How to make good money on a taxi. Working in a taxi with your car. Long term rentals and other tricks

I also shot a video on this topic. Both the article and the video have become quite popular. But in private messages, many people ask whether it is worth working in a taxi in a private car. It is clear that many want to earn extra money. An extra penny won't hurt anyone. But since this is so interesting to you, I will try to tell you my vision on this issue. Let's weigh the pros and cons.

Taxi in your car, you do not depend on anyone. You are your own master. And the main and only plus is that you do not have to pay for a car rental. If you have at least half a tank of gasoline, then after working for several hours, you can earn two to three thousand rubles. Which is pretty good at first glance. In general, this is where the pros end.

Cons of working in a taxi with your own car

Here is where to roam. But let's talk about everything in order.

  • Let's start with the fact that you do not need any car, but which will suit the requirements of the Ministry of Transport of your region. If the color is not suitable, then you will have to "repaint" (paste over with a film). For example, for Moscow it is yellow. For the Moscow region - white. And this requires additional funds.
  • Let's say there is a suitable car. Now you need to get a license. This also requires additional money.
  • Connect to aggregators. Here, too, each service has its own nuances. For example, connecting a car to Gett taxi is the most problematic of all. This aggregator has the most stringent requirements. You can tell which cars Gett accepts.
    Yandex.Taxi has milder requirements. About them you can.
    And about what cars Uber accepts,.
  • Car depreciation. - This is the expense item that requires special attention. This money will be needed all the time. Change tires, oil, pads. Much more. If it breaks down, repair it. Do not think that these are all flowers. Even if your car has a minimum mileage, this will soon change. Working in a taxi, you will easily wind 300+ km a day.
  • It will be necessary to wash the car constantly. If the weather is dry, there will be no problems outside. But the salon will be a constant mess. You probably noticed that any passenger, even your relatives and friends, leave trash. What to say about clients. They will "shit" constantly. If you work in the evenings, and even on Friday or Saturday, then there is a high probability of getting to the dry cleaning. It's not cheap.

Let's sum up

You can hardly earn more than 500 rubles per hour. Average earnings 250 - 300 rubles per hour. Therefore, your part-time job in a taxi will be hard work. At the same time, low paid. It will take you a couple of hours to run out the gasoline. It will take another couple of hours for you to save some money for depreciation. Here everyone chooses for himself. Someone is putting aside 500 rubles. Someone 1000. It all depends on how much the maintenance of a particular machine costs.

In fact, it turns out that before you start earning, you need to work 4 hours. And how much are you willing to work.

Don't listen to the talkers

Among taxi drivers, there are a lot of those who tell tales that they earn more than 100,000 rubles a month. These are fairy tales. In the best case, there will be 50 thousand. At the same time, you will have to work not for several hours a day, but fully. Hours 10 - 12. Think, are you ready for this.

What you need to work in a taxi in the dispatch service + work features + how much you can earn. What you need to work in a taxi on your car: documents, equipment, license + approximate earnings + pros and cons of working as a taxi driver.

Each of us at least once thought about how to find a way to work part-time. One of the best options, especially for men, is to work in a taxi. There is always demand in this area, regardless of the season or day of the week.

What do you need to work in a taxi? First, decide for yourself: do you want to work on your car or get a job in a carrier company?

We will describe all the nuances of both options below.

Work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service

You decided to try your hand and get a job as a cab driver in a dispatching company.

In this case, having your own car does not matter. Many companies have a sufficient number of cars in their taxi fleet, so they only need experienced drivers.

Before getting a job, you must pass an interview.

To become a driver, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age from 25 years;
  2. Driving experience at least 5 years;
  3. Knowledge of the city;
  4. Experience as a driver and letters of recommendation from the previous place of employment (optional, but desirable);
  5. No accidents;
  6. There should be no convictions, even conditional ones;
  7. A certificate from a narcologist stating that the person has no problems with drugs and alcohol;
  8. A certificate from a psychiatrist that the candidate for the position is not registered with a doctor.
  9. The ability to use the navigator will be a big plus, but even if you don't have such knowledge, you can quickly learn it.

These requirements may differ from company to company. For example, for some services it does not matter how old the driver is, while others strictly adhere to this point.

Respectable taxi companies in Moscow require knowledge from drivers, because foreigners often come to the capital.

