Goblin Baba Yaga at school. The script of the matinee “Baba Yaga and Leshy against…. It will be not just a New, but a happy New Year

The script for the matinee "Baba Yaga and the Leshy against ..."

Characters : Snegurochka, Ded Moroz (DM), Blizzard, Baba Yaga (BY), Leshy.

A funny melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by a teacher, walk in a chain into the hall, where parents and other invited guests are waiting and stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

Appears Snowstorm, who will be the host of this holiday.

I tried, I was in a hurry to see you,

I covered everything with snow,

To make the tree sparkle

Decorated with lights

Our magic New Year.

Santa Claus is about to come.

In the meantime, we are waiting for him,

Let's start a round dance.

Song "Little Christmas tree"

To a New Year's song, children together with adults make two or three circles of a round dance. The presenter offers to look at the Christmas tree, admire beautiful toys, tinsel. The music stops, the children take their seats.

Blizzard:Everyone is happy with our beautiful green tree. But, no matter how hard I tried, the lights on it do not burn. Apparently, I cannot cope alone. Let's call the Snow Maiden for help. All in chorus several times: Sleep-g-roch-ka! The snowman cheers up to make it loud, fun. If it's quiet, let the adults join.

The Snow Maiden appears:

Snow Maiden: Hello my little friends! How smart you are, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights do not burn is not a problem. Let's say the magic words together: "One, two, three, New Year's tree, burn!"

All loudly in chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on.

Snow Maiden: Here the Christmas tree is sparkling, Santa Claus rushes to us on a sled. Who will read the poems to us?

Children take turns or stand in a ruler and read poems prepared in advance. The blizzard praises them and invites them to dance.

The song "We will now go to the left" sounds .

We must try to involve all children and willing adults in the dance.

Blizzard: How do you think, friends, is Santa Claus lost? Let's call him together. Everyone calls Santa Claus.

To the melody of ditties "Babok-Ezhek" from the cartoon "The Flying Ship" a colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshy. They drag a huge bag of gifts. In fact, it is filled with small airy or other light white balls. Baba Yaga has a kokoshnik on her head. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, and a staff.

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

BY: I am a Snow Maiden, and this is my Grandfather. Here we have a bag of gifts and we know how to amuse the kids.

To the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was" their cartoon "Well, wait a minute" begin to dance and actively invite children to take part in the general fun. Suddenly the music stops.

At this time, the Snowman comes to the bag, unties it and pours out the contents. There are snowballs in the bag instead of gifts!

Snowstorm: They deceived us and their staff is not real.

BY: No, it's real! Grandpa himself gave it to us when he decided to take a nap in the forest under the tree.

Snow Maiden: So you bewitched my grandfather, and he confused our tree with a forest beauty? Children, let's help the wizard! Let's play snowballs, he will feel how much fun we have, and will sooner find his way.

Snow battle ... By this time, two assistants had collected the scattered balls and divided them into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, ribbon, any strip. The teams are located randomly on both sides of the line and try to throw the maximum number of "snowballs" onto the enemy's territory. Snowman and Snegurochka provoke players. After 3-5 minutes the winner is determined, awarded with sweets or small prizes. The losing team also receives incentive prizes. Children sit in their seats.

At this time, any quietly begins to sound new year melody and appears Santa Claus with words:

I was in a hurry to the Christmas tree to the children,

But he got lost by accident.

Apparently the Leshy tried

And he bewitched me.

He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a staff a broom with a long handle. Goblin with Baba Yaga show concern, whisper. Trying to hide the sack and staff.

DM: Indeed, Leshy is here, and even with his girlfriend Baba Yaga. Come on, robbers, my magic staff, which you have deceived me! Take your broomstick, Bone Leg, fly to your hut on chicken legs, and take your friend.

BY: We'll return the staff if you can solve three riddles.

DM: Scared! Make your own riddles! My little friends crack them like nuts. Can you help me guess, guys?

After an affirmative answer, Baba Yaga voices the riddles, the children say the answer in chorus, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden thank them and treat them to sweets.

Riddle number 1:

Who is thorny, but not a hedgehog?

Tinsel, balls and rain

Glistening merrily in needles.

She came to us from the forest ... (Christmas tree).

Riddle number 2:

It only comes in winter

In a warm fur coat with a beard,

Sly look, burgundy nose.

It's old, but funny, kind ... (Grandfather Frost).

Riddle number 3:

Carrot nose does not freeze

He was used to the cold.

When spring comes, it will melt.

Who is it? .. (Snowman).

BY: Well, wow, you guessed everything!

DM: Yes, kids, thanks! The grandfathers helped out with their intelligence and ingenuity. Give back, Baba Yaga, the magic staff, take the broom and fly for yourself. (Change with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you can't let go of these deceivers, they have a bag of gifts.

Snowstorm: Return gifts immediately or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

BY: Okay, we'll return your gifts if the kids can show how smart and brave they are.

DM: What a challenge! Yes, these girls and boys will plug anyone in the belt. Let's show the forest scum what we are capable of? And for warm-up - dance. Raise our beauties and heroes, Snowman, and let's start dancing. Everyone dances to any funny melody and after a while they sit down in their places. During this time, assistants prepare inventory for the contests.

