How to cook sausage at home. Mini sausage factory Homemade sausage for sale

Sausage is a product that needs no introduction. In Soviet times, its presence on the table was almost a mandatory requirement when organizing a more or less significant holiday or celebration.

Accordingly, there has always been a demand for sausages. A lot has changed today.

On store shelves you can see hundreds of varieties of sausages, the prices of which vary widely.

But consumers have long noticed that the quality of these products has dropped significantly in recent years.

Only the most expensive varieties of sausages retain normal taste, the price of which sometimes greatly exceeds the cost of a similar amount of normal meat.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a mini sausage shop at home, which will provide consumers with tasty and relatively inexpensive products, then you definitely won’t have to worry about a lack of profit.

Let us immediately note that even a small sausage business requires large expenses.

What requirements must the premises meet?

Having decided to produce food products at home for sale, the closest attention should be paid to all sanitary requirements and standards. If you do not take this issue seriously, then the very first visit of SES representatives will present you with many unpleasant surprises.

Firstly, your workshop must be equipped with a normal sewage system. Immediately take care of a convenient access route, since a lot of waste will need to be removed. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to immediately enter into an agreement with a local pig farm, whose owners probably will not mind receiving additional animal feed.

The room that you plan to adapt as a mini sausage shop at home must have fully functional wiring. Of course, you will also need to install a fire alarm.

Under no circumstances should the production premises be residential. Its contact with living rooms is not allowed. Contrary to popular belief, it is strictly prohibited to locate production in former bathhouses and other outbuildings.

Thus, a mini sausage shop at home should be located in a room with running water, a sewer system and proper wiring. A forced supply and exhaust ventilation system and a fire alarm system are required.

A simple solution

As you can see, it will be difficult to find a building in your backyard that would meet all these requirements. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on building such a workshop from scratch, we suggest you pay attention to monoblocks. These are ready-made production lines that only require pouring the foundation. This is an extremely convenient solution for rural areas, where it is simply impossible to find a ready-made option.

Making production profitable

Please note that to obtain a reasonable profit you will need to produce at least 200 kg of sausage in one day. To develop such a mini sausage shop at home, you will need to allocate at least 50 square meters for it.

  • For a week's supply of raw materials, you will need a refrigeration chamber of 6 cubic meters. It occupies at least 4 “squares”.
  • To store finished products, a refrigeration chamber of two cubic meters is required. It occupies approximately two square meters.
  • The workshop equipment fits on 15 square meters.
  • The rest of the area will be required to accommodate various types of utility rooms.


As you can understand, one person simply physically cannot produce such an amount of sausage. So you will need to hire staff from outside.

You will need a professional technologist who will be responsible for product quality control. In addition, he is responsible for the sausage recipes. You need to hire at least two butchers who will debone the carcasses, one forwarder and an accountant (with such production volumes, he is required), as well as a mechanic and a couple of auxiliary workers.

Since the monoblock workshop mentioned above is almost completely automated, this number of workers will be enough for you. By the way, where can I get them?

By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can receive funds both for organizing a workshop (up to 60 thousand rubles) and find workers for your production by contacting the local Employment Center.

If you hire an unemployed person and place him in an official position in the workshop, then you will also be given 60 thousand for him. Thus, even four auxiliary workers will be able to give up to 240 thousand rubles to organize production. With this money you can seriously improve your mini sausage production workshop.

According to the concluded agreement, you will be able to purchase additional equipment and expand production. The only downside is that it will take enough time to overcome all stages of bureaucratic red tape.

Required equipment

You will need to buy the following equipment for sausage production: a table for deboning carcasses, a set of knives (don’t skimp on their quality) and musats, two refrigeration chambers for raw materials and finished products, an electric meat grinder and a mixer for minced meat, syringes for stuffing minced meat into casings. You will need installations for cooking sausages and an oven for smoking them.

Of course, in the latter case, it all depends on which sausage recipes you will use in your production.

A little about stoves

By the way, don’t skimp on stoves, as modern models are extremely versatile. They can be used for drying, cooking, smoking and frying. Foreign manufacturers have proven themselves especially well, but in recent years the domestic industry has also begun to produce good models.

Whose equipment should I buy?

