Biography. Victor Petrovich Makeev - "Ural Dragon" Biography of Militia Colonel Sergei Petrovich Makeev

Makeev Victor Petrovich

Date and place of birth:
25.10.1924 , pos. them. Kirov, Kolomna district, Moscow region

Date of death:

Year of awarding the title:
1996 ... Resolution of the Head of Administration of 23.10.96, No. 689-1

Designer of ballistic missiles, founder of the national school of naval rocketry, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1965), Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1961, 1974), winner of Lenin (1959) and State awards (1968, 1978, 1983), honorary citizen of the city of Miass (1997, posthumously).

Viktor Petrovich began his career at the end of the 7th grade in 1939 as an apprentice draftsman at an aircraft factory in Moscow. From 1941 he worked in Kazan, where the plant was evacuated after the outbreak of the war. He showed the ability to skillfully solve design problems in the conditions of intense mass production of Pe-2 aircraft. Combining work with study, he graduated from school. Since 1942 he studied at the evening department of the Kazan Aviation Institute. In 1944 he was transferred to the full-time department of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which he graduated in 1948. In 1950 he graduated from the Higher Engineering Courses at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. Since 1947, in parallel with his studies at the MAI, V. Makeev worked in the Special Design Bureau of S.P. Korolev was a technician, engineer, and a leading designer (until 1955). He was a participant in the creation of the R-11 operational-tactical missile and the first R-11 FM ballistic missile. In 1950-1952 he worked as an instructor in the department of working youth of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

In June 1955, 30-year-old Viktor Makeev, at the suggestion of S.P. Korolev, was sent to the Urals by the chief designer shortly before that created by the Special Design Bureau No. 385 (SKB-385) - KBM. It was here that all subsequent years he led the team, giving his talent as a designer, scientist, organizer.

During this time, the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau has become the leading research and development organization in the country. Under the leadership of Viktor Petrovich, an extensive cooperation of research institutes, design bureaus, manufacturing plants, test ranges was formed, solving the problems of development, manufacture, testing and operation of ballistic missiles of submarines (SLBMs) \u200b\u200bin the interests of the Navy.

The result of Makeev's activities was the creation of a national school of naval rocketry. Three generations of naval missile systems, an operational-tactical land missile known in the world as the Skid, all modern SLBMs are the result of V.P. Makeev's creativity, the fruits of the labor of the design bureau headed by him. He also supervised the work of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the mechanics of structures made of composite materials, which united the efforts of the country's largest scientists and leading design and technological organizations in the creation of new materials and effective structures.

Under the leadership and participation of V. Makeev, the construction of a mashgorodok with a shopping center, a hotel, palaces of culture and sports was carried out.

His contribution to the development of the city is significant. With his assistance, issues of construction and financing of important urban facilities were resolved: CHP, power transmission lines, Iremel reservoir of industrial water pipelines, design and construction of the Vokzal-Mashgorodok trolleybus communication, a television tower, equipping it with color television equipment, construction of a new railway station and other facilities.

Decorated with the orders of Lenin (1956, 1961, 1963, 1974, 1984), the October Revolution (1971), medals.

Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In 1991, the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau was named after V.P. Makeeva - now the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Missile Center" KB im. Academician V.P. Makeev ". A prospect in Miass, a street in Kolomna, a ship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy are named after him. Busts were installed in Miass, Kolomna, the settlement of Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk region, in SUSU. Memorial plaques were installed on the house where Makeev lived in Miass, on buildings , where he worked in Zlatoust and Miass, scholarships were established in his name at SUSU, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Kuznetsov Naval Academy.

The Russian Federation of Cosmonautics has established a medal "Named after Academician V.P. Makeev". By a joint decision of the administration, the party and trade union committees and the Komsomol Committee of the Machine Building Design Bureau in May 1988, the V. V.P. Makeeva.

The versatility of talent, inexhaustible diligence, the ability to see the future, simplicity, sociability, love for sports and respect for the beautiful Ural nature - this is how General Designer Viktor Petrovich Makeev was remembered.