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Competition "Mittens"Collect a pair

DM: Well done, they tried, they made the old man laugh! Baba Yaga, Leshy, carry the sack. The kids were longing for gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, they ran away and took the bag with gifts with them.

DM: It doesn't matter, granddaughter! The magic staff is with me, which means it's fixable. At the same time, I will disenchant this evil. And one, and two, and three! My glorious staff, do wonders! (Strikes the floor with the staff three times).

Baba Yaga and Leshy appear and return the bag to Santa Claus. Them appearance has changed. Goblin in a forester's uniform cap. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquettishly tied handkerchief.

Leshy: I'm not a Leshy at all, but a forester. I will protect nature, teach mushroom pickers wisdom, plant new trees.

BY: I also thought about it and was going to open a restaurant in my hut. I will regale tired travelers with tea and buns.

DM: Well, fine! And we invite guests to circle around our beautiful Christmas tree

During the round dance, the heroes of the performance say goodbye to the little participants new Year's fairy tale and give them gifts.

Children, now we will receive gifts from Santa Claus.

Children enter the hall, walk around the hall, admire the Christmas tree, stand near the chairs in a semicircle and sit down (to the music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"), 3 children stand by the Christmas tree.

Leading: Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

1 child: Snow covered everything

Both trees and houses.

This means - it has come

Snow-white winter.

2 child: We will dress up the tree

In my garden.

We'll light on the tree

A bright star.

3 child: The round dance is cheerful

Let's lead together

Let's make a song ourselves

Let's sing ourselves.

Quick dance: "General New Year"

Leading: This winter day is frosty

The old year is gone.

New Year to meet him

Comes to us with gifts.

On a magical path

You can enter a fairy tale.

(Loud music sounds, rumbling, knocking, Baba Yaga and Leshy enters the hall on all fours. Baba Yaga drags a broom and a bucket by dragging).

Leshy: Oh, the old one killed, she killed.

Baba Yaga: Don't yell like that, the diesel fuel at the stupa has run out, it's okay, it happens. (Baba Yaga is trying to fix the stupa).

Leshy: As no big deal, we flew well low, otherwise the "Kayuk" would be.

Baba Yaga: "Kayuk", "Kayuk" was exhausted all over, I did not ask you, I flew myself, let's see what is going on in the forest on New Year's Eve.

Have you looked?

Leshy: Yeah, you'll look with you ... ... rushed like a madman, only the wind in my ears and whistled. She just kept saying: look, the smoke is pouring from the stupa. I've seen enough, now my eyes sting.

Baba Yaga: Get on the broom and fly to the "wroch".

Leshy: (frightened) to what "hand"?

Baba Yaga: How to what to this ... ..OPHTHALMOLOGIST.

Leshy: No, I'm not getting on your airplane.

Baba Yaga: Sit down said. (oh and the broom won't start)

(He drops it and sits down.)

(Looks around, see children, grab a broom, a bucket, rush, then hide behind a Christmas tree, come out calm).

Baba Yaga: Hello!

Leading: What a miracle

Excuse me, where are you from?

Something I'm looking at you

And I just don't know.

Baba Yaga: I will introduce myself now

I'm a girl - just class

And smart and cheerful

And beautiful and slender.

In general, I am the B-Yozhka.

Leshy: I am a forest dweller

People call me Leshy,

I am engaged in physical education

And I'm fond of poetry.

Baba Yaga: (points to the tree)

Look what kind of broom they have.

Leading: This is our guest tree.

New Year's holiday is here.

Baba Yaga: Something I don't see my grandfather

With a beard, dressed in a fur coat

And a bag of presents….

Has someone already fired?

Leading: We are all waiting for Santa Claus

We play, we sing songs.

Round dance: "Green Beauty"

Leshy: Yeah, love to play and sing.

And now have time to make movements with us, faster and faster.

Dance: "Grandma-Yozhka - look out the window"

Leading: What an interesting dance it was.

Thank you Baba Yaga and Leshy, well done.

Baba Yaga: We squirm here, play, and instead of gifts they sing songs. We all fly away ...

(sit on the broom)

(Music sounds, Pechkin appears.)

Pechkin: Hello guys, is the New Year celebrated here?

(Baba Yaga and Leshy return)

Pechkin: Here's a package for you, but I can't give it to you, because you don't have any documents. You won't prove to me that you are the senior group.

Leading: What to do, guys, what to do? (listen to children). And let's sing, Pechkin will make you feel good.

Song "Snowball".

Pechkin: You sing well, but I don't believe it. The older guys are good at guessing riddles. Guess it, I'll give you the package.

  1. When all the flowers have withered

We came from a height

We are like silver bees

We sat down on a thorny tree.

We flew to the fields

And the earth became white. (Snowball)

  1. Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk.

Sews down feather beds,

Scatters all the snowflakes. (Winter)

  1. The tablecloth is white

She dressed the whole world. (Snow)

  1. What a master without paints,

He painted the glass in the window. (Frost)

  1. It does not grow in summer, but in winter,

Grows upside down from the rooftop.


Pechkin: Well done. Keep your package (gives and leaves).

Leading: A package from Santa Claus, I wonder what's there?