Now about the cost of all this “wealth”. A domestic full-function line for the production of 200-250 kg of boiled sausage per shift costs about 500 thousand rubles. A foreign analogue may well cost from a million or more. However, one should not assume that foreign manufacturers charge money only for the brand.

A foreign monoblock sausage shop is in most cases fully automated, made of higher quality materials, and will have a longer service life. If you want to get the same quality for less money, pay attention to domestic conversion equipment.

This can be purchased from the Orekhovo-V company. This manufacturer produces compact and functional lines with a power of 5-8 kW/h (other manufacturers have 30 kW/h). The quality of service is also at the same level.

Raw materials

Meat can be purchased both from domestic producers and abroad. All products (including sausage casings) must be certified. If you plan to produce large volumes of products, we strongly recommend that you hire a veterinary and sanitary expert. In addition to guaranteeing quality control of raw materials, the SES will treat you completely differently.

If you purchase meat abroad, you will need to obtain permission to import it. To do this, you need to contact the local veterinary service 30 days in advance, notifying its representatives in writing about the characteristics of the cargo received, the purpose of import and the country of origin, place of storage of the products.

Raw materials must necessarily meet the following veterinary requirements: have a certificate from the Russian Federation and the importing country, and pass control at the border.

It is better to immediately establish relations with ROSTEST, SES and Veterinary Supervision. If their specialists do not have any complaints against your company, many problems will be avoided.

production cost

Our business plan for a sausage shop has not yet considered the total cost of the entire production. Well, it's time to fill this gap.

First, let's list the mandatory expenses:

  • Registration will take about 3 thousand rubles.
  • You will have to spend at least 500 thousand on equipment.
  • A refrigerator will cost at least 150-200 thousand.
  • The purchase of raw materials will cost about 300 thousand rubles.
  • You should set aside at least 150 thousand for utility bills.

Thus, the minimum cost for equipment will be about 1.5 million rubles. If you compare it with a professional workshop, the organization of which will cost at least 30 million, then this is quite a bit.

Considering that per day you will produce from 200 kilograms of sausage, the cost of which in retail chains will be at least 200 rubles per kilogram, you can get more than a million rubles in profit per month. Thus, in a year you can almost completely recoup all costs.

Here's a business plan. Sausage production requires considerable expenses, but the return on it is very good.

High-quality sausages are produced not only at meat processing plants. Many entrepreneurs make homemade blood, liver, raw smoked and other sausages, which have excellent taste. Making sausage at home as a business brings them good profits. You will learn how to open such a mini-enterprise from this article.

Registration of activities

To prevent regulatory authorities from closing your company, you should officially register your business and fulfill all the requirements of the SES and Veterinary Supervision. In this case, the regulatory authorities will meet you halfway and help you solve all problems that arise during your activities.

First of all it follows. The choice of legal form depends on the size of your enterprise. If you want to organize sausage production at home, just register as a private entrepreneur.

In addition, you need to obtain certificates for finished products. This can be done through a declaration-statement, which is a guarantee that your company will produce only high-quality products that fully comply with all established requirements.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide the following documents to Rostest:

  1. Statement;
  2. Constituent documentation;
  3. Documents for production premises;
  4. A certificate issued by the SES;
  5. Product range;
  6. Documents confirming the quality of raw materials;
  7. Examination results;
  8. Product examples;
  9. Certification agreement.

Before you start preparing the documents, you need to develop a business plan for a sausage production workshop, describe the technology and draw up a list of equipment.

Choosing premises for an enterprise

If you decide to open homemade sausage production as a business, you need, first of all, to choose the right premises. The success of your enterprise largely depends on this, so this stage should be given special attention. The workshop cannot be opened in a residential area, since veterinary control will immediately close it. This must be a separate building located at a certain distance from the house and outbuildings. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist. He will help you develop a workshop design and give useful advice on equipment placement.

The most important condition that sanitary and epidemiological control puts forward is the competent distribution of flows of raw materials and finished products. They should not intersect anywhere. This is a very important point that should be taken into account when equipping the workshop. In addition, the room must be equipped with all communications (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc.).

Raw materials

Before purchasing raw materials from a supplier, be sure to ask them for all documents. Meat, shells, threads and other materials must have quality certificates. Verification of the authenticity of veterinary documentation should be entrusted to a sanitary doctor, who will be able to determine by the appearance of the meat whether it has undergone an examination. In addition, the specialist will find out where the products were brought from and where they were stamped.