If you have your own car, then you need to have a license for the carriage of passengers (we will tell you how to get it below), state vehicle inspection and a passed medical commission.

Features of the working day on a rented taxi

Working with a rented taxi has its own nuances that are not suitable for everyone.

How is a taxi driver's working day without his car:

  1. The driver comes to the parking lot and takes his work car. It is necessary to check the technical condition of the car before the flight. If you see defects, then immediately inform the employee who issues the taxi from the parking lot.
  2. If everything is in order, you take the car and deliver customers strictly according to the instructions of the company's dispatchers. You will be informed about where to go by phone.
  3. You give all the money you earn per day to the company. Taxi drivers are paid 1-2 times a month. Exactly how much you earn will depend on the number of working days and revenue if you work on a percentage basis.

    Some dispatch services pay workers only the rate. Which way is better, each taxi driver decides for himself individually.

How much can you earn on a rented car?

Now specifically about the numbers. If a taxi driver does not work on his own car, then a percentage of the company will have to be paid for renting a vehicle.

The cabman gets only 20% from one call. The rest is spent on gasoline and dispatchers' salaries.

If you work on your car, then the dispatcher needs to pay up to 25% for 1 call, a certain amount will go to gasoline, and the rest will be transferred to the driver's salary.

Sometimes carrier companies take drivers at a rate. If you work on a 6/1 schedule for 12 hours a day, the salary will be approximately 35-50,000 rubles a month.

You don't need much to work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service, but it will be difficult to make good money. But you will be provided with a serviceable car, for the repair and fuel of which only the company will be responsible.

Also, there will be no need to waste time looking for customers, other people are doing this. You just need to deliver the client as quickly and comfortably as possible to the desired address.

What do you need to work in a taxi on your car?

It will be much more difficult to work in a taxi in your own car. You will have to go through many stages associated with registering an individual entrepreneur and issuing a license for the right to transport people.

What exactly do you need to work in a taxi? We will tell you about everything in order.

# 1. Car

In the first place is the availability of a vehicle.

To become a successful driver, the car must be in good working order and ready for 24-hour workload. A good driver should take the car regularly for inspection.

It is advisable to have a foreign car to work as a taxi driver, and not a domestic VAZ model.

In addition to high-level technical characteristics, it is necessary to equip the car with additional devices:

  1. The car should be repainted yellow or bought a "checkered";
  2. According to GOST, a cabman needs to buy a taximeter of any brand;
  3. According to the new rules, every car must have a GPS-navigator and a video recorder.

# 2. IP registration

To conduct any entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to obtain a confirmation of registration of an individual entrepreneur (IE) from the tax office.

With this document, anyone can run a small business and transfer taxes to the state budget.

If you want to expand by creating your own shipping company, then no more paperwork is required. You only need to register your employees and pay a regular state duty for them.

Step-by-step instructions for working in a taxi:

  1. The first step is to contact the tax office at the place of business registration. You must take with you a copy and original of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. In the tax inspector's office, according to the sample, fill out an application for an individual entrepreneur status;
  3. After that, you will be given a receipt for which you need to pay the state fee at Sberbank. The price for each region is individual. After payment, the receipt must be given to the inspector who is engaged in the registration of the IP for you;
  4. Within 5 days you will receive the status of an individual entrepreneur and you can safely start working in a taxi.
  5. Also, the tax office will give you the following accompanying documents:

  • certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • an extract from the Unified Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities of the Russian Federation;
  • notification that an individual is registered with the tax office at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • The last step is to open accounts for carrying out cash transactions for business in any bank.
  • It is advisable to order a seal, but this condition is considered optional.
  • After this procedure, you should check with your inspector when and how much you will have to transfer to the state budget.

    By law, you must pay a flat tax, make transfers to the pension fund, and pay transport tax.

    Number 3. Registration of a license

    Every taxi driver, even if he works for a company, must have a license from the Ministry of Transport. This document certifies that a person has the right to transport people.

    Sometimes even the client may ask for a license. Traffic police officers can issue a license for a taxi worker who does not have a license a fine of 5,000 rubles.

    For, you need to prepare the following documents:

    1. Draw up an application for a permit;
    2. Make a copy of your passport;
    3. Provide a copy of the vehicle registration certificate;
    4. If the car is not owned by the applicant, you must provide a copy of the rental agreement or power of attorney;
    5. Submit a document on the passage of the state vehicle inspection.

