Placing beds in a 3x4 greenhouse. Layout of a modern greenhouse. Increasing the area for the growing area

Beds for a greenhouse 3 meters wide and 4 meters long at a price from the manufacturer. The strength of the panel is ensured by the metal thickness of 0.7 mm. and stiffeners. The garden bed sets come complete with everything. You won't have to buy anything.

The pegs go 25cm deep and securely hold the bed in place. The presence of ties gives additional rigidity to the entire structure. Thanks to these elements, the bed can be weeded and dug up without fear of breaking the sides or changing the geometry of the structure.

All models are in stock. The table shows the sizes of beds for greenhouses 3 by 6 meters and 3 by 4 m, but at your request we can change the width without additional charges.


For a bed 25 cm high metal thickness 0.7 mm. There are 6 stiffening ribs on the panel. The thickness of the peg is 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried into the ground to a depth of 25 cm. The maximum length of the panel is 2 meters. Width to choose from at no additional charge.

For a bed 35 cm high metal thickness 0.7 mm. There are 8 stiffening ribs on the panel. The thickness of the peg is 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried into the ground to a depth of 20 cm. The maximum length of the panel is 2 meters. Ties and pegs go every 2 meters. Width to choose from at no additional charge.

For a bed 50 cm high metal thickness 0.7 mm. There are 16 stiffening ribs on the panel. The thickness of the peg is 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried into the ground to a depth of 20 cm. The maximum length of the panel is 1 meter. Ties and pegs go every meter. Width to choose from at no additional charge.

Prices for beds in a greenhouse 3x4 meters and sets are at a discount.

How to choose beds for a 3 by 4 meter greenhouse.

We offer 2 options for installing beds in a greenhouse. In the first option, the beds are located along the edges. Their width is 1 meter. Using a larger width is inconvenient to maintain. Using a smaller one is not rational, since the planting area is reduced. Less is possible only for the second option, where a 3rd bed 2 meters long and 60 cm wide is added.

An option with 3 beds: two 70 cm and one 60 cm is optimal. You can change these dimensions without any additional charges, but this will reduce the aisles and make it difficult to cultivate and water the soil if you use buckets and watering cans. That is why the central bed is 2 meters shorter than the length of the greenhouse, so that it is convenient to enter.

What you will need for assembly.

For assembly you will need 2 12mm wrenches or 1 wrench and a screwdriver with a bit bit.
A shovel for digging up soil, as the pegs go deep enough.

Transportation of beds.

A set of beds fits into any a car. The maximum length of the set is 2 meters for heights of 25 cm and 35 cm and 1 meter for 50 cm. Each bed is completed separately. The package includes everything for assembly. You won't need to buy anything in the future.

Arranging a greenhouse on the site allows you to provide yourself with an early harvest of vegetables and herbs. The most popular models include polycarbonate greenhouses with an area of ​​3x6 m. Proper placement of beds in them is the key to effective use greenhouse space. This article with photos and videos will tell you in more detail about what beds there are and how to make them in a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m.

While still at the stage of choosing a location for a future greenhouse, you should think through and take into account several important points:

  • location of cardinal directions;
  • placement of communications;
  • bed model.

Greenhouses measuring 3 by 6 are the most popular among gardeners

The location of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points plays a significant role in the choice of plants cultivated in it. Traditionally, beds are placed along long walls. If you plan to grow low-growing crops in the greenhouse, then its location in the north-south direction will allow the grown crops to receive maximum sunlight. When planning to cultivate tall plants, it is better to place the greenhouse in the east-west direction, so the sun's rays will easily penetrate between the plants, illuminating them evenly.

Attention! If the area allocated for the construction of the greenhouse has a slope, then it is better to turn it to the south.

The site for the greenhouse should be open, not shaded by other buildings or trees, and have a convenient approach. If it is impossible to locate the greenhouse in accordance with the recommended cardinal directions, it should be arranged in such a way that the greenhouse space is maximally illuminated in the first half of the day. If the greenhouse is lit only in the afternoon, this will significantly affect the yield of the crops grown. When setting up a greenhouse, it is equally important to arrange communications so that its watering and heating are uniform.

