Everything about police work. Is it easy to be a police officer in Russia? Cons of working for women in the police force

The profession of a policeman is a particularly important, responsible and dangerous area of ​​human activity. All police work is based on federal, regional and district laws.

What tasks do the police officer face? The main tasks of a policeman are to ensure order in public places, to stop and detain offenders, as well as to explain to offenders what they are wrong about.

Police officers work with educational institutions, conduct open lectures and various events. The main goal is to convey to the younger generation the importance of the work of police officers, that is, to warn them against wrong life choices and committing crimes.

The history of the emergence of the profession

Since the formation of society and the establishment of social order, people have appeared who did not want to obey. They stole, robbed and killed. Chosen people in charge of the settlements appointed guards or guards who were supposed to suppress offenses, as well as carry out demonstrative punishments, up to and including the death penalty. Over time, the guards of the law received the appropriate education, became part of the management apparatus, the profession received a wide variety of names, be it agents, policemen, militiamen, red cloaks, etc. Women not so long ago received the right to work in law enforcement agencies.

Under the Soviet government in 1917, a workers' militia was formed - this is the people's armed militia, the name was supposed to symbolize the closeness to ordinary people, to the working people.

In the Russian Federation, from 01.03.2011, by order of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, the militia was renamed into the police, as in most European countries.

Policeman's rights

In order to carry out all assigned duties, police officers are endowed by federal law with a number of rights:

  • enter any premises (private house, government or commercial institution);
  • use public and private vehicles for special operations;
  • legally use handcuffs, batons and firearms in life-threatening situations;
  • stop illegal actions of individuals and entire organizations;
  • demand for verification documents confirming the identity and legality of work;
  • use the testimony of unauthorized persons and call the compiled list of citizens to testify in an administrative and criminal case;
  • get access to information free of charge and without queuing.


A law enforcement officer should:

  • study and use all legal regulations;
  • follow direct orders from management;
  • constantly improve their qualifications, strive for professional growth, work on physical fitness;
  • any information related to the conduct of business and police work is a secret protected by law;
  • to protect and take care of state property;
  • report changes in family life, be it the birth of children, death of relatives, moving to another city or country;
  • prevent the emergence and development of corruption.

Requirements for a police officer

Any guys or girls wishing to work in law enforcement must graduate from a police elementary school, in order to improve their qualifications and a future career - a secondary specialized or higher educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Stars on shoulder straps" and excellent career growth today are received by many girls, which is a high indicator for law enforcement agencies. However, girls are mostly engaged in “female” paperwork.

There is also a special list of requirements for the training of police officers:

  • body endurance for constant physical activity;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • the police officer must have a good reaction and the absence of otolaryngological problems;
  • psychological stability, a heightened sense of justice and high moral qualities are an integral part of a police officer's service, since you have to work with various social strata of the population;
  • desire to help people in difficult situations at the cost of their own health;
  • It is believed that the police officer has no gender, therefore the demand for women and men is the same.

A police officer must treat himself and others responsibly, make important decisions and be calm in critical situations (hostage-taking, a large number of victims, domestic problems in families, violence against young girls and children, description of property).

A police officer is guided by applicable laws, that is, he is the face of the state, therefore he must be legally literate and able to convey an understandable interpretation of complex laws and articles to those around him.

Who can become a police officer?

Today, both a woman and a man can become a law enforcement officer. The approximate percentage distribution by gender is 50% to 50% of the total number of women and men who study and work citizens in the field of legal relations.

To get a job in law enforcement, a man must complete compulsory service in the armed forces, women - to get a secondary or higher legal education.

The professional activity of a police officer can begin at a young age. For example, training in cadet schools and corps of justice, in military schools and military departments of universities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Description of the benefits:

  • annual salary increases and the possibility of career growth up to the rank of general;
  • special social status, free medical care, vouchers, for girls - special conditions during pregnancy, etc.;
  • early retirement for both women and men, according to the seniority order.

Description of disadvantages:

  • Irregular schedule, that is, work in night and day shifts, constant traveling and business trips.
  • Difficulties in personal life, especially for women. There are great difficulties for young girls with career growth, since a lot of time is spent on maternity leave and raising children. With a large competition for jobs, preference will be given to a man over a woman.
  • A daily threat to the life and health of a police officer and his family.
  • The negative attitude of many citizens towards the policeman as a profession.

