What is needed to become an Internet provider. Netsukuku is your own internet. Providers and services

Internet provider, or simply provider– an organization that provides the public with access services to the World Wide Web. Also, the range of this company may include other services that are inextricably linked with this network.

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If we consider such activities from the legal side, then the provider is a telecom operator that has a license to provide the following services:

  • provision of communication channels;
  • transmission of information over the network;
  • transmission of voice messages;

The Internet today is an integral part of life for every person, so you can make good money by delivering the Internet to homes, but many mistakenly assume that to organize such a company you need to be an experienced entrepreneur with in-depth knowledge in the technical field of this issue.

In fact, everything is much simpler, and the essence of this business is the wholesale purchase of the Internet and its retail sale to end users.

But when starting to organize your own business providing services in this area, you should understand:

  1. Competition in this market can be very serious, especially within large cities.
  2. A large amount of capital is required to purchase a large amount of equipment.
  3. The registration procedure is very expensive and can be lengthy (about a year).
  4. In addition to selling the Internet, you should make sure that the company has a customer consulting and technical support service.

Necessary equipment

In order to organize a business in the field of providing, you must have the following minimum set of technical units:

Server computers:

  • mail;
  • identificational;
  • terminal;
  • secondary;
  • control;
  • news;
  • registration;
  • settlement;
  • remote access;
  • master;

Some types of servers can exist on the basis of one computer.

  • control equipment;
  • router;
  • routers;
  • protection against illegal system hacking;
  • network switches;
  • racks for placing equipment and cabinets;
  • connection equipment;
  • various cables;
  • Printer;
  • administrative panel;
  • units to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the servers and batteries that provide at least 1 hour of system operation;
  • a set of spare parts for repairs;

Equipment is the main expense in creating your own provider business, so before purchasing, you should consult with an experienced specialist, which will avoid unnecessary purchases and contribute to the optimal use of funds.

Organizational and legal issues of creating a business

In order to organize your business and become an Internet provider legally, you must go through the following steps.

Registration of the organization

Like any other business activity, an Internet provider must be headed by a person who is a legal entity. This is what dictates the need, first of all, to register the enterprise as an LLC and receive the entire package of documents to start operating as an Internet provider.

An entrepreneur can choose a different legal form of the enterprise, but an LLC is considered the most optimal due to the minimum size requirements.

The registration process itself may take about a week. After the entrepreneur receives all the necessary registration documents, he will need to purchase a seal. How long it will take to open an account depends only on the bank in which it will be opened; this period can vary from a couple of days to several weeks.

For this procedure, you will need to provide the bank representative with:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of registration documents;
  • copies of papers proving the registration of the enterprise with the tax service;

Registration costs may be:

  • payment of a fee to the state in the amount of 4 thousand rubles;
  • the minimum amount of the organization's authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles;
  • service of notarization of the registration certificate – 100 rubles;
  • service of notarization of the organization’s charter – 500 rubles;
  • service of notarization of the constituent agreement – ​​1.2 thousand rubles;

Total, approximately 15 thousand 800 rubles - the cost of registering an LLC.

Activity licensing process

As soon as the enterprise is registered, the stage of setting up its activities begins. In order to legalize the provision of network services, it is necessary to go through the licensing procedure and obtain a license for communication services, since enterprises of this kind are recognized as telecom operators.

Here are the licenses that an Internet provider must have:

  • for the provision of telecommunications services;
  • for data exchange, but not in audio format;

In the process of work, additional licenses may be acquired if the entrepreneur decides to expand his business and provide additional services such as:

  • IP telephony;
  • hosting services;
  • data backup;
  • providing access to watching cable television channels, etc.;

An entrepreneur can easily handle the process of obtaining a license on his own, but if there is no experience in such a matter, it is better to trust the professionals, thus saving valuable time and eliminating unreasonable expenses.

The time to obtain a license can vary from two to seven weeks:

  • verification – 2-3 days;
  • submission of papers to Roskomnadzor – 1 day;
  • consideration of the submitted application – up to 45 days;

After all licenses have been issued, the entrepreneur can begin his provider activity, if by this time the technical equipment of the enterprise is ready for work.

How much will licensing cost? Obtaining only two basic and necessary licenses costs from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Well, if an entrepreneur wants to immediately master additional types of activities, then this amount can increase significantly. In addition, the cost of licensing can be increased by the services of a consulting firm if it has been decided to entrust it with the process of obtaining a license.