    With all this list of documents, you must contact the executive body of the Ministry of Transport at the place of residence.

    The license for the carriage of passengers is valid for 5 years.

    Not everyone can count on getting a taxi work permit.

    You will not receive a document if:

    1. Driving experience less than 5 years;
    2. The car for which a license is requested is not the property of the applicant, and he does not have a rental agreement with the current owner of the car;
    3. The vehicle has not passed the state technical inspection.

    How much can you earn on your car?

    The most important question for many is how much can you earn as a taxi driver on your car?

    There are no specific figures, because the amount of earnings depends on the following points:

    1. What tariff has the driver chosen for himself;
    2. How many hours did he work;
    3. Where is he waiting for his clients;
    4. What route did the taxi driver take (experienced drivers know all the roads in the city, which can be taken as shortly as possible, and thereby save on fuel), etc.

    The standard taxi fare for Moscow is 250-500 rubles per 1 kilometer.

    The most attractive places for drivers are metro, train stations and airports. At night, many taxi drivers stand outside the nightclubs.

    May be in bad weather or on holidays.

    To make good money, you need to serve 10-15 people a day. If you calculate the cost of gasoline and car maintenance, then for a month you can get an average of 50,000 rubles.

    Here, income directly depends on the work schedule and the parking place of the taxi worker.

    To increase your customer base, make colorful business cards and hand them out to all passengers.

    What you need to know about working in a taxi: all the pros and cons

    We have already found out what is needed to work in a taxi, now we will figure out what are the pros and cons of the work of drivers:

    1. If you work for yourself, you receive your salary immediately after completing the order.1. Working in the dispatch service, you need to wait 2-4 weeks for your salary.
    2. In order for the profit from working in a taxi to be significant, you need to work during rush hour: at night, in bad weather, on weekends and on holidays.2. Hired drivers give most of their income to the company for renting a car and the work of dispatchers who redirect customer orders to taxi drivers.
    3. Work as a taxi driver is also needed in order to get the opportunity to better explore the city and improve driving skills.3. Customers will not always be friendly. You need to be prepared for scandals or passenger dissatisfaction.
    4. You choose the work schedule for yourself. You can earn money as a taxi driver in your free time, while having one more permanent job.4. Taxi drivers are often attacked by thieves. To protect yourself, do not carry large amounts of money, dump all the money on the card. Leave some small bills to give change. You can keep a gas canister, a shocker, or a traumatic pistol with you.
    5. Due to bad roads, a lot of money and time is spent on taxi repairs.
    6. Taxi workers have health problems: their eyesight dips, back problems begin, constant fatigue, indigestion, etc.

    What is the taxi driver's schedule and how much can you earn?

    A professional tells about the features of the profession:

    Working in a taxi is difficult, but with the right approach there is an opportunity to make a good living and even start your own business.

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    Almost every man at least once thought that his own car can be used not only as a means of transportation, but also as a tool for generating additional income. You can earn money on a cab in different ways. In this article, we will find out whether it is profitable to work in a taxi in your car and whether this type of employment can become the main source of income for your family.

    Dispatch service or business?

    The easiest way is to ask experienced drivers which taxi is better to go to work, and conclude an agreement with a proven dispatch service. In this case, you do not have to deal with the search for clients on your own, since you will regularly receive orders from the company in which you are officially employed. To earn more, you can cooperate with several dispatch services at the same time. Usually such organizations take 10% of your income. The most important thing is to pay for all completed orders on time, otherwise you will not be able to receive new ones. Some companies pay extra for drivers who speak foreign languages.

    Newcomers who want to take up a taxi often ask if it is possible to work in a taxi without a license? If you want to engage in transportation yourself, you must obtain permission to carry out such activities. In addition, you will have to install a "checker" and repaint your car in a certain color. The license allows you to take passengers on the road, in special parking lots, as well as on orders from dispatch services. Therefore, before you start working in a taxi, you need to complete all the necessary documents.

    IP registration

    Next, let's find out if it is possible to work in a taxi without an IP? Confirmation of registration of entrepreneurial activity is one of the most important documents that allows you to work in the chosen direction and receive income from it. That is, in order to legalize your business, you must register an individual entrepreneur. This will allow you to further hire drivers and open your own taxi service. This is one of the most, which, with experience and certain knowledge, can be implemented literally from scratch.