    Autumn is in the city, autumn is in the city,
    Over Lepeshkova again either rain or snow.
    And again the whitened pines look,
    How the avenue freezes through the Milky Way.
    Again October winds over the Miass valley,
    It circles like a snow flock over Bald Mountain,
    Beats with white-white-white wings,
    As if calling for an unearthly flight.

    They will sing the song about wings, about wings again.
    Well, what can we do - this flight was inevitable,
    Meeting-parting is destined for all of us.
    But Love and Hope remain on earth,
    Work and Memory and Songs that we created.
    Let in the drawings and stands of museum
    Freeze ... frozen star rockets,
    Not believing in separation, the grown up ate
    Came out, meeting you, on the avenue,
    And somewhere, and somewhere cold white waves,
    They run like fingers on the strings of a traveling guitar.
    And somewhere, but somewhere the guys in tired submarines
    They sing a song about the chief designer.
    O. Antonova

(10/25/1924, Kirov village, Kolomensky district, Moscow region - 10/25/1985, Moscow; buried at the Novodevichy cemetery), general designer, specialist in the field of combat missile technology, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), laureate Lenin Prize (1959), three times USSR State Prizes (1968, 1978, 1983), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1961, 1974). Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze (1948), Higher Engineering Courses at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (1950).

He worked at the aircraft plant number 22 (1939-1944), Moscow, (from 1941 - in evacuation, Kazan) as a draftsman, designer; in OKB-1 NII-88 of the Ministry of Defense Industry, Kaliningrad, Moscow Region. engineer, leading designer of the R-11 missile (1947-1950; 1952-1955); at the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Moscow (1950-1952) as an instructor in the department of working youth; SKB No. 385 (Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering), Zlatoust, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region. (1955-1985), where, on the recommendation of S.P. Korolev, appointed chief designer of the design bureau, to which the work on the R-11, R-11M, R-11FM missiles was transferred (1955-1963); chief designer and chief (1963-1976), since 1976 - general designer and chief of the mechanical engineering design bureau. Participant in the development of the R-11 operational-tactical missile, the first R-11FM sea ballistic missile. Head of the development of submarine ballistic missiles (SLBMs), put into service in the USSR, incl. SLBM R-21 - the first missile with an underwater launch (1963), SLBM R-27 - the first rocket with factory fuel filling, which became the most massive sea missile (1968), SLBM R-29 - the first sea-based intercontinental missile (1974), SLBM R -29R - the first naval intercontinental missile with a multiple warhead (1977), the R-39 missile - the first domestic solid-propellant intercontinental SLBM with a multiple warhead (from 1955 to 1985), the R-29RM missile - SLBM of the world's highest energy and mass perfection ( 1986). Chief Designer of the R-17 or SCUD-B operational-tactical missile (1962); the only R-27K anti-ship ballistic missile in the world, operated on one submarine (1975).

The creator and head of the national school of maritime rocketry, which has achieved world priority in a number of tactical and technical characteristics and structural and layout solutions for missiles, control systems, launch systems, which ensured the organization and support of serial production and operation of strategic sea missile systems in fleets. The main priority decisions are: placement of engines inside fuel or oxidizer tanks; exclusion of volumes along the length of the rocket that are not used for fuel; application of astro-correction on combat missiles; creation of a three-stage combat missile; the use of detonating elongated charges to destroy and separate the rocket elements in flight; use of waist cushioning made of elastomeric materials, incl. placed on a rocket; factory refueling of the rocket with fuel with ampulization of the tanks by welding the refueling and drain valves; transportation of assembled missiles in a fueled state from manufacturing plants. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the mechanics of structures made of composite materials (1977-1985). Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Professor of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (1960-1981), Head of the Department of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1981-1985). Author of 32 inventions, more than 200 publications, incl. monographs. Honorary citizen of the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region. (1997, posthumously). His name was given to the Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (FSUE GRTs "Design Bureau named after Academician V.P. Makeev", 1991). Avenue in Miass, a street in Kolomna, a ship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy are named after him. Monuments have been erected in Miass, Kolomna, Nenoksa, Arkhangelsk region, memorial plaques in Miass on the house where he lived, in Zlatoust and in Miass on the buildings where he worked. Scholarships in his name have been established at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the V.I. N.G. Kuznetsova. The Astronautics Federation has established a medal. Academician V.P. Makeeva (1991). Established a prize to them. V.P. Makeeva (1988).

