Meaning of the word show room. How to open a showroom. What is a showroom of clothes from China? Selection of premises and equipment for the studio

A successful business idea always addresses a problem and provides a solution to it. The Western model of showrooms, where manufacturers or designers show their products to wholesale buyers, offering to see everything with their own eyes, touch the fabric, evaluate the model on the human figure, as well as the quality of materials and work, showrooms have been modified by domestic entrepreneurs and have become an interesting version of a fashion store. It combines attractiveness for customers and ease of practical implementation. Essentially, it's a boutique, but without the significant financial investment to create it.

Special features of the showroom

It makes no sense to describe the theory, history and Western model of showrooms; all these details are not very interesting for a domestic entrepreneur. The main question is using this version of the point of sale.

The “Russian-style showroom” differs from a traditional store in several characteristic features that allow it to attract customers:

  • Clubbing, relative privacy, entry by invitation or by agreement. What buyer would refuse to touch the world of exclusivity, selectivity, and uniqueness? Who would neglect the opportunity to purchase something that is not replicated on the market and is inaccessible to the majority? This feature of the showroom is a unique feature for clients.
  • Product line. Unlike regular stores, in the showroom you can purchase a product made by a real brand, high-quality and original. In addition, the showrooms offer designer clothes, shoes and accessories from collections with a small number of copies or created to order.
  • Price. The current policy of boutiques and fashion stores is often a disappointment for the buyer. He is offered consumer goods that have absolutely nothing to do with the legendary brands, but only mimic them, sewn at best in Chinese provincial factories. And most importantly, if in Yiwu you can buy a decent “branded” product with a good level of quality and at the same time cheap, then in our stores the same thing is sold for “bad” money. The showroom gives a person the opportunity to feel like a normal buyer; here he is offered to purchase things that are “not for everyone.” These are the latest or limited collections, one-of-a-kind designer items, custom tailoring and the like. Or it is the same product from well-known brands, but its quality, identity and affiliation do not raise the slightest doubt, and the price is adequate and almost similar to what can be seen on labels in Rome or New York.
  • A customer-focused atmosphere. Of course, today in any store you can try on any item you like, and sometimes sellers even impose service, carefully “selling” the product. The showroom creates a completely different atmosphere, where the choice turns into an event, often accompanied by fashion shows, discussions of the latest trends and news from the catwalks.

Entrepreneurs who open their own store of any size have one common task - they want to attract buyers there. Even when inventing, every businessman is already solving the problem of the competitiveness of his outlet.

Organizing a platform for selling goods that will be of interest to the client is the basis that, all other things being equal, can provide a significant advantage. Of course, you can follow the standard path, open a boutique with mirrored display cases twice the height of a person, decorate it with the help of famous designers, and create unique mannequins. But... this requires money, and quite a lot of it. Moreover, there is no absolute certainty that such efforts and investments will be truly effective. After all, on almost every street in our cities you can find boutiques, shops, supermarkets selling clothes, beautifully decorated, offering wonderful products and inviting customers. Although this “beast” is an increasingly rare guest on their squares.

But showrooms still have potential. How they can attract visitors - options for implementing the idea:

  • Aggressive emphasis on the “To outsiders V.” principle. If anyone doesn’t remember the old cartoon, then the hint is “no entry to outsiders” (in the Russian version). Or, if you go to the original, there is a hint of the expression Trespassers Will Be Shot or “violators will be shot.” In a modern domestic showroom, such a position is an opportunity to give the buyer a feeling of involvement in high fashion, things that are inaccessible to the mass sector. This is even easier to implement than creating a nail service studio. It is enough to introduce invitation cards for clients, which will be distributed in limited quantities and among “their own”, visits by appointment, and other conditional barriers, for example, mandatory membership in a group or club upon recommendation.
  • The selection of assortment must strictly comply with the principle of exclusivity. No, it doesn’t have to be breathtakingly expensive; you need to focus on the budget of your potential buyers. And if they are interested, then you can offer items purchased in outlets during seasonal sales, from last year’s and even the year before last collections. However, they all must be of high quality and original. In addition, you need to respect the position of the retail outlet where you can purchase a single item, or, in extreme cases, sell a very limited number of identical products.

Advice: if you order goods from foreign online sites, stores and similar points via mail, then adhere to the rule of the duty-free minimum, that is, up to 31 kg and up to 1000 euros per month per individual. If there is not enough, use close relatives and friends who can act as recipients, or pay the necessary taxes from exceeding the limits. These data are valid until mid-2017 (it is possible that the changes will not be adopted and such rather comfortable conditions will continue in the future).

