How much does it cost to create a bank? How to open your own bank in Russia. How to open a bank from scratch

Banking business is a profitable, but very complex area. And people with extensive experience, the necessary knowledge and the ability to make serious investments are capable of engaging in this type of business. But if the desire to open a financial institution is great, but there are not enough opportunities, you can open credit organizations. Opening them will require less money.

Usually, experienced entrepreneurs go to open a bank. They need their own bank to service the parent enterprise. There are many banks in Russia, including both large and small. Big competition. But on the other hand, more and more people are using the services of banks, which means you have the opportunity to set up a successful business. Opening a private bank in Russia is not easy. But if you have a well-written business plan, and if all norms and rules are observed, the business will become successful.

A business plan is a must. It will help you not to miss a single detail or nuance so that nothing interferes with the bank’s work.

Business plan for a private bank

Both large and small banks regularly conduct medium-term planning of their activities to strengthen their positions. This is why a business plan is developed, which is based on analysis and planning.

Detailed planning will allow you to correctly choose the main strategy for your development and gain advantages over your competitors. For example, the experience of many banks shows that medium and small banks should work in a specific direction. Only a large bank can be universal. And this area of ​​work should be recorded in the business plan.

The development of a business plan should be based on a development analysis. Analytical developments are carried out in several directions. The legislative environment and the external market, sales and customer base, the bank’s position in the financial market and the assessment of competitors are analyzed. In this case, you can make a forecast for the next five years.

Planning a bank development strategy will help expand the resource base, increase income growth, and help set the main development goals for the next five years. For example, to gain a positive reputation and constantly maintain it; expand the range of services; expand your customer base; attract new investments; create a flexible interest rate policy; and so on.

Type of banks

For a novice entrepreneur, you need to know the existing types of banks in order to choose the direction that can most fully reflect his aspirations. Financial institutions are divided into five types:

  1. Retail. Their advantage is that they provide all types of financial services. Their difference is the diversification of assets.
  2. Credit. Bank funds are an asset, customer debt is a liability.
  3. Calculated. Working with individuals, offering all settlement services.
  4. Market. Investments in securities.
  5. Interbank structures. Interaction with financial organizations, resulting in profit.

But many banks choose a universal type in order to work in several directions at the same time. The bank's license describes in detail what operations the bank is entitled to carry out. The license changes only after two years. It is possible to choose the type of bank where some disadvantage is felt.

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How to open your own bank

Before such an important matter as opening your own bank, conduct a serious analysis of your capabilities and strengths. Both you and your founders must have the required amount, there must be no previous criminal records and no bad credit history. The verification of bank documents will be accompanied by a total verification of all founders.

There is an important condition: the company’s personal account must have five million euros. Otherwise, registration will not be possible.

After this, all partners sign an agreement and choose the legal form of their organization. Typically, a commercial bank is opened as a joint stock company. The law does not limit the choice of an open society or a closed one. Selected for bank activities code OKPD 2 64. These are financial services.

Next stage. It is necessary to draw up and sign a constituent agreement. The Central Bank of Russia will tell you whether you have chosen the name of your organization correctly and whether there are any analogues to existing financial institutions.

Having received the registration certificate, all the necessary information is sent to the Main Directorate for the region where you are opening a bank. It is impossible to obtain a license if there is no agreement with the State Technical University. All documents verified by the GTU are sent for the next verification to the Central Bank, where additional information may be needed. And that is not all. The Banking Supervision Committee resolves the issue of registration. And if all the issues have received a positive solution, the Tax Inspectorate enters the new private bank into the register of credit institutions.

Within thirty days, the founders must deposit the authorized capital into the account and collect the necessary papers. Here is the list:

  1. Statement from the founders.
  2. Constituent documents.
  3. Business plan.
  4. The meeting of founders must adopt the minutes.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. Documents on registration of founders and their notarized copies.
  7. Questionnaires of candidates for leadership positions.
  8. Legal entities provide an auditor's opinion that their financial statements are reliable. Individuals present documents that confirm the source of their funds that they will contribute.
  9. Documents on the basis of which a conclusion is prepared that the credit institution complies with all the requirements for conducting cash transactions.
  10. Certified consent of the federal antimonopoly authority to create a financial institution.
  11. If a bank is registered as a joint stock company, their first issue of shares is registered.
  12. List of founders and their full details.

The task of collecting documents can be simplified. There are institutions that specialize in collecting the necessary documentation. You can contact them. But the cost of their services is quite high, and there is no guarantee that a license will be issued. There are many reasons for refusal to issue a license. There are many types of licenses, the main thing is to choose the right one.

You can contact specialists who can issue a ready-made bank business plan or draw it up according to your requirements and capabilities. Specialists from some agencies can help with the correct preparation of documents. They also have good relationships with regulators, so you can get answers from them sooner. But you will have to do everything else yourself. Only determined and self-confident people can register their own bank.

To open a bank on your own, you need to be savvy in financial and legal subtleties, have a good reputation, prepare an impressive package of documents and a sufficient amount of money, most of which will be used to pay for the authorized capital.


On the territory of the Russian Federation, according to the list of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 2017, there are 572 banks registered in Russia. Their number decreases every year, but interest in the banking sector in business circles does not fade. Many businessmen at least once imagined themselves as bankers and wondered how to open a bank. Let's consider the legal and organizational aspects of opening a bank in Russia.

Banking business is one of those types of business for which the main thing is the financial component and the impeccable reputation of the founders and top officials of the organization.

What is a bank and how to open one

According to the main regulatory act in banking - the Law of the Russian Federation “On Banks and Banking Activities”, not only banks, but also non-bank credit organizations (NPOs) can be able to conduct banking operations. Let’s differentiate these concepts so as not to be confused in the future, since we are talking about opening a bank, not an NPO.

The difference is that the bank has the right to carry out complex banking operations (among others) such as: attracting and depositing money from individuals and legal entities, as well as opening and maintaining bank accounts for individuals. and legal persons NPOs have the right to engage only in combinations of operations that are legally permissible for them. The amounts of authorized capital also differ significantly.

  • The legally regulated minimum authorized capital for registering a bank in the Russian Federation is 300 million rubles;
  • For NPOs this amount is 90 million rubles.

An important addition: the authorized capital for a credit institution cannot be contributed with attracted (borrowed) financial resources.