    Drivers who are looking for a taxi to get a job may not register an individual entrepreneur. The most important thing is to obtain a license that allows you to carry out such activities.

    Where to begin?

    Before you work in a taxi in your car, you need to collect as much information as possible about the companies that provide such a service in order to find a trusted reliable employer. The easiest way to find out which taxi is best to work in Moscow is via the Internet. Search online for offers from different companies and conduct a thorough analysis. The most important point to pay special attention to is the rates and the percentage that you need to give to the employer. The number of orders and, accordingly, your income largely depends on this. After you choose a company, you can take documents and go to a meeting with the employer to discuss working conditions with him.

    First of all, the company's management will want to make sure that the car is in good condition, so you need a document confirming that your vehicle has passed a technical inspection.

    In addition, you will need:

    • Identification;
    • Vehicle documents;
    • Insurance.

    If everything is in order with the documents, the company concludes a lease agreement with you. There is no need to worry about the rights to your car, as only you and no one else can work on it. Working in a taxi is the most affordable option.

    Benefits of working in a taxi service

    1. If you engage in this type of activity officially, you will accumulate work experience during your work, on which the size of the pension largely depends;
    2. You will gain the necessary experience that will allow you to open your own taxi company. According to experts, this is one of the best that brings a decent stable income;
    3. Working under a license, you will pay small taxes to the state. But whether it is possible to work in a taxi illegally is up to you, since this approach can entail large monetary costs.

    Difficulties in work

    Taxi drivers in large metropolitan areas get the biggest income, but only on condition that their car is in excellent condition. The better it looks, the higher your income will be. For example, in Moscow, you can earn about 100 thousand rubles a month. But at the same time, you need to take into account that you will give a certain percentage of the profit to the employer. In addition, you will have to spend money on machine maintenance and washing. If you constantly hone your skills, treat customers with courtesy and quickly fulfill orders, earnings will meet all your expectations. This can be a real salvation for people who, for some reason, have lost their jobs and cannot provide for their families.

    How much can you earn in a taxi?

    Let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to work in a taxi? Experienced taxi drivers claim that you can earn good money on a cab, but each company offers its own conditions. If it is a certain percentage of the profit, the earnings depend on how the taxi drivers work. But there is also a fixed monthly salary, which means that you cannot earn more than the company pays you. Of course, in a taxi, you can also get "left" income, but this is too dangerous and risky.

    So that you can understand whether it is worth going to work in a taxi, here are some simple calculations. On average, taxi drivers who work 12-14 hours seven days a week receive 15-20 thousand rubles. This is decent money, especially when it comes to small provincial towns. But when you take into account all the costs of depreciation, maintenance, rubber and repair, the amount is almost halved. In addition, domestic cars and inexpensive second-hand foreign cars are not adapted to such a regime, so they begin to “crumble” literally after a year of operation. People who believe that it is profitable to work in a taxi on their own car often do not think about the fact that the daily mileage of a car is 200-400 km and this is on our roads. In literally two years, you will not be able to sell your car even for parts. This is not the most, but if you have no other options, you can try working for a large company to gain the necessary experience. After that, you can take an interest and organize your own business.

    How much do taxi drivers actually earn?

    Earning Secrets

    Now let's talk about how to work in a taxi in order to get the maximum income.

    1. The most important thing is that the taxi driver is polite. Some drivers do not follow basic rules of decency. They either do not pay any attention to passengers, or they annoy them, drawing them into conversation. In this area, social conflicts often arise, since taxi services are mainly used by people with high incomes, and representatives of the middle class work in taxis. For this reason, misunderstandings often arise between the driver and passengers. Therefore, if you want to make a good profit, you need to treat all customers with respect, even if they dislike you;
    2. Every taxi driver should know well the city in which he works. It is also advisable to purchase a navigator that will help you find your way to any place. This is necessary so that you can quickly bring the client to the specified address, and not rush around the city in search of the desired street;
    3. Some people believe that you can drive any car. Of course, you can drive whatever you want, but the fact is that there are some customers who do not want to get into an old worn out car. Newbies often ask the question, which car is the best to work in a taxi? If your car differs from others in its cleanliness and original interior design, there will definitely be passengers who want to ride it again. Thanks to this, you will be able to find regular customers and secure a stable profit. It is desirable that the car be inexpensive, but at the same time comfortable and serviceable. Also, don't forget about fuel consumption. If you do not have gas equipment, you will only have to work for food and fuel;
    4. Another secret that allows you to significantly increase your earnings in a taxi is business cards. Take them with you in your car and distribute them to all customers. If passengers are satisfied with your service, they will definitely call again;
    5. Logistics is very important in this area, so if you have not yet decided which taxi is better to work in, try to get a job in a large company. In this case, you will be able to choose orders that will allow you to calculate your movement in such a way as to spend as little time as possible to move in vain, without passengers;
    6. Many men who are looking for work are interested in whether it is possible to earn money by working in a taxi? It is possible and not bad. But, if you work for the "owner", you need to strive for entrepreneurial activity, otherwise you will earn a penny all your life. Therefore, try to organize your colleagues and open your own taxi service, which will bring in a decent income.
    7. Output