Creating a communication node project

After the licensing procedure has been completed and the provider receives all licenses, the final stage of organizing the provider business begins. To consolidate the company’s status as a network provider, it is necessary to develop a communication center project and have it examined by the advisory bodies.

In order for the created project to successfully pass this procedure, it must be created in accordance with many criteria that apply to the developer of the documentation, the unit itself and the equipment on which it was created. All software of such an enterprise must be exclusively licensed and have certificates from the Communications Union.

Only after passing the examination, the unit is put into operation. It is this preparatory technical stage of organizing a business that is considered the longest. The process of developing project documentation alone can take from a couple of weeks to a whole quarter, and the examination of the project from several months to a year.

In order for a communication center to be put into operation, it must go through the following stages:

  1. Notification of the Supervision Committee about the start of construction of a communications facility.
  2. Collection of a complete package of documents for order 113.
  3. Notification of the Supervision Committee on completion of the construction process.
  4. Submitting a petition to appoint a selection committee.
  5. Checking the package of documents by an inspector and inspecting the unit for compliance.
  6. Obtaining permission to begin full-scale activities.

The costs of producing this final procedure may be:

  • payment for design work - 35 thousand rubles;
  • payment for expert review - 30 percent of the cost of design work;
  • putting the unit into operation – 30 thousand rubles;

The total cost of this stage of registration can be 70 thousand rubles.

Costs of setting up a business

Assessing all the expected costs, we can summarize that to organize a provider business, an entrepreneur needs to have a capital of approximately 90-120 thousand dollars.

The main expenses in this case will be distributed as follows:

  • 6-7 thousand will be spent on completing all necessary registration and paperwork procedures;
  • 70-90 thousand will be spent on purchasing a complete list of necessary equipment for the smooth operation of the system;
  • 3-5 thousand will be spent on decorating office premises and purchasing furniture;
  • 2-3 thousand for the renovation of an office building;
  • 5-10 thousand to pay for advertising campaigns;
  • 1 thousand will have to be spent on minor needs.

In addition to such substantial financial investments, it is also necessary to take into account monthly expenses:

  • rent for the use of premises 3-4 thousand;
  • salary for company employees – 18-19 thousand;
  • payment for advertising campaigns 5 thousand;
  • other expenses of the enterprise -0.5-1 thousand;

Total monthly expenses of the provider company will be 26-29 thousand dollars.

  1. You should start your business by providing communication services in a small area.
  2. You should choose for your activities those areas where there is practically no competition, and where things are bad with the Internet.
  3. A set of measures aimed at attracting customers should be developed in advance; an advertising campaign can be purchased before the enterprise begins its work.

Starting your own business now as an Internet provider is a fairly promising solution. The market for providing communication services is only 50% full and there is still a shortage of such companies in the country.

Creating your own company to provide such services is a profitable investment of capital, due to the fact that the number of users is constantly growing and the market is expanding. This is especially true for cities where the construction of new neighborhoods is proceeding at a tremendous pace. Every apartment, building, house must be connected to the Internet, which requires constant and painstaking work.

Firms are at the federal and local levels. Their number in each locality reaches several dozen, which is related to the number of residents. Based on their areas of activity, these companies are divided into several types:

Hosting providers. For a rental fee, they provide technical resources or space. They have quite powerful equipment that supports high traffic speeds 24 hours a day.

Access companies, allowing you to access the network. They are divided into those that have their own Internet channels (primary) or rent from others (secondary).

Mobile commerce providers. They work to enable customers to buy software and install it on their mobile devices. Another function is the production and sale of content, consulting users.

Backbone providers. They support their work on equipment that allows for fast data transfer through channels. To do this, they create their own lines or rent them from others.

Channel providers.

Last mile providers, which is the communication channel connecting the network node and user equipment.


The area required to accommodate the equipment is rented or purchased if funds allow. Most often it is located in the basement or attic. Sometimes those who order Internet connection services allocate space for the provider. Technical equipment and other communications equipment are usually located there.

If the premises are owned by a company, then before opening it is necessary to obtain permits from the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services. Security must be installed both inside and outside. This is done through the installation of surveillance cameras and security systems. When leasing, the owner must give written permission to place communication equipment with all wires grounded.


The provider's activities are determined by what network mechanisms need to be purchased. They must meet the following requirements:

  • functionality and the possibility of its expansion;
  • high productivity and its constant increase;
  • service support;
  • Operator speed.

Based on this, you need to buy cabinets, racks to place equipment for service, cables, various types of servers (mail, web, terminal, control, development, network). Special attention should be paid to the purchase of switches, printers, tools, uninterruptible power supplies, and an administrative panel.

