Form 1 frames in Excel. Legislative base of the Russian Federation. To whom and when to submit

In the form 1-MS, they fill in the Information on the composition of employees who replaced municipal positions and positions of the municipal service. In 2016, by order of July 5, 2016 No. 325, Rosstat approved a new form of this form. Who should complete Form 1-MC in 2016? Statistical form 1-MS is filled out by those organizations whose employees are municipal employees and persons who replaced municipal positions:

  • such organizations include local self-government bodies (for example, representative, local administrations, other local self-government bodies);
  • election commissions of municipalities, which are municipal bodies that are not part of the structure of local self-government bodies.

The organization submits the completed report in the 1-MS form to statistics bodies at the location of the legal entity or at the location of separate divisions. If the organization has separate divisions, Form 1-МС is filled out for each division.

This report must be submitted once every three years, on October 25 after the reporting period. The head of the organization must appoint responsible persons who will be authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the company.

Form 1 MC in 2016

The main part of the form consists of 3 sections and a help:

  • Distribution of employees who filled municipal positions by age of employees;
  • Distribution of employees according to their professional experience;
  • Distribution of employees according to their professional education.

In the header of the form, you need to fill in the name of the reporting organization, postal address, OKPO code. Indicate the name of the organization in full, as in the constituent documents, and indicate the short name in brackets.

All 3 sections of the form consist of tables. The tables contain the same lines, but they consist of different graphs. So, in the line "Municipal positions" (lines 101, 201 and further), employees who have replaced municipal positions are taken into account.

In lines 108, 208 and further, it is necessary to take into account the positions of the municipal service that were established to directly ensure the execution of the powers of the person holding the municipal position. Such positions are filled by municipal employees by concluding an employment contract for the term of office of the person replacing the municipal position.

When filling out section 1, all lines reflect data on the actual number of persons on the payroll as of the reporting date (October 1). If you have employees who work part-time, then they should also be taken into account when preparing the report. The number does not include only those employees who filled positions that were not provided for in the staffing table and were subject to reduction.

When filling out the data in Section 2 of Form 1-MS, containing information about the professional experience of employees, you should remember that the professional experience includes periods of filling municipal service positions, municipal positions.

In the third section of the report on statistics, form 1-МС (new form 2016), you need to indicate the professional education of employees. In the tabular part of the section, employees are divided into groups of specialties and areas in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of specialties by education.

Download the new report form on statistics of the 1-МС 2016 form

What is a report form 1 A report in form No. 1 or a form of statistical observation No. 1 personnel "Information on advanced training and professional training of employees of organizations", as well as recommendations for filling it out, are contained in Rosstat order No. 554 dated 09/28/2016. In the article, we offer instructions and a ready-made example of filling out form 1 frames. This document is required for the delivery by a legal entity of all types of activities and forms of ownership, as well as their separate structural divisions, except for small businesses, government bodies, military security and social insurance, as well as religious associations, households and extraterritorial organizations. The complete list is indicated in the order.

HR reporting in 2018: HR calendar

Indicate the full name of the company according to the constituent documents. In the same period, write a short name in brackets. If you are filling out form 1 personnel for a separate division, enter its name.

And also the name of the parent company to which it belongs. String "Postal address". Indicate the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the "Postal address" term of the statistic report 1 frames. And then the legal address of the company with the zip code.

If your actual address is different, then enter the actual address. Please enter your postal code. For a branch that does not have a legal address, enter an address with a postal code. Column "Code for OKPO". Enter the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations in this line of form 1 personnel in the statistics.

Take it from the OKPO code assignment notice. It was given to you by the territorial branch of Rosstat.

How to fill out statistical form No. 1 frames

As for this report, according to Rosstat, about 68 thousand respondents should complete it in 2018. You can download the 2018 form of this statistical form directly on the website of the statistics body or at All business entities that were included in the sample for 2018 must be notified by Rosstat authorities through any available means of communication.
As a rule, this is regular mail or e-mail. If a legal entity has separate divisions (OP), then it must submit this report, both for the entire organization as a whole, and for each division (branch) separately. These forms should be handed over to the statistics divisions at the location of each EP. Form 1-T (prof) must be completed as of October 31, 2018.
It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than November 28.

