Presentation "preparation for the exam." Mastering the Unified State Examination Technology

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1 slide

Description of the slide:

How to prepare psychologically - Begin to prepare for exams in advance, little by little, in parts, keeping calm. - If it is very difficult to gather strength and thoughts, try to remember first the easiest, and then proceed to the study of difficult material. - Perform exercises daily that help relieve internal stress, fatigue, and achieve relaxation. - Get ready for the exam, mentally draw yourself a picture of triumph. Never think that you will not cope with the task. In order not to lose one's head in a crisis situation, it is necessary not to set super-tasks for achieving the super-goal. Do not wait until the situation becomes catastrophic.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

What to do if your eyes are tired. Perform any two exercises: - look alternately up and down (25 seconds), left - right (15 seconds); - write with your eyes your first name, middle name, last name; - alternately fix your eyes on a distant object (20 seconds), then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 seconds); - draw a square, a triangle - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. In preparation for exams, eye strain increases. If your eyes are tired, then your body is tired: he may not have enough strength to complete the examination task. It is necessary to make the eyes rest.

3 slide

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Place for classes - Organize your workspace correctly. Remove unnecessary things from the table, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, test material, paper, pencils. - Put objects or a picture in yellow and purple on the table, as these colors increase intellectual activity.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Menus of products that will help to focus the attention of Prawns - will not allow attention to weaken. REPEATED BOW - helps with overwork or mental fatigue. NUTS - strengthen the nervous system, stimulate brain activity. The menu of products that will help to successfully nibble the granite of the science of Cabbage - relieves nervousness of LEMON - refreshes thoughts and facilitates the perception of information. Blueberries - promotes blood circulation in the brain. The influence of food on emotions PAPRICA - contributes to the release of the "harmony of happiness" - endorphin. STRAWBERRY - quickly neutralizes negative emotions. BANANAS contain serotonin - a substance that the brain needs to signal: "You are happy."

7 slide

Description of the slide:

On the eve of the exam Do not repeat the material in order, repeat difficult questions. Imagine the exam situation in all colors, with all the feelings and emotions. When preparing for the exam, don’t think about failure, it destroys you! Get enough sleep before the exam. You need to get up rested, healthy, full of strength and energy.

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Slide 1

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" It is very important to help the child in organizing the daily regimen, as children themselves often neglect simple hygiene rules.

Slide 2

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" For normal health and good performance it is necessary that the child sleep. Sometimes children, in a hurry to learn as much as possible, neglect sleep, study at night, after which they get tired faster, become irritable and restless.

Slide 3

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR AN EXAM" WAVE The fact is that there is a certain level of excitement that is optimal for organizing activities. If the child is not worried, he does nothing. A very high level of excitement, on the contrary, leads to stupor, interferes with activities. All efforts go to cope with excitement. Exams - the situation is really serious, but not outrageous. The feeling of the great importance of the exam does not stimulate the child, but, on the contrary, impedes preparation. In this case, the significance of the situation should be slightly reduced. If the child understands that even in case of failure the world will not collapse and life will continue, this helps him to feel more confident. Finally, it is very important to understand what kind of help your child needs. You can find out what a child needs only by asking him: “How can I help you?”

Slide 4

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" POSSIBLE PSYCHOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES The unified state exam has a number of features. These features can cause various difficulties for graduates. These difficulties can be divided into several groups, depending on what they are associated with, briefly describe them and outline the main ways of prevention.

Slide 5

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" Cognitive difficulties. These are the difficulties associated with the features of information processing, with the specifics of working with test tasks. The exam procedure requires a special activity strategy: the student needs to determine for himself what tasks and in what proportion he will perform. Thus, in order to overcome cognitive difficulties, it is necessary to move in two directions: to master the skills of working with tests; help the graduate to develop an individual activity strategy.

Slide 6

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" Personal difficulties. These difficulties are caused by the student’s perception of the exam situation, his subjective reactions and conditions. First of all, the exam situation itself is stressful. On the exam, the student must demonstrate his knowledge for a limited amount of time. The stress on the exam is related to the fact that this procedure is directly related to the self-esteem of the teenager: how smart am I, how much can I cope with the tasks offered to me?

Slide 7

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" Anxiety is a very energy-intensive activity. The more the child is worried, the less energy he has left for learning activities. Therefore, overcoming personal difficulties should primarily be aimed at reducing anxiety.

Slide 8

"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" Procedural difficulties. These are problems that are associated with the exam procedure itself. 1) Difficulties associated with the specifics of recording responses. 2) Difficulties with coding-decoding information. 3) Difficulties associated with the unusual role of an adult. 4) Difficulties associated with the criteria for evaluating the response. The contrast with the usual test procedures is really great. 5) Difficulties associated with ignorance of their rights and obligations. The exam represents the graduate a much more active position than the traditional school system. Typically, students do not have the right to evaluate the content of the assignment they are offering and, moreover, to dispute the assessments they receive, while the exam procedure assumes these opportunities.