Continuing the conversation about the versatility of a person, there is a reason to remember the academicianVictor PetrovichMakeeva. Streets in Chelyabinsk in the area of \u200b\u200bTopolina Alley, Miass and Kolomna, personal scholarships to SUSU, ChelSU, MAI, MIPT, VMA named after him are named after him. Kuznetsova. The Russian Federation of Cosmonautics has established a medal. Academician V.P. Makeev. But the most important thing is that the name of Academician Makeev bears the State Rocket Center (JSC "GRTs Makeeva").
Today, October 25, -birthday and death day of an outstanding scientist, creator and head of the national school of naval rocketry, general designer of strategic missile systems with ballistic missiles of submarines of the NavyVictor PetrovichMakeeva.

He is also connected with Chelyabinsk by teaching work - from 1960 to 1981Victor Petrovich -professor, head. Department of Aircraft at CPI (SUSU). Now we know a lot about Viktor Petrovich. We know and can talk openly about the SRC, but before - everything was classified, the SRC was called KBM (Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering), and only a few knew about what they were doing there and who headed it all. IN1955, after working together with Sergei Pavlovich Korolev and on his recommendation, V.P. Makeev was appointed chief designer of SKB-385 (KBM, GRTs). As a result of more than 30 years of activity, V.P. Makeev as the general designer of the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, three generations of sea-based strategic missile systems have become.The Ural Dragon is the nickname given to Viktor Petrovich Makeev by the Pentagon military. The design bureau in Miass headed by him confronted the American naval industry. And if at the beginning of the 60s we were inferior to the USA in terms of range, accuracy and warhead power, then from the beginning of the 70s we got ahead and no longer conceded leadership.

With the direct participation of Viktor Petrovich Makeev, a modern city of rocket scientists - mashgorodok - grew up in Miass.

Under the leadership and participation of V. Makeyev, the construction of a mashgorodok with a shopping center, the Neptun hotel, the Prometheus and Yunost palaces of culture and the Zarya sports palace with a swimming pool and sports halls, the Vostok cinema was carried out.

His contribution to the development of the city is significant. With his assistance, the issues of construction and financing of important urban facilities were resolved: CHP, power transmission lines, Iremel reservoir of industrial water pipelines, design and construction of the Vokzal-Mashgorodok trolleybus service, a television tower, equipping it with color television equipment, construction of a new railway station and other facilities.

Versatility of talent, inexhaustible hard work, the ability to see the future, simplicity, sociability, love for sports and respect for the beautiful Ural nature - this is how General Designer Viktor Petrovich Makeev was remembered.

He was a bright, multifaceted person, charming, handsome, even artistic, personality with a capital letter. He was very fond of nature, good music, poetry. He loved historical literature, Karamzin, Pikul, science fiction, read Vysotsky, Yesenin, Blok, Goethe, Shota Rustaveli, Omar Khayyam by heart. He had a large, well-chosen library. I adored Vysotsky, collected his notes, found something personal in his lyrics.

Makeev paid great attention to library funds and their replenishment. Reading in KB with his light hand was massive. They took books with them everywhere - on hikes, business trips, canteens. He believed that engineers, technical workers should be cultured, well-read people.

An exhibition of drawings by Nadya Rusheva was held in the Chelyabinsk gallery. The offer to leave for Miass was followed by a decisive refusal. This is out of the question. Each drawing is mounted between two glasses - the slightest accident and will be torn. According to Makeev's instructions, special boxes with packaging were made, and for 5 days the exhibition was brought to Miass. Viktor Petrovich spent two hours examining the exhibition. He especially liked the Pushkin theme. It was he who insisted that linden trees be planted in Mashgorodok instead of poplars. He loved Turgoyak, admired him, this was his resting place.

