Okpd 2 where to find in the statutory documents

Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. From 2019, competitions, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

OKPD2 code was excluded from January 1, 2017 on the basis of amendments to 13/2016 OKPD2, approved. By order of Rosstandart dated September 28, 2016 No. 1237-st.

Accordingly, the customer has no grounds for using the OKPD2 code when making a purchase for the overhaul of premises.

How can a customer use OKPD2 codes: examples and practice of FAS

OKPD2 codes are chosen by customers when they describe the procurement object. If you enter the wrong code, limit competition or choose the wrong purchase method. In this case, pay a fine and spend time on proceedings in the FAS. I will tell you what OKPD2 is and how to use it, using examples from the practice of customers and the antimonopoly service.

What is OKPD2

OKPD2 is the all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity. The classifier approved Rosstandart by order of January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. By the same order, Rosstandart canceled the OKP, OKPD, OKDP and OKUN classifiers from January 1, 2017.

The OKPD2 code has a hierarchical structure:

XX Class
XX. X subclass
XX. XX Group
XX. XX. X subgroup
XX. XX. XX view
XX. XX. XX. XX0 category
XX. XX. XX. XXX subcategory

The hierarchy of OKPD2 codes for agricultural products looks like this.

Place in the hierarchy The code Name
Class 01 Products and services of agriculture and hunting
subclass 01.1 Annual crops
Group 01.11 Grain crops (except rice), leguminous crops, oilseeds
subgroup 01.11.1 Wheat
view 01.11.11 durum wheat
category Winter durum wheat
subcategory Grain of winter durum wheat

In what cases do customers use OKPD2

OKPD2 codes are used by customers when they determine the object of procurement. At the same time, Law No. 44-FZ does not require that OKPD2 be indicated in plans, schedules, notices and other documents of the procedure. In practice, customers apply OKPD2 in four cases.

Case 1. The customer generates a procurement identification code. The IPC consists of 36 digits. The numbers from the 30th to the 33rd in the IPC are formed with the information of OKPD2 - they take the first four digits of the code. For example, a customer buys medicinal plants. Product code according to OKPD2 - The IKZ will include the numbers 02.30. For more information on how to form an IKZ, read the recommendations.

Case 2. The customer publishes information in the EIS. OKPD2 codes are indicated by customers when they place plans, schedules, notices in the EIS. There are no such requirements in Law No. 44-FZ, however, the functionality of the site will not allow publishing information about the purchase without the OKPD2 code. The customer selects the required code from the list offered by the UIS.

Case 3. The customer establishes benefits or additional requirements for participants, as well as restrictions on the purchase of certain goods. To do this, use OKPD2 codes from the lists approved by the Government or the Ministry of Economic Development, in particular:

  • preferences for participants who supply goods from the EAEU (Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of March 25, 2014 No. 155);
  • benefits to enterprises of the penitentiary system (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 649);
  • restrictions on the purchase of foreign radio-electronic goods (Government Decree of September 26, 2016 No. 968);
  • prohibitions on the purchase of engineering goods (Government Decree of July 14, 2014 No. 656);
  • restrictions on the purchase of medical devices from other countries (Government Decree of February 5, 2015 No. 102);
  • additional requirements for procurement participants (Government Decree of February 4, 2015 No. 99);
  • a list of goods, works and services that customers under Law No. 223-FZ buy in electronic form (Government Decree No. 616 of June 21, 2012).

If the procurement object code is included in one of the listed lists, apply the rules of the regulatory act by which the list is approved.

Case 4. The customer chooses the purchase method. The Government has determined the goods, works and services that customers are entitled to buy only at an auction - the auction list (Government Decree of March 21, 2016 No. 471-r).

In order to choose the right method of purchase, customers check the OKPD2 codes in the list. How to make a purchase according to the auction list, read the recommendations.

How can a customer choose an OKPD2 code

OKPD2 codes Rosstandart listed in the classifier dated January 31, 2014 No. 034-2014. You can find the required code in the classifier by the name of the procurement object.

The wizard “Determine the exact OKPD2 code for procurement” will help you quickly find out the code. Just enter a keyword in the wizard's search box, such as "lime brick" or "brick", click on the name you need and click the "Define" button.

The wizard also works in the reverse order - the customer can recognize the product, work or service by the OKPD2 code. Write the required code and click "Define".

