Application from leaves bunny presentation. Technology presentation on the topic: "Application from leaves and natural material". I. Organizational moment

Jean Gustave Courbet () was born in Orleans. The father was a wealthy landowner and dreamed of a legal career for his son. But Courbet travels to Paris at the age of 20 and wants to become an artist. He lives in the attic, works tirelessly, writes pictures, copying the great masters in the Louvre. The portrait has an imposing pose, half-closed eyes, behind which one can guess a sharp look turned inward. This is the personality of a person with a complex spiritual world. Self-portrait with smoking pipe

Honore Victorin Daumier (1808 - 1879) Nadar Daumier was born in Marseilles to the family of a craftsman. A real artist became his godfather. He had to earn bread at the age of 13. First as a messenger in a law office, and then in a bookstore. After Daumier entered the service of a publisher and lithographer. In 1830, for his lithographs, he was recognized as an enemy of the existing regime.

Transnonen Street Lithograph. O. Daumier

Washerwoman O. Domier A woman climbs the stairs, and next to her, holding her mother's hand, a tiny little girl climbs the steep steps. Mother holds a bundle of wet linen, daughter holds a spatula. Daumier showed a woman-mother, a hard worker, not broken by hard work. There is dignity and calmness in her.
Daumier lived a long life, he was always a proletarian artist, with an unsecured tomorrow, an artist-journalist. However, no material deprivation broke Daumier's pride and his republican convictions. When the government offered him the Order of the Legion of Honor, Daumier courageously rejected this gift, with humble humor motivating his refusal with "a desire to look in the mirror without laughing in his old age." Half blind and old, Daumier would have ended his career in complete poverty if not for the friendly support of the landscape painter Corot, who bought him a small house where Daumier died. All his life he fought, like his hero Don Quixote. Only not with windmills, but with kings, and he believed not in knights wandering, but in the people. Daumier did not separate himself from his age, and each of his drawings confirmed the words he once said: "You must belong to your time."

  • The presentation was prepared by the teacher primary grades MBOU "Lyceum No. 56" G. Rostov - on-Don Kladieva E. V.

  • Early autumn is a beautiful time - the time when the trees change their outfit and are preparing to part with it until spring. At this time of the year, it is pleasant to walk in the park or garden, rustle with fallen leaves. Autumn fascinates both children and adults, and it is difficult to resist not to collect a bouquet of colorful leaves, or to raise a spruce cone, or maybe a bizarre snag. But all this - and leaves, and cones, and driftwood, and chestnuts, and acorns - are excellent material for creating amazing crafts: beautiful applications or figurines fairytale heroes, elegant jewelry and gifts to friends and family. Do not miss this time, collect as many different leaves as possible: large and small, yellow, red and green. We would like to introduce you to the applicative works from dry natural material: tree leaves, grass, flowers, seeds (ash lionfish), poplar fluff (cotton wool, fluff - dandelion seeds), straw, shells, pebbles, cereals, eggshells, etc. etc.

  • Equipment
  • In the classroom with natural material application you will need:
  • 1. The base of the applique is made of cardboard, album sheets, velvet or colored paper.
  • 2. PVA glue, thin glue brush, brush holder.
  • 3. Scissors to cut parts.
  • 4. A cup of water, so that if necessary, you can moisten your finger and gently pry off a brittle dry sheet or small part.
  • 5. For registration of work - a little plasticine and.
  • 6. Paper napkins in order to cover a fresh applique with them and press down with a load.

  • Creation of works
  • Dried leaves are a wonderful material for artistic combinations. The different shapes of the leaves themselves will tell us which of them can be created. Maple Leaf resembles a hedgehog and an octopus, an oak leaf - the tail of a fish, a poplar or birch leaf - the head of a fox, bear, dog, kitty, etc. So give the kids the opportunity to pick, apply, compose and experiment with the leaves.
  • Drawing up an applique from dried leaves is built approximately according to the following plan:
  • 1. Determine the leaves for the basic shapes (head, body) and their place on the base.
  • 2. We select and apply small parts (ears, tails, paws).
  • 3. We revive the craft, give characteristic feature (gaiety, sadness, etc.)

