Autumn fairy tale geese swans in kindergarten. The script of the autumn matinee based on the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" methodical development (senior group) on the topic. Oven, my dear, you tell me without melting

Ksenia Belousova
Scenario autumn holiday"Aspen's name days" based on the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Targets and goals:

Promote the development of musical and aesthetic taste and feelings in children.

Enrich artistic ideas about autumn, to acquaint with folk traditions.

Continue to develop in children a sense of collectivity and friendliness.

Create festive atmosphere.

Materials and equipment: the hall is decorated in autumn theme; Scenery autumn forest , the house of Baba Yaga, where a portrait of Koschei hangs on the wall, a spider web hangs, a table with a samovar and cups, 2 chairs; Mashenka's house (you can have the facade of the house, there is a shop next to it; attributes - pies, apples, a jug, mushroom-fly agaric, patches for potters with beads, a mirror, etc.; signet ring.


The buffoon is a presenter educator.

Children: buffoons, Swan geese, Baba Yaga, Mother, Father, Mashenka, Vanya, Kozlik, Stove, Rechenka, Yablonka.

Holiday progress

Sounds p. n. etc. music buffoons run into the hall.


1st buffoon:

Hello distinguished guests!

We came to the fair here.

2nd buffoon:

To look at your product - to show yourself!

3rd buffoon:

Excuse us for being thin!

4th buffoon:

We are funny ridiculous, mocking buffoons!

1st buffoon:

For a copper penny we will show everything this way and that!

2nd buffoon:

Satisfied awake great, pleasure - three boxes!

Everything: The people are gathering, the fair is opening!

(People come out from different sides (all children) latoshniki: "Fresh pies, ruddy apples, bright beads ..."... Children stay in a semicircle)

Fair ditties:

1. I start the chorus,

First, initial.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad!

2. The wolf is terribly furious -

He cannot eat a hedgehog.

The hedgehog, although it is edible,

Not convenient for eating.

3. Goose bought himself an accordion,

But a little full of holes.

The accordion sang well,

By- goose hissed.

4. Tiger bought a TV,

The best one asked.

I love, - he said sternly,

So that there are many stripes!

5. The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,

Neck, skin on the abdomen.

AND the hedgehog told the raccoon:

Won't you rub my back?

6. The piglet was amazed:

Oh, how long I haven't bathed!

I don't want to be dirtier! -

And he went to the swamp.

7. The pike swallowed the brush,

The brush tickles her throat.

Amazing business!

What kind of fish did I eat?

8. Turtle! Turtle!

The first time she, poor thing,

I found myself in the rain.

Mama! Who's knocking on the house?

9. I went to dance

Grandmother Lukerya.

There is no hair on the crown -


Everything (singing):

Get together more fun, dear viewers.

We are waiting for children at the fair, we are also waiting for their parents.

Girls (singing):

We walk all day, choosing a product is not lazy.

Beads and lipsticks are a delight for girls.

Boys (singing):

We walk around the fair and sing ditties.

New shirts, poor heads.

1st lottery:

Who are the pies? Hot pies!

With heat, with heat, a dime for a couple!

Hurry and hurry

Do not be afraid, do not overeat.

2nd lottery:

To whom I will sell apples, to whom I will give cheaply.

Pears! A pineapple! Buy in reserve!

3rd lottery:

Pins, needles, steel pins,

Pay a piglet for one bundle. (Shows a mirror)

Maidens-beauties, take a look in the mirror,

Which of you is nicer, ask him.

1st girl:

Light my mirror, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth:

I am the loveliest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

2nd and 3rd girls:

You are beautiful, no doubt!


Buy a bagel for lunch!

(The girls laugh and run away)

1st buffoon:

Today autumn name day.

Today celebrating autumn.

2nd buffoon:

And we have guests, guests!

Arrived from all the parishes!

3rd buffoon:

Our we glorify autumn,

WITH congratulations to everyone in the autumn.

Song « Autumn-name days» , music. and sl. E. Gomonova.

1. What a mess

What kind of rain is this?

All the outfits on the trees

Soaked through!


Autumn, autumn, Don't you cry

We will bake you a roll!

Autumn-name days

Let's have fun meeting you!

2. Rain autumn is not a hindrance

Childrens holiday.

How much noise, how much laughter,

Everyone is very happy!

3. We do not ask for rain to visit,

Let him wait

After all, today with us autumn

Leads a round dance!


That's an idea, that's an idea!

We have a Sabbath today!

Admire us

Yes, to our merry dance!

Polka "Look, don't be naughty!" I. Strauss

(Funny music sounds, a buffoon appears)


Hello respectable audience!

Would you like a donut?

Maybe you want fairy tale?.

Once upon a time there was Baba Yaga,

Kind-kind-hearted, fashionable, trendy, but so lonely ...

(Baba Yaga appears, picks out worm beetles, sweeps the hut, dances, wipes the portrait of Koshchei.)

Baba Yaga:

My favorite worms and insects ...

Wow! How tired of you. Eh! If I had a granddaughter, a completely different life would begin. Geese-and!

(Appear Geese)

Baba Yaga:

Come here!

Bring me a little boy

So that it is not thick, not thin.

Moderately well-fed and moderately educated.


Where, ha, fly?

Baba Yaga:

We must look at the book!

Where is my navigator? (He takes out a book from behind the fireplace, opens it and blows off the dust).

Fly to the village and don't return without the boy! (Geese fly away) .


And at this time in the village people were going to the fair.

(Mother, Father, Mashenka come out of the house. Vanya remains in the house.)


Masha, daughter,

We will go to the fair

We will bring you some gifts.

Watch your brother

Don't leave the yard.


We'll go!


Good luck!


Don't forget about Vanya. (Parents leave. Masha puts Vanya in front of the house.)


The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot that she was being punished, put her brother under the window, she herself ran into the street.

(All the children run out.)

The game "Signet"

(Children are standing (sitting) in a circle with your palms together. While singing, the driver walks in a circle, as if putting the ring in his hands to the players.)

I'm at my father's house,

At home in the house.


I bury gold

I bury the silver.

I'm going to plant

I carry gold and silver.


I bury gold

I bury the silver.

The ring has fallen, has fallen,

The ring fell, fell.


I bury gold

I bury the silver.

(After the song ends, the children they say: "Ring, ring, come out on the porch"... The child who has the ring takes a step around. Two children, standing on the right and left, run in a circle in different directions. Whoever takes his place first gets the ring, becoming the leader.)


One game ends, another begins.

The game "Cabbage"


How much is oats in town?

Goat: Two pennies with a heel

And a bag of silver.

Children: Goat, goat, long tail,

How much is oats in town?

Goat: Sold oats in the city,

I bought a horse without a tail.

Children: Goat, goat, long tail,

How much is oats in town?

Goat: I sat backwards

And he went to the garden.