How to fill out a 1-frames statistics form

Specialists (column 3) - employees where work requires higher / secondary vocational education: engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, accountants, geologists, inspectors, proofreaders, mathematicians, technicians, etc. Other employees (column 4) - employees, preparing and executing documents that carry out accounting and control, household services (agents, archivists, attendants, clerks, cashiers and controllers (except workers), etc.). Workers (column 5) - persons engaged in the creation of wealth, repair, movement of goods, transportation, provision of material services, etc.

These are sellers, cashiers of a trading floor, controllers (except for transport and controllers of a communication center), postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, etc. In columns 6–12, the number of persons is distributed by age (up to 25 years old; 25–29 years old; 30–39 years old; 40–49 years old; 50–59 years old; 60–64 years old; 65 years old and older).

The personnel officer submits a report to statistics


And an employee who has been trained several times in the same program during the year - only once. In 2017, an employee of the company underwent professional retraining once and upgraded his qualifications 2 times. Information about employee training must be entered once in lines 03, 04 and 06.

Line 09. Enter in this line of the report statistics 1-personnel the number of employees who have undergone professional training in the direction of the company. Reflect those who have studied several times in different types of educational programs during the year only once. Learn more about training employees in the direction of the company.

Lines 10-12.

How to fill out and submit a statistical report in form 1 frames

For example, in short courses and in professional training. Line 19. On this line of form 1, frames, show special employees. Those who participated in national, regional, industry, corporate championships using the WorldSkills Russia methodology.

If the employee participated in the championship more than once during the reporting year, turn it on only once. How to fill in the columns of the report form 1 frames Columns 2-5. In these columns of form 1 personnel, distribute the number of employees by categories of personnel. Use the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR), OK 016-94.

It was approved by the decree of the Gosstandart of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367. Columns 6-12. Here, divide the number of employees by age group. Enter the age of the employees in the form 1 of the personnel as of December 31 of the reporting year.

Form 1-t (personnel): we submit reports on time


We fill in section 1 by groups Step 3. We assure the accuracy of the data with the signature of an authorized person and put the date. Responsibility for failure and errors in the form 1-T prof.If a legal entity that was included in the statistical sample does not provide this report to Rosstat in a timely manner, then, by virtue of the requirements of Article 13.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, it and its officials will be held administratively liable. The penalty in this case may be:

  • for a legal entity - from 20 thousand to 70 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles.

For the indication of false information and errors in 1-T professional, the fines are similar.

As a reminder, the period within which an organization can be punished for errors is two months from the day following the reporting date indicated on the form.
These are organizations of state administration, military security and social insurance. And then there are households, religious and extraterritorial organizations. Don't Miss: Major HR Changes What's Accepted and Entered into Force This Month. Download documents

There are only a few months left until the submission of statistical reports on vocational training and training of employees! We will tell you what a sample of filling out the 1-frames form looks like, and explain in detail the rules for filling out the form.

From the article you will learn:

All organizations employing personnel are obliged from time to time to report to the regional employment centers, the Pension Fund, military commissariats, statistics authorities and other authorities. The compilation of mandatory reporting for statistical bodies is usually entrusted to the personnel department or office management service. Therefore, each personnel officer must know how to fill out the form 1 personnel for statistics and in what time frame to send it to Rosstat. Read more about statistical reporting and unified forms used by employers in the articles “ which need to be prepared in November according to the new form "and" What you need to hand over to the personnel officer. "

What is the unified 1-frames form for?

Don't Miss: Major HR Changes

Which is accepted and entered into force this month.

The unified form of statistical observation 1-personnel, approved by order of Rosstat No. 554 dated September 28, 2016, is intended to transmit information about training, retraining and advanced training of employees. Brief instructions for filling out the 1-personnel form in 2017 are contained in the appendix to the order. Read about the rules for filling out other types of statistical reports in the articles “How to fill out and submit "Information on the number and wages and movement of workers" and "Do I need to fill if there were no injuries in the organization in the reporting year ”.

Download related documents:

Filling out the 1-personnel form in 2017 is the responsibility of most legal entities (including non-profit organizations), regardless of the form of ownership and the type of economic activity chosen. Only small businesses and some types of organizations are freed from the need to report on personnel training:

  • religious;
  • extraterritorial;
  • structures of government and military security;
  • households;
  • social insurance bodies.

Important: if the company has separate structural divisions - branches, representative offices, etc. - multiple filling out of the 1-personnel form will be required: statistics are needed for each division, as well as separately for a legal entity.

To avoid misunderstandings, it should be clearly understood in which cases a structural unit is considered to be isolated from the point of view of the law. Territorial isolation and the presence of stationary jobs are considered integral features of a separate division.

