativeness of its teaching staff, which gives rise to the problem of “underutilization” of innovative resources in the management of a general education institution.

The school director is an official who manages the school as an educational institution in accordance with its charter and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It is the director, according to job descriptions, who is entrusted with ensuring the systematic educational (teaching and educational) and administrative work of the institution. The director is a key figure in the management of a general education institution; it is he who makes decisions about the work of the school organization and creates the necessary moral, psychological, material, technical and other conditions for this, determines, together with the staff, the strategy, goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the educational institution.

It should be taken into account that in addition to job responsibilities, the activities of a school leader in each specific case are also characterized by his “role repertoire”, associated both with various types of managerial actions and with his work as a specialist (analyst, diagnostician, planner, designer, programmer, organizer, manager, leader, coordinator, teacher, researcher). The leading position of the school principal in innovative transformations of the educational process is very important.

A modern school director must solve the main task - to ensure the advanced, innovative nature of education: set tasks that are important today and will become even more important tomorrow, and find ways to solve them. The director is the first person in the school, and this position obliges him to think strategically, be far-sighted, and work to create a perfect management system. This formulation of the question assumes that school principals are professional and skillful innovative managers.

For a manager to be effective, he must be able to: analyze the state of the team; understand the motives of behavior of your subordinates; encourage subordinates to work productively, stimulate their professional growth; create the most favorable relationships in the team for productive work; give tasks to subordinates so that they understand what is expected of them and strive to fulfill it; effectively supervise the work of subordinates; adequately assess your subordinates, their capabilities and

interests; prevent and resolve conflicts in the team; build business communication with subordinates in accordance with their individual characteristics and situation. And this is not a complete list of personnel management work assigned to the director. The activities of the leader will be productive in the case of effective management of the educational system as a developing socio-cultural environment. Therefore, without a great team, he is nobody and nothing. There will be many innovative ideas, but no one to implement them. Therefore, the school director always gathers knowledgeable and understanding people around him and forms a cohesive team. The head of the school is responsible for personnel; he has the right to independently form the staffing table. But the personnel training system and the financial situation of schools do not encourage teachers to come to school. The school has the right to “order” future teachers for itself from a specialized university, draw up a special program for them, i.e., prepare people who will fit into this particular teaching staff, will be suitable for this particular school, but in order to competently form this social ordering also requires serious qualifications.

Teaching staff always have such scattered characteristics according to the main criteria, so it is difficult to gather those who understand and know who are suitable in character. The quality of a good director is the ability to create a creative team “out of what was already there.” So that everyone feels needed by the school, the director, society and, of course, themselves.

The study on this problem was carried out on the basis of secondary school No. 2 in Shchigry, Kursk region, schools No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 in Kurchatov, Kursk region, Amosovskaya secondary school in Medvensky district and Nizhneolkhovskaya secondary school in Khomutovsky district Kursk region. The method of collecting primary information is questionnaires. The survey was continuous. The achievement level for each school is about 90%.

In practice, we see that 60% of respondents have work experience in an educational institution for over 20 years, 23% of teachers have experience from 15 to 20 years, 10% - 10-15 years, and 3% have work experience of 5-10 years, and so on. teachers with work experience of up to 3 years. More than 65% of the school staff, taking into account the predominance of women, are people of pre-retirement age (over 50 years old). And in rural areas there are more than 80%. It is generally difficult for older people to radically change their work style, as evidenced by the survey results. Results of responses to the question “Do you think that some of your ideas could significantly improve the educational environment in which you work?” look like this: 20% believe that they could significantly improve the teaching environment, 40% believe that they would rather be able to do this, 20% would rather not be able to do this, 5% responded that they would not be able to improve educational environment and 15% found it difficult to answer. When asked about the possibility of the “birth” of such an idea in the future, the answers were distributed as follows: 28% are confident that in the future they may have ideas that will positively change the environment in which they work, 65% consider the emergence of such ideas unlikely and 8 % excluded the possibility of such ideas. It follows from this that about % of the teaching staff of the school have a high level of orientation towards the implementation of innovative, transformative activities, as well as a readiness to change the existing socio-cultural environment of their educational institution. Teachers are ready to increase the effectiveness of the development of the creative abilities of their students by including in educational activities both types of generally accepted work and types of work that stimulate the child’s creative activity. But apart from preparedness, no real action is being taken. In particular, only a quarter of respondents gave their unconditional consent to the offer to participate in the development of a program for organizing the educational process. 20% agreed to give some advice and suggestions, another 20% agreed to take part as much as possible, which did not require much time. 17% expressed their doubts about the need for this work and 19% simply refused to take part in this. Thus, the teaching staff of a modern school is aimed at solving tactical tasks that higher authorities set for them (and especially those that were set for them 20 years ago), but many of them are not able to independently set tasks for the future.

Although in small numbers, young staff are also coming to school, replacing retired veterans of school education. However, significant changes do not occur in them either. Firstly, a young teacher immediately encounters resistance from “experienced” colleagues who want to live as usual and do not want to change anything. Secondly, young teachers are very vulnerable: when they come to school, they find themselves faced with a huge number of problems, the solution of which requires skills that they simply do not have. And not always a young specialist has a mentor to whom he can turn for help and take the “young fighter course.”

In our opinion, when organizing work with the teaching staff in order to form an innovative socio-cultural environment of an educational institution, the director must rely on the mission of the institution. The director sets the standards for work at the school and lays down the core values ​​on which all activities of the educational institution are based. What the school will be like depends on his views, position, and personality. But today, school directors are forced to work in a situation of uncertainty: there are no clear guidelines for activities, the strategic goals for the development of school education are not justified. In particular, the state in its program documents focuses the development of the general education system on individualization, on the formation of practical skills and fundamental abilities, and, at the same time, sets the task of providing quality education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, the modern needs of society and every citizen. But there is no explanation as to how this is interconnected. Therefore, even if the director even tries to set goals for the future, he has no idea what the future of the school is as a social institution, in which direction it is moving. In most cases, school directors are, in principle, unable to develop a strategy for the development of their institution, and even if they could do this, they would be forced to do it with their “eyes closed.”

Thus, on the one hand, the school director, acting as an innovation manager, today is not able to fully determine the strategic objectives of the development of his educational institution. This explains the lack of opportunities to unite the teaching staff around a common idea. On the other hand, the existing human resource is not able to fully implement the strategic plans of its director. It is this contradiction that today is the main factor hindering the innovative development of schools.


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