Options for arranging beds in a greenhouse

Models of beds for arrangement in a greenhouse

The conditions of a greenhouse with an area of ​​3x6 m allow you to arrange several options for beds:

Attention! Vertical, stepped and hanging beds allow efficient use of greenhouse space, but require additional lighting and more frequent watering and fertilizing.

The beds in the greenhouse can be made warm

Possible schemes for organizing beds in a greenhouse

When setting up a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, the beds can be conveniently arranged using one of the options, the main thing is not to save space on the aisles:

1. 2 longitudinal beds under walls, each 0.9 m wide, + central passage – 1.2 cm. Planting in such beds is done using the two-row or square-cluster method.

Attention! The beds should not be made wider than 1.2 m, otherwise they will be difficult to care for. The best guide when choosing the width of the bed is your own height and the amount of effort that will be required to cultivate it.

Two longitudinal beds are the most popular option in 3 by 6 greenhouses

2. 2 side and 1 central beds, each 60 cm wide, aisles between rows - 60 cm. In such beds, seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern or in 1-2 lines.

3. 2 narrow side beds about 50 cm in size + a central bed 1 m wide and 2 passes of 50 cm each. Planting in such beds is done using a square-cluster or single-row method.

4. A narrow bed around the entire perimeter of the room 45 cm wide and a central bed 1-1.1 m wide + 50 cm aisles. On narrow beds, vegetable seedlings are planted in 1 row or nesting method, and on a wide central bed - in 2 rows or nesting method in a checkerboard pattern. If desired, the bed located in the center of the greenhouse, as well as along the blank end wall, can be replaced with a rack or table on which boxes with seedlings and vegetables grown in containers can be compactly placed. When using racks for growing seedlings, it should be noted that their depth should not exceed 50 cm. Under this condition, the shelves will minimally shade the plants placed below.

If the crops in the greenhouse do not grow. three beds can be made, but narrower

Attention! When planning the layout of the beds, you should take into account the requirements for the microclimate of the crops grown in the greenhouse. Crops that require different conditions should be placed at opposite ends of the greenhouse; if desired, they can be separated with a film curtain.

A variety of bed arrangement options makes it easy to select the most convenient model depending on the crops being cultivated and obtain high yields. By taking into account the recommendations for arranging the selected model of beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, you can achieve the most efficient use of greenhouse space.

Organizing beds in a greenhouse - video

Beds in a greenhouse 3 by 6 - photo

About how they will place the beds c, it’s worth thinking about even at the stage of its installation. If the structure is installed incorrectly, it will be impossible to select the optimal location of the beds in the greenhouse.

The issue of orienting the beds to the cardinal points is especially important, since it affects the growing process. Their device with north to south.

However, this method is not suitable for all cultures. It is well suited for growing tall crops. Low growing plants better position from west to east.

If your greenhouse is located on an uneven terrain, then it should be oriented to the south, and planting should be done perpendicular to the slope.

Each subsequent one with such a device will be higher than the previous one, which means that all plants will receive the maximum amount of light.

For seedlings or potted plants inside the greenhouse, shelving is arranged along the walls of the greenhouse. Plants can be moved from shelf to shelf as they grow, ensuring they receive maximum light.

Optimal bed width

Width of beds in greenhouse directly depends on the overall width<строения. Чтобы за растениями было удобно ухаживать, максимально допустимой шириной является их размер до 90 см. В узких возможна ширина 45-50 см.

An interesting and convenient option is to make two 45 cm wide beds along the walls, and additionally make the same one in the center of the greenhouse.

If your greenhouse has a gable roof, then planting is done in the middle, and the passages are along the walls. Its width is 150 cm.

IMPORTANT. It should be noted that the passage between plantings must be at least fifty centimeters.

