Examples of advertisements in teaser networks. Teaser advertising for turbo sales. Teaser advertising on VKontakte

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Comes from the English word “Teaser” - teaser. And teasing is just about it.

It's like the tabloids, the headlines are loud and intriguing, but the only difference is that it's on the Internet. Websites can provide not only gossip and dubious facts, but also useful information that can be useful to the average person. For advertisers, promoting their products or services is like being featured on the front page of a newspaper, and the larger the newspaper's circulation, the greater the success. But this does not mean that only quantity matters.

Advertising consists of a banner and a provocative text message that attracts attention and increases the click-through rate of the ad. A psychological factor plays a role here: curiosity. Intrigue, hints and secrets are the engines of a competent teaser campaign.

How it works: at the first step, a twist, some intrigue, a mystery are thought out. Next is the publication of the essence of the secret, revealing the riddle immediately or after a certain period of time.
There are settings for implementation, for example, different types of targeting:

  • Geotargeting - ads are shown to specific specified territories.
  • By thematic sites.
  • Socio-demographic - by age, gender, income level, etc.
  • By show time.

Teaser ads are used to attract traffic from other thematic resources. Advertising banners do not name a specific product or service; they show understatement so that the visitor himself goes through and finds out all the answers. It is advisable that the ads and the site be similar in theme - due to the discrepancy, such advertising will be ineffective.

Pay attention to the location of the teaser banner: it should not interfere with viewing the material, but also so that the visitor can notice.

What are teasers used for?

  1. To sell a product.
  2. Presentation of a new product.
  3. Receiving a profit.
  4. Collect contact information.
  5. Increase traffic.
  6. When there is nowhere else to advertise.

In 1998, the Dodge automobile company adopted its company motto “Different” in red and white. There is no mention of the company itself. However, a similar teaser slogan from Apple was previously released, which was also red and white, and sounded similar - “Think Different”. Naturally, the Americans believed that Dodge was advertising the new iMac, and not cars at all.

Here's another example of a failed attempt. Mobile phone brand AT&T Wireless launched a large-scale teaser campaign in 2002. They showed valuable moments from a person’s life and then asked the question “What does mLife mean?” But Americans perceived this advertising differently and attributed it to the famous insurance agency Met Life.

An example of our compatriots. In 1998, the Komersant publishing house organized an advertising campaign for one of its magazines: billboards with various questions began to appear in the city, for example, “Where is the wife?” Then, with the help of the press, television, radio, they answered questions: “The wife is at home. Monthly magazine "Brownie".

Types of teaser advertising for the site

First of all, you should remember that the images should not contain government symbols, photos of politicians or pornographic materials. They should also not be repulsive, frightening or shocking. Let's look at the setup methods:

  1. Target. The properties of a product or service, offers, promotions, bonuses are described - everything is to the point. Higher cost per click, smaller audience, but there will definitely be conversions from interested people.
  2. Yellow. Topics: shocking photos or illnesses of celebrities, miracle cures for all possible illnesses, scandals and promises of all types. Usually, users are attracted by a deliciously designed teaser, but they quickly leave the site, barely reading the answer to the question, which sometimes is not as biting and informative as the headlines screamed.

By time they are distinguished:

  • Short-term or one-time advertising. The visitor immediately receives answers after reading the proposed material.
  • Long-term. It is used for serious programs when the secret is revealed within a few weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of teaser advertising


  • Original, unobtrusive - a properly designed ad is always pleasing to the eye, and there are no limits to imagination; any original ideas will be a plus.
  • High efficiency - the highlight is intriguing and therefore teasers have a high click-through rate;
  • Simple production that does not require costs - you do not need to understand modern technologies to create a teaser, just follow the specified algorithm. You don’t need a designer for professional design or a copywriter for quality texts;
  • Targeting - allows you to select an audience based on various criteria;
  • Low prices for advertisers;
  • Wide choice of target audience;
  • Variety of accommodation sites;
  • Suitable for any goods and services;
  • There are no restrictions on phrases, unlike contextual advertising.


  • Unsuccessful promotion causes losses.
  • Not suitable for narrow subject matter products.
  • Oversaturation of advertising blocks reduces the perception of information.
  • Shadow business and low quality traffic: robots, not real people, can be used to boost clicks.
  • Visitors quickly get used to the appearance, and they stop reacting. It is necessary to periodically think through and update advertisements.
  • Ad blockers successfully hide teasers from web resources.
  • Search engines strictly monitor and apply filters if they don’t like the site.
  • Quickly leave the site - immediately after receiving a response.

Methods for promoting teasers

The first strategy is this: set the lowest cost per click and buy the highest. Cheap teasers will compete poorly, but a large number will allow you to get ahead of your competitors.

The second strategy is the opposite of the first: now indicate the highest cost per impression, the ad will gain popularity, even if its click-through rate was very low at first.

And finally, third: choose the average price of competitors and exclude from targeting the territory in which promotion is required. After success on another geographical site, you can move to the initially required one. At the same time, the price can be gradually reduced, and traffic will remain high.

Additional earnings from teaser advertising

Owners of web resources place teaser ads, and the more clicks users make, the more earnings they will earn. But you should not clutter the page, since visitors do not like advertising sites, and search engines take measures in the form of various filters. You can get high income if your site meets certain criteria:

  • Thematic content;
  • Good choice of teaser platform;
  • A large number of unique visitors;
  • Ad filter. Will allow you to avoid shocking content on your resource;
  • Constant growth of the site in search engines.