Sometimes there are two OKPD2 codes for the same product. This is due to the fact that Rosstandart canceled OKPD, OKUN, OKDP and OKP, and the Ministry of Economic Development has developed keys for the transition from the old classifiers to OKPD2. If you are purchasing products that have two codes, choose OKPD2, which more accurately describes the object of purchase.

Since OKP codes are not valid from January 1, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development has made a conversion table that can be used to determine the OKPD2 code from the OKP code. According to the table, the customer found out that for code 94 4330, OKPD2 code is set.

The customer described the object of procurement with the code from the table of the Ministry of Economic Development - With this code, the customer has the right to demand a registration certificate from the participants. If you indicate a code that does not correspond to the registration certificate and require a certificate from the participant, then you violate Part 6 of Article 66 of Law No. 44-FZ. For this, a contract service employee will be fined from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. (part 4 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

What is the punishment for an incorrect OKPD2 code

Controllers punish customers who, due to an incorrect OKPD2 code, violate Law No. 44-FZ. The penalty is for three reasons.

1. Bias described the object of procurement due to the incorrect OKPD2 code. In this case, violate clause 1 of part 1 of article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (part 4.2 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

2. Wrongly chose the purchase method due to the wrong code. Let's say you bought products from the auction list at the competition. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 30,000 or 50,000 rubles. (parts 1 and 2 of article 7.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

3. Incorrectly set limits or provided benefits due to incorrect code. A contract service employee will pay a fine of 3,000 rubles. (part 4.2 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

You should not expect that the first problem that a person who has decided or an IP will face will be the need to understand the complex system of state classifiers, codes and abbreviations. However, over time, when the primary documents are drawn up and the head of the newly created company will be able to gradually begin to conquer the living space in the market, it will be necessary to delve into the intricacies of domestic and European classification and deciphering obscure terms - or it will be necessary to use the appropriate reference books that make life much easier for the merchant.

One of the most commonly used codes in the Russian Federation is OKPD 2; it is indispensable in the implementation of almost all types of activities. How the abbreviation stands for and where you can download a complete reference to OKPD 2 codes - in the following brief explanation.

Why is OKPD 2 needed?

You should start by deciphering the term. OKPD 2 is, according to official data, the All-Russian (O) classifier (K) of products (P) by type of economic activity (D). As you can see, when creating the abbreviation, not all the words involved in the full name were used, which creates a little confusion with another commonly used code - OKVED, the All-Russian (O) classifier (K) of types (C) economic (E) activities (D). Nevertheless, there is a difference between the codes, and a very significant one.

The new OKPD 2 system, which replaced the earlier OKP and OKPD, was approved in 2014 by Rosstat Order No. 14; at the same time, the very structure of the document was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for several years.

Important: in official documents (in particular, in the recently mentioned order), the classifiers have other names that are difficult to remember: OK005 93 (OKP codes), OK034 2007 (OKPD system) and OK034 2014 (OKPD 2 proper, finally brought into line with the European CPA 2008 classification). It is easy to guess that the digital designations after the abbreviations are the years of development or approval of code systems.

Like its direct predecessor, OKPD, which is still in circulation, OKPD 2 is part of the Unified System for Classifying and Coding Technical, Economic and Social Information, which allows not only to quickly find, but also use a unified automated approach to processing information received by Rosstat about production of products and provision of services.

Although the mentioned department formally identifies four main areas of application of the classifier (economic, accounting, statistical and standardization), in practice the codes are simply called statistical, since entrepreneurs know even less about the use of OKPD 2 for other purposes than about the main one.

In fact, the All-Russian Product Classifier in its second edition is a large reference book (it can be downloaded on the Internet both in parts and in one document, usually designed to work in MS Word), navigating through which or using the built-in search function, a businessman, only only those who have completed or already have sufficient experience in commercial activities can independently find “their” code and check the correctness of its assignment by the registration authority. True, it will not work to check the counterparty according to the OKPD 2 list: the maximum information that an entrepreneur can receive is the type of economic activity of a potential business partner.

Important: although the OKPD 2 code system was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, changes are made to it only in agreement with the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). Currently, there are about twenty corrections made, therefore, for an individual entrepreneur or head of a commercial structure, it makes special sense to check the current classification from time to time.

