Flight technical characteristics of cessna 172

:: Current]

Instrumentation Cessna 172 SP


The Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk is the world's most massive aircraft in the history of mankind. The history of Cessna began in 1911 when Clyde Cessna built his first aircraft. The company was officially registered in 1927. The company has produced a variety of gliders of a wide variety of types, but the company is best known for light aircraft intended for private use. Production of the Cessna 172 began back in 1955. In those days, the C-172 was powered by the Continental O-300 six-cylinder engine, but from 1967 the engine was replaced by the Lycoming O-320 four-cylinder. Various modifications of the C-172 were produced, more than 42,000 aircraft were produced in total.

In 1992, the Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP was released, which differed from the regular C-172 in a more powerful engine. The modern modification of the Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP is equipped with a 180 horsepower engine, has a range of more than 1,100 kilometers, a cruising speed of 230 km / h, and a service ceiling of more than 4,200 meters. It is equipped with GPS navigation equipment and an autopilot of one control axis.

One of the models that you get when you install the X-Plane flight simulator (including the demo version) is the Cessna 172 SP. The model has both a 2D and 3D cockpit, and has all the flight characteristics of its real model, which allows it to be used for initial basic training of beginners. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the main aircraft instruments.


The Cessna 172 SP is equipped with all the tools you need for visual and instrument flight. Externally, the panel looks like this:

Now we will consider these devices in more detail and in order. Let's start our review with the devices of the so-called "standard six". These are devices located in the central part of the panel. There are six of them. And they look like this:

Now we will consider each device separately and describe its main purpose.

Indicator speed indicator. This device displays the speed of the aircraft relative to the air. The device is color-coded. The white arc shows the speed range over which the flaps can be used. The green arc marks the speed range in which the aircraft should be operated. The yellow arc indicates speeds that are only allowed in the absence of turbulence. The red line indicates the speed, after exceeding which, the aircraft may begin to collapse. An additional white scale at the bottom is used to help calculate the true airspeed (this feature is not supported in X-Plane). The speed is shown in knots. 1 knot \u003d 1.852 km / h

Artificial horizon. The device of the aviation horizon is divided into two parts: the blue one symbolizes the sky, the brown one - the earth. On top of the attitude indicator there is a roll scale (graduated through 10 °, and after 30 through 30 °). In the center is the pitch scale. Pitch is the angle that shows how "up" or "down" the nose of the aircraft is.

Altimeter (or altimeter). This instrument displays altitude in feet (ft) 1 foot \u003d 0.3048 meters). An altimeter measures altitude by measuring air pressure. The higher the altitude, the more discharged the air becomes. The pressure at sea level is set using a special knob ("ratchet", "dial"). The pressure value is shown in the middle on the right and left sides of the scale of the instrument - in millibars and inches of mercury. The device has two arrows and a diamond-shaped marker. The long needle points hundreds of feet, the short needle points thousands of feet, the marker points tens of thousands of feet. Thus, we can conclude that the altimeter in the picture shows an altitude of 1680 feet (or ~ 512m in terms of).

Turn coordinator It consists of an airplane silhouette showing the rate of turn (degrees per minute) and a slip indicator ball. The L and R serifs denote standard turn speeds. Side slip usually occurs during a turn. A ball is a slip indicator. With correct piloting technique, the pilot should always keep the slip indicator ball centered. If the ball deviates from the center position, you must return it to the center using the pedals, deflecting the airplane's rudder.

Directional indicator or simply gyrocompass. The device has a movable scale, graduated by degrees, a fixed arrow indicating the current direction of the aircraft and a movable mark of the heading generator. Over time, the gyrocompass readings deviate from the magnetic, so a special wheel (SYN) is made to correct the gyrocompass on the left of the direction indicator. On the right is the heading dial.

Variometer (vertical speed indicator). The instrument displays the rate of climb or the rate of descent of the aircraft (vertical speed) in feet per minute multiplied by 100 (ft / min x 100). 1 foot per minute \u003d 0.00508 meters per second (m / s)

Next, consider the next group of devices. This group displays information about the parameters and operating modes of the power plant (engine and its systems). Below the "standard six" of the main instruments is an important gauge showing the engine speed.

In flight, the engine speed should be in the green sector. It is forbidden to operate the engine at the speed indicated by the red sector. The window under the arrow shows the number of hours worked by the engine.

Consider the devices located on the left side of the panel:

The device shows the temperature overboard and the current time. Pressing the button to the right of the temperature readout toggles between Fahrenheit and Celsius. The watch has three modes of operation, indicated by a small square at the bottom. Modes are switched by the lower left button. In the first mode, the clock shows the current time, hours and minutes. In the second mode, the clock shows the current month and day. In the third mode, the stopwatch indicator is shown. The stopwatch is controlled by the lower right button. The first press on the stopwatch button starts the countdown, the second - stops the stopwatch, the third one resets the stopwatch to 0.

Fuel remaining indicator in the right and left fuel tanks. The critical fuel remaining is marked in red.

Indicator for exhaust gas temperature (scale on the left) and fuel consumption rate (scale on the right). Excessively high gas temperatures are a sign of a possible engine fire, therefore, the temperature should always be monitored to prevent possible engine overheating. During the flight, the fuel consumption must be within the green sector.

Oil system parameter indicator. It displays temperature (left) and oil pressure (right). Acceptable readings are marked in green.

Pressure indicator in the pneumatic system (scale on the left). For normal operation, it must be within the green sector). Right scale - this part of the device is an ammeter that measures the current of the on-board electrical system. During normal generator operation, the current should be positive. A negative value indicates a malfunction of the generator and the discharge of the on-board battery.

To the right of the main panel is a block of three navigation devices:

Heading indicator VOR / LOC.
Two identical devices are used to work with VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range, omnidirectional radio beacon) and ILS (Instrument Landing System, Glide path landing system).

Automatic radio compass, abbreviated ARK (ADF, Automatic Direction Finder).
The ARC scale is not connected with the gyrocompass, therefore (when necessary) it must be manually set so that it coincides with the direction of flight using the dial knob in the lower right corner of the device.

More details about the purpose and operation of these devices will be discussed in another article.

Consider the following panel with a group of devices. These are additional navigation tools and devices for working with aircraft radio equipment.

Audio panel. Designed to select a channel for listening to signals from radio stations and beacons. By pressing the buttons COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 and ADF, you can turn on and off the sound of the corresponding receivers (this is indicated by the green indicator on the button). There are also indicators that light up when flying over the far (O), middle (M) and near (I) drives. The sound from the drives is turned on with the MKR button.

GPS receiver (in this case Garmnin GS430). This is a multifunctional device, the main function of which is to accurately determine and display the current position of the aircraft and its speed, using space satellites (Global Positioning System). Based on this data, it can also display the distance, course and time of flight at the current speed to a target airfield (AIRP button), a VOR beacon (VOR button), an NDB beacon (NDB button) or an airway intersection (FIX button). The names of objects for display are set using their codes. To move between the letters of the code entry, use the left and right arrow buttons, the values \u200b\u200bof the letters are changed with the PREV and NEXT buttons.

Two blocks of short-wave receivers (radio stations, COM1, COM2) and receivers (NAV1, NAV2). The numbers on the scoreboard show the frequency at which the radio station (receiver) is currently operating. Receivers COM1 and COM2 are intended for communication and work with air traffic controllers. And receivers NAV1 and NAV2 are used for tuning to the frequencies of radio navigation equipment (VOR, ILS). The frequency setting is done by turning the tuning wheels on the bottom right of each instrument. The large wheel changes units, the small wheel changes tenths of a number.

Receiver for NDB beacons (connected with ARC device). Each frequency bit is entered separately using small wheels under the numbers.
It also houses the flightdir mode switch.

Responder (squawk). The device serves to identify and display the aircraft on the dispatcher's radar screen. The transponder code is entered bit by bit with four wheels, similar to the NDB frequency. To the right of the code there is a switch that switches the transponder to different modes of operation. In X-Plane, the transponder is used for its real purpose in online flights and has two modes out of four: SBY (standby) and XPDR ("C" mode). In STANDBY (SBY) mode, the transponder is on but not transmitting. The transponder must always be in this mode until the aircraft has occupied the runway (area). In XPDR (Mode C, pronounced "Charlie Mode"), the transponder receives a signal from the dispatch radar and responds with its code. In the air and on the lane, the transponder should always operate in C mode. It is very important to remember to turn the transponder into C mode before seizing the lane, and put it in STANDBY mode after the lane is vacated. On the left is the white IDENT button. If you press it, the airplane mark on the controller's radar will start blinking. The dispatcher may ask you to enable IDENT mode if he cannot find you in a heavy traffic flow.

Autopilot control unit. Autopilot usage will be discussed in a separate article.