Baba Yaga: Wait, wait, don't open, let's change. You give me a parcel, and I will give you gifts (takes out of the bag)

Here I have a dress, almost new, even the moth did not sit down, girls try it on.

And also the tablecloth is self-assembled, if you want ice cream, just tell me (shows a torn tablecloth).

A little worn out, darn it, don't you want?

And here's another frying pan, fry the kids (Leshy pushes Babu Yaga).

Baba Yaga: Oh, she didn't say that, she didn't. This, this is a mirror, yes a mirror. And what, clean and look yourself. Well, how do you like my gifts? Are you changing? (children's answer). Nooo, nooo…. (whistles, two robbers run in with pistols, shout, whistle, shoot).

1st robber: Did you call Yagusya?

Baba Yaga: She called, oh called, dear ones, they offended me, oh, those kids.

2nd Rogue: And we have them now bang - groin, oh-oh-oh.

Baba Yaga: No, you can't take these with your bare hands. Sly, brave, oh.

(The robbers hug, whisper).

1st Rogue: Are you strong? Are you brave? (Check)

Tug of war

2nd Rogue: (crying) They are invincible, deal with them yourself.

(robbers leave, embracing).

Leading: Well, are we opening the parcel?

(opens, reads the letter).

If you are tired of waiting for me,

And you're afraid you won't wait

Ring the bell

Migam I will rush to the holiday

Congratulations, with a gift.

Leading: Well guys, let's call Santa Claus? (rings the bell)

(The Snow Maiden appears)

Snow Maiden: Finally I came.

Finally I found you.

Hello guys.

I didn't come here just

I won't send here in vain

Happy New Year to you,

My dear friends.

Song "Tell us a Christmas tree a fairy tale".

Leading: Snegurochka, where is Santa Claus ???

Snow Maiden: I learned from the birch

What Santa Claus has

There are many different sweets

And gifts for children.

Only here is the trouble, our old man got lost and did not bring gifts. And in the forest there are a lot of snowdrifts, all the paths are covered with snow, everything is snowy around. Help Santa Claus find his way to the house.

Game "Take the chair"

(Baba-Yaga and Leshy are playing)

Game: (Take the chair)

Leading: Let's call out loud for Santa Claus (the bell rings, and the children shout).

Santa Claus: (shouts from behind the door). Ay-ay - stuck in the snow.

Leshy: (the goblin pulls out the rope, throws it out the door, pulls Santa Claus). Now - now grandfather, I will help. Take your Santa Claus, and we are leaving (Leaving).

Santa Claus: I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest,

Don't hide your nose from me

I'm kind today.

I remember exactly a year ago

I saw these guys

Oh, how much have grown

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

Hungry for me !?

Snow Maiden: Yes Santa Claus,

We all bored to tears.

Santa Claus: Oh, what a tree you have, tall, slender, beautiful. Only trouble, it does not burn at all. Now we will fix everything.

Well, start up the tree,

Come on Christmas tree, smile

Well Christmas tree 1,2,3,

Burn with the light of joy.

Song "About Santa Claus".

Santa Claus: Let me go, little children

Because I love to dance

More than anyone else in the world.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, and the guys also love to dance.

Dance "New Years"

Santa Claus: Oh and danced great

I see not even tired

So let's not rest

And we will continue to play.

(Baba Yaga and Leshy enters).

Baba Yaga: Oh, we are back to check you, how you deftly know how to hit the target.

Game "Hit the Target"

(throwing snowballs into a mortar).

Santa Claus: Oh, how hot it got in the hall

How nice we played

And now you kids

(Several children recite poetry.)

Santa Claus: I sat up for something, it's time to dance.

Dance "White Blizzard"

Santa Claus: Well, the bones are kneaded, and now I want to listen to some rhymes.

Dance "There was a cheerful Santa Claus"

Santa Claus: You have a good Christmas tree in the garden,

But many are waiting for Santa Claus now

And it's time for me to go to the other guys.


Have I forgotten anything? (presents).

Santa Claus: I conjured for you

And I collected gifts

Snowball, roll quickly

To please the children.

Larisa Todorashko


Baba Yaga(BYA, Leshy

I tried, I was in a hurry to see you,

I covered everything with snow,

To make the tree sparkle

Decorated with lights

Our magical New Year.

Santa Claus is about to come.

In the meantime, we are waiting for him,

Let's start a round dance.

Under new year


All in chorus a few time:

The Snow Maiden appears:

the words: "One, two, three, tree new year, burn! "

Snow Maiden

Who will read poems to us

The song is playing "Bells"


Everyone calls Santa Claus.

To the melody of ditties "Babok-Ezhek" from cartoon "Flying ship" a colorful couple: Baba Yaga and Goblin.

... Snow Maiden:

Who are you?

their cartoon "Wait for it"

Snow Maiden:

enemy maximum amount "Snowballs".

new year melody and appears

Santa Claus



: Indeed, Goblin here

After an affirmative answer


Riddle number 1 (Christmas tree).

Riddle number 2 (Santa Claus)

... Riddle number 3 (Snowman).

Well, you guessed everything!

Give it back Baba Yaga (Exchanged with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:


And for warm-up - dance.


On the contrary

Christmas garland "Garland" it is impossible.