  • It is necessary to approach the formation of a product range not only from the point of view of fashion, exclusivity, quality and other similar parameters, but also profitability for the buyer. Here you should not adopt the practice of the bazaar, where the price is often set according to a directory “out of the blue” or calculated according to the limits of one’s own greed. And the principle of modern boutiques, which put a 300% plus price tag on an ordinary little thing, is completely out of place here. The cost must be extremely reasonable. That is, you need to take into account that a showroom client can independently purchase a branded shirt or cocktail dress from an Italian fashion house if he takes care of such little things as placing an order and delivery. He may also go to Milan for a weekend of shopping. In this case, a small reward for the seller is a payment for the convenience of the buyer.
  • A showroom is not considered a store, that is, you can start a business without registering the status of a business entity - such advice can be found in various materials devoted to this issue. However, this is still trade and entrepreneurial activity, and obtaining a registration number will not only not hurt, but is highly desirable, or better yet, mandatory. But you can save money on renting premises. There are two common options here. In the first, you can use your own apartment, in the second, areas located far from a walk-through location, which is extremely necessary for a boutique. Another version that has been gaining popularity lately is special Internet resources that allow you to present a product in the form of a photo collection.

Advice: when converting an apartment into a showroom, do not forget about creating a unique atmosphere. Mirrors, fitting rooms, good flooring, a relaxation area with soft poufs and a sofa where you can sit, drink coffee and discuss fashion trends - all these little things “make” a business. An interesting approach is to demonstrate products with live models. Shows can even be held in an apartment; only a little preparation is needed. To be honest, equipping a showroom is not easy, easier, of course, than, but still more difficult than equipping a standard sales area. In this matter, every detail is important, down to the smallest. Agree, it would look strange to see a showroom offering a real fur coat from the latest Michael Kors collection, located in a Khrushchev-era building with a tattered entrance, without an elevator, in an apartment on the fifth floor.

  • The product niche of showrooms is not limited to dresses or clothing in general. There are real examples of businesses successfully developing in this area, where the product line includes exclusively women's shoes, accessories and even motorcycles. The main thing is to find your buyer and be able to convey to him information about the showroom with original branded goods.

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The Russian version of the showroom is an excellent option for starting a business without serious start-up capital. Here you can get by with minimal money. Mandatory qualities for an entrepreneur who plans to create such a project are the ability to navigate the world of fashion, good taste, the presence of acquaintances who want and have the opportunity to purchase goods (and almost everyone has such) and organizational skills.

In contact with

When the first showrooms appeared, they were shrouded in mystery and an atmosphere of exclusivity. It was believed that getting into the showroom was not easy and that having a special invitation was very prestigious.

What does showroom mean?

In fact, a showroom is one of the trade formats that allows you to present the promoted product in the most profitable way. Most often, clothing, shoes, and accessories are displayed in showrooms. But it is also possible to create a showroom for furniture, plumbing, and gifts.

In the showroom, goods are not just laid out on the shelves. There is a whole presentation system in place, you can find out about the manufacturing company itself, get acquainted with the entire collection, learn the history of the brand.

A showroom differs from a store or supermarket, first of all, in the atmosphere, the opportunity to spend a long time here, drink a cup of coffee, leisurely think about a purchase, sitting in a cozy chair. The services of showrooms are used by both private buyers and companies to order entire collections, because it is here that they can slowly examine in detail all the components of the collection.

How did the word showroom appear?

If we make a direct translation into English, from which this word came to us, then the showroom is a room for performances. It turns out that the showroom is a room for colorful shows to present the product. However, consultants, as a rule, behave quietly and correctly, giving each visitor the opportunity to get comfortable and take their time.

The first showrooms appeared in Europe and were used to display fabrics. They were visited mainly by wholesale customers, for whom the premises were designed (large quantities, many items in the order, a place to check canvases).

Visiting showrooms was not open to any passerby on the street, so this format became a kind of club for those who value quality and prestige. In modern conditions, you don’t have to wait for an invitation to go to a showroom to buy a dress. However, they also host specialized shows and theme nights, and getting an invitation to such an event is still quite difficult.

What kind of showrooms are there?

Showrooms differ in the manufacturer that is represented in them. Large factories and well-known industries that have been working in their field for many years have such formats. On the other hand, a showroom is a convenient format for presenting a young fashion designer who is just starting his career and wants tell as many potential buyers as possible about yourself.

If the showroom belongs to a large factory, it may be called the old term “showroom”. In the last century, the largest clothing manufacturers in the USSR had such sites. Here you can select and order collection supplies for your store. Today, large distributors also open showrooms to sell collections to small shops and retail chains.

