Soap making is profitable or not. Business handmade soap. What raw materials are required for the production of soap

At home is a very real business for those who want to work from home, without large investments and solely by their work and creativity. The cost of purchasing material and equipment is far from all that is needed. First, you should study the specifics of the work itself. It is also good to have in stock about 20-30 recipes, according to which the soap will be made, so that the business can be put on stream.

Material costs

Handmade soap requires material. It is a base for soap, essential oils, vitamins, fats, acids. For production to pay off, investments are required. Calculating how much money will have to be invested is quite simple. First, you need to decide how much soap you are willing to produce. The most optimal amount is 50 kg. If in bars, then this is about 500 bars of soap per month (a bar weighs about 100 g). At this rate, production will pay off in just 2-3 months, depending on the demand for the product.

In order for products to be in stable demand, you need to know how to make handmade soap original. This is what recipes are for. The main difference between homemade and industrial soap is its naturalness and usefulness. In addition to the fact that the composition of the soap is environmentally friendly, originality should be in the form and packaging.

The initial contribution to the development of production is the purchase of equipment and materials. On average, it will take 30,000 rubles. At a given rate (50 kg) per month, the costs will be recouped in a few months. The main thing is to establish a sales market. The convenience of working for yourself is that you can sell handmade soap yourself: both on the street (in a tent, on a table to offer goods), via the Internet (advertise, start a website or blog), and offer products while walking from door to door. Alternatively, offer your goods to shops (household chemicals, souvenirs, household goods). You can also work on order, most often via the Internet). At the same time, when a regular clientele appears, the payback of homemade soap grows quite quickly.

So the costs:

  1. For material (it is worth deciding in advance what will be taken as a basis - industrial raw materials or ready-made soap, what oils and other consumables) - about 300-400 rubles per 1 kg (i.e. 15,000 rubles will have to be paid for 50 kg).
  2. For equipment - about 10,000 rubles.
  3. To establish a sales market (placing ads, for example) - about 1000-2000 rubles.
  4. Force majeure (in the manufacturing process, problems can always arise, which means that money in reserve will not interfere) - the remaining funds.

Equipment costs

What is included in the concept of soap making equipment? These are scales with milligram precision, scissors for cutting the product, and brushes, and knives, and wire, and molds for pouring. There should be a considerable number of the latter. The service life of one form depends on what material it is made of. On average, a silicone mold is enough for 500 uses. Forms should be obtained in various sizes and shapes, it is desirable that they all have duplicates. This will allow you to make several identical bars at once.

Natural soap requires organic inclusion in its composition of certain ingredients in a certain ratio. This is what accurate scales are for. The cost of the scales depends on their functionality. Scales with division up to milligrams are the most convenient for work. It is worth remembering that electronic scales can malfunction (like any other electronics) depending on environmental factors. Mechanical scales are more reliable in this regard.

A soap-making pot should be a separate dish, in which nothing will be cooked except for soap. It is desirable that there are several of them - this will make it possible to make several different types of soap at once.

  1. Scales (from 500 to 1500 rubles).
  2. Forms (from 20 to 100 rubles per piece).
  3. Scissors, knives, wire, etc. (from 150 to 250 rubles).

DIY soap can be made at home in fairly large quantities. The convenience of the finished product is that it is not perishable. If you didn't manage to sell all the finished product right away, it can lie just fine waiting for its hour for a month or a year. When to profit from products, everyone's business is individual. If you start selling it at an affordable price for everyone, then you can get income immediately. The market sets prices. If a household chemicals store does not offer you a large income, then you can make good money at handicraft fairs. Handmade soap is rated both by weight (a bar of 50 g can cost from 60 rubles, and 100 g and all 140-170), and by complexity and originality. The more unusual the soap and the more useful its composition, the more profitable it can be sold.

Production technology

Each production has its own technology, and soap making is no exception. Moreover, the general principles are the same for any type of production. The base for the future soap is melted, ingredients and dyes are added if necessary, poured into a mold, the frozen product is removed from the mold.

But there are a great many recipes by which you can make soap. But this does not mean that you should limit yourself only to ready-made recipes. Soap making is a process that allows you to show imagination and creativity. Handmade soap can be of any shape, color, with any filler, smell or without it.