The information contained in the All-Russian Classifier of Products OKPD 2 is especially often used in the following cases:

  • In the development and execution of acts that serve to regulate any type of activity. As you know, checks in different areas are carried out at different intervals, and, therefore, an entrepreneur may find himself in a situation where in each new episode a different code is used (while maintaining the commercial orientation of the enterprise); this once again demonstrates the importance of timely reconciliation of data; an act with an incorrectly entered code may be invalidated.
  • When classifying products, works and services for the purposes of statistical study. The data received from all entrepreneurs registered in the Russian Federation are sent to the Federal State Statistics Service and processed in order to create a single picture that is important for assessing the economic situation in the country. All that is required of a businessman is simply to provide the information of interest to Rosstat on time; all other operations are carried out by government officials.
  • When conducting public procurement at any level: from federal (all-Russian) to regional and municipal. Statistical codes, including OKPD 2, are used in the development and execution of documents, as well as when applying - by an entrepreneur who wants to participate in the competition. Of course, in this case, it is also necessary to provide up-to-date information, referring to the latest available OKPD reference book, otherwise the application may simply be rejected.
  • When registering and further taxation registered organization. Here, the burden already falls on the employees of the Federal Tax Service; an individual entrepreneur or the owner of a legal entity can only check, using an online or downloaded directory, the correct assignment of the code according to the product classifier by type of activity and, if necessary, notify the Federal Tax Service of the error.
  • When standardizing and further checking the quality of manufactured products or services rendered. Active actions from a person conducting commercial activities are also not required in such a situation: codes according to the All-Russian Classifier (you can find them in a single directory) are assigned and used by the registrar; a businessman should, from time to time, allocating a little free time, check the codes assigned to his enterprise with the current ones and, if inaccuracies are found, notify the state authorities about this.
  • When compiling documents necessary for conducting economic activities at the international level. If the application is compiled by the entrepreneur himself, he should directly monitor the correctness of the data provided in it; if the merchant is represented by a state structure, this obligation falls on civil servants.

Important: despite the statistical and representative significance, in the daily life of an entrepreneur, codes according to the All-Russian classifier of products OKPD 2 are used relatively rarely. Much more often it becomes necessary either to check it on the basis of the Federal Bailiff Service than to make sure that the type of activity of a business partner, already known to the second party by default, corresponds to the code assigned to it. Therefore, when concluding cooperation agreements, the stage of reconciliation of OKPD 2 codes can be skipped, concentrating on more important details of commercial activities.

Classifier structure

As already mentioned, the All-Russian Classification of Products, Works and Services OKPD 2, developed and approved in the Russian Federation, has been brought into line with the European classification CPA 2008 (Statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community - CPEC, or CPA 2008).

In most cases, the Russian developer, the Ministry of Economic Development, left the two-six-digit CPA 2008 codes unchanged in order to maximize compliance, however, sometimes, taking into account the development and functioning of the domestic economy, “extended” seven-, eight- and nine digit codes. The Russian Federation is no exception in this matter: a similar practice is common in a number of EU countries, as well as states that are applicants for joining it.

As you can see, OKPD 2 contains a huge amount of information that completely excludes the possibility of a simple sequential classification. On the other hand, a too complex breakdown into subcategories would lead to new problems and inevitable confusion, threatening not only economic, but also reputational losses. Therefore, when developing the classification, it was decided, as before, to use both methods: sequential and hierarchical. Types of manufactured products or services are listed sequentially, and subspecies (subcategories) - in a "deepening", hierarchical order.

The classifier structure in general consists of:

  • 00 - classes (the most general category);
  • 00.0 - subclasses;
  • 00.00 - groups of goods, works or services;
  • 00.00.0 - subgroups;
  • 00.00.00 - types of products offered by the entrepreneur (this is where the pan-European classification ends);
  • - categories (in the Russian system);
  • - subcategories (in the Russian classifier).

As you can see, the number of digits in OKPD 2 of an organization can vary from two to six (within the CPA) or up to nine (taking into account the specifics of the domestic economy).

Important: to maintain the correspondence of the codes used according to the OKPD 2 and CPA 2008 classifiers, as well as to improve perception, a dot separates:

  • second and third characters of the code;
  • fourth and fifth characters of the classifier;
  • in the Russian version - the sixth and seventh characters (the ninth, if any, is written together with the seventh and eighth).