Problems of making money from teasers

  • Search engines apply filters;
  • Some ads are hidden by blockers;
  • The click-through rate depends on the website design and the location of the teaser;
  • Same type of teasers that visitors begin to ignore.

Rules for successful teaser advertising

  1. Think over the highlight of the teaser, which will attract attention and harmoniously reveal itself on the resource itself.
  2. Experiment. Run different ad designs and analyze their effectiveness.
  3. Don't know how to write or format? Focus on the user: what does he need? What will you be interested in?
  4. Choose a bright, attractive image. Don't overload it with unnecessary parts.
  5. Place ads that are similar in topic to the resource.
  6. Meet teaser campaign deadlines.
  7. Describe teasers clearly and check spelling: incorrect spelling of words reduces the credibility of the resource.
  8. Choose your target audience wisely.
  9. Take a closer look at your competitors and study their strategies.
  10. Regularly monitor the effectiveness of promotion to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the site. And also, in order not to fall for unscrupulous owners who can be connected by bots, because payment is based on clicks: this way they will earn more. Do not neglect services for identifying “living” people and robots.
  11. Pay attention to the appearance: the teaser should fit harmoniously into the design of the resource.
  12. Make sure your ad topics are relevant to your visitors.
  13. There is no chaotic arrangement throughout the page; teasers do not interfere with viewing and do not take up most of the material.
  14. Advertising only brings people. Visitors can leave immediately after reading the answer. Only the quality of the site increases conversion.

Common mistakes

  • Wrong choice of audience;
  • Submission of false information;
  • Not creative and banal teasers that do not interest the reader;
  • Lack of analytics and tracking of traffic brought by bots.

Optimization of teaser advertising

  1. Analysis and blocking of resources from which robots, not people, come.
  2. Check and disable teasers that bring little traffic.
  3. Updating ads that you are already used to.

Many years ago, I negotiated with a person who created a single information product (from the series “how to earn a couple of million rubles in a couple of days”), set up an auto-webinar for it and sold it using advertising on teaser networks.

Do you know his monthly salary? 200-300 thousand rubles per month 5 years ago. Space money.

Especially considering that he didn’t really understand the setup. So what is teaser advertising and how does it apply to classic business?

A lot of money

There was a fairly famous product - monastery tea. The daily sales turnover of such tea reached several million rubles per day from one advertiser.

In addition, there are all sorts of glowing headphones, dietary supplements, online casinos and other near-legalities that are extremely difficult to advertise using contextual and targeted advertising (since it is simply prohibited).

And there are also products of ordinary businesses that also need sales, but more on that later.

On the other hand (relative to those who want to sell), there are various sites (sometimes not even legal) that want to make money by advertising.

These could be online cinemas, sites with torrents or entertainment content.

In other words, sites in different topics with a huge number of people who need to be monetized somehow to return the investment.

And when we know the main players of our topic - the businessman and the site owner, then we can introduce basic definitions for further communication in the same language.

Teaser- announcement. Comes from the English “teaser” - to bully, tease.

Teaser network– an intermediary (service/site) who makes money by connecting and legitimizing the relationship between the advertiser and the owner (webmaster) of the site being visited.

Offer – the product itself that the ad refers to. Comes from the English “offer” - to offer. Most often, the offer is located on the website to further capture the contact.

Practice for regular business

In order not to feed you breakfast and not promise “Maldives with a 5+ star hotel on the seashore with white sand for 15,000 rubles for two,” I’ll get straight to the point.

Namely, are these networks suitable for an ordinary small business that sells pies, clothes, nails or provides personal care services, installation of plastic windows, custom-made furniture, etc.

My immediate answer is NO! More precisely, this will suit very, very few people.

Due to the fact that it is not a teaser, there is no way to target a specific audience. You will bomb sparrows with a cannon.

Of course, if you have a mass market, and besides, clients all over Russia, then you can try placing teaser advertising.

After all, in this way it is really possible to capture the attention of almost all the people of our country. But I repeat, everyone – this means everyone: grandmothers, schoolchildren, businessmen, and athletes.

But further settings leave much to be desired. To confirm my words, a screenshot from the control panel of one of the leading networks:

Control Panel

Features of teaser advertising

But not everything is as bad as I say. There are a lot of stories on the Internet about how people make money from teaser advertising.

After all, it has very good advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I hasten to tell you about them as soon as possible.

  • Pay per click. Complete likeness. The advertiser only pays per click on his ad. If it is good and the CTR is high, the click is cheaper; if it is bad, the cost of the click is higher.
  • Small investment. For example, in the field of “Real Estate” the cost of a click in teaser networks rarely exceeds 7 rubles, while in contextual advertising this figure will rarely be below 50.
  • Easy to set up. Launching such a network is not difficult, since there are not many settings. All networks provide a rather primitive interface with a small number of buttons.
  • Big . The main and bold plus. One of the largest teaser platforms in RuNet sells more than 1,000,000,000 impressions per day. And there are more than a dozen such sites and partner sites, as a rule, do not overlap.

But like any medal, there is a downside. In our case, there are pros and cons, which for many may be critical to start attracting clients in this way.

  • Not suitable for narrow specialization. With a narrow one, you will work most of the time idle, since advertising will be shown to everyone.
  • They don't buy expensive products well. To implement large transactions, you need to build relationships. In the case of teaser advertising, all actions usually occur impulsively - “Saw - clicked - went to the site - ordered.”
  • It's difficult to find the target audience. This is the eternal question of a good marketer - where to find my clients, but when creating teaser advertising, you don’t have to think about this too much, since you will still be showing the advertisement to everyone.
  • A large number of “dead traffic”. Nowadays there is huge competition among sites. Therefore, it’s not easy to get promoted. Therefore, sites go to all sorts of tricks and attract bots to their site, which are a good use of your budget.