Now let's look down and look at the bottom of the dashboard. So on the right:

1. Two knobs located under each other, regulating the brightness of the lighting of the instruments and the cabin lighting.
2. A lever (retractable and retractable) controls the engine speed, abbreviated as throttle (throttle control).
3. Lever of mixture control. Regulates the ratio between gasoline and air entering the engine, thereby decreasing or increasing its power.
4. Trim wheel. Sets the position of the elevator trimmer (a trimmer is a device that allows you to adjust the deflection angle and, accordingly, the effort on the aircraft's steering wheel.) Next to it (to the left) is an indicator showing the position of the elevator trimmer.
5. Lever for flaps position control.
6. Valve for switching the fuel supply from the fuel tanks. It has four positions: cut off the fuel supply (OFF), turn on the supply from the left (L), both (BOTH) or right (R) fuel tank. In 2D mode, shown on the dashboard. If 3D mode is enabled, the crane is to the right of the pilot's seat.

Now let's look at the left side of the bottom panel. The switch box is located here:

The starter is located on the left. The starter motor has OFF, Left Magneto (L), Right Magneto (R), Both Magneto (BOTH) and Ignition Spring loaded (IGN) positions. For more information on all ignition modes, see the article describing starting the engine.

To the right of the starter is a pair of red switches that turn on the electrical system. The left toggle switch turns on the generator, the right one - the battery. Immediately behind them is the fuel pump switch and five side light control switches: a beacon, landing light, taxiway light, navigation lights, wing flashing lights. The last in the row are the Pitot tube heating switch and the avionics switch. Avionics is called on-board electrical equipment used for piloting an aircraft, for example, a navigation system, autopilots, a communication system, etc.

Above the center of the dashboard is a display on which warning labels light up:

Warnings come on when the generator fails, the battery fails, the fuel remains low, the brakes are engaged, the oil pressure is low, the oil temperature is out of range or the pressure in the vacuum system.

There is a magnetic compass on the visor of the dashboard:

The magnetic compass is used as a backup device in case of failure of the gyrocompass. The magnetic compass can only be used in level flight. In a bend, it shows incorrect values.

More details on the use of all these devices will be discussed in other articles.

© 2007-2014, Virtual airline X-Airways

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WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 19 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Surprise your friends with aviation knowledge. Landing the plane is the most important part of the flight. Safety comes first! This manual assumes that you are approaching an airfield with a left-hand approach, moderate wind, clear visibility.


    Receive an ATIS report 10 miles (16.09 km) before entering the terminal area, contact the tower (control tower) or approach control tower and report the following:

    • call signs of the tower / DPP, aircraft tail number, your location, altitudeI land with information previously obtained ATIS code... The tower will give you instructions. These instructions assume that you have received instructions to approach from the left (or right) to X-Lane and report as you approach Point 45. (These are approximate instructions, some specific information sometimes requested by the OTC is not included).
    • Perform a pre-landing check against this list: brake check, landing gear extended and locked, fuel mixture fully enriched, fuel tank switch BOTH, flaps optional, (propeller pitch constant), oil temperature and pressure on green, MASTER switch on, ignition switch (magneto ) in the BOTH position, (carburetor heating is on if rpm is less than 1500RPM), belts are on, landing lights are on. The plane is ready to land.

      Turn on the carburetor heater and descend to reach the altitude indicated on the approach pattern for that airport by the time you reach point 45 (turn 3). You may be slightly higher at this point. Suppose the altitude in this diagram is 1200 feet above sea level. Try to descend at 500 fpm vario. This will help your eardrums feel better.

      When approaching point 45, contact the tower and report the height and how far away you are. The tower will allow you to land or just take note of you.

      Remember that when you come within a quarter of a mile from the lane, you must turn downwind (the segment between turn 3 and turn 2). At this point, you should be cleared to board. You should be flying at 80-85 knots at about 2000 RPM.

      Be aware that when you abeam the runway, you must turn on the carburetor heater and drop to 1500 RPM. Hold the bow level until the arrow on the airspeed indicator hits the white area, then extend the flaps 10 degrees. By adjusting the pitch of the propeller, reduce the speed to 75 knots for visual signs, then check with the instruments. Steer using the rudder pedals as well. However, be careful not to press too hard on the pedals: slip + stall \u003d corkscrew!

      When the runway edge is 45 degrees behind you (point 45), turn left at base (the segment between turn 3 and 4) and extend the flaps another 10 degrees. Your speed should be around 70 knots. Do not change the position of the flaps during a turn; do this only after exiting the turn. You are now flying perpendicular to the runway. Be especially careful at airports with parallel lanes to avoid entering the parallel lane approach route in this U-turn, or you may collide with other aircraft.

      Wrap onto the pre-boarding straight. After completing the turn, extend the flaps an additional 10 degrees. The point at which you plan to sit should appear stationary. By adjusting the propeller pitch, maintain a speed of 60-70 KIAS (instrument knots). Control the height by adjusting the traction. Maintain the indicated airspeed above 60 knots, but do not focus on the gauge alone. Use ailerons to compensate for the effect of the crosswind, and use the rudder pedals to keep the aircraft on the center line of the runway.

      When you are a few feet above the ground, smoothly release power and level the plane. To keep the plane level, you have to pull the control wheel more and more and, in the presence of a crosswind, compensate for it with the ailerons. Only apply the brakes when necessary (if you are approaching the edge of the lane or to avoid hindering the movement of other aircraft). Continue until you reach taxi speed (speed of a fast walking person) and take the nearest taxiway. Don't stop until you reach the stop line.

    • Do a post-landing check and call the tower if they haven't called you yet.

      • When you are over the runway and keep the nose of the aircraft slightly raised while slowing the aircraft, look towards the end of the runway and keep the lower front window frame parallel to the horizon / edge of the runway. If you cannot see the front of the strip, use your peripheral vision to control the position of the aircraft relative to the ground.
      • Enjoy.
      • If you don't even have a pilot's training license, you can only fly with an instructor. And if you have one, you will still need an instructor's mark that you can fly alone.
      • If you don't get into the lane, don't be afraid to go around. Engage full throttle and hold the nose of the aircraft so it does not go too high. Ascend and gradually retract the flaps. The difference between a good pilot and a fool is that the former knows when to go around and the latter is in vain.
      • Approach speed depends on various conditions such as wind speed / direction. Check with your instructor for approach speed if you are unsure. You can also determine the speed of the approach by doing stalls. Approach speed is usually 1.3 times the stall speed. It can be defined as follows: multiply the stall speed by 3, move the comma one decimal place to the left and add to this the wind speed correction and add the stall speed. For example, at a stall speed of 50 km / h, the approach speed will be 65 km / h. Make sure the plane is ready to land before taking this approach. It is especially useful when you do not know the nominal approach speed for that aircraft. For example, for older aircraft that have been modified (a 1973 Cessna 172 is unlikely to fly as it did 40 years ago), or if you are flying on an unfamiliar plane, or if you have any problems (stuck flaps, etc.).

The most massive, the most reliable, the most popular, the most famous - all this is the Cessna 172 Skyhawk

There is such a distinctive genre of cinema - African adventures. In these films, the main character - usually a defender of wildlife - bravely and ingeniously disperses gangs of greedy armed poachers, defending the right of elephants and rhinos to graze freely on the savannah. The hero is usually thin, tanned, wears a khaki shirt, shorts and a wide-brimmed hat, drives a Landrover Defender. He also flies a lot and effectively in the Cessna 172. The hero's friends also fly in the Cessna 172. It seems that other planes simply do not exist. What are directors' whims? No, dear reader, this is the truth of life.

In the footsteps of Henry Ford

By the way, the recognizable silhouette of the Cessna 172 is familiar to us not only from "African" films, but also from the events of recent national history. Who does not remember the dashing landing of a small plane on Vasilievsky Spusk, near the Kremlin's Spassky Gate? It is worth considering why Matthias Rust chose the Cessna 172 for his record flight (and he, in fact, was). And not only Rust. Anyone who first came for a taste of the sky in some flying club near Moscow will begin to advise with pathos: “What do you want with these pepelats? Yak-52 - here's a beast machine! " But there will certainly be a person in a modest flight suit who, taking you by the elbow, will calmly say without unnecessary aplomb: “Fly to the Cessna first, you will not regret it”. Roughly the same thing happened to me once. Having tried by that time a lot of winged cars, I fell in love with the Cessna 172 from the very first flight and now I fly only on it. So even though I'm not Mathias Rust and not a fighter for the rights of hippos, I'm ready to justify my choice. To be convincing, let's start with history.

The finest hour of the American company Cessna Aircraft struck on June 28, 1945, when the two-seater Cessna 120 took off into the sky - the world's first "people's plane" adapted for mass "stamping" and mass consumption, which cost only $ 2495. In 1948, the Cessna 170 took off, a four-seater version with an increased power engine. The foundation of worldwide popularity was laid already then, and before the successful aircraft became a bestseller, there was little to be done - to replace the traditional landing gear with a tail support for those years with a new, three-post with a nose strut. Such a chassis, much safer, simplifying landing on unprepared sites, was distinguished by the new Cessna 172 model, which appeared in 1955. The machine with a 145 hp Continental engine cost $ 8995 and had everything a reliable, safe aircraft for hobby pilots should have: a three-post landing gear, simple and efficient Fowler flaps, a comfortable four-seater cabin and a set of instruments for visual flight. The winged car is a symbol of America. For half a century, Cessna Aircraft and the French company Reims have produced over 43,000 Cessna aircraft of 172 different modifications - an absolute world record.