There are two main ways to become the owner of your own commercial bank:

  1. The first option is to buy an existing bank. For example, businessman Oleg Tinkov, to create his bank, bought a ready-made registered bank, renamed it, attracted investors and organized activities in accordance with his own vision.
  2. Organize a banking business from scratch: draw up documents, register, obtain permits and licenses, pay for authorized capital, find premises, equip them, hire employees.

The first option is simpler, but requires large financial costs. The second option is more labor-intensive, but less expensive. We'll talk about how to open a bank in Russia from scratch, where to start, what permits and licenses are needed and other essential points.

How to register a bank

In order for a newly created bank to function smoothly, it must be registered and obtain a license to conduct banking operations. To register a bank you need to go through the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to register a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service (FTS). face - society. According to the law, there are strict requirements for any specific organizational and legal form of legal entity. no person is presented for the bank. It is possible to register as an open (LLC), public (PJSC), closed (CJSC), joint stock company (JSC). The Tax Service enters the organization into the register of legal entities, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issues a State Certificate. registration of a new bank.

    The detailed procedure for interaction between the Federal Tax Service and the Business Center of the Russian Federation is described in the “Regulations for interaction between the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on state issues. registration of credit organizations."

    Before an agreement on the establishment of a bank is signed, you need to come up with a name for it. After which the founders must send a request to the Licensing Department of the Central Bank about the admissibility of using the full and abbreviated name in Russian. For a maximum of five days, the Central Bank checks and gives a written response about the admissibility of using this name (the response comes to the territorial branch of the Central Bank, where the bank is supposed to be registered).

  2. The founders can also be individuals. and legal persons (other organizations, possibly credit institutions) who have the appropriate reputation and financial situation. Three years after registration, the founders are not allowed to leave the membership.
  3. To register a new bank and undergo licensing with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, you need to thoroughly prepare and provide an impressive package of constituent and other documents, including:

    application in the established format;

    you need to decide on the location in advance, since you need documents for rent or proof of ownership of the premises where you plan to open a bank;

    registration and issuance of a license is subject to a state fee, it must be paid and a document confirming payment must be provided;

    constituent documents, reporting of legal founders. persons confirming the compliance of the financial condition, the ability to pay for the authorized capital and the sources of origin of funds;

    minutes of the general meeting and meeting of the board of directors with a number of decisions (on the creation of an organization, approval of the charter, business plan, name, election and approval of candidates for positions);

    a number of documents that allow you to prepare an opinion on the compliance of the newly created bank with the provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (including certificates of conformity for equipment, premises layout plan, license of the company with which the security contract was concluded, license of the insurance company with which the contract was concluded, alarm acceptance certificates into operation, etc.);

    The founders need to submit an application to the antimonopoly authority to register the bank, a copy of the positive response must be provided to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

    documents required for the issue of shares (if the form of joint stock company is chosen);

    a complete list of founders on paper, profiles of applicants for the positions of manager, chief accountant, his deputy (they must have a legal and/or economic education or experience in managing departments performing banking operations for at least two years, no criminal record);

    written communications about each member of the board of directors and their compliance with the requirements.

A complete list of documents is available in Bank of Russia Instruction No. 135-I dated April 2, 2010 “On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make decisions on state registration of credit institutions and issuance of licenses for banking operations.”

Bank licensing

Banking activities are subject to mandatory licensing by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Licenses can be granted to conduct various banking operations; each license contains a list of such operations, and also indicates the currency (or currencies) in which they can be carried out. The license is granted for an indefinite period.

Within a maximum of six months after receipt of the documents, the Bank of Russia issues a verdict on registration and granting of a license. If his decision is positive, then the founders are given a period of one month to contribute the entire amount of the authorized capital. To do this, a correspondent account is opened with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, into which funds should be received. After depositing the full amount of the authorized capital within three days, a license is issued.

To conduct banking operations in rubles and foreign currencies, including accepting and depositing personal money. and legal persons in rubles and foreign currency must obtain a general license. To obtain a general license, the bank's capital must be at least 900 million rubles.

Payment of the authorized capital is not the only major financial investment. Credit institutions must create reserve funds, classify assets, and strictly comply with the requirements of the Central Bank regulations.

As practice shows, without sufficient financial standing and attracting competent specialists in each of the bank’s areas of activity, it is not possible to organize such a business from scratch on your own.

One of the most common types of large business is opening your own bank. Below we will describe step by step a diagram of how to create a bank.

The form of the business is not of fundamental importance; the bank can be a joint-stock company or an enterprise. If formally the founder of the bank is a legal entity, then before submitting documents for permission to conduct banking activities, it is necessary that there are no non-payments to the funds and no losses.

Authorized fund

If a commercial bank is created, it must be registered with the National Bank with a fully formed authorized capital. The fund's budget consists of the personal funds of the founders, declared and expressed as percentages. Each of the founders has the right to no more than 35% of the authorized capital.

Before you create your own bank, you need to form an authorized capital of the required size. For banks and financial organizations – 5 million euros. This amount can be paid in both foreign and national currency.

When the authorized capital is fully formed and its minimum part consists of funds, they are transferred to a temporary account opened with the National Bank for the time necessary to complete the registration procedure of a new bank.

The rest of the authorized capital may consist of real estate, registered in accordance with all necessary standards and suitable for use.

Required documents

When thinking about how to create a bank, first of all you should take care of the correct execution of all documents.

  • Bank charter.
  • Application for state registration with a list of banking operations subject to licensing.
  • Documents of the authorized capital. Typically, this is a statement from a temporary account indicating the availability of funds.
  • An extract from the decision of the founders, which indicates the positions of the managers and chief accountant of the bank.
  • Copies of registration of legal entities - founders of the bank.
  • Documents of individuals - founders of the bank.
  • Documents confirming the right of location of the bank at its legal address.
  • Certificate of declaration of monetary parts of the fund to the Tax Inspectorate.
  • Documents on the transfer of funds from the authorized fund by each of the founders.
  • Questionnaires of prospective candidates for the positions of chief accountant and department heads. Their compliance with the requirements is a higher education in economics, three years of experience in a similar position in a bank, and no criminal record.
  • A three-year business plan showing approximate levels of income and expenses.
  • Expert assessment of real estate of the authorized capital and inspection reports of the assessment commission.
  • Documents confirming payment for obtaining a banking license and state registration.
  • Documents that confirm the technical equipment of the bank.

