Register of monopolists 44 fz communication. The register of subjects of natural monopolies is not a law. Register of subjects of natural monopoly of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Subjects of natural monopoly

The concept of natural monopoly

Subject of natural monopoly and - an economic entity (legal entity) engaged in the production (sale) of goods under conditions of a natural monopoly.

Individual entrepreneurs, by virtue of direct instructions from the law, are not subjects of natural monopolies.
Subjects of natural monopoly can be created in the form of:

The law defines several groups of natural monopoly subjects:
1. Subjects of natural monopoly in the fuel and energy complex
For example, gas transportation through pipelines (GAZPROM).
Transportation of oil and petroleum products via main oil pipelines
Transfer services electrical energy.
2. Subjects of natural monopoly in transport
This is rail transportation (but in the future it is planned to introduce competition here)
This is the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure.
3. Subjects of natural monopoly in the field of communications
Postal services.
Electrical communication services
The activities of these entities are regulated by special legislative acts:
Subjects of natural monopoly are included in the register.
The register is maintained federal Service according to tariffs.
It includes those entities in respect of which state regulation and control is carried out in order to determine and establish tariff prices.
Access to the registry is open.
The register consists of 3 parts:
— Register of subjects of natural monopolies in the fuel and energy complex
— Register of subjects of natural monopolies in transport
— Register of subjects of natural monopolies in the field of communications

A special bankruptcy procedure has been established for subjects of natural monopolies
If the sphere of natural monopoly itself degenerates into competitive environment, restraining this process is not allowed.

How to check whether an organization is a natural monopoly

List of natural monopolies according to 44-FZ

We will talk about lists with the names of organizations that are legal monopolists in:

  • transport terminals;
  • sea ​​and river ports;
  • airports.

To date, FAS Order No. 75/16 dated January 28, 2016 has approved three such lists of entities whose work is regulated by the agency itself.

List and register: relationship between concepts

The register of natural monopoly entities is an automated database that contains information about such companies operating in various fields. This includes the following information:

  • Name;
  • address;
  • phone number;
  • No. and date of the order for inclusion in the register;
  • statistical codes;
  • information on performance results;
  • information about the license to carry out activities regulated by the state;
  • information about information sources.

The responsibility for maintaining the array after the abolition of the Federal Tariff Service was assigned to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2015 No. 373). It also regulates and controls the work of companies included in the database in order to set tariffs for their products.

It is important to note that the database contains only entities engaged in such areas as:

  • fuel and energy complex;
  • transport;
  • connection;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • disposal of radioactive waste.

We work with the register of natural monopolies

Subjects of natural monopolies - register for 2018

In accordance with technical technological features production, a number of Russian enterprises cannot function in conditions of market competition, however, the goods, works and services provided by such organizations are unique and irreplaceable (for example, Natural resources). In this regard, they need to go through the registration procedure as an EM subject. Natural monopolies in Russia 2018, a list of which by area of ​​activity is presented on the official website of the FAS Russia, are guided in their actions by 147-FZ of 08/17/1995.

The 2018 Register of Natural Monopolies is a specialized source that keeps records of organizations operating under natural monopolies. Responsibility for its formation and functioning is assigned to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The main purpose of this information base is to determine prices and tariffs for EM services and control the issues of determining such prices and tariffs.

The lists of EM subjects updated as of 02/01/2018 regulate the following areas of activity:

  • oil industry;
  • transport services;
  • disposal of radioactive waste;
  • energy complex;
  • natural resources: gas, water.

A search in the register of natural monopolies is carried out by the name or TIN of the enterprise, by territorial code, by type of register. Some lists contain subsections detailing industry specifics.

How to get on the register

The mechanism for reviewing and making decisions on the inclusion of economic entities in the register of natural monopolies is not established by law.

The procedure for reviewing documents and subsequent decision-making on the introduction, change or termination of the operation of the EM is reflected in the order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia No. 481-e dated October 13, 2010.

The register of natural monopolies is formed and maintained by the FAS in full accordance with the information provided by authorized executive authorities at all levels, and with applications received directly from the enterprises themselves applying for inclusion (change, termination of activities) in the EM lists. The regulatory framework, including the above-mentioned Procedure 481-e, can be found on the official website of the FAS, where you can also download registers of natural monopolies as of 02/01/2018.