Technological scheme for the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters and small sausages, meat loaves

If you purchase raw materials for sausage production in small quantities, you can carry out the examination in your own laboratory organized at the enterprise. Another option is to negotiate with a veterinary laboratory located in the market. Experienced specialists will perform all the necessary tests and stamp.

To purchase raw materials from abroad, it is necessary to obtain permission to import them into our country. It is issued by the chief state veterinary inspector or his deputies. But if you want to open a mini-shop for sausage production, such a document is unlikely to be needed.

Technological process

Now let’s look at the technology for producing sausage at home step by step:

  1. Meat sorting. At the first stage, raw materials are separated by grade. The best meat for making sausage is lean. High-quality products are made from it. Lean meat contains only 30% fat. For homemade sausage of the first and second grade, semi-fat meat is suitable;
  2. Processing of intestines. Small intestines are suitable for sausage production. They are processed immediately after removal. First of all, all the contents are removed from the intestine and placed in a bowl of cold water. After this, the shells should be washed well, turned inside out and scraped with a knife on a cutting board. After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the cleaned intestines can be used to prepare boiled sausage. If you want to make raw smoked sausage, the casing should be soaked in salt water for 2-4 weeks;
  3. Ground meat. To produce homemade sausage, different types of meat are usually taken. It is cut into large pieces and salted, after which it is left for a day to ripen. Next, you need to grind the meat into minced meat, add various spices, garlic and salt. Also don't forget to add chopped bacon;
  4. Injection. One end of the intestine must be tied tightly with a thread, and the other must be secured to a special syringe or wide funnel. As the intestine fills, the minced meat falls down on its own. The most important thing is to prevent the formation of voids or air cavities. It is not advisable to stuff the intestine too tightly, as it may burst during heat treatment. This does not apply to smoked sausages, the volume of which decreases during cooking;
  5. Draft. Stuffed and tied sausages should be hung in a cool, dry room to settle;
  6. Heat treatment. In order for the air to escape from the sausage, it must be pierced with a needle in different places. Before frying, the product is dried in the oven. The finished sausage is cooled in a separate room, hanging.

This is a traditional scheme for producing sausage at home. Depending on the recipe, minor changes can be made.


To organize sausage production as a business, you need to hire appropriate personnel, since one person cannot physically do all the work.

First of all, you will need a professional technologist who will control the quality of the products and compliance with the sausage preparation technology. In addition, the technologist develops new recipes for meat products. You also need to hire two butchers for deboning carcasses, an accountant and a forwarder. This is the minimum staff of workers who can service a small sausage production mine.


Before opening, you need to make sure that it brings good profit. To do this, you first need to carry out careful calculations. To quickly return the initial investment, you need to produce at least 200 kg of finished products per day.

What equipment do you need to purchase for making sausage at home?

To work you will need:

  • Meat deboning table;
  • Knives;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Machine for kneading minced meat;
  • A special syringe designed for filling sausages;
  • Bake.

The most important unit in the workshop is the furnace. The quality of the product largely depends on its functional characteristics. At the start, to save money, you can purchase used domestic units. Imported sausage production equipment is expensive, but it has many convenient features and is highly productive.

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Costs and profits

When drawing up a business plan for sausage production, you should include the following mandatory expenses:

  • Registration of an enterprise and registration of permits – about $700;
  • Equipment – ​​from 10 thousand dollars;
  • Refrigerators – from 4 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of raw materials – from 1.5–2 thousand dollars;
  • Rent of premises – 1 thousand dollars.

In total, at the start you will need about 15 thousand dollars. In addition, you will have to spend money monthly on:

  • Renting premises;
  • Communal payments;
  • Workers' salaries;
  • Purchase of raw materials.

To increase turnover, you can learn and engage in livestock farming. In this case, you can significantly save on the purchase of raw materials. Experts believe that it can bring good profits. If you combine it with sausage production, you can earn a decent monthly income. Making dumplings as a business at home is another effective way to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Such products are always in demand, so you can earn good money making dumplings. You can also additionally engage in the production of other semi-finished products: dumplings, cutlets, pancakes.

“Domostroy” of the 16th century already makes mention of the preparation of sausages, but they became most widespread under Peter I. It was then that the sovereign invited sausage makers from Germany, who were famous for their various recipes, to prepare these appetizing products.