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"HOW TO HELP A CHILD PREPARE FOR THE EXAM" In order to provide complete psychological preparation, it is very important to combine the forces of the parties involved: graduates, teachers, parents. The psychological preparation of graduates for the Unified State Examination should consist of several components: 1. Front-line preparation of students, providing them with the necessary information about the rules and norms of the exam procedure and aimed at developing an individual work style. 2. The development of individual support strategies for specific students, taking into account their individual characteristics. 3. Attracting parents: introducing them to the specifics of the exam.

Principled feature preparation for the exam

Joint, collective work of the school and the teacher, the graduate and his parents in preparation for the exam:

  • participation of all three stakeholders in each stage of preparation;
  • pooling of resources;
  • coordination of actions;
  • clear distribution of roles

Stages of preparing a graduate for the exam

  • To formulate the goal necessary for each exam participant:
  • i participate in the exam, just to get a certificate;
  • i rent optional subjects to enter a university;
  • i want to get a point ( only 100; maximum for me ).

Clarify personal target

and understanding of common ways and

ways to achieve it

Specify tasks

1. Define a set of exams of your choice.

2 . Get acquainted with the general format of the exam and KIMami in each subject.

3. Specify the criterion for successful passing (how many points you need to score, how many and what tasks to complete) for each subject.

4. Relate the initial level of training and the level of claims.

5. To highlight their own deficits: gaps in preparation, inability to work with forms, other problems

Mastering the Unified State Examination Technology

  • Testing work skills on the proposed test technology:
  • general educational skills, skills for completing tasks of various types, including the choice of answer; time allocation skills; skills in drawing up a decision, recording answers in a form, correcting an answer; the ability to pre-evaluate the result (in primary points).
  • general educational skills, skills for completing tasks of various types, including the choice of answer;
  • time allocation skills;
  • skills in drawing up a decision, recording answers in a form, correcting an answer;
  • the ability to pre-evaluate the result (in primary points).
  • Filling the gaps in the preparation.
  • Self-monitoring and self-diagnosis.
  • Production individual strategy fulfillment of tasks.
  • Rules of conduct for the exam.

Teacher help

1. An explanation of the features of the exam procedure and the content of KIMov 2012

2. Performing a series of "tests" by the graduate.

3. A joint discussion of the results of “trials”.

The joint activity of the teacher and the exam participant

  • Preparation for the exam in the lessons.
  • Participation in the implementation of regional diagnostic work.
  • Participation in the performance of work in the preliminary final certification.
  • Analysis of the results of work and satisfaction with the results.
  • Planning work to improve the results of preparation for the exam.

  • In preparation for the exam, bring to absolute perfection the skills to work with forms:
  • as accurately as possible, in full accordance with the character patterns, fill in all the fields of the registration form;
  • correctly fill in the response fields and make corrections;
  • strictly follow the instructions of KIM when making answers to tasks IN .

Individual work of the exam participant

  • on the foreign language exam take into account the sequence of tasks;
  • do not forget to transfer answers from KIMs to the answer forms;
  • when completing a task FROM fill out the answer form carefully, in legible handwriting;

Individual work of the exam participant

When doing work, one must carefully read not only the TERMS of the assignment, but also the FORMULATION of the assignment (what exactly needs to be done), and INSTRUCTION for completing the assignment (how to write down the answer).

Individual work of the exam participant

  • familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct of the exam participant during the exam; observe correct behavior; Follow the instructions.

Individual work of the exam participant

  • Independent fulfillment of demo version tasks (FIPI website).
  • Attendance at elective classes.
  • Participation in city, regional and federal competitions.

Intermediate control

  • comparing the results of a mock exam with previously planned;
  • adjustment of an individual training program

  • website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements - it contains recommended literature on specific subjects

Information support for the exam participant

  • support portal, which contains all the basic information about the exam

The exam participant has the right

interrupt the exam for a good reason (health condition);

  • contact the duty medical officer in the PES and take a certificate ;
  • apply on this day to your doctor’s clinic and receive a certificate with a seal for submission to the conflict committee together with an appeal, on the basis of which the results of the interrupted exam can be canceled.

The exam participant has the right

including removed from the exam for violating the instructions, after passing the work before exiting the exam site file an appeal for violation of the exam procedure

The exam participant has the right

To appeal the violation of the exam procedure, the exam participant must contact responsible organizer in the audience or exam Advisor who must give the exam participant an appeal form.