Before continuing with the story, let's agree to call the Cessna 172 simply "Cessna". For if there is an aircraft of this brand that deserves to be collectively called, it is precisely the "172nd". So, what is the secret of Cessna's worldwide popularity? Why is this small plane known all over the planet from the African savannah to frosty Alaska, from the deserts of Arabia to prosperous Europe? The secret lies in the combination of all qualities and characteristics, the optimal ratio of price and quality.
First of all, “Cessna” is truly charming with the simplicity of piloting, the proportionality of the efforts made with the maneuver being performed. It is literally in the hands of the pilot, you feel it with the whole being in all modes, which is not characteristic of every aircraft. “Cessna” is obedient and agreeable from the first minutes, starting with starting the engine and taxiing to the start. And take off! Not to say that the plane is shocking with a powerful jerk to the sky - its thrust-weight ratio is modest, but the “172nd” is light in climbing and the speed is quite brisk.

Maybe they will tell you that the Cessna takes off languidly, not like the Yak-18T. But Yak has an excessively powerful motor and variable pitch propeller, while the Cessna motor has exactly the power that a light, non-aerobatic machine needs, while a simple, constant pitch propeller is cheap and reliable. Of course, a controllable propeller with a variable blade pitch (pitch) would allow more power to be removed from the engine during takeoff (analogous to driving in 1st gear) and would provide a more economical cruising mode (analogous to driving in 5th gear). But, to be honest, flying on a constant pitch propeller is easier, less hassle. Not a fighter! Yes, and much cheaper, it is worth noting.

Another remarkable character trait of "Cessna" is the combination of stability and control. According to the scheme, the plane is an oblique high-wing, and high-wing planes are characterized by excessive roll stability, some inertia in the transverse channel. Flying at one time on the Yak-12M, I ran into this: when entering the roll and especially when exiting the roll, I had to help with the pedals, sometimes there was not enough control stick travel. "Cessna" pleased here, even in the "bumpy" steering wheel costs were moderate, the ailerons are quite effective. When landing with a crosswind, you can safely land with a roll, touching the strip with one wheel: thanks to the upper location of the wing, you do not risk touching the ground with it, and controllability is quite sufficient even at low speeds in gusty winds. The situation will always be in control.

In general, landing on the Cessna is so remarkably simple that it even provokes liberties, you want not to monitor your speed - the plane is very informative in itself. In addition, he has excellent flaps, letting them out at the maximum angle, you can go along a rather steep glide path to a short platform. At Cessna, it is somehow shameful to fly from solid runways; the machine shows its best qualities at partisan airdromes and even unprepared sites. There have already been so many cases when the Cessna landed from the route to collective farm fields and country roads, somehow not even on an important matter, but simply wanted to drink to the store for kvass. That's where the "172nd" in the native element! (No, not in the store, of course.)

Another point is important for those who will learn to fly. "Cessna" forgives such gross cadet mistakes that you are simply amazed. This is not a call for sloppiness (the sky does not like dropouts), but I can say this about the plane that once saved my life.

Summarizing the subjective reasoning about the pilot's sensations, the following summary could be derived. There are planes big, small and very small. This is always palpable in the manner of their flight. When you fly on the Yak-18T or Yak-12, you feel that in your hands, though small, but still an airship. A different sensation arises in the cockpit of some "ultralight" like Eurostar: a toy. Of course, the attitude to flight should always be serious, but subjectively this is the case. So, "Cessna" is, perhaps, the smallest and lightest of all aircraft known to me, which at the same time pleases with the ease of being, but does not make the impression of a toy of the wind. Absolutely serious device, working, reliable and practical. Indeed, half a century in production and worldwide recognition is not a joke or an accident.

And instead of the brain, the correct Garmin

So, buy or not buy? Before making a decision, it is worthwhile to really assess the capabilities of the aircraft. Cessna 172 is designed for flights at a maximum range of about 1000 km with a cruising speed of 200-230 km / h. These figures should be understood as follows: you should not fly further than 500 km. That is, if you want, you can, of course, and there are many examples. But not even every romantic will agree to spend more than two hours in a small salon without a toilet, let alone pragmatists. Although the Cessna 172 is equipped for instrument flight in simple and difficult weather conditions, it is still not a Boeing, but to calculate a long route at altitudes of not more than 4000 m (in real conditions, it’s 200-600 meters) without the risk of suddenly falling into a low cloudiness, fog or rain ... This is not obvious, let’s say so.
You should also take care of the base for your Cessna: even an unpaved strip with a length of 450-500 m (chemical site) will suit it, and the main concern will be the delivery of gasoline. The Lycoming motor loves aviation gasoline, and the highest quality, affordable and cheapest is imported 100LL. In principle, you can fly on high-octane motor gasoline, but here you already need to monitor the temperature of the cylinder heads and exhaust gases, especially in the heat.
The choice of a suitable "Cessna" is complicated by a huge range of proposals, which is by no means easy to understand. Prices for used cars range from $ 50,000 to $ 150-200,000 or more, depending on the plaque and modification. And a great variety of modifications have been released over the decades. To begin with, there are still on sale old machines of the 1950s with a "thick" tail section of the fuselage and a characteristic trapezoidal keel. Sometimes it seems that you cannot find two identical “172s”: there are cars with Continental and Lycoming motors, with anti-icing systems, variable-pitch propellers, a removable wheel chassis and an amphibious float, manual flap drive instead of an electric one and, of course, a wide variety of instrument combinations and electronic equipment.
If your choice falls on a used car, it will almost certainly have some individual feature, and we simply cannot take them into account. Obviously, the main selection criterion should be the raid on the glider and the propeller group, and the rest will be prompted by specialists. A 30–40-year-old airplane is a common phenomenon in private aviation, but it would be nice to check the glider for corrosion. Although in this respect, "Cessna" is very tenacious and durable, especially the "French" Reims.
Dealing with aircraft released since 1996, when Cessna Aircraft resumed production of piston aircraft after a break in the 1980s, is much easier. There are only two basic modifications - Skyhawk with 160 hp engine. and a Skyhawk SP with a 180 hp engine. Since last year, "172s" have been produced only with "TVs" - a Garmin 1000 digital avionics complex with data indication on two LCD monitors. These machines are worth highlighting.

The appearance of a fundamentally new avionics on light aircraft was considered inevitable by many, but as soon as such machines went into mass production, skepticism arose. Suspiciousness is treated very simply - with a test flight. Of course, the Garmin 1000 does not replace the pilot’s brain, but much, much more does better and faster than a person. On "Cessna" with analog avionics, there is simply nowhere to get so much information about the route, air and ground situation, weather. Garmin will tell you the optimal mode of engine operation, help bypass the rain charge, and if necessary, give directions to the alternate aerodrome. In principle, a normal GPS receiver does a good job of this, but “in one bottle” is much more convenient, you need to try it to evaluate it. And if you are told that in the cold, the liquid crystal indicators go blind, judge logically. Before starting the engine in frosty weather, you will still warm up the engine compartment with a heat gun, and the instrument panel in the cab will also warm up. Elementary. In any case, the future belongs to "TVs".

But I would be wrong and myopic if I did not mention the latest modification - the Cessna 172 Skyhawk TD with a Centurion 2.0 diesel engine manufactured by the German company Thielert Aircraft Engines Gmbh. Diesel power 155 hp - it seems to be not so much, but the “heart” works on ordinary jet fuel, which, unlike scarce aviation gasoline, is literally everywhere. This radically solves the problem of fuel supply, and the question: "Where can I get gasoline there?" the pilot of the diesel "Cessna" will no longer torment. By the way, this is a good solution for flying schools and civil aviation schools, which also do not smile at the hassle of expensive gasoline.

Sorry, it's time to round off, and so much has happened (but you won’t erase a word from a song). For half a century, the world has flown a Cessna 172 as usual, as in the USSR they drove a Zhiguli. Skyhawk is not only the most widespread, but also the most reliable aircraft in the history of aviation. A flight hour costs $ 150-170. So what else do you want, Russia?

Translated from the 1973 French edition.


This manual includes operating instructions, periodic checks and inspections and characteristics of the CESSNA F172L in standard, training and postal versions.


The existing rules provide for the presence of the following documents on a plane, subject to presentation to the competent authorities upon request:

  1. Certificate of Airworthiness.
  2. Registration certificate.
  3. Permit to operate the radio station (if installed).
  4. Flight plan.
  5. Flight Operations Manual.



