Make a wish! Magic flower makes dreams come true. Flower of cherished desires

From childhood, we are taught that in order to get what we want, we need to work long and hard. Of course, this is true, but not always.

The universe has its own laws. Probably, you have noticed more than once that there are people for whom everything is easy and simple. This is not an accident. They just felt the universe.

You can also become a person to whom the fulfillment of desires is easily given! Remember, you are the magician in your life...

For each of us, a magical Seven-Flower Flower has blossomed... Look how beautiful, wonderful and unusual it is...

And each color is chosen for a reason… It is of great importance…


Ask yourself “what do I really want?”…

Tear off the petal (and say “Thank you for the fact that everything on this list comes into my life easily and quickly for the benefit of me and everyone around me!”) And make a wish ...

At least you can get 7 wishes ... And the maximum, I am silent ... Everyone has his own ... Am I right?

Ripped off? Guessed?

Okay….. And now let's say the magic words:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Command that this or that be done.
orange petal -
Fly fly petal
Through West to East
Through the North, Through the South
Come back making a circle!
Just touch the earth
To be in my opinion led:
Command that my family be surrounded by health and happiness. Let it be so and only so! 27 * 108 times! For the good of me and the universe

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers for the game Puzzles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels from 251 to 260 of the Magic Story Riddles game in Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 251, 252, 253, 254, 255

Level 251 - Riddle:

Gently slowly shod her left-hander?

The correct answer to riddle No. 251: FLEA

Level 252 - Riddle:

What do we say when the toastmaster gives us the word?

The correct answer to riddle No. 252: TOAST

Level 253 - Riddle:

A mother walks with an arrogant muzzle. Near the daughter - a proud gait.

With long hair, a daughter and mother, their whole family is called ...

The correct answer to riddle number 253: LAMA

Level 254 - Riddle:

If the flower was cherished, the one that is inconspicuous in appearance,

To guess you could on a magic petal?

The correct answer to riddle No. 254: DESIRE

Level 255 - Riddle:

This thing, I say

We will lay the table, friends.

The correct answer to riddle number 255: TABLECLOTH

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 256, 257, 258, 259, 260

Level 256 - Riddle:

So that in winter your feet do not get cold on a snowy road,

Both big and small put on ...

The correct answer to riddle No. 256: VALENKI

Level 257 - Riddle:

An animal jumps, not a mouth, but a trap.

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

The correct answer to riddle number 257: FROG

Level 258 - Riddle:

He lives in Australia - this marsupial animal,

He builds nests on the ground. He is omnivorous. Digs the earth.

Garden and meadow - here and there he is long-nosed ..

The correct answer to riddle No. 258: BANDIKUT

Level 259 - Riddle:

He lives calmly, in no hurry, just in case he wears a shield.

Under it, not knowing fear, walks ...

The correct answer to riddle No. 259: TURTLE

Level 260 - Riddle:

He looks down on you - you will not find a prouder flower,

He is in autumn garden lord, this is a bright color ...

To our beloved Daughter Anastasia,
To the Scarlet Flower grown in the Divine Garden of Love.

God and we love You. And this is the whole Truth of the World.
All wishes come true
if you believe it.
And everything in You and the World is harmonious,
when you realize that you are part of God,
and God is in you...

Lord, let your Scarlet Flower
grow in harmony with the world and with yourself,
Give her patience and strength, wisdom and faith
on her path. Let health
joy and Your love will be
filled every minute of life
Anastasia, the Scarlet Flower
Universal Divine Love.

"Thousands of people are looking around the world
Magic Flower, hoping that
fulfill their most cherished desires.
Nobody knows where it grows and
therefore considers its location
universal secret. Actually
it's simple: this flower grows
from the seed of Love in each of us.
And to each with his faith and aspiration
under the power to accomplish everything that the soul desires "
Old Oak from Enchanted Forest