In other words, a department with stationary workstations (even if there are few of them), located at a distance from the company's headquarters, is considered isolated. A service located on another floor of an office building is not. As well as a geographically isolated construction site with non-stationary jobs or a mobile office in which stationary jobs are created for a short (less than one month) period.

The completed and duly certified 1-personnel form is submitted to the territorial office of Rosstat at the location of the legal entity. Reports on branches and representative offices are submitted at their location. If the company conducts its business not where the head office is located, reporting is submitted at the place of actual operation - it is important to remember this.

To effectively conduct personnel work in separate divisions, read the useful materials: “There is one personnel department for several branches. how " and when it is better to transfer to branches, and not to conduct in the head office. " Our experts guide readers into the intricacies of different office work methods and tell you how to increase the productivity of HR procedures using modern technology.

Reporting in the form of 1-frames is submitted infrequently - with a frequency of once every three to four years. Completion date - until February 3. You can hand over the completed form in person, through a proxy, and also send it by mail (registered mail). It is also not prohibited to report electronically using a digital electronic signature.

Important: to find out what specific reporting forms need to be submitted to a particular organization, a written request to the territorial branch of Rosstat will help.

Column 3 keeps records of specialists - highly qualified workers who require higher or at least secondary vocational education. These include engineers, economists, doctors, technicians, accountants, rationers, programmers, and similar professions. For a number of employees - attendants, clerks, timekeepers, archivists, secretaries, commandants and other employees involved in paperwork, household services, as well as keeping records and control, column 4 is intended.

Column 5 indicates the number of workers directly involved in the production of material values \u200b\u200b(products), repairs, transportation of passengers and the movement of goods, the provision of material services, etc. For example, workers are considered to be the specialties of janitors and cleaners, salesmen, loaders, couriers, watchmen, packers, stokers.

To avoid confusion, you need to clearly understand which group of positions (managers, specialists, etc.) each employee belongs to. To understand this issue and draw up a correct example of filling out the 1-personnel form will help OKPDTR - the All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and wage categories, approved by the decree of the Gosstandart of Russia No. 367 of 12/26/1994.

Columns 6-12 distribute staff by age group. The distribution takes into account the age of employees as of December 31 of the reporting year.

The following groups are distinguished:

  1. up to 25 years - column 6;
  2. 25-29 years old - column 7;
  3. 30-39 years old - column 8;
  4. 40-49 years old - column 9;
  5. 50-59 years - column 10;
  6. 60-64 years - column 11;
  7. from 65 years and older - column 12.

Read about the influence of the employee's age on labor relations in the articles “What is required from the employer if " And How ».

Form 1-frames: sample filling the reference section

The next and final section is help. Here you can find data on the affiliation of employees of the enterprise to special categories. Separate categories are allocated:

  • disabled people - line 22;
  • women (employees who have a child under the age of three are allocated to a separate subcategory) - lines 20 and 21, respectively;
  • employees who were at risk of dismissal and received additional training to continue working in the organization - line 23;
  • personnel who received distance learning - line 24.

font size

2. Information in the form No. 1-personnel is provided by legal entities at their location to the territorial bodies of Rosstat. If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out separately for the legal entity without these separate subdivisions and for each separate subdivision. The completed form is submitted by a legal entity to the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions), for separate subdivisions - at the location of the corresponding separate subdivision. In the event that a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at a legal address, the form is provided at the place of their actual activities.

3. The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

4. The title page of the form indicates:

4.1. In the address part - the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. On the form of the form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity, the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

4.2. On the line "Postal address" - the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

4.3. In the code part of the form, the legal entity puts down the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat. For geographically separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial department of Rosstat at the location of the geographically separate division.

5. In section 1, line 01 is mandatory. Lines 02 through 11 reflect data on professional training of employees (directed by the organization or carried out by the organization itself) by categories of personnel and training programs. Educational institutions fill out a report only for employees who were on the staff of these institutions, including those who studied at these institutions.

The employer, in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Additional Education" (in the draft) and other relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, provides vocational training, professional retraining and advanced training of employees with whom he is in labor relations. The procedure for sending employees with whom the employer is in labor relations for training in additional professional educational programs at the initiative of the employer is established by a collective agreement (agreement).