The first thing I did when I learned about the existence of this type of advertising was the question: “Which site should I go to to place a teaser advertisement?”

The answer was unexpected for me then. But you already know everything perfectly well.

Video advertising

News article. There are 2 types. Like an ordinary advertising article in its truest sense. And an article-gasket. This is more difficult.

This is done if your product is not allowed through decent teaser sites. That is, first the teaser ad redirects to a news article, by clicking on which you are redirected to the site with the product.

And also, for development, you need to know that it is possible to customize a teaser format not in the classical sense.

Namely, so that a person gets to your website by clicking not on a banner, but by clicking anywhere on the webmaster’s website.


But these are dubious methods for classical business, since they are very similar to, only in a different era.

A small life hack

And finally, a little life hack for you. If you don’t know how to create an attractive (high-conversion) teaser, then usually on the Internet this is done according to the following scheme:

  1. You create about 50 different creatives with different images and different texts;
  2. You launch them for testing;
  3. Select 1-3 with the highest CTR;
  4. You leave them for work.

Or you can go this way. Most advertising platforms, especially the largest ones, contain so-called “teaser showcases”.

That is, a list of teasers that are currently performing best (showing good click-through rates and CTR).

Therefore, all you need is to choose a suitable ad for yourself and improve it. An example of such a teaser showcase is www.marketgid.com/bestsellers.html

Briefly about the main thing

Provided that there are also contextual, targeted, and dozens of other channels for attracting customers. In addition, knowing the readers of our blog, I am sure that your product is not for everyone, but has a specific target audience.

But if you have a fairly inexpensive product and the decision is made on impulse, I would recommend experimenting.

Firstly, you can very cheaply attract an audience you haven’t focused on before, and secondly, you will increase the recognition of your company.

And almost all residents of the city fall under it. For example, if you are developers of a large residential complex. Then why not tell everyone in your city about it? Moreover, it is much cheaper to do it than you think.

Lifehack. If you decide to run advertising in teaser networks, I recommend the Getuniq service for replenishing budgets. Passing moderation is faster and easier. And a good bonus when replenishing your advertising budget.

Teaser- an advertising tool with a short description of a product or service and its image. Its main goal is to interest a potential buyer. The main difference from a banner is that the latter is negatively perceived by visitors due to psychological pressure, while a teaser is positioned as an informational rather than a promotional ad.

Teaser networks - intermediaries between advertisers and webmasters. The advertiser receives the necessary traffic when it launches an ad into rotation and pays for its placement according to the payment model on webmasters’ resources. The latter provide platforms on which teaser advertising is placed, for which they receive a certain reward. The teaser network itself charges a commission in a set amount, usually from site owners.

Payment models

Webmasters are paid for services in two main ways:

  • CPC model: payment for each click on an advertisement;
  • CPA model: in order to make a profit, the visitor must perform an action specified by the advertiser, for example, purchasing goods, registering on the site, etc.

There is also a payment model for a certain number of impressions (usually charged per 1000 views).

Advantages of teaser networks

The main advantage of this advertising tool is that it fully ensures the purchase and sale of traffic. The exchange can automatically select the necessary sites according to customer requirements, offer advertisements for placement and undertake obligations to implement financial issues.

Advertisers receive significant volumes of traffic at reasonable prices, and webmasters have the opportunity to monetize their resources, income for which is limited only by the platforms’ bandwidth, as well as setting up teaser ads in the context of the main content of the site.

Disadvantages of teaser networks

  1. High efficiency only for consumer goods. The highly specialized segment receives extremely insignificant returns.
  2. High risks of advertising campaign failure and budget loss due to incorrect teaser settings.
  3. Price dumping by competitors based on the low cost of a given advertising channel.
  4. The page is overloaded with advertisements and, as a result, loss of traffic.
  5. The need to pay commission for the exchange.

1 place. VisitWeb

The VisitWeb teaser advertising network has been operating since 2009 and includes 8 different advertising formats, the daily number of clicks exceeds 15 million, there is both desktop and mobile traffic, and the system of filters and settings allows you to create a competent advertising campaign and keep traffic at the same level.

The advertiser can receive thematic traffic divided into several dozen audiences (women's, goods, news, etc.), entertainment (including the adult industry) and mobile traffic. Excellent targeting capabilities, which are carried out both by country, region and city, and by browsers, telecom operators and devices, allow you to attract exactly the desired audience.

A personal manager can be assigned to create a campaign, set it up and help with promotion and analysis of statistics.

The network supports the main payment models - CPC and CPA, while prices are formed according to an auction type: the higher the cost, the more traffic.

A webmaster using the VisitWeb exchange has the opportunity to earn money from the traffic of his own sites, since the system’s clients are users from 82 countries. The income calculator allows you to calculate the potential profit from placing a platform on the teaser network, based on the number of visitors, geolocation, topic and type of platform.

To place your website on the exchange, the site must have at least 50 unique visitors per day and a counter (for example, Liveinternet or Yandex.Metrica). The ad unit is configured and placed independently, which allows you to adapt advertising within the overall design of the page. The webmaster can also filter materials by topic, stop words, and block shocking teasers.

Payments are made daily (WebMoney ruble account), with the exception of holidays and weekends, and the minimum amount of withdrawal funds is not established.