One spring morning in the wilderness of the Magic Forest, in the shade of a tall Old Oak, a Flower grew. Inconspicuous, with large carved leaves and thin stems, it resembled an outlandish bird that flew into this ancient Forest from distant unknown countries and sat down under the Oak to take a break from the flight. The wings of the bird remained spread, as if it was preparing to take off again: this is how the Flower caught the rays of the sun with patterned wings-leaves.
The resemblance to a strange bird did not make the Flower beautiful in appearance, but at the same time its inner beauty was beyond doubt: kindness and care helped to become a favorite of the locals. Already in the speed after the appearance of the Flower, animals and birds living in the neighborhood knew: when someone needs help or just a kind word, they go to the thicket of the Forest to talk with the Flower.
One day, birds from a nearby forest asked Flower for his name. In response, the interlocutor sighed and lowered his head: he did not have a name, or, perhaps, he did not remember it, just as he did not remember his relatives and the country from where the bird brought his seed. I knew one thing for sure: I am sincerely glad that I grew up here, in this wonderful place, in the circle of good neighbors and friends. And I would be absolutely happy if I remembered at least my name ...
After listening to this, the wise Owl reassured his friend:
- Do not be sad. It is not so important where you came to us from and who your ancestors are. Perhaps the time will come and you will know everything. And if such a case does not present itself, it is not terrible. It is important to know who you are and what you live for. If a bird brought you a seed here, you know our forest, and your homeland is here. And we all have the same past: we are all children of the Sun and the Earth. We came to this world to help each other, honor the Sun and take care of the Earth. Who are you? You are a flower and I am Bird - Owl. Someone is born as a butterfly, and someone as a tree. To each his own path. You were born and live under the Oak, you took strength from it. Fed by the Earth: with its juices, care for everyone passed to you. And even though you get little Sunlight, but the main thing from the Sun - the light of the soul - you know how to take. One thing is not good that you do not have a name. But this is fixable: we will call you Dubovik.
The audience liked this name very much, and therefore, since then, the forest people and local peasants began to call the Flower Dubovyk.
On one of the moonlit spring nights, Dubovik had a strange dream: he was holding on to a stone ledge with his legs-roots and looking into the abyss. A song is heard through the splash of water and the darkness. A pleasant female voice flows like a river and rises up, penetrates the soul, stirs the blood .... Sadness and excitement, joy, tenderness and moonlight flow into its roots and stems. It seems to Dubovik that he has always heard this song and this voice, that he lived only for the sake of hearing it at least once more ...
Immersed in a wave of melody, he saw a dusty road and a gypsy walking along it. Elderly, tired, dusty, she caught up with the young traveler and looked at his palm for a long time. Then she uttered something softly, putting a seed in his hand, and went with a quick step forward. Dubovik closed his eyes, hoping that the vision would disappear. But he was mistaken: replacing each other, memories of the past arose in front of him. Here, from the palm of a young traveler, a seed falls into the ground. But at the place of the fall, a Flower grows, very similar to Dubovik. Another exactly the same Flower is brought to the house of a young man by a girl. Together they plant it in the garden. A new note in the song, light and... Dubovik sees a huge garden in which two identical flowers bloom on a hot summer night. One of them is singing... The last picture made Dubovik sad: he saw how someone's hand picked up a small seed near two flowers in a large garden. She threw the seed into her pocket. Then the light, the fall, the flight in the Bird's beak...
The vision disappeared, and with it the song that filled the Flower's soul with tenderness.
Moonlight flooded the forest. Dubovik opened his eyes, looked around and saw that
he is still there, under the Oak, everything around plays with iridescence of lunar silver. It was just a dream, but what a wonderful one! The pictures of the dream did not let me sleep. And the more he remembered, the more it seemed that he remembers all the smells, sounds, feels the warmth of the summer night he saw in a dream, and even hears the voice of the second flower ... Such a gentle beautiful voice! The flower sings some song... Only now, for the hundredth time, scrolling through what he saw, immersed in the pictures with his head, smelling and perceiving sounds, Dubovik finally understood everything... It was not just a dream. And he's not weird at all. This is a re-remembrance! The song from the depths of the mountain gorge brought up deep-hidden childhood memories in him. Two beautiful flowers that met in the same garden and fell in love are his parents. Mother flower in a gentle voice sang a song that the most beautiful feeling on earth is Love. Even then, he absorbed these words, sounds, remembered her voice with all his being. Then someone stole it from the flower garden. Next is the fate of the wanderer: wind, dust, uncertainty... Some Bird picked up a small seed and brought it to the Magic Forest. Today, in a dream, he remembered all this, saw and experienced it again. Now he knows who he is and where he comes from.