All these names must be included in the business plan, where their cost should also be indicated. Purchasing equipment is one of the most expensive expenses, so you should definitely consult with specialists.


Must have the necessary staff, on whose work the functioning of the company and customer service depend.

You definitely need to hire a manager, capable of solving a whole range of operational issues. In his activities, he must rely on an administrator, an accountant, an assistant, a web service specialist, and a marketer. It is also necessary to create a support service and a repair department.

Documents and license

The existence of the company will depend on legal nuances that will allow it to occupy a niche in the Internet market. To do this, you need to go through the registration process, after which the owner is issued a stamp and given the right to open his own financial account. The bank will require constituent documents, papers and statements of state registration and payment of taxes.

Next, you will need a communications license to provide the appropriate services. In particular, you must obtain the right to transmit data, except for voice information, and a license for telematic services. Sometimes permission is required for other services if you intend to provide them (data backup, cable television, etc.).

After receiving licenses, you must complete the registration process. This happens through the company's registration with the Ministry of Communications. The owner submits an application and request to the committees so that their employees check the services and nodes. Based on this, the inspector must issue an operating permit.

Good afternoon Let's talk about how to become an Internet provider, what mechanisms are needed for these purposes, and so on. For most people who have skills in working on the global network, how providers work, the principle of their operation, seems complicated and rather confusing. Hence, the number of businessmen engaged in this type of business is relatively small.

But everything is simpler than many businessmen think. If you look at the activities of providers without the technical side, but simply as management, everything can be reduced to three main questions.

What equipment is needed

I will present you with a minimum list of what equipment you need to have to start a providing business:

  1. Various servers (mail, web, FTP, master server, identification and terminal, news, secondary, development and control, settlement, registration, standard, remote access).
  2. Network switches.
  3. Various types of protection (mainly against unauthorized hacking of the system).
  4. Various cables, testing equipment, various tools.
  5. Stands for mechanisms.
  6. Printers and admin. panel.
  7. Uninterruptible batteries, at least for an hour of activity.
  8. Spare parts.
  9. Furniture, counters, etc.

How much does it cost to become an Internet provider?

To buy equipment for an Internet provider you will need at minimal prices (for a small enterprise) about three million rubles. In this case, it is advisable to consult with a specialist (a specialist will help you avoid unnecessary details).

Organizational and legal essence of the issue

Let's look at how to become an Internet provider from the perspective of organizing a provider.

Despite high competition in the field of network access services
Internet, in many localities, part of the population still experiences difficulties connecting to the Internet.

These difficulties are aggravated by the fact that usually in such areas there are problems with mobile communications, so it is not possible to simply use modems with SIM cards.

In such settlements there is clearly a niche for the work of a new Internet provider. This business idea can become very profitable, at least until the hands of large providers reach here, for whom it is often simply unprofitable to deal with small areas.

What is needed to implement a business idea?

So let's take a look, how to become an Internet provider and what is needed to implement this business idea.

1) Since this area of ​​business is high-tech, first of all, it is necessary to have qualified personnel.

Although modern equipment greatly simplifies the procedures for setting up and maintaining systems, full customer service requires the efficiency and competence of staff.

Therefore, the key condition for starting a business in this area is the personnel issue.

2) The second necessary condition for starting work is obtaining the necessary licenses.

To provide clients with access to the Internet, two licenses are required: for telematic services and for data transmission, with the exception of data transmission for the purposes of voice information. If the Internet provider intends to provide other services, then additional licenses will need to be obtained.

Obtaining licenses takes some time, up to 2 months.

In addition, you will need to pay a state fee, which must be taken into account when planning costs.

How much will the initial investment cost?

The initial costs will also include the cost of purchasing equipment - servers, routers, network switches, uninterruptible power supply systems, and so on.

Experience shows that for a small company such expenses are about 3.5 million rubles.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a room for placing equipment, providing for safety measures and maintaining temperature conditions.

Other organizational issues of this business

1) The fundamental issue for any Internet provider is to obtain reliable access to the network.

The easiest and cheapest way is to sign a contract for an external channel with unlimited access from a large telecom operator. However, you need to take into account that the quality of Internet access will depend on how well the partner works. As for organizing your own external channel, the costs of its creation and support can only be recouped for a large provider with a large number of clients.

2) It is also necessary to take into account the organization of the method of connecting clients.