  • Leaves can be made as simple works: a fish, a butterfly, a snail, a duck, a bunny, a tree with real small leaves, etc.; and more complex ones: a fox, a bear, an owl, a frog, a cat, a dog, an ant, a peacock, a parachutist, a chicken in a boat, etc.
  • I bring to your attention several applications that can be made from dried leaves. To make applications, you may need cardboard or thick paper - any in color and texture, glue, brush, colored paper, felt-tip pens. Everything will depend on the picture you have conceived.

  • " Aquarium " ,
  • To make it simple and fast enough. To do this, you will need blue or blue cardboard, A5 or A4 format, several dried leaves (you can use bay leaves), buckwheat, crushed peas, green thuja twigs, scotch tape, colored paper and a felt-tip pen.
  • We coat the bottom of the cardboard with glue and sprinkle with buckwheat interspersed with peas. We glue the leaves - these are the bodies of the fish. We cut out triangles from colored paper - these will be the tails for our fish and fins. On the leaves, carefully put eye points with a black felt-tip pen. We glue the thuja branches - algae with scotch tape.

  • Used materials from the site "Country of Masters", "Marmalade", "MAAM.RU." and other Internet resources, as well as the work of children in our class.

Thanks for your attention!

Autumn leaves applique.
Methodical development.

Komova E.A. Application from autumn leaves (text): methodological recommendation / E.A. Komova- Guryevsk: MAU DO CDO, 2016.

Methodical recommendation gives a complete list of materials and tools required for work. Describes the technology of making an applique from autumn leaves. Methodical recommendation was created according to the "Skillful hands" program, recommended for students and teachers additional education.

1. Introduction
2. Materials tools
3. Work progress
4. Used literature
5. Appendix 1
6. Appendix 2

With its color, forms, natural material brings us joy, awakens imagination, cheers up, helps to defuse the oppressive atmosphere and often return vigor and energy. Compositions made from natural materials enliven and decorate our home and the environment around us, bring with them something of the magic and aroma of nature into our everyday life.
Execution of various compositions from dried flowers, leaves, plant stems, from tree bark, seeds and other similar materials - combines the elements professional art and amateur creativity.
The natural world is truly magical. Every twig, every leaf conceals an indescribable charm. But this is not the only characteristic of living nature. From the material that she gives us, you can make miracles with your own hands. It is enough just to see what secret is hidden in each leaf, and to give the world a miracle.
Any natural material is suitable for making crafts, even onion husks, garlic shell, tangerine peel, leaves of the most different forms... Acacia leaves, maple leaves, chestnut leaves, and linden and oak leaves are suitable for applications. In the light bends of the leaves, in their graceful charm, a magical secret is hidden. You will be amazed when your skillful hands create unique masterpieces that you will not be ashamed to show to loved ones and even unfamiliar people.
It can be a lop-eared rabbit, or a clumsy bear cub with a barrel of honey, or a cheerful baby, or an old grandfather with his granddaughter, or just a beautiful flower bouquet. Any genre can be implemented in applications: landscape, portrait, still life, and subject composition.
Plywood, cardboard, velvet paper can be used as the basis for the applique. Let's take a closer look at the unpredictable pattern of each leaf and try to create a new masterpiece.

Goal: development of artistic taste and creative imagination through working with natural materials.

introduce students to the technique of exile

Class: 1

Lesson presentation

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Lesson objectives:

  • educational aspect: teach children to work with natural materials, dried leaves, use scissors and glue correctly;
  • developmental aspect: develop imagination, thinking;
  • educational aspect: education of accuracy when working with natural materials.