In addition, having gained a clientele who will order soap in advance, even the most daring experiments can be carried out, sometimes even increasing the price for uniqueness and individuality.

To summarize, it's safe to say that making soap at home is a good source of income. It is hard only in the first month (maximum two). Most of the business is not even for manufacturing, but for the promotion of products. That is why you should first thoroughly study the market where the product will be sold, study the demand for the product, make an estimate, and think over the recipe. After a couple of months, the business will bring in 30-50% more profit than it was invested in.

Soap making is a popular hobby that can be turned into a business. Starting with experiments in your own kitchen, it is logical to move on to a small, but quite real production. Making handmade soap at home as a business is a promising and highly profitable occupation for men and women.

The official registration of the enterprise and the necessary certificates will increase the possibilities for selling their products. How to make soap at home from scratch, you will learn in the materials of our new publication.

Hand-brewed soap is a great alternative to the off-the-shelf product found in supermarkets and beauty stores. Handmade soap can contain a variety of useful additives: base and essential oils, scrubbing particles, dried flowers, herbal extracts. Any color, shape and flavor can be imparted to such a product.

The masters make organic, perfumed, hypoallergenic, baby, anti-cellulite, antibacterial soaps - it all depends on the wishes of the customers. Most often, homemade soap is brewed from a ready-made base, but experienced craftswomen make it on their own.

For beginners, handmade soap at home is advised to be made from simple options, for example, based on a transparent glycerin base. Then you can switch to a nourishing soap with lots of healthy oils: jojoba, olive, coconut, almond.

Soaps with natural scrubbing particles are also popular: crushed nuts, raspberry pits, oatmeal, ground coffee, natural loofah or pumice.

A more expensive product is soap with black or white chocolate, cane sugar, sea salt, liquid honey, plant extracts, pieces of fruit or natural essential oils. Such a perishable soap most often made to order.

The appearance of the handmade soap is very important. Products in the form of fruits, cakes, sweets, and animal figurines are in demand. The more varied the forms, the more buyers your product will attract.

Soap making as a business: where to start, how to succeed?

Soap made in your own kitchen can be used for personal use or as a gift to your friends. But such a product cannot be offered in a store or sold at a fair. To expand distribution channels, you will have to spend time and money on registering a company.

Step-by-step instruction

  • The easiest way . This will save on taxes and reduce paperwork.
  • - branded soap will be recognizable, it will be easier for customers to distinguish your products from competitors. Register your company with the tax office.
  • Find a room for a mini workshop. A room of 40-50 sq. m, which makes it possible to organize a cooking place and a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. The room should be kept at moderate humidity. If the air is too dry, you will have to buy an industrial humidifier.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment. For a mini-workshop, you need an electric stove, a refrigerator for storing perishable components, racks for holding soap in molds. For work, you will need stainless steel pots, scrapers, stirrers, measuring spoons, food scales.

What documents are required to register an individual entrepreneur and how to fill them out correctly - find out

It is very important to buy quality molds. The more forms, the more varied the soap will be. You can use silicone baking containers, children's plastic molds, special split options for curly soap.

  • Purchase raw materials. Suppliers can be found online or at trade fairs. Some components are easier to buy from overseas auctions. For the production of soap, components for the food industry are also used. A beginner soap maker will need:
  1. ready-made base in briquettes (matte and transparent);
  2. base vegetable oils (olive, almond, soy, shea, coconut, palm);
  3. essential or aromatic oils and scented mixtures;
  4. food colorings;
  5. additives (loofah, dried flowers, glitter, crushed fruit pits, pumice, gelatin).
  • Order wrapping paper and labels for your products. It is desirable that the packaging is recognizable and not too complicated. To form gift sets, you will need cardboard boxes or wicker baskets.

Single pieces can be wrapped in paper or cellophane, tied with twine, braid or satin ribbons.

  • Get certifications for your products. To do this, the cooked soap must be handed over to the laboratory and wait for the appropriate decision. Please note that each type of soap requires a separate certificate.

Soap making business plan: expenses and income

Soap making is not a very expensive business. Most of the costs are spent on renting premises and obtaining the necessary documentation. Initially will have to invest from 60,000 rubles. Another 20,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment.