      We hope you have received a comprehensive answer to the question whether it is worth working in a taxi. This is one of the most profitable and affordable earning options. Since this service is in great demand, there are always orders. You can work even around the clock and get cash for it. But do not forget that your car will wear out quickly and will require large financial investments for repairs.

    These people often know more about us than our relatives know. They know all the vices and flaws of people. Their work requires care, dexterity and self-control. These people are taxi drivers.

    How do you come to the taxi service?

    There are several options. Someone was left without a job and decided to earn extra money as a taxi driver, and so he stayed. It is difficult for someone to pay a loan for a car, and working in a taxi makes it possible not only to repay the loan, but also to earn good money. Someone, working as "bombila", could not stand the competition and came under the wing of the taxi service.

    Who is hired for the taxi service?

    The main criterion is good driving experience, no criminal record, knowledge of the city... However, many firms hire almost everyone.

    What car should I drive?

    The overwhelming majority of firms do not issue a car. Drivers drive either a private car or a rented one. True, some companies will take a driver even with a "six", and some have stricter requirements for cars. It is clear that income will depend on the level of the car... Business class taxis are more expensive.


    Most taxi services employing drivers in their cars do not set strict working hours. Drivers start the route at a convenient time for themselves. Someone prefers to work at night, someone leaves for a part-time job during rush hour, morning and evening.

    “Nobody sets any schedules in our taxi service. If you want - work, if you want - rest. Everything that you earn is yours. We pay a certain amount every week to the company. "

    What is the income of a taxi driver?

    The average income of a taxi driver in the capital is 20-80 thousand rubles. If you work well, you can reach an income of 120 thousand rubles and more. Naturally, incomes are lower in provincial cities.

    “You can earn 8-10 thousand a day. And nothing is possible. Usually 2.5-4 thousand rubles a day ”.

    How are orders received?

    The dispatcher of the taxi service takes orders from customers and distributes them to the drivers. Depending on the organization of work in the taxi service, the driver accepts the order either by radio or by mobile phone. Recently, special mobile applications for taxi drivers have become very popular, and orders are received with their help. For each order the driver pays the dispatcher 5-10%.

    "Left" income of taxi drivers

    At all times, taxi drivers have found a way to increase their income. Typically, the additional income comes from tips for helping you lift heavy items to the floor or just for a good ride.

    “Colleagues are always surprised at the amount of my tips. What am I doing? Nothing special: I help passengers get into the car, carry luggage home, try to be friendly with everyone. "

    Passengers are different

    Despite all the horror stories about the work of taxi drivers, most often you come across normal people: mothers taking their children to school, employees who are late for work, families going on vacation. People are like people, many of them love to talk. Unfortunately, the topics of conversation are monotonous to nausea: weather, politics, news. You get tired of it.

    True, there are passengers with whom you get great pleasure. But this is rare. By the way, according to the taxi driver's code, the taxi driver does not start the conversation firstif it does not concern direct customer service.

    Often you have to carry drunk people, some are quite inadequate.

    “There is a risk of being robbed, but less than if you work on your own. A good dispatcher "filters out" inadequate passengers. Just in case, I drive a gas canister and a shocker in the car. I hope they won't. "


    In general, this is a job in demand for a decent reward. Thinking whether to go to work in a taxi service? Try it, what if it's yours?

    Have you encountered on the roads of your city people who "bomb", that is, taxis without special numbers? Definitely yes. Many factors can force a person to take such a step: the lack of a permanent job, the need for additional earnings, or the banal anticipation of easy money. However, at present, using a private car illegally, in order to transport passengers to receive money from them, can be expensive.