In addition, it is currently accepted in codes that comply with European standards (that is, including no more than six characters) to use all nine digits, replacing the last three with zeros. If the product or service has Russian specifics, the final three characters (or only the seventh and eighth) differ from zero.

An example of product classification using OKPD 2:

  • 05 . General class name: "Coal".
  • 05.2 . Subclass name: "Brown coal (lignite)".
  • 05.20 . Name of the product group: "Brown coal (lignite)".
  • 05.20.1 . Name of the subgroup: "Brown coal (lignite)".
  • 05.20.10 . Name of the type of product: "Brown coal (lignite)".
  • . The name of the first subcategory provided for by the regulator: “Raw brown coal (lignite)”.
  • . The name of the second subcategory: "Enriched brown coal (lignite)".
  • . The name of the third subcategory: "Concentrate of brown coal (lignite)".

In order to prevent possible misunderstandings, the developer of OKPD 2 provided explanations for categories and subcategories included in the title, which serve to:

  • accurate, leaving no room for ambiguous interpretation of the understanding of isolated terms, abbreviations or phrases as part of a common name;
  • creating an unambiguous concept of the specifics of the development, provision and use of goods and services included in this category or subcategory;
  • providing the reader with an exhaustive or expansive list of products included in a category or subcategory or work performed;
  • prevention of intentional or accidental inclusion in the described category (subcategory) of goods or services not provided for by the compiler (for example, mixing shale and anthracite coal).

For "European" (up to six characters) codes, explanations for classes, subclasses, and so on in descending order of goods and services usually correspond to those adopted in the European Union and are not given in the directory (or are given in part) or, if there are significant discrepancies, are included directly in the classification.

Important: in accordance with the logical principle of constructing hierarchical lists, a comment related to a more “general” group fully applies to its subgroups. Therefore, when trying to independently find your code according to the All-Russian Classifier, an entrepreneur must take into account the notes related to the "superior" categories.

For example, in domestic practice, instead of the European standardCPA 2008 are used:

  • for subclass 10.4 (“Vegetable and animal oils and fats”) - Technical regulation TR TS-024/2011 of the Customs Union concerning the relevant products;
  • for subclass 10.5 (“Milk, dairy products”) - Federal Law (technical regulation) No. 88-FZ, approved in June 2008;
  • for subclass 10.32 ("Juices from vegetables and fruits") - Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR-023/2011 of the Customs Union;
  • for all drugs included in OKPD 2 - ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system and so on.

When using unified codes, they are not used, however, the most common, letter designations of sections of the classifier are included in all online and offline directories. They have no practical significance and rather serve to understand the very structure of the system:

  1. Section A. It includes agricultural products, products of animal origin from fisheries and forestry.
  2. Section B- all products related to the mining industry.
  3. Section C- goods offered by processing enterprises.
  4. Section D- gas, steam, electricity and air conditioning services.
  5. Section E- works on water supply and diversion of water flows, as well as reclamation services.
  6. Section F- all types of construction works.
  7. Section G- services related to retail and wholesale business; and in addition, with the repair of motor vehicles (cars, trucks and motorcycles).
  8. Section H- work on the organization of transportation and storage activities.
  9. Section I- hospitality and catering services.
  10. Section J- services provided in the field of communication (including cellular), processing and transmission of information.
  11. Section K- services of financial (including investment) companies and insurance agencies.
  12. Section L- the whole set of services to ensure the interests of clients in the field of real estate.
  13. Section M- works related to the engineering, professional and scientific (not applied) field.
  14. Section N- Administrative, economic, organizational (in the general sense) and support services.
  15. Section O- a set of public services for social insurance (mandatory part), management and military support.
  16. Section P- services provided by state or commercial structures in the field of education.
  17. Section Q- services provided in the field of health protection and social protection of citizens.
  18. Section R- a set of services in the field of entertainment, cultural events, recreation, sports (in its entertainment part) and art.
  19. Section S- other services rendered to citizens, including the activities of public organizations.
  20. Section T- goods, works and services produced and rendered at home and for own use.
  21. Section U- services rendered to the consumer by extraterritorial structures.