Calculate the cost of handmade soap. An average piece weighing 100 g, prepared from a basic base, will cost 30-35 rubles. The selling price of such soap is from 120 rubles. Accordingly, each piece sold gives 85-90 rubles of profit.

The business will generate net income in 6-9 months. To speed up the process, it is important to think over distribution channels even before mass production. Will increase profits and expand production.

In addition to the usual bar soap, you can make liquid versions, bath bombs, scrub soaps, baby foam soaps, gift sets and much more.

How to Sell Handmade Soaps Online: Ideas From Marketers

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining certificates makes it possible to offer your products to cosmetic stores, health shops, and gift departments. You can open your own corner in a supermarket or shopping center.

This option will increase your brand awareness, but will significantly increase costs. Rental costs will be added to production costs.

Aspiring entrepreneurs often sell their products at fairs. Such a promotion serves as an excellent advertisement and increases brand awareness. Selling soap can be combined with workshops on making it.

A promising idea for creative entrepreneurs is a subscription implementation.

The entrepreneur collects an advance payment from potential subscribers, and then sends them branded boxes of soap and other cosmetic products.

Collecting 1000 boxes (a standard figure for a budding entrepreneur), you guarantee yourself a stable income. It is best to form themed boxes, offering subscribers not only bar soap, but also scrubs, cleansers and bath products.

Making handmade soap at home as a business activity for initiative and creative people. To make money, you will have to constantly think over new ways to promote, improve product quality, and track current trends in the field of beauty.

Soap making as a business: where to start, how to succeed, how to sell products? Answers to these and other questions are contained in the following video:

Soap making today has become a very popular hobby of many women. Such an exciting hobby can easily turn into a means of generating income. The cost of setting up a business will be small, and the profit will be high, which will quickly recoup the costs. For a business to be successful, you should know well the schemes and technologies of soap making, as well as develop a plan for the quantity and quality of soap produced. It is important to understand that there will be many competitors. Therefore, the soap must have characteristic and original properties, as well as meet the needs of consumers.

The peculiarities of building a soap making business can be found on the Internet. Specialized sites contain as much information as possible about soap making, master classes introducing soap production technologies, video tutorials on how to start your own business and make money from the first days. The first step should be familiarization with the technology of soap production, its types and properties.

Studies have shown that the best selling is high quality solid soap. It is on its sale that you can earn money for further business development.

It is important to note that the soap should dry quickly after use. The appearance of the soap should be attractive, “tasty”, and the smell should be pleasant. You should also study the market and familiarize yourself with competitors' products.

What you need to invest in:

  • Purchase of a soap base.You can purchase wholesale and retail. If there is no money for the wholesale yet, then you can buy the basis by weight.
  • Acquisition of forms. Forms must be current and original. The most common are plastic molds - they are of high quality and durable. To diversify the assortment and to increase sales, you can purchase 3-D molds - they are often bought for yourself and as a gift.
  • Stock of fragrances and dyes.At the very beginning, it is better to buy dyes with standard and common colors, and perfumes with familiar and popular aromas: berries, flowers.
  • Preparing a set of base oils. They can be solid or liquid. For starters, you can choose not too expensive oils.
  • Come up with a type of packaging.The idea for packaging design should be fresh and original. And take care of purchasing materials for her.

The purchase of all ingredients and materials will require no more than $ 100. At the same time, many tools for making soap are already at home. It is also important to decide on the workplace and its arrangement. It is also important to follow safety precautions.

Where to start your soap making business: where to sell products

An important issue in setting up a business for beginners is the sale of finished products, as well as the development of a base of regular customers. It is very important here to start acting actively, sometimes even assertively. Many people start their business by giving products to relatives and friends. Better to go straight to sales and market conquest.

The finished soap can be sold through free online sales platforms. You can post your work on them. It is important to upload only high-quality photos with an interesting description of the product. Popularity depends on the quality of the product and how much soap is for sale.

Where to make sales:

  • Social networks. They provide the ability to create a page and a group. This will help you find friends who are interested in soap making and its final product. Groups should be filled with photos of goods, descriptions for them, it is desirable that the group is updated every day, contains thematic information.
  • Conducting master classes.First, you can start with free master classes - this will attract new customers. Rave reviews will help you attract new customers.
  • Implementation. Find shops and shops that will agree to take the goods for sale. It is important to consider that they will do it if they like the product and they can sell it profitably.
  • Opening your own point of sale. For starters, these can be fairs, kiosks or small points in shopping centers.