If telephone lines are used for this, you must enter into an agreement to connect a dedicated line with your local communications service provider. If fiber optic communication technologies are used to connect clients, then you need to take into account the costs of additional equipment, materials and work. At the same time, it is often necessary to use underground communications to lay optical fiber, which involves obtaining additional permits.

Thus, the cost of creating an Internet provider business strongly depends on the selected technologies.

Accordingly, the payback period will depend on the volume of income and costs incurred.

The best way to preliminary calculate the profitability of a future enterprise is to draw up a detailed business plan.

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become an Internet provider?

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Nowadays there is a demand for the Internet even in the smallest villages, not to mention cities where users are looking through different connection options, so many are interested in how to become an Internet provider from scratch. This type of business promises good profits and has a tendency to expand. How much investment is required, what nuances there are in organizing this business and what kind of profit to expect - read useful recommendations in this article.

Who are Internet providers

Organizations that provide Internet access services are called Internet providers. Currently there are a lot of them and The competition between them is quite high, but at the same time there are still enough unoccupied niches in the market. For example, these are small cities where there is only one provider, or very small settlements where there is no Internet access at all.

As a rule, telephone operators and cellular companies and cable television representatives act as providers. There are many large organizations in this area, and it is very difficult to compete with them. However, even small companies sometimes succeed in this by thoroughly studying customer demand and offering more favorable rates.

The provider company stores and maintains servers that provide communication with the Internet. Outwardly, it looks like a lot of computer racks (server cabinets) with a huge number of wires. Some of the wires go to users connected to the organization, the other half goes to global servers. That is, the Internet provider is an intermediary between the user and the global server of the World Wide Web.

The Internet provider is an intermediary between the user and the global server of the World Wide Web

Advantages and challenges of starting a business in the field of Internet services

Finding your place in the Internet services market is quite possible, especially if you choose the right area to start your activities. That is, one where the demand for the Internet exceeds supply. However, before you read the detailed information on how to become an Internet provider in the village, it is worth weighing all the strengths and weaknesses of this business.


  • high demand and the presence of a large number of potential customers;
  • low competition in the private sector;
  • fairly quick return on business;
  • opportunities for continued growth and expansion;
  • user loyalty with good service and impeccable reputation.


  • the need for significant financial investments at the first stage of work;
  • the need to purchase a license;
  • very strict legislative regulation of the work of Internet companies.

Provider classification

All companies providing Internet connection services are divided into the following categories:

  1. Access providers. These are organizations that own their own or leased communication channels.
  2. Mobile Internet providers. Provide services for connecting to the mobile Internet.
  3. Hosting companies- are engaged in the placement of equipment and data on their technical sites. Usually their services are used by other providers.

From a business point of view, for the private sector and small urban areas, access provision will be the most profitable and payable. Next, let's look at what steps you need to take to start a business in the Internet services sector.

Action plan for getting started in the field of providing:

  1. Registration of a legal entity.
  2. Obtaining an Internet provider license.
  3. Selection and rental of premises.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Hiring.
  6. Advertising and promotion.

For the private sector and small urban areas, access provision will be the most profitable and profitable

Selecting a registration form, taxation system and obtaining a license

The provider of Internet connection services can be a legal entity, that is, a limited liability company registered in accordance with all legal requirements with the federal tax service. The most advantageous form of taxation for such companies is the simplified taxation system, the so-called “simplified tax system”.

A document giving the right to carry out activities in this area is called a “provider license” or “telematics license”. The most difficult and time-consuming part will be getting it. The supervisory authority in this area is Roskomnadzor, on whose website there is a list of documents required to obtain a permit. This service requires payment of state duties in the amount of approximately 28 thousand rubles.

A good recommendation in this case would be to contact specialists. Quite a significant number of legal and consulting companies offer their services for interaction with Roskomnadzor, namely a “turnkey license”. The cost of services of such companies starts from 37,500 rubles. The entire procedure takes on average 30-45 days.

How to choose a room

Most often, providers rent attics and basements of residential buildings. However, if you plan to work in the private sector, you may have to rent space inside a separate building (which is much more expensive). It is important that the landlord is aware of the purposes for which you are renting the premises and gives written consent to the placement of a communication center.

You must also pass state fire marshal inspections. This regulatory body specifically monitors the presence of grounding and other fire safety requirements. It makes sense to provide 24-hour security and a video surveillance system.

If you plan to work in the private sector, you may have to rent space inside a separate building

What equipment do you need to purchase and how much will it cost?