Today, there is an ambiguous opinion about people who go to study and work in law enforcement agencies. Some believe that this is worthy of respect, others - that such people do not know where else to go.

Law enforcement officers risk their health on a daily basis, fight against criminal groups and corruption. Without police officers, modern society will never have a calm and normal life; anarchy and disorder will immediately reign. The social structure is provided not only by cultured and intelligent people, but also by the fear of serious punishment and life-long consequences. A well-developed system of law enforcement agencies guarantees that if a person violates established laws and is detained, he will certainly be punished.

The complexity of the police service is not limited to constant danger. Every step and every action requires an account, personal life and free time are completely subordinated to an unpredictable work schedule, over the years the personality is inevitably deformed, and those around them are biased. The police officer anonymously told Rjob why a police officer cannot always shoot back, who is not liked by the authorities, and what is the worst thing about being a police officer.

Children have not dreamed of becoming policemen for a long time, and they say that those who have nowhere else to go get into the service ...

I am the child who dreamed of becoming a police officer. My father was indirectly involved in this area, so from childhood I was familiar with the ministers of law and order, knew about their everyday life and understood exactly where and why I was going. This makes you feel a bit like Superman, because someone has to clean up the mess!

How to get into the ranks of the police?

I went to law university to study law enforcement. There are many specialized universities, they are in almost every region, and somewhere there are several. You can also get a secondary education at a college or technical school in the same specialty. There is a narrower training in the specialties "Legal support of national security", "Forensic examination",. But education is needed mainly for career growth, getting the next position.

You can become an ordinary policeman by serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and undergoing special training. In addition, it is necessary to undergo certification. Contrary to public opinion, not everyone withstands the tests, and there are no random people left in the police. Those who commit offenses themselves also fly out of the authorities. For example, if you became the culprit of an accident, then you can forget about a career in the authorities - the presence of a criminal record is checked first.

Is it true that this is a purely male profession?

Not really. There were not so few girls in the university, but they get a job as dispatchers or for administrative work, and it is almost impossible to meet them in the ranks of the patrolmen. And there is no discrimination, they themselves prefer other employment options, and they do not have sufficient physical training to work on the streets.

What other qualities, besides physical form, should a police officer have?

You need to be resilient, strong-willed and calm, not to get irritated and not lose your temper under any circumstances, to keep working, even if you immediately get on the call from duty and have not been at home for two days. And, of course, without a heightened sense of justice, nowhere!

How are the working days of a police officer?

Ordinary police officers are on duty regularly, go on patrols, provide law and order at holidays, big celebrations, in crowded places. They are not even always noticeable, but rest assured - where there is a crowd, there are certainly those who are able to disperse this crowd, detect and neutralize a suspicious person who can harm others. This requires the talent of a psychologist, flair and intuition. Violators are taken to the police station and a protocol is drawn up.

Do you often have to use force against violators?

Every time, before doing something, I instantly consider whether it fits into the norms of the law. On normal duty, we have a baton, a walkie-talkie and a Makarov pistol with one clip, but even after neutralizing a bully with our bare hands, dozens of complaints of illegal actions may follow. Sometimes they shoot at a policeman, and he seriously thinks about whether to shoot back ...

There is no more terrible enemy of the police than "special officers" - a special department that considers all complaints and requires an account for every action, every use of physical force. Of course, there is some truth in the stories about the methods of detention, when a person cannot resist, there are no traces left on him and he is simply ashamed to complain ... But these cases are really very rare.

Does the police officer have a code of ethics?

There is no prescribed, but everyone has his own. For example, few people touch grandparents who beg, although they do not stand on ceremony with the rest of the beggars.

Not taking bribes is a common truth, but very few people execute. There are some characters who go into the service for the sake of power and "access to the trough", but they do not like them. At the same time, very few people will refuse the "presentation" during the pre-holiday raids. Sometimes we accompany census organizers or firefighters who check safety measures, and this is where "tributes" are not uncommon.

There is also an unwritten rule not to touch my own people, so I, for example, can safely not wear my seat belt while driving - if they stop, they will not be fined.

Besides, are there any other advantages to the profession?

To be honest, the main plus is that you are not ashamed of your work. Well, the salaries are now quite good in the authorities - from 25 to 42 thousand rubles, depending on the position, rank, length of service and region. We retire earlier, there are many benefits, for example, sanatorium treatment, the ability to queue up for housing, etc.