All documents together with attachments and additional information the applicant sends them to the FAS either electronically or via postal items. A representative of an organization can also submit an application for the introduction, change or termination of activities in person. A proper package of documents in in paper form, which is submitted by the applicant organization, must be numbered, endorsed by the head and secured with the “living” seal of the enterprise.

Terms of consideration

If the information provided with the application for inclusion, change or termination of regulation contains incomplete, distorted or unreliable information, FAS specialists return the documents to the applicant organization within 10 working days after the date of their acceptance (clause 15 of the Procedure).

If all the information submitted is correct and directly relates to the issue of introducing, changing or terminating the activities of an EM entity, then the FAS will allow up to 6 months from the date of receipt for their consideration and approval (clause 19 of the Procedure).

Based on the results of studying and analyzing the documentary base, one of two decisions is made (clause 6 of the Procedure):

  • order on the introduction, change, termination of state regulation of activities;
  • lack of grounds for introducing, changing, or terminating state regulation of activities.

Register of subjects of natural monopoly of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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by order of the Regulatory Committee

natural monopolies and

protection of competition Ministry of National

economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

State Register market entities occupying a dominant or monopoly position
(as of November 10, 2015)

See: State Register of Market Entities Occupying a Dominant or Monopoly Position (approved by order of the Committee for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of the Ministry national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2015 No. 494-OD)


On amendments to the order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition dated February 26, 2003 No. 57-OD “On approval of the Rules for inclusion and exclusion from the State Register of Natural Monopolies”

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4, subparagraph 2) of Article 12-1 and subparagraph 2) of paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 9, 1998 “On Natural Monopolies and regulated markets", I ORDER:

1. Include in the order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition dated February 26, 2003 No. 57-OD “On approval of the Rules for inclusion and exclusion from the State Register of Natural Monopolies” (registered in the Register state registration regulatory legal acts No. 2217, published in the Official Gazette newspaper on May 17, 2003 No. 20), the following change:

in the Rules for inclusion and exclusion from the State Register of Natural Monopolies, approved by the said order:

paragraph 8 should be stated as follows:

"8. The Republican section of the Register is formed and maintained by the central authorized body.

The central authorized body may delegate to territorial authorized bodies the functions of implementing state control and regulation of the activities of natural monopolies.

The Republican section of the Register includes subjects of natural monopolies carrying out:

1) services in the spheres of natural monopolies on the territory of two or more regions (city of republican significance, capital);

2) international airport services;

3) services of a seaport that has the status of a seaport of international importance.

The services provided for in subparagraph 2) of this paragraph of the Rules are regulated by the territorial authorized bodies of the cities of Astana and Almaty.

The services provided for in subparagraph 3) of this paragraph of the Rules are regulated by the territorial authorized body of the Mangistau region."

2. Department strategic planning, consolidated analysis and international cooperation of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Regulation of Natural Monopolies to ensure:

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Natural monopolies are customers and suppliers in contract system.

1. What is a natural monopoly

From Article 3, No. 147 of the Federal Law, it follows that the concept of “natural monopoly” is a market situation in which there are no competitors and thanks to this it is possible to more effectively satisfy the needs of customers.

If we compare this demand with others, it is less dependent on price.

In this case, the manufacturer of goods acts as a subject of a natural monopoly. You can find information about which areas of activity fall under the category of natural monopoly in Federal Law 147. control over the work of natural monopolies is exercised by the state.

Do you want to know more information about procurement from natural monopolies?

Contact our specialists and find out more!

2. Purchases from natural monopoly entities under 223-FZ

Special requirements have been established for subjects of natural monopoly procurement activities, this can be found in clause 1, part 2, article 1. Companies engaged in activities on the basis of this act are required to create and publish a procurement plan and regulations. In cases in which the revenue of entities from regulated activities will not exceed 10 percent of total revenue all activities for the previous year, then the law will not have force. This also applies to subsidiaries of monopoly entities. But there is a difference, in this case the difference in revenue should be only 5 percent compared to the amount for the past 4 quarters.

