Traffic manager: features of remote work. Who is a traffic manager? Income and relevance of the direction

Any website, especially a commercial one, vitally needs visitors. The more visitors, the greater the income of the resource owner. Traffic manager is a specialist who knows how to bring visitors to the site and turn them into buyers.

If your website is not on the first page of search results, then you don’t have many clients. Getting traffic is difficult. There are millions of competitors. Users rarely open the second, much less the third and subsequent pages, being content with the information from the sites in the top lines.

The lucky sites in the top ten receive the lion's share of traffic. Orders of services, sales of goods, and additional income from advertising also go to them. If the sales of your online store are scanty and there are few visitors, then you need a competent Its work will lead to improved website visibility in searches and increased sales.

Responsibilities of a traffic manager

What should a traffic specialist be able to do? The traffic manager’s responsibilities are to ensure an influx of customers into the company in any way. There are paid and free ways to attract visitors.

1. Free methods include search engine optimization. To get rid of technical shortcomings on the site, a traffic specialist must correctly formulate a task for the development team: webmaster, designer, copywriter.

Without proper SEO optimization of a resource, it is difficult to get to the top places in the search. A traffic manager is the head of a resource development team. If the site is small, then each webmaster is his own specialist in attracting visitors.

2.When it is impossible to get to the first page of a search for free, paid methods are used. A traffic manager must be well versed in contextual advertising, advertising on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Mytarget, and teaser networks.

Responsibilities include setting up, maintaining and monitoring advertising campaigns. Commercial requests are very expensive. The task of an advertising specialist is to analyze search queries and wisely use the allocated budget. Sometimes money is wasted and visitors leave without buying anything.

3. An advertising specialist must be able to work in programs that help promote the site. For example, in the Key Collector program, which collects the semantic core. A competent manager must be able to analyze the quality of traffic and other data about the resource. Responsibilities include activities to increase conversion: promotions, prize draws, discounts.

4. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and ability to work in graphic editors are welcome.

The traffic manager is the main person on the project.

There is a great demand for traffic specialists on the Internet. Reputable and well-known brands are ready to hire such specialists. But sometimes vacancies remain open for a long time. People are afraid of not being able to cope with their responsibilities, of taking responsibility for the large amounts of money allocated for advertising.

Even for a decent salary it is difficult to find a smart worker. Although, many advertisers offer flexible working hours. Isn't this a common man's dream?! Great salary and flexible schedule!

Owners of small sites do not have a lot of money for advertising, so it is useful for them to learn how to promote their services and products themselves. We really need a lot of money. To test a strategy in one search engine you need to spend about 30,000 rubles.

Where to get quality training

A traffic manager is a specialist who knows how to work with advertising to attract visitors to the site. There is no such specialization in higher educational institutions of the country. A similar specialty is manager. But they teach something completely different.

I liked the course program. A lot of time is devoted to practice. Moreover, if you have your own online store, you will train on your project. You will receive both visitors and product sales. In order not to make mistakes and not lose money on advertising, a curator is assigned to each student.

After completing the training, you can work as an employee or develop your own business.
It’s easier to start making money on the Internet by writing articles for websites. Detailed instructions .

Although there is nothing fundamentally new in this profession, many young people have little idea of ​​what a traffic manager does, what tasks he performs, and where he can grow. Let's look at the features, prospects, and advantages of this profile.

The main tasks of the specialist:

  • campaign planning;
  • organization of development, editing, checking of layouts;
  • a detailed conversation with the client, the owner of the site that will publish the message, to coordinate actions;
  • close relationship with media representatives, contractors, agents (coordination of internal actions of advertisers with them, activities between them);
  • monitoring compliance with legislation and the interests of the employer;
  • distribution of the broadcast schedule (here it is necessary to have accurate information about the broadcast schedule of the selected platforms);
  • control of campaign launch timing.

How to become an expert in this field?

Traffic management is a direction of classical management, that is, it involves developed strategic thinking to perform each of the five main functions - planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control.