Employees of organizations of any organizational and legal form have the right to advanced training, professional retraining or internship at the expense of the employer once every five years in the amount of at least 72 hours (including a total duration of 72 hours during the year) in accordance with additional educational programs defined by the employer. The employer has the right to organize and carry out advanced training, professional retraining or internship for its employees in a larger volume.

5.1. On line 01, column 1 shows the number of employees on the payroll, which is determined in accordance with clause 82 of the Instructions for filling out forms of federal statistical observation NN P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m) approved by the Order of Rosstat dated 12.11.2008 N 278, with amendments and additions dated 03.11.2009 N 240. In this case, an employee hired part-time in accordance with the employment contract is counted in the number as one person. An employee registered in the organization as an internal part-time worker is also counted as one person in the main position.

The report on line 01 does not include employees hired part-time from other organizations and employees who performed work under civil contracts.

5.2. When assigning employees to the appropriate category of personnel (by columns), it is necessary to use the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR), OK 016-94, approved by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated December 26, 1994 N 367 and put into effect from 1 January 1996 In accordance with the specified classifier, the positions of employees are divided into the categories "managers", "specialists" and "other employees".

The category "managers" (column 3) includes employees holding positions of heads of the organization and its structural divisions, their deputies, as well as foremen, managers, foremen, etc. (in the OKPDTR these positions have a code "1").

The category "specialists" (column 4) includes workers performing engineering, economic and other work and having the code "2" in the OKPDR: agronomists, lawyers, administrators, artists, assistants, archaeologists, biologists, librarians, brokers, accountants, educators, doctors, surveyors, geologists, hydrologists, announcers, conductors, dispatchers, dealers, associate professors, sound technicians, livestock specialists, engineers, inspectors, art historians, cartographers, cameramen, designers, consultants, proofreaders, cosmonauts, laboratory assistants, lecturers, foresters, pilots, speech therapists, mine surveyors, mathematicians, nurses, methodologists, fashion designers, mechanics, researchers, rationers, notaries, observers, bird watchers, game managers, appraisers, teachers, pilots, pharmacists, programmers, professors, psychologists, radio operators, auditors, editors, directors, forecasters, sculptors, investigators, sociologists, rescuers, research trainees, technicians, commodity experts, trainers, teachers, pharmacists, paramedics, physicists, chemists, artists, turmans, economists, experts, electricians, electromechanics, legal advisers, etc.

The category "other employees" (column 5) includes employees who prepare and execute documentation, accounting and control, maintenance, etc., having the code "3" in the OKPDR: agents, archivists, clerks, attendants, cashiers, commandants, controllers (not classified as "workers"), copiers, croupiers, typists, medical statisticians, clerks, operators (not classified as "specialists"), security guards, passport officers, receptionists, secretaries-typists, caretakers, social workers, statisticians, stenographers , bookkeepers, timekeepers, tariff planners, bookkeepers, packers, draftsmen, forwarders, etc.

The category "workers" (column 6) in accordance with the section of the OKPDTR "Occupations of workers" includes persons directly involved in the process of creating material values, as well as those involved in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, providing services (cleaners, nannies, cloakroom attendants, watchmen , sellers, computer operators, etc.).

In columns 7 to 10, the number of employees on the payroll (line 01) and employees who underwent vocational training (lines 02 to 11) and received vocational education (lines 12 to 15) in the reporting year is distributed by age group.

5.3. Line 02 shows the number of employees (individuals) who have completed training in programs of additional vocational education, vocational training and special-purpose courses. If an employee underwent training in various types of training several times during the year, then on line 02 data about him is reflected only once.

The report (line 02) does not include:

Employees trained at their own expense in computer training courses, foreign languages \u200b\u200band others;

employees who received additional vocational education or trained in new professions during the reporting year, but dismissed at the date of the report.

The report in form N 1-personnel on line 02 and lines from 03 to 11 includes employees who were accepted in the reporting year and who submitted the relevant documents to the personnel service of the organization on completing training in additional vocational education programs or at special-purpose courses in the reporting year as before place of work.

In lines 03 to 11, data on an employee who underwent several types of training during the year (professional retraining, advanced training, internship, targeted courses or vocational training and additional vocational training) are reflected for each type of training.

If an employee has undergone training in the same type of training several times during the year, then for this type of training, the data about him is reflected only once.