And the main disadvantage is the danger to life?

In fact, everyone who left the house today, and even those who did not leave, are in danger to life. It can happen to anyone and anything, I don’t think about it at all. But fatigue and the need to constantly face the "bottom of society" - this is seriously unsettling. Almost every day you see only homeless people, prostitutes, beggars, family hooligans, alcoholics, dysfunctional families with small children. It takes nerves of iron to come home and be a good father and husband, turn off the switch and leave it all at work.

But even when you are resting with your family, there are no guarantees that you will not be called and you will not have to leave urgently. The whole country has more than a week of New Year's holidays, and I did not go to work only twice. Over time, friends and acquaintances either stop communicating with you, or get used to your "elusiveness."

How do ordinary people relate to police officers?

They are badly treated. Of course it's bad. When we do our job well, no one sees it and this is right. But as soon as a bribe-taker, a fat bummer sleeping at his post, appears in our ranks, it immediately lowers the image and prestige of the profession to zero.

What kind of career awaits a police officer?

There are three options - in education or in a private company. Those who pursue careers in the authorities regularly receive promotions and new positions, but this is possible only with a higher education.

I have "grown" to the level of an interrogator of the investigation department, and now I am the head of the security service of a large holding. Even an ordinary policeman can easily get a job in a private security agency, where salaries are higher than in the authorities, or in the enterprise security service.

To become, for example, requires being in good physical shape and being interviewed — to give the impression of a confident person in a personal encounter with an “object”.

Some people manage to combine one with the other, although formally, by law, this is prohibited, and for "hack on the side" you can lose a career in the police.

But this does not apply to the educational sphere. If, after graduation, a graduate or an already established police officer wants to continue his education, he is sent, for example, to the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V. Ya. Kikot, receives an academic degree and the right to teach. This career path cannot be called simple, and only a few follow it, but it is this path that allows you to earn decently, and not quit your service, and be proud of what you do.

Some time ago, the attitude towards law enforcement officials left much to be desired. Now the attitude is changing for the better. Many associate this with the reform, thanks to which the prestige of law enforcement agencies increased and many began to wonder how to become a policeman.

In addition to a number of visible changes, including the uniform and wearing of tokens, the government is trying to increase the prestige of the police service by increasing salaries.

The requirements for candidates have also become more stringent, so becoming a police officer is not easy, but real. The main thing is compliance with the requirements put forward, the successful passage of the medical commission and psychological tests.

Some are attracted by the power vested in the police, others want to serve in the police on the highest duty of honor and justice, for some, service in the authorities is a matter and meaning of life, contrary to popular beliefs about law enforcement officers.

To become a policeman, one desire is not enough, you will definitely need a higher specialized education, no criminal record, physical health. In some cases, serving in the armed forces offers a number of advantages when applying for a job.

What do you need to do to become a police officer?

Before contacting the police personnel department with a job application, decide in which department you want to work. Each candidate has individual requirements.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, only citizens of the Russian Federation without a criminal record, regardless of gender, nationality and religion, can work in the police force. Age restrictions for employment - from 18 to 35 years old, this is one of the most stringent requirements for candidates.

The same strict requirements are imposed on women as on men; there are no benefits and indulgences when applying for a job in the police. It is more difficult for women to achieve the right to serve in law enforcement agencies, but if there is a great desire, physical fitness, the goal is quite achievable.

The simplest thing that awaits an applicant is an interview... If the person at the interview behaves adequately, competently answers the questions asked, the candidate receives approval from the members of the commission.

The next stage is to collect documents for applying for a job. You will need:

  1. questionnaire
  2. biography
  3. diploma
  4. passport

An application for a job in the police, a questionnaire and an autobiography are filled out. The biography is checked especially carefully, not only canceled convictions, but also administrative punishments are unacceptable. Relatives are also checked along this line. A diploma or diplomas confirming education and a passport are provided.

In addition to the listed documents, you will need:

  1. Recommendations. At least 2 police officers with a positive reputation over the years of work in the police (at least 3 years).
  2. Employment history. It will be required if you have worked before.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Military registration documents for those liable for military service.

The main documents will need information about the income and property of the applicant, spouses and children under 18 years of age. In addition, consent is given for the verification and processing of the data.

The next stage is a medical examination... It will take patience, as the medical commission takes up to 5 days. The medical commission is one of the most difficult stages, here many candidates for work in the police are "rejected". Some joke bitterly, saying that it is more difficult to get a medical examination in the police than in astronauts.