When the emotions subsided, Dubovik fell asleep again. This time he did not see anything in his dream, but again he heard a song that helped him remember his past. The voice of the singing girl was not like her mother’s, but she, like her mother once, sang about Love: “Love, like sunlight, enters our soul and works wonders: everything around becomes magical ...”
A sunbeam fell on the carved leaves of Dubovik and he woke up. First of all, the Flower began to ask everyone if a girl lives somewhere nearby who sings such soul-touching songs. I didn’t have to ask for a long time: many people heard about the girl, where she lives, even less was known to the forest people, her name was known only to the Sun, but no one had ever seen the singer.
Stories about a girl named Echo further inflamed Dubovik's curiosity: now he wanted not only to know everything about her, but also to see. And if you somehow managed to learn more about it, thanks to the stories of migratory birds, people and residents of neighboring forests, then it seemed impossible to see. It became more and more difficult to argue with her heart: she pounded to the beat of her songs - Dubovik fell in love!
One night, when the lover could not close his eyes, Wind rushed in. He was so angry and noisy that Echo's song was almost inaudible through this noise. It seemed that today, more than ever, she is full of sadness. For a moment, it seemed to Dubovik that Echo was crying - her voice was trembling. The flower could not make a mistake: his beloved is crying! The decision came instantly: at the risk of dying, Dubovik asked the Wind to tear his roots out of the ground in order to go in search of a girl whose voice lives in his soul. The wind listened to the request and agreed to help: with a strong jerk tore Dubovik's roots out of the ground, picked him up and carried him to his beloved. From the birds that live in the mountains, the Flower knew that Echo lived in a deep mountain gorge, which no one had ever reached before. The wind and birds can see the entrance to the gorge from above, but cannot descend into its depths to see the Echo. You have to be crazy to agree to such an adventure!
The wind still tried to reason with Dubovik, but he did not hear: he pulled his
roots on the ground, clung to the stones at the foot of the mountain, went to his beloved ...
Dawn caught the hero on the way: the leaves-hands grabbed the air, the roots left a wet trail of flower juice, the forces left the Flower, but he walked. My head was spinning, my body ached, but the voice of my beloved was stronger than fear, uncertainty, fatigue. By noon, the sun was already hot with might and main, burning leaves and roots: Dubovik fell, got up and got up, crawled, but relentlessly approached the one he saw, and he firmly believed in it, it was prescribed by fate only to him. Half delirious with fatigue, it seemed to him that she loved him, otherwise how could her voice be part of him? Perhaps he has known her all his life and has always known her. Rave? Maybe. But this nonsense now gives strength, warms the soul, gives hope.
At that time, they were looking for Dubovik in the forest. The eagle owl flew around the whole district, flowers and herbs whispered and sighed, because. were convinced that the fighter-Wind was unspeakably angry with someone and therefore tore out the Flower. When everyone was tired of guessing and useless searching, the Old Oak spoke up. From surprise, silence reigned among those present: until that moment, everyone believed that Oak fell into hibernation from old age and therefore was silent for many years. But now the fact was obvious: Oak did not sleep, he said:
- Why the fuss, forest people? The kid grew up a long time ago and left at the call of his heart. You all change in the spring - Love comes into the world. It transforms everyone and everything: you build nests, dig holes, sprout sprouts... Live! So for him this spring has become the spring of Love. But his Love is special: he found his soul mate. Not just a couple, but a soul with which fate is connected. The guy would have to reach, to have time ... However, if Love is real, then it will come ...
Oak fell silent. No one dared to break the silence: it's no joke, the Old Oak has spoken! And how! Strange, incomprehensible, mysterious, but each of his words is so meaningful, warm, as if he was talking not about the Flower, but about his own son.
Only in the evening Dubovik reached the mountain. All night, clinging to the stones with its roots, it climbed up. When the sleepy Sun only appeared on the horizon, the exhausted lover, leaning down, whispered in the gorge: “I love you, Echo. You are free from now on: let your voice live everywhere and everywhere. My Love will take care of you."
What Echo answered, how her voice changed and how warm, how notes of joy were born in it and sparkled with love, how the voice rose from the depths and embraced the whole Sky, the forest hero remembered vaguely. He felt as if he had fallen into a long sleep. The last drop of juice fell into the gorge. Dubovik froze, and the cry of Echo, like a ray of light, cut the silence of the morning and shook the Earth: “I love you!”.
Dubovik woke up in the Magic Forest, under the crown of the Old Oak, on same place. Animals and birds looked at him in amazement, and he was absolutely happy: here, nearby, visible only to him alone, was Echo. And from now on, his beloved will live in this Forest, in its very thicket with him. What could be better than this?!
When the questions were in full swing, a bright turquoise spark suddenly flashed over the Oak, from which the Fairy of the Forest appeared. She carefully sat down on a branch of the Old Oak and said:
- You see, beloved, our named son has found his Love. I always
she said that he was brave and strong, although he was born a flower, and not a tree.