Bank registration

After receiving and submitting all of the above documents, the National Bank will review them within up to two months. Based on the results of the work of the consulting commission, a decision will be made on the suitability of the candidates for managers and chief accountant. After an affirmative decision is made by the Board of the National Bank, the licensing department adds a registration record to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals. A confirming document is issued to the head of the bank, and registration data is transferred to the Ministry of Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, and the Inspectorate of the State Tax Committee.

In case of refusal of registration, the Board of the National Bank announces the reasons. This may be either a discrepancy in the authorized capital in design or size, incorrectly submitted information in registration documents, discrepancy between the candidates for management or the financial status of the bank’s founders.

Creation of branches

After you have managed to create your own bank, you can open a number of representative offices or branches. Branches carry out all banking operations of the main bank provided for by the license. To obtain permission to open a branch, you must also contact the National Bank and provide a number of documents. You need to write an application to create a branch and submit a document confirming the decision to open a branch by the meeting of founders.

Within 30 days, the commission will consider the feasibility of opening a branch.

A negative decision may be due to losses incurred by the bank within three months before submitting the application, or due to inconsistencies in the execution of documents on the organization of the branch and its activities. If the decision is positive, a list of registered branches will be attached to the bank's charter. In addition, the bank may be issued permission to organize exchange offices and settlement centers. Also, a bank may have a representative office that does not carry out banking operations, but represents the interests of the bank.

Obtaining a license

Banking operations are subject to licensing. Upon registration of a bank, a general license is issued. It allows you to conduct financial transactions in national currency. After receiving this license, the bank can apply for a domestic license allowing it to carry out financial transactions in foreign currency.

One year after registration, the bank can apply for a general license, allowing it to conduct financial transactions outside the country. Exceptions are branches of foreign banks or banks whose authorized capital consists of foreign investments.

Three years after registration, the bank can apply for a license to conduct transactions with precious metals and stones. To make an affirmative decision on issuing licenses, the bank must have funds in the amount of at least 10 million euros. After receiving licenses, the bank can not only conduct financial and banking operations, but also make technological additions to the work. And before you create your own bank, you need to think through everything so that it meets all technical requirements. It is better if he offers his clients as many ATMs as possible. It would not be superfluous to create an Internet bank, this is a modern means of remote customer service.

Bank liquidation

Changes in the bank's activities may be associated with the reorganization process. It can be carried out after a decision is made by the meeting of founders or in court by decision of government bodies. The bank may merge with another bank. Then all rights are transferred to the newly formed structure. When separated, part of the bank becomes an independent banking structure. In all cases of change in bank status, re-registration occurs.

Liquidation of the bank can be carried out after a decision of the board of founders and government bodies.

In case of liquidation, a special commission is created to monitor the correctness of the termination procedure.

To open a bank, you need to have a starting capital of about 500 million rubles, understand banking and be prepared to face serious competition in the market. The process of making a decision by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to issue a license for this type of activity can take up to six months. And the founder of a financial institution will be able to return capital investments no earlier than in 5 years.


What bank can I open?

The financial institution being created can provide a full range of services or specialize in issuing loans, attracting deposits or performing other operations.

Classification of banking organizations:

UniversalMain characteristics:
  • work with both legal entities and individuals;
  • provide a variety of banking services (including: money transfers, issuing loans, accepting deposits, paying bills, etc.);
  • combine investment and commercial activities.

Compared to specialized banks, this type of banks is more resistant to fluctuations in the country’s economy.

CreditSuch organizations are focused on selling financial resources on credit for various purposes. The bank receives profit in the form of interest on the loan issued.
SavingsTo carry out investment activities, the bank attracts money from clients in the form of deposits. For a certain time, the entrepreneur will have capital at his disposal, which can be increased. The client will receive the promised interest, thereby protecting his available funds from depreciation, and the bank will receive profit from investments in various projects/assets.
CalculatedThese financial institutions carry out various types of payments between individuals and legal entities. To obtain sufficient profit, the bank does not need to have a large number of clients; the volume of transactions is important.
MarketThe main purpose of its existence is to serve larger financial and credit organizations, including maintaining/establishing interbank relationships. The assets of such institutions primarily consist of the finances of other banks (for example, securities).


List of operations performed by financial and credit organizations:

Attracting money to depositsConsumers of this service can be both individuals and legal entities. Clients transfer their available funds to the bank for temporary use, thereby earning interest. The financial institution can invest the resulting capital profitably and earn high profits.
Providing credit productsCommercial organizations issue loans for the following purposes:
  • purchasing housing (for example, an apartment or house);
  • purchasing seasonal goods;
  • purchase of equipment, vehicles, special equipment;
  • repair of outbuildings/residential buildings, equipment, etc.;
  • acquisition of materials and raw materials;
  • repayment of lease payments, etc.

As a price for using the bank's funds, it charges the client a percentage.

Opening and maintaining bank accountsIn accordance with Russian laws, all legal entities must have accounts to carry out non-cash transactions. The bank may charge a commission for conducting them.
Credit/debit card servicesServicing of plastic settlement instruments by the issuing bank involves:
  • their emissions;
  • locking/unlocking/closing;
  • reissue of the card (for example, in case of its loss, damage or expiration);
  • change of card product;
  • closing an account agreement;
  • maintaining confidentiality, etc.
Financial consultingSuch a service requires a staff of professional employees who are thoroughly versed in various issues:
  • investments;
  • credit programs;
  • deposit offers;
  • transactions with securities;
  • declarations, etc.

The consultant must be able to understand the customer’s problem and suggest solutions to resolve it. At the same time, he will be required to be able to explain a difficult situation to the client in accessible and understandable words.

Financial flow managementThe service allows you to analyze, monitor, and account for the cash flows of client companies. Employees of a financial institution must not only monitor existing revenues and expenses, but also develop a further plan for the flow of funds.
Providing brokerage servicesHere the purchase and sale of securities is carried out at the expense of the client and on his instructions.