Advice: although in official order, letter designations are not used when using OKPD 2 codes, since they represent unnecessary information, it is recommended for an individual entrepreneur or the owner of a legal entity, when mentioning the code in the text of the document, to add the appropriate name in brackets after it - this will allow the counterparty to quickly check the given data on reference book.

Download classifier OKPD 2

How is OKPD different from OKPD 2?

In total, in the history of modern Russia, three options for classifying products by type of economic activity have been consistently used:

  1. OKP, that is, simply the All-Russian classifier of products. It has been developed since 1991 by several practically independent government agencies on behalf of the Russian Government. Approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation at the end of 1993; entered into force the following year. Not associated with European requirements for the classification of goods, works and services; consists of six significant characters (the first two, denoting the class, are separated by a space) and the final check digit, which allows you to check the correct assignment of the code. Thanks to the use of a hierarchical structure, the code can accurately determine which type of product it belongs to. The all-Russian classifier OKP is completely out of use, according to the Order of Rosstat of 2014, starting from 2017.
  2. OKPD. Appeared in 2008 (initially as an addition to the main OKP classifier). The first of the domestic systems, brought into line with European standards (at that time still CPEC (CPEC) from 2002). Approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovanie No. 329 at the end of 2007; entered into force the following year. It included only 17 sections (four less than in the current edition), but almost 40 thousand groups against the currently used 18 thousand. Formally taken out of use in accordance with the aforementioned order since 2017, but for a number of reasons below, it is still used today.
  3. OKPD 2. He came at the beginning of 2015 to replace OKP and OKPD at the same time. To a large extent corresponds to the European CPA 2008 system, except for the use of 7-9-character codes instead of the six digits adopted in the European Union, separated by dots. Usually codes according to OKPD 2 are brought into agreement with codes according to OKVED 2, however, there are also obvious discrepancies that no one is currently going to eliminate. Officially, OKPD 2 has been the only used classifier for products manufactured in Russia since the beginning of 2017.

Important: in accordance with the Order of the Federal State Statistics Service No. 14 of 2014, individual entrepreneurs and owners of large commercial structures must use in their work (starting from 2015) only codes according to the All-Russian Classifier OKPD 2. Nevertheless, sometimes, to facilitate perception, it makes sense to cite in documents and old codes - unless, of course, the company was registered before 2015. Otherwise, OKPD or OKP simply could not be assigned to it, and therefore the merchant will have nothing to choose from.

It also makes sense, when drawing up an act or an agreement, if there are several codes, each time indicate in brackets after them the affiliation: OKP, OKPD or OKPD 2. Although, by decision of the legislator, the first two classifiers have already been withdrawn from circulation, there is no punishment for the fact that they (of course , together with the new code) will be given in the document, not provided.

Summing up

The OKPD 2 code is used for unambiguous classification and identification of goods, works or services offered by the manufacturer. The structure of the code is sequentially hierarchical, using the letter designation of sections not mentioned in the document and six-nine-digit unique digital sequences. Check numbers at the end of the code are not currently used.

You can find any code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Products in accordance with economic activity (this is how the abbreviation OKPD 2 stands for) using the online directory or a document for MS Word, which can be downloaded from the link above. Currently, in accordance with the Order of Rosstat of 2014, only OKPD 2 codes should be used: OKP and OKPD are a thing of the past.

OKPD 2.1 is a classifier for services or works, products. We will tell you how and when to use it, and how to assign it.

Question: the client asked us to provide the OKPD 2.1 code. Is this code required for assignment? Assignment procedure. What document is written in?

Answer: OKPD 2 codes (all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity) are used as classifiers for services or works, products.

They are relevant for municipalities and state entities that place orders or organize auctions and are needed to participate in public procurement, when reporting to Rosstat. When the customer draws up a procurement plan, he must indicate the current OKPD code, which also contains data on:

the type of the procurement object;

a subgroup

a subclass


The information helps to accurately classify what is needed from the performers. At the same time, neither Rosstat, nor the IFTS, nor Roskomnadzor register codes for OKDP. The organization has the right to choose the appropriate code from the Classifier and use it to designate products.

OKPD 2 codes can be found in Order OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008) All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD 2). Sections A (class 01) - C (class 15) (part 1).