The soap making business involves creative development, originality and continuous development and growth. A well-promoted business can provide a stable and high income. It is important that the very process of creating soap takes place in an atmosphere of interest in this matter - you need to cook soap with love.

Business plan: soap making

Starting your own business is always difficult, because there are many questions and concerns that something will go wrong. To do this, first of all, you need to draw up a business plan that will allow you to do the calculations, calculate all the pros and cons, calculate the costs and estimated income. It is important to know what problems may arise and how you can solve them.

To save money, it is best to start working from home and distribute the product to friends and acquaintances.

When the business expands, a new customer base is formed, only then can funds be allocated to expand the business. One can think of registering a business and renting a special room for the production and sale of products. Costs can also be reduced on the purchase of tools, but you should not skimp on the quality of the ingredients.

Business plan:

  • Calculate the costs associated with registering an enterprise.
  • Take into account the money that will be needed to rent or purchase premises.
  • Take into account the fact that money will be needed to repair the premises.
  • Calculate the level of costs for the purchase of ingredients and tools.
  • Allocate money to buy wrapping materials.

If a limited amount of funds is allocated for starting a business, you can first save on employee salaries by selling products yourself. You can also not rent a room, but do business on social networks. The preparation of products can be done in the kitchen in the apartment or in a specially designated room.

Soap making as a business

In order to open a business, you need to study the market and understand whether it will be profitable and whether it will soon have to be closed. Today, handmade products are very popular. This also applies to soap.

Soap making is a business that does not require large initial investments, but it is very profitable if properly built.

For a business to be successful, handmade soap should not be simple, but original, different from competitors' products. Interesting business ideas can be found on the Internet, but it is better to use them as a model, creating masterpieces yourself. When manufacturing, it is important to strictly observe the cooking technology.

Benefits of a soap making business:

  • Doesn't require big expenses;
  • The manufacture of goods can be done at home;
  • You can promote and sell goods on social networks.

Making soap is an interesting and exciting job that can bring you a stable income if the product is interesting, original and of high quality. It is better to cook soap for sale from scratch. An example of works and recipes can be found on the Internet. Various fairs can be used to expand the business. And to attract clients, arrange master classes and lectures.

How and where to start a soap making business (video)

Making soap for sale is a fairly common business in our country. But this will not be a hindrance to starting your own business if the master is passionate and in love with his work. You don't need a lot of money to start a business. But experience in soap making is desirable. It is better for beginners to familiarize themselves with detailed information about soap making, soap making technologies at home. It is important to take care of the quality of ingredients and beautiful packaging for finished products, then good earnings will not keep you waiting long.

If you believe the forecasts of experienced entrepreneurs, then the demand for soap making products this year will increase by almost 40%, which means that novice businessmen who are looking for where to invest their savings can do exactly this type of earnings in order to reach high levels in a short time. income level. In this article, we'll present homemade soap recipes for beginners to help you quickly set up a business and become a successful entrepreneur.

Features of the soap making business

Soap making as a business originated in antiquity. This fact is confirmed by archaeological excavations in Egypt, Greece and Rome. As scientists have found out, even in the distant years before our era, people learned to make soap from vegetable, animal fats with alkali and sell it successfully. Nowadays, you can also make good money selling soap if you properly organize home soap making as a business.

Before we move on to describing what needs to be done in the first place to start doing soap making at home, we will list several important features that are very important to learn right away:

    • The first place to start soap making as a business is to pay great attention to the issue of studying the experience of masters who are professionally engaged in soap production. It is not necessary to attend paid courses, you can watch videos and detailed master classes on soap making for beginners available to everyone on the Internet in order to start doing this business;
  • In the process of learning the basics of this business, you need to figure out what properties and what quality should a real natural soap be. As a rule, masters use solid oils to dry the soap and become solid - after all, there is a great demand for solid soap, and not for liquid soap. It is imperative that the soap looks original and has a pleasant scent. You must understand what will be the highlight of your products so that your handmade soap making brings income and competes well with other entrepreneurs who have long been engaged in soap making at home as a business. And here we recommend that you learn one important rule, where to start soap making and how to succeed, this is to produce soap for health;
  • This does not require large investments and special skills. As practice shows, any person can start doing home soap making for beginners. The main thing here is to have a desire to work and create beautiful things for people.