Areas of operation of this service:

  • Internet trading;
  • full support of depository accounts;
  • keeping records of all possible transactions for the purchase/sale of securities;
  • carrying out transactions on global markets;
  • placement of shares;
  • debt financing;
  • lending, etc.
Investment serviceSample list of services:
  • attraction of financial resources;
  • business restructuring through mergers/acquisitions of enterprises;
  • investment portfolio management;
  • storage, guardianship, trusteeship and accounting of customer securities;
  • underwriting (guaranteed placement/purchase of new shares, bonds and other instruments from issuers);
  • providing recommendations.
InsuranceIt is produced by registering a franchise or creating joint ventures. Financial institutions also practice credit life insurance of the client. It guarantees repayment of the issued loan in a situation where the borrower dies/gets sick.
Trust TransactionsThese operations represent a transaction for the management of the client’s property, as well as the provision of services on his behalf as a trustee. Thus, the customer, without losing ownership of his assets, receives profit from their investment in various markets. For completed trust transactions, the bank charges a commission fee in its favor.

Examples of trust transactions:

  • maintaining personal accounts;
  • management of securities (their sale/exchange);
  • provision of depository services;
  • temporary business management, etc.

Banks have to perform the following functions:

  • store money, securities and other assets of the client;
  • prepare accounting documents;
  • receive payments based on a power of attorney;
  • carry out purchase and sale transactions of the customer’s assets;
  • carry out calculations;
  • provide consulting services on the formation of an optimal portfolio of shares, bonds and other financial instruments;
  • give guarantees/guarantees.
Leasing operationsThis service is based on leasing non-current assets for a long period of time for the purpose of their subsequent use in production.

Examples of leasing transaction objects:

  • building;
  • structures;
  • equipment;
  • vehicles (including special vehicles);
  • intellectual property rights.
Factoring operationsThey are one of the types of trade and commission transactions combined with working capital lending (they involve the collection of receivables and a guarantee against currency risks).

Types of factoring:

  • with/without financing;
  • open/closed;
  • with/without right of recourse;
  • domestic/international.


Reasons that make business in the banking sector attractive:

  1. Profitability and profitability. With the right approach, an entrepreneur can quickly recoup (in about five years) and multiply his considerable initial investment.
  2. Perspective. The services of financial institutions are in great demand, their range is expanding along with the growing needs of clients and the development of scientific and technological progress.
  3. Kudos. Banking is an elite profession, so having your own credit organization has a lot of status.
  4. Wide choice of areas of activity. An entrepreneur can independently determine the format of the business, its target audience, assortment, geography of work, etc.

Market description and analysis

Characteristics of the Russian banking sector of the economy:

  1. According to the Central Bank, as of February 2017, 572 financial and credit institutions were registered in Russia.
  2. There is high competition in the market.
  3. According to the survey, 63% of Russian citizens use the services of one financial institution, 22% use two, and 5% use three.
  4. Over the past five years, approximately 40% of the population have used a bank loan.
  5. About 20% of the country's citizens have high loan payments; they account for more than 30% of the total family budget. Approximately 8% of people give over half of their income to pay off debt to the bank. However, 32% of the population with credit debt pay amounts not exceeding 10% of their monthly earnings.
  6. Every fourth borrower faced the problem of being unable to make loan payments on time.
  7. 27% of people confirmed that they have savings in the form of: bank deposits, savings insurance policies, stocks, bonds and other securities.
  8. The popularity of consumer credit is growing. About every tenth citizen intends to use it.
  9. Bank deposits are in third place in terms of popularity/reliability after investing in real estate and gold/jewelry.
  10. The leader of the mortgage market is Sberbank OJSC; its share at the beginning of 2015 was 47.5%.
  11. The percentage of non-cash payments is increasing (from 5% in 2013 to 16% in 2015). Most often, this method was used to pay for: mobile communications, Internet, television, taxes, fines, loans.
  12. The leading player in the credit card market is Sberbank OJSC (as of the second quarter of 2016, it occupies 41.1%).

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Key participants in the mortgage market Leading players in the consumer lending market Methods of investing money according to degree of reliability Leaders in the credit card market Percentage of loans not repaid on time in total loans/borrowings (excluding VTB, Sberbank, Bank of Moscow) Level of use of bank services by respondents, percentage of all respondents

The target audience

The client of a financial credit institution can be either an individual or an organization/enterprise.

Portrait of a typical user of banking services:

Competitive advantages

The strengths of the bank should be the following points:

  • positive image;
  • profitable loan products;
  • high interest rates on deposits;
  • thoughtful pricing policy;
  • good reputation of the main shareholders;
  • competitive and balanced list of services;
  • high quality of service provided;
  • a sufficient amount of authorized capital/assets to guarantee the safety of customer deposits;
  • presence of a currency/general license;
  • stable customer base;
  • extensive correspondent network;
  • a sufficient number of ATMs in different areas of the city;
  • thoughtful marketing campaign;
  • optimal branch network;
  • required qualifications of key employees and senior management;
  • friendly service;
  • no queues;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • good material resources;
  • focus on customer wishes/requests;
  • introduction of new types of operations/services;
  • availability of Internet banking, corporate website, mobile application, etc.
  • well-thought-out infrastructure;
  • convenient location of offices, ATMs, etc.

Advertising campaign

The development and implementation of the bank’s marketing program should be carried out by a professional company and/or in-house specialists.

  • make the organization recognizable among a wide target audience;
  • convince potential users of the company’s reliability;
  • create a sufficient customer base;
  • form a positive opinion among the bank’s target audience, etc.

Marketing program activities:

  • development and promotion of a memorable brand, logo, etc.;
  • creation of outdoor signs/banners;
  • printing leaflets, business cards, brochures, posters, calendars, notepads, etc.;
  • placement of advertising information on billboards, billboards, superboards, arches, banners, lightboxes, LED screens, on public transport, etc.;
  • broadcasting advertisements on television and radio, in newspapers and magazines;
  • development of special offers for organizations, government agencies, small and large businesses;
  • formation of a bonus and discount program;
  • creation of a modern, informative and functional portal on the Internet, mobile offers, groups in popular social networks;
  • acting as a sponsor of various public events (for example, in the field of sports and culture);
  • organization of an advertising campaign on the Internet (contextual, targeted and teaser campaigns are often used).

To implement the above measures, at the initial stage of operation, a medium-sized bank will need an amount of about 500–600 thousand rubles. Monthly marketing expenses will be approximately 100,000–150,000 rubles.

The video is devoted to the problem of organizing electronic marketing for banking institutions. Filmed by the channel “Completo - System Electronic Marketing”.