Wingspan: 11.11 m
Full length: 7.24 m
Full height: 2.63 m (with aeronautical light, with front shock absorber crimped)


Profile: NACA 2412
Area: 14.8 m 2
Transverse V angle along the 25% chord line: 1 °
Wing angle: +1 °
End setting angle: 0 °


Area: 1.66 m 2
Deflection Angle:
up: 20 ° + 2 ° -0 °
down: 14 ° + 2 ° -0 °


Control: electric and cable.
Area: 1,72 m 2
Deflection angle: 40 ° ± 2 °

Horizontal tail

Management: cable
Fixed Area: 1.58 m 2
Angle of Attack: −3 °
Area of \u200b\u200bthe controlled part (elevator): 1.06 m 2
Deflection Angle:
up: 25 ° ± 1 °
down: 15 ° ± 1 °

Elevator trim

Area: 0.14 m 2
Deflection Angle:
up: 10 ° ± 1 °
down: 20 ° ± 1 °

Vertical tail

Management: cable
Stationary area: 0.87 m 2
Area of \u200b\u200bthe controlled part: 0.55 m 2
Deflection Angle:
left: 23 ° + 0 ° -2 °
right: 23 ° + 0 ° -2 °
(perpendicular to the hinge axis)


Tricycle with bow stance
Front pillar: with hydropneumatic shock absorber
Rear pillars: tubular
Track of main wheels: 2,31 m
Front tires: 500 x 5 Pressure: 2.10 bar (30 psi)
Rear tires: 600 x 6 1.45 bar (21 psi)
Front shock pressure: 1.40 bar (20 psi)

Power point

Power: 165 hp (74.6 kW)
Aviation gasoline with an octane rating of at least 80/87 or 100L grade gasoline:
SAE 10W30 or SAE 20 below 5 ° C
SAE 40 at temperatures above 5 ° C
Manual carburetor heating.

Air propeller

McCAULEY 1A101 / GCM6948, 1A101 / HCM6948 or 1A101 / PCM6948
Fixed pitch
Diameter: 1.752 m


Quadruple, two entrance doors; luggage compartment.


  1. Direction indicator and slip
  2. Airspeed indicator
  3. Girolopukompas (optional equipment)
  4. Horizon (optional)
  5. Clock (optional equipment)
  6. Aircraft identification plate
  7. Variometer (optional equipment)
  8. Altimeter
  9. Marker indicators and radio switches (optional)
  10. VOR and ILS radio compasses (optional)
  11. Rearview mirror with adjustment knob
  12. Radio stations (optional equipment)
  13. Tachometer
  14. Fuel and oil gauges
  15. ADF radio compass (optional)
  16. Vacuum gauge (optional)
  17. Ammeter
  18. Overvoltage warning light
  19. Card drawer
  20. Cab heating and ventilation control
  21. Flap management
  22. Cigarette lighter (optional)
  23. Fuel mixture management
  24. Aileron trimmer (optional)
  25. Microphone (optional)
  26. Elevator trim
  27. Engine Control Lever (ORE)
  28. Carburetor heating control
  29. Circuit breakers
  30. Circuit breakers
  31. Generator switch
  32. Radio backlight rheostat
  33. Instrument lighting rheostat
  34. Ignition and starter switch
  35. Main switch
  36. Fuel injection syringe handle
  37. Parking brake



The engine is powered by fuel from two tanks, one in each wing. Fuel enters the carburetor by gravity through the tap and filter.
See Section 6 Lubrication and Maintenance for more information.


See maintenance procedures in section 6.



The aircraft is powered by an alternator with a rectifier generating a constant voltage of 14 V. The generator is driven by the engine. The 12 V battery is installed on the left side in front of the engine compartment wall, near the engine access door. The main switch controls all electrical circuits, except for the clock, the lighting system and the optionally installed flight time counter (the time is counted only when the engine is running).


The main switch is marked "MASTER" and has two buttons, turned on in the upper position and off in the lower position . The right key of the switch, labeled "BAT", controls all power to the aircraft. The left key labeled "ALT" controls the operation of the generator.

In most cases, both switch keys switch simultaneously; it is also possible to activate the BAT key separately for ground control. When the ALT key is turned off, the generator circuit is disconnected and all aircraft circuits are powered from the battery. Prolonged operation with the generator off may cause the battery relay to trip, making it impossible to restart the generator.


The ammeter shows the amperage supplied by the generator to the storage battery or by the storage battery to the aircraft on-board network. With the main switch on and the engine running, the ammeter shows the battery charge current.


The aircraft is equipped with an overvoltage sensor in the onboard network, located behind the dashboard, and a red “HIGH VOLTAGE” warning light. If the voltage in the on-board network is exceeded, the sensor automatically disconnects the generator circuit; the warning lamp lights up, indicating that power is supplied from the battery.

To restart the generator, turn the main switch to the OFF position, then to the ON position. Re-lighting of the warning lamp indicates a malfunction of the electrical circuits; flight should be discontinued as soon as possible.

To test the warning light, turn off the ALT key of the main switch, leaving the BAT key on.


The fuses on the instrument panel provide protection for the aircraft electrical circuits. Above each fuse is indicated the circuit it protects. The fuse is removed by pressing and turning the cover counterclockwise until it is released. Spare fuses are attached to the inner wall of the glove box.

Note: The flap electrical circuit is protected by a special slow blow fuse. Other types of fuses are not permitted. The slow blow fuse is distinguished externally by the presence of a characteristic spring around the body.

There are also two additional fuses: one is located next to the battery and protects the watch circuits and the flight time counter; the second fuse is located in the main harness behind the instrument panel and provides protection to the generator excitation circuit.

The generator's power circuit is protected by a mains circuit breaker located on the dashboard. Cigarette lighter circuit protection is provided by a circuit breaker located on the back of the cigarette lighter behind the dashboard.

When installing an additional radio station, the corresponding circuit is protected by a NAV DOME fuse. Faults in the systems protected by this fuse (air navigation lights, cabin lighting, card lights) will blow the fuse and cut off the power to all of these systems and the optional radio station. To restore the operation of the additional radio station, it is necessary to turn the switches of these systems to the OFF position and replace the "NAV DOME" fuse.

Re-enabling the systems until the malfunction is corrected is not allowed.


The landing light is located in the front of the hood and is controlled by a two-position switch.


These lights should not be used when flying in the clouds or in the rain. Reflection of light flashes from water droplets in the atmosphere, especially at night, can lead to dizziness and sensory disturbances. High intensity flashing lights should also be turned off on the ground and in the vicinity of other aircraft.


The flaps of the aircraft are electrically controlled and are driven by an electric motor located in the right wing. The position of the flaps is adjusted with the “WING FLAPS” switch located in the center of the lower part of the dashboard. The flap position is indicated by a mechanical pointer arrow located near the front edge of the left door.

To extend the flaps, the flap control switch must be held in the DOWN position until the desired deflection angle is reached, as controlled by the pilot. When the switch is released when the desired deviation angle is reached, it automatically returns to the middle position. To flap the flaps, the switch is moved to the UP position. There is no automatic return of the switch to the middle position from the UP position.

With the flaps extended in flight, moving the switch to the UP position will retrace the flaps for approximately 6 seconds. The flaps are gradually retracted by moving the switch to the UP position and then manually returning it to the middle position. Full flap extension under normal flight conditions takes about 9 seconds.

When the flaps are deflected to the lower or upper stop, the flap drive electric motor is automatically switched off by limit switches. However, after the flaps are fully retracted, manually move the flap control switch to the middle position.


The air temperature in the cab is regulated by two pull-out knobs marked “CABIN HEATING” (“CABIN HT”) and “CABIN VENTILATION” (“CABIN AIR”). Warm and fresh air is mixed in a ventilation pipe and fed into the cockpit at the level of the pilot's and passenger's feet. Two additional air diffusers are located on the left and right in the upper part of the cabin glazing.


To set the airplane on the parking brake, pull out the brake handle, press and release the pedals, keeping the handle extended. To release the brakes, press and release the pedals and make sure the parking brake handle returns to its original position.


The stall warning device makes a clearly audible sound at a speed exceeding the stall speed by 8-16 km / h (5-10 MPH) and lower speeds up to stall.


1) Certification

The aircraft REIMS / CESSNA F172L is certified according to the rules of AIR 2052 with additions as of November 5, 1965 in the general category with the following operational restrictions.

2) Speed \u200b\u200blimits

3) Marks on the airspeed indicator

  • Red line at 261 km / h \u003d 141 knots \u003d 162 MPH
  • Yellow sector from 193 to 261 km / h (104-141 knots, 120-162 MPH) - flight with caution in a calm atmosphere is allowed.
  • The green sector from 90 to 193 km / h (49-104 knots, 56-120 MPH) is the nominal speed range.
  • White sector from 79 to 161 km / h (43-87 knots, 49-100 MPH) - the acceptable range of flaps use.

4) Maximum permissible overload at maximum take-off weight (726 kg)

5) Maximum allowable weight

Maximum allowable takeoff and landing weight: 842 kg.