To effectively organize coordinated actions of all participants in the chain, the contractor requires serious knowledge in the following areas:

  • management work (resource allocation, personnel management, control methods);
  • organizational activities (development of schedules);
  • editing (creating, adjusting layouts);
  • marketing;
  • corporate communications (building a conversation with a client, employer, contractors is the key task of an expert).

Profile specialists are people with extensive knowledge in advertising, jurisprudence (a narrow area of ​​corporate law), and strategic management. Additionally, technical knowledge is required here (features of assessing the results of online advertising, monitoring site traffic, web design).

Faculty of Internet

Online advertising today is an unconditional trend in business marketing policy. Therefore, the activities of the coordinator are often connected with it. The specialist must be a competent manager, proficient in e-marketing tools, online promotion of products, advertiser’s goods.

The Internet Faculty's Synergy program provides all the necessary knowledge - theoretical and practical - necessary for such work. Here students master modern Internet promotion technologies, tactics for monitoring the effectiveness of the tools used, advanced Internet marketing techniques, and combining online/offline promotion methods.

Faculty of Advertising

  • theory of effective communications;
  • structure of the PR department of companies;
  • methods for coordinating advertising departments;
  • public relations tactics;
  • the basics of media planning;
  • best practices for online advertising, targeting, and more.

To achieve success on one of the most promising platforms of professional activity, a manager must be purposeful, well-versed, and technically competent. Our programs are designed to develop all the necessary qualities in future specialists.

Duration and forms of training

The Internet, the tools of which are mainly used by traffic managers, has opened up a lot of ways for people to develop professionally. Among them is the chance to receive a specialized education at a prestigious university without leaving home. Our students have the right to independently choose any of the forms of education:

  • classical full-time program (4 years bachelor's degree);
  • evening school (4 years 6 months);
  • PVD (4.5 years);
  • distance learning online (4 years 6 months).

Advantages of working in this field

Why should you choose a profession? Traffic management is a field in which anyone can succeed, and it provides the opportunity to work remotely. Plus:

  • prestige;
  • decent wages;
  • career prospects;
  • interesting activity;
  • managerial position.

Income and relevance of the direction

The pay rate for the contractor depends on the scale, profile of the employer, and the employee’s field of activity. A Moscow specialist in this field receives an average of 45–55 thousand rubles/month. Moving to the level of assistant art director, PR manager, head (deputy head) of the branding department increases the salary to 60–80 thousand rubles. Art directors receive from 100 thousand.

2001 - Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of History.

2002 - course “Design in Marketing”, Novosibirsk Institute of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining, qualification “Advertising Manager”.

She began her career in advertising as an editorial assistant at the Kontakt Publishing House.
In 2003-2006 - Client service manager at the design studio "DP-Art" and the advertising agency "Max", where she mastered the basics of customer service, learned to coordinate the work of designers and decorators, and studied graphic programs.

Since 2007 - in KG LBL. At first she worked as a manager in the customer service department, where almost immediately she showed a clear inclination to manage projects in the field of design and production of advertising products, which was the “final push” for retraining as a traffic manager.

Your profession

Traffic manager

Status in the company

I report directly to the Managing Director. I don’t command anyone, I don’t have subordinates. A department unto itself. But I hope that when I go on vacation, it will become a little more difficult for everyone to work.

Work history and professional growth

Functional responsibilities

I have one most important duty and task - to never forget anything. Traffic must know what, where, how and when it happens, how much it costs, when and in what form it should be delivered. Well, he should be able to quickly answer the questions “what to do and who is to blame.” Just in case.

To put it bluntly, the responsibilities are as follows:

Internal reporting:
Maintaining reporting on personal workload of the design studio and creative work.
Conducting status meetings between departments on a weekly basis.