Children: The garden is empty,

Cabbage has grown (children raise their hands)


I will look into the garden

What will I find tasty there?

Here is cabbage, so cabbage-

There is no tastier for me!

Eat a head of cabbage for lunch!

Children: Goat, goat hurry up

And pick the cabbage!

(The children scatter onto the chairs, the Goat catches up with them. Swan geese... They take Vanya and fly out the door.)


Masha returned, lo and behold - but there was no brother. I rushed back and forth ... no. (Masha is looking for her brother.) Only and saw: darted geese- swans and disappeared behind a dark forest. (Masha sits down and cries).


Flew away geese away -

Tears cannot help grief.

Why sit and lose heart -

We must take it upon ourselves to help out.

(Masha starts off.)


Masha walked, walked, saw - the stove was standing, it was burning with fire, puffing with heat ...

Song "Stoves", music. and sl. S. Nemova

1. I baked all day

In the heat of the heat of gourmet.

Take it out of the oven

Pies and rolls!

2. I tried to bake them,

For everyone to get

For a big pie!

I can't wait any longer!

3. Children, do not run past,

Help the good stove!

Be quick

Otherwise I will soon ... burst!


Stove, stove, tell me where geese-swans flew?


Eat my pie - I'll tell you.

(Masha is trying a pie)


You will walk along the path

You will get into a dense forest.

How far you go

Don't stray from the path.


Thank you, stove!

Song "Apple Trees", music. and sl. S. Nemova

Golden apples are poured with honey.

The apple tree grows apples for you, tries!

If you don't pick apples for a long time,

The apple tree bends, the apple tree breaks.


Hello Yablonka! Tell me where geese-swans flew?

Apple tree:

Eat my pouring apple, I'll tell you.

(The apple tree gives Masha an apple, Masha tastes it and puts it in her purse).

Apple tree:

You will walk along the path

You will get into a dense forest.

How far you go

Don't stray from the path.


Thank you apple tree!


How long, how short did Masha walk, sees: flows, shimmers, a wave with a wave plays a milk river - jelly banks.

Round dance "Rechenka"

(House of Baba Yaga, Vanya plays with apples)


River-river, jelly banks,

You run, murmur,

You don't stand still. Have you seen my brother?

Small river:

In the thicket of the forest, at the edge

There is an old hut

Whom you are looking for, there you will find

If you can't turn off the road!


Thank you, I ran ...

Small river:

Drink the kissel first.


Thank you, Rechka ...

(The girls in the role of Rechka pass the cup to each other and hand them over to Masha. Masha "Drinks" and runs away, the river leaves. Baba - Yaga and Vanya appear).


Let me go home

I'm very scared with you.

Baba Yaga:

Don't talk any nonsense

Eat the fly agaric better.

(Vanya turns away, Yaga sniffs).

I smell, smell something!

The lunch itself came here!

Yaga will be full!

I’ll have Masha under the curdled milk today!

Masha: Yaga, let go of the brother!

B. Ya.: No!


Madam, you are an elderly woman, and you do such mean things.

You are so smart!

Baba Yaga: Ouch!

Buffoon: Gorgeous!

Baba Yaga: Ouch!

Buffoon: It does not suit you to be angry, sad! (Baba Yaga blossomed)

B. Ya.: Well, okay, okay ... letting Vanya go!


Come on guys, get up

Sing the song soon!

We will amuse Granny….

And then we'll eat it!

Baba Yaga: what are you, what are you! (Approaching him).

Buffoon: Just kidding!

R. n. NS. "On Mount Viburnum", arr. Y. Chichkova

Baba Yaga:

Wow, give out, people,

The dance takes me.

I'll go dance

I will show myself to people.

Skomarokh: Krakowiak!

Dance "Priokskaya square dance"

Skomarokh: Baba Yaga are you having fun with us?

Baba Yaga: Oh, I can't stop, I haven't danced so merrily for a hundred years!

Buffoon: Let's dance with our guests again!

Baba Yaga: With joy!


Well it's time to say goodbye

The home is waiting for the kids.

We will meet you in fairy tale,

But now it's different.

Children under the square dance "Snake" leave the hall.

"The tricks of Baba Yaga"

(for older preschool children)

Targets and goals :

  • By means of theatrical activities, develop the interests and abilities of the child, creativity and imagination, feel and cognize the world around him more subtly.
  • Adapt the child to social relationships between people.
  • Form an idea of ​​positive and negative actions, behavior.
  • Appreciate yourself and others correctly; see good and bad in the characters of familiar fairy tales.
  • Develop aesthetic and musical taste
  • Create conditions for the development of integrative personality traits every child.


  • Autumn forest scenery
  • Costumes for characters.
  • A hut on chicken legs
  • Fairy Oven

Attributes: autumn leaves, 2 for each child; DMI - spoons, ratchets; basket with mushrooms; basket with apples; white and blue scarves; rope 2m; fake pies




Baba Yaga (can be performed by a child)





Swan geese

The curtain is closed. The teacher comes out in front of the curtain

Lead educator:

You are better artists

You won't find it in the world

Though they are not uncles

Although they are not aunts ...

Who is the most talented in the world?

Well, of course, these are our children!

Please welcome!

The curtain opens. On the central wall there is a decoration of an autumn forest.

Entrance for children with dance "Across the Field" (composition by L. Kustova)


We cannot live in the world without miracles

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

The wind will whirl to the song of the rain

He will throw the leaves under our feet.

So beautiful this time

The Miracle Autumn came to us again.

The song "Miracle-Autumn" is being performed sl. and muses. M.V. Sidorova

On a sunny, bright autumn day

A leaf torn by the wind is spinning.

Leaves are falling, falling all around

Covering the earth with a golden carpet.

The song-dance " Autumn leaves»Sl. and muses. M.V. Sidorova

The curtain closes, the scenery changes


We got into a wonderful forest

There are many different miracles in it.

We are waiting for an autumn guest on a holiday.

Let us invite Autumn to our garden!

Children: Come to visit us, Autumn, we ask you very much.

Autumn enters the hall. Dancing, spinning in front of the curtain.


Did you call me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends.

I flew over the field today,

And the flocks of birds in the sky saw off.

There the birds flashed in the distance

And at parting they told me a fairy tale ...

Quietly, quietly we'll sit next to you

Once again the fairy tale enters the house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted,

Here the heroes come to life, miracles soar around.

I love the fairy tale very much, and I give it to you.

And here in Russia

Fairy tales are very good!

The show begins

A fairy tale comes to visit us!

About geese-swans,

and about different people.

this old fairy tale

Everyone is happy to listen

We offer a fairy tale

To you in a new way!

In some kingdom

In some state

Once upon a time Masha and Vanya

So their parents went to the bazaar,

And Mashenka was punished:

"Look after Vanya,

They took Vanyusha Geese-swans and brought him to the hut on chicken legs, in which Baba Yaga lived.