Reference Information:classifiers

To determine the OKPD2 code, use the transition keys

The functionality of the Unified Information System provides for coding of goods, works, services purchased by educational institutions in accordance with OKPD2 (OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008)), approved by the order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia recommended that when determining the code, use the transition keys published on its official website. They will help you find the OKPD2 code corresponding to the codes of other classifiers (including OKPD, approved by the order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated November 22, 2007 No. 329-st).

For example, in OKPD, school textbooks are assigned the code 3695230. Using the key, it is easy to find out that the required code for OKPD2 is “Models, layouts and similar demo products”.

Answered by Vladislav Volkov,

Deputy Head of the Department for Personal Income Taxation and Administration of Insurance Contributions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

“The inspectors will compare the income of individuals in 6-personal income tax with the amount of payments in the calculation of insurance premiums. Inspectors will apply this control ratio from the reporting for the first quarter. All control ratios for checking 6-NDFL are given in. For instructions and samples of filling out 6-personal income tax for the first quarter, see the recommendation.

To organize a large amount of information, as well as to make it easier to keep records by type of activity and products manufactured by enterprises, specialized classifiers were developed and implemented at one time, which became the main tool for encoding data in various information fields. Moreover, the adoption of uniform standards was carried out almost immediately in all European countries, in Russia and a number of other states. To date, there are two main instruments - OKVED-2 and OKPD-2. The first abbreviation stands for "All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity", and the second - "All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity."

It should be noted right away that this is not the first version of the classifiers, as evidenced by the number "2" in the title. Initially, these lists were developed at the turn of the millennium and had a similar structure, however, with the development of international trade, the advent of new technologies and innovation, there was a need to supplement and update them, as a result of which large-scale work began in 2014 to modernize both classifiers. What are their functions and what they represent, later in this article.

OKVED and OKPD - the same thing?

Among inexperienced users, there is an opinion that these tools literally copy each other and do not carry a separate semantic load. Indeed, if you look at the structure of these classifiers, you can conclude that they are very similar. Then what was the point in spending heavily on public funds to develop two identical encoders? And what is the difference between OKPD and OKVED honey? She is. Only at first glance it may seem that these are identical classifiers. However, they have completely different functionality and are designed to solve different problems.

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity- a tool that contains the codes of absolutely all types of professional activities within the state. In other words, thanks to a numerical expression, it describes any type of entrepreneurship that a person is engaged in in Russia. This is necessary to keep accurate records, analyze the country's economy and make timely adjustments, financing and other measures to correct the situation. In addition, thanks to the data contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, tax rates are calculated and all kinds of deductions are collected from enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity - the main tool that promotes effective interaction between the manufacturer, seller and consumer. So the OKVED-2 and OKPD-2 classifiers are used in completely different situations. The first is to track the activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as a simple coding to describe their core areas. The second is as a universal language in the field of public procurement.

Modern tendencies

Surely, many could have a quite reasonable question about why it was necessary to develop a whole coding system, if all the names are already well-known, especially when it comes to specialized enterprises. The answer is simple. Every year, small, medium and large business entities are increasingly trying to establish fruitful relationships with state-owned enterprises, which are the largest customers and consumers. But any expenditure of public funds must be recorded properly. In addition, a catalog filled with numbers will take up much less space than one where products are described in words. And in order to fully understand the essence of this invention, it is necessary to refer to the formats that these classifiers offer.

Appearance of codes in classifiers

The OKVED-2 and OKPD-2 codes have a fairly similar structure, but consist of a different number of digits. When filling out an application in the first case, only the first 4 digits must be indicated, two of which indicate the class, and the next two indicate the subclass of activities. In the case of the All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity, the situation is more detailed. Codes consist of 6 digits. The first 2 are a class, the third is a subclass, the fourth is a group, the fifth is a subgroup, the sixth is a species. Thus, having looked at such an encryption, an experienced specialist will immediately determine what kind of product we are talking about.

Navigating the numbers, especially when it comes to electronic databases, is much easier. Yes, and placing orders and deliveries in this format is faster and more convenient. Instead of explaining to the manufacturer what exactly the customer needs, it is better to write a six-digit code containing all the necessary information. However, there are some difficulties caused by the presence of classifiers. For example, allowing the slightest oversight or error in the data will lead to complete non-compliance and, as a result, incorrect deliveries of goods. Therefore, when working with numbers, you must be extremely careful and careful.