2nd place. TeaserMedia

TeaserMedia is an advertising teaser network that provides targeted conversions to advertisers at reasonable prices and excellent profits for site owners. Every day the network carries out up to 200 million impressions, and ordered advertisements are placed on resources around the world at the customer’s choice.

The advertiser can create a teaser in accordance with the goals of their advertising campaign. It is possible to create blocks of various subjects, including adult, select images from an extensive database of pictures, and add your own graphic files of established formats. Each teaser is moderated by the resource administration. An auto-moderation function is available for regular customers.

Using certain macros, you can set the name of the city in which the site visitor lives in the teaser ad. You can also target by operator.

The progress of an advertising campaign can be tracked using a set of ready-made macros and analytics services (for example, Yandex.Metrica). Along with this, you can use an action counter and define for each strategy a list of sites to which you can limit transitions.

The teaser is shown according to the SRM model. A higher CPM results in more impressions. The minimum balance replenishment amount is 50 rubles, the balance of unspent funds is available for withdrawal.

In order to become a webmaster using the TeaserMedia teaser network, you must have a site with at least 100 unique visitors per day. More than 30% of traffic should be search traffic.

When placing an ad you can use:

  • standard teasers (universal, easy to install and customize the block design);
  • popup (good clickability, users can close if necessary, there is an excellent range for customization);
  • monetization of content (an advertising block is displayed on top of images, videos, games, etc., which are the standard content of the site);
  • fullscreen (optimal for mobile devices).

Withdrawals are available to a number of payment systems. Payments are made upon request once a week with subsequent notification. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles.

3rd place. TeaserNet

TeaserNet is a huge teaser network that has been operating since 2008. The service helps fine-tune advertising campaigns to maximize their effectiveness and provides stable high income to owners of large sites.

Each advertising format has its own advantages. Along with the teaser block, clickers, banners of various sizes, full screen, etc. are available. A teaser is created by adding advertising text and pictures and choosing a cost per visitor.

The built-in analyzer allows you to monitor incoming traffic, track statistics for each site, specific blocks that have been added to the system (for example, Yandex.Metrica). It is also possible to add some resources to the black and white sheets in order to prohibit or prioritize the display of advertising materials. The block is configured using set filters: categories, prices, domains, individual teasers, etc.

TeaserNet allows webmasters to monetize their resources using vibrant and customizable advertising formats. The calculator allows you to calculate the approximate cost of advertising on the site, based on the topic of the service and the number of unique visitors.

Withdrawal of funds is carried out using the payment systems Yandex.Money and WebMoney. Payments occur weekly, the minimum amount is 100 rubles per Ya.D. and 15 rubles on WMR.

4th place. BodyClick

The BodyClick system allows webmasters to earn money by placing advertisements using a pay-per-click model. 5 advertising formats are available for advertisers and site owners: classic teaser, banner, contest, clicker and messenger, while it is possible to simultaneously place all types of blocks both on one page and within one campaign. Rotation is carried out individually, which ensures a high CTR.

An advertiser can set up targeting based on various indicators: gender, sites, time, browsers, topics, queries, etc. To control advertising costs, detailed statistics are available on the following indicators: days, categories, transitions, regions, ads. Based on the click-through rate of the source, you can find the most effective advertising channel. The built-in analyzer makes it possible to control incoming traffic, which allows you to leave sources with maximum conversion.

The system uses an auction principle of impressions: with a high bid or CTR, advertising is shown more often.

A webmaster can place his sites on the service, provided they are on a commercial hosting and have 100 unique visitors per day (for free there is a limit of 500 hosts).

The owner of the resource adds his sites himself, but their activation is carried out by service moderators. If approved, it becomes possible to configure blocks of the required formats and install them on the site. Earnings are accrued when a visitor clicks on an advertisement. The price is set by the advertiser, but the webmaster can set a minimum cost threshold.

Withdrawals are made to your WebMoney wallet weekly on Thursday. The minimum payment amount is 100 rubles.

5th place. Oblivochki

The Oblivki advertising network has been operating since 2014 and provides over 70 million ad impressions per day, about 600 thousand clicks daily, and the number of advertisers who have used the system’s services exceeds 20 thousand.

The cost of a click, formed according to the auction model, starts from 0.5 rubles, which allows advertisers with a low budget to place ads on the service. Based on data from a flexible analytics system (views, conversions, CTR, advertising costs, etc.), you can fine-tune your advertising campaign and adjust it if necessary. Customers will see only potentially interesting materials, and this has a positive effect on conversion. The system also has protection against clicking by bots: this ensures high-quality traffic and blocks unreliable sources.

Advertisements include graphic images and small texts (up to 100 characters). This makes it possible to integrate them organically into the structure of pages and focus the target audience on the information.

Before posting, each ad is checked by a moderator, which lasts about 30 minutes.

The minimum amount to top up your account is 50 rubles. Advertisers have the right to a refund of unspent funds.

6th place. AdHub

The AdHub teaser network, operating since 2010, is a simple and functional tool that provides advertisers with a target audience and webmasters with a stable profit from posted materials.

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All traffic sold is divided into 2 groups: mobile and desktop. The audience coverage is wide (Russia, CIS countries, non-CIS countries). Targeting is carried out by geolocation, time, topic, type of traffic, platforms used, operators.

Creating a campaign occurs step by step. Initially, general information about the ad is indicated, then the ad format is determined, and finally the strategy is configured. To control incoming traffic and budget expenses, a system of limits is available.