Baba Yaga comes out.

The song of Baba Yaga "Lonely old woman" is being performed

Baba Yaga: (to the audience)

Well, why are you sitting,

Do not tremble, do not squeak?

Or you haven't read fairy tales,

Have you heard of me?

You know me, I'm glad!

It is necessary to tell rather,

What's for granny today

Geese brought Vanyusha.

Before you eat,

I want to have fun!

Goblin! Hey! Go here,

Show your prowess!

Goblin come out with a dance

A comic dance of Leshikh is performed with spoons and rattles. bunk bed chalk.

Leshy: Grandma! We can hardly stand on our feet

We want to have dinner for a long time!

B. Ya. : Have you lit the stove?

Have you applied water?

Leshy : Don't want to work, granny.

B.Ya .: Where are my swan-geese?

The geese come out with a song

The song of the geese is being sung.

B.Ya .: You are following Vanya here.

(referring to Leshim) And we will go for firewood.

Baba Yaga leaves with Leshimi. The geese sit down next to Vanya.

1st Goose: Guard him while I look for the worm

Or a delicious snail to the bite right outside the gate! (leaves)

2nd Goose:

Appetite has burst out!

After all, it will fly in from the hostess!

And she will praise me

Will treat you with delicious porridge! (thinking)

I'll leave for five minutes

Pinch fresh grass!

Masha comes out with a song

Performed by "Masha's Song"

Masha: Here is a hut, I see my brother

Vanya is dear, how glad I am.

Vania : Let's run away soon, Masha,

To my dear home, to our village.

Masha and Vanya are running away

Autumn: Masha and Vanya ran

The hedgehog was suddenly seen.

Hedgehog comes out with mushrooms on the back and in a basket

Performed "Autumn Song of the Hedgehog"

Hedgehog is scared of children


Hedgehog, dear, wait!

How would we get home?


Run along that path

Pick up the forest apples,

Take milk from the river,

And by the stove - the pies.

Apple tree, river and stove

Protect you from enemies!


We will complete all tasks

They ran. Goodbye!

Children run away


Masha and Vanya ran along the edge of the forest.

And Baba Yaga returned to the hut.

B.Ya .:

Where is my delicious Vanyushka?

Apparently he fell asleep in the hut.

Looks into the hut.

B. Ya. :

Where is the boy?

Where are the Geese?

(Seeks, finds, leads Geese)

You will get it from Yagusi!

What, you decided to laugh? Parasites!


Your jokes are too much!

Where did they hide the boy?

1st Goose:

He was here, I swear by the wing

Or I'm not a white goose!

2nd Goose:

He was here, I swear by his tail

Or I'm not a gray Goose!

B.Ya .:

Robbed! Deceived! They snatched from under the nose!

I just can't find words

And I'm trembling all over with anger!

Hit the road fast

And return the boy to me!

Moose. "Flight of the Geese"

Autumn :

The children are tired of walking through the forest,

Here they met an apple tree on the way.

The song-dance of Yablonka is being performed.

Apple tree:

Masha, Vanya, help me,

Pick my apples

Free the twigs ... ( children rip)

The muses are heard. "Flight of the Geese"

Hide, children, hurry up

Among the apple branches.

Geese fly by

Masha: The geese did not notice us

Vanya: Let them fly to their grandmother!

Apple tree:

Take the apples on the road

They will still help you.

Masha and Vanya are leaving


It's hard for the guys to walk through the forest,

Suddenly they met a river on their way.

The round dance "Tell us, little river" with blue and white scarves is being performed


Milk splashed

Run away far away.

Masha, Vanya, help me,

Return the streams to me.

Children return scarves to the river. The muses are heard. "Flight of the Geese"

Hide here now,

The geese will not notice you!

The river covers the children with scarves, the geese fly by.

Masha: The geese did not notice us.

Vanya: Let them fly to their grandmother!


I'll give you a little milk

On the happy track.

Children go away

And the Geese returned home to the hut.

B.Ya .: Didn't you catch up?

Have you lost it?

Geese: We circled, we flew

We looked with all our eyes.

Someone helps children

And he hides them from us.

B.Ya .:

I will punish you, Geese,

I will tie everyone with ropes


I'll put it right in the stove!

I'll just put some wood on it,

(goes for firewood)

Goblin come out.

1st Goose: Dinner at Granny Geese's

And tomorrow the granny will reach us.

2nd Goblin: I don't want to get into the stove to her.

Let's look for new friends!

1st Goblin: Come on!

Goblin go away. Magpies fly in

1st forty: What a scandal!

What a scandal!

Our forest has never seen anything like this.

2nd forty:

Baba Yaga tied the Geese.

We must save them as soon as possible!

Magpies together:

We will not let you die

We will free you now!

Magpies untie the geese


Tired of being angry

We do not want to serve Yaga.

We will go to the village to live,

There is grain and a warm home.


Yes, yes, yes, we fly from here.

You feel bad here, you feel bad here.

fly away

Baba Yaga comes out looking for Geese.

B.Ya .:

My servants scattered.

There is no friend or girlfriend.

I'm really hungry.

Who am I going to eat now?

I'll fly in pursuit

Maybe I'll find the boy.


Everyone ran away from Baba Yaga.

"Goodbye" she was not told.

Lo and behold, the Stove is on the green edge.

She bakes pies and cheesecakes herself.

Performed "The Song of the Stove".

Geese are flying


Hide us, stove, hurry up

From the chase of evil geese

Children are hiding behind the stove


Forgive us guys

We were once evil.

Tired of being angry

We do not want to serve Yaga.

We want to be friends with you.


Come in, we invite

We treat them to pies.

The pies turned out to be magical.

Their filling is healing

Bite them off quickly

You will immediately become kinder.

Baba Yaga arrives.

B.Ya .:

They forgot me again,

They did not treat him to a pie.

Because I was angry

That I live in the forest alone.

Have pity on me, the old one.

I will not do more harm.

And I will not be angry anymore.

Can I make friends with you?


We forgive you, Yaga.

Come to us, we invite you.

B.Ya .:

Louder music play

Get everyone to dance.

Performing the dance "Grandma Yozhka" comp. Novikova and Sukhanova


Well, it's time to say goodbye

We will accompany everyone to our dear home.

I promise to meet

With you in a fairy tale, but in another.

The artists bow

Since then, they have all lived without troubles for many years.

I'm sorry to grieve you, the fairy tale should be finished,

And for the fact that you tried, listened and smiled,

Thank you very much and I will give you gifts -

The apple tree brought her gifts for the children.

(They bring out the apples.)

The miracle stove surprised, gave sweet buns

(Buns are taken out of the stove.)

Well, and the river is sweet tea, drink, and remember Autumn!

Russian folk melody sounds.