Making beds according to Mittleider

This technique was tested by an experiment that was carried out over 50 years. As a result, it was confirmed that with the width of the beds being 45 cm and the size of the passages between them being about 90 cm, in greenhouse conditions the plants receive maximum lighting and optimal air access. In this case, the landings are oriented with.

IMPORTANT. This growing method eliminates loosening of the soil under the plants.

How tall should the beds be in a greenhouse?

For high-quality growing of vegetables, it is important not only how to arrange the beds in the greenhouse, but also what height they should be.

For simple greenhouse beds the standard is height 20 cm. This type is suitable for warm regions. Since natural heat will be enough for the development of plants.

In regions with unstable and insufficiently warm spring temperatures, it is preferable to high, and even better.

High plantings are constructed by installing wooden boxes in the greenhouse. Their bottom is covered with agrofibre and filled with soil. The height of the soil should be 35-40 centimeters. Plantings at this height are in heated soil, and fruiting occurs earlier.

If you decide to grow in a greenhouse, the height should be increased to 80 centimeters. This will allow you to quickly warm the soil to prepare it for planting seedlings.

IMPORTANT. The same high places for planting must be made for growing vegetables without seedlings.

Secrets of creating a warm bed

Maximum heating of the soil is facilitated by the construction of warm beds in various shelters. Their classification depends on the biological filler:

    • With wood cushion. It is placed in a trench 40 cm deep. It consists of a layer of various small pieces of wood: pieces of rotten stumps, logs, tree bark, wood chips. All this is poured with boiling water in order to start the rotting process. The layer of wood is covered with a layer of dry manure. The hottest when decomposing is horse manure. It can heat up to 70 degrees and maintain the temperature for 20-25 days.

IMPORTANT. Do not add fresh manure - it will burn the plant roots.

  • With straw or leaf filling. In this case, the trench is dug on the bayonet of a shovel and chopped straw or dry leaves are laid as the bottom layer. You can use any vegetable fillers, as well as food waste and potato peelings.

The heating pad placed inside is compacted, poured with hot water and covered with black film for heating. Warming it up lasts 5-7 days.

After this time, fertile soil 30 cm high is laid on any heating layer. With such warm plantings you can get a harvest two to three weeks earlier than on regular ones.

ADVICE. Currently, special preparations have appeared on the market that accelerate the processes of decay in the heating layer. They spill the filler and it begins to generate heat.


See below: arrangement of greenhouses inside with beds photo, beds in a greenhouse photo

How to choose a frame for a garden bed

Arranging a greenhouse is one of the most important points for getting a good harvest. Now you know how best to arrange the beds in the greenhouse, however, they also need to be done correctly. For example, in order to prevent soil from spilling out from beds built in greenhouses, you need to make it fencing. You can choose ready-made solutions that are widely available on sale today (plastic, galvanized iron, etc.).

Very convenient ready-made aluminum sides. This material is coated with a special polymer composition, which makes it durable. Aluminum borders are not afraid of moisture and heat of the greenhouse, so this formwork will serve you for decades.

Alternatively, you can use any available means. Strengthen plantings You can use bricks, boards, pieces of slate, tiles, in general, any construction waste.

    • The easiest to manufacture is edge made of slate pieces and old metal tiles. The disadvantage of this option is its fragility. In addition, sharp edges are inconvenient when caring for plants.
    • Manufacturing formwork using bricks– one of the cheapest and most accessible options. However, its disadvantages are its fragility, since the brick quickly begins to crumble, and its large volume. Even when laying a border in one brick, the wall thickness turns out to be quite large, which eats up a certain amount of useful soil.

In addition, water seeps through the bricks when watering and washes out some of the soil. Laying a layer of roofing material between the bricks and the soil will help prevent this.

    • Formwork from old boards made in the form of a rectangular box into which soil is then poured. Such a frame is easy to manufacture and cheap. But it has one drawback - the boards can become moldy, or fungus can develop on them. To prevent this from happening. It is advisable to treat the boards with an anti-fungal preparation.