You can find information about the amounts issued on the EIS website.

3. Rules for procurement from natural monopoly entities under 44-FZ

Government customers have the opportunity to purchase goods and services from natural monopoly entities through procurement from sole supplier. Attention must be paid to determining whether the supplier actually belongs to a natural monopoly.

It is possible to determine whether a supplier belongs to EM thanks to the industry in which similar organizations operate or using the registry.

But in the latter case, you can make a mistake, since the supplier may not be there.

It is necessary to correctly determine the contract price based on paragraph 1 of Article 544 of the Civil Code of Russia. the buyer must pay for goods or services according to meter readings.

According to Part 2 of Article 34 of the Law, it follows that the contract price must be settled and determined for the duration of the transaction.

The volume of product usage can be calculated according to previous and future adjustments. Provided that the volume of resources planned for use does not correspond to the volume of resources consumed, the customer has the right to propose changes to the contract, while making adjustments in cost of no more than 10 percent.

4. Example of procurement of a natural monopoly

Let's take the company JSC Russian Railways as an example. Its activities are based on freight and passenger transportation by rail. Locomotives that are at the disposal of third-party companies are also required to use Russian Railways tracks.

The company has a huge number subsidiaries, in which its activity is autonomous. But the services of this Russian Railways are not completely unique in their field of activity. You can always find other transportation routes, for example through water or road transport. But buyers often choose railway transportation and consider it the safest and this way they can transport more cargo. Sole founder This monopoly is the state and it is on its part that control over the management of JSC Russian Railways is exercised. Prices are set depending on demand. Thanks to all these parameters, we can say that the company is the only monopolist in its field. As for procurement activities, they are carried out in accordance with Federal Law 223 and on the basis of the Procurement Regulations.

This company also has its own ETP. On it, in addition to conducting auctions, you can set up document flow in in electronic format, storage and all necessary regulatory and reference materials.

To carry out activities on the site of JSC Russian Railways, you must first purchase an electronic signature from a specialized Certification Center. After this, register on the ETP and submit electronic application.

5. Video instructions for purchasing from a single supplier in the field of natural monopolies

For guaranteed results in tender procurement You can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of benefits: advance payments for government contracts, short time settlements, concluding direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

Pursuant to paragraph 60 of the Methodological Assistance Plan territorial authorities FAS Russia in 2018, approved by order of FAS Russia dated April 19, 2018 N 508/18, on clarification on the issue of classifying an organization as a natural monopoly if the said organization is not in the register of natural monopolies, FAS Russia reports the following.

According to Article 3 of the Federal Law of August 17, 1995 N 147-FZ “On Natural Monopolies” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Natural Monopolies), a natural monopoly is understood as a state of the product market in which satisfying demand in this market is more effective in the absence of competition due to the technological features of production (due to a significant decrease in production costs per unit of goods as production volume increases), and goods produced by subjects of a natural monopoly cannot be replaced in consumption by other goods, and therefore the demand in a given commodity market for goods produced by subjects of natural monopolies are less dependent on changes in the price of this product than the demand for other types of goods.

The subject of a natural monopoly is an economic entity engaged in the production (sale) of goods under conditions of a natural monopoly.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law on Natural Monopolies, the areas of activity of subjects of natural monopolies include: transportation of oil and petroleum products through main pipelines; gas transportation through pipelines; rail transportation; services in transport terminals, ports and airports; public telecommunications and public postal services; electric energy transmission services; services for operational dispatch control in the electric power industry; thermal energy transmission services; services for the use of inland waterway infrastructure; disposal of radioactive waste; water supply and sanitation using centralized systems, public infrastructure systems; icebreaker support of ships, ice pilotage of ships in the waters of the Northern Sea Route.

In accordance with Article 10 of the Law on Natural Monopolies, the bodies regulating natural monopolies form and maintain a register of natural monopoly entities in respect of which they carry out government regulation and control. The grounds for introducing state regulation of activities in relation to a natural monopoly entity and its inclusion in this register are the statement of the economic entity, proposals federal bodies executive power, executive bodies of constituent entities Russian Federation and organs local government, public organizations consumers, their associations and unions.