Under Makeev, a stormy theatrical and musical life was in full swing in Mashgorodok. Solo concerts of Boris Shtokolov, Vladimir Atlantov, Leonid Smetannikov, Maria Biesu were held. The orchestra of Evgeny Svetlanov came. Oleg Tabakov, Konstantin Raikin, Igor Kvasha, Valentin Gaft came from the Sovremennik Theater with author's concerts. There were many author's concerts of pop artists: Iosif Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Sergei Zakharov, Sofia Rotaru, film actors: V. Tikhonov, L. Gurchenko, V. Lanovoy, S. Yursky, I. Kostolevsky, N. Mordyukova.

“A life given to the fleet” - this is how sailors say about Makeev. He loved the navy, the sea, often visited ships, went sailing, was romantics of the sea and was very fond of songs about the sea. The most favorite were "Still the sea will remain the sea" and "Tired submarine". He also liked the song "White Wings" performed by Obodzinsky. He did not like cowardice, lies, dishonesty.

I would like to recall his words, which are still relevant now: "To lead is to foresee", "In creative work, creators are needed, not subordinates", "There is nothing more difficult than working with people."

Makeev's life is an example of high professional and human culture, an example for engineers and managers. His deeds belong to history. “It doesn't matter how many years to live, it is important how much time to do,” he said.

V.P. Makeev - Doctor of Technical Sciences (1965), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1968), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1961, 1974), Lenin Laureate (1959 ) and State Prizes (1968, 1978, 1983), twice Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of many orders and medals. For outstanding achievements in the field of creating effective samples of new technology, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences awarded V.P. Makeyev Gold Medal. S.P. Queen. Decorated with the orders of Lenin (1956, 1961, 1963, 1974, 1984), the October Revolution (1971), medals.

If you want to know more about this remarkable man, to reveal a highly secret, long unknown area - the history of the creation of the Russian strategic weapons of the Navy, read the book by V.A.Pyatkina "General Designer V. P. Makeev". - Chelyabinsk, 2004. We have this book in the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin (street Communy. 69).

Autumn is in the city, autumn is in the city,
Over Lepeshkova again either rain or snow.
And again the whitened pines look,
How the avenue freezes through the Milky Way.
Again October winds over the Miass valley,
It circles like a snow flock over Bald Mountain,
Beats with white-white-white wings,
As if calling for an unearthly flight.

They run like fingers on the strings of a traveling guitar.
And somewhere, but somewhere the guys in tired submarines
They will sing the song about wings, about wings again.
Well, what can we do - this flight was inevitable,
Meeting-parting is destined for all of us.
But Love and Hope remain on earth,
Work and Memory and Songs that we created.
Let in the drawings and stands of museum
Freeze ... frozen star rockets,
Not believing in separation, the grown up ate
Came out, meeting you, on the avenue,
And somewhere, and somewhere cold white waves,
They run like fingers on the strings of a traveling guitar.

Recently, the 85th anniversary of the birth of Academician Viktor Petrovich Makeev, an outstanding scientist, founder of the national school of naval rocketry, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and State prizes, was celebrated.
The path to glory
This surname causes different reactions in people. Among the initiates - admirals of the fleet, testers of nuclear missile weapons, engineers and workers of "closed" missile factories - a constant admiration. Admiration for his genius. The designer, who managed to be decades ahead of time. There was a direction in the history of rocketry that remained highly classified for many decades. It is a strategic ballistic missile weapon for the submarine fleet. This direction was founded and for 30 years was headed by the remarkable scientist and designer V.P. Makeev. Today, as well as decades ago, unique and still unrivaled intercontinental ballistic missiles are in service on missile cruisers and submarines.
The name Makeev for many of us says little - it has always been especially classified. He even went to the Expo in Paris under a false name. To this day, his image is shrouded in a halo of legends, including for the workers of the defense enterprise that bears his name.
Victor Petrovich Makeev was born on October 25, 1924 near Kolomna in a simple working-class family. After graduating from the seven-year school, he entered a draftsman at an aircraft factory, where his parents already worked. But God's gift of genius haunted him. When the terrible year 1941 came, Victor was evacuated from the factory to Kazan, where he entered the evening department of the Aviation Institute. And this despite the fact that they had to work seven days a week, for 10-12 hours, overfulfilling the tasks for the production of the Pe-2 aircraft so necessary for the front. Here the future academician showed remarkable abilities of the inventor.
When the state commission selected the most promising students to work in one of the secret research institutes, Makeev was among them. The head of the department where he was to work was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who himself selected employees and jealously followed the fate of each of them. He revealed to Victor all the prospects of his new work. To deepen his acquaintance with rocket technology, Makeev was sent to the Higher Engineering Courses at the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman. Especially valuable in this study was the fact that the accumulation of knowledge took place in parallel with the design work on the R-2 and R-Z missiles, where the knowledge gained was immediately applied in practice.