It will take a lot of time to get certificates from dispensaries about the absence of diseases that hinder the work of a police officer (tuberculosis, mental illness, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases). Candidates are tested for alcohol dependence or predisposition.

The tightening is associated with the fact that the police officer must act as a model, show resistance to stress and temptations of life. So there will be confidence that in a non-standard situation the policeman will show himself competently, adequately and will not be confused.

Another difficult stage is psychological examination... This is not a simple compatibility test, but a test for 600 questions, plus a lie detector is connected. After the examination, a number of rooms pass:

  1. psychiatrist
  2. surgeon
  3. ophthalmologist
  4. therapist

Do not forget about fluorography, cardiogram of the heart and ultrasound, you may need head scans in order to make sure that there were no injuries.

When the medical commission is completed, you will have to deal with financial papers. They will offer to fill out a tax return, indicate information about bank accounts, income and property, securities and shares.

Video plot

The last event is the delivery of standards for physical fitness. The standards include: push-ups from the floor, abs, long-distance running. Only the strongest and most enduring work in the police.

Challenges and merits of police work

No matter how the attitude towards the police changes for the better, you will have to face the prejudiced attitude of the population, even if the policeman risks his health or life. Many see this as self-interest. But, such is life, it is impossible to please everyone.

Some relatives, and even friends, for selfish purposes hide behind police officers, piously believing that they can get away with a lot. This could seriously damage the police officer's reputation and dismiss the officer if cover can be proven. The law is binding on everyone, and the court can punish anyone, be he an archaeologist, doctor or police officer.

A police officer has irregular working hours and can be recalled to work at any time. On weekdays, the policeman must keep order, keep everything under control.

A decent salary and early seniority retirement benefits compensate for a number of job difficulties. Under the new legislation, after a 10-year term of service, the state allocates a lump sum for the purchase of housing for law enforcement officers. Housing can be purchased under a preferential program at 7% per annum.

If the experience is 15 years, with all the calculations, the vacation will be released up to 2 months. Police officers and their families can benefit from health care and spa treatment benefits.

There is a good opportunity to climb the career ladder. It all depends on the personality of the policeman, diligence in work and self-improvement. Earning a higher rank and awards will be reflected in retirement.

If the checks and psychological tests have been successfully passed and the medical commission has given the go-ahead, those who wish to work in the police are given the opportunity to undergo a probationary period from 3 to 6 months. During the internship, the mentor officer must teach and vouch for the novice service in the authorities that he will strictly observe the prohibitions and restrictions imposed on police officers, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

Detailed video material

During your internship, prove yourself and show your best qualities. After successfully completing the internship, you will receive the position and title for which you applied. The duration of the internship is included in the length of service.

Becoming a police officer is not easy, so if law enforcement is your calling, be firm in your decision-making, persistence and tenacity. If you fail to realize your dream, do not be discouraged. Can

A policeman, a profession that was once considered "male", is becoming more and more popular with girls. The specialties of the state structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are diverse, there are "paper", administrative, operational . Police work for women is not only a romantic image of a brave heroine from a movie, it attracts with the opportunity for self-realization, to be useful to people. Contrary to the myth that a girl can only do office work, there are a lot of female investigators, dog handlers, and operatives.

Working in the police before its reorganization was unprofitable, difficult, and time-consuming. The combination of a small salary and a lot of responsibility made people look for another place. Only the most committed employees remained, who saw service as their calling. Now the conditions have changed a little, the police profession has again become prestigious.

Getting a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a girl is a very important step. You need to analyze your capabilities before making a decision. In addition to the difficulties of entering the state structure, training, police women at work themselves face many problems.

Cons of working for women in the police force

  • The main difficulty is constant emotional stress. Working as an operative, for example, involves constant danger. Such conditions, as well as the lack of time for rest (the schedule is irregular), the need to constantly obey the charter makes the service very difficult.
  • Constant employment at work for girls in the police turns into problems with family, lack of personal life. The percentage of divorces is high due to the unwillingness of husbands to the constant employment of their wives.
  • Many women are repelled by the need to constantly obey the orders and orders of their superiors. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not imply initiative, everything is strictly in accordance with the regulations, instructions, charter. This immediately removes the romantic halo from the profession.
  • Compliance with the dress code and the need to constantly conform to the positive moral character of the police officer.
  • Reporting. Filling out many papers that seem useless, constant checks are very exhausting.
  • Condescending attitude from male colleagues and management. Alas, the consciousness of some is still somewhere at the level of the Middle Ages.