Another classification of showrooms according to the items presented:

  • ready-made items;
  • samples from which the collection will be sewn to order.

In the first, things are bought straight from the hangers, you can immediately take them with you or customize them to fit your figure (for example, hem your trousers to length). Secondly, they place an order and then wait for the finished items to be sewn. This is exactly how shop-ateliers that focus on piece goods work. This is how expensive fur coats, wedding dresses, handmade bags and shoes are produced.

How to get to the showroom

There are several types of showrooms:

  • open to retail customers;
  • closed to buyers and wholesalers;
  • available by appointment.

Showrooms that accept visitors by prior arrangement and are aimed at wholesale buyers often employ models and have a podium for displaying collections. It is often impossible to get into the showroom of a particular factory in Europe, since it presents its products through distributors in all countries of its presence.

What are the benefits of showrooms?

In small showrooms that do not require specialized retail space, prices may be lower than market prices. In such places you can find piece goods, brought from Europe or manufactured in quantities of two or three units.

If we talk about small showrooms located in office premises or even in apartments, then a truly select audience gathers here; you can negotiate a discount or have something made to order. It all depends on the degree of familiarity with the owner of the showroom. Such mini-stores are not typical for Europe; there are more of them in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries.

In large showrooms, the benefit lies in convenient conditions for getting acquainted with the collection, the ability to create an order according to individual requirements and a small concession in price, which is created due to the absence of the need to keep a large staff in the showroom.

What is a showroom? This word, which came to us from the English language, literally translates as a showing room. But figuring out what can be called a showroom and what can’t is not so easy.

In Europe, where showrooms came to Russia, they are created specifically for buyers (wholesale buyers). They are created in factories and production facilities, and they contain samples of things from the factory or manufacturer, collections of which can be ordered. Such showrooms can be direct from the factory or from the distributor (that company that buys things from the manufacturer and then resells them to small wholesalers). What does such showrooms have to do with both ready-made items and only samples of them. How easy it is to get into such showrooms is determined by the popularity of a particular brand; for example, there are queues and registration in the showrooms of famous brands.

Showroom of fashionable clothes Russian realities.

There are similar showrooms in Russia. For example, “Li-Lu”, which is a representative of many famous Italian brands.

But among the large Russian showrooms there is also a special specificity. So, in some of them, clothes can be purchased or rented not only by buyers, but also by famous people. For example, the “New Berezka” showroom, which by its name is not by chance reminiscent of the old Soviet currency “Berezka”. A store for the elite.

The second version of showrooms, more common in Russia, is something like atelier shops. Here they sell items from small companies engaged in tailoring, start-ups. Most often, clothes are sewn and sold in such premises. There are also many similar showrooms, mainly fur and shoe stores, but in Russia there are more of those that deal with clothing. Designers of such showrooms often sew clothes to order. It’s not easy to find such shops, they don’t have bright signs, their addresses often change, but anyone can buy clothes from them. By the way, sometimes several designers unite and create a common showroom. So on the Internet you can find the “Ground-around” showroom, which sells clothes from young Russian fashion designers.

There is another option for a showroom. Namely, the showroom, which is located on. In such showrooms you can buy either designer items or fashionable items brought, for example, from Italy, but at significantly lower prices than in boutiques. It is quite difficult to get into such showrooms; for this you really need to have certain connections and know the phone numbers of the sellers or designer.

But sometimes it also happens that small but completely ordinary clothing stores are called showrooms. They explain this by the fact that, for example, they are located in the very center of the city, but at the same time in a small alley and far from the main shops that shopping lovers visit. But, nevertheless, such use of the term showroom will not be correct. Indeed, in this case, it will be possible to call almost any clothing store a showroom.

What is a clothing showroom? This is a room where little-known designers exhibit their own products. Why do they do this, for whom and why, read below.

Definition of the concept

What is a clothing showroom? This is a studio or apartment that is equipped to show clients certain wardrobe items. How does such a place differ from a regular store? Most retail outlets sell mass-market clothing, that is, not exclusive items, but those that were made for the masses. If you don’t want to dress the same as half the city, then your path should lie in the showroom. These places sell several types of goods. These can be luxury products from famous brands or products from little-known designers. It is not profitable for both of them to sell things in regular stores, since the flow of customers will be small.

Buyers who buy luxury items usually already know what they want, so upon calling in advance, they are supplied with the ordered goods. But when coming to a novice designer, most often people simply don’t know what to expect. Therefore, they can drink coffee while sitting on a comfortable sofa while a young fashion designer demonstrates the best examples of his clothes on models.