If you are interested in this one, and you want to develop in it, then you will need to perform the following actions:

  • Register your mini soap factory as a home business with the tax office;
  • Although it is not necessary to rent the premises in which you will be engaged in the production of soap. Even many experienced entrepreneurs in this industry advise saving on rent;
  • Draw up a business plan for soap making at home (we are talking about expenses that will definitely have to be done in order to be able to work fully). By the way, on the Internet you can download a ready-made business plan for soap making from scratch so that, focusing on it, make your own, if you have never come across how to draw up a business plan for soap making;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and material for making soap;
  • Find staff if you immediately want to produce large quantities of goods or very exclusive ones. But in the early stages, this is not at all necessary. You can, by watching a video of soap making at home for beginners, learn the basics, and work independently with the involvement of children and other members of your family in the process.

Having mastered all the above nuances, you will quickly decide for yourself, and in any other country too.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, as in any business, homemade soap making for beginners from a soap base has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk first about the positive aspects of this business:

  • High demand for products, which is constantly growing;
  • There is no need to make large investments;
  • There is an opportunity to fantasize and create, knowing the rules for making soap products.

As for the most obvious disadvantages of this, the following can be attributed to them:

  • Often force majeure circumstances arise, due to which it is impossible to produce soap in large quantities. As a result, there are problems arising from this - there is no raw material, time and not enough money to purchase the necessary material and equipment;
  • If you do not make a quality certificate for your products, then the risk of permanent problems with SES increases - and these are fines. But in order to make such a document, you will have to be tested in the SES laboratories and pay a certain amount of money at the tariff.

These are, perhaps, all the difficulties that you can face, having figured it out in soap making.

Soap making technology at home

There are only three main recipes for homemade soap making for beginners:
  1. From odorless baby soap;
  2. Any liquid or solid soap base;
  3. From vegetable or fatty oils with soda ash.

Taking any of the above means as a basis, you can cook soap - the technology is always the same:

    • Grind the base soap. It is best to rub it on a medium grater;
    • We set to heat the water for a water bath, in which the soap will be melted to a liquid consistency;
    • We add to the resulting liquid soap any oil that you like, an exceptionally hard grade (butter-butter) - one teaspoon per 30 g of soap. If instead of solid oil you add essential oil, the soap simply will not harden;
    • You need to add something liquid to the soap mixture that you get. This can be milk or cream, water or herbal decoction (you can even add sugar). Experts recommend adding water carefully so as not to provoke soap delamination;
    • Stir the soap so that a uniform consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained without impurities and lumps;
  • Remove the container with soapy liquid from the heat, and then add additional ingredients to it - dyes, some flavors and vitamins (for example, coffee, green tea, cinnamon), but only those that you are sure of;
  • Pour the previously prepared molds with a soap base, and sprinkle the resulting free mass with alcohol so that bubbles do not form on it;
  • Wait until the soap completely hardens in the refrigerator (the setting time will depend on which ingredients you added) to the same solid state as the store (do not sell it if it wrinkles in your hands, like plasticine);
  • Decorate the soap with glitter, pearlescent varnish, some water-soluble picture. All decor elements are sold freely in online stores;
  • Add originality to your soap - get a stamp in the form of an inscription or some kind of drawing. The stamp sprinkled with alcohol should be placed in the mold before pouring soap liquid into it so that it “solders” into the frozen soap. You can detach the stamp from it with an ordinary pin.

All that remains is to pack the finished soap in a beautiful plastic or cardboard box, or wrap it in floral cellophane.


Another important point where to start soap making at home is the purchase of special professional equipment. Such equipment includes:

  • Electronic culinary scales;
  • Cooking thermometer;
  • Blender, with which you can mix different ingredients for soap;
  • Molds for soap making (although you can use regular baking dishes as well);
  • Glasses and gloves if you work with lye;
  • Kitchen utensils: a large saucepan made of stainless steel and the same spoons, several 2-liter containers that can be put in the microwave or in a frying pan, measuring bowls, disposable towels, rubber spatulas, plastic bowls in which you can wash dishes.