Children leave the hall.

Autumn musical tale"Geese-Swans" (for the preparatory group).

Presenter: We cannot live in the world without miracles
They meet us everywhere
Autumn, magical fairy forest
He invites us to visit him.

To the music, children run into the hall and stop in a semicircle facing the audience. They sing the song "Come to visit us ..." (from the movie "There on unknown paths…»).
Child: Swan geese are flying
And they look down at the ground
How beautiful and bright
Their native land!
Song "Russian side", music. E. Filippova.
After the song Masha, Vanya, Mom and Dad go to the house.
Sounds rn.m., two buffoons run out with balalaikas and sing:
1) Trump and shit,
Yes, bullshit, yes, bullshit!
We are not too lazy to start a fairy tale,
Argues between Good and Evil in it,
We invite everyone to a fairy tale!
2) Once on an autumn day
Dad and mom together
We decided to go to the fair
Bring gifts for the children.
Bring the children to the hotel
And stock up on food.
So that when winter comes
The bins were full!
The buffoons leave.

Scene 1.
Sounds r.n.p. "The month is shining", Masha and Vanya leave the house and sit on a bench, mom and dad are going to the fair:
Dad: We will go to the fair for you to buy gifts,
Lollipops, gingerbread ...
Vanya: And with pictures of books?
Dad: Okay, we'll bring some books too ...
Mom: You take care of each other,
Don't go anywhere!
Masha: I will play with Vanya,
We will wait for you at home.
Mom: Well, kids, stay
We drove off. (pat on the head and leave.)
Dad: (behind the house) But-oh-oh-oh! Go!
Masha and Vanya are waving their hand.

Scene 2. "Fair"
Cheerful music sounds, buffoons run out:
1) Fair! Fair!
Pokrovskaya fair today!
How autumn came
I treated everyone with the harvest!
2) Come and have fun
Show your skills!
Tell about yourself
We worked all summer for a reason!
1) What your soul desires
You will find everything at the fair!
2) Everyone chooses gifts.
You can't leave without a purchase!
Together: The people gather,
The fair is opening!
The introduction to the song "Fair" sounds, children-sellers walk around the hall, showing their goods, stop facing the audience, beckoning buyers:
1) Come on, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy a product, do not be shy!
Look don't blink
Do not open your mouth!
Don't count the crows
Buy the product!
2) Gingerbread cookies, lollipops, bagels,
For our beloved audience!
Sweet on honey!
Let's put it in the hat!
3) Children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
With pictures of the book
For a girl and a boy!
4) Onions, cabbage,
Zucchini, everything is delicious!
Come take a look
And put it in the basket!
5) But the boots are not simple,
They have gold clasps!
All: Tary-bars-rastabars,
We will terminate all products!
Children walk around the fair, examine goods, shop.
Sounds r.n.p. "Peddlers", a merchant comes out, walks around the hall, shows handkerchiefs and shouts:
Here are beautiful scarves
So beautiful, so bright!
Come, choose,
Buy whatever you want!
Girls run out:
1st: Walk around the fair,
How not to buy a product?
For such half-clothes
And I don’t mind the ruble!
2nd: Eyes scatter
From such a diva
Look at the handkerchiefs
How beautiful they are!
3rd: Multi-colored scarves,
Printed shawls,
How many women in Russia
Decorated on a holiday.
4th: And how the girls go - the street blooms,
And they will lead with their shoulders - you want to close your eyes!
"Dance with kerchiefs" (to the soundtrack of the song "Chamomile Rus").
The buffoons run out:
1st: The old man was selling a cow in the market,
2nd: Nobody gave a price for a cow ...
The rnm sounds, the "old man" walks and leads a cow. A boy and a girl walk through the hall arm in arm and stop:
Boy: Master, will you sell us your cow?
Old man: Selling, I’m standing in the market with her in the morning!
Girl: And how much do you ask, old man, for her?
Old man: But where to profit! Get yours back!
Boy: Does your cow hurt too thin?
Old man: Sick, damn it! It’s just a disaster!

Old man: We haven't seen milk yet ...
Customers leave.
Buffoons: 1st) The old man traded at the bazaar all day,
2nd) No one gave a price for a cow,
One boy took pity on the old man ...
A boy comes out (a cap with a flower on his head, a balalaika in his hands).
Boy: Daddy! Your hand is not easy!
I'll stand by your cow
Perhaps we will sell your cow!
Plays the balalaika and sings:
Come honest people
Grandfather sells a cow,
That cow is pure treasure
Buy if you are rich!
Buyers go and ask:
Boy: Will you sell the cow?
Boy: Buy, if you are rich!
Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
Boy: Is it so? Looks too thin!
Boy: Not very fat, but good milk yield!
Girl: Does a cow give a lot of milk?
Boy: If you can't milk it in a day, your hand will get tired!
Buffoons: The old man looked at his cow ...
Old man: Why am I, Burenka, selling you?
I won't sell my cow to anyone -
You need such a cow yourself!
Sounds rn.m. The cow is dancing.
Buffoons: 1) Jokes, jokes, fun!
2) We invite you to ride the carousel!
Children sing and stage the song "Carousel", music. B. Savelyeva.
Mom: Oh, yes, we skated and played enough at the fair,
Everyone has bought the goods.
Dad: It's time to return home.

Scene 3.
Masha and Vanya are sitting on a bench.
Masha: Mom and Dad at the Bazaar
They told me to guard you
And I want to walk
Yes, play with your girlfriends!
Girls: Masha, Masha, come out,
What is there to be locked up!
Boys: Dance better with us
Well done, daring
Masha: Oh, how I want to go,
You, Vanyusha, sit down,
Do not go anywhere.
Vanya: And I'm with you!
Boys come out with balalaikas and say:
1) The sun rises in the sky
The firmament lit up
With a balalaika for a walk
Good fellow is coming!
2) Three strings, and how he sings!
The firmament swirled
Oh, and a wonderful balalaika!
All honest people are dancing!
"Dance with balalaikas" (soundtrack of T. Morozova's song "Balalaika").
Boy: Let's play!
Children play the game "Geese-geese".
At the end of the game, disturbing music sounds, geese-swans fly in and grab Vanya, the children scatter in fright.
Masha: Geese-geese, don't take your brother,
Where are you guys? Help?
(crying) Ah, the Geese flew away all the same ...
Well, who will help me in grief?
(sits on a bench)
I'll have to look for Geese,
After all, you need to help out your brother.
Masha runs to the river.
"Dance of Rechka" (soundtrack of the song "Rechka-Rechenka", folk group "White Waters").
Masha: Tell me, Rechenka,
Brother how to find.
River: Eat my jelly,
Your road is far away.
Sit down, rest, I'll tell you ...
I'll show you the way.
Baba Yaga's swan geese
Brother Vanechka was taken to the forest.
Masha: I have no time to drink jelly!
It is necessary to turn the brother back!
I must run to the forest to Yaga,
I need to save Vanya.
Masha runs to Yablonka.
A girl comes out - "apple tree", in her hands apples.
Masha: Oh, Yablonka, help me,
To find my dear brother!
Apple tree: Eat my apples,
Such ruddy, liquid!
Yablonka sings with the children r.n.p. "Yablonka".
Masha: Well, no, at my father's garden
Much better I will find.
They are both sweeter and larger
And in general they are tastier.
Masha waved her hand and ran on, running to Pechka.
Masha: Stove-Stove, help,
I find my dear brother.
Oven: Eat the pie first
Try the buns a piece.
"Song of the Stove", music and sl. O. Chekanova.
Masha: Well, no, I ate in the morning,
And not such a pie.
I must run to the forest to Yaga,
I need to save Vanya!
Masha runs away.