    What is the problem?

    In addition to the cases described, it also happens that a private carrier has licenses for only a few cars, the rest is attracted illegally. Naturally, almost all of the drivers involved in this way do not have a permit to carry passengers. The employer saves on constant medical examinations of staff, carrying out repair and inspection work of vehicles, purchasing the necessary insurance policies and permits. But these savings often backfire: the state of the taxi market is deteriorating.

    No one will give guarantees: whether the driver got behind the wheel in a state of alcoholic intoxication or after a night of violent libations or not. There is no one to make a complaint to if the vehicle is faulty and can fail at any time (the brake system will break down or bald tires will lead to emergency situations).

    If an emergency occurs and the passenger suffers as a result, the illegal will pay a hundredfold: for his illegal actions (lack of a license), for endangering the passenger's life.

    And the illegal driver himself, even if he turns out to be a good person, can suffer no less. Increased pressure, inadequate passengers, vehicle breakdowns, which are inevitable with constant car operation: these are just some of the troubles that such a carrier can expect. In addition, the authorities began to track cases of illegal taxation, incriminating the suspects with various articles of the Criminal and Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

    Legal or not: how to check

    It is quite easy for a passenger to verify the legality of the carrier. For example, in Moscow there are specific carriers, for example, the same "yellow taxi", whose cars look like elegant butlers: always clean, well-groomed, with appropriate identification marks. These signs include both checkers on the side surfaces of the body and a special identification lamp. The front panel of the car contains information about the taxi park or taxi organization. At the first request, you will be presented with a business card with the information of the carrier company or the personal data of the driver.

    What a legal carrier guarantees:

    • high-quality technical condition of the technical facility (all cars are constantly checked at the service station with the replacement of parts, oil, etc.);
    • health and the driver's qualifications necessary for driving. All drivers are asked to go through a compulsory honey before the route. inspection, which includes various procedures. The medical staff will easily determine whether a particular driver has health problems and decide: whether or not to release him on the route;
    • payment is made at the specified rate, this ensures that you will not be charged extra money, feeling that you are not aware of the local prices for taxi services;
    • if passengers have complaints, you can always contact the regulatory authorities, file a complaint there, that is, the passenger's rights are protected.

    About fines

    If you do decide to go into the shady taxi business, then get ready that at any time you can be fined. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, fines may face the following points, which entered into force on November 15, 2014:

    • clause 12.3 Part 2.1, which defines the illegal transportation of passengers and baggage using a light car (the service is provided without permission). For the first time, 5 thousand rubles will be charged for this offense;
    • clause 12.4 in Part 3 regulates the illegal arrangement of various color schemes on the vehicle, which are inherent in official, legal taxis. A citizen who will be caught in such an offense will pay 5 thousand rubles, an official will have to fork out already 20 thousand rubles, and a legal one - 500 thousand rubles;
    • if a special identification lamp was illegally installed on the car, then in addition to the confiscation of the device, the offender-driver caught driving such a vehicle will pay a fine of 5 thousand rubles. This is regulated by clause 12.5 h. 4. 1. If the offender is caught driving a car (even without the presence of passengers in the cabin), which is equipped with a color-graphic taxi scheme, then you will have to fork out 5 thousand rubles.

    How to fix the situation?

    The problem is solved relatively simply: you either need to work with reliable companies that offer their employees official employment, issue a license for their car, or purchase a license on their own.

    The acquisition of a permit is possible through the mediation of special firms, companies that will allow you to get the necessary documents in a short time.

    The term for obtaining a license is, depending on various factors, from 10 working days to a month. At the same time, it is not necessary to open your own enterprise, a law firm will take care of all the formalities. You only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, from which copies will be taken, as well as copies of the STS. Additional documents are negotiated in person.

    The license for the right to carry out activities for the carriage of passengers and baggage will indicate the vehicle number, its model, the validity period of the document (5 years) with specific dates. The name of the company that assumes responsibility for the registration of the car and its legal address will also be indicated.

    Each license has a unique number, series, it must be provided with a round seal of the state body (Ministry of Transport) and the signature of an official. If you decide to open an individual entrepreneur, then such a permit document will contain your place of residence. Everything will be simple, legal and safe if you entrust your work not to blind chance, but to prepare according to the law.


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