Baba Yaga, Leshy

Snow Maiden:


Appear Baba Yaga, Leshy Leshy Baba Yaga with makeup


I'm not at all Leshy


new year

Snow swirls outside the window.

The Christmas tree is on fire.

This means - Santa Claus

hurries to every house / Ira /

I will meet him

Songs, rhymes.

I won't let him get bored

To stay with us! /Denis/

Very bright and beautiful

Our Christmas tree is on fire

From above the star shines

And the kids are amused. / Savely /

Together with Santa Claus

Everybody dance and sing

New Year is a fun holiday

Laughter and happiness will come to us!

What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance

This is a tree and gifts

These are songs, these are dances.

And cheerful Santa Claus

Christmas tree adorable

Magic, wonderful,

With fluffy needles,

With fragrant branches! / Armen /

She stands smart,

Not ordinary at all

All in luxury, beautiful,

Green, happy! / Fedya /

We did not sleep tonight

Christmas tree was decorated for a long time:

Balls, candies, beads,

Everything was hung up with taste!

Soon Santa Claus will come

Will bring us gifts!

I won't go to sleep today

I will celebrate the New Year,

And merry Frost

Wait at the door. / Sofia /

This is the height

Such is the beauty:

Like our Christmas tree,

There are needles in silver

Colorful balloons -

Through the snowdrifts to every house

Santa Claus comes with a bag

I know exactly what will come

New Year is knocking at the door

A fairy tale comes to your house,

Get presents soon

Smile and sing a song! / Misha /

Let's sing and have fun

We will eat tangerines

Snow crunches underfoot

Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit,

We are waiting for him so much

We will dance with him and sing!

We hung on the tree

Colorful balloons,

Wait for the holiday too long

New Year's for kids! /Arthur/

I will prepare crackers

Christmas toys,

I will decorate the tree

New Year's Eve sit and wait!


Snow swirls outside the window

We brought the tree to the house

The balls were hung -

It was fun right away!


Snow Maiden, Santa Claus (DM, Snowman, Baba Yaga(BYA, Leshy

A funny melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by a teacher, walk in a chain into the hall, where parents and other invited guests are waiting and stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

The Snowman appears, who will be the host of this holiday.

I tried, I was in a hurry to see you,

I covered everything with snow,

To make the tree sparkle

Decorated with lights

Our magical New Year.

Santa Claus is about to come.

In the meantime, we are waiting for him,

Let's start a round dance.

Under new year children do two or three rounds of a round dance, adults can also join.

The presenter offers to look at the Christmas tree, admire beautiful toys, tinsel. The music stops, the children take their seats.


Everyone is happy with our beautiful green tree. But, no matter how hard I tried, the lights on it do not burn. Apparently, I cannot cope alone. Let's call the Snow Maiden for help.

All in chorus a few time:

Sleep-hoo-roch-ka! The snowman cheers up to make it loud, fun. If it's quiet, let the adults join.

The Snow Maiden appears:

Hello my little friends! How smart you are, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights do not burn is not a problem. Let's say magic together the words: "One, two, three, tree new year, burn! "

All loudly in chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on.

Snow Maiden

So the Christmas tree is sparkling, Santa Claus is rushing to us on a sled.

Who will read poems to us

Or will she dance cleverly? Children take turns or stand in a ruler and read poems prepared in advance.

The snowman praises them and invites them to dance.

The song is playing "Bells" or another of your choice. We must try to involve all children and willing adults in the dance.


How do you think, friends, is Santa Claus lost? Let's call him together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus.

To the melody of ditties "Babok-Ezhek" from cartoon "Flying ship" a colorful couple: Baba Yaga and Goblin.

They drag a huge bag of gifts. In fact, it is filled with small airy or other light white balls.

Baba Yaga has a kokoshnik on her head. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, and a staff

... Snow Maiden:

Who are you?

I am the Snow Maiden, and this is my Grandfather. Here we have a bag of gifts and we know how to amuse the kids. To the song "Tell me, Snegurochka, where was you" their cartoon "Wait for it" begin to dance and actively invite children to take part in the general fun. Suddenly the music stops.

The snowman walks up to the bag, unties it and empties the contents. There are snowballs in the bag instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real.

No, it's real! Grandpa himself gave it to us when he decided to take a nap in the forest under the tree.

Snow Maiden:

So you bewitched my grandfather and he confused our tree with a forest beauty?

Children, let's help Santa Claus! Let's play snowballs, he will feel how much fun we have, and will sooner find his way. Snowy battle. By this time, two assistants in costumes of hares or buffoons had collected the scattered balls and divided them into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, ribbon, any strip. Teams are located randomly on both sides of the line and try to transfer to the territory enemy maximum amount "Snowballs".

Snowman and Snegurochka provoke players. After 3-5 minutes the winner is determined, awarded with sweets or small prizes. The losing team also receives incentive prizes.

Children sit in their seats. At this time, any quietly begins to sound new year melody and appears

Santa Claus

I was in a hurry to the Christmas tree to the children, But I accidentally got lost. It is seen Leshy tried And bewitched me. He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a staff a broom with a long handle.

Leshy with Baba Yaga, they show concern, whisper. Trying to hide the bag and staff.

: Indeed, Goblin here, and even with his girlfriend Baba Yaga. Come on, robbers, my magic staff, which you have deceived me!