Why do you need a showroom?

Not all people understand why open a studio to demonstrate things when there are many regular stores. But what is a clothing showroom? This is the place where you can buy something exclusive. You can't buy these things in the nearest shopping center. Young designers often remodel their apartments into showrooms. They use this place both as a workshop and as a store. The atmosphere in such establishments is mostly friendly, if not friendly. People like to come to visit, drink coffee and at the same time place an order for an exclusive dress. Many showrooms operate on the atelier principle. Designers can not only sell something from their own collections, but also sew a unique dress according to the client’s idea.

Showrooms are often used as places where young talents show their collections. They hire models and invite the public, which mainly consists of friends and clients. Such events claim to be social, so they usually take place with a buffet table and a further afterparty.

What audience are they intended for?

The dream of any aspiring designer is to gain a wealthy clientele. It is precisely this search that all the efforts of young fashion designers are aimed at. What is a clothing showroom? This is a showroom. Therefore, designers try to make it as famous as possible. Today this is done easily through social media advertising. By promoting their services, people want to profitably sell an existing product. But they are in no hurry to sew the next batch. Clothes in showrooms are sold for one narrowly defined segment of society. After all, you can’t sew something that everyone likes. Therefore, young designers wait, see who likes their work, and if they are successful, they continue to follow the chosen path, and if they fail, they release a new collection in a different style. Thus, an individual style is developed and a certain circle of clients is recruited.

What is the difference between showrooms of branded clothing and showrooms of little-known designers?

Of course, the number and status of clients. The branded clothing showroom sells exclusive designer outfits. D&G, Gucci or Valentino don't need advertising. All fashionistas know about them. Clothes from famous designers are a dream for many, so the queue at such showrooms, where you can view and order a dress or suit, is usually booked six months in advance. And often it is completely impossible for a person to get into them from the street. Branded showrooms do not need new clients. Their main goal is to maintain the respect and recognition of their regular customers.

But in the showroom of men's clothing or women's dresses from a young designer, the doors are always open. Here people will receive the same warm welcome as in luxury exhibition halls, although the outfits will not be as famous. Although their quality and style may not be inferior to the works of world couturiers. After all, sometimes a young designer can sew one dress for a week or two. It probably goes without saying that prices in such showrooms will be much lower than in branded showrooms.

Showrooms on the Internet

Many people are afraid to order clothes online. This is not surprising, because there is no way to touch it and try it on. How then do showrooms for men's, women's and children's clothing operate on the Internet? Designers photograph their products from different sides and angles. Moreover, the pictures are sometimes even too detailed. For example, on many dresses you can see not only all the buttons, but even the lining and internal seams. Many showrooms operate on the principle of online stores. The client can order any item, try it on, and if it doesn’t fit, send it back. But still, this is not practiced so often. To avoid confusion with sizes, designers sew clothes according to a generally accepted grid. Therefore, when a girl orders a dress whose label says 46, she will definitely be sure that it will suit her.

Women's clothing

There are many young talents in our country whose heads are filled with creative ideas. Many of them create their own showrooms for women's clothing in Moscow. For example, you can highlight XARIZMAS. This is a Russian brand that is distinguished by the high quality of its clothing. It’s hard to find something fancy here, but it won’t be difficult to find classic office-style clothing. This attracts numerous clients.

Candy-store is another showroom where metropolitan fashionistas can buy new clothes. Items sold here are not only domestically made, but also those made abroad. For example, dresses from Korean and Greek designers.

There are also very unusual showrooms for women's clothing in Moscow. For example, BLESS MY DRESS. Here a girl has the opportunity to completely transform herself, and not just buy a new blouse and shoes. Each client will be offered the services of a stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser to ensure her look is completely updated.

Men's clothing showrooms

Representatives of the stronger sex do not often go shopping, they simply do not like this activity. That’s why not many showrooms are opening for men. Basically they are combined with women's. This move is quite logical: while accompanying his companion shopping, the man will be able to look for something for himself. There is more than one exhibition hall in the capital where you can see men's clothing. For example, MFashion. In the showroom you can find clothes made in Russia, America and Europe. Use me is another metropolitan exhibition site. Here you can choose anything from a business suit to sweatpants. Stylish shoes and accessories will help complement any look.

Baby clothes

Unlike exhibition venues for adults, special rooms are rarely opened for little fashionistas. It is often easier to dress children in a regular store. After all, it is unknown how the child will behave at a party, whether he will be capricious, or maybe, on the contrary, he will be shy. But there are still children's showrooms. A clothing store of this type specializes in wholesale sales. Famous stores purchase goods here, as well as stores that specialize in selling exclusive items.