Thousands of varieties of sausage are known; in addition, sausages, corned beef, and ham of a wide variety of varieties are produced. The most delicious product can be obtained not at a meat processing plant, but by preparing sausage at home.

So, how is sausage produced at home?

1. Sorting

At this stage, meat is sorted into the following categories: fatty, semi-fat and lean, that is, lean. The latter is considered the best for making sausages; premium quality sausage is obtained from lean meat.

Lean meat consists only of pulp and contains less than 30% fat. To prepare 1st and 2nd grade sausages, use semi-fat meat, where some of the fat is more than 50%. But fatty meat is not used in sausage at all.

2. Primary treatment of intestines

To prepare sausage at home, you will need small intestines, which must be processed immediately after removal from the animal. First, the intestines are freed from the mesentery and placed in a basin of water, then they are cut into 5-meter lengths and the entire contents are squeezed out.

After washing, they are turned inside out, salted and scraped with a knife on a flat board. At the end, the cleaned intestines are washed again with water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Here the processing of the intestines ends to prepare the boiled sausage. If you plan to make raw smoked sausage, the intestines should be left in salt water for 2-4 weeks. Nowadays, intestines are sold separately, which are quite suitable for the production of homemade sausage.

3. Cooking minced meat

To make sausage at home, you can take meat from several types of animals. It is separated from bones, tendons, fat, films and cartilage, then cut into large pieces of 300-400 g and salted. To ripen, leave for two days in a cold room.

Then the matured meat is ground into minced meat, adding spices, garlic, ground with salt. Please note that if the recipe calls for meat from different animals, then each type is ground separately and then mixed. Lard and fat are twisted through a large mesh grinder.

Also, homemade sausage can contain a wide variety of seasonings. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, lard is added, evenly distributed throughout the minced meat.

4. Sausage stuffing

At this stage, the filling is placed into the intestinal membranes. One end of the intestine is tied tightly, and the other is put on a special syringe. If you don’t have such a syringe, you can use a wide funnel or a meat grinder with a shank. The intestine is put on all the way to the tied end, and as it is filled, it goes down on its own. Main condition– avoid air cavities and voids where liquid would collect. Also, you should not pack the intestines too tightly with the filling to avoid ruptures during further heat treatment.

The exception is sausages for smoking, the volume of which will decrease during the smoking process. Then the casings are tied and pulled together in a circle, large sausages are laced around the circumference with twine.

5. Sausage draft

The correct technology for making sausage at home involves further settling, for which it is hung in a cool, dry, clean, ventilated room for a certain time.

6. Heat treatment

To release air from the sausage, its casing is carefully pierced in different places. Before frying, it should be smoked or dried in the oven for 1 hour. Frying process should take place at a temperature of 170-180 ° C for 30 minutes on each side. Then the sausage is cooled in a clean, dry room in a suspended state.

We may not make sausage at home very often because the whole process seems quite complicated. At the same time, you can get homemade amateur sausage, chopped ham, boiled-smoked, half-smoked, raw smoked, blood, liver, fried, and also make brawn.

Cooking sausage at home requires having a spacious kitchen, the necessary utensils, as well as special tools and devices that will greatly facilitate and speed up the entire process of preparing sausage: a syringe for stuffing the intestines with minced meat, a meat grinder, a press for squeezing out rendered lard, and machines for stirring minced meat.

Sausage: homemade recipe


  • pork (shoulder and neck parts) – 3 kg,
  • lard – 300 g,
  • salt – 18 g per 1 kg of meat,
  • red paprika – 1 teaspoon,
  • marjoram – 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • allspice -0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • white pepper - 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • thyme – 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • hot pepper – 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • cumin – 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of meat,
  • nutmeg -1/4 nuts per 1 kg,
  • mustard beans – 1\4 tsp per 1 kg,
  • cognac (Koktebel) – 50 g per 1 kg,
  • garlic – 30 g per 1 kg,
  • ice water – 150 g per 1 kg.

Grind the minced meat in a meat grinder through a large mesh. Chop the lard, previously frozen in the freezer, with a knife. Mix the minced meat with the spices and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. Before stuffing the intestines, add water to the minced meat and mix. Stuff the prepared, washed intestines with minced meat and boil.