Victor Petrovich Makeev - "The Ural Dragon"

Duel with von Braun
When Makeev learned the topic of his thesis, he was shocked - he was instructed to unravel and put into practice the secrets of the German rocket engineer Wernher von Braun. Makeev knew firsthand that he was the creator of missiles, including the then unsurpassed V-2. The thrust force of the best rocket engines Korolev in the forties did not exceed several tens of kilograms, while the "Vau" - tens of tons. There was something to be stunned from. On the eve of the fall of Nazi Germany, the American special services took von Braun along with his design bureau to America, and the rest was destroyed so that the allies would not get it. So Makeev's diploma, which was carried out on the basis of accidentally found records, debris and small details, was very useful. The novice genius solved the mystery of the German rocket pretty quickly, and his calculations immediately became secret, however, like himself. This was truly a worthy rival - in the hands of von Braun was the entire industrial and scientific potential, first of the Third Reich, and then of America. Makeev won the duel with the renowned ace of German rocketry with a large score. So he became the leading designer of the first domestic guided ballistic wound R-11.
One can only imagine the whole drama of the invisible rivalry of minds and technologies during the Cold War. The war, the leading edge of which took place in the South Urals. I would like to note that in this difficult period for the country, the Kremlin did not want to listen to Korolev's arguments in favor of missiles. Therefore, at that time we did not have either rocket technologies or production. It would seem that Russia has lagged behind in rocketry forever. Maybe it would have happened if it hadn't been for Makeev.
In the Urals
Meanwhile, Viktor Petrovich was already thinking about creating a mobile version of the R-11M rocket and equipping ships with it. Since in the process of designing the rocket, certain differences in the design of its army and naval versions were identified, the latter received the code name RIFM. From the very beginning, Makeev took an active part in the development of these modifications.
After Stalin's death, it was decided to expand the mass production of missiles in the Urals. The provision of work was entrusted to SKB-385 (special design bureau) in Zlatoust. Korolev appointed Makeyev his responsible representative, and from that moment on, his work and fate were forever connected with the Urals. Previously, SKB-385 successfully dealt only with unguided missile weapons, so the designers immediately faced a lot of new tasks. Makeev, coming to the Urals more and more often, did not occupy the position of a controller from a higher organization, but together with a rapidly growing, mainly due to young specialists, Ural team, he delved into the specifics of each problem and devoted all his efforts to solving it. Sometimes they were not enough, and then Makeev boldly went to the ministry or to Korolev. Sergei Pavlovich told him more than once: "You are not my representative in the Urals, but the representative of the Urals in Podlipki," but he invariably provided assistance. Gradually, it became clear to Korolyov that OKB-1 could fully transfer all work on the further development of operational-tactical missiles SKB-385, sending Makeev and several other specialists dealing with this problem there. The ministry also agreed with this, and it was decided to appoint Makeev the deputy chief designer of the SKB.