You can find a showroom for school-age children, but children, as a rule, do not like spending time in such a place. They do not enjoy beautiful things, much less appreciate the exclusivity of their outfit. Therefore, children's clothing showrooms are popular only with wholesalers and mothers who have too much free time.


At such sites, non-trivial models of fur coats, jackets and coats are exhibited. Expensive fur products are not affordable for everyone, so showrooms with outerwear are most often closed. Not all designers and sellers want fur coats and jackets to be touched and seen by people who simply cannot buy them. Moreover, exclusive models may become not so exclusive if there is a lot of traffic in the store. Therefore, fur clothes are kept under good guard, away from prying eyes. The same applies to leather products. It’s one thing to have an ordinary biker jacket, of which there are plenty in any shopping center, and another thing to have a unique cut, made from different materials. Leather, suede, and even drape can coexist in one designer jacket.

Outerwear showrooms are rarely located in an ordinary apartment. More often, a separate room is rented for them, where it will be possible to comply with the storage conditions that need to be created for the fur so that it is better preserved and so that moths do not appear in it.

What other showrooms are there?

Exhibition sites are created for various purposes. Most often they display clothes and sell them to customers. But sometimes a designer is forced to open a showroom for status. Even if his business is going well and sales are well established via the Internet, customer trust will be greater if he opens a real store.

A fashion showroom can showcase anything. These can be evening dresses, casual wear and even tracksuits. Many girls find pleasure in walking around the exhibition grounds. In this way they spend their leisure time and experience beauty. After all, young designers often hold various social events in their studios, which are attended by representatives of creative professions.

Showrooms can also sell accessories. These include hair accessories, jewelry or designer shoes or bags. All these accessories are most often presented in a single copy, and the designer will not repeat them. This is why many fashionistas prefer to dress in showrooms. After all, at a social party they will not meet a girl wearing the same dress or holding the same handbag.

A showroom is a studio in which samples of products are displayed for sale, often wholesale. It’s worth noting right away that showrooms present not only clothes, but this type of business is the most popular. Therefore, many people want to know where to start to open a clothing showroom.

This business will be profitable only if the businessman can find a worthy partner or partners, as well as if there are buyers. The specifics of the area should also be taken into account. For example, to a small town it is more profitable to bring items from several designers, because... It’s unlikely that people will come in to buy the same models, and the space for the studio needs to be small.

Showrooming is not an entirely difficult task, bordering on the category of an expensive hobby.

You don’t have to count on quick profits right away. Crazy profitability (and it can reach 300%), on the one hand, allows one to hope for quick enrichment, but on the other hand, there are also serious risks - the collection may not be sold out. Let's turn our attention to serious madam statistics, from which it follows that in our country the niche with the sonorous name of the showroom is only partially occupied and those who want to start their own business in this direction have every chance of becoming famous and successful in the fashion clothing market.

Where to begin?

Some entrepreneurs choose clothes and other goods for their business themselves while flying abroad. When expanding your showroom and needing larger quantities of purchases, it is still wiser to turn to wholesalers.

Smart beauty! How to open a show room at home?

Undoubtedly, the most correct and optimal way is for the owner to attend fashion designers' shows, but this is incredibly expensive - fashion designers often demand to purchase the entire collection.

Clothes shopping list

Advertising is also important for an online showroom. If you are a creative person, you can try to promote your brand yourself. But since you will have a lot of worries, it is still better to look for an advertising agency, SEO promotion bureau or a good digital studio.

How to open a showroom?

A showroom is a studio in which samples of products are displayed for sale, often wholesale. It’s worth noting right away that showrooms present not only clothes, but this type of business is the most popular.

Therefore, many people want to know where to start to open a clothing showroom.

Is it profitable to open a clothing showroom?

There are several types of clothing showrooms. The first is a studio of one manufacturer, in which things are demonstrated for wholesalers. The second type is the atelier of a young unknown designer, where you can purchase ready-made items or make an individual order. The third type of showroom is a studio, where products of several designers are presented for retail sale.

This business will be profitable only if the businessman can find a worthy partner or partners, as well as if there are buyers. The specifics of the area should also be taken into account.

How to open a showroom?

For example, to a small town it is more profitable to bring items from several designers, because... It’s unlikely that people will come in to buy the same models, and the space for the studio needs to be small.

How to open your own clothing showroom from scratch?