The history of the emergence of the new OKPD 2 (all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity) and its structure, determining the exact code according to the current classifier, as well as how to avoid problems when assigning a code, this article will help.

With the help of our article you will be able to:

    find out the structure of the current since January 2017. OKPD 2;

    validity period of the old and new classifiers;

    accurately determine the product code according to OKPD 2;

    get acquainted with the history of improving the classifier from OKP to OKPD 2

What is OKPD

OKPD (all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity) isunified state standard of the Russian Federation. Products of the national economy from all spheres of activity are included in a single system of codes and classifications. In particular, it affects the areas of standardization, economics, accounting and statistics.

Distinctive features of OKPD 2 from the old classifiers

Until the beginning of the current year, when making purchases, OKPD (OK 034-2007) was used.

At present, the organization and search for tenders by contract specialists should be carried out according to OKPD 2. It corresponds to the classification and coding of types of products of the state statistics of the Russian Federation. It is also used to prepare information for presentation at the international level. OKPD 2 includes 6 characters of the product code plus contains a description of the corresponding position from the classifier of the European Economic Community of 2008.

Important! All possible cases of national characteristics are recorded using the correlation of groupings of the European classifier.

The new current code classifier is detailed in more detail.

OKPD 2 uses the hierarchy classification method and the sequential coding method. Nowthe code is structured, it includes two to nine digits. The code structure can be represented as follows:


XX.X - subclass

XX.XX - group

XX.XX.X - subgroup

XX.XX.XX - view

The number of sections (sections) compared to the old classifiers increased from 17 to 21. However,the number of groups has almost doubled. In the old OK 034-2007 there were 38,914, in the new OKPD 2 there are now only 17,416 groups.

A distinctive feature of OKPD 2 from its predecessors:single-letter Latin letters from A to U, denoting 21 sections, do not take part in coding. OKPD 2 codes, consisting of 2-4 Arabic numerals, are consistent with OKVED 2 codes, orOK 029-2014, i.e. with codes for designation of types of economic activity. This new supplement for contract managers is valid from 01/01/2017.

The history of the transition from OKP to OKPD

Dozens of organizations with participationThe All-Russian Research Market Institute (VNIIKI) in 1994 developed and put into operation the first classifier of Russian goods. He got the nameOK 005-93 (OKP). It replaced the previously existing Soviet All-Union Classification of Industrial and Agricultural Products 1 75 044.

In 2008, OK 005-93 was finalized by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, OK 034-2007 (OKPD) - the All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity, came into effect.

Rosstandart, by order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014, planned to cancel the OKPD from January 1, 2016. However, at the end of 2015, an additional order was issued (order of Rosstandart dated November 10, 2015 No. 1745-st) to extend the use of OKPD for another year until January 2017.

The problem of assigning OKPD 2 codes by the customer when placing a purchase on the EIS or on an electronic trading platform

Since 2016, the state customer under Federal Law 44 is obliged to assign a code; in case of violation, both the state customer and the official bear administrative responsibility.

Errors in assigning the code do not make it possible to increase the relevance of the request, and this is used by unscrupulous customers to hide the tender from the user.

To find a tender, you have to transfer goods and services to other OKP or TNVED classifiers and back to OKPD 2 and compare data arrays, which makes it difficult to quickly search and increases labor costs.

See the example in the table by the name of the product "control cabinet"

The code Directory Code name Frequency (number of purchases where the name occurs) Purchase amount in rubles
1 OKPD 2 Parts of electrical distribution or control apparatus 17 2 513 033
2 OKPD 2 Pumps for liquids, n.e.c., other 14 5 440 508
3 OKPD 2 Panels and other sets of electrical switching or protection equipment for voltage not exceeding 1 kV 13 13 275 304
4 OKPD 2 Other refrigeration equipment 10 1 039 229
5 OKPD 2 Other metal cabinets 10 5 555 672
6 OKPD 2 Panels and other sets of electrical switching or protection equipment for voltages exceeding 1 kV 9 2 264 410

Our program solves this problem by using a full-text search for keywords and expressions that can be obtained from the tender database for past customer contracts. See the "Help - Bid Management" section of the page here for full instructions on full-text search.


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