Makeev's first domestic guided ballistic missile

However, when Korolev congratulated Viktor Petrovich on the appointment, he was not happy, but with a courage unexpected for a thirty-year-old engineer expressed his confidence to Sergei Pavlovich that it would be much more useful for the business if he became not a deputy, but immediately the chief designer. And Korolev, apparently remembering that he himself headed the GIRD at the age of 25, agreed with Makeev's proposal. It was more difficult to convince the USSR Minister of Defense Industry Ustinov, but Korolev succeeded, and soon, by order of the Minister, Makeev was appointed "chief designer of SKB-385 and at the same time deputy chief designer of OKB-1 SP Korolev for the R-11 missile."
Miracle of genius
In the Urals, this rocket was modified and adapted for launch from a submarine. The result turned out to be simply amazing - unlike the surface launch, which is accompanied by the sea roll, the launch complex does not swing at depth. This means that accuracy is guaranteed. But the main thing is that a combat missile launched from the depths, from the submarine's shaft, decides the fate of the planet. Paradoxically, it brings peace - it stops both the nuclear arms race and the Cold War.
The last rocket of Makeev is the rocket of the highest and never achieved perfection. This is the same famous RSM-54, which has been called "smart missile". In addition to the fact that it carries ten thermonuclear warheads of individual guidance, it is impossible to confuse it with all sorts of tricky "know-how". The astro correction system is applied here. In flight, the rocket determines both its position and its target by the stars, without listening to anyone else's "prompts". But the most amazing thing is the engines recessed right in the fuel tanks.
A rather curious incident once happened in Makeev's life. In 1964, the fate of a new promising rocket was decided, the production of which was under Khrushchev's control. At the very last moment, Viktor Petrovich learns that a similar task was given to the Chelomey Design Bureau - Design Bureau, in which Khrushchev's son was then working. We can say that the result of this competition has already been decided. And suddenly Nikita Sergeevich, pointing to Makeev, says: "I like this pioneer more." It turns out that once, long before the war, Makeev personally tied Khrushchev's pioneer tie as an honorary pioneer.
Makeev died on October 25, 1985. At all times, the power, claiming to be a great one, sought primarily to ensure its power at sea and a peaceful sky overhead. Viktor Petrovich Makeev - the "Ural Dragon", as he was called abroad - gave his whole life to this business.

| Makeev Victor Petrovich

Makeev Viktor Petrovich (10/25/1924, Kirov settlement, Moscow region - 10/25/1985, Moscow)

From the family of a hereditary worker. He began his career at the end of the 7th grade in 1939 as an apprentice of a draftsman, then as a draftsman at an aviation plant in Moscow, from 1941 - in Kazan, where the plant was evacuated after the outbreak of the war. He showed the ability to skillfully solve design problems in the conditions of intense mass production of Pe-2 aircraft. Combining work with study, he graduated from high school, from 1942 he studied at the Kazan Aviation Institute. In 1944 he was transferred to the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), from which he graduated in 1948. In 1950 he graduated from the Higher Engineering Courses at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Bauman. Since 1947, in parallel with his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, he worked in the Special Design Bureau of S.P. Korolev (OKB-1) NII-88 (Kaliningrad, Moscow Region) as a technician, engineer, and leading designer. Participant in the creation of the R-11 operational-tactical missile and the first R-11 FM sea ballistic missile. In 1950-1952. worked as an instructor in the department of working youth of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1955, Viktor Petrovich, at the suggestion of S.P. The queen is prescribed ch. the designer of the Special Design Bureau (SKB-385) to which the work on the R-11, R11-M and R-11 FM rockets was transferred. Later, SKB-385 was renamed to Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau. Since 1963, Makeev was appointed head of the enterprise and chief designer, since 1972 - general designer - head of the enterprise. Under his leadership, the design bureau became the country's leading research and development organization, an extensive cooperation of research institutes, design bureaus, manufacturing plants, test sites was formed, which was solving and is currently solving the problems of developing, manufacturing and testing missile systems for the Navy.

The result of V.P. Makeev and his design bureau and extensive cooperation of enterprises - three generations of naval missile systems adopted by the country's navy. Among them are complexes with R-21 missiles - the first missile launched underwater in 1963; R-27 - the first factory-fueled rocket in 1968, which became the most massive domestic SLBM; R-29 - the first sea-going intercontinental missile with a multiple warhead (1977); R-29 - the first domestic solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile system with multiple warheads (1988); R-29RM -RPL of the world's highest energy and mass perfection. In 1962, the design bureau was put into service with a land-based operational-tactical complex with an R-17 rocket launched from a self-propelled launch unit, known under the NATO code name "Scud - B" (Scud).