5.3.1. Additional professional education (line 03) is aimed at improving the qualifications and professional retraining of persons (managers, specialists and other employees) with vocational education, in accordance with additional professional educational programs, qualification requirements for professions and positions and contributing to the development of the business and creative abilities of these persons, raising their cultural level. Additional professional education includes advanced training, professional retraining and internship. The data in lines 03 to 06 includes persons who have received additional vocational education outside the Russian Federation. Line 07 shows the number of people trained outside the Russian Federation by the amount of training programs.

5.3.2. Professional retraining (line 04) - the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills in accordance with additional professional educational programs, providing for the study of scientific and educational disciplines, sections of technology and new technologies. In accordance with the current Regulation on the procedure and conditions for professional retraining of specialists, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 6, 2000 N 2571, professional retraining of specialists is carried out taking into account the profile of the received education of specialists and is carried out by educational institutions for advanced training and subdivisions of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education on additional professional programs of two types, one of which ensures the improvement of the knowledge of specialists to perform a new type of professional activity, the other - for obtaining additional qualifications. Professional retraining of specialists is carried out on the basis of higher and secondary vocational education. In accordance with the curriculum, an internship can be an integral part of professional retraining programs.

The level of education of specialists undergoing professional retraining must not be lower than the level of education required for a new type of professional activity or for obtaining additional qualifications.

The normative period for professional retraining of specialists to perform a new type of professional activity should be over 500 hours of classroom training.

Students enrolled in additional professional educational programs that improve the knowledge of specialists to perform a new type of professional activity, and who have passed the final state certification, receive professional retraining diplomas, which certify the right (qualifications) of a specialist to conduct professional activities in a particular area.

The normative period of professional retraining for specialists to obtain additional qualifications must be at least 1000 hours of labor intensity.

Students enrolled in additional professional educational programs to obtain additional qualifications by specialists and who have passed the state final certification receive diplomas of additional (higher) education or additional (secondary vocational) education, certifying the assignment of additional qualifications.

5.3.3. Advanced training (line 05) - updating the knowledge and skills of persons with vocational education, in connection with the increased requirements for the level of their qualifications and the need for them to master new ways of solving professional problems.

5.3.4. An internship for specialists (line 06) is carried out in order to form and consolidate in practice professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical training, provides for the study of advanced experience, the acquisition of professional and organizational skills to perform new professional duties.

The internship can be conducted both in the Russian Federation and abroad at enterprises (associations), in leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms and in executive authorities.

5.3.5. Vocational training (line 08) has the goal of accelerating the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job, a group of jobs (in accordance with Federal Law of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education"). Professional training is not accompanied by an increase in the educational level of the student. Professional training can be obtained in educational institutions and educational departments of organizations that have the appropriate licenses, as well as in the order of individual training from specialists (mentors) with appropriate qualifications, for whom an additional payment to wages for training employees is established. Mentoring training is specific to the “other employees” and “workers” categories of workers and is reported on line 10.

Additional vocational training - improving the skills of persons who have received vocational training.

5.3.6. Targeted courses (line 11) - a type of continuous vocational training for workers and employees, organized to study new technology, equipment, materials, technological processes, progressive forms of labor organization, labor legislation, rules for the technical operation of equipment, labor safety requirements, as well as questions, associated with improving product quality, and other issues aimed at solving specific technical, economic and other problems.

5.3.7. Additional professional education can be obtained in educational institutions: academies for advanced training and professional retraining; institutes for advanced training and professional retraining (higher school); intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining; training centers for advanced training and professional retraining (training centers for training workers in production); on refresher courses (at technical schools); in other educational institutions that implement additional educational programs of additional professional education.

6. Lines 12 to 15 ("In addition") include workers who have received basic vocational education (primary, secondary or higher) in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, regardless of whether it is the first or not.

The report on lines 12 to 15 does not include information on employees who independently (without raising funds from the organization) graduated from educational institutions in the reporting year that provide higher, secondary or primary vocational education.

7. In Help 1 to section 1, lines 16 to 18, respectively, are shown women, disabled people trained in additional vocational education programs, as well as persons at risk of dismissal and trained in order to acquire new professional skills to continue working in this organization, on lines 19 to 21 - the number of employees who have undergone training (from line 02, column 1) is distributed according to the forms of training: "with a break from work"; "on the job" (evening groups) and "part-time from work" (up to 3 working days a week).