The showroom format will allow you to create both small and fairly large businesses. First, you need to determine the needs of the population and decide which showroom will be in demand. Then you need to negotiate with suppliers of ready-made clothing.

The room should be selected based on the size of the planned studio. This could be one room in an apartment or an unused industrial building. Naturally, the interior of the showroom must be interestingly decorated from the inside. To get by with little money, you can invite an unknown artist or student designer.

What is good about this business is that it does not bind a person to any boundaries and leaves maximum scope for imagination. The most important thing is the comfort and convenience of the client, so that he definitely wants to return to the studio he likes. You can use the techniques of the Chinese, who create royal conditions for their visitors - they place upholstered furniture, serve soft drinks or tea, etc. And a client who is satisfied will not only definitely return, but will also recommend the showroom to his friends.

Show Room in the West is a special room for communication between couturiers and designers with buyers (sales manager). Nothing is for sale here: people are engaged in concluding contracts and drawing up agreements. But if you answer the question of what a show room is in Russia, then this is a place where tax-free trade in exclusive clothing of famous brands is carried out. The offered product usually has a low price and is presented in a single copy. There are more common names for such points: “boutique at home”, “special distributor”, etc. You can visit it only by appointment or by appointment.

Starting investments – from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

Despite the mystery, closed nature and, therefore, instability of the enterprise, it is still worth opening a home show room. Profit from such activities reaches 70,000 rubles. per month, and earn about 30,000 rubles. You can even make 5-10 sales a day.

Business Features

The first step is to decide which showroom to open:

  • a room where different models of clothing are shown to wholesalers;
  • a boutique selling stylish, unique items at low prices;
  • shop-atelier.

Many entrepreneurs successfully combine all the concepts, making the highest possible profit. The risk that arises when opening such an establishment is that the purchased products will not be in demand.

Home show rooms operate unofficially. Owners of boutiques that are closed from outside buyers prefer not to register their businesses. Customers do not pay attention to legality, because the things they purchase in such establishments are of excellent quality and low price. Beginners organizing a show room should remember this.

When drawing up a business plan for a show room, it is necessary to take into account this form of business. It is justified as long as the number of regular customers does not exceed 150 people and the owner is able to independently cope with the delivery of goods. Working with wholesale buyers and expanding your business will require the formation of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The last option will be cheaper.

Before opening a showroom for branded clothing, you should consider all the disadvantages of illegal activities:

  • lack of protection and guarantees when collaborating with the supplier;
  • It is unlikely that goods will be shipped to an illegal immigrant at a wholesale price; the overpayment can reach 20%;
  • employees can also take advantage of the lack of contracts;
  • constant risk of visits to the establishment by tax authorities or representatives of other official institutions.

Opening of a showroom for branded clothing

Supplier search

Taste and style are the necessary qualities of an entrepreneur who decides to open a show room. The first step is to learn as much as possible about fashion trends and popular brands. Then find places where you can buy high-quality and exclusive items at a low price.

There is a list of places where things for show rooms are usually purchased.

  • Outlets are unique markets organized in the format of a shopping center. Here you can find a huge amount of branded clothing sold at large discounts (up to 70%).

    Business idea for opening a showroom in 2018

    The advantage of outlets is the possibility of purchasing clothes in any quantities. This is a good tip for those who don’t know how to open a show room from scratch.

  • The ready-made clothing factory sells goods in batches, the minimum price of which varies from 30,000 rubles. The advantage is the cost of clothing and cooperation through catalogs. Working with factories can be an excellent solution when searching for suppliers, for those who want to organize a separate women's and men's show room.
  • Factories that supply goods based on pre-orders are an excellent option for an entrepreneur opening a fashion show room. After studying fashion trends, you can order a whole collection of clothes here. But all agreements should be concluded several months before the expected delivery.
  • The wholesale warehouse usually sells clothes at discounts of up to 70%, but the minimum batch that can be purchased costs about 60,000 rubles. The advantage is the ability to select shoes and accessories on site.
  • When opening a wedding dress showroom, you should remember that every bride wants to have a unique appearance. The best solution in this case would be to cooperate with a wedding dress sewing atelier or a small factory, whose services include the option of tailoring clothes to order.

    The same option is perfect for organizing a showroom for evening dresses.

  • Online fashion stores often offer items from famous brands at bargain prices. Moreover, you can buy them in any quantity. The pitfall here may be the quality of the product.

A good idea is to open a showroom for clothes from China. Chinese or Korean suppliers offer high-quality items at low prices. For example, a dress ordered from Chinese manufacturers will cost an entrepreneur 1,000 rubles, while the exact same dress will be sold in a branded boutique for 10,000 rubles. But often entrepreneurs, in order to work with suppliers from China, have to undertake obligations to represent one of the many Beijing companies.