Pros of working as a police officer

  • Not a bad salary.
  • Police officer benefits (travel, free medical care).
  • Pension after 20 years of work.
  • Benefits for the purchase of housing (improved mortgage conditions and the provision of a lump sum).
  • Longer vacation as compensation for overwork and irregular work hours.
  • Providing with uniform and work footwear.
  • An opportunity for a woman to make a good career if she has a specialized higher education.
  • Testing your own abilities, physical, intellectual, psychological. Some girls like to take on this challenge.

Who can work in the police

Any girl with a complete secondary, special or higher education can go to work in the internal organs. An advantage will be to study at a specialized educational institution.

There are significant limitations - a girl must have impeccable health and biography. People with previous convictions, as well as everyone who has relatives who are in places of detention, are not taken to the law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes the leadership, contrary to Russian laws, sets its own restrictions and employs exclusively men. This is facilitated by the widespread myth about the "weaker sex". A male boss unfairly thinks that the girl will not physically cope with her work duties. In reality, the physical condition does not depend on gender at all. There are now enough women with decent athletic training.

Required personal qualities:

  • Responsibility and dedication;
  • Organization, punctuality and decency;
  • Teamwork ability;
  • Energy;
  • Fast reaction;
  • Call of Duty;
  • Ability to keep secrets;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • Logical thinking, literacy;
  • Multitasking;
  • Observation;
  • Self-control;
  • Endurance.

Passing a medical examination is a serious test. Health is one of the mandatory requirements. In the course of examinations, they can reveal hidden diseases or mental disorders, which are prohibited to work with as a law enforcement officer. At the stage of passing the commission, the level of physical fitness is revealed and a series of psychological tests are carried out to determine professional aptitude.

Conditions for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Age only up to 35 years old. Older women are not accepted for service.
  • Passing the standards of physical fitness.
  • The candidate for the position and the next of kin have no criminal record or problems with the law.
  • Physical and mental health.
  • Polygraph test.
  • Profile education for high positions.

How to join the police

The decision to go to work in the police for a young girl usually leads first to a specialized school or university. This makes it possible to enter a more prestigious, interesting specialty and freely receive high positions, officer ranks. Universities and colleges provide theoretical knowledge and necessary sports training.

Before studying or looking for vacancies, a woman should carefully decide on the direction of work. The Ministry of Internal Affairs needs specialists of different profiles - lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, programmers, psychologists, etc.

Job search

When looking for a job, the following steps are worth taking:

  • You can search for a list of in-demand specialties on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sometimes vacancies, including those without educational requirements, are posted on popular resources with ads.
  • Create a resume and send it.
  • Contact the personnel department of the police department to find out the list and number of vacancies for women or to personally talk with a potential boss. Employees will suggest a suitable position in accordance with the level of education, work experience or preferences.
  • Pass a medical examination, psychological testing, fill out an autobiography. After that, the information received is carefully checked to identify possible problems.
  • Get a response from the HR department. With a positive decision, take an internship.
  • In case of refusal, when it seems unfair, does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, you can file a complaint with the Directorate of Internal Affairs to the head of the personnel management department.

Documents required for joining the police:

  • Application filled out according to the sample;
  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Diploma or certificate;
  • Autobiography;
  • Employment history;
  • Income information.

After the approval of the candidacy, it will be necessary to collect a number of papers, depending on the chosen specialty in the police.


After a civilian university or after grade 11, women are also hired for police jobs. Before receiving the appropriate position or title, a girl who has not been trained in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs undergoes a probationary period. The duration of the internship depends on the specialty and education of the applicant. The salary at the time of passage is minimal.

Usually, a newcomer is assigned to a more experienced employee. So you can get acquainted with the work of the police from the inside and decide exactly how much this activity is suitable. After completing the internship, uniforms are issued, and the employee is sent to the training center for training.

Training for future police officers

After the internship, a woman will have to take a course at a training center, where she will teach the basics of a new profession - shooting, hand-to-hand combat, forensics, record keeping, first aid, and prepare psychologically. This will allow you to get initial skills, thanks to which it is much easier to master the profession.