Take your broomstick, Bone Leg, fly to your hut on chicken legs, and take your friend.

Let's return the staff if you can solve three riddles.

Scared! Make your own riddles! My little friends crack them like nuts. Can you help me guess, guys?

After an affirmative answer

Woman Yaga voices riddles, children say the answer in chorus, Santa Claus and Snegurochka thank them and treat them to sweets.

Riddle number 1: Who is prickly, but not a hedgehog? Tinsel, balls and rain Glitter merrily in needles. From the forest came to us (Christmas tree).

Riddle number 2: He comes only in winter, In a warm fur coat with a beard, Sly look, burgundy nose. It's old, but funny, kind ... (Santa Claus)

... Riddle number 3: Carrot nose does not freeze, He is used to cold weather. When spring comes, it will melt. Who is it?. (Snowman).

Well, you guessed everything!

Yes, kids, thanks! They helped out grandfather with their intelligence and ingenuity.

Give it back Baba Yaga, magic staff, take the broom and fly yourself. (Exchanged with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, you can't let go of these deceivers, they have a bag of gifts.


Return gifts immediately or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

Okay, we'll return your gifts if the kids can show how smart and brave they are.

What a challenge! Yes, these girls and boys will plug anyone in the belt. Let's show the forest scum what we are capable of?

And for warm-up - dance.

Raise our beauties and heroes, Snowman, and let's start dancing. Everyone dances to any funny melody and after a while they sit down in their places.

During this time, assistants prepare inventory for the contests. You will need 2 chairs, 2 pairs of small skis, "icicle" from silver foil. The snowman is in charge of the contests, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden reward the participants with sweets, trying not to bypass anyone.

Magic icicle. To the music, the children stand in a circle and pass the icicle to each other. The music is periodically interrupted, and the one who has an icicle at that moment recites a rhyme, sings, dances, or at least makes a funny face.

Ski race. Participants are divided into two teams and receive a pair of short children's skis. On the contrary each team is set at some distance on a chair. Having put on skis, you need to run around the chair, return and pass the baton to the next one. Babies may need adult help.

Christmas garland... It will take two chairs and the same number of teams. The first participants, having heard the signal, run, bend around the chair, returning to their team, drag the next one by the hand and do the same together. Then a third participant is added to the chain, the fourth, until the last player. Gotta run, hold hands, tear "Garland" it is impossible.

Everyone goes to their places, assistants clean up the inventory.

Well done, they tried, they made the old man laugh! Baba Yaga, Leshy, carry a bag. The kids were longing for gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, they ran away and took the bag of gifts with them.

It doesn't matter, granddaughter! The magic staff is with me, which means it's fixable. At the same time, I will disenchant this evil.

And one, and two, and three! My glorious staff, do wonders! (Strikes the floor with the staff three times).

Appear Baba Yaga, Leshy and return the bag to Santa Claus. Their appearance has changed. Leshy in a forester's uniform cap. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquettishly tied handkerchief.


I'm not at all Leshy, and the forester. I will protect nature, teach mushroom pickers wisdom, plant new trees.

I also thought about it and was going to open a restaurant in my hut. I will regale tired travelers with tea and buns.

DM: Well, fine! And we invite guests to circle around our beautiful Christmas tree and receive gifts from Santa Claus.

During the round dance, the heroes of the performance say goodbye to the little participants new year fairy tales and give them gifts. Scenario New Year's party 2018 in kindergarten

Snow swirls outside the window.

The Christmas tree is on fire.

This means - Santa Claus

hurries to every house / Ira /

I will meet him

Songs, rhymes.

I won't let him get bored

To stay with us! /Denis/

Very bright and beautiful

Our Christmas tree is on fire

From above the star shines

And the kids are amused. / Savely /

Together with Santa Claus

Everybody dance and sing

New Year is a fun holiday

Laughter and happiness will come to us!

What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance

This is a tree and gifts

These are songs, these are dances.

And cheerful Santa Claus

Cheers children to tears. / Adeline

Christmas tree adorable

Magic, wonderful,

With fluffy needles,

With fragrant branches! / Armen /

She stands smart,

Not ordinary at all

All in luxury, beautiful,

Green, happy! / Fedya /

We did not sleep tonight

Christmas tree was decorated for a long time:

Balls, candies, beads,

Everything was hung up with taste!

Soon Santa Claus will come

Will bring us gifts!

I won't go to sleep today

I will celebrate the New Year,

And merry Frost

Wait at the door. / Sofia /

This is the height

Such is the beauty:

Like our Christmas tree,

There are needles in silver

Colorful balloons -

All for joy - kids / Andrey /

Through the snowdrifts to every house

Santa Claus comes with a bag

I know exactly what will come

He comes to me for the New Year. /Alyona/

New Year is knocking at the door

A fairy tale comes to your house,

Get presents soon

Smile and sing a song! / Misha /

Let's sing and have fun

On a glorious holiday, on the New Year.

We will eat tangerines

And drink strawberry compote. / Dasha /

Snow crunches underfoot

Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit,

We are waiting for him so much

We will dance with him and sing!