Working with briefs:
I check and supplement design briefs, agree on the cost of design work, maintain reports on received briefs and internal time and money costs. This is the most bureaucratic part of my job. Thanks to my accountant past, I am convinced that order in documents is a significant component of order in the head. Your own, first of all. Traffic's dream is a brief, after reading which the designer does not ask 120 questions.

Monitoring the progress of projects within the agency:
I determine the time frame for the design studio to complete the work. I make sure that they are observed (by pushing them, “getting on my brain” and being boring in moderation). Based on time sheets, I analyze how effectively we manage time within the deadline.
I monitor press plans and timely submission of layouts to the press, compliance with technical requirements of publications. I am responsible for the stage of final preparation of layouts for printing production.
In general, about the housework.

I think to be a good trafficker you need to have certain character traits. You have to be a moderate formalist and an unobtrusive bore. You need to be able to negotiate without ultimatums. Be able to intervene in everything without getting bogged down in details, but at the same time be ready to answer for someone’s “jamb.”

The team you work for

I work closely with creators, designers and layout designers, connecting them with accounts and other various earthly people.

What salary can a professional expect?

I think from 50,000 rubles.

Last works

Above yourself, so pathetic. I am gradually coming to understand that vanity is the main enemy and time killer.

Future plans Planing jibe

Where to go to study

I don’t think there’s anywhere you can learn to be a good traffic driver. Nowhere except at and during work. Although a good real education did not harm anyone. The main thing is to think quickly.

My universities

Novosibirsk State University. History department.

Is it worth becoming a traffic manager?

I don’t even know if anyone can wish to work in advertising. Fictional activity, spherical horse in a vacuum.
If I weren't afraid of frogs and sharp objects, I would have become a doctor. If I understood mathematics, I would have become an architect. If only I had a little more healthy indifference, I would have become a downshifter. But I just work with people and I think I make a difference.

Books for the professional

Books for Traffic? Funny. The bigger, the better. Different. In the case of books, quantity will sooner or later determine quality.

Media for the professional

Don't know. I read everything that catches my attention.

The best people of the profession
Before I came to LBL, traffic was Anton Tyulenev. He had to start everything from the very beginning, build this position, and starting out of the blue is always the most difficult thing.

From English traffic - movement. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and social science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Traffic manager— specialist in the project management department at an advertising agency.

Other name - project coordination manager.

Features of the profession

The traffic manager coordinates the progress of work on projects: transfer from department to department within the agency, presentation to the customer and transfer to production. At the same time, he controls the degree of readiness of the work at each intermediate stage and the fulfillment of deadlines.

His responsibilities include always being up to date on all projects. It keeps track of urgency priorities, i.e. knows better than anyone what needs to be done “yesterday” and what can wait until the evening. In other words, it tracks deadlines (so-called deadlines) for each project. Taking these deadlines into account, he plans and distributes the work of employees at each stage, coordinates this with department heads, and ensures that all stages of work are completed on time. Sometimes these deadlines have to be postponed for some reason, and the traffic manager coordinates these postponements with project managers.

In general, the traffic manager is responsible for the consistency of the work of departments. If they have any questions for each other (on the quality of work, on deadlines, on the formulation of tasks), the traffic manager finds out the essence of the problem and helps the departments coordinate actions.

Through the traffic manager, tasks go from the client department to the strategic department or directly to the creative department, from the creative department to the technical department and to contractors. When starting work on a new project, he monitors whether the creative and technical assignments (briefs) are filled out correctly. To work on a project, certain specialists are required who need tools and materials. The traffic manager monitors this too. If some materials or tools are missing, he will arrange their purchase or rental. (For example, renting costumes and premises for filming a video in the spirit of the 18th century.)

The traffic manager also coordinates and signs the employee vacation schedule, since he is responsible for the mandatory presence at the workplace of a certain number of employees of a particular specialty.


A traffic manager works in large advertising agencies - representative offices of global agencies, or in local, Russian ones. Small advertising agencies also need to coordinate the work of employees. But here the scope of tasks is not so extensive, therefore special coordination departments in such agencies are not needed. Most often, the head of the design and layout department monitors the progress of work.