Step-by-step opening instructions

Approximate step-by-step instructions for opening your own bank:

  1. Market analysis, as well as assessment of competitors and the list of services provided.
  2. Study of legislative norms and operating rules in this field of activity.
  3. Choosing a business format and its focus.
  4. Formation of a preliminary business project for a future commercial bank.
  5. Determining your own capabilities for developing the organization and managing it.
  6. Selection of partners/co-founders, checking them (reputation, absence of criminal records, debts to the state for taxes and other payments).
  7. Resolving the issue regarding the size of the authorized capital and its structure.
  8. Choosing the optimal organizational form for business.
  9. Search for a name for the bank being created.
  10. Determining the organization's management structure.
  11. Selection of basic, managerial, support and service personnel.
  12. Preparation of documents for subsequent registration.
  13. Selecting locations for the main office, bank representative offices, installation of ATMs, etc.
  14. Legal registration of business activities and obtaining permits (including licenses).
  15. Preparation of premises (redevelopment, construction and repair work) and installation of purchased equipment.
  16. Carrying out advertising campaign events.
  17. Grand opening of the bank.

Documents and licenses

Key questions that arise during the registration process of a banking organization:

  1. Before opening, you need to come up with a name for a financial institution. Once a suitable brand has been formed, an agreement on the foundation of the bank is signed. At the next stage, a request is sent to the Licensing Department of the Central Bank about the possibility of using the abbreviated and full name (in Russian). Within five days a response will be received regarding the admissibility of using the proposed name.
  2. Organizations and individuals can act as founders. In the next three years after registration, the founders of the bank are not allowed to leave the membership.
  3. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, registration of a legal entity is required to create a financial institution. Here the entrepreneur has to choose an organizational form for his business. It can be an LLC, a public joint stock company or a non-public one. Having gone through all the procedures for organizing a bank step by step, the Central Bank of Russia issues a Certificate of state registration.
  4. OKVED code - 64.19 “Other financial intermediation”, 64.92 “Providing loans and other types of credit.”

The list of documents for creating a financial institution is presented in the Bank of Russia Instruction dated April 2, 2010, No. 135-I. Its full title is “On the procedure for the Central Bank to make decisions on state registration of credit organizations and issuance of licenses to provide banking services.”

Package of constituent and other documents for creating a financial and credit institution:

  • a statement expressing a desire to open a bank;
  • articles of association;
  • business plan (when developing it, the recommendations presented in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated July 5, 2002, No. 1176-U “On business plans of credit institutions” are taken into account);
  • a lease agreement for premises or papers confirming ownership of them;
  • receipt for repayment of the state duty amount;
  • constituent documents;
  • minutes from the general meeting of the board of directors (this reflects the decision of the participants on the creation of the bank, its name, approval of the charter, business plan, etc.);
  • documents indicating the availability of financial capabilities of the bank’s founders to form the authorized capital (including confirmation of the sources of origin of funds);
  • papers confirming the compliance of the created institution with the standards of the Central Bank (including certificates for equipment, layout of premises, license of a security company, insurance company);
  • a petition to the antimonopoly authority to register a bank (a copy of the positive opinion is provided to the Central Bank);
  • documents required for the issue of shares (upon registration of a joint-stock company);
  • a list of founders in writing, questionnaires of candidates for the positions of manager, chief accountant, and deputy chief accountant;
  • a written description of each member of the board of directors confirming their compliance with established requirements.

The tax inspectorate will enter the institution into the register of credit organizations only after receiving a positive opinion from the Banking Supervision Committee.

The Central Bank of Russia carries out licensing activities for financial and credit institutions. The issued document contains a list of banking transactions permitted for execution; its validity period is unlimited. The currency/s in which transactions can be carried out are also indicated here.

Depending on which license is issued, the following restrictions on working with:

  • various currencies;
  • precious metals;
  • foreign banks;
  • certain categories of legal entities/individuals, etc.

The decision to issue a license can be received by the founders within six months from the date of receipt of the securities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. After the owners are informed about the positive result of the review of the documents, they must pay the amount of the authorized capital in full. It will be stored in a correspondent account with the Bank of Russia. Its amount is strictly regulated and cannot be less than 300 million rubles. The license is issued within three days after the entire amount of the declared authorized capital has been paid.

To carry out transactions in national and foreign currencies, the bank requires a general license. In this case, the budget of the financial institution must be more than 900 million rubles.

In addition to forming the authorized capital, bankers will be required to:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • classify assets;
  • strictly comply with the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Since the process of preparing documents requires certain skills, knowledge and time, the founders of the bank can turn to third-party organizations for help. In this case, considerable funds will be required to pay for the services of an intermediary.

Room and design

To organize the work of a credit institution, the following main premises are required:

  • head office;
  • bank branches;
  • areas for installing ATMs.

When choosing a location for the central office, you need to pay special attention to the following criteria:

  • proximity to the city center;
  • room area from 150 square meters;
  • Possibility of placing a sign in a visible place;
  • location near a major transport hub (metro, bus stops, etc.);
  • good entrance;
  • availability of ample parking;
  • proximity to large shopping centers/business centers or other public places.

Office space can be purchased (the cost varies depending on the region from 8 to 20 million rubles) or rented. Most often, entrepreneurs acquire ownership of a building for the bank's board of directors, and rent other areas.

The central office of a universal financial and credit institution usually has the following departments:

  • for working with corporate clients;
  • for servicing organizations/enterprises;
  • for working with individuals;
  • back office;
  • cash register;
  • acquiring;
  • cash vault;
  • collection;
  • depository.

The office must ensure uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems:

  • Internet;
  • lighting;
  • electrical equipment;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • air conditioning;
  • telephony;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage, etc.

To organize bank branches in different areas of the city, region and country, you will need premises with an area of ​​50–80 square meters.

Features of the design of areas of a commercial establishment:

  • tracking the corporate style in the interior and equipment of all bank branches;
  • associating the design of the premises and storefronts with the organization’s logo and its brand name;
  • similarity of the interior of each representative office of a credit institution;
  • informative design (due to the selection of paint colors on the walls, the lines of the interior itself, the correct arrangement of lighting, furniture, etc.);
  • comfortable working conditions for the organization’s employees (not causing drowsiness, passivity or aggression);
  • absence of irritating colors, heavy volumes and emotional barriers in the interior;
  • functional zoning and proper layout (for example, by creating closed/open spaces, private areas for consultations/negotiations, waiting areas, etc.);
  • conciseness and lack of excessive decoration;
  • use of modern finishing materials in design (for example, natural wood or stone).