The system has a set of automatic filters that analyze clicks in real time. This allows you to avoid cheating, and return the written-off funds to the accounts of advertisers.

Webmasters, thanks to the AdHub service, can earn unlimited amounts on their websites. Traffic is monetized profitably, transitions can cost over 5 rubles, and CTR can reach 2% or more. At the same time, the site owner himself determines what advertising can be shown. The built-in designer allows you to customize advertising blocks so that they fit seamlessly into the overall design of the site.

Each webmaster can add an unlimited number of sites to the system. After moderation of the site, it becomes possible to add ad blocks.

Although pay per click is set by advertisers, there is a recommended minimum price, and advertising rotation occurs through an auction. Accordingly, ads with the highest bid and CTR allow you to earn high amounts.

Withdrawals are made every week on Thursday. You can order payments yourself, as well as set up automatic withdrawal. The money is transferred to the WebMoney payment system, the minimum amount is 100 rubles, the transfer period is 1-2 days.

7th place. Action Teaser

ActionTeaser is a pay-per-click and pay-per-action teaser network. The system uses only high-quality resources and trusted advertisers, which ensures an influx of targeted traffic and high earnings for webmasters. Advertising rotation is carried out using unique technologies that take into account the popularity of ads on individual sites and the interests of the audience. This allows you to achieve high CTR rates.

Advertisers using ActionTeaser receive quality traffic and pay only for real visitors. The service involves the use of two payment models: per click and per action. This makes it possible to use various strategies when creating an advertising campaign.

Replenishment of the balance can be carried out using WebMoney, Yandex.Money systems, as well as credit cards. Creating a campaign occurs step by step and includes the following stages: general information, targeting by region, restrictions, audience targeting (gender, age, interests), a number of additional settings (blacklists, specific sites, targeting by time, browsers, operating systems, etc. .).

To process statistics, data export is available (CSV and XML formats); filters can be set in advance.

Each ad is moderated before being posted (duration up to 8 hours during business hours).

A webmaster can place his website on a resource with a minimum of 300 unique visitors per day, as well as a connected counter system.

The selection of offers is carried out based on one of the payment models, and the selection of a stream is based on your own or attracted traffic. Site owners have access to three main tools for making money - a teaser, a slider and a news block. The average income for 1 click is about 1.5 rubles, for one action - about 450 rubles.

The list of additional features includes setting up categories for display, selecting and displaying advertising by keywords.

The payment hold is 7 days. After this, the money becomes available for withdrawal to Yandex.Money and WebMoney. Payments are made three times a week on working days upon request, as well as automatically every Thursday. The minimum amount is 100 rubles.

8th place. AdProfy

An advertiser can place an offer on sites that are part of an advertising network and reach over 10 million unique visitors. Pricing is based on the auction principle: with a high bid per click, the ad is shown more often, which ensures greater coverage of the target audience.

The campaign is set up using targeting based on several indicators, including geography and mobile operators. Over 50 parameters are used to analyze advertising.

Creating a campaign occurs in several stages. Initially, general data about the ad is determined (name, category), then IP targeting occurs, impressions are limited (by clicks or amount), data is set for analysis, and the advertising campaign budget is determined.

Webmasters who place their sites within the AdProfy network receive payment for impressions and clicks, and can independently set minimum prices for specific types of traffic (minimum - 1 ruble per click, profit ranges from 70% to 90% of the price set by the advertiser). Targeting is carried out for each visitor, which allows you to select the optimal offer for him.

After adding a site to the service, it is verified, which lasts a few seconds. When working with advertising blocks, you can edit the code, delete a block, view impressions/click statistics, change prices, etc. When creating a new block, you can customize its style, size, background, etc. to achieve maximum compliance with the site design.

The minimum payment amount is 50 rubles. Withdrawals are made once a week on Tuesday. It is possible to use automatic payments.

9th place. AdSyst

The advantages for the advertiser are, first of all, the huge coverage of the network - over a million unique visitors daily. Along with this, the ability to target by topic, by location, use of mobile traffic and filtering by cellular operators allows you to fine-tune your advertising campaign.

The teaser format is universal for everyone (square: 200x200 px). Each ad is moderated before posting for a few minutes (maximum 4 hours). The cost of a click depends on the target audience settings, the minimum size is 5 kopecks. Display activity is affected by both the cost of transition and the funds available on the balance. At 1000 rubles, the display of the block becomes more active.

Account replenishment is possible through the WebMoney payment system. The minimum amount is 200 rubles.

A webmaster, in order to place his resource within the teaser network, must have a site with at least 1000 unique visitors daily, white traffic sources, Russian-language content, and also be located on a commercial hosting and provide open statistics.

To place teasers, you can select a category so that the subject of the ad matches the main content of the site.

The cost per click for a webmaster varies depending on the topic. Gaming content is priced from 25 kopecks per click, adult - from 50 kopecks, and the standard cost of transition is at least 1.5 rubles.

Withdrawal of funds is available after reaching 15 rubles on the balance (amounts less are withdrawn upon personal requests). Payments are made during the working week: earnings for the previous full week are paid.

10th place. LadyCash

LadyCash is a teaser network aimed at a female audience. The platform has been operating since 2010, the average CTR is about 0.7%, the daily number of impressions is 8 million, and the number of clicks is about 60 thousand.

Increased requirements for webmasters allow advertisers to place ads only on high-quality sites where adult and any other shock content is not present.

The service operates on a CPA model. Thus, advertisers receive high-quality, interested traffic at reasonable prices. In this case, a mandatory condition is the placement of the system code on the customer’s website.