Important qualities

A traffic manager needs communication skills, emotional stability, tact in communication, logical thinking, diplomacy, and organizational skills.


Salary as of June 13, 2019

Russia 100000—40000 ₽

Moscow 100,000—200,000 ₽

Skills and abilities

A traffic manager needs:

  • ability to quickly navigate a situation,
  • ability to plan and divide work into stages,
  • knowledge of the structure and operating principle of an advertising agency and the basic principles of operation of each department,
  • understanding of the basics of the technical process of implementing creative developments (in print, on radio, television, in non-standard designs),
  • knowledge of copyright law,
  • good command of spoken English (this is especially important for working in a representative office of a network of global agencies),
  • skill to work in team.

    Hello my dear friend!

    Today we'll talk about how to make money online in the profession " traffic manager" or " traffic manager"to forget about hired work forever and start realizing your dreams and goals.

    The world does not stand still, everything is constantly changing. Ten years ago, we could not even imagine that you could earn good money while sitting at home. Working for our own pleasure and devoting to work the time that we need, not our employers. To freely manage your time and work when it’s convenient, while having a growing income - isn’t this the dream of many?

    The most interesting thing is that this dream is real. Making money on the Internet is now gaining momentum, more and more people are exploring various ways to make money online.

    What is so attractive about working on the Internet?

    ✓ We are always close to our family

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    Today there are many professions on the Internet that allow you to earn money in a comfortable environment - at home, without leaving your favorite chair. But today we’ll talk about the profession of traffic manager. Similar titles: Art director, Designer, Manager, Advertising specialist

    The activity of a traffic manager is an interesting job in the field of mass media and social networks. Almost anyone can work as a traffic manager - young mothers and students, office workers and businessmen who want to independently attract the target audience to their website. But you need to have dedication, competence and determination. It is known that any manager plays the role of coordinator, informant and manager. And the profession of a traffic manager is no exception.

    Work experience and the skills acquired with it will help a specialist in the future to take the position of advertising manager, customer service manager, or advertising director.

    What is a traffic manager?

    Traffic Manager is the person who attracts the maximum number of potential customers to the client's website or landing page. Just imagine - millions of people access the Internet every day. Someone reads the news, someone looks for information about goods or services, and someone, on the contrary, offers these goods and services to the consumer.

    The traffic manager prepares the advertising schedule and makes adjustments as necessary. Establishes contacts with partners, clarifies deadlines for submitting materials, notifies of possible adjustments, and processes applications. Engaged in drawing up an advertising schedule and is responsible for timely and high-quality placement of advertising.

    This is the person who sets the Internet project in motion. Attracting as many visitors as possible to a particular Internet resource. At the moment, all Internet projects without exception need such a person. After all, you must admit that a site without visitors is a dead resource.

    Businessmen have long realized that it is much more profitable to attract clients via the Internet - the costs of maintaining an office and staff are lower, and the target audience is larger and more loyal! And each of these businessmen is in dire need of specialists who will efficiently advertise their company, products or services, thereby attracting potential buyers. This is exactly what a traffic manager does, to whom customers are willing to pay consistently and a lot. Experienced traffic managers receive from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles and more for their services!

    What does it take to become a traffic manager?

    Of course, an experienced traffic manager should know the basics of advertising, but no special education is required. And the traffic manager must also know the basics of the social network in which he works.

    If you want to try yourself in the new profession of traffic manager on the VKontakte social network, then I recommend that you read my book “Promoting small and medium-sized businesses on VKontakte,” which allows you to promote your VKontakte business in 33 consecutive steps. After studying it, you will learn all the tricks of promoting your business and attracting traffic with minimal investment. .

    I hope today’s conversation will be able to move you forward and you will begin to learn new professions that will allow you to live independently and freely!

    Like and follow the news, I’ll soon tell you about the profession of traffic manager in detail!

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