Terms of sale

The illegality of a business leaves a negative imprint on the possibility of implementation. But the entrepreneur has at his disposal message boards on the Internet, pages on social networks, and the ubiquitous word of mouth. You can create your own online store (a good option is the online clothing store VKontakte). And you should not think that the business will not bring the expected profit due to the large number of stores in the opening region. As a rule, the goods there are of low quality, or the price tag is too high.


How to open a business selling clothes: creating your own show room

The showroom is another innovation that has come to us from the West, rich in ideas. It is translated as a display room, in other words, if applied to a business selling clothes, then the correct translation would be a room for displaying clothes. In the West, showrooms are needed to display things; in our country, they are more like boutiques with branded items at home.

The Chinese are unsurpassed professionals in the showroom field. Developed production leads to enormous competition for each client, and this takes service to the highest level.

A showroom in China today means high ceilings and spacious rooms, spotlights and shelving, stands and special stages, in short, everything is done for the most successful work with the client.

The Chinese place a high level of service first. That’s why the room for displaying clothes is furnished with soft and cozy furniture, and customers of the showroom are offered delicious soft drinks. It’s still a long way to China, but, as they say, the one who walks can master the road.

Where to begin?

How to open a show room? The first step in creating a showroom at home should be renovation of the premises. It is impossible to achieve an intimate and elite atmosphere in which a dear client will gladly part with his money in a room with old wallpaper, for example. It is necessary to carefully consider the layout, distribute the space, choosing a place for receiving guests and directly for things. Furniture for the client should be comfortable; screens will not be superfluous - they can clearly demonstrate how this or that clothing will look.

Since repairs today are a costly business, it is clear that you cannot call a clothing showroom a business without investments - you will need significant start-up capital.
In addition, it is worth taking care of an assistant; you are unlikely to be able to always be at your workplace. It is ideal if the employee has luggage behind him in the form of a diploma as a seamstress, a cutter, and even better, a diploma as a stylist. Agree, beautiful, fashionable and expensive things should only be handled by a professional.

A distinctive feature of modern boutiques and showrooms is that in them the client can dress and put on stylish shoes, as well as purchase the necessary accessories. This means that the goods should include everything from a pendant to a fur coat.

How to open a clothing showroom and where to purchase goods? Most often, supply contracts are concluded with wholesalers, who, in turn, place orders from the manufacturer. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the amount and size of the purchase. The disadvantages of such a scheme include the fact that wholesalers quite often include items from old collections in the list. On the market you can find entire outlet villages selling goods from last year’s collections. They are much cheaper and are perfect for those customers who are not crazy about new products, but want to have high-quality, branded items.

Some entrepreneurs choose clothes and other goods for their business themselves while flying abroad. When expanding your showroom and needing larger quantities of purchases, it is still wiser to turn to wholesalers. Undoubtedly, the most correct and optimal way is for the owner to attend fashion designers' shows, but this is incredibly expensive - fashion designers often demand to purchase the entire collection.

Clothes shopping list

  • Outlet villages. They sell things inexpensively and with big discounts. You can find great designs, but it can be very difficult to find specific sizes and colors.
  • The online store is the largest platform with goods. Mostly these are things of low quality, but there are also good clothes. Your task is to find it and offer it to the buyer.
  • Ready-made clothing enterprises. The minimum purchase is possible from five hundred euros. Another plus is that things are sold at a competitive price. Nowadays, many factories cooperate well remotely, so orders are made exclusively from catalogs.
  • Factories working on pre-orders of clothing. Very convenient, you just need to place an order on time, for example, for a summer collection in the spring, etc.
  • Wholesale warehouses. Here you will find beautiful things from past seasons at the most favorable 70% discounts. If you are ready to make a purchase worth a thousand euros, you should pay attention to wholesale warehouses.

It is best to select and purchase clothes and other goods for your showroom yourself. But, this involves flying to other countries and delivering to your boutiques, which is undoubtedly expensive.

Today, thanks to developed production, it is profitable to open your own showroom of Chinese clothing. Low prices for items will ensure competitive prices, and the choice of models will please the most sophisticated buyer.

Important nuances in opening a clothing showroom

The most effective advertising in this business is word of mouth. Customers who are convinced of the high quality of the clothes they purchased from you and are satisfied with your service will bring their friends with them. Having developed a decent base of regular customers, you can count on a very, very decent reward.

