The profession is a radio engineer. Radio engineering: specialty or vocation? Features of the profession. Professional qualities of a specialist

Radio technician - specialist in the assembly, configuration, testing and operation of radio engineering systems and devices. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and drawing (see choosing a profession for your interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A radio technician is a household, colloquial designation of a specialist in instrument making. The official name of the specialty is radio apparatus engineering.

This profession is related to the profession of radio mechanics. The difference is that a radio technician knows how not only to repair electronic devices and systems, but can also design them independently.

If for the repair and maintenance of radio electronics, primary vocational education is usually (although not always) sufficient, then hardware engineering requires at least a secondary specialized education (technical school level).

A radio technician can be responsible for organizing and assembling radio technical devices and systems, and adjusting them according to existing technology and technical documentation. It can also participate in the development of new models of devices, their calculation and design.

Electronic technology is constantly evolving through the efforts of such specialists and development engineers. But the development technologies themselves do not stand still. For the design of devices, for planning the assembly and installation technology, modern specialists use special computer programs, the so-called computer-aided design systems.

Newly developed devices, assemblies and systems are always subject to certification tests. This is also done by radio technicians.

The profession of radio engineering, like any other, leaves a special imprint on a person. For example, a radio technician has a special relationship to the devices that surround us in everyday life. He, like no one else, can appreciate the quality of a TV or DVD-player. Unlike an ordinary TV lover, a radio technician is able to appreciate not only the image quality, but also the beauty of engineering, the build quality.

As a rule, people come to this profession, since childhood, fascinated by radio electronics, enjoying the design of radio transmitters or robots, hours of fiddling with boards, parts and working with a soldering iron.


A radio technician with a diploma of secondary vocational education can work in production, in a design bureau, repair shops, etc. as an installer, controller of electronic devices, technologist and even an electronic engineer.


Salary for 12/04/2019

Russia 25,000-100,000 ₽

Moscow 42500-70000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a radio mechanic presupposes interest in technology, engineering ability, ability to manual labor, good intelligence, good memory, ability to concentrate, and perseverance.

Low vision and impaired fine motor skills are contraindications to this profession.

Knowledge and skills

A radio technician must have a good understanding of the laws of physics and engineering principles on which the operation of devices is based, know and be able to use the standards for the design, installation and assembly of radio electronic devices.


Bachelors in radio engineering are trained to perform highly professional duties in the field of:

  • implementation of an early comprehensive analysis of the economic, interface and technical properties of programs for the production and development of radio equipment and their systems;
  • preparation and study of the initial information used in the calculation of physical characteristics and design of elements, devices and assemblies;
  • integrated operation and high-quality service maintenance of electronic devices;
  • restoration of operability and debugging of settings of radio engineering devices;
  • formation of requests for the supply of the necessary technological equipment and spare parts;
  • creation of technical documents for repaired devices;
  • development of recommendations for the service and use of software equipment and tools;
  • assessing the timeliness and relevance of the projected radio engineering facilities;
  • coordination and arrangement of the production process;
  • implementation of supervisory functions for safety at production sites and the quality of manufactured devices.

Who to work with

The bachelor will be able to work as an engineer in the direction of: radar; telecommunications; communication; microelectronics; circuitry; electricians; radio; At production sites, he can perform control duties over the quality of production of electronic equipment and instruments. Bachelors can often be found among programmers-developers, radio installers and radio electronics engineers. Places of professional activity are enterprises that manufacture radio, television equipment and instruments. Thanks to the development of the telecommunications sector, a large number of organizations have emerged that develop telecommunications and satellite systems. Their staff also regularly requires qualified personnel.

03.07.2013, 21:01

03.07.2013, 21:08

How do you think this specialty is in demand in the present and near future? Is it possible at least some kind of employment in the vastness of our homeland?
Of course, it is in demand - someone has to maintain radio communication on antediluvian equipment in the army.

Top for the good

03.07.2013, 21:32

artsite1.0, telecom operators are taken by large telecom operators and there are many other small ones .... therefore, it is in demand and will be in demand.

03.07.2013, 21:34

Or spit on everything and become me a gore programmer, an undersystem administrator))?
Do you think a radio technician would be better?

03.07.2013, 21:51

But at the same time I would like to work with computers, computer equipment. Therefore, I chose the specialty "Radio Engineering".

Hmm, we chose a good specialty