6) Centering

  • The level is set by a screw located outside on the left rear of the cab.
  • Centering reference plane: front side of the engine compartment wall.
  • Allowable centering limits with a mass of 842 kg: front +0.835 m, rear +0.952 m.

7) Permitted loading:

  • Maximum front seat capacity: 2 pers.
  • Minimum crew size: 1 person.
  • Permitted weight in the cargo hold: 54 kg

8) Acceptable operating conditions

It is allowed to fly during the day and at night on VFR and IFR if the appropriate equipment is in working order in accordance with the approved annex to this manual.

9) Icing

Intentional flying in icy conditions is prohibited.


The aircraft is not designed to perform complex aerobatics. It is allowed to perform the maneuvers necessary to obtain certain licenses, taking into account the following restrictions. Aerobatics, other than those specified below, are not allowed.

With a prolonged spin, the engine may stop, which does not affect the exit from the spin.

The intentional spin of the aircraft with the flaps extended is prohibited. It is not recommended to perform aerobatics with negative g-forces.

It should be remembered that the speed of the aircraft during a dive increases very quickly. Maintaining control over speed is important as maneuvering at high speeds leads to significant congestion. Avoid sudden movement of aircraft controls.



Nominal range: indicated by green sector.
Maximum permissible temperature (red line): 116 ° C \u003d 240 ° F.


Minimum allowable idle pressure (red line): 0.69 bar \u003d 10 PSI
Nominal range (green sector): 2.07-4.13 atm \u003d 30-60 PSI
Maximum allowable pressure (red line): 6.89 bar \u003d 100 PSI


Empty tanks (non-discharged remainder of 6.5 liters in each tank): red line, symbol E



The following information plates are installed on the airplane.

1. In the cargo hold:

The maximum weight of luggage or extra seating is 120 pounds \u003d 54 kg.

Refer to the alignment chart for loading instructions.

2. Near the fuel cock:


3. On the dashboard near the overvoltage warning light:




1) When taking off

  1. Wheel brake
  2. Retract flaps
  3. Switch off the main switch

2) On takeoff after takeoff

  1. Set V PR \u003d 113 km / h \u003d 61 knots \u003d 70 MPH (in horizontal flight)
  2. Set the knob to the STOP position.
  3. Fuel cock CLOSE (OFF)
  4. Set the magneto switch to the OFF position.
  5. Main switch DO NOT DISABLE to maintain flap control

Attention: Land in front of you. Avoid significant heading changes and under no circumstances try to return to the runway.

3) In flight

  1. Set V PR \u003d 113 km / h \u003d 61 knots \u003d 70 MPH (as accurately as possible with a rotating propeller)
  2. Check that the fuel cock is OPEN (ON)
  3. Set the mix handle to maximum enrichment
  4. Set the throttle to 2.5 cm from the maximum
  5. Set the magneto switch to the BOTH position.

If the screw does not rotate, start the starter. If the engine does not start, select a clear forced landing site and proceed as follows:

  1. Set the knob to the STOP position (fully extended)
  2. Set the ORE to the LOW GAS position (fully extended)
  3. Set the magneto switch to the OFF position.
  4. Fuel cock CLOSE (OFF)
  5. DO NOT DISCONNECT main switch to maintain flap control and radio operation.

Note: When landing on an unprepared landing, it is recommended to fully extend the flaps.


1) On the ground

If a fire is detected in the intake manifold while on the ground:

  1. Switch on starter
  2. Set the knob to the STOP position (fully extended)
  3. Set ORE to FULL GAS position (fully retracted)
  4. Fuel cock CLOSE (OFF)

Note: If a fire is detected in the intake manifold at the executive start, let the engine run for 15-30 seconds. If the fire continues, perform the above steps (2), (3), (4).

2) In flight

  1. Cab heating CLOSE
  2. Set the knob to the STOP position (fully extended)
  3. Fuel cock CLOSE (OFF)
  4. Set the magneto switch to the OFF position.
  5. Main switch OFF

Note: Do not start the engine after a fire. It is necessary to perform an emergency landing.

3) In the cab

  1. Main switch OFF
  2. Cab heating and ventilation CLOSE

Note: Use a portable fire extinguisher to extinguish.

4) On the wing

  1. Main switch OFF
  2. Cabin ventilation CLOSE

Note: Perform descent to the side opposite to the burning wing, trying to extinguish the flame. Land as soon as possible with flaps retracted.

5) Fire electrical circuits

  1. Main switch OFF
  2. All other switches OFF
  3. Main switch ON

Note: Turn on the circuit breakers one by one at short intervals to isolate a short circuit.


1) With a burst or deflated pneumatic

Lower the flaps in the normal manner and pitch-up landing, keeping the damaged wing raised. After touching, apply the brake on the opposite wheel with maximum force, trying to maintain the trajectory of the run, and stop the engine.

2) If the elevator control fails

Level the aircraft at 97 km / h \u003d 52 knots \u003d 60 MPH with flaps extended at 20 ° using the throttle and elevator trim. Set the descent path only by adjusting the engine power.

Maintaining negative pitch while descending until landing is dangerous and could result in a front wheel impact. To avoid this, at the time of leveling, turn the trimmer all the way to the cabling, while simultaneously increasing the engine power so that the plane is brought into a horizontal position at the moment of contact. Switch off the engine immediately after touching.


With the engine running

  1. Choose a landing site with flaps released at 20 ° and a speed of 113 km / h \u003d 61 knots \u003d 70 MPH.
  2. Fasten the seat belts.
  3. Turn off all switches except the magneto switch and the main switch.
  4. The approach should be performed with flaps extended at 40 ° and a speed of 104 km / h \u003d 57 knots \u003d 65 MPH.
  5. Unlock the cab doors.
  6. Fuel cock CLOSE

With the engine off

  1. Set the knob to the STOP position (fully extended)
  2. Fuel cock CLOSE (OFF)
  3. Turn off all switches except the main switch.
  4. Approach at a speed of 113 km / h \u003d 61 knots \u003d 70 MPH
  5. Flap down
  6. Main switch OFF
  7. Unlock the cab doors.
  8. Land with a slightly lowered tail.
  9. Perform braking with great effort.


  1. Attach or throw heavy objects.
  2. Send the message "MAYDAY" at a frequency of 121.5 MHz.
  3. In strong winds and rough seas, the approach must be carried out against the wind. In case of strong swell and light wind, land along the crests of the waves.
  4. Descend with flaps extended at 40 ° and a speed of 104 km / h \u003d 57 knots \u003d 65 MPH with a vertical speed of 1.5 m / s \u003d 300 ft / min.
  5. Unlock the cab doors.
  6. Keep the glide path down until touching in a horizontal position.
  7. Protect the head at the moment of touching.
  8. Leave the plane (if necessary, open the window to flood the cockpit so that the water pressure does not interfere with the door opening).
  9. After leaving the cabin, inflate life vests and a boat.

The aircraft retains buoyancy for no more than a few minutes.


Flying under icing conditions is prohibited. Crossing the icing zone is allowed.

  1. Turn on the heating of the high pressure pump
  2. By changing the height, select the zone least prone to icing.
  3. Pull out the cab heating control handle fully to use maximum heat to eliminate icing.
  4. Increase gas to increase engine speed in order to discharge ice from the blades in case of weak icing.
  5. Turn on carburetor heating
  6. Prepare to land at the nearest airport.
  7. If there is significant icing, be prepared for an increased stall speed.
  8. Do not extend the flaps to avoid loss of elevator efficiency.
  9. On the way to the landing site, open the left window and scrape off the ice from part of the lantern to improve visibility.
  10. Approach the landing on the correct glide path to ensure good visibility.
  11. Maintain a speed of approach of 113-129 km / h (61-69 knots, 70-80 MPH) depending on the thickness of the ice layer.
  12. At sunset, avoid sharp maneuvers.
  13. Landing in a horizontal position.



  1. Set the ORE to the LOW GAS position (fully extended).
  2. Stop the corkscrew with the ailerons and rudder, aligning the airplane symbol on the turn coordinator with a horizontal mark.
  3. Reduce V PR to 129 km / h \u003d 69 knots \u003d 80 MPH.
  4. With the help of the elevator, bring the aircraft level flight at V PR \u003d 129 km / h \u003d 69 knots \u003d 80 MPH.
  5. Do not move the steering wheel. Use the pedals to keep the aircraft on course.
  6. Turn on the carburetor heater.
  7. After exiting cloud cover: resume normal flight.


1) Complete failure of the onboard network

In the event of a complete failure of the on-board network, the operation of the direction indicator and sliding, fuel gauges and flap control stops.
Switch off the main switch. Land as soon as possible.

2) Failure of the generator or voltage regulator

Power supply is provided by the battery.
Disconnect all appliances except those absolutely necessary.
After 2-3 minutes, turn on the generator again. If it fails again, stop trying to start the generator.
Land as soon as possible.