The guarantees are blocking by the administration of ineffective sites, protection against cheating and manipulation of the content of advertising blocks.

For webmasters, there are the following restrictions on hosted resources: daily number of unique visitors for sites with commercial hosting - 50, with free hosting - 300; the target audience should consist of 2/3 women. The site must also be connected to public statistics systems, and traffic must be connected to search engines.

News blocks should be located either above or below the main content of the site. Teaser blocks can be placed in the central and side parts of the page.

The teaser block can be customized using the constructor. This allows you to adapt the ad to the overall design of the site. Sizes, colors, fonts, layout, encoding are subject to change. You can also view statistics on the required indicators: impressions, clicks, CTR.

The minimum cost per click is 40 kopecks. Withdrawals are carried out three times a week on WebMoney, the minimum payment amount is 15 rubles.

11th place. RedClick

RedClick is an advertising network that has been operating since 2011. Collaborates with several thousand sites, and the daily display of advertisements reaches 500 million. This allows you to provide quality traffic to any advertiser.

The main advantages of the system for customers are high-quality moderation of sites before adding them to the network, protection against cheating and low prices for visitors. In addition, if necessary, it is possible to order the services of copywriters to compose advertising texts. If the project budget exceeds 100,000 rubles, a copywriter is provided free of charge; for a budget over 150,000 rubles, a personal manager is allocated to set up and promote advertising.

The cost of one transition starts from 0.4 rubles.

When setting up a campaign, an advertiser can target up to a city. Budget expenses can be set depending on the amount of funds or time. There are no strict restrictions on the size of images for teasers. Once the advertisement is launched, the ads begin to appear within the next hour. The system's intelligent algorithm allows you to optimize the strategy so that the majority of impressions of a particular advertising block occur on those sites where it finds a greater response.

Detailed reports with convenient charts are available to analyze the effectiveness of the campaign.

A webmaster can provide a platform for online placement if there are at least 50 unique visitors per day, and also be connected to the statistics system. Websites hosted on free hosting are also allowed.

Several advertising formats are available for resource owners to place ads: bottomline, popunder, teaser. Attracts traffic on various topics, including entertainment.

Withdrawals are carried out twice a month to the WebMoney payment system. The minimum amount is 260 rubles.

12th place. Gnezdo

Gnezdo has been operating since 2008 and is a teaser network specialized in female traffic. Conventionally, the purchase and sale of visitors occurs in two main directions: news and product. A distinctive feature of the service is the possibility of free traffic exchange between project participants. This allows you to increase traffic by 50-80%. The exchange takes place using special informers that are developed for specific sites.

The news “Nest” provides an opportunity to earn money for sites with a general theme (content or mixed resources where textual information is combined with a number of sales services) that have predominantly Russian traffic. Product “Nest” is ideal for selling goods online or providing services.

The advertiser pays for clicks according to an auction model: the higher the bid, the more often the ad is shown. At the same time, customers are protected from cheating views and clicking blocks by bots. Ineffective advertising platforms are automatically eliminated, giving space to resources with the highest conversion.

A detailed statistics system allows you to fine-tune your campaign strategy.

The webmaster does not have the ability to independently add new blocks to the site; to do this, you must contact the service administrators. However, styles, sizes, number of announcements, picture parameters, etc. are available for change.

A webmaster's earnings are determined by the volume of attracted traffic. At the same time, thanks to the exchange of traffic, there is an increase in hosts: by giving away 100 visitors, the site owner can receive 170 new ones.

Withdrawal of funds occurs according to personal requests. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles, money can be transferred to an electronic wallet, card or current account.

Many years ago, I negotiated with a person who created a single information product (from the series “how to earn a couple of million rubles in a couple of days”), set up an auto-webinar for it and sold it using advertising on teaser networks.

Do you know his monthly salary? 200-300 thousand rubles per month 5 years ago. Space money.

Especially considering that he didn’t really understand the setup. So what is teaser advertising and how does it apply to classic business?

A lot of money

There was a fairly famous product - monastery tea. The daily sales turnover of such tea reached several million rubles per day from one advertiser.

In addition, there are all sorts of glowing headphones, dietary supplements, online casinos and other near-legalities that are extremely difficult to advertise using contextual and targeted advertising (since it is simply prohibited).

And there are also products of ordinary businesses that also need sales, but more on that later.

On the other hand (relative to those who want to sell), there are various sites (sometimes not even legal) that want to make money by advertising.

These could be online cinemas, sites with torrents or entertainment content.

In other words, sites in different topics with a huge number of people who need to be monetized somehow to return the investment.

And when we know the main players of our topic - the businessman and the site owner, then we can introduce basic definitions for further communication in the same language.

Teaser- announcement. Comes from the English “teaser” - to bully, tease.

Teaser network– an intermediary (service/site) who makes money by connecting and legitimizing the relationship between the advertiser and the owner (webmaster) of the site being visited.

Offer – the product itself that the ad refers to. Comes from the English “offer” - to offer. Most often, the offer is located on the website to further capture the contact.

Practice for regular business

In order not to feed you breakfast and not promise “Maldives with a 5+ star hotel on the seashore with white sand for 15,000 rubles for two,” I’ll get straight to the point.

Namely, are these networks suitable for an ordinary small business that sells pies, clothes, nails or provides personal care services, installation of plastic windows, custom-made furniture, etc.

My immediate answer is NO! More precisely, this will suit very, very few people.

Due to the fact that it is not a teaser, there is no way to target a specific audience. You will bomb sparrows with a cannon.