Scene 4. Baba Yaga and Geese.
Decoration: a hut on chicken legs, hemp, fly agaric.
Children sing the song "About Baba Yaga", at the end of the song Baba Yaga appears, wearing a beautiful, bright jacket, a fluffy skirt with patches, a shawl on her shoulders, a bright scarf tied with a knot over her forehead, and sings.
After the song looks into the distance: Where are the geese? Where are the geese?
How boring to me, granny!
Music sounds, geese appear with Vanya.
Baba Yaga: Where is Vanyushka? Have brought?
Well goslings, well done!
Come on, Vanya, show yourself!
Come on, Vanya, spin around!
This is where you will live now
You will serve me, Yaga!
Geese: Ha-ha-ha! Ge-ge-ge!
Serving Grandma Yaga!
And we live, we do not grieve,
We are friends with music!
Baba Yaga: Hey goslings, everyone here! Sing along!
Geese: Ha-ha-ha!
"Chastushki of Baba Yaga and the Geese".
Baba Yaga: Ah yes Geese-well done!
Musicians and Singers!
(yawns) Oh, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep!
I must not violate the regime!
He goes to the hut, the geese too.
The phonogram of wind noise, thunder sounds, Vanya is scared, he runs out.
Vanya: Masha! Masha!
Find me!
Masha, Masha!
Save me!
I don't want to live in the forest
I don’t want to serve Yaga!
Music sounds, Masha runs out.
Masha: I will save you, Vanyusha,
Just listen to me!
We need to run fast
Can Yaga catch up with us!
Masha and Vanya are running.
Rechka's music sounds.
Children: Hide us, my dear little river!
River: Hide under a bush, children,
The geese won't even notice you.
Music sounds, geese-swans fly.
Geese: Ha-ha-ha!
Hey, River, answer quickly,
Have you seen the children?
River: No, no one on the banks,
Only a swan on my waves.
Swan geese fly by.
Music sounds, children run up to Yablona.
Children: Oh, Yablonka, help me,
And save us from the Geese.
Apple tree: Eat my apples,
Such ruddy, liquid.
Children: Give us apples here,
We are always happy to eat them!
Masha and Vanya each take an apple and hide among the branches.
Apple tree: Hey, Geese-geese, do not rush,
You will rest in the clearing,
Eat my apples.
Swan geese take apples and rest.
The children run on, run up to the Stove.
Children: Stove, stove, help,
And save us from the Geese.
Stove: Well, eat some pie
And hide under my sides!
Music sounds, Geese-swans are flying.
Geese: They are nowhere, neither here nor there,
It's time to go home, on the way back.
The swan geese fly away. Children run home.

The final.
Music sounds, children run up to the house.
Jingle bells are ringing, parents are arriving.
Masha and Vanya: Mom and Dad have arrived!
Mom: Here we are!
Children: Mom! Dad! It's so good that you have returned home!
Dad: Is everything all right?
Weren't you bored, kids?
Masha: (hesitantly) Nope, we weren't bored.
Vanya: They weren’t mischievous.
Dad: Well done! Here are some lollipops!
Mom: But gingerbread, gingerbread!
Dad: With pictures of the book,
Read, see,
Just take care!
Children: Dad, mom, thank you!
Parents and children hug.
Music sounds, buffoons run out.
Buffoons: 1) Together we walked in a fairy tale,
Together we found happiness
Who is friends with a fairy tale
He does not grieve!
2) Respond, young and old,
A fairy tale as a wonderful gift.
Live in the world with her
It will become more fun!
Children sing the song "The Tale Doesn't End", lyrics. and muses. O. Romanova.
Host: Introducing our unique group,
A real theater troupe!
Educators take turns announcing the children playing their roles.
To the music, the children say goodbye to the audience and leave.

Decorations: a house, a bench, an apple tree, a stove, a hut on chicken legs, a tree stump, a herringbone, a carousel.
... 2 baskets for dad and mom;
... a doll - to Masha, a toy - to Vanya;
... buffoons - balalaikas;
... for sellers - baskets, candies, bagels, gingerbread cookies, books (2), wooden spoons (1), dummies of vegetables, boots (2), a box with colored scarves (4);
... a cap with a flower and a balalaika for a boy;
... old man's hat, cow;
... 4 handkerchiefs and 4 balalaikas for the Balalaika dance;
... a blue piece of cloth for Rechenka;
... 2 apples for the Stove;
... a tray with pies for the Stove; broom for Baba Yaga;
... muses. tools for Geese.

Scenario of an autumn matinee for older children preschool age"Swan geese"

Migunova Lyudmila Vasilievna
Material description: the material will be interesting music directors, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers.
Target: Creation of a joyful holiday atmosphere by means of music and poetry.
- develop an emotional response to music (folk, classical, contemporary);
- create conditions for the development of creative, capable children;

Holiday progress
The Storyteller and the presenter enter the hall to the music. They hold handkerchiefs, children pass through the shawls and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.
Distribute, people, again autumn at the gates
These are songs, these are dances,
This is a sonorous children's laughter
Games, jokes and fun
Enough joy for everyone.
2 child
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If birds flew to a distant land
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring
This time of year is called autumn.
3 child
Autumn walks along the forest paths,
How many fresh cones do green pine trees have?
And a leaf from a birch like a golden bee
Curls and flies over a thorny tree.
4 child
The trees are all beautiful in the autumn day
Now we will sing a song about golden leaves

Song "Falling leaves" by Baz's muses.

5 child
And which of you, friends, has seen
How has everything changed in the forest?
An autumn ball was given in the forest
The trees are all dressed up
6 child
Some in colorful silk and some in satin
Only strict pines and ate
Its coniferous velvet is a joy to the eyes-
Again they did not want to shoot.
7 child
Having ironed on his yellow beret,
Beautiful birch came
And suddenly she shook off the first leaf,
Like thin hair in a hairstyle.
8 child.
And an old oak tree swaying to the beat
I couldn't stop
And you would like it too
To spin in an autumn waltz?