3) Out of the parameters of the onboard network outside the permissible limits

Regularly check the ammeter reading and overvoltage warning light.
If the voltage is insufficient (battery discharge is observed), turn the generator switch to the OFF position and land as soon as possible.
If overvoltage occurs, the overvoltage sensor automatically shuts off the generator and the warning light comes on. Turn the switch to the OFF position, then to the ON position. If the warning light comes on again, stop the flight as soon as possible.
When flying at night, move the switch to the ON position when using the flaps or landing light.


Carburetor icing

Carburetor icing is manifested by a progressive drop in engine speed, turning into interruptions in operation. To eliminate icing, set the throttle to the FULL GAS position and fully pull out the carburetor heating knob until normal engine operation is restored, then turn off the carburetor heating and return the throttle to its normal position.

If you need continuous heating of the carburetor during the flight, set the minimum heating level sufficient to prevent ice formation and lean the mixture until the optimum engine operating mode is reached.

Candle pollution

Minor interruptions in engine operation during flight can be caused by contamination of one or more plugs with carbon deposits or lead sediment. Checking the spark plugs for contamination is done by briefly moving the ignition switch from the BOTH position to the LEFT (L) or RIGHT (R) position. A drop in engine power while running on a single magneto is a sign of plugged spark plugs or a malfunctioning magneto. Since the most likely cause is the contamination of the candles, it is necessary to impoverish the mixture to the level necessary for normal flight en route. If there is no improvement in engine performance, check engine operation with a richer mixture for several minutes. If there is no improvement, land at the nearest airfield for repairs. Keep the ignition switch in the BOTH position, since normal ignition from one magneto is not guaranteed if the engine is unstable.

Malfunction of magneto

Sudden interruptions or a drop in engine speed are often signs of a malfunction of one magneto. To turn off the faulty magneto, turn the ignition switch from the BOTH position to the LEFT (L) or RIGHT (R) position, respectively. Beforehand, you should test various modes of engine operation and enrich the mixture in order to determine the possibility of continuing the engine operation in the BOTH position.

If it is impossible to achieve stable engine operation, switch the ignition to a working magneto and land at the nearest airfield for repair.

Reducing oil pressure

A drop in oil pressure reading while maintaining normal oil temperature may indicate a malfunctioning oil pressure gauge or safety valve. A leak in the pressure gauge tube does not necessarily result in a forced landing, as a calibrated diaphragm in the tube prevents a large amount of oil from suddenly being lost from the crankcase. However, it is recommended to land at the nearest airfield to investigate the cause of the malfunction.

A decrease or complete loss of oil pressure at the same time as a sharp increase in oil temperature with a high probability is a sign of an impending accident. Immediately reduce engine speed and select a suitable emergency landing site. When approaching, maintain low engine speeds using the minimum required power to achieve the selected touch point.


Centering Calculation Example Typical airplane Your plane
Weight, kg Moment, kg ∙ m Weight, kg Moment, kg ∙ m
1. The mass of the aircraft 485 402
2. Oil 1 5 −1,5 5 −1,5
3. Pilot and passenger 154 153
4. Fuel (standard). 61 65
5. Cargo in zone 1

(or baby on the seat)

21 34
6. Cargo in zone 2 0 0
7. Takeoff weight 726 652,5
8. When placing the calculated values \u200b\u200b(726 kg and 652.5 kg ∙ m) on the alignment nomogram, we obtain that the load is permissible.
1 Each flight requires a full oil charge.

ZONE 1 \u003d 54 kg

ZONE 2 \u003d 18 kg

ZONE 1 + ZONE 2 \u003d 54 kg

The delivery set of the aircraft includes a cord for lashing the cargo. There are 6 eyelets for lashing. The first pair of eyelets are located on the floor of the cargo compartment behind the seats. A second pair of eyes is located 5 cm from the floor at the rear border of zone 1. A third pair of eyes is located at the top of zone 2. At a maximum load of 54 kg, it is recommended to use at least four eyes. On aircraft equipped with a rear shelf, fold the shelf forward for loading and lashing. At the end of loading, replace the shelf or remove it.
The centers of gravity of the pilot and passenger in the seats are based on average height. The brackets indicate the maximum forward and limit rear position of the center of gravity. The length of the indicated lever arm is for the middle of the corresponding zone. NOTE

The rear wall of the cargo compartment (frame 94) can be used as a reference point for determining the position of the cargo.



0.99 (0.89 to 1.04)

0.99 (0.89 to 1.04)

Weight, kg
Centering moment, kg ∙ m
Weight, kg
Centering moment, kg ∙ m


1) a. Switch on the main switch, check the fuel level, switch off.
b. Magneto Switch OFF.
in. Fuel cock OPEN (ON).
d. Remove clamps from aircraft controls.
On your first flight during the day, drain the fuel system to remove water or particulate matter from the system and check the drain valve (the sediment drain is in the glove box).

2) a. Remove the clip from the rudder (if equipped).
b. Moor the tail of the aircraft (if moored)

3) a. Remove the clip from the aileron (if installed).

4) a. Check the pressure in the main wheels.
b. Moor the wings.

5) a. Check oil level.
b. Check the appearance of the screw and bushing.
in. Check the cleanliness of the air intake filter.
d. Check the closing of the sludge drain valve.
e. Check shock absorber and nose wheel pressure.
g. Moor the plane completely

6) a. Remove the LDPE cover and check the condition of the antenna.
b. Check the cleanliness of the inlet of the LDPE.
in. Check the stall indicator.

8) Refer to 4, check port static pressure receptacle.


  1. Perform a pre-flight inspection according to the diagram in Fig. 8.


  1. Adjust seats and seat belts.
  2. Check the brakes and apply the parking brake.
  3. Fuel cock OPEN (ON).
  4. Radio stations and electrical equipment OFF.


  1. Carburetor Heater - Disabled (handle pushed all the way)
  2. Mixture - maximum enrichment (handle pushed all the way)
  3. Fuel injection - as needed.
  4. Main switch ON.
  5. The engine control lever is 1 cm from the idle position.
  6. Start the engine.
  7. Check oil pressure.


  1. Throttle - set the speed to 1700 rpm.
  2. Check engine operation indicators - arrows in green sectors.
  3. Check the magneto - the drop in speed for each magneto is no more than 150 rpm, the difference in speed between the magneto is no more than 75 rpm.
  4. Check the operation of the carburetor heating.
  5. Check manifold vacuum - 4.6-5.4 in. Hg.
  6. Aircraft controls - move freely.
  7. Trimmer - Adjusted for Takeoff.
  8. The cab doors are locked.
  9. Flight instruments and radio station are functioning.


Normal takeoff

  1. Retract flaps.
  2. RUD - full throttle.
  3. Elevator - raise nose wheel at 88 km / h (48 knots, 55 MPH).
  4. Climb speed: 113-129 km / h (61-70 knots, 70-80 MPH) before overcoming obstacles, then set the speed according to the section “Normal climb”.

Takeoff with maximum efficiency

  1. Retract flaps.
  2. Carburetor Heating - Disabled (pushed to failure)
  3. Hold the brakes.
  4. ORE - full throttle.
  5. Brakes - Release.
  6. Elevator - to a higher pitch up against usual.
  7. Climb speed 113 km / h (61 knots, 70 MPH).


Normal climb

  1. Speed \u200b\u200b- 121-137 km / h (65-74 knots, 75-85 MPH).
  2. Engine mode - full throttle.

Climbing with maximum efficiency

  1. Speed \u200b\u200b- 122 km / h (66 knots, 76 MPH).
  2. Engine mode - full throttle.
  3. Mixture - maximum enrichment.


  1. Engine mode - 2000-2750 rpm.
  2. Elevator trim - adjust.
  3. Mixture - lean out until reaching the maximum speed.


  1. Mixture - maximum enrichment.
  2. Carburetor heating - turn on completely before gas discharge.
  3. Speed \u200b\u200b- 113-129 km / h (61-69 knots, 70-80 MPH).
  4. Flaps - in any position; flaps are permitted at speeds less than 161 km / h (87 knots, 100 MPH).
  5. Speed \u200b\u200b- 97-113 km / h (52-61 knots, 60-70 MPH).


  1. Land on the main wheels.
  2. While running, gently lower the nose wheel.
  3. The force on the brakes is minimal as necessary.


  1. Retract flaps.
  2. Carburetor Heating - Disabled.


  1. Apply the parking brake
  2. Radio stations and electrical equipment - OFF
  3. The mixture is stopped (the handle is extended all the way).
  4. All switches - OFF
  5. Install clamps to aircraft controls.



The engine starts easily after one or two strokes of fuel injection with a syringe in warm weather or six strokes in cold weather. When starting, extend the throttle by 1 cm. At very low air temperatures, it may be necessary to continue pumping fuel during engine start; slight detonation and plumes of black smoke indicate excessive pumping. To remove excess fuel from the cylinders, completely lean the mixture, set the throttle to the FULL GAS position and turn the engine with the starter a few turns. Then continue the start-up procedure without refueling.