We hung on the tree

Colorful balloons,

Wait for the holiday too long

New Year's for kids! /Arthur/

I will prepare crackers

Christmas toys,

I will decorate the tree

New Year's Eve sit and wait!


Snow swirls outside the window

We brought the tree to the house

The balls were hung -

It was fun right away!

Composed by: Teacher primary grades Nikitina N.M. The tricks of Baba Yaga and Leshy at the New Year tree. Characters: Snegurochka, Ded Moroz, Baba Yaga, Leshy. Leading. We opened the doors To our spacious hall, And everyone saw the forest guest! Tall, beautiful, green, slender, She shines with different lights! Isn't she a beauty? We all like the tree! New Year brought us funny ideas! With a cheerful ringing song Let's start our round dance. Song "Little Christmas tree". Leading. Oh guys, what am I hearing? It seems they are coming here! Well, let's clap more fun, Let them find us soon. (Baba Yaga enters, says). Baba Yaga. Oh, my life is boring, There is no one to dine with. That would come, children, to see Grandma. -Where did I come? Leading. Who are you? Baba Yaga. I am called Baba Yaga And I don't cry about that, I have a mortar and a broom And a devil to boot! Goblin! Deaf or what? Leshy, where are you? (Appears from behind the tree Leshy). Leshy. Why screamed? Here am I. Well, the frost, chilled to the bone. And why are there so many people in our fairy forest? And an elegant tree? What kind of holiday? Leading. Of course a holiday! New Year. Baba Yaga. A Christmas tree was born in the forest For grandmother-yaga And with Lesh we on New Year's We came to that tree. (spinning around, Baba Yaga steps on Leshem's leg). Leshy. I crushed my leg! Ooh! Painfully! Baba Yaga. ABOUT! Whining again! And when you just stop whining, even run from the forest! You better tell me, you thought today, how can we ruin our holiday? Not? That's it! Did you start to whine? Wow! (swings the broom). Leshy. What are you, what are you old? What is there to think about! We've been trying for a year, but nothing comes of it. Remember how we ran last year. As in his youth, 500 years ago. I already lost my boots. I look, mulberry himself, but no boots! Baba Yaga. Oh you, warrior! Look at me, old woman. I am already 780 years old, and I am still young, mischievous! Leshy. Bragged! Ugh. It's disgusting to look. Let’s think, how so what? Baba Yaga. Well, actually, I am cunning And I am strong for inventions, But the sutra does not work for me today. Leshy. It didn’t matter, Eat a frog from the pond, There is no more reliable medicine, Than the natural environment. Is it really true that they will succeed with the holiday. I'll pull out all my teeth out of anger. Baba Yaga. Not allowed. I think I came up with it. Only s-s! And then these can hear, interfere. Leshy. These? No, these can't! But still let's go. (Leave). The Snow Maiden appears. Snow Maiden. Oh, how many children and girls and boys! Hello! Winter threats are not terrible, I am not afraid of a blizzard! Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost I am called the Snow Maiden! That's a Christmas tree, a wonderful tree! All toys are good! Did you dance near the festive Christmas tree, kids? Children. Yes! Leading. Snow Maiden, it's good that you came to us. Snow Maiden. And I came to you not alone, but together with my snowflake friends. Dance of the Snowflakes. Snow Maiden. Stand in a circle, guys, Hold your hands tight. We will sing about the Christmas tree, We will sing about the beauty. Song "Fir-tree-beauty". Words and music by E. M. Lagutina. Leading. Snow Maiden? We have a question for you: Where is Santa Claus? Snow Maiden. As usual. Oh, grandpa, he's always late! And he will definitely find an excuse: Either he saves a bunny from a wolf, then he cannot choose a Christmas tree suitable for the holiday. What do we do? Do you know what? We will not wait for our dear Santa Claus, let's start our holiday! (Baba Yaga and Leshy jump out). Baba Yaga. Let's. Snow Maiden. Let's go what? Leshy. Let's start our holiday! Snow Maiden. Our holiday? But this is ours, not yours. I don’t know who I’m talking to at all. I don't think you are in the script. Baba Yaga. It's right! Not yet ... but soon we will! And you, girl, I cross out from the script. Snow Maiden. Allow me! But you cannot do this! There is simply no New Year's holidays without me! I'm a Snow Maiden! Hear! Sleep-hoo-roch-ka! Leshy. This will be the first New Year's holiday that will take place without your participation. Snow Maiden. What do you allow yourself? You ... you. Baba Yaga. I allow what is needed! You can be free! Come out! That is, disappear! Well, what else can I say? Snow Maiden. You're out of your mind! Santa Claus is coming here now. He'll suit you. Baba Yaga. How tired of you! I don't want to listen to you anymore! You don't know yet who you are talking to! Well, freeze! (Baba Yaga makes a witchcraft movement around the face of the Snow Maiden and she loses her speech and ability to move. The Snow Maiden freezes in place). Snow Maiden. Oh! Leshy. Duck-duck-duck-duck ... (The Snow Maiden slowly moves after Leshim, he takes her out of the hall). Baba Yaga. So, 1: 0 in our favor! Bewitched, frozen! Now you can have fun. Well guys, let's have some fun? Song about Santa Claus. (Children sing a song about Santa Claus). Santa Claus enters. (Leshy and Baba Yaga are hiding behind the tree). Santa Claus. Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! Here I am! Sorry I'm late. He saved the hare from the wolf. Leshy. Well done! Santa Claus. I also forgot the bag with gifts. I had to go back. Baba Yaga. Yah? Got the bag? Santa Claus. Sure. Baba Yaga. Then give it to me. (Santa Claus turns around). Santa Claus. Who are you? And where is Snegurochka? Baba Yaga. I am Baba Yaga. And your Snow Maiden is resting. I froze it. Santa Claus. Frozen? How could you? Snow Maiden is not afraid of frost. Baba Yaga. She is not afraid of your frost! Santa Claus. How dare you? Santa Claus is me, and only I can freeze! Baba Yaga. I can do it too! If you want, I can freeze you too! Santa Claus. Me? Santa Claus? Baba Yaga. But not! Freeze! Ugh! Did not work out! Santa Claus. That's it! Now it's my turn to conjure! Freeze! (He knocks with his staff). Baba Yaga. Na-kasya! Will not work! Freeze yourself! (shows Santa Claus a fig). Santa Claus. No, you freeze! Bring your granddaughter back! Give it back immediately! Baba Yaga. Okay. I will, but on condition that you amuse us. And then the Snow Maiden is yours. Santa Claus. Well, okay ... Come on guys, let's show how we can have fun. We will sing our favorite song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. Santa Claus. Well done, we sang well. So, have we amused you? Baba Yaga. What more. We will sing like that ourselves. (singing with Leshim). The Witch was born in the forest. She grew up in the forest. For the New Year will give all of you Donkey Ears. Santa Claus. What then is to be done? Maybe we can dance? Baba Yaga. Come on, come on. Entertain us! Leshy. The Snow Maiden is still with us! Dance "Sweets". Santa Claus. Are you good honey? Fun? How about the Snow Maiden? Baba Yaga. No way! It's even more fun with monkeys. Santa Claus. With monkeys? We don't have them. Baba Yaga. Now they will. Hey you! Do you know how to make faces? Do you have wonderful poses? Repeat after us. Do whatever we say. We are funny monkeys! We play too loud! We all clap our hands! We stamp all our feet! Inflate your cheeks! Let's jump on our toes! And we will even show each other the tongues! Let's stick out our ears! A ponytail on top of your head! Let's bring a finger to your temple! Let's jump to the ceiling! Open your mouth wider And make grimaces all. One two Three. All with grimaces freeze. (The participant with the most successful grimace is chosen and prose is handed over). Santa Claus. Well? Are you having fun? Baba Yaga. Monkeys are good. Okay, let's give you the Snow Maiden. Leshy. Yes, and we are not evil, we just wanted to have fun, but we are not allowed to the holiday. They are afraid that we will jinx it. (Baba Yaga brings the Snow Maiden). Snow Maiden. Granddad! Sweet! I'm so glad to see you again! Has the holiday already begun? Santa Claus. I am afraid, granddaughter, that it is already ending. Snow Maiden. Have the children read poetry to you? (not). And now we kids, it's time to read poetry! Children read poetry. Leshy. I will also read a rhyme, I also want a gift. (stands on a chair). Santa Claus, Santa Claus, brought a Christmas tree for the Children ... Baba Yaga. How do you read? How do you read? Leshy. What? Baba Yaga. Poems should be read under the Christmas tree, and you are above the Christmas tree. So go under the tree. Leshy. Well, I'll try. (lies under the tree). Santa Claus, Santa Claus, brought the Christmas tree to the kids! Give the prize more quickly, I didn't freeze the pack to the floor! (rises). What a cold! Need to light something! Snow Maiden. Grandpa, let's light the tree. Baba Yaga and the goblin. Come on and we have matches. (Lights a sparkler candle). Santa Claus. Yes, not a Christmas tree, but we will light the lights on the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga and Leshy. In vain! Santa Claus. After me, guys, repeat my simple words: "One, two, three, Light our Christmas tree lights." Song. "Round dance at the Christmas tree". Baba Yaga. Santa Claus, can we play? Santa Claus. Well, let's play. Ring the bell game. (There is a bell on the chair. Children from different sides run around the tree. The first one rings the bell). Snow Maiden. And now it's the turn of the carnival costume parade. (rewarding). All the heroes come out. Snow Maiden. The time has come for us to part, But in the New Year I will certainly come to you on the tree. Sparkle, our tree, in full view, I wish you happiness in the New Year. Baba Yaga. We wish everyone health, happiness, joy, warmth. Well, and the fairy-tale heroes In a fairy-tale all have long gone. Leshy. And the coming New Year May it be good for you, And believe that heaven is preparing miracles for you. Santa Claus. The moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief, We tell you ... Goodbye. Until a happy new meeting! Snow Maiden. Granddad! Have you forgotten anything? Where are the gifts for the kids? Santa Claus. I conjured up for you And collected presents, And put them under the tree, Yes, under which, I forgot. You guys help. Yes, find the gifts. (Gifts are distributed).