On the initiative of Makeev, the Council of Chief Designers (SGC) was created

The domestic school of naval rocketry, of which Makeev became the creator and leader, has achieved world priority in a number of tactical and technical characteristics and design and layout solutions for missiles, control systems, and launch systems. The main priority decisions: placement of engines inside fuel or oxidizer tanks, almost complete elimination of volumes along the length of the rocket that are not used for fuel, the use of astroradio correction on combat missiles, the use of belt depreciation made of elastomeric materials, including those placed on the rocket, factory refueling of the rocket with fuel from ampulization of tanks by welding of filling and drain valves, transportation of missiles in a filled state from manufacturing plants.

Under the leadership of Makeev, a unique laboratory and experimental base has been created, which provides complex ground-based missile development and solves industry-level problems.

Viktor Petrovich did a lot of teaching, supervised postgraduate studies. In 1960-1981 he was the head of the Department of Aircraft at the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, in 1981-1985 he was the head of the Department of Problems of Power Engineering at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

He was the initiator of the organization of cooperation between the USSR Academy of Sciences, the ministries of industries, and higher education in the field of mechanics of structures made of composite materials. Research and development on thin-walled shells made of composite materials carried out under the leadership and with the participation of Makeev were recognized by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences as one of the most important achievements in the field of mechanics in 1981-1985.

Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Viktor Petrovich, the construction of a mashgorodok (northern district of Miass) with a shopping center, hotel, palaces of culture and sports was carried out.

His contribution to the development of the city is significant; with his assistance, the issues of construction and targeted financing of important urban objects were resolved: CHP, power transmission lines, Iremel reservoir and industrial water pipelines; design and construction of the Vokzal - Mashgorodok trolleybus service; design, manufacture and installation of a television tower, and its equipping with color television equipment; construction of a new station and other facilities

Awarded with orders: Lenin, October Revolution, medals.

Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In 1991, the name of Academician V.P. Makeev was assigned to the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, now it is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Missile Center" KB named after acad. VP Makeeva ".

Avenue in Miass, a street in Kolomna, a ship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy are named after him. Busts were installed in Miass, Kolomna, the village of Nenoksa, Arkhangelsk region, in Chelyabinsk at SUSU. Memorial plaques were installed on the house where he lived in Miass, on the buildings where he worked in Zlatoust and Miass. Scholarships named after him have been established at SUSU, Moscow Aviation Institute, and the V.I. Kuznetsova.

The Russian Federation of Cosmonautics established a medal named after Academician V.P. Makeeva.

By a joint decision of the administration, the party and trade union committees and the Komsomol committee of the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, in May 1988, the Academician V.P. Makeev Prize was established.

Lit .: Kleiman V.L., Kosoy L.M., Lukyanov O.E. General Designer Viktor Petrovich Makeev. Ballistic missiles of Russian submarines. Selected articles. Miass, 1994, 1997; TSB, t. 16, Moscow, 1974; V. A. Pyatkin "Chief Designer". Miass, 1994; V.A.Pyatkin. General designer. Miass, 1997. V.D.Dotsenko. "Marine Biographical Dictionary", St. Petersburg, 1995; "Engineers of the Urals", Encyclopedia. Yekaterinburg, 2001. Scientists of the South Ural State University. Comp. Tulchinsky S.V., Chelyabinsk, 1998.

V. Degtyar


useful links Professional activity, achievements, awards
  1. Doctor of Technical Sciences. 1965 g.
  2. Full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1976
  3. Hero of Socialist Labor. 1961, 1974
  4. Lenin Prize Laureate. 1976 year
  5. State Prize Laureate. 1968, 1978, 1983
  6. Honorary citizen of the city. 1997 year
  7. Chevalier of the Order of Lenin. 1956, 1961, 1963, 1974, 1984
  8. Chevalier of the Order of the October Revolution. 1971
  9. Head of the Department of Aircraft at the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute. 1960-1981
  10. Head of the Department of Problems of Power Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. 1981-1985.


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