To get started in the field of Internet services you will have to purchase a fairly significant list of equipment, namely:

  • batteries;
  • router;
  • servers (mail, web, qualification and terminal);
  • server cabinets;
  • administrative panels;
  • wires, printers.

On average, you will have to spend at least 3 million rubles in this area. This is the most significant expense item. You can try to get a loan or lease the necessary equipment (or at least part of it). When purchasing your own equipment, you should pay attention to the reliability of the supplier, terms and conditions of warranty service.

The quality of the equipment’s performance determines the quality of the Internet connection, and therefore customer loyalty and the company’s reputation. You should not save money or buy anything from unverified suppliers. Consult with experts, study reviews about the work of certain companies, and only then make a purchasing decision.

In addition to 3 million for equipment, funds should be provided for repairs and rental of premises (depending on the circumstances), payment of state duties and company registration (around 200 thousand rubles) and payment of employees (from 25 thousand per month for each employee).

How many employees do you need to start a company?

To get started, you need to hire a provider:

  • operators;
  • webmasters;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • marketer.

The last two specialists do not have to be on staff; it is quite possible to use the services of temporarily invited freelancers or outsourcing. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with an accountant, since he is a financially responsible employee.

A marketer is needed to promote the company and find first clients. Some entrepreneurs believe that at the first stage it is unwise to spend money on a marketer. There is a certain logic in this, since just a few simple recommendations will help you advertise your own services without extra expenses.

As for repairing equipment and eliminating critical situations, every employee should have primary skills in this area. You need to hire technically savvy employees, preferably with experience in providing services. The salary should be relatively high, since this work requires a lot of knowledge, attention and concentration. Undermotivated or dissatisfied employees can derail the entire organization.

Every employee must have primary skills in repairing equipment and eliminating critical situations.

How to enter the market correctly

Before offering your services to clients, you need to make sure that the equipment is configured correctly, there are no technical problems, and feedback channels are established. That is, so that in case of any problems, the user can directly and quickly contact the provider.

Practice shows that For small providers, the most effective advertising will be leaflets and announcements, common in the area where they begin work. It is important to place on advertising materials all the key information that “catches” the client: the words “high-speed connection”, tariff rates, contact phone number or office address.

Comparison of the private sector and apartment buildings

Many providers rightly consider apartment buildings more profitable from a business development point of view. Indeed, to connect a house with ten apartments you need to spend less money, but get more clients. On the other hand, residents of such houses almost always have several options for providers, and there is no guarantee that they will like the services of a small company more than a competitor.

On the other hand, connecting private houses is much more expensive, but almost completely guarantees that the client will not refuse the company’s services. If he is satisfied with the quality of the connection, he will not look for other options, since he will not want to re-pay for the very labor-intensive initial connection procedure.

Besides, there is almost no competition in the private sector. You can find an area where there is no stable Internet (or Internet at all) in almost every city and absolutely in every region. This business niche is absolutely free and will remain vacant for at least several more years.

Large operators in the private sector are deterred by the high cost of creating connection nodes with low return on investment

What is meant by the term “private sector” and which areas should the new provider focus on?

The “private sector” is not only one-story single-family houses, but also:

  • cottages;
  • townhouses and urban villages;
  • towns and villages;
  • one- or two-story houses with 5-6 apartments (“barracks”).

Large operators are in no hurry to expand into these areas, as they are deterred by the high cost of creating connection nodes with low return on investment. An independent provider can use several methods to get around this difficulty:

  • establish a higher tariff for services, which for some time will compensate for the funds spent on connection;
  • provide for connection in installments;
  • using radio access as a replacement for optical fiber is suitable for the smallest villages; the Internet will be slower, but in the absence of an alternative it will be accepted by customers.

How much profit can a small Internet provider make?

Considering the very significant initial investment, it is important to know what kind of profit you can expect from such a company and how quickly it will be possible to recoup all the funds spent. Profit largely depends on the provider’s activity in searching for clients and good quality of communication from the first days of operation.

Practice shows that, on average, such companies manage to recoup all expenses and achieve net profit within approximately 2 years. This is quite a long time, however, given the prospects of the entire direction as a whole, it is worth a try. Direct income in the first months of work is impossible to predict- it depends entirely on the established tariffs and the number of attracted clients.


Becoming an Internet provider is quite difficult and expensive. To open a company you will need an average of 3.5 million rubles and a reliable team of workers with special knowledge. Very a significant number of Russians do not yet have access to high-speed Internet, although they are willing to pay for it. Thus, this direction in entrepreneurship is very promising and worth the investment.


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