Exercise "Autumn waltz" muses. Great Dane

Children sit down.
Quietly, quietly we'll sit next to you, again the fairy tale enters the house
In an amazing outfit, colorful, painted
Here heroes come to life, miracles soar all around
How not to love a fairy tale, you want to give a fairy tale.
I'll clap, stomp, turn around, I'll immediately find myself in a fairy tale
Yes, and you do not lag behind, repeat with us.

Children perform movements to the music.
Lived, lived, did not know the grief
Father, yes mother
We worked from morning till night, tried as best we could.
And they had a daughter, Alyonushka, and their little son, Ivashka.
That time father and mother picked up the goods
And we went to the market, and Alyonushka was punished
Watch your brother and don't leave the house.
The curtain opens. There is a house, a bench, a well.
Alyonushka at this time swept, brought buckets of water, fed the chickens
Here I brought water, cleaned the house clean
I milked the cow, fed brother Vanya
I'd better sit down, sit, look at my girlfriends
They would only have fun, but I have to work.

Round dance "The youngest walked" rn.m.

1 girlfriend
Hey, Alyonushka, come on, it's time to dance the square dance!
2 girlfriend
And in the nearby forest of boletus, they say without counting
Quit your job!
3 girlfriend
Let's run into the woods for an hour!
4 girlfriend
And we'll pick up mushrooms there, we'll dance and sing together!
Look, they call me and wave, they don't dance without me
Feet themselves dance to the clearing in the forest lead
To brother
Listen, Vanechka, my friend, here, eat a pie!
Would you like an apple and pear? I'm not sorry for Vanyusha
Sit at the house, don't go anywhere
I'll be back home soon, don't be bored, my dear.
And Alyonushka ran into the woods as fast as she could
And already there is fun, there is simply no time to be bored
Hey guys. Come dance with us.

Dance "Quadrille" rn.m.

Near the house all day I'm waiting for my sister
I got tired, tired, sit down, take a nap. (falls asleep)
Geese fly in, circle around Vanya, stop.
Hello Vanechka, my friend!
Do you want to ride?
2 goose
Come out to our meadow
Let's have fun
3 goose
Hey, why are you sitting there?
Come out soon
4 goose
Well, come to us baby
More fun together.
Dance "Geese and Vani" rn.m "Smolensk gusachok"
(I fly away the geese, Vanya lies down and falls asleep, Baba Yaga enters.)

Baba Yaga.
Geese swans said they saw the boy here
As if he is completely alone, so I'll eat him
(sniffs the air)
True, it's delicious, I'll take it with me
Hey, whale, wake up, get ready soon
Geese-swans, fly and take me home,
Hey, stray!
Runs away with Vanya ..
Here the trouble came to our house, the witch took Vanya away
How can I tell my parents? How to find Vanyusha?
Alyonushka enters to the music.
Ah,. how fun i was
And I forgot about Vanya
Brother, honey, answer me
Come back to me soon!
How I let my mother down
How did you not save you?
I'll follow him into the forest alone
I'll find him anyway!

No sooner said than done.
I went to the forest all alone
She wept bitterly.
Even autumn is sad
She folded a sad song.
Song "Sad Rain"
Alyonka walked for a long time
Wandered into the clearing
I see the beauty of the apple tree
I'll go and ask her!
Hello apple-sister
Help my trouble
Tell me soon, dear
How can I find Vanyusha?
Apple tree.
Hello red maiden
You are a craftswoman to sing and dance
Sit with me, talk to me,
Taste the miracle apple
Yes, take with you on the road
You see, there are a lot of apples
Branches bend to the ground
Help me. Collect
I'll tell you everything
And I'll show you the way.
What are you, what are you, what would I
Did you eat apples for nothing?
I don't like sour apples
I cook compote from them!
And there is no benefit from apples
Yes, apples only harm!
Only vegetables are healthy and tasty
We all need vegetables only
A zucchini runs out to the music.
I lie in the garden all day
I laid a barrel for myself
I am useful, I am green
Coloring man - zucchini
Runs out carrot.
I am a red maiden - green plait
I am proud of myself and fit for everything:
And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht
In pies and vinaigrette, and bunnies for lunch.
Important comes out cabbage.
I'm white and juicy
I am healthy and tasty
I stand on a thick leg, they will hold my clothes together.
Runs out onion.
They say I'm bitter, they say unsweetened
With a green arrow, I grow in the garden
I am the most useful, in that I give you my word,
Eat green onions - you will be healthy.
Song "Merry Garden"
Apple tree.
Well goodbye go alone
I see no help is needed.
Alenka goes further
And Alyonka went to the far side
I see there is a river on the way, we must go to the river.
Hello little sister
Help my trouble
Tell me soon, dear
How can I find Vanyusha?
The river.
I am a river of milk and jelly banks
Water gurgles all day
I know what your trouble is
Sit on the shore, rest, take a jelly drink
Well, the drops are mischievous - my dear daughters ...
Hurry here, hurry up for Alyonka, dance
Dance "Droplets"
Very good drops, had fun from the heart
But I won't drink jelly, I like sour cream more
It's time for me to say goodbye to you
On the road to go.
The river.
Well go and beware
And don't get lost.
For a long time Alyonka walked and was tired, lay down
She sighed heavily and fell asleep on the grass
Music sounds, the stove drives in with a song.
Oh, I can't believe my eyes
The miracle of the stove goes there!
Hello hello miracle stove
Help my trouble
Tell me soon, dear
How can I find Vanyusha?
Puff puff puff, puff. chuh. chuh
The stove was racing at full speed
I got up in the clearing, got up and got tired.
Me, Alyonka, help firewood for the stove.
Hot, hot flood, bake pies
And with raspberries and cabbage, my pie is very tasty
And then I'll tell you where to find Vanya and where
I'm in a hurry! I'm in a hurry! I'm running!
Maybe I'll help tomorrow?
Your pies are delicious, but pancakes are sweeter to me!
Well run, hurry up
Look, don't get lost
You didn't help the stove
Get there yourself.
Music sounds. Alenka looks around.
I think I went into the thicket
I'm terribly scared alone
Footsteps, noise are heard ..
Who is making noise here? I'm hiding!
I'll hide behind that tree!
Baba Yaga enters with Vanya.
Baba Yaga.
Stop fooling, my dear, pouring tears in vain
At the granny's at the yagusi's, you will live, my dear
Let me go home
I would like to see my sister
I love my mother very much
I really want to go to my father!
Baba Yaga
Don't talk any nonsense here
Eat a fly agaric better.
I love fly agarics, I will sing to them, I will order them to dance
Amanita, come out
For the yagusi, dance.
Dance "Mushrooms" to "Chardash" muses. Monty
Amanita. Gather us for lunch, but catch up first.
Baba Yaga
Now I’ll catch up with you and feed Vanyusha.
The game "Catch-up"
Baba Yaga(sits on a tree stump).
You killed the old woman, I need to lie on my pillow.
I'll go and sleep for an hour. You. Stay here buddy
Geese-swans, do not sleep and follow Vanya.
Sleep, we'll be on guard!
2 goose
If anything, let's wake up!
Baba Yaga goes into the house.
Enters Alyonushka.
Hello my dear brother
Take you home
Soon mother will come
He won't find us with you
We need to run away from here
I will not live with the lagoon.
Baba Yaga sneaks up on her toes.
Baba Yaga
Ah, my kids got caught
I will make cutlets out of you
Bone leg even
Yaga will not let you go.
Baba Yaga - you are a woman of age
And on your mind you have only meanness
Let go of us good
Let's go home anyway!
Baba Yaga
Maybe I will forgive you
I will let go to mom and dad
If, dear children
Guess riddles
You guys don't yawn
Help Alenka and Vanya!
Baba Yaga
Our piglets grew up in the garden
To the sun sideways, crochet tails (cucumbers)
Burgundy, pot-bellied like barrels
They sit in the ground one by one (beets)
Now listen to you
How smart we are.
1 child.
If he wants, he will fly straight
Wants - soars in the air
Falling like a stone from the heights
And sings, sings, sings (bird)
2. child.
Chubby face, light face
Looks in all the mirrors (the moon)
3. child.
Summer runs, sleeps in winter,
Spring has come, ran again (river)
4. child.
He himself does not see and does not hear
Walks, roams, prowls, whistles
Who will come across
Hugs and fights (wind)
5 child.
The red apple is rolling on a plate
No one will guess (sun)
Baba Yaga.
Oh, and poor. I AM,
And unhappy me
And nobody in this world
Oh, he doesn't like Lenya
Everyone says Yaga, Yaga -
Bone leg you
I was young
And beautiful and smart!
Don't cry, grandma Yaga
Here, take the mushroom, on!
Baba Yaga catches children
Oh, you got it, birdie. Stop
You will not leave the network
I won't let you go home
No way.
I will whisper a spell
And I will turn you into geese!
All guys in a circle, get up
And don't let the yaga go
Sing louder, more fun
To make it worse for her.
Game "Grandma Hedgehog"
During the game, Alyonushka and Vanya run away.
Children sit down.
Baba Yaga
Swan geese, fly
Bring the fugitives back. (Bab Yaga runs away)
Alyonushka appears with her brother and an apple tree.
Apple tree, honey, you have pity on us
Geese-swans are close, cover us soon.
Apple tree.
Eat my apples,
Then I'll hide you and Vanyusha.
Children are hiding, geese are flying by.