The exam participant has the right

The appeal of the procedure is NOT accepted :

  • on the content and structure of KIM;
  • on questions related to violation by the exam participant of the instructions for filling out the answer forms (answers were incorrectly and vaguely written in the forms, did not manage to transfer the answers, the name form was spoiled);
  • drafts as appeal materials NOT are considered ;

A graduate with disabilities has the right to choose the form of final certification: USE or GGE (state final exam)

Moreover, a combination of both forms of state final certification is allowed: in the form of the exam and in the form of the final exam.

In the form of a state final exam only required exams ( russian language and mathematics).

Elective items only surrender in the form of the exam .

Testing materials (KIM) –– A special type of unified verification work used during the unified state exam.

Specification - The main document for the development of KIM. It indicates all the basic characteristics of KIM: structure, type of tasks used, lead time, assessment system, etc.

Examination Terminology Dictionary

Open form task - the test task, in which there are no answer options, and the examinee must formulate his answer. The exam uses two types of open assignments: "IN" with a short answer and "FROM"

with a detailed answer.

Examination Terminology Dictionary

Primary points - assessment for the examination work, which is determined by the number of fully or partially solved tasks.

PES - point of examination.

Examination Terminology Dictionary

Test points - assessment for the examination work on a 100-point scale. It is determined by recounting. primary point on the basis of complex procedures involving the "alignment" of various options for work on difficulty.

How to prepare for the exam in social studies?

the company
then with
what to start?
If with a tutor, then how to understand that
he is good?
Which courses are better?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item?
the company

Where to go? How to choose an item? To summarize:

the company
1. Professional - choose
profession - what subjects
hand over
3.My education - what is taught
4. Map of universities - looking for where to study
5. University website - how many points are needed
6.New cycle

If you prepare yourself, then where to start?
the company

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
the company
To take
how much
subject on
the calendar

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
the company

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
the company

If you prepare yourself
then where to start?
the company
Social Studies
First TEST
First TEST
- October 26-27
- October 28-30
- December 4
- December 2-3

If you prepare yourself, then where to start? COME TO US!


To the exam, how to understand that he

If you prepare with a tutor for the exam, then how to understand that he is good? ASK US!

the company
Is the tutor familiar with the exam?
Is he familiar with the new demo of the exam? FROM
codifier? With the specification?
How experienced is he in preparing for the exam?
Is the tutor an expert on

If you prepare for courses, then how to understand which courses are better? REQUEST EXPERTS!

the company
Who are the exam experts? (see booklet)
You pay money to
to become better.
This is a great value for the same
Pay for the chance to reveal and
surpass yourself


If you prepare for the exam in the courses, which are better? COME TO US!

Experts only
the company

If you prepare for the exam in the courses, which are better? COME TO US!

Not experts:
the company

If you prepare for the exam in the courses, which are better? COME TO US!

Experts only
Personalities only
Only to the best universities
the company

If you prepare for the exam in the courses, which are better? COME TO US!

Experts only
Personalities only
Only to the best universities
the company

If you prepare for the exam on
courses, which are better?
the company
How it works?
Free initial testing
Tracking the success of each in each lesson
Activities tailored to your needs
Effective Teaching Technologies
And your study!

Parents about preparing a child for the exam

  • The Unified State Exam as a form of passing graduation school and at the same time entrance examinations to a university is relatively new for our country and causes a lot of controversy. Debate is conducted on the pages of newspapers and magazines, TV programs are devoted to the USE topic.
the task of preparing the child for the exam
  • creating conditions for the physical and mental health of the child during the preparation and passing of exams;
  • attracting tutors for training, who will take on part of the responsibility for the level of readiness of the child;
  • responsibility for one’s own emotional and physical condition.
  • It is necessary to provide the child with a daily regimen, and be as flexible as possible, because, when compiling a child regimen, it is necessary to be guided by his interests, habits and wishes, and at the same time, by the appropriateness of time distribution, a reasonable alternation of study and rest.
  • It is necessary to support the child constantly, especially at the moments when he loses faith in his strength, and during the stressful period of preparation for passing the exam and during the delivery itself, such moments can occur quite often. It is very important here to tell the child as often as possible about how you love him and how much he knows how to do well, how successful he is, how success can be transferred from one context to other.
  • They begin to be late for tutors, confuse the appointed time, forget to do homework, perform public assignments exactly at the time when you need to be with the teacher. This is a signal that the child is getting a load that is significantly higher than his usual load, and that you have a task to support the child, create conditions for him to rest, and at the same time strengthen control over his preparation.
Attention- Exercise !!!
  • Your family will have an important and crucial period - the period when your child passes exams. Remember that you are together, trust your child, and at the same time be close to support him at the right time and give him exactly what he really needs now.
Thanks for your attention!!! Sources
  • Shustusta T. A. What does an applicant need to know about the exam: A manual for preparing for exams: the legal framework of the exam, exam questions and answers, psychological preparation for the exam, especially the preparation for the exam in various subjects. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2004 (FGUIPP Kursk). - 347 p.
  • Images:
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  • 8 slide


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