Use of electrical energy presentation. Presentation on the topic: Electricity and its efficient use. Presentation on the topic: Electricity and its efficient use

Power transmitted through the line of a three-phase current P f = U f I f cosφ f Power of three phases at a uniform load: P = 3P f = 3U f I f cosφ f When the loads are connected by a star, then: U f = U l /3; I f \u003d I l P \u003d (3U l I l / 3) cosφ f \u003d 3IUcosφ. When connected by a triangle: I f \u003d U l / 3; U f \u003d U l Power of a three-phase system: P \u003d 3 * IUcosφ

The power factor or cos φ of the electrical network is the ratio of active power to the total load power of the calculated section. cos φ = P/S Only when the load has an exclusively active character, cos φ is equal to one. Basically, the active power is less than the apparent power and therefore the power factor is less than unity. The low power factor of the consumer leads to: 1. the need to increase the total power of transformers and power plants; 2. to reduce the efficiency of generating and transforming circuit elements; 3. to an increase in power losses and voltage in the wires. It is necessary that as much as possible of the total power is active power, in this case the power factor will be closer to unity. To increase the power factor, you can: change the power and type of installed electric motors; increase the load of electric motors during operation; reduce the idle time of equipment that consumes inductive power.

Electrical substation Electrical substation electrical installation designed to receive, convert and distribute electrical energy, consisting of transformers or other electrical energy converters, control devices, distribution and auxiliary devices.

Step-up and step-down substations A step-up substation, which contains step-up transformers, increases the electrical voltage with a corresponding decrease in current, while a step-down substation reduces the output voltage with a proportional increase in current. The need to increase the transmitted voltage arises in order to save the metal used in the wires of power lines. Reducing the strength of the passing current entails a decrease in energy loss, which is in direct quadratic dependence on the value of the current strength. The main reason for the increase in voltage is that the higher the voltage, the more power and the greater the distance that can be transmitted along the power line.

Electricity transmission by direct current Most promising way use of direct current. DC power lines allow you to transfer more energy through the same wires, in addition, the difficulties associated with inductive resistance and capacitance of the lines disappear. AC voltage increase AC voltage (transformer) DC voltage AC voltage (rectifier) ​​(inverter) decrease to the desired value. (transformer)

Energy systems Energy systems are power stations in a number of regions of the country, united by high-voltage transmission lines, forming a common electrical network to which consumers are connected. The power system ensures uninterrupted power supply to consumers, regardless of their location. Now almost all of Russia is provided with electricity by the integrated energy systems.

Unified Energy System An unified energy system (IPS) is a set of several energy systems united by a common mode of operation, having a common dispatch control as the highest level of control in relation to the dispatch control of its constituent energy systems. As part of the Unified Energy System of Russia, six IPSs are distinguished, the seventh - the IPS of the East - operates in isolation from the Unified Energy System. IPS Center (Astrakhan, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Tver, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Orel, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula and Yaroslavl energy systems). IPS South (formerly IPS North Caucasus), which includes the Dagestan, Kalmyk, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kuban, Rostov, North Ossetian, Stavropol, Chechen and Ingush energy systems.

IPS of the North-West, which includes the Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Kola, Komi, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad energy systems. IPS of the Middle Volga, which includes the Mari, Mordovia, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Tatar, Ulyanovsk and Chuvash energy systems. UES of the Urals, which includes the Bashkir, Kirov, Kurgan, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Udmurt and Chelyabinsk energy systems. IPS of Siberia, which includes the Altai, Buryat, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Khakassia and Chita energy systems. IPS of the East, which includes the Amur, Far East and Khabarovsk energy systems.

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The work of students of grade 11 B of School No. 288 in Zaozersk Erina Maria and Staritsyna Svetlana

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Electricity is a physical term widely used in technology and in everyday life to determine the amount of electrical energy supplied by the generator to the electrical network or received from the network by the consumer. Electric energy is also a commodity that is purchased by wholesale market participants from generating companies and consumers of electric energy at retail market from energy companies.

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There are several ways to create electricity: Various power plants (HPP, NPP, TPP, PPP ...) As well as alternative sources (solar energy, wind energy, Earth energy)

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Thermal power plant (TPP), a power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. The first thermal power plants appeared at the end of the 19th century and became widespread. In the mid-70s of the 20th century, thermal power plants were the main type of power plants. At thermal power plants, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted first into mechanical and then into electrical energy. The fuel for such a power plant can be coal, peat, gas, oil shale, fuel oil.

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Hydroelectric power station (HPP), a complex of structures and equipment through which the energy of the flow of water is converted into electrical energy. The hydroelectric power station consists of a series of hydraulic structures that provide the necessary concentration of water flow and create pressure, and power equipment that converts the energy of water moving under pressure into mechanical rotational energy, which, in turn, is converted into electrical energy.