In accordance with Order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated October 13, 2010 N 481-e "On approval of the Procedure for considering documents submitted for making a decision on the introduction, change or termination of regulation of the activities of natural monopoly entities, and the list of such documents" The Register of natural monopoly entities is a database , containing in paper and electronic form information about business entities ( legal entities), engaged in the production (sale) of goods (services) under conditions of a natural monopoly in the fuel and energy complex, transport, communications, water supply and (or) sanitation (name, legal and postal addresses, Bank details, telephone numbers, codes, data on the volume of services provided, revenue, etc.).

The register of subjects of natural monopolies is of a declarative nature and is formed on the basis of information received from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, public associations consumers, their associations and unions, as well as at the request of the organizations themselves to include them in the Register or exclude them from the Register.

At the same time, the absence of an economic entity in the Register of Natural Monopoly Entities cannot indicate that it does not have the status of a natural monopoly.

This conclusion is confirmed judicial practice, namely: Definition Supreme Court RF dated 10.27.2017 N 305-ES17-12788 in case N A41-40556/2016, Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District dated 04.04.2018 N F03-1117/2018 in case N A73-14308/2017.

In the absence of an economic entity in the register of natural monopoly entities, the affiliation of the economic entity with natural monopoly entities is determined by establishing the fact that it carries out activities in the areas specified in Article 4 of the Law on Natural Monopolies, as well as compliance with its characteristics specified in Article 3 of the Law on Natural Monopolies. monopolies.

When considering the issue of classifying an economic entity as a natural monopoly in accordance with Article 3 of the Law on Natural Monopolies, two main criteria should be established:
1. The presence of an economic entity in possession by right of ownership or other legally objects of property used to carry out regulated activities in the areas specified in Article 4 of the Law on Natural Monopolies;
2. The presence of the fact of carrying out regulated activities in the areas specified in Article 4 of the Law on Natural Monopolies.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in relation to subjects of natural monopolies, the bodies regulating natural monopolies may apply price regulation, carried out by determining (establishing) prices (tariffs) or their maximum levels.

Thus, the fact of the existence of an established tariff (its maximum level) is an indirect confirmation of the classification of an economic entity as a natural monopoly entity.

In this regard, the issue of classifying an economic entity as a natural monopoly, if there is information about its activities on the basis of a tariff (its maximum level), should be considered in conjunction with and in conjunction with the criteria for classifying an economic entity as a natural monopoly in accordance with Article 3 of the Law on Natural Monopolies.

This position is confirmed by judicial practice (for example, cases: A40-243480/2016, A41-40556/2016, A27-22402/2015).

The supplier is not required to be in the Register of Monopolists, but the service must be included in the List of Russian Federation Regulations dated October 24, 2005 No. 637 (taking into account changes in a number of Russian Federation Regulations, including as amended on April 9, 2014 No. 277). Here is a review from SPS (“Garant”). An economic entity actually operates in the field of a natural monopoly in the field of communications - the provision of local telephone connection services. However, its name is not in the register of natural monopoly entities in this area. An economic entity actually operates in the field of a natural monopoly in the field of communications - the provision of local telephone connection services. However, its name is not in the register of natural monopoly entities in this area. According to clause 1, part 1, art.

How to check whether an organization is a natural monopoly

Law No. 147-FZ, paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of the RSFSR Law of March 22, 1991 No. 948-I “On competition and restriction of monopolistic activities in commodity markets» as amended in force until November 26, 2006, as well as paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”). In other words, in this case, the recognition of an economic entity as a natural monopoly is made dependent on the fact that it carries out activities in the field of natural monopoly, and not on inclusion in the register such entities. Of course, Law No. 147-FZ provides that the bodies regulating natural monopolies form and maintain a register of natural monopoly entities in respect of which state regulation and control is carried out (paragraph 2 of Art.

Register of subjects of natural monopolies

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out whether “sending parcels” means concluding a contract with a single monopolist supplier, or whether the shipment should be submitted to a request for quotation (28 parcels – that’s 14 thousand rubles)? What method of justifying the NMCC should be used in this case? Our organization falls under Law No. 44-FZ, we need to enter into an agreement for the provision of services for the removal, placement and disposal of solid household waste. In our region, solid waste is removed by the organization that owns the solid waste landfill, i.e. it is the only provider of comprehensive services for the removal and disposal of solid waste.