Of course, if you have a mass market, and besides, clients all over Russia, then you can try placing teaser advertising.

After all, in this way it is really possible to capture the attention of almost all the people of our country. But I repeat, everyone – this means everyone: grandmothers, schoolchildren, businessmen, and athletes.

But further settings leave much to be desired. To confirm my words, a screenshot from the control panel of one of the leading networks:

Control Panel

Features of teaser advertising

But not everything is as bad as I say. There are a lot of stories on the Internet about how people make money from teaser advertising.

After all, it has very good advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I hasten to tell you about them as soon as possible.

  • Pay per click. Complete likeness. The advertiser only pays per click on his ad. If it is good and the CTR is high, the click is cheaper; if it is bad, the cost of the click is higher.
  • Small investment. For example, in the field of “Real Estate” the cost of a click in teaser networks rarely exceeds 7 rubles, while in contextual advertising this figure will rarely be below 50.
  • Easy to set up. Launching such a network is not difficult, since there are not many settings. All networks provide a rather primitive interface with a small number of buttons.
  • Big . The main and bold plus. One of the largest teaser platforms in RuNet sells more than 1,000,000,000 impressions per day. And there are more than a dozen such sites and partner sites, as a rule, do not overlap.

But like any medal, there is a downside. In our case, there are pros and cons, which for many may be critical to start attracting clients in this way.

  • Not suitable for narrow specialization. With a narrow one, you will work most of the time idle, since advertising will be shown to everyone.
  • They don't buy expensive products well. To implement large transactions, you need to build relationships. In the case of teaser advertising, all actions usually occur impulsively - “Saw - clicked - went to the site - ordered.”
  • It's difficult to find the target audience. This is the eternal question of a good marketer - where to find my clients, but when creating teaser advertising, you don’t have to think about this too much, since you will still be showing the advertisement to everyone.
  • A large number of “dead traffic”. Nowadays there is huge competition among sites. Therefore, it’s not easy to get promoted. Therefore, sites go to all sorts of tricks and attract bots to their site, which are a good use of your budget.



The first thing I did when I learned about the existence of this type of advertising was the question: “Which site should I go to to place a teaser advertisement?”

The answer was unexpected for me then. But you already know everything perfectly well.

Video advertising

News article. There are 2 types. Like an ordinary advertising article in its truest sense. And an article-gasket. This is more difficult.

This is done if your product is not allowed through decent teaser sites. That is, first the teaser ad redirects to a news article, by clicking on which you are redirected to the site with the product.

And also, for development, you need to know that it is possible to customize a teaser format not in the classical sense.

Namely, so that a person gets to your website by clicking not on a banner, but by clicking anywhere on the webmaster’s website.


But these are dubious methods for classical business, since they are very similar to, only in a different era.

A small life hack

And finally, a little life hack for you. If you don’t know how to create an attractive (high-conversion) teaser, then usually on the Internet this is done according to the following scheme:

  1. You create about 50 different creatives with different images and different texts;
  2. You launch them for testing;
  3. Select 1-3 with the highest CTR;
  4. You leave them for work.

Or you can go this way. Most advertising platforms, especially the largest ones, contain so-called “teaser showcases”.

That is, a list of teasers that are currently performing best (showing good click-through rates and CTR).

Therefore, all you need is to choose a suitable ad for yourself and improve it. An example of such a teaser showcase is www.marketgid.com/bestsellers.html

Briefly about the main thing

Provided that there are also contextual, targeted, and dozens of other channels for attracting customers. In addition, knowing the readers of our blog, I am sure that your product is not for everyone, but has a specific target audience.

But if you have a fairly inexpensive product and the decision is made on impulse, I would recommend experimenting.

Firstly, you can very cheaply attract an audience you haven’t focused on before, and secondly, you will increase the recognition of your company.

And almost all residents of the city fall under it. For example, if you are developers of a large residential complex. Then why not tell everyone in your city about it? Moreover, it is much cheaper to do it than you think.

Lifehack. If you decide to run advertising in teaser networks, I recommend the Getuniq service for replenishing budgets. Passing moderation is faster and easier. And a good bonus when replenishing your advertising budget.

The problem with modern advertising is that it is faced with the need to solve conflicting problems: to attract attention and not irritate, to increase brand awareness and not to get bored. In fact, it is a constant balancing act between various prohibitions, and financial limits only complicate the task.

This is why many companies today prefer teaser advertising. It is based on an unusual picture that stands out and involuntarily catches the eye. Moreover, often it can be something awkward, unimaginable - something that you involuntarily want to take a closer look at in order to understand how this can be.

Attracting attention and arousing interest are important stages, in fact, half the way to making a purchase. Such interest often leads to a transition to the advertiser’s website. The reader is caught by a trigger and their curiosity is aroused. As a result, he has a desire to understand what is happening, that is, to obtain some information. At the same time, he becomes susceptible to advertising.

During the existence of teaser advertising, a considerable number of interesting advertising techniques were invented that made it possible to attract a large number of visitors to the site and significantly increase the click-through rate of such advertising. Nowadays, there are a large number of various teaser networks that allow you to quickly bring together an advertiser and a person selling advertising space on their own website.

Components of teaser advertising

A teaser is an online advertising format that combines a graphic image and some text (headline and informational text itself). This is one of the main differences between teaser advertising and any other. Let's look at the most important elements of teaser advertising, and also pay attention to examples of teasers.