8. In Help 2 to section 1 from line 03 of column 1, separately on line 24, employees trained using distance learning technologies are shown. According to lines 25 to 29, the number of employees trained in professional retraining, advanced training, internship programs, as well as in targeted courses, is distributed according to the volume of hourly workload of training completed: in targeted courses - up to 72 hours, in continuing education programs - from 72 to 500 hours, professional retraining - from 500 to 1000 hours and more. The duration of the internship, as an independent type of additional professional education, is set from 2 to 4 months (320 - 640 hours).

9. Section 2 (on the admission and departure of graduates) in lines 31 to 34 reflects the number of full-time graduates of educational institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education, regardless of whether it was not the first work in this organization.

Columns 1 and 2 show graduates of educational institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education, who graduated from these educational institutions in 2009 (the date of graduation from the corresponding educational institution is the date of issue of the diploma) and who were employed in 2009 and 2010.

Column 3 includes those dismissed in 2009 and 2010 on all grounds from among the 2009 graduates who were hired in this period.

Accordingly, columns 4 and 5 show graduates of 2010 who were hired in 2010, and of whom were dismissed in 2010.

Lines 32 to 34 show the number of graduates of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, who received in 2009, 2010. established diplomas on the appropriate level of professional education.

10. Section 3 provides data on labor migrants - citizens of the Republic of Belarus who temporarily stay and work in Russia in a manner that does not require a visa and migration card. Data on citizens of the Republic of Belarus working in the organization are not included:

Employees of legal entities (manufacturers or suppliers) of the Republic of Belarus performing installation (installation supervision) work, service and warranty maintenance, as well as post-warranty repairs of technical equipment supplied to the Russian Federation;

who are journalists accredited in the Russian Federation;

students studying in the Russian Federation in educational institutions of vocational education and performing work (providing services) during the holidays;

Students in the Russian Federation in educational institutions of vocational education and working in their free time as educational support personnel in those educational institutions in which they study;

invited to the Russian Federation as teachers to conduct classes in educational institutions.

Lines 41 through 44 show the number of citizens of the Republic of Belarus who worked, respectively, at the beginning of the year, hired in the reporting year, dismissed in the reporting year, who worked at the end of the reporting period: in column 2 - under a fixed-term employment contract, in column 3 - under a civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services). Moreover, each employee is shown as one unit, regardless of the term of the contract (duration of employment).

If an employee included in these lines 41 has entered into a new contract during the year, then he should not be included in these lines 42. An employee who has entered into more than one contract during the year is included in these lines 42 only once.

11. To control the correctness of filling out the form, it is necessary to take into account the hint for arithmetic control by columns and lines:

By graphsBy lines
Section 1
on lines 01, 08 to 16:on columns from 1 to 10:
gr. 1 \u003d sum of gr. 2 and 6 or gr. from 7page 01\u003e page 02;
10 each;page 02<= сумме стр. 03, 08, 11;
along lines 03 to 07:page 03<= сумме стр. с 04 по 06;
gr. 1 \u003d gr. 2;page 07<= стр. 03;
on lines 01 to 07, 11 to 16:page 09<= стр. 08;
gr. 2 \u003d sum of gr. from 3 to 5;page 10<= стр. 09;
on lines 08 to 10: gr. 2 \u003d gr. fivepage 12 \u003d sum of pages 13 to 15
In Help 1 to Section 1
p. 16, 17<= стр. 02, гр. 1, разд. 1;
the amount of pages 19 to 21\u003e \u003d page 02, gr. 1, sec. one
In Help 2 to Section 1
page 24<= стр. 03, гр. 1, разд. 1;
sum of lines from 25 to 29\u003e \u003d line 03 + line 11, gr. 1, sec. one
Section 2
on all lines 31 through 44:for all columns from 1 to 5:
amount gr. 1 and 2\u003e \u003d gr. 3;page 31 \u003d sum of pages 32 to 34
gr. 4\u003e \u003d gr. five
Section 3
on all lines 41 through 44:for all columns from 1 to 3:
gr. 1 \u003d sum of gr. 2 and 3p. 44 \u003d p. 41 + p. 42 - p. 43

Employers need a 1-personnel report form to send information about advanced training and employee training to Rosstat. Learn how to fill out this statistical form without errors in this article.

Document form

Statistical report form No. 1-personnel "Information on advanced training and professional training of employees of organizations" and instructions for filling it out was approved by order of Rosstat No. 554 dated September 28, 2016. In it, employers are required to provide information on training, advanced training and retraining of their employees.