The bank premises must:

  • instill confidence in his clients;
  • evoke a feeling of security among its visitors;
  • win over potential users of banking services;
  • attract new consumers.

Photo gallery

Interior design example No. 1 Interior design example No. 2 Interior design example No. 3 Interior design example No. 4 Interior design example No. 5 Interior design example No. 6

Equipment and inventory

Equipment of a financial institution (head office, five branches and ten places for installing ATMs):

NameThingsApproximate price, rub./piece.Total cost, rub.
ATM17 500 000 8 500 000
Payment terminals10 400 000 4 000 000
Bill counter15 30 000 450 000
Safe for office10 13 000 130 000
Safes for money20 15 000 300 000
Currency detectors10 20 000 200 000
Banknote packer6 23 000 140 000
Money trolley8 15 000 120 000
Document shredder6 30 000 180 000
Cash register equipment8 50 000 400 000
Computers20 30 000 600 000
Office equipment (printers, scanners, phones, etc.)400 000
Office mini-PBX6 30 000 180 000
Furniture for the customer waiting room (sofas, crosses, chairs, tables, etc.)1 000 000
Furniture for employees and clients (cabinets, shelves, chairs, armchairs, tables, etc.)1 000 000
Furniture for utility rooms500 000
Cash vault equipment1 000 000
Equipment for collection service500 000
Alarm system, video surveillance, fire safety3 000 000
Air conditioners10 40 000 400 000
Company car2 1 500 000 3 000 000
Other equipment, inventory3 000 000
Total29 000 000

Photo gallery

ATM - 400,000 rubles Safe for the office - 13,000 rubles Bill counter - 30,000 rubles Universal currency detector - 20,000 rubles Pack former - 23,000 rubles Mini-PBX - 30,000 rubles Money trolley - 15,000 rubles Document shredder - 30,000 rubles

Structural divisions and personnel

Organizational structure of the bank (for one main office and five branches):

Department nameDescriptionPositionsNumber, people
Credit transaction managementMain functions:
  • issuance of short-term/long-term loans;
  • implementation of non-traditional banking transactions (for example, factoring and/or leasing).
Head of Division and Credit Experts7
CreditInvolved in the development of the organization's credit policyHead of department and financiers3
AuditConducts external analysis and assessment of the bank’s activitiesHead of Division and financiers3
Deposit transaction managementEmployees carry out operations for accepting/issuing deposits, as well as issuing securities and placing them.Head of department and deposit experts7
PlannedMain functions:
  • control over bank performance indicators (including liquidity, solvency and profitability values);
  • organization of commercial activities;
  • carrying out economic analysis;
  • assessment of clients' solvency;
  • marketing;
  • advertising and public relations.
Head of department, marketer and economist3
Operating roomIt is intended for:
  • registration of monetary documents;
  • conducting trade transactions;
  • carrying out financial transactions.
Senior operator and specialists10
CalculatedThe department's employees carry out cash and settlement operations.Senior cashier and cashier7
LegalMain functions:
  • analytical work;
  • development of internal regulatory documentation, regulations, provisions;
  • contacting with regulatory/inspection authorities (including the Central Bank);
  • taking part in the debt collection process (for example, preparing statements of claim, representing the bank at court hearings);
  • consulting clients of a credit institution;
  • assistance in resolving conflict situations.
Head of Department and Lawyers3
AccountingThe department's specialists are primarily involved in accounting and reporting (financial, tax) operations.Chief accountant and accountants3
PersonnelThe division's employees deal with the following main issues:
  • staff formation;
  • scheduling;
  • personnel management;
  • development of instructions (job instructions, safety instructions, etc.).
Head and HR Manager2
Administrative and economicThis structure:
  • provides transport/housekeeping services:
  • organizes the process of repairing premises, equipment, inventory, networks, etc., as well as their operation;
  • exercises control over the progress of current/major repairs of bank buildings, etc.
Head of department and specialists3
Administrative and managerialThe financial and credit organization is managed.

The main functions of senior bank managers:

  • preparation of management decisions and organization of their implementation;
  • accounting and analysis of the institution’s activities;
  • control and supervision over the implementation of management decisions;
  • operational management;
  • approval of regulations on structural divisions;
  • resolving personnel issues.
Bank manager and his deputy2

The organizational structure of the bank may differ depending on:

  • license type;
  • scale of the bank (number of branches);
  • the direction of the business and its format;
  • range of banking services provided, etc.

Basic requirements for candidates for management positions at a credit institution:

  • higher specialized education (economics/legal);
  • no convictions/offenses for crimes in the financial/trade sector;
  • negotiation skills, communication skills;
  • good recommendations from previous place of work;
  • competence and responsibility;
  • organizational skills;
  • experience in a managerial position in a financial structure;
  • high moral qualities;
  • emotional-volitional character;
  • the ability to maintain one's authority;
  • the ability to criticize and accept criticism, as well as to punish and reward.

Key requirements for key bank employees:

  • higher education in the profile of the position held;
  • no criminal record;
  • availability of certificates/certificates of completion of advanced training courses;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • attentiveness;
  • communication skills.

To organize high-quality protection of bank premises, the founder should choose a private security agency with a good reputation. Legal services can also be outsourced.

Financial plan

Initial information for financial planning of a banking organization from scratch:

Business formatUniversal bank
Organizational and legal formPublic joint stock company
Business registrationProduced with the help of third parties
Number of foundersFive individuals
Head office locationRussian Federation, Moscow
Number of branches5
Number of places for installing ATMs (outside bank branches and main office)10
Branch locationsMoscow
ServiceMain services:
  • opening and maintaining accounts;
  • carrying out payment transactions and settlements;
  • organization of money transfers;
  • issuing loans;
  • accepting deposits;
  • working with bank cards;
  • consulting
Head office premisesPurchased as property
Bank branch premisesAvailable for rent
SecurityHiring specialists from a private security agency (outsourcing)
Staff size53 people
The target audienceIndividuals and organizations/enterprises operating in various fields of activity

How much does it cost to open a bank?