In order not to look for all of the above tools for working in different stores, because it is costly and tedious in time, you can immediately purchase a set for soap making for beginners. It has everything you need that a novice soap maker may need at the initial stages. In the future, when the business can already be expanded, it will be necessary to purchase equipment of higher quality. An online store specialized for soap making is the place where you can buy everything for soap making at reasonable prices.

Financial investments

As we have already mentioned, the soap making business idea is very profitable, because it does not require special expenses if you plan to work independently from home. Some girls who are on parental leave claim that their starting capital did not exceed 5,000 rubles, they did not even have to draw up a soap making business plan.

In this article, we have compiled an approximate business plan for soap making at home with calculations for those who decide to start a business for the first time in their life (it will not include the cost of renting a room, since there is no need for it):

  • To register your small business and be able to legally sell soap, you need 800 rubles (this is a payment to the tax service for opening a state of emergency);
  • The necessary equipment, which we mentioned above, will require about 30,000 rubles;
  • For the purchase of a soap base, if it is assumed that you will make 1000 bars of soap per month, you need 16,000 rubles;
  • For additional ingredients for this amount of soap, you will need to spend 2,000 rubles.

Thus, the start-up capital for starting a semi-professional entrepreneurial activity related to soap making should be approximately 50,000 rubles.


It will take:

  • 100 g of soap base - 23 rubles;
  • 1 ml butter butter - 1 ruble;
  • 7 drops of dye - 1 ruble;
  • 3 ml of flavoring - 5 rubles.

That is, one hundred-gram piece of homemade natural soap costs 30 rubles at a cost price, and you can sell it for at least 100 rubles. As practice shows, home-made soap is sold for 150 rubles. That is, the earnings from one piece will be 70 rubles, and if you sell a batch of 1000 pieces per month, then 70,000 rubles. But soap is something, and in large quantities, to get a higher income.

That is, literally in one month, provided that you are able to quickly establish your business, you will not only recoup your investment, but also see real income.

Video: How to make money on the production of natural soaps and cosmetics

Options for the sale of finished products

Having learned the technology of making soap, it is important to think over your sales market - who will buy soap from you, who will it be targeted at. This is necessary to avoid investment risks - situations when there is nowhere to sell your products.

How to organize your client base:

  • You can open your own retail outlet in public places (but this will require additional funds, which we did not include in the business plan);
  • You can create an online store (if you know how to develop websites on your own, then it will not be difficult for you to do this, if you do not know the basics of programming, then you will have to pay for it);
  • You can create communities on social networks through which it is very convenient to trade, because people constantly spend a lot of time here.

In the West, the concept of "homemade" has long ceased to exist; it has been replaced by a more noble phrase - a handmade product. At the same time, such products are regarded several times more expensive than stamped and factory-made ones, because they have their own flavor and personality. Due to the increasing demand for handmade goods, soap making as a business is starting to gain momentum.

Recently, handmade soap has become in great demand, most often it is bought as a gift to relatives or friends, less often for personal use for personal care. After all, such a soap is not just a hygiene product - it is an excellent cosmetic product. Due to its saturation with vitamins, essential oils and herbal decoctions, it helps to smooth wrinkles and tighten the skin, making it more attractive. Hence the interest in making handmade soap as a business.

In addition to the fact that handmade soap is in demand, this niche will not require a large start-up capital from a novice entrepreneur, and will delight you with profitability. At the same time, it is possible to learn this craft with the help of online lessons that show many methods and recipes for soap making.

Handmade soap is not just a hygiene product, it is an excellent cosmetic product

In order to start a legal business, you must register with the tax office as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Both types of registration will allow you to recruit employees, purchase property and open bank accounts. But the IP will cost you several times cheaper, and the procedure itself will take much less time. Moreover, the buyer will be important not the form of registration of the company, but the quality of the goods.

For accounting, we choose a simplified taxation system, which will reduce the tax burden and statistical reporting.

Search for premises

In order to start a soap making business, you need to find a room in which a workshop, office and store will be located. It can be a small room with an area of \u200b\u200b35-40 square meters. The workshop must have water supply, electricity and sewerage. To reduce rental costs, you can rent a room not in the central part of the city, but in a residential area, where the number of clients will be no less.