What is the audience for your showroom? Will it be young people, children or middle-aged people who prefer classic clothes? You must be very clear about who you should offer and sell your product to. What will the offer be like? Buyers really appreciate an unobtrusive and polite attitude towards themselves. Moreover, this is equally true if they buy both expensive clothes and budget brands. The reputation of a retail outlet can be ruined in a matter of seconds, so make it a rule to be polite to any customer.

The good thing about your own showroom is that it can be created in two versions: offline and online. But, if you are only going to create an online store, you need to think through a clear plan for the delivery and exchange of things. Nowadays there are a huge number of ready-made templates online and you can try to open a store as a showroom yourself. If you want to make a truly convenient and functional website, it is better to turn to professionals.

Logistics are very important for an online showroom - the speed of delivery of orders to different ends affects the mood of the buyer and, following from this, more people will recommend the store.

It is very important to make ordering as simple as possible. This will increase the likelihood that the buyer, after adding an item to the cart, will complete the transaction. Choose a suitable payment system with different types of payments and favorable conditions. Study the laws regarding exchange and return of goods.

For a showroom of things on the Internet, it is quite possible to have an Internet accountant. It makes no sense to say that you need to choose him meticulously and carefully, and it is clear that your income will largely depend on his work.

Advertising is also important for an online showroom.

How to open a clothing showroom from scratch: where to start

If you are a creative person, you can try to promote your brand yourself. But since you will have a lot of worries, it is still better to look for an advertising agency, SEO promotion bureau or a good digital studio.

A showroom of things, as a rule, begins to generate income when the number of clients exceeds 200 people. Many people, having opened their showroom at home, do not formalize their activities in any way. This is only suitable if the customer base is small and the product is handled exclusively by the owner.

Now you know how to open a showroom selling clothes and where to start your business. The main thing is to believe in success!

How to open a successful clothing showroom: 5 main rules

How to open a business selling clothes: creating your own show room

The showroom is another innovation that has come to us from the West, rich in ideas. It is translated as a display room, in other words, if applied to a business selling clothes, then the correct translation would be a room for displaying clothes. In the West, showrooms are needed to display things; in our country, they are more like boutiques with branded items at home.

Showrooming is not an entirely difficult task, bordering on the category of an expensive hobby. You don’t have to count on quick profits right away. Crazy profitability (and it can reach 300%), on the one hand, allows one to hope for quick enrichment, but on the other hand, there are also serious risks - the collection may not be sold out. Let's turn our attention to serious madam statistics, from which it follows that in our country the niche with the sonorous name of the showroom is only partially occupied and those who want to start their own business in this direction have every chance of becoming famous and successful in the fashion clothing market.

The Chinese are unsurpassed professionals in the showroom field. Developed production leads to enormous competition for each client, and this takes service to the highest level.

A showroom in China today means high ceilings and spacious rooms, spotlights and shelving, stands and special stages, in short, everything is done for the most successful work with the client.

The Chinese place a high level of service first. That’s why the room for displaying clothes is furnished with soft and cozy furniture, and customers of the showroom are offered delicious soft drinks. It’s still a long way to China, but, as they say, the one who walks can master the road.

Where to begin?

How to open a show room? The first step in creating a showroom at home should be renovation of the premises. It is impossible to achieve an intimate and elite atmosphere in which a dear client will gladly part with his money in a room with old wallpaper, for example. It is necessary to carefully consider the layout, distribute the space, choosing a place for receiving guests and directly for things. Furniture for the client should be comfortable; screens will not be superfluous - they can clearly demonstrate how this or that clothing will look.

Since repairs today are a costly business, it is clear that you cannot call a clothing showroom a business without investments - you will need significant start-up capital.
In addition, it is worth taking care of an assistant; you are unlikely to be able to always be at your workplace. It is ideal if the employee has luggage behind him in the form of a diploma as a seamstress, a cutter, and even better, a diploma as a stylist. Agree, beautiful, fashionable and expensive things should only be handled by a professional.

A distinctive feature of modern boutiques and showrooms is that in them the client can dress and put on stylish shoes, as well as purchase the necessary accessories. This means that the goods should include everything from a pendant to a fur coat.

How to open a clothing showroom and where to purchase goods? Most often, supply contracts are concluded with wholesalers, who, in turn, place orders from the manufacturer. This scheme allows you to significantly reduce the amount and size of the purchase. The disadvantages of such a scheme include the fact that wholesalers quite often include items from old collections in the list. On the market you can find entire outlet villages selling goods from last year’s collections. They are much cheaper and are perfect for those customers who are not crazy about new products, but want to have high-quality, branded items.


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