Initial investment in your own banking:

ExpendituresApproximate prices, rub.
Amount of authorized capital300 000 000
Registration of licenses, permits and business registration50 000 000
Purchase of equipment29 000 000
Acquisition of intangible assets5 000 000
Cost of the head office building20 000 000
Rent for the premises of the institution's branches and places for ATMs (for six months)5 700 000
Repair and design of buildings5 000 000
Marketing and advertising costs2 000 000
Salary with accruals (for three months)12 000 000
Purchase of consumables (stationery, etc.)1 000 000
Other costs2 000 000
Total431 700 000

To open a bank that will operate throughout the country, you will need to invest several billion rubles in the business.

Where can I get money?

Possible sources of money for opening a bank:

  • own funds (this is the main resource);
  • attracting private investors/co-founders;
  • bank loan (if there is collateral and guarantors).

Regular expenses

Regular monthly expenses for maintaining the bank:

ExpendituresApproximate prices, rub.
Rent950 000
Communal expenses200 000
Salary (with contributions to funds)4 010 000
Marketing100 000
Depreciation of fixed assets400 000
Fare30 000
Security agency services900 000
other expenses600 000
Total7 190 000

The amount of annual costs for organizing the work of a financial and credit institution will be 7,190 thousand rubles.


The calculation of the efficiency parameters of the bank’s business project was made on the basis of the following data:

Main financial indicators of the project:

Calendar plan

Key stages in the implementation of a business project for opening a bank from scratch:

Stages1st month2nd month3rd month4th month5th month6th month7th month8th month
Collection of information about the financial market in Russia+
Drawing up a detailed business project+ +
Search for partners/investors (if your own funds are not enough to open a bank)+ +
Collection of documents for business registration and required permits + +
Registration of a bank and obtaining a license and positive conclusions from supervisory services + + + + + +
Contribution of the authorized capital amount +
Search for location/area for head office, branches, ATMs + + +
Conducting purchase and sale transactions/rental of necessary premises + + +
Project, design, construction and repair work on the areas of the bank office and its branches + + + +
Selection and purchase of required equipment + + +
Marketing Campaign Activities + + + + +
Search and hiring of employees + + +
Selecting a private security company and concluding a bank security agreement with it + +
Opening of a financial and credit institution and all its branches +

Risks and payback

Classification of risks associated with the bank's activities:

CreditPersons who received bank money for temporary use may not return it at all or give it back only partially. This risk increases in the situation of issuing loans to a group of related borrowers, representatives of the same sector of the economy.

The likelihood of such a hazard occurring can be reduced by:

  • careful study of the client’s credit history;
  • checking the solvency of the borrower and its guarantors;
  • diversification of loans among people/organizations operating in different industries, etc.
PercentageIt represents financial losses due to changes in interest rates on loans and deposits. The risk is regulated by the credit institution and directly depends on the actions of the bank’s managers in managing its resources and the decisions they make.High
Unbalanced liquidityThis is the likelihood of a commercial institution incurring losses due to the inability to raise money on time to cover loan obligations. In such a situation, the bank needs to take into account changing market conditions and the possibility of a sharp increase in demand for loan products.

To counteract the risk you can:

  • issue bonds;
  • actively attract money into deposits;
  • withdraw loans;
  • receive a loan from the Bank of Russia.
Loss of profitabilityDue to the credit institution's failure to comply with the acceptable levels of the previously listed risks, there is a danger of losing its own profitability.High
Foreign exchangeThe profitability of the bank depends on changes in currency rates.High
MarketThis risk is caused by changes:
  • courses;
  • quotes.
OperatingIt may arise as a result of unsuccessful transactions by the bank.

Main reasons:

  • employee errors;
  • technical problems in the system;
  • natural disasters, etc.

To minimize the likelihood of this risk, strict internal control over the bank's operating activities is required.

LegalThe bank needs high-quality legal support for its activities. This will protect the institution from reputational and financial risks.Average

The return on funds invested in the creation of the bank will occur in 56–60 months from the date of its launch.

In the modern world there are a sufficient number of rich people who do not know where to wisely spend their money. Some people simply live for their own pleasure, doing nothing, but there are also those who invest their finances in the development of their own business. One of the most difficult but profitable areas in business is the banking sector. To start working in it, in addition to impressive capital investments, you need extensive experience in the field of financial services and special knowledge. As practice shows, opening a credit institution is quite difficult, and even more difficult to manage it successfully. According to statistics, many companies close several years after opening. Nevertheless, successful entrepreneurs continue to wonder how to open their own bank in the Russian Federation from scratch. The step-by-step instructions given in this article will help you with this.

Classification of credit organizations

So, you have clearly decided for yourself that you want to engage in this particular type of activity, and you also have a large start-up capital. However, before we figure out how to open a bank in Russia from scratch, let's look at the main formats of this type of business.

Areas of activity today could be the following:

  1. Market banks. They specialize in establishing and maintaining relationships between various financial organizations. The main part of the assets in this case is formed from the financial resources of other credit institutions. Earning money in this format of doing business consists of performing speculative transactions, for example, investing in stocks or bonds.
  2. Credit banks. As you can easily guess from the name, they are engaged in providing consumer cash loans.
  3. Settlement financial organizations. Provide services to wealthy clients and manage their funds.
  4. Retail banks. The largest group, combining a little from each organization discussed above. Their advantage lies in their versatility and versatility.

Thus, if you want to have your own bank, then you first need to decide on the format in which it will operate. Qualified financiers with extensive experience in the financial sector argue that retail organizations are the best option.

Legal aspects

Let's look at this in more detail. As with any other type of business, the implementation of a financial services project begins with registration. Here a completely logical question arises about what documents are needed to open a bank. It is immediately worth noting that for this type of company the standard form is an open or closed joint stock company. As for the classifier of all-Russian products, you should select the type of activity “Financial services, except insurance and pensions.”

After settling all legal formalities, you will need to submit information about the credit institution and its full name to the Main Territorial Administration of your region of residence. This is a very important step, since without written approval there is absolutely no point in obtaining a license to provide banking services.

When answering the question of how to open your own bank, you should say a few words about the authorized capital. To obtain a license, you must have at least 300 million rubles in free circulation at your disposal. When you have written approval in hand, you need to submit the information to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is he who makes the decision to allow or prohibit the opening of a credit institution. If your project is approved, information about the new company is transferred to the tax office, which will enter it into the credit registry. Once this happens, you will only have 1 month to deposit funds into the authorized capital account.