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Nuclear power plant a power plant that converts nuclear energy into electricity. The power generator at a nuclear power plant is atomic reactor. The heat that is released in the reactor as a result of a chain reaction of fission of the nuclei of some heavy elements, then, just like in conventional thermal power plants, is converted into electricity. Unlike thermal power plants that operate on organic fuel, nuclear power plant runs on nuclear fuel.

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About 80% of GDP growth (gross domestic product) developed countries achieved through technical innovations, most of which are related to the use of electricity. Everything new in the industry, Agriculture and everyday life comes to us thanks to new developments in various branches of science. Modern society impossible to imagine without electrification production activities. Already at the end of the 1980s, more than 1/3 of all energy consumption in the world was carried out in the form of electrical energy. By the beginning of the next century, this proportion may increase to 1/2. Such an increase in electricity consumption is primarily associated with an increase in its consumption in industry.

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This raises the problem of efficient use of this energy. When electricity is transmitted over long distances, from the producer to the consumer, heat losses along the transmission line grow in proportion to the square of the current, i.e. if the current doubles, then the heat loss increases by a factor of 4. Therefore, it is desirable that the current in the lines be small. To do this, increase the voltage on the transmission line. Electricity is transmitted through lines where the voltage reaches hundreds of thousands of volts. Near cities that receive energy from transmission lines, this voltage is brought to several thousand volts using a step-down transformer. In the city itself, at substations, the voltage drops to 220 volts.

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Our country occupies a large territory, almost 12 time zones. And this means that if in some regions electricity consumption is maximum, then in others the working day has already ended and consumption is decreasing. For the rational use of electricity generated by power plants, they are combined into the electric power systems of individual regions: the European part, Siberia, the Urals, Far East and others. Such a combination allows more efficient use of electricity by coordinating the work of individual power plants. Now various power systems are combined into a single energy system Russia.

EFFICIENT USE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Electric energy has undeniable advantages over all other forms of energy. It can be transmitted over wires over long distances with relatively small losses and can be easily distributed among consumers. Due to this, electrical energy is the most common and convenient form of energy. Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other forms of energy. It can be transmitted over wires over long distances with relatively small losses and can be easily distributed among consumers. Due to this, electrical energy is the most common and convenient form of energy. It appears to be unique in terms of its versatility, adjustability, and ability to perform multiple tasks efficiently. But the main advantage is that electrical energy with the help of enough simple devices with high efficiency, it can be converted into other types: mechanical, internal (heating of bodies), light energy, etc. It seems to be unique in terms of universal applicability, adjustability and the ability to effectively perform many tasks. But the main advantage is that electrical energy with the help of fairly simple devices with high efficiency can be converted into other types: mechanical, internal (heating of bodies), light energy, etc. Lighting, heating and cooling, thermal and mechanical restoration, medical devices and equipment, computers, communications are just some of the services that electricity provides to the ever-increasing population of the globe, radically changing their entire way of life. Lighting, heating and cooling, thermal and mechanical processing, medical devices and equipment, computers, communications are just some of the services that electricity provides to the ever-increasing population of the globe, fundamentally changing their entire way of life. With the special importance of electricity for the functioning of all sectors of the economy, its shortage would have serious consequences. However, financing the construction of powerful power plants is a very expensive undertaking: a 1,000 MW power plant will cost an average of US$1 billion. For this reason, producers and consumers of electricity are faced with a choice: either generate the required amount of electricity, or reduce the need for it, or solve both problems at the same time. With the special importance of electricity for the functioning of all sectors of the economy, its shortage would have serious consequences. However, financing the construction of powerful power plants is a very expensive undertaking: a 1,000 MW power plant will cost an average of US$1 billion. For this reason, producers and consumers of electricity are faced with a choice: either generate the required amount of electricity, or reduce the need for it, or solve both problems at the same time. The efficiency improvement potential is economically feasible based on the payback period of the investment, which should not exceed 5 years. The use of electricity in industry falls mainly on three categories of consumers: drive, technological processes (mostly thermal) and lighting. The efficiency improvement potential is economically feasible based on the payback period of the investment, which should not exceed 5 years. The use of electricity in industry falls mainly on three categories of consumers: drive, technological processes (mostly thermal) and lighting. The power consumption of the drive (electric motors) varies over a fairly wide range depending on the type of motors (DC, synchronous or induction), their power (size) and application. The power consumption of the drive (electric motors) varies over a fairly wide range depending on the type of motors (DC, synchronous or induction), their power (size) and application. The second largest consumer, process technology, is usually less homogeneous than the other categories. There are three main subgroups: electricity that directly generates heat; electrochemical processes; electric arc furnaces, used mainly in the production of iron and steel. Electrothermal processes in countries consume less than 30% of industrial electricity consumption (with the exception of Sweden, where they account for up to 37%). The second largest consumer, process technology, is usually less homogeneous than the other categories. There are three main subgroups: electricity that directly generates heat; electrochemical processes; electric arc furnaces, used mainly in the production of iron and steel. Electrothermal processes in countries consume less than 30% of industrial electricity consumption (with the exception of Sweden, where they account for up to 37%). The use of electricity for the implementation of electrochemical processes dominates the production of non-ferrous metals (above all, aluminum smelting). Due to its high energy intensity, the aluminum industry occupies a special place in electricity consumption compared to other industries. At the same time, electrochemical technologies are identical in most industries and are well studied. Ways to further improve their efficiency are clear, but the implementation is highly dependent on the cost of electricity, which in the aluminum industry, for example, constitutes the bulk of operating costs. The use of electricity for the implementation of electrochemical processes dominates the production of non-ferrous metals (above all, aluminum smelting). Due to its high energy intensity, the aluminum industry occupies a special place in electricity consumption compared to other industries. At the same time, electrochemical technologies are identical in most industries and are well studied. Ways to further improve their efficiency are clear, but the implementation is highly dependent on the cost of electricity, which in the aluminum industry, for example, constitutes the bulk of operating costs. The share of lighting in the total electricity consumption by industry is 4-11%. Efficiency industrial lighting in general, it is significantly higher and its share in the total electricity consumption is less than in the residential and social sectors. The share of lighting in the total electricity consumption by industry is 4-11%. The efficiency of industrial lighting as a whole is significantly higher and its share in total electricity consumption is less than in the residential and social sectors. Save electricity!