List of some specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for women

The list of people who can work in the police for a girl is very large, and it is quite easy to choose a vacancy to your liking. Knowledge and skills in a variety of areas from programming to veterinary medicine can be useful. Some of the girls prefer the peace of their offices, but there are also restless persons who like operational and power specialties.


This specialty involves conducting investigative examinations. Arriving at the scene of the crime, the forensic scientist takes fingerprints, examines the premises or area for possible evidence. In the department, he works with material evidence, conducts examinations or research of the evidence obtained. A very interesting profession that requires accuracy, precision, logical mindset and attentiveness. Higher education is required to get a job.

Police officer

Working as an operative or district police officer will require communication skills, multitasking, great resistance to stress and endurance. This profession is associated with a huge risk to life, has a very busy schedule, requires responsibility, physical training. You also need skills in working with documentation, handling firearms. Constant work with the population and those under investigation, the need to obey the authorities, a large amount of reporting often leads to professional burnout.


It will require a girl of great self-discipline, dedication, observation, the ability to compare facts. A clear knowledge of the legislation is also required. To enter the position, you need a higher legal education.

Communication specialist, information security

You will need knowledge in the field of high technology, programming skills, work experience and higher education in the specialty. Logical thinking, perseverance will definitely come in handy. The importance of this work can hardly be underestimated - without technology, it is now impossible to successfully work in any area.


Service related to training and escorting dogs during investigative or search activities.

Love for animals, knowledge of animal psychology, patience and firmness are required. During investigative activities, dogs often help to find a criminal, protect an accompanying person from injuries, or participate in protecting an object. Four-legged employees are used to search for drugs, explosives, they help in rescue operations. The profession of a dog handler presupposes constant self-development and a desire to devote all the time to dogs.

Inspector for work with minors

The position is related to problem children. Women often do this difficult job. Responsibilities include monitoring adolescents involved in crimes, identifying street children, conducting educational conversations with "difficult" adolescents. People in this challenging position must ensure that the fundamental rights of the child, as enshrined in the constitution, are fulfilled. The work will require a significant investment of emotional energy. Seeing unhappy children every day is not an easy task. Mindfulness, the ability to get along with adolescents, sensitivity, firmness are essential qualities for a woman in the police force in this job.


In women's prisons, only women are allowed to carry out many types of activities (searches, for example).

Special education is required to enter the position.

Work involves risk, constant stress.

It will take possession of weapons, physical fitness, poise, self-control, moral stability.


The number of women working in the police is increasing. Despite the obvious difficulties, the girls involved in police service are attracted by the opportunity to make a career, to take place as a citizen and a good salary. Before taking on such a serious and responsible job, you need to soberly assess your qualities and accurately determine your specialization.

A still from the cartoon "Uncle Styopa the Policeman", 1964. Director - Ivan Aksenchuk

We all remember the policeman Uncle Styopa from childhood. A tall, fast, brave hero stood guard over order. The character is highly moral and noble, he was the ideal to follow.

As part of a special project, the site's correspondents talked with the Moscow police and found out what mental and physical qualities they consider necessary for a successful service. Their answers were commented on by the psychologist of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District, senior police lieutenant Daria Turchenkova and the deputy head of the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Dmitry Konyshev.


A police officer is a person in the executive branch. He must be careful both in appearance and in his actions. For men, as well as for women, there are standards governing their appearance. The rules concern, for example, haircuts, and also prohibit tattoos and piercings.


Police officers are law enforcement officers, so it is very important that their interaction with people is correct. But this does not mean at all that the employee cannot be persistent and strict if the situation requires it. The main thing in the process of communication is not to inflict personal insults on the interlocutor. However, all this does not apply to specific cases, when, for example, an operative merges with the criminal environment.


Police officers constantly interact with the outside world, so they need to be sociable, not shy and freely come into contact with people. But it happens that a person is too sociable by nature - in this case, it is important that he knows how to control himself.

A responsibility

There is legal responsibility, it is spelled out in the Law "On Police". Naturally, the police are not supposed to break the law. If a person is not aware of the consequences of their actions, they may begin to overstep their authority, act for their own benefit, or tolerate negligence in their work.

The employee should be sober in assessing their actions, as they affect other people. Taking part in life situations, he takes responsibility for the outcome of the case, so a lot depends on him.