As for the package of necessary documents, it includes:

  1. Statement.
  2. List of constituent documentation.
  3. Business plan for opening a bank.
  4. Protocol on holding the constituent meeting.
  5. Receipt for payment of government fees.
  6. A copy of the document certifying state registration.
  7. Questionnaires of employees holding management positions.
  8. Opinion of an independent company on the accuracy of the financial statements.
  9. A package of documents required to obtain a conclusion on compliance with basic standards when performing cash transactions.
  10. Document issued by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
  11. Written consent to open a new credit institution.
  12. A complete list of all founders.

The package of documents is standard regardless of what type of bank you open. To speed up the process of launching an institution, it is recommended to take its preparation very seriously, since it requires a lot of time.

Possible list of services

You already know what documents are needed to open a bank, as well as the procedure for implementing the project. Now you must determine for yourself the main direction for activity. The main goal of any financial organization is to increase income.

To implement it, there are the following methods:

  1. Increasing customer base.
  2. Expanding the range of services provided.
  3. Increasing market share.

The level of competition in the banking industry is very high, so scaling the business will be difficult. Based on this, the only way out is to provide as many services as possible.

Among the main ones are:

  1. Consulting on any financial issues.
  2. Cash flow management.
  3. Brokerage services.
  4. Management of client investment portfolios.
  5. Insurance services.
  6. Conducting trust, leasing and factoring transactions.

Having determined the main working points for yourself, you can begin to search for the answer to the question of how to open your own bank. The step-by-step instructions that we discuss in this article will help you do everything quickly, as efficiently as possible and without unnecessary problems.

Search for premises

When answering the question of how to open your own bank from scratch in Russia, it is worth talking separately about the optimal property in which it will be based. A regular office is not suitable for the successful operation of a financial organization, since they are responsible for performing the following functions:

  1. Customer service.
  2. Cash transactions.
  3. Storage of large cash and material reserves.

Based on this, it follows that the premises must satisfy a number of criteria that must be taken into account at the stage of constructing the facility and performing repair work. External and internal decoration should be designed in a corporate style, and the layout should be carefully thought out and divided into zones. In addition, the building should be technically strengthened, as well as equipped with all modern security equipment and systems responsible for creating a high level of security.

If you have no idea how to open a bank, the mandatory requirements can be studied on the website of such structures as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. Each organization has its own criteria for assessing the suitability of the premises in which the credit institution will be located, so it is necessary to carefully study all regulatory documentation.

Material and technical equipment

If you are thinking about how to open your own bank, you must realize that you will have to work with very large amounts of money every day. This will require specialized equipment and a powerful material and technical base. With its help, you can quickly and accurately count cash, sort banknotes by denomination, and also check their authenticity. The market offers a wide range of both individual devices and multifunctional devices. In addition, you cannot do without ATMs, which should be located in various areas of the city.


Above we described in detail how to open your own bank from scratch. However, for its normal and uninterrupted functioning, as well as quality customer service, you need to create a team of qualified specialists. Providing any financial services is a very responsible activity that requires maximum concentration and responsibility from employees. Therefore, you must take hiring and training of staff very seriously, since even the slightest mistake can lead to large financial losses. Particular attention should be paid to the search for employees for leadership positions, since the efficiency of the entire organization depends on them.

The organizational structure of the bank is determined by its charter, which must contain detailed information about the management bodies. The top echelon is the shareholders, who meet at least once a year to resolve the most important issues and determine the company's future development policy. In addition, you will need to form a qualified staff of workers. How to open your own bank so that it operates efficiently and consistently generates large profits? To do this you need to form the following units:

  • Credit and audit departments. The first is engaged in the development of new products, and the second monitors the performance of the financial organization.
  • Planning department. Commercial planning, studying economic indicators, conducting a marketing campaign, public relations, as well as increasing the liquidity of the enterprise.
  • Management of depository operations. Working with clients who want to open a deposit in a bank, managing securities transactions and issuing money into circulation.
  • Management of credit operations. Issuance of short-term and long-term cash loans.
  • International operations management. Placement of deposits in foreign currency.
  • Accounting and operational management. Carrying out and recording transactions carried out through the cash register.

In addition, the economic and administrative, accounting and legal departments, as well as the personnel service, are also required. Now you have a detailed idea of ​​how to open your own bank in Russia. However, here every entrepreneur has a question about how much it will cost to develop and launch a project. The required amount of initial investment will be discussed below.

Start-up capital

Let's look at this aspect in more detail. If you decide to open a bank, you should start drawing up a business plan even before registration and obtaining all the necessary permits. This will allow you to realistically assess the required financial resources and the feasibility of investments. As mentioned earlier, the minimum authorized capital is at least 300 million rubles. In addition, about two hundred more will be spent on organizing offices, creating material and technical equipment, developing a security system and hiring staff. It is very difficult to name the exact amount, since it depends on the scale of the business, but the approximate figures are as follows:

  • legal registration - 50,000,000 rubles;
  • authorized capital - 300,000,000 rubles;
  • rental and renovation of premises - 50,000,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and office furniture - 70,000,000 rubles;
  • marketing - 500,000 rubles;
  • associated expenses - 30,000,000 rubles.

A total of 500.5 million rubles. This is the minimum amount, without which it simply makes no sense to talk about opening a bank. If you do not have these funds, then you can think about attracting additional sources of financing or organizing a credit union.

Time frame for reaching break-even level

Payback depends on many factors, the main ones being the financial situation in the city and the state of the country’s economy. However, according to experts, with careful strategic planning and good advertising, the funds invested in opening a bank will fully pay for themselves in an average of 5-10 years. Such a long period is due to the high level of competition in this niche.

So, you know how to open your own bank. Are there any ways to make it work as efficiently as possible? To compete well with other financial institutions, you must do the following:

  1. Create a well-developed infrastructure.
  2. Develop several lending and depository products with favorable interest rates.
  3. Do not charge for maintenance or additional services.
  4. Form a large staff of qualified specialists so that customers are served as quickly as possible.
  5. Create convenient online banking with a high level of security.
  6. Install a sufficient number of ATMs.

In addition to all of the above, you must constantly work on the reliability of your financial institution, since this is the indicator that worries investors the most.


Undoubtedly, opening a bank is a very long and complex process that requires large financial investments. However, as statistics show, credit institutions earn a stable income, regardless of seasonality, the state of the economy and other factors, so this niche has always been and remains attractive for investment. If you have the required amount of money at your disposal, then feel free to open a bank, and you will not regret it.


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