This is a picture, most often square, maybe 100 by 100 pixels or more. The image is necessary to attract the attention of visitors, so it must be bright and attractive, otherwise visitors simply will not click on it. Almost every advertising network that deals with teaser advertising on the Internet has a considerable library of images that can be used for its own advertising.


Without a good headline, teaser advertising will not work, which is why you should always pay attention to it. The headline should be as attractive as possible so that after reading it there is a desire to click on the advertisement. Brevity is the sister of talent, and in this case this expression is absolutely accurate, since the title must be short (so that it fits in the space allocated for advertising) and as informative as possible.

Examples of such headings can be found on the Internet. If you visit different sites where there are teaser advertisements, and some headline lasts especially long, this is most likely an effective example of well-written text.


The text can contain information that complements the title, as if explaining what is said in the title. Usually the text is limited to 200 characters, which is not so little, however, we should also not forget that the text should be understandable to as many people as possible, so brevity and conciseness are also very important here. Otherwise, teaser advertising will not justify itself.

The meaning of text for teaser advertising

The teaser works not only due to the image. A skillfully asked question, as well as a provocative proposal, can hook just as much. By the way, text authors were among the first to notice this effect and began to actively use it.

Well, who doesn’t want to find out what really threatens his life? Moreover, when behind the facade of a friend there may be something sinister hiding that you don’t even suspect...

The fear trigger works as well as any other. It forces a person to shake himself up and at the same time reduces his criticality. What you need for advertising!

The best teaser advertisement: an effective solution to a problem

Marketers have long known very well: what will sell is what satisfies needs or cleverly imitates the satisfaction of needs. Teasers can either simply attract attention or touch on basic needs: for example, to be safe, and then offer the advertiser the desired remedy as a solution to the problem. If we are talking about antiseptics, then it is worth recalling the threat of bacteria; if about castles, then about crime, etc.

However, teaser advertising does not always work on fear. Sometimes it attracts, creating the appearance of a profitable business offer.

However, sometimes this is not only for the public. Many advertisers actually post information about promotions in this way. And since there are now so many different offers on the Internet, competent presentation is very important.

Pay attention to the last image: the background is black. Firstly, there is nothing distracting, on the contrary, everything else looks bright (and the transition button stands out the most). Secondly, this color is traditionally associated with the world of business, with business proposals. The letters are quite bright, but do not irritate the eyes. And, finally, the image of a successful person, clearly happy with everything. In general - a classic of the genre.

However, this is just one example of teaser advertising. In fact, they are very, very different. Moreover, many exit in stages. In the first part, the consumer is intrigued. In the second, they give the answer or offer to solve the riddle yourself.

Watch the video on the topic:

The best teaser advertising in numbers

At the beginning of autumn 2017, the cost of one click on a teaser advertisement was approximately 50 kopecks in national currency. However, many companies focus on the budget as a whole, and not on the price per attracted person. On average, for the development of an advertising campaign (we are talking specifically about a teaser) in September they took an amount from $200 to $1000. However, large projects could cost several thousand.

What does this amount include? Working with graphics (pictures) and text content, adding content to the site, correcting errors if any. Plus, sometimes the teaser itself can be supported by additional actions: posting information about an advertising campaign on the artist’s websites, organizing promotions, etc. In this case, we are already talking about a whole range of activities that are evaluated in their entirety.

The total cost is greatly influenced by who exactly took on the work. Freelancers usually charge lower than companies. For companies from Kyiv and Moscow, the price list will be different. There is a difference between metropolitan and regional advertisers. In a word, the spread is very large. A large advertising campaign can cost $3,000-4,000. But the return from it is corresponding.

What influences the success of teaser advertising?

Not everything that appears on the market actually works. Sometimes the teaser is too annoying instead of attracting attention. From time to time it is placed in the wrong place: promises to talk about the reasons for the collapse of a famous stock exchange on an entertainment website are as inappropriate as information about secrets from the lives of stars on a business portal.

In addition, you need to be able to select the text, the picture, and the role model for the photo. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite.

After all, a person, looking at an advertisement for another product, imagines himself in the place of the model after he has used this product. And if the result is, say, scary, it is unlikely to attract clients. Although, of course, a lot depends on what effect they were going to achieve initially. At times, healthy hysteria can trigger an avalanche of reposts. However, betting on a shock is a rather risky move: you can get a backlash.

  1. Originality of the idea. Consumers are tired of monotony and it is difficult to surprise them. At the same time, the target audience needs fresh thoughts and images. This can be seen at least by the way she reacts to them.
  2. Time to deploy the entire advertising campaign. It should not be too big, otherwise the audience will lose interest.
  3. Unambiguity of emerging associations. It is extremely unfortunate when advertising paid for by one company begins to work for the success of another. Or when a teaser evokes a completely different reaction than the advertiser expected.

Of course, a competent approach, quality of implementation, and finances are also important. But these are general points that are relevant for everything, not just teaser advertising.

The best teaser advertising: three advantages

This method of promoting a product, service or brand attracts many.

  1. Teaser blocks are quite flexible; they are not caught by some utilities that actively fight advertising. Which has a positive effect on the number of transitions.
  2. Another advantage is profitability. The payback here is many times higher than that of contextual advertising or other methods.
  3. And finally, targeting. Thanks to teaser networks, information about your product or brand can be distributed among many consumers. Moreover, the customer can influence the sample to a greater extent on demographic or geographic grounds than in other cases.

In addition, such advertising is easy to reconfigure. With its help, you can both introduce the market to a new product (or company) and encourage you to take certain actions: register, become a partner, buy goods, etc.

Entrepreneur, expert on traffic, business replication and business systems


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