In order to prevent the boards from rotting, they can be separated from the soil layer with pieces of roofing felt. This will extend the life of wooden formwork by several years.

  • Very convenient for making fencing plastic, left over from making the greenhouse cover. This material is durable, and borders made from it will serve you for at least 10 years. Blanks 30 cm high and 1-15 meters long are dug into the soil and secured with wooden pegs for reliability.
  • Sides from glass bottles In addition to preventing soil from spilling out and washing away, they also serve for heating. If you make a fence from bottles dug halfway into the ground and filled with water, then, having warmed up during the day, the water will give off heat at night.

The process of preparing beds in a greenhouse requires a serious approach, since the convenience of caring for plants depends on their correct location and well-made fencing. However, as you can see, making beds in a greenhouse with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Useful video

Watch the video: how to properly lay out beds in a greenhouse

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Today there are different types of greenhouses. The location of the beds and their configuration depends on the type of structure. Plants for planting are also selected taking into account the type of greenhouse. If, then the owner can start growing any crops.

Simple options for planning beds in a greenhouse measuring 3x4 meters

Types of greenhouses:

  • Gable;
  • Arched;
  • With a geodesic dome.

The first option is ideal for growing trees that will be surrounded by warm air. For seedlings such a structure is considered less suitable. For plant beds, it is better to choose other options. These greenhouse designs are not very tall and provide the gardener with plenty of space. An example of optimal dimensions is 3x6 m, and suitable materials are polycarbonate sheets.

The layout of the beds must be done correctly. If you make them wide, the harvest may suffer. To reach the plant, you will have to step on the bed.

Arranging beds in a 3x6 polycarbonate greenhouse

And this will entail undesirable consequences: you can damage the root system or compact the soil. When roots develop slowly due to mechanical damage or reduced permeability of the soil, the plant will produce less fruit. It all depends on which method you prefer. Make the width of the beds no more than 90–95 cm if you plan to grow plants on racks. When planted directly in open ground, the maximum width can reach 1.2 m.

The size of the passage must be wide enough so that you can move freely in it:

Increasing the area for the growing area

Allows you to distribute space with maximum benefit. Often, summer residents create more beds with the maximum possible width by reducing the size of the passage.

For example, they often make 3 beds, where the width is 1.2 m, and 2 passes of 30 cm each.

Experienced gardeners have their own trick on how to avoid stepping on crops. Concrete blocks are placed on the beds and in the aisle, and wooden boards are placed on top of them. Thanks to this design, you can reach any plant.

Layout of beds in a greenhouse with a geodome

The layout of a geodesic greenhouse has a number of significant differences:

The geodome is usually made of polycarbonate. The material is not as transparent as glass, but it is durable and has the ability to retain heat. A solar battery on the surface of the polycarbonate allows you to maintain the desired temperature inside. It is located at the top of the dome.

Mitlider greenhouse layout

An interesting solution for planning is the arrangement of beds proposed by the Canadian doctor Mittleider. He carried out the experiment for 50 years. As a result, the Canadian scientist made conclusions regarding the optimal sizes:

  • the bed should be 45 cm;
  • the passage should be left at least 90 cm.

This planting allows you to provide the most comfortable conditions for plantings. Plants are well ventilated. Each of them receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. Such conditions are most favorable for the development and growth of plants.

To set up such a greenhouse, you will need to get a compass. The location of the beds should be in the north-south direction. Make sure the soil surface is horizontal. The high yield is due to the use of balanced fertilizers.

Timely watering is considered an important factor. And loosening the soil is not required.
The doctor gives recommendations for creating beds on any terrain. If the soil is poor for cultivation, then large boxes with a width of 1.2 m - 1.5 m and a height of 40 cm should be installed inside the greenhouse.

Prepared soil is poured into the boxes. These ridges are perfectly warmed by the sun's rays, and pests do not infest the plantings. However, plants require increased watering. If you agree with the doctor’s opinion, build your own Mitlider greenhouse from polycarbonate.