Equipment: Samples of finished applications; a presentation for the lesson, demonstrating the order of performing the work; colored cardboard, scissors, PVA glue, rags.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Introductory conversation.(title slide of the presentation).

Teacher: I would like to start today's lesson with poetic lines by S. Yesenin:

The golden foliage swirled.

In pinkish water on a pond
Like a flock of butterflies
With a daze flies to the star ...

Tell me, with what does the poet compare the leaves falling from the autumn trees?

Children: - With a light flock of butterflies.

U .: - How does the flight of a fallen leaf resemble the flight of a butterfly?

D .:- Leaves also flutter in the air, a light breeze can carry them to the side.

Butterflies sometimes freeze in the air, and then continue their flight again.

III. Lesson topic message.

U .: The leaves are already on your desks, they have interrupted their flight. But will we have butterflies?

Let's guess the riddle (slide number 2).

The flower has two petals
And not even a stalk
And besides, he flies,
Tell me what they call it?

D .: It's a butterfly.

U .:Today in the lesson we will be doing Butterfly leaf applique.

IV. Sample analysis.

U .: Examine the butterfly (slide number 3). How she looks like? How many wings does it have?

D .: - The butterfly has two pairs of wings. In a pair, the wings are very similar.

U .:What is the body of a butterfly?

D .:- The body is narrow and long.

U .: What is located on the butterfly's head?

D .: - Antennae are thin. The eyes are small.

W.: - Now let's look at the leaves that you have (slide number 4).

We need 2 beautiful identical leaves for the upper wings, 2 smaller leaves for the lower wings, a narrow leaf for the body, seeds for the eyes, stalks for the antennae (slide No. 5).

Let's now think about what materials and tools we need, and prepare a workplace (slide number 6).

D .: - We need cardboard for the base of the applique.

PVA brush and glue, scissors.

W.: I'll tell you what else we need a folder where we can dry the appliques. Better yet, put them under the press or press down on top with something heavy. Then the leaves, having absorbed the glue, will not warp and dry smooth and beautiful.

Now let's prepare and fix everything at the workplace. Remind me, what are the basic rules for working with scissors?

D .: - Use scissors only when required for the job.

You can transfer or serve scissors to a neighbor only in rings forward.

U .: Remember the basic rules for using glue.

D .: - A small amount of glue should be applied with a brush.

The adhesive layer must be even.

U .: To work with dry leaves, it is better to use PVA glue.

V. Explanation of the sequence of work.

U .: Let's analyze the sequence of the work (slide number 7).

Let's choose the two most beautiful identical leaves for the upper wings, for the lower wings - smaller leaves (slide number 8). A long, narrow sheet is suitable for the calf (slide number 9). For the antennae we will select the stems, and for the eyes - seeds (slides No. 10-11).

All prepared parts must be laid out without gluing on cardboard (slide number 12), and then glue each part in place (slide number 13). You need to glue the details on a rough piece of paper or a piece of newspaper. They are on your desks. When gluing each part, you need to press it with a cloth (slide number 14) so \u200b\u200bthat the cloth absorbs excess glue and better press the part against the cardboard.

The finished application must be put in a folder, and then under the press (slide 15).

After the work is completed, it is imperative to wash the brush and tidy up the workplace (slide number 16).

Let's see what kind of butterflies you can get (slide number 17).

Vi. Practical work.

Children are doing the task. During the lesson, the teacher provides individual assistance to students.

Vii. Lesson summary.

An exhibition of the resulting works is made on the board.

U .: - Who would you like to present your application to?

D .:- Mom, grandmother, friend.

W.: When the applique is dry, it can be framed and hung on the wall.

Did you enjoy today's job? And in the next lesson, we can make a new animal out of leaves. Let's guess the riddle (slide number 18):

A tail in a fluffy arc,
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees.

D .:It's a squirrel.

At:At home, prepare leaves for the next lesson, from which we can fold a squirrel.

Students clean up their workplaces.


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