The document consists of a title page and two sections. It can be sent to statistics bodies both on paper and in electronic form via telecommunication channels. You can download the statistical form 1-frames at the end of this article, as well as directly on the official website of Rosstat.

Obligation to submit form 1-frames

This personnel report must be completed and submitted to Rosstat by all legal entities, including non-profit organizations, if they are included in the sample for this year. You can find out exactly about your duty directly on the website of the statistics service using a special service. However, while some employers can theoretically be included in the sample, some cannot at all. For clarity, you can see them in the table:


The territorial departments of Rosstat are waiting for the 1-personnel report form filled out by the organization by February 3 of the year following the reporting year. It is not necessary to submit this document to Rosstat every year; its frequency is once every 3-4 years. Every year the statistics authorities form an updated list of respondents and send them notifications about the need to report.

Delivery methods

The organization has the right to send the report form to the territorial bodies of Rosstat in one of the following ways:

  • bring the document in person, directly to the territorial office of Rosstat;
  • send with the help of an authorized representative (with a formalized power of attorney);
  • send by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and a list of attachments;
  • submit by e-mail in electronic format (a qualified digital electronic signature is required for certification).

In the last two cases, the date of delivery will be the date of sending the reports.

Instructions for filling out the form 1-frames

As mentioned above, the form consists of the following three parts:

  • title page - it contains general information about the organization;
  • section 1 - a table in which data on employee training is entered;
  • reference 1 - contains information about the number of personnel in the context of certain categories of employees.

Let's take a closer look at a sample of filling out the 1-frames form in statistics for each of these parts.

Title page

It is necessary to indicate the full and abbreviated name of the legal entity submitting the report. Next, fill in the field intended to indicate the actual address of the location of the organization (its administration). If the actual address of the company (postal) does not coincide with the legal address indicated during registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you must indicate both of them. Next, the respondent must indicate the various codes. For these purposes, four columns are intended at once:

  • the first one already indicates the established OKUD code for statistical reporting on the vocational training of workers;
  • in the second column, it is necessary to enter the OKPO code assigned to the organization;
  • the next two fields are intended to indicate the identification numbers of separate subdivisions.

The title page looks like this:

Section 1: employee training

The table from section 1 must be filled in, adhering to certain rules from the instructions from the order of Rosstat. They relate to the entry of information on each line. We have collected explanations based on the instructions for filling in one table. In it you can see the line number and the decryption of the data that should be indicated in it.

When filling out, you need to pay special attention to some important nuances. In particular, only full-time employees (citizens with whom an employment contract has been concluded) should be included in the table. In addition, if the same employee is repeatedly sent for training during the reporting period, the information in the table for him needs to be indicated only once. Only the education that corresponds to the field of activity of the company is subject to accounting. Therefore, if your sales manager decided to become a teacher and is studying at a teacher training university, you do not need to include him in the 1-personnel form. But the training of one person in different programs should be noted all of them. For example, if a locksmith is at the same time taking courses to increase the category on the basis of an organization and at the same time receiving a higher education in engineering by correspondence.

If the organization has internal part-time workers, as well as persons working on a part-time basis, they must be counted in the form as one whole unit. Workers studying in several specialties must be entered on the form once on line 09.

Individuals with whom civil law contracts have been concluded should not be included in this report. To determine the belonging of all employees to one category or another (manager, specialist), the All-Russian Classifier (OKPDTR) is used, which has been in effect since 01.01.1996.

A correctly completed sheet of section 1 looks like this:

References 1-3

The third section of the 1-frames form contains three references. In column 1 of the certificate, you need to decipher the number of employees on the payroll in the following categories:

  • women;
  • disabled people;
  • persons who may face dismissal;
  • employees trained with distance technology.

In the second column of the certificate, you need to decipher the number of employees who have completed training, received education in the reporting year in the same categories. When filled, it will look like this:

The finished document must be signed by the head of the employing company. In the decryption of the signature, you must indicate his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the full title of the position. At the end, you must put the date of compilation, indicate the telephone number and email address of the respondent company.

Employer's responsibility

Now that you know how to fill out the 1-frames form for statistics, it's time to learn about liability for errors or delays. According to the norms article 13.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the firm for its failure or violation of the deadline for delivery can be brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of:

  • for the organization itself - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles;
  • for an authorized official (manager) - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

An example of filling out a 1-frames form should help to avoid mistakes, and therefore, to avoid responsibility for them. Indeed, in the event of a repeated violation, the amount of the fine may be increased.


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