The room must be divided into several zones, the first for soap making, the second for a small warehouse, and the third for the store. It is best to make your own repairs in the room, creating a creative atmosphere for yourself and your customers. To make it easier for people to find you, it is necessary to order a light sign that will attract the eye even in the dark.

The premises must be divided into a workshop, a warehouse and a shop


In order to engage in soap making, an entrepreneur will need:

- electric or gas hob;

- steel vessels for melting the soap base and preparing broths, large and small containers will be required;

- molds for pouring soap, preferably silicone or plastic;

- thermometer for measuring the temperature of the mass;

- scales, bowls, mortars, spatulas, plastic containers (for the cooking process)

- gloves, respirator, towels (for protection);

- shop windows.

This is the minimum set of equipment you can use to start a soap making business.

Creation of exclusive soap is possible only with a full set of necessary equipment

Purchase of ingredients

Most of the funds in the manufacture of handmade soap (up to 80 percent) will go to the soap base. It consists of plant components, the wholesale price of a soap base is about 150 rubles per kilogram, for a start, a base is enough for 1000 pieces of soap, 100 grams each, it will cost an entrepreneur about 15 300 rubles.

The business will only move forward if soap makers are looking for interesting and unusual tastes and aromas, extraordinary color combinations. This is what makes the soap exclusive. To brew this, you need to study existing soap fillers so that you can experiment. It should be remembered that the main purpose of soap is to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, therefore, dyes and fragrances that can cause allergies cannot be added to it.

To make quality soap, you need to study existing fillers so that you can experiment.

The approximate cost of ingredients for soap making (they include essential oils, vitamins, vegetable fats, clays, fragrances, natural dyes) does not exceed 5-7 thousand per month.

Remember: It is advisable to sign the composition of the product for each bar of soap, so you will protect yourself from the claims of customers suffering from allergies.

You cannot save on soap packaging, as the appearance must be selling. Moreover, most often handmade soap becomes a gift. Packaging costs will not exceed 7-8 thousand per month.


At first, it is best to work independently and involve close relatives with whom you can agree on payment. Over time, you will need a sales assistant, a soap master and an accountant who can minimize tax collections from a small business.

The salary of the seller is 18-20 thousand rubles, the master of soap making is not less than 20-22 thousand, the accountant for part-time employment is 10 thousand rubles.

Over time, you will need to hire a professional soap-making master, since there will be no time to do this on your own


The most important stage in this business is the product sales process. You can give your first successes in soap making to relatives and friends, thereby connecting the best type of advertising - word of mouth. Subsequently, it is necessary to agree with beauty salons and cosmetic and gift shops on the display of products for sale, taking into account their markup. Internet and social media will also be a good way to distribute the product. You can sell soap using your group on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki, as well as on your website. Customers will love the ability to have soap delivered to their homes to save time, so this service must be specified. And of course, the sale of goods will be made through your shop, which should justify itself. In case of a successful start, it will be possible to open branches of the store in other cities, expanding the scale of the business and increasing profits.

The first successes in soap making can be given to relatives and friends, thereby connecting word of mouth.

Income and expenses

The cost price of a piece of soap weighing 100 grams does not exceed 40 rubles. At the same time, the selling price usually ranges from 200 to 500 rubles, depending on the place of sale and packaging. When selling 500 bars of soap per month, the income will be 150-200 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the costs of entering the soap making business:

- IP registration - 800 rubles;

- cosmetic self-repair - 10,000 rubles;

- materials for production - 20,000 rubles;

- equipment - 50,000 rubles;

In total, about 80,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

- monthly salary (starting from 2-3 months) - 50 thousand rubles;

- rent - 20 00 rubles;

- purchase of raw materials - 20,000 rubles.

Total 90 thousand rubles.

The net profit for the year will be from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. The payback period for a business ranges from 1 to 4 months of work.

The unambiguous advantages of this business are a small required area, inexpensive equipment, high profitability and a short payback period. The disadvantages include laboratory control, which the product must pass to obtain the appropriate certificate. If you have weighed all the pros and cons and are ready to start a soap making business, then start right now to study this amazing process and become one of the best craftsmen in your city.


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