Scenario new Year's party "Baba Yaga and Leshy against ..."
Characters: Snegurochka, Ded Moroz (DM), Snowman, Baba Yaga (BY), Leshy.
A funny melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by a teacher, walk in a chain into the hall, where parents and other invited guests are waiting and stand in a semicircle near the Christmas tree. The Snowman appears, who will be the host of this holiday.
Snowman: I tried, I was in a hurry to visit you, I covered everything with snow so that the Christmas tree sparkled and decorated with lights. Our magical New Year. Santa Claus is about to come. In the meantime, we are waiting for him, we will begin to drive a round dance!
To a New Year's song, children do two or three circles of a round dance, adults can also join.
Snowman: Our green beauty tree is good for everyone. But, no matter how hard I tried, the lights on it do not burn. Apparently, I cannot cope alone. Let's call the Snow Maiden for help. All in chorus several times: Sleep-g-roch-ka! The snowman cheers up to make it loud, fun. If it's quiet, let the adults join.
The Snow Maiden appears: Hello, my little friends! How smart you are, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights do not burn is not a problem. Let's say the magic words together: "One, two, three, New Year's tree, burn!" All loudly in chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on.
The Snow Maiden continues: So the Christmas tree is sparkling, Santa Claus is rushing towards us on a sled. Who will read the poems to us Or cleverly dance a dance?
Children take turns or stand in a ruler and read poems prepared in advance. The host praises them and invites them to dance.
The song "Ice Palms" or another song of your choice is played. We must try to involve all children and willing adults in the dance.
Snowman: How do you think, friends, is Santa Claus lost? Let's call him together. Everyone calls Santa Claus.
To the melody of the ditties "Babok-Ezhek" from the cartoon "The Flying Ship" a colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshy. They drag a huge bag of gifts. In fact, it is filled with small airy or other light white balls. Baba Yaga has a kokoshnik on her head. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, and a staff.
Snegurochka: Who are you?
BY: I am a Snow Maiden, and this is my Grandfather. Here we have a bag of gifts and we know how to amuse the kids. To the song “Tell me, Snegurochka, where have you been” from their cartoon “Well, wait a minute,” they begin to dance and actively invite children to take part in the general fun. Suddenly the music stops. At that time:
The snowman walks up to the bag, unties it and empties the contents. There are snowballs in the bag instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real!
BY: No, the real one! Grandpa himself gave it to us when he decided to take a nap in the forest under the tree.
Snow Maiden: So you bewitched my grandfather, and he confused our tree with a forest beauty? Children, let's help the wizard! Let's play snowballs, he will feel how fun it is with us, and will sooner find his way (number). At this time, any New Year's melody quietly begins to sound and Santa Claus appears.
Santa Claus with the words: I was in a hurry to the Christmas tree to the children, but accidentally got lost. Apparently Goblin tried And bewitched me. He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a staff a broom with a long handle. Goblin with Baba Yaga show concern, whisper. Trying to hide the bag and staff.
DM: Really, Leshy is here, and even with his girlfriend Baba Yaga. Come on, robbers, my magic staff, which you have deceived me! Take your broomstick, Bone Leg, fly to your hut on chicken legs, and take your friend.
BY: Let's return the staff if you can solve three riddles.
DM: Scared! Make your own riddles! My little friends crack them like nuts. Can you help me guess, guys? After an affirmative answer, Baba Yaga voices the riddles, the children say the answer in chorus, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden thank them and treat them to sweets.
Riddle number 1: Who is prickly, but not a hedgehog? Tinsel, balls and rain Glitter merrily in needles. She came to us from the forest ... (Christmas tree). Riddle number 2: He comes only in winter, In a warm fur coat with a beard, Sly look, burgundy nose. It's old, but funny, kind ... (Grandfather Frost). Riddle number 3: The carrot nose does not freeze, He is used to the cold. When spring comes, it will melt. Who is it? .. (Snowman).
BY: Well, you must have guessed everything!
JM: yeah kids, thanks! The grandfathers helped out with their intelligence and ingenuity. Give back, Baba Yaga, the magic staff, take the broom and fly for yourself. (Change with staff and broom).
Snegurochka: Grandpa, these deceivers cannot be let go, they have a bag of gifts.
Snowman: Return gifts immediately or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!
BY: Okay, we'll return your gifts if the kids can show how smart and brave they are.
DM: What a challenge! Yes, these girls and boys will plug anyone in the belt. Let's show the forest scum what we are capable of? And for warm-up - dance. Raise, Snowman, our beauties and heroes and let's start dancing. (Dance)
DM: Well done, they did their best, made the old man laugh! Baba Yaga, Leshy, carry the sack. The kids were longing for gifts.
Snegurochka: Grandpa, they ran away and took the bag with gifts with them.
DM: It doesn't matter, granddaughter! The magic staff is with me, which means it's fixable. At the same time, I will unleash this evil spirits. And one, and two, and three! My glorious staff, do wonders! (Strikes the floor with the staff three times). Baba Yaga and Leshy appear and return the bag to Santa Claus. Their appearance has changed. Goblin in a forester's uniform cap. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquettishly tied handkerchief.
Leshy: I'm no longer a Leshy, but a forester. I will protect nature, teach mushroom pickers to wits, plant new trees
BY: I also thought about it and gathered to bake pies in my hut, I will regale tired travelers with tea and pies.
DM: That's great! And now we invite everyone to circle around our beautiful Christmas tree.


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