Some lovers of homemade sausages even convert juice cookers in order to use this technique for cooking sausages. Then grill on the gas grill in the oven for 7 minutes on each side. At the exit, the weight of the sausage decreases, part of it has boiled down and fried.

Homemade sausage is ready!

Sometimes I want homemade sausage. Cooking sausage at home does not take much time. We haven’t bought factory-made ones for a long time; they don’t put anything in there to reduce the cost. I don’t want to list them; you, dear reader, know everything yourself. We get out of this situation simply, buy a large piece of meat at the market, 4-6 kilograms, and make boiled pork from non-fatty meat, from fatty meat, and what juicy ones are obtained.

Cooking sausage at home was periodically postponed due to the banal reason, the lack of casing for the sausage or cleaned, washed intestines, and there was absolutely no desire to bother with cleaning and washing them. And there was no time for that; the range of meat dishes completely covers the needs of our family.

Where to buy intestines (casing) for sausage

Everything happened by chance, as always, I went to my friend’s place of work, and there was a sausage shop in the next building. I got lucky, word for word I bought a bag of natural processed, cleaned intestines for about 11-12 dollars. I chose medium size, like for sausages or tea sausage. There were even thicker ones for raw smoked sausages and thicker ones for boiled sausages.

According to the seller, the bag contains 92 meters of intestines; one meter holds 800-900 grams of minced meat. It turns out I can produce approximately 70 kg. sausage will last a long time. The intestines are well processed, sprinkled with salt, practically odorless and stored in a plastic bag on the top shelf of the refrigerator for a long time.

I wanted to buy more spice mixtures for making sausages such as “salami”, “doctor’s”, “Krakovskaya”..., but I was dissuaded.

There is nothing better than garlic, salt and pepper, try this for now, then you will start experimenting.

It turns out that ready-made spice mixtures for sausage already contain flavor enhancers, stabilizers and other bad additives. Spices for making sausage at home can be purchased separately at the market or in stores.

So it turns out that the intestines and spices for producing sausage at home can be easily purchased at the nearest sausage shop or from companies that supply equipment and components for sausage shops; they can easily be found in local newspapers in your region or on the Internet, if you wish. At worst, you can ask around at the market where they sell meat, it is more difficult there since the markets are mostly resellers, but there they will not be suitable for long-term storage, they will need to be used within 24 hours, which is not very convenient. Cooking sausage at home is a creative process.

Choosing meat for sausage

On the way home I stopped at the market. To make sausage, we will use only fresh boneless beef or veal and lean pork, as well as lard or pork belly. We have garlic and pepper at home, today we will make homemade sausage. For the first time, we’ll make boiled, fried and raw-dried sausages according to the same recipe, and then we’ll see. We’ll probably do it, I have a good recipe.

From the proposed list of ingredients you will get approximately: 8-9 kg of raw sausage.

To prepare a smaller quantity, you need to reduce the proportions of the ingredients accordingly.

Total cooking time: 12 hours.

Preparation time: 2 hours.

Cooking time: 10 hours.

To prepare sausage at home we will need:

  • beef meat 3 kg.,
  • pork meat 3 kg.,
  • lard or peritoneum 1-1.5 kg.,
  • intestines at the rate of 1 meter of intestine 800-900 grams of sausage 9-10 meters,
  • garlic 5-6 heads,
  • coarse table salt at the rate of 15 grams per 1 kg. minced meat along with lard, no more, then add if necessary. 110 gr.,
  • ground black pepper taste,
  • ground hot red pepper taste,
  • alcohol at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 kg. minced meat, maybe vodka or brandy 4 tbsp. spoons per 1 kg. minced meat. 15 tablespoons of alcohol,
  • cold filtered water according to need.

Utensils and equipment for making homemade sausage:

  • cutting board 2 pieces large,
  • stainless steel or plastic basins with a capacity of 7-8 liters, 2-3 pcs.,
  • meat grinder, for chopping meat and stuffing intestines 1 PC.,
  • conical attachment for a meat grinder, for filling intestines with minced meat ,
  • saucepan with a double bottom or stainless steel or enameled with a lid, for cooking sausage ,
  • frying pan for frying sausages ,
  • harsh thread, for tying and tying sausages ,
  • intestinal piercing needle .