Clause 44 of the Federal Law on monopolists

It is important to note that the database contains only entities engaged in such areas as:

  • fuel and energy complex;
  • transport;
  • connection;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • disposal of radioactive waste.

Access to the data is available on the website If the customer, when planning a non-competitive procurement, will be faced with a choice from several companies operating in different fields, then the answer to the question: “Which of the following applies to a natural monopoly?” he can find it by following this link, or by downloading the lists of natural monopoly entities as of 02/01/2018 below. Download Download Download Download Download It is important that the FAS has the right to regulate the activities of only those organizations whose information is contained in the List and the Register.
Moreover, many subjects of natural monopoly are members of both groups.

Forum of the Institute of Public Procurement (Moscow)

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the applicant decided to send project documentation and (or) results engineering surveys for state examination - authorized to carry out state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or subordinate to these bodies government agencies by location land plot, where it is proposed to carry out construction, reconstruction or major renovation capital construction project. Most likely, your case is point 1. Then it should be borne in mind that carrying out a mandatory state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results for objects whose construction is planned on the territory of the city.

Register of monopolists under Federal Law 44

In this case, long-term costs become minimal only after the firm becomes the only participant market.

  • Open. This group includes monopolies, in which for a certain time a single company becomes the exclusive seller of certain goods.
  • Clean. Situations in which there is only one seller of a product on the market.
    Moreover, other organizations cannot offer even nearby analogues.
  • Pure monopolies are recognized today as the rarest phenomenon, because the modern market is based on the principles of competition. Government contracts are allowed to be concluded with natural monopolies. Which companies are classified as natural monopolies? The reasons for the formation of natural monopolies can be different.
    One of them was the mechanism for transforming old enterprises of the USSR.

Register of monopolists by 44 ap

Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 44-FZ), procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) can be carried out by the customer in the case of the purchase of goods, work or services that fall within the scope of activity of natural monopoly entities in accordance with Federal law dated August 17, 1995 No. 147-FZ “On Natural Monopolies”. As we can see, Law No. 44-FZ directly speaks only about the attribution of goods, work, services to the sphere of activity of subjects of a natural monopoly, the requirement that this subject be included in the register of subjects of a natural monopoly, clause 1, part 1, art. 93 of this Law does not contain. We also note that according to paragraph. 3 tbsp.
There are no other sellers on the market.

  • Such companies do not need to spend money on advertising.
  • The monopolist has the ability to set prices on the market at its discretion and adjust them in the future.
  • When other companies try to invade the monopolist's market, they encounter artificially created barriers: economic or legal.
  • If one company becomes a monopoly, then such a monopoly is called private. Sometimes several organizations merge into one to form a monopoly and drive competitors out of the market. Experts identify several main types of monopolies:
  1. Closed.

    They are completely isolated from competitors. For this purpose, legal barriers, protection by patents or copyright institutions, and so on are used.

  2. Natural.

Register of monopolists under 44 Federal Laws list

They were oriented towards a planned economy and occupied leading positions in the sector. New companies were formed on their basis. The state remained the owner of most of the shares, but private investment was also attracted to development. As a result, such firms became monopolists in their industry.

Another reason for the emergence of monopolies was the need for huge investments to open large enterprise. The owner of such a company is interested in recouping his investment and occupying the entire market. To do this, he has to look for resources that will become unique, for example, building a toll highway. Natural monopolies include companies from the following industries:
  1. Atomic industry.

Register of monopolists under 44 Federal Laws of Communication

Examples of such companies are: Gazprom, Russian Railways, Russian Post, Rosatom and others. Conclusion of contracts with natural monopolies The purchase of goods and services from natural monopolies is a special case of procurement from a single supplier. They are subject to Article 93 44-FZ. At the same time, procurement from monopolies has several key features:

  1. They do not need to prepare a report that provides the rationale for choosing a supplier.
  2. There is no need to provide for payment of security for the performance of the contract.
  3. There is no need to involve expert organizations when accepting the supplied goods or services.
  4. The contract will not need to include calculations and justification for the chosen price.
  5. There is no need to notify regulatory authorities about the purchase.