2 goose
Apparently they ran away into the forest, which means they were scared (fly away)
We thank you and we say thank you.
Apple tree.
A whole crop of apples,
If you want, eat and collect,
Take my apples
And treat the children.
Come out, who's the bravest, get down to business.
Game "Collect apples" (from the tree to the baskets)
Thank you apple tree
For fun and for a treat
Apple tree.
Goodbye friends.
We will not forget you! (bow, run further)
A river appears.
Rechenka, dear, you have pity on us,
Geese-swans are close, cover us soon
The river.
I will help you, friends
I will hide you from the geese,
And for this you drink
River jelly.

Children drink, hide, geese and swans fly in
They just beat here and where did they go?
Apparently we ran away into the forest, badly we crept up! (Fly away)
We thank you
And we say thank you
The river.
To get us out of trouble
All traces need to be hidden
Let the autumn rain pass
And no one will find you
The rain passed, ran, made noise
Everything from him at once to their homes
The rain sang, danced, spun
He began to tap on the glass to us.
The song "Rain Offended"
Cloud, cloud, fly away
Give us the sun rather
Let everything shine around-
River, field, forest and meadow
Dance "Fly away, cloud"
The river.
Goodbye friends!
We will not forget you.
Vanya and Alyonushka are leaving, the geese are flying by
There they are, grab them and take them to the yagus
2 goose
Where, where, I do not see!
3 goose
Granny has no luck (fly away).
Vanya and A-ka come in, come up to the stove.
Vanya, Vanya, here!
Stove, honey, trouble
You cover us soon
From geese to swans.
The geese flew away, it’s night soon
Sit down, rest, take my pies
We thank you
And we say thank you
Goodbye. Friends
We will not forget you
To the music, they walk through the hall, approach the house.
Here is our dear home,
Let's run with you
How, Alyonushka, I'm glad
That I came back
Henceforth, I will listen to my mother
And take care of you. Vanyusha!
They go to the house.
Since then, for many years
They all lived without troubles
I'm sorry to grieve you
The tale should be over.
And for that. What did you try,
Listened and smiled
Thank you very much
And I will give gifts
Apple tree its gifts
Brought for kids
The miracle oven surprised
Gave sweet buns
Well, the river is sweet tea
Drink, and remember autumn!
Children leave the hall to a Russian folk melody.

Prepared by Elena Varentsova, teacher of the senior group "Umeyka"

The presenters enter the hall:

1 Lead:

Spring has come again, she brought a holiday again,

A joyful, light and tender holiday, a holiday for all our dear women!

2 Lead:

To make everyone smile today, we have tried for you.

Our congratulations, take a look at the children's performances!

Children run into the dance hall to the music "Here comes the spring!"

Read poems:

1. What did the sparrow sing to us outside the window in the morning?

That mom's day is coming, it's time to get up!

2. What is the mustachioed cat singing about, purring at the door?

That mother's holiday is coming, it's time to meet the guests!

3. What are the icicles outside the window ringing, ringing, ringing?

They want to remind us that the women's holiday has come!

To the music "Alice in Wonderland" children come out and recite poetry

1. When spring comes to us, bringing warmth and affection,

We invite guests to our place and we give them a fairy tale.

2. Everyone knows: there is a wonderful country only in fairy tales.

Houses are painted there with magic miracle paint.

3. Adults and children know: to be happy,

Above all people, all people in the world with good fairy tale be friends.

4. We will open the doors to the fairy tale, we are always waiting for it.

Kind, kind, lovely fairies know the way here.

5. Fairy tales live everywhere, the faithful are called friends. If you believe

Believe us in a miracle, the whole world will become brighter. (sit on the chairs)

1 Host:

In one village, in one house, there lived a friendly family: mom, dad, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka.

Artists children come out: father, mother, Alyonushka, Ivanushka.


Happy women's holiday, the beginning of spring, with the first spring thaw!

Be healthy and happy you. I wish you big and small successes!


Happy holiday, dear guests!


Let's go, dear little wife, to the city for gifts for the holiday.


It's time for us, Alyonushka, to go to the market in the morning.

We leave Vanya at home and remind you ...