In case of insufficient injection of fuel, ignition does not occur - it is necessary to continue the injection of fuel.

If the oil pressure does not rise within 30 seconds (in winter - 1 minute) after starting, it is necessary to turn off the engine. Lack of oil pressure is dangerous for the engine. Do not use the carburetor heater after start-up if there is no icing condition on the ground.

NOTE: When starting from an external battery, do not turn on the main switch until the external power connector is disconnected.



Drive at a moderate speed, using the brakes with care. To improve directional and lateral controllability, set the aircraft controls according to the above diagram. At unprepared sites (sand, gravel), set low engine speeds.

The nose wheel axle locks automatically when the shock absorber is released. Excessive shock pressure or airplane rear centering may necessitate manually compressing the shock absorber before starting the engine or by vigorous braking while taxiing.


Warming up the engine

The engine is warmed up during taxiing and at the executive start during the checks specified in section 4. Since the power plant is designed for optimal cooling in flight, warming up on the ground at high speeds (2400-2500 rpm) is not recommended (this may cause engine overheating).

Magneto test

Check with the engine running at 1700 rpm.

Turn the magneto switch to the RIGHT (R) position and register the engine speed; move the switch to the BOTH position; turn the magneto switch to the LEFT (L) position and register the engine speed; set the switch to the BOTH position. The drop in speed should not exceed 150 rpm for each magneto; the difference in speed when operating the left and right magneto should not exceed 75 rpm. If in doubt, carry out an additional check at a higher engine speed. No drop in engine speed may indicate poor ground contact in the ignition system or improper magneto adjustment.

Generator check

The operation of the generator and voltage regulator (for example, before flying at night or on instruments) should be checked by short-term (3-5 seconds) connecting the load to the aircraft’s electrical network (by turning on the landing light or by activating the flap control mechanism at the executive start).

Zero ammeter readings indicate normal operation of the generator and voltage regulator.


Checking the engine mode

At the initial stage of takeoff, it is recommended to check that the engine has reached normal operating conditions. If there are signs of engine malfunction or insufficient aircraft acceleration, take off immediately and retest the engine in full throttle. The engine must operate without interruptions at a speed of 2500-2600 rpm without turning on the heating of the carburetor.

To increase the service life of the rotor blades, it is not recommended to stay at the executive start or increase the engine power to full on unprepared (gravel and similar) sites. During takeoff, increase the engine power gradually and slowly.

Before take-off from sites located at an altitude of more than 5000 feet (1524 m), the mixture is leaner until the maximum engine speed is reached at the executive start.


Normal takeoff with flaps retracted. Flap release by 10 ° reduces the mileage of the aircraft by about 10%, but does not affect the distance to reach a height of 15 m. Therefore, flaps should be released only to reduce runway mileage or on soft and unprepared areas. However, when using the flaps to navigate obstacles, it is recommended to leave them extended during the initial climb. An exception to this rule is take-off in hot weather from sites located at high altitude.

Flaps at 30 ° or 40 ° during take-off are not recommended.


Take off in crosswind conditions with the minimum flap extension angle possible over the runway in use. Take the run up to a speed slightly higher than usual, and when taking off, transfer the aircraft to intensive pitching in order to avoid touching the runway when sliding. After the final separation, deploy the aircraft to the wind.




Climb at 121-137 km / h (65-74 knots, 75-85 MPH) with the engine running at full throttle with flaps retracted to ensure optimal engine cooling. Set the mixture control knob to the position of maximum enrichment, which does not cause engine vibration due to excessive enrichment. The optimum climb speed is 122 km / h (66 knots, 76 MPH) at zero altitude and decreases to 113 km / h (61 knots, 70 MPH) at an altitude of 3048 m. If you need sharp cabling to overcome obstacles, climb in the mode full throttle with flaps retracted at a speed of 113 km / h (61 knots, 70 MPH).

Given the need for sufficient engine cooling, flight times at such low speeds should be kept to a minimum.


In the case of going to the second circle, quickly remove the flaps to 20 °, and upon reaching a safe speed, remove them completely. In critical situations, keep in mind that flaps retraction up to 20 ° is achieved by turning the flap control switch to retrace for about 2 seconds. This technique allows the pilot to set the flaps to a 20 ° angle without looking at the flap position indicator.


Normal en-route flight is performed at 65-75% of full engine power. The power setting depending on the altitude and ambient temperature is made using the "Cessna" calculation ruler or the mode table given in section 5.

At a fixed power, true speed increases with flight altitude.

The table shows an example of this relationship for an engine power of 75%.


When flying in heavy rain, it is recommended to turn on full carburetor heating to avoid engine stalling caused by water suction or carburetor icing. It is necessary to adjust the enrichment of the mixture until the engine runs smoothly.


During a stall, the aircraft behaves steadily with both flaps extended and flaps extended, however, just before stalling with flaps extended, slight buffing may be observed.

Stall speeds for maximum weight and forward centering are given in Section 5. Shown is true speed, which differs from instrument speed in near-stall conditions.

A decrease in aircraft loading leads to a decrease in stall speed. When approaching a stall, at a speed of 8-16 km / h (4-8.5 knots, 5-10 MPH) above the full stall speed, an audible signal is triggered, which continues until normal pitch is restored.

Correct the possible roll of the aircraft by deflecting the ailerons with their subsequent return to neutral.


Normal landing is made in the idle mode at any position of the flaps. The final approach should be made at a speed of 113-129 km / h (61-69 knots, 70-80 MPH) with flaps retracted or 97-113 km / h (52-61 knots, 60-70 MPH) with flaps extended, in dependence on atmospheric turbulence.


When landing with a crosswind, extend the flaps to the lowest possible angle in accordance with the length of the runway being used. Correcting the drift using a roll, slip or any other method, land in a position as close to horizontal flight as possible. Maintain the course of the aircraft using the rotary nose wheel or brakes.

Excessive pressure in the shock absorber can cause the nose wheel to lock. To release the wheel when landing with a crosswind, pull the steering wheel away from you after touching; this compresses the shock absorber and releases the nose wheel.


  1. After heating
    1. Make sure the space around the screw is free.
    2. Switch on the main switch.
    3. With the magneto turned off and the throttle fully extended, perform 4-10 strokes with the fuel injection syringe, while turning the screw
      Note: Pump deeply with a syringe to improve fuel atomization. After finishing pumping, make sure the syringe handle is in the locked position.
    4. Turn on the magneto switch.
    5. Pull out the throttle 1 cm and turn on the starter.
    At low ambient temperatures, the use of carburetor heating is not recommended. Partial heating of the carburetor can cause air to enter the intake manifold at temperatures leading to icing
  2. Without heating
    1. With the throttle fully extended, make 8-10 strokes with the injection syringe, while turning the screw. Leave the injection syringe filled and ready for injection.
    2. Make sure the space around the screw is free.
    3. Switch on the main switch.
    4. Set the mixture knob to maximum enrichment.
    5. Turn the ignition switch to the START position.
    6. Perform a quick double movement of the throttle, returning it to the position 0.5 cm from idle.
    7. After starting the engine, turn the ignition switch to the BOTH position.
    8. Continue pumping fuel with a syringe or with rapid throttle movements beyond a quarter of its full stroke until a stable engine operation is achieved.
    9. Check oil pressure.
    10. After starting, fully pull out the carburetor heating knob and leave it in the extended position until a stable engine operation is achieved.
    11. Lock the fuel pump syringe.
    Note: Failure to start the engine may be caused by iced spark plugs. Use an external heater before restarting.


Repeated double thrusting of the throttle can cause fuel accumulation in the intake manifold, which could result in a fire if blowback.

In this case, continue cranking the engine in order to draw the flame inward.

Starting the engine at low temperatures without heating must be carried out in the presence of an assistant with a fire extinguisher.

At low temperatures, the oil temperature gauge pointer may remain at zero. After warming up the engine with a speed of 1000 rpm for 2-5 minutes, the engine must be progas several times. In the absence of interruptions in the operation and gas outage of the engine and stable oil pressure, the aircraft is considered ready for takeoff. At temperatures approaching -20 ° C, the use of a carburetor heater is not recommended. Turning on the heating can create icing conditions in the intake manifold.


A corkscrew is a prolonged stall, manifested in the rapid rotation of the aircraft with its nose bowed, in which it describes a helical trajectory. Rotation is the result of prolonged yawing, causing nearly complete stall of the trailing wing while partially maintaining the lift of the leading wing. In fact, the rotation is caused by the relatively less stall of the outer wing overtaking the stalling inner wing.

Leave the rudders and elevators deflected until they stop until the aircraft starts to pull out of the spin. Inadvertently shifting one of the controls to neutral can cause the aircraft to enter a downward spiral. Taking out of the spin is done as follows:

  1. Turn pedals all the way to the opposite direction of rotation.
  2. After a quarter of a turn, quickly move the helm away from you for a neutral position.
  3. Bring the ailerons to neutral.
    These three actions must be performed simultaneously.
  4. After stopping the rotation, bring the pedals to the neutral position, eliminate the roll and gently exit the dive. Do not increase engine power until approaching level flight altitude.