Register of monopolists under Federal Law 44 Russian Post

Law No. 147-FZ). At the same time, it should be noted that the norms of the current Regulations on the Register of subjects of natural monopolies in the field of communications, approved by order of the Ministry of Aviation Administration of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2001 No. 1184, actually provide for the inclusion in it of any entity actually carrying out activities in the field communications, if such activity falls within the sphere of natural monopoly (compare clauses 5, 13 of the said Regulations). However, it should be noted that such inclusions in and exclusions from the register cannot be carried out “of their own free will”, “by virtue of the fact itself”, and the corresponding decisions in any case are made by the bodies regulating natural monopolies on the basis of the information they collect (p .

Register of monopolists under Federal Law 44 Rostelecom

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A+ A A- Ours state-financed organization carries out the “Parcel to a Soldier” campaign.

If you need to purchase a product or service that is produced by only one company, that is, a monopolist, it is important to know some rules. Let's look at the features of such purchases, and also look at what a register of natural monopolies is and where to look for it.

What is a natural monopoly and its subject

This is a state of the market in which it is able to function normally only in the absence of competition. This is due to the technological features of production. At the same time, the goods produced by the subject of a natural monopoly cannot be replaced by others. A subject of a natural monopoly is an enterprise engaged in production under such conditions.

Simply put, a monopolist has some unique natural resources (for example, access to a cheap source of electricity), or it has invested heavily in the development of production in the past, and now its advantage in the market is based on access to necessary technology, which other enterprises do not have, they are not able to compare with a monopolist in this area.

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As an example of subjects of natural monopolies we can cite railway– Russian Railways, as well as Gazprom. Their activities are regulated by Federal Law 147 on natural monopolies.

Register of subjects of natural monopolies

Various authorities maintain records of enterprises operating under natural monopoly conditions. By law, this responsibility is assigned to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. This is necessary to determine prices and tariffs. The following types of registers can be found on the FAS website:

  • in the field of communications;
  • in the field of water supply and sanitation;
  • in the field of radioactive waste disposal;
  • register of natural monopolies in the energy sector;
  • on transport.

Some have several sections. The search is currently in test mode. You can search by type of register, by name of the enterprise, by territorial principle, by TIN, etc. For example, the register of subjects of natural monopolies in transport contains 4 sections relating to railway, air, sea transportation, as well as icebreaker support of ships.

By selecting a search by section, we get a list of organizations. From it you can obtain information about the name of the enterprise, the region in which it operates, the number and date of the order for inclusion in the register.

In addition, the Federal Tariff Service maintains a list of natural monopolies.

Features of procurement from natural monopolies

It is logical to assume that purchases of natural monopolies are carried out using the “single supplier” method. However, according to the law, state or municipal authorities has the right to purchase from the only player on the market only if it is in the register. There are cases when a company has all the characteristics of a natural monopoly, but for some reason is not included in the list of natural monopolies.

In this case, the customer will not be able to purchase from her.

In addition, when planning a purchase from a natural monopoly entity, it is important to make sure that the product, work or service falls within the scope of activity of natural monopoly entities. These areas are prescribed by law. These include oil and gas transportation, airport services, public postal services, thermal energy transmission services, etc.

For example, if you need to purchase stamps for envelopes. It seems that this has something to do with mail, but there are no government signs in the list of public postal services. Therefore, purchasing from one contractor will be illegal here. But the purchase of long-distance communications from a single supplier complies with all legal norms.

Let us now consider the features of concluding a contract if the purchase is made from a natural monopoly entity. According to 44-FZ, some requirements that apply to the contract may not be met here. So, you may not include in the contract:

  1. Condition on the responsibility of the customer and the contractor if the duties are not fulfilled or it is done poorly;
  2. Information about penalties for late payments;
  3. Conditions on the procedure and terms of payment and acceptance of goods or work;
  4. The contract execution schedule, if it is concluded for three years or more, and the price is above one hundred million. In this case, the contract can be concluded in the form for transactions provided for by the Civil Code.

We also note that for purchases from a single monopolist supplier, there is no need to justify the expediency of choosing such a contractor, the price of the contract or its other conditions.

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