Features of a warm bed

Many gardeners are accustomed to surprising others with their achievements. Their harvest of zucchini the size of a good wild boar cannot go unnoticed. Other vegetables also grow better than others. The secret is quite simple. Summer residents plant their crops in compost or warm beds.

Diagram of the device with the dimensions of the warm bed

Productivity increases, and the soil does not need to be plowed. During the decay of organic matter, heat is released, which warms the soil well.
Carbon dioxide accumulates above the compost layer, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. This promotes rapid plant growth. The temperature inside warm beds is higher than the surrounding soil. This allows you to plant early seedlings. The period of growth and fruiting of plants increases.
The warm bed is arranged as follows:

If there is no manure, then a thermal cushion is made in the following way:

Alternative methods of fencing for garden beds

Polycarbonate sheets are the same popular building materials for greenhouses as boards are for fencing garden beds. In addition to wood, alternative options can be used:

Build a greenhouse and do the right thing. Then each bed will delight you with its rich harvest. Make the conditions in the greenhouse favorable for plant growth. Arrange warm beds. And harvest several crops per season.

Any gardener, even if he’s not “a genius,” sometimes thinks about creating a good one on his plot in order to grow certain crops and prepare them even more successfully. What material it is made from depends on what exactly you plan to plant here. Although recently they have increasingly begun to use polycarbonate for these purposes. But the size of the greenhouse and the location of the beds is an issue that is relevant to everyone, regardless of other factors. Just keep in mind that your comfort during operation and the maximum productivity of the greenhouse depend on this.

How to arrange beds in a greenhouse 3 meters wide?

So, you have decided on the size of your greenhouse, at least its width - great! The first step on the path to success has been taken. Now we can’t wait to find out how best to make and arrange beds in a 3-meter-wide greenhouse and how many there should be.

When your greenhouse is already installed, all that remains is to work on its internal arrangement. It is important to understand that productivity largely depends on the correct location of the beds. Surely everyone knows that they should be located from south to north. Accordingly, this is the direction you placed the greenhouse. These are the recommendations that experienced gardeners have been giving for many years.

If you plan to plant short crops, this traditional method of arranging the beds will be fine for you, but if the plants are tall, then you need to arrange them from east to west so that in the morning the sun shines along the rows and the light is evenly distributed throughout the greenhouse. And in general, recently this particular location for greenhouses has been considered the most successful.

The yield is affected not only by the location of the beds in relation to the cardinal points, but also by their width. In addition, this is directly related to your comfortable work here. It is best to plant plants in such a way that it is convenient for you to work and harvest. The most optimal width is 45 cm, although for a greenhouse 3 meters wide the size of the beds can be up to 60 cm with paths of about half a meter.

Additionally, these rows can be divided into rows to make it convenient to care for the plantings.

Layout of beds in a greenhouse 3 meters wide

There are several options for arranging beds in a greenhouse. The simplest thing is straight long rows from one end of the greenhouse to the other. There may be two beds - they will be quite wide, about 1.2 m with a path width of 60 cm. But in this case you will probably not be able to reach the outer plants.

Three beds, in our opinion, are a more acceptable option. Their width will be, for example, 60 cm and you will have two paths between them of the same width. In this situation, you can always go to any point in the garden bed, reach any plant and not trample the soil around the plantings.

It will be no less convenient if the central your ridge will be the widest - there is an approach to it from two sides, so its width can reach 1 meter. It is in the center of the greenhouse that there are the best conditions for plants in terms of the amount of light and heat.

But it is not necessary to arrange the rows exactly this way. You can make another option, when all the beds are located along the walls of the greenhouse, as if along its perimeter, and one is in the middle. At the same time, the width of the beds and passages can be whatever you want, you can completely adapt to yourself. In any case, with this layout you will provide yourself with excellent access to all plants, although the planting area will be slightly reduced. You can also create pyramid-shaped beds in a 3-meter-wide greenhouse - you can grow low-growing plants with a small root system on them.


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