The third type of responsibility that a police officer takes on is responsibility to a single whole, the law enforcement system. It is only a small part of this system, but at the same time it affects the entire mechanism: if it does not work at its level as required, the whole organism suffers.


Citizens often disrupt order, and police must regularly interact with other people to restore order. The employee must understand the situation - there is not always a need to apply punishment. To see this, you need to understand well what happened.


Police officers must be tolerant of citizens of other nationalities, tolerant of other countries and customs. At the same time, one should not overdo it, lose objectivity and impartiality. It is important not to cross the line.


As in the case of tolerance, one cannot go too far here. Patriotism is consonant with the very principles of service in the authorities, people give their debt to the state and are devoted to their service. However, this should not overlap with theses like: "Let's clear our country from ...". That is, there is also a line that should not be crossed.


This quality has something in common with politeness - any carelessly thrown word can hurt a person, and it is necessary to evaluate your actions.

Strength of will

There are obstacles on the way to achieving some of the goals and objectives. To overcome these barriers, you need to overpower yourself using willpower and achieve results. In other words, willpower is necessary for serious cases, for example - solving crimes, you need to bring the case to the end, even if you are faced with serious difficulties. We have to overcome weakness, including physical weakness, and act.


Police officers are sometimes in danger in the line of duty. Their work is connected with the underworld, and sometimes there are situations in the "here and now" regime that require urgent intervention despite all the risks. Fear is a natural feeling, but sometimes you need to overcome it in order to do your job. Courage can be developed through self-improvement. To do this, you need to consciously intervene in acute situations, overcome fear and thus train yourself.


The life of a policeman is very strictly regulated; he is guided by the rules and laws. But besides this, a person must have an inner sense of justice and morality. There are situations with both a plus and a minus sign, and sometimes employees are forced to be guided not by written law, but by their own moral principles.


Patience is the ability to remain calm, to be in control of oneself. There is no room for impulsiveness.

Physical form

In the fight against crime, it is not always possible to get along with one mind. Sometimes skill and speed are required, because the criminal must be caught up and neutralized. All police officers undergo physical training to always be ready for action. In addition, being in good physical shape makes it possible to fend for yourself.

Sense of humor

Sometimes this is a necessary component in the work, especially for those who are faced with some difficult situations. Humor is a medicine and, in general, an excellent remedy for negativity, a healthy defense of the psyche. Of course, if it's appropriate.


The level and area of ​​expertise depends on the specialization of the police officer, but all crime fighters must be aware of the structure of society. The reason is that sometimes the police have to deal with things that are outside the boundaries of his professional duties. In other words, a person needs to have an idea of ​​how everything works and be in contact with the outside world.

What qualities can be assessed when applying for a job?

In fact, a police officer is not required to possess these fifteen qualities. When hiring, you can check only a few - for example, physical strength, stress resistance or communication skills. As Dmitry Konyshev said, applicants must pass a military medical commission. The level of requirements for a person depends on the so-called mission group - his future specialization. There are only four such groups, and their boundaries are fixed by law. Below are a few examples of what kind of activities are being discussed in each case.

  • 1 group - the fight against organized crime, patrol-guard and film-search services, protection of sensitive facilities and escort of special cargo;
  • Group 2 - operational search service and employees of a number of faculties of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Group 3 - forensic, investigative and personnel services, work in the duty unit and the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation;
  • Group 4 - medical and economic activities, service in information and computing centers, newspaper offices and research institutions.

Expert opinion

Police officers must be decent, honest people. But the most important thing is respect for others. The police officer must listen to the person, understand his problem, and only then proceed to resolve the situation. Hard work also plays an important role. If a person without experience comes to work for us, as an employee he will inevitably learn everything in practice.

Of those qualities that you have listed, I would especially single out responsibility, patriotism, fairness and responsiveness. But the sense of humor is far from basic, in the police it is quite possible to work without it. Sometimes you need to show creativity and initiative, but not go beyond. Of the qualities that should not be in the character of a policeman in any case, I would name cruelty, disrespect for people, negligence and dishonesty.

Some personal qualities can be identified already at the interview stage, while others become noticeable during the six-month probationary period. To see tolerance, you need to look at the actions of an employee in a specific situation - for example, when he is faced with an offender of a different religion or nationality. For a police officer, everyone should be the same, since everyone is equal before the law.

Dmitry Konyshev

Deputy Head of the Personnel Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service

Prepared by Sofia Bassel and Sergey Blokhin


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