- You're right, my love. - Oak seemed young and happy. - I doubted his strength, but today he proved that he was able to stand up for his Love. I am proud of Dubovik.
- He's all about you, dear. I remember that you once followed me into this Forest and rooted here for the sake of our love. And then you accepted the seed brought by the bird as your own son and raised him with a bright soul. No wonder Owl gave him your name.
- But how did our son survive today?
- Just like you once survived.
- Then you saved me!
- And today he was saved by Echo.
- How? Everything is easier with you, because you are a Fairy, and she is a Voice dressed in airy fragile flesh ...
- She, like me, loves her hero, my dear. And the power of love replaces her body, hands, clothes. The power of Love resurrects, illuminates, transforms...
- It turns out that they also knew true love?
- So it is, my love. Now we have a gift. You will weave a hut out of your branches for them, where the sunlight would go, but unkind people could not get through. And I will fulfill the most cherished desire of the girl who will henceforth become the wife of our adopted son.
As said, so done: by morning the hut was ready, and after a while a rainbow rose in the sky above the forest. Echo merged with her and became visible to everyone. To look at this wondrous marvel, the forest dwellers came running again. And the girl with spring eyes in rainbow clothes did not see anyone but her beloved Dubovik. As soon as the rainbow began to fade, Echo again became invisible, only her voice was heard: she still sang about Love. The last streak of the rainbow melted in the blue of the sky when Dubovik noticed on his leaf a drop of a rainbow that looked very much like a seed. The drop slipped from the leaf and fell into the ground next to the Flower. The place where she fell lit up with a rainbow light and went out in an instant.
- What was it? the Oak asked the Fairy in a whisper.
- These are the miracles that Echo's soul in love creates. She wanted to give our adopted son a continuation of their love. The strength of her desire and love helped her in this. And you yourself saw the result.
Having said this, the Fairy turned to Echo:
- You are filled with true Love, Echo. This is not possible for everyone. Love is a simple and at the same time complex science: you need to be able to feel and see the world through the eyes of a loved one, breathe in time with the one you love. You get it too. Today I want to fulfill your deepest wish. Say what you want.
There was a hint of doubt in Echo's voice.
- I would like to see the sun, to meet it with my beloved, but then I would not
I can transmit the sounds of the world ...
Why can't you Echo? You can do everything, and Love will help you in this. I know exactly. Sometimes I become a birch to meet the sunrise or sunset together with my beloved. But that doesn't stop me from being myself. So who does the enamored Echo want to be? Or can I guess myself?
Echo just smiled in response. The curious froze in anticipation: what miracle did the Fairy prepare? Flash Light. From somewhere, a song about Love poured down from the sky like a warm rain…. Near Dubovik, clinging to him with her carved wings resembling the wings of a strange bird, Echo sang! On that day, the lovers played a wedding. The forest was noisy with joy, and for the first time Dubovik felt that he had a large family in which love lives.
Throughout the spring and early summer, no one disturbed the idyll in the forest: the peasants went for berries along other paths, and the birds and animals were busy with their offspring. And on one of the hot summer nights, a flower grew in the place where the rainbow drop fell. He was somewhat similar to his father, Dubovik, but had the same beautiful voice as Echo. He differed from his parents only in the strange light that lived in his petals. When in the morning the parents discovered a sleeping beautiful miracle with luminous petals, they immediately remembered the prophecy of the Fairy:
- From the love of your hearts, a glorious wonderful flower will be born, which will have a great gift - to fulfill any desire expressed by the soul. Your daughter will grow up happy and will definitely choose someone who can love her as lightly and selflessly as you love each other, as Oak and I love each other. She will be able to do whatever she wants. Years will pass and people will add fairy tales about her ...
The rays of the dawn Sun glided over the baby petals ... Tiny Flower turned and opened his eyes. He looked around in surprise and smiled.
- Good morning our beloved daughter! We will call you the Scarlet Flower, - Dubovik and Echo said in one voice. - Good miracles to you in life, our happy miracle.
…P.S. Recently she said forty, as if she herself had heard people pass tales about the Magic Flower, fulfilling any cherished desire, from mouth to mouth. Tales are told, but the Flower itself has not been seen, and therefore they do not know his name. They call him something strange, in their own way, but they are all looking for the same Flower girl, the daughter of Dubovik and Echo. When especially persistent seekers come to the Old Oak with questions, he gives everyone the same answer: “Thousands of people are looking around the world for the Magic Flower, hoping that it will fulfill their most cherished desires. No one knows where it grows and therefore considers its location a universal secret. In fact, everything is simple: This flower grows from the seed of Love in each of us. And everyone, with their faith and striving, can accomplish everything that the soul desires under the power.

With love,
our daughter Anastasia,
Scarlet Flower from mom and dad.


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