Sit at home with your brother, look after Vanyusha.

And we'll arrive in the evening, we'll bring you some presents!


And a horse on a stick for you, son.

And for you, wise girl, a silk handkerchief.


I'll buy my wife new earrings and red boots

Well, for small children, delicious sweets.

Father and mother make a circle and sit on high chairs

2 Host:

So mom and dad left for the market, and Alyonushka put her brother on a bench and began to sing him a lullaby.


Sleep, Vanyusha, go to sleep, close your eyes, buy, buy ...

1 Host:

Vanechka fell asleep. Alyonushka looked, and the sun was shining in the yard, the children were gathering to take a walk.

Girls come to visit Alyonushka and invite her to walk

1. Why are you sitting at home, what, Alyonushka, are you sad?


Mom in the morning told me to look after Vanya.

2. Come out, Alena, out of the gate, come out, Alena, into the round dance.


No, girlfriends, I can't, brother Vanya is on the shore.

3. We will weave, we will weave a basket, we will go into the forest by raspberries.

4. We won't find raspberries, we won't pick raspberries,

And we'll pick a color for mom. Can you come out? Ali is not there?


Brother Vanya is fast asleep, sniffing sweetly on his nose.

Perhaps I'll go to the forest and pick up flowers for my mother.

Round dance of girls (Dance)

2 Host:

While Alyonushka was gathering flowers with the girls, Geese and Swans flew into the courtyard where Ivanushka slept sweetly.

Dance "Swan geese"

(They take Vanya and fly away. Alyonushka comes out)


Oh, where is my brother? Geese picked up my brother, how can I keep up with them?

Where can I find Vanechka? Oh, we are in trouble!

1 Host:

Oh, what a woe! But there is no need to be sad, Alyonushka, because the sun is still high, he could not go far.


I'll go look for my brother, otherwise the trouble is inevitable.

Alyonushka goes to look for brother Ivanushka.


I bake, bake, bake a pie every moment!

My pie is very tasty: here is a mushroom, and here is a cabbage one!


Oven, my dear, tell me without melting:


If you throw wood at me, I will fulfill what you ask.


I will certainly help you, I will bring you some logs!


You run along that path, there you will see two aspen trees.

Jump over the brook, climb the hillock.

An apple tree stands there and rustles with leaves.

Tell the apple tree everything, ask about Ivanushka.


Thank you, stove.

Apple tree:

Golden apples, forest apples

They play merrily, poured with honey.

Boys dance with spoons "Yablochko"


Apple tree, my dear, you tell me without melting:

Didn't the geese fly here? Didn't they laugh at you?

Apple tree:

Take my apples, they are very ripe!

Now I feel better! Run to the brook first.

Alyonushka: Thank you, Yablonka.


River, my little river, tell me, without melting:

Didn't the geese fly here? Didn't they laugh at you?


Move aside a heavy stone, I will help you, poor thing.

Alyonushka pushes the stone

Dance of children "Stream"


Thank you, Alyonushka!

You go along the path, but wrap it in the woods

There, Alyonka, your brother, lives with Grandma Yaga.


Thank you, Rechka. I’ll rather run, I’ll help my brother!

Baba Yaga comes out to the music and sings a song

Baba Yaga:

I'll go through the forest, pick up mushrooms and berries, I'll cook delicious cabbage soup.

Who is there? It smells of the Russian spirit. (Sees Alyonushka)

Who is she? Come here? I'll fry you too.


Baba Yaga, don't fry me.

Baba Yaga:

Why not? And what are you doing here anyway?


Where is Vanyusha, my brother? I'll take him home!

Baba Yaga:

Look what you want! I need Vanka for business.

I will feed him, I will raise him.

And when he becomes big, Vanka will be my servant:

He will heat the stove, he will cook porridge for me,

Will sing songs, entertain Babka-Yozhka.

2 Host:

Well, why are you mischievous ?! Aren `t you ashamed?! After all, we have a holiday!

Baba Yaga:

I need him myself. And what kind of holiday is this?

1 Host:

A holiday for all mothers and grandmothers.

Baba Yaga:

A holiday for all mothers and grandmothers? So I'm Granny Yagulenka, and no one congratulated me!

2 Host:

Do not be offended, Grandma Yaga, we will now congratulate all the grandmothers in the world!

Children recite poetry

1. I congratulate granny on the women's holiday of spring!

I love granny. People need grandmothers!

2. He will tell a good fairy tale, sing a lullaby,

A warm winter scarf will knit and go for a walk with me.

3. He will not punish the rascal and give the candy with him.

Both the girl and the boy love any grandmother.

4. Closer to my wonderful grandmother, I have no girlfriend!

My grandmother and I are interested in not living a day apart!

Always play with me. And if she suddenly gets bored, then I will understand her,

I will approach her and smile and hug her tightly!

Baba Yaga:

I look, you are a master of poetry!

1 Host: Yes, we are not able to do that!

Baba Yaga:

Can you dance too?

2 Host: Of course! And we invite you to dance!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, thanks, I don't know directly .. (shy)... I can not. I have no one to dance with here in the forest.


Nothing, we'll teach you!

General dance "Grandma-Hedgehog" (Father and mother go behind the curtain)

Baba Yaga:

Eh-eh! I just remembered my youth!


Baba Yaga, parents will soon arrive from the bazaar. Please give me Ivanushka!

Baba Yaga:

So be it, I'll give it up. Ivanushka, come on!

Ivanushka approaches her sister, hugs Alyonushka.

Baba Yaga:

Why am I so angry? Because I live alone in the forest, I miss, I don't receive gifts for the holidays.

1 Host:

Here you go gift - new broom. (Gives back the broom)

Baba Yaga:

Thank you, dear ones! They touched the old woman.

Come to visit, you, in my hut. (Flies home on a broomstick)

(Give father and mother a horse, a silk handkerchief and sweets).

Alyonushka: Brother Ivanushka, it's time for us to go home!

Ivanushka and Alyonushka are returning home. Father and mother enter.

Father: How did the guys behave? Speak one for all.

Alyonushka: Don't worry, everything is in order.

Mother: This is a horse on a stick - for you sonny. And to you the promised silk handkerchief.


For his beloved wife, new earrings, and red boots.

And for you sweets, help yourself, kids.

Everyone goes out to bow.

Leaders come up to them

2 Host:

The fairy tale is over, friends, and it's time for us to say goodbye

We wish you everything that life is rich in: health, happiness, many years!


Who opened this world to me, sparing no effort?

And always protected? The best mom in the world!

Who in the world will warm everyone the sweetest and warmth,

Loves more than himself? This is my mommy!

He reads books in the evening and always understands everything,

Even if I'm stubborn, I know my mother loves me!

Never discouraged that I need to know exactly.

If drama suddenly happens, who will support? My mum!

All the kids go out to the Song "Mama"


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