Corkscrewing at engine speeds above idle can result in a faster and more uniform spin. However, after the aircraft has entered rotation, it is necessary to bring the throttle to the idle position.


The tables below are based on the results of real tests of the aircraft in the best weather conditions. Tables can be used for preflight preparation; however, it is recommended to leave a sufficient additional fuel reserve in the calculations, since the given data do not take into account wind, navigation errors, piloting technique, time at the executive start, climb, etc. When assessing the air navigation reserve stipulated by the rules, all these factors must be taken into account. It should also be remembered that the flight range increases with decreasing engine speed. To solve this problem, use the flight range table.

The table shows the range and duration of flight at a lean mixture at altitudes from 2500 to 12,500 feet excluding wind for aircraft with 85 and 132.5 liters fuel tanks and a takeoff weight of 842 kg under standard atmospheric conditions.

Remember that all data is based on standard atmospheric conditions!


Maximum takeoff weight 842kg
Maximum at sea level 196 km / h \u003d 106 knots \u003d 122 MPH
Horizontal flight at 75% power at 7,000 feet 188 km / h \u003d 102 knots \u003d 117 MPH
Flight range and duration
Practical at 75% power at 7000 feet with 22.5 gal fuel tanks (85 l), without ANZ 765 km - 412 nm

188 km / h \u003d 102 knots \u003d 117 MPH

Practical, at 75% power at 7000 feet in the extended range with 35 gal tanks. (132.5 l) 1166 km - 629 nm

at a speed of 188 km / h \u003d 102 knots \u003d 117 MPH

Maximum range when flying at 10,000 feet with 22.5 gal fuel tanks. (85 L), without ANZ 910 km - 491 nautical miles
Maximum range when flying at 10,000 feet, extended range option with 35 gal fuel tanks. (132.5 l) 1,416 km -764 nautical miles

at 150 km / h \u003d 81 knots \u003d 93 MPH

Rate of climb at sea level 3.4 m / s \u003d 670 ft / min
Practical ceiling 3855 m \u003d 12650 ft
Takeoff 224 m
Distance up to 15 m 422 m
Mileage 136 m
Distance up to 15 m 328 m
Empty aircraft weight (approximate)
With standard fuel tanks 484 kg
With extended range fuel tanks 486 kg
Weight of cargo 54 kg
49.8 kg / m 2
Gross weight per unit of power 9.73 kg / kW
Fuel tank capacity
Total volume of standard fuel tanks 26 gall - 98 l
The total volume of fuel tanks extended range 38 gal. - 144 l
Oil tank volume 8kart - 8 l
Propeller: fixed pitch, diameter: 1.752 m
Engine: CONTINENTAL - ROLLS-ROYCE 160 HP (74.6 kW) at 2750 rpm Model O-320 A
Height Engine speed, rpm Horsepower V march Fuel consumption per hour Flight duration, h Range of flight
km / h knot l gaul. Standard Increase. range km pestilence miles km pestilence miles
Standard Increase. range
85 l 132.5 l 85 l 132.5 l
762 m 2750 92 195 105 26,5 7,0 3,2 5,0 628 339 974 526
2500 2700 87 192 103 25 6,6 3,4 5,3 660 356 1022 552
feet 2600 77 184 99 22 5,8 3,9 6,1 716 387 1110 600
2500 68 174 94 19,3 5,1 4,4 6,9 764 413 1191 643
2400 60 165 89 17,4 4,6 4,9 7,7 813 439 1271 686
2300 53 154 83 15,5 4,1 5,5 8,6 861 465 1336 721
2200 46 143 77 13,6 3,6 6,2 9,7 885 478 1384 747
2100 40 128 69 12,1 3,2 7,0 10,9 893 482 1392 752
1524 m 2750 85 195 105 24,2 6,4 3,5 5,5 684 369 1062 574
5000 2700 80 189 102 22,7 6,0 3,8 5,8 716 387 1110 600
feet 2600 71 182 98 20 5,3 4,2 6,6 764 413 1191 643
2500 63 172 93 18,2 4,8 4,7 7,4 813 439 1271 686
2400 56 163 88 16,3 4,3 5,3 8,2 853 461 1336 721
2300 49 150 81 14,4 3,8 5,9 9,2 885 478 1384 747
2200 43 135 73 12,9 3,4 6,6 10,3 901 487 1400 756
2100 37 114 62 11,4 3,0 7,5 11,7 870 469 1344 726
2286 m 2700 74 189 102 20,8 5,5 4,1 6,3 772 417 1199 647
7500 2600 66 178 96 18,5 49 4,6 7,1 813 439 1271 686
feet 2500 58 169 91 16,7 4,4 5,1 7,9 861 465 1336 721
2400 52 158 85 15,1 4,0 5,7 8,8 893 482 1384 747
2300 45 143 77 13,6 3,6 6,3 9,8 901 487 1408 760
2200 40 124 67 12, 1 3,2 7,1 11,1 885 478 1368 739
3048 m 2700 68 187 101 19,3 5,1 4,4 6,8 821 443 1271 686
10000 2600 61 176 95 17,4 4,6 4,9 7,6 861 465 1336 721
feet 2500 54 165 89 15,5 4,1 5,4 8,5 893 482 1392 752
2400 48 150 81 14 3,7 6,1 9,4 909 491 1416 765
2300 42 132 71 12,5 3,3 6,8 10,6 893 482 1384 747
3800 m 2650 60 178 96 17 4,5 5,0 7,8 885 478 1376 743
12500 2600 56 171 92 16,3 4,3 5,3 8,2 893 482 1392 752
feet 2500 50 156 84 14,7 3,9 5,8 9,1 909 491 1416 765
2400 44 138 75 13,2 3,5 6,5 10,1 901 487 1400 756
  1. The en-route is usually operated with engine power no higher than 75% of the rated power.
  2. The table does not take into account fuel consumption during takeoff and the air navigation fuel reserve provided for by the rules.
  3. The calculated values \u200b\u200bare given for the variant with wheel fairings. For standard and training options, the difference between the flight speeds and the calculated ones is 3.15 km / h (1.7 knots) for the highest of these speeds, 1.6 km / h (0.85 knots) for the lowest.


V PR, km / h 80 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225
V OL, MPH 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
V И, km / h 85 97 111 126 140 156 172 188 206 222
V AND, MPH 53 60 69 78 87 97 107 117 128 138
V PR, km / h 64 80 97 113 129 14.5 161
V OL, MPH 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
V И, km / h 64 80 98 116 134 151 169
V AND, MPH 40 50 61 72 83 94 105


V C, km / h (MPH)

Maximum takeoff weight 846 kg ROLL ANGLE
20 ° 40 ° 60 °
89 km / h 92 km / h 101 km / h 126 km / h
With flaps retracted 55 MPH 57 mph 63 MPH 78 MPH
79 km / h 82 km / h 90 km / h 113 km / h
With 20 ° flaps 49 MPH 51 mph 56 MPH 70 mph
77 km / h 79 km / h 87 km / h 108 km / h
Flaps extended 40 ° 48 MPH 49 MPH 54 MPH 67 MPH


with retracted flaps on a paved runway

Max. weight kg V PR at a height of 15 m Headwind, km / h At sea level 726 m 1524 m 2286 m
Takeoff At a height of 15 m Takeoff At a height of 15 m Takeoff At a height of 15 m Takeoff At a height of 15 m
726 113 km / h 0 224 m 422 m 277 m 506 m 340 m 605 m 414 m 744 m
18.5 152 m 315 m 192 m 381 m 236 m 460 m 296 m 572 m
37 93 m 222 m 120 m 271 m 154 m 332 m 195 m 419 m
Note: The distance increases by 10% for every 15 ° increase in temperature in relation to the specified. When taking off on a dry grass runway, the distance is increased by 10%.


with flaps extended on a paved runway in idle mode when calm

Max. weight kg V PR at a height of 15 m At sea level 726 m 1524 m 2286 m
Mileage At a height of 15 m Mileage At a height of 15 m Mileage At a height of 15 m Mileage At a height of 15 m
726 97 km / h 136 m 328 m 143 m 346 m 151 m 364 m 158 m 383 m
Note: The distance is reduced by 10% for every 7.5 km / h (4 knots, 6.4 MPH, 2 m / s) headwind speed. The distance increases by 10% for every 15 ° increase in temperature in relation to the specified. When landing on runways with dry grass cover, the distance increases by 20%.


flaps retracted in full throttle



Make the approach at 97 km / h (52 knots, 60 MPH) with flaps extended. Land on the main wheels. Immediately after touching, lower nose wheel and apply heavy braking.


On take-off: 37 km / h (20 knots, 10 m / s)
At landing: 28 km / h (15 knots, 7.5 m / s)


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