How to make sausage
  • Cut the beef and pork pulp into small pieces so that they fit into the receiving hole of the meat grinder.

  • Remove the skin from the peritoneum.

  • Cut the lard or peritoneum into small cubes.

  • Approximately 1 centimeter thick.

  • We pass the beef and pork together with the garlic through a meat grinder with a large grid.

  • Combine beef, pork and ground garlic in one bowl and mix with your hands until smooth.
  • Add salt, pepper, alcohol and finely chopped lard to the minced meat.

  • In a wide, spacious bowl with low edges, carefully mix the twisted meat with your hands, adding water in small portions so that the garlic, salt and pepper are dissolved throughout the minced meat. The result is a viscous homogeneous mass.
  • Cover the bowl with the prepared sausage mince with film or a lid and leave it to sit for at least 6-8 hours, stirring it periodically every 1.5-2 hours.

To understand approximately what the sausage will taste like, after the minced meat has been infused, you will need to bake a small cutlet in a frying pan.

  • We make a small cutlet from minced sausage.

  • Fry the cutlet in a frying pan on both sides.

  • The cutlet should be tasted cold. We determine what needs to be added or not.
  • The minced meat for homemade sausage is ready.

While the minced meat is soaking, prepare the intestines.

Cooking sausage at home preparing the intestines

Before filling the intestines with minced sausage, you need to prepare the required amount. Don’t forget for 1 meter of intestines it takes 800-900 grams. minced meat. We simply cut off intestines 80-90 centimeters long, so it’s easier to calculate approximately how many kilograms of minced meat there are for how many pieces of intestines. They are also easy to unravel.

  • We lower the required number of meters of intestines into warm water and rinse the intestines from salt, leave for 10-15 minutes.

  • We place the intestine on the water tap.

  • Turn on the water slowly, make sure that the intestines do not twist, and let the water drain.

Sausage attachment

Before stuffing the minced meat, remove the grid and knife from the meat grinder. We screw on a special attachment - a tube (it came with the meat grinder). If there is no attachment, it doesn’t matter, you can adapt a 1.5 liter plate bottle, cutting it 6-7 cm below the neck, you will get a cone. Only then will you have to stuff the intestines with your hands. A little labor intensive, but the results will reward your efforts.

  • We put the end of the intestine on the tube.

  • We stretch the entire intestine onto the tube.

  • We tie the end of the intestine with a harsh thread or simply tie the intestine in a knot.

  • Near the node it is necessary to make 1-2 punctures of the intestine with a needle. So that when filling it does not swell or tear. Subsequently, intestinal punctures will need to be done every 10-15 centimeters, since the minced meat will be fed into the receiving funnel of the meat grinder unevenly and there will be air pockets in it.

  • We turn on the meat grinder with the pusher, begin to feed the minced meat into the receiving hole of the meat grinder, wait until the minced meat appears at the end of the nozzle.

  • Hold the intestine at the end of the nozzle with your hand, gradually loosening it by pressing the minced meat from the auger of the meat grinder into the resulting sausage. Don’t forget to pierce any air bubbles that form in the sausage casing with a needle.

  • After filling the intestines with minced meat, we tie the second end of the shell with a harsh thread.

This is how sausage is made. As you can see, nothing complicated. (See photo)

You can simply fry raw sausage in a frying pan or in the oven.

You can make raw dried sausage, which is also excellent. Well, most importantly, it is without any GMOs or other poisons.

Boiled sausage

This is how sausage is made. Before cooking raw sausage, it is advisable to smoke it for about an hour in hot smoke. If this is not possible, you need to dry it for 2-3 hours in a warm, dry place (hang it in the kitchen or closet).

How to cook sausage

Cook the sausage in a saucepan with a double bottom; a milk cooker is ideal; it keeps the temperature at 80-85 degrees.

  • Place the sausage in a milk cooker

  • and fill with cold, clean water. There is no need to salt the water.

  • We put the milk cooker with the sausage on the fire, bring it to a boil and reduce the heat to low so that the whistle whistles a little.

  • Cook for 35-40 minutes.

If you don’t have a saucepan with a double bottom, that’s okay; cook the sausage in an ordinary saucepan over low heat (the surface of the water in the pan should quiver slightly).

This is such a beautiful and tasty boiled sausage!

Fried sausage

One of the most delicious types of homemade sausages is fried sausage in a frying pan.

  • Roll the raw sausage into a circle and place it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil or fat, and fry over medium heat on both sides for 20 minutes on each side.

  • During this time, the temperature in the middle of the sausage will reach 75-80°C.

An excellent hearty breakfast sausage.

Another type of excellent homemade sausage, oven-fried sausage.

Manufacturing and selling food products is a good business idea for an entrepreneur with any start-up capital in any region. One of the best options that can be successfully implemented at home is sausage production.

Specifics of starting a sausage business at home

In order to offer its customers a high-quality and tasty product, an entrepreneur needs to be very careful in the selection and storage of raw materials and strictly follow the sausage manufacturing technology. It includes several stages.

  1. Sorting (lean meat with a fat content of less than 30% is used for premium meat products, semi-fat with 30-50% for products of 1st and 2nd grade, and fatty, where the figure is above 50%, is not suitable for sausages).
  2. Preparation of meat for intestines (separation of films, tendons, cartilage from meat, if necessary, removal of fat, bacon, salting raw materials, making minced meat).

Advice: the stage of making minced meat is very important; the quality of the future product largely depends on it. At home, you can knead the meat by hand in a wide bowl with low edges or on the table. The finished minced meat must be kept in an enamel container in a cold place for at least a day.

  1. Primary treatment of intestines (washing, removal of mucous membrane, treatment with potassium permanganate solution, drying).
  2. Stuffing (forming) sausage using a horn, a hand syringe, and at home - using a meat grinder and a special funnel made of tin, tying the product with twine.
  3. Aging of sausages (semi-smoked – 6 days, raw smoked – 7-20 days; the thicker the product, the longer the settling time).
  4. Cooking the product (if necessary, the sausages must first be smoked), cooling.

Knowledge of the technology for producing a quality product is not enough to create a business based on this idea. At the starting stage, it is necessary to draw up a financial plan, find reliable suppliers of raw materials and evaluate the sales market. The product that needs to be sold has a short shelf life and requires strict adherence to storage conditions, otherwise its use can cause significant harm to the health of the consumer.

To organize a mini-workshop for the production of sausage at home, certain investments will be required. Their size largely depends on the existing material base of the entrepreneur, the parameters of the place where the workshop will be organized, and the scale of business development. Residential premises are not suitable for this purpose; work in it must be organized so that raw materials and finished products do not come into contact.

On average, the amount of investment to open a small sausage production enterprise will range from several thousand rubles to half a million or more. You should also take into account the costs of registering your activities and obtaining the necessary permits:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs (state fee, stamping and opening a current account) - approximately 2,300 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment (from several thousand rubles and above);
  • rental of premises;
  • obtaining certificates for finished products.

Every month, the entrepreneur will have to pay regular expenses: utilities, purchase of raw materials, and, if necessary, rent of premises, salaries of employees. Before starting production and preparing documents, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the regional market and assess the capabilities of competitors. The more densely this niche is occupied, the more difficult it will be to take a stable position in this business segment, especially within a small city.

It is advisable to plan the first batches of sausage made at home in small quantities in order to accurately sell them and avoid unnecessary expenses. You can sell finished products on the market, in your store, to other sellers, retail outlets, cafes and home-cooking restaurants. Many entrepreneurs are interested in the question of where their sausage will be sold. There are quite a few methods, but in each specific case their effectiveness will be different (depending on the region, the scale of the business, the saturation of the market for these products): advertising in periodicals and social networks, creating a thematic group, reasonable prices, high quality of the product offered, organizing discounts, holding promotion campaigns.

The profitability of opening a sausage shop at home reaches 30%; the initial investment can be returned within a period of several months to a year. In addition to opening a mini-workshop for sausage production, there are many other interesting and cost-effective ideas that can really be implemented at home. For example, you can do, or create.

Equipment for sausage mini-workshop

To equip a mini-workshop for sausage production, you will need a separate room. It must be approved by the sanitary-epidemiological service.

To organize a sausage shop at home you will need the following equipment:

  • containers for preparing minced meat and washing raw materials, knives;
  • cutting table;
  • freezer, refrigerator;
  • a meat grinder (preferably electric), a tin funnel or a sausage stuffer;
  • bake.

In addition to organizing a mini-workshop for sausage production at home, you can do


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