Electricity generation. Type of power plants

Efficiency of power plants

% of all generated energy

Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other forms of energy. It can be transmitted over wires over long distances with relatively low losses and conveniently distributed among consumers. The main thing is that with the help of fairly simple devices it is easy to turn this energy into any other types of energy: mechanical, internal, light energy, etc. Electrical energy has undeniable advantages over all other types of energy. It can be transmitted over wires over long distances with relatively low losses and conveniently distributed among consumers. The main thing is that with the help of fairly simple devices it is easy to turn this energy into any other types of energy: mechanical, internal, light energy, etc.

The 20th century has become a century when science invades all spheres of society: economy, politics, culture, education, etc. Naturally, science directly affects the development of energy and the scope of electricity. On the one hand, science contributes to the expansion of the scope of electrical energy and thereby increases its consumption, but on the other hand, in an era when the unlimited use of non-renewable energy resources poses a danger to future generations, the development of energy-saving technologies and their implementation in life become topical tasks of science. The 20th century has become a century when science invades all spheres of society: economy, politics, culture, education, etc. Naturally, science directly affects the development of energy and the scope of electricity. On the one hand, science contributes to the expansion of the scope of electrical energy and thereby increases its consumption, but on the other hand, in an era when the unlimited use of non-renewable energy resources poses a danger to future generations, the development of energy-saving technologies and their implementation in life become topical tasks of science.

Electricity use. Electricity consumption is doubling in 10 years


The amount of electricity used,%



Let's look at these questions in concrete examples. About 80% of GDP growth (gross domestic product) in developed countries is achieved through technical innovation, most of which is related to the use of electricity. Most scientific developments start with theoretical calculations. All new theoretical developments are verified experimentally after computer calculations. And, as a rule, at this stage, research is carried out using physical measurements, chemical analyzes etc. Here are the tools scientific research are diverse - numerous measuring instruments, accelerators, electron microscopes, magnetic resonance tomographs, etc. Most of these experimental science tools operate on electrical energy. Let's consider these issues with specific examples. About 80% of GDP growth (gross domestic product) in developed countries is achieved through technical innovation, most of which is related to the use of electricity. Most scientific developments start with theoretical calculations. All new theoretical developments are verified experimentally after computer calculations. And, as a rule, at this stage, research is carried out using physical measurements, chemical analyzes, etc. Here, scientific research tools are diverse - numerous measuring instruments, accelerators, electron microscopes, magnetic resonance tomographs, etc. Most of these instruments of experimental science run on electrical energy.

But science not only uses electricity in its theoretical and experimental fields, scientific ideas constantly arise in the traditional field of physics associated with the generation and transmission of electricity. Scientists, for example, are trying to create electrical generators without rotating parts. In conventional electric motors, a direct current must be supplied to the rotor in order for a “magnetic force” to arise. But science not only uses electricity in its theoretical and experimental fields, scientific ideas constantly arise in the traditional field of physics related to the generation and transmission of electricity. Scientists, for example, are trying to create electrical generators without rotating parts. In conventional electric motors, a direct current must be applied to the rotor in order to create a "magnetic force".
Modern society cannot be imagined without the electrification of production activities. Already at the end of the 1980s, more than 1/3 of all energy consumption in the world was carried out in the form of electrical energy. By the beginning of the next century, this proportion may increase to 1/2. Such an increase in electricity consumption is primarily associated with an increase in its consumption in industry. The main part of industrial enterprises works on electric energy. High electricity consumption is typical for energy-intensive industries such as metallurgy, aluminum and engineering industries. Transport is also a major consumer. An increasing number of railway lines are being converted to electric traction. Almost all villages and villages receive electricity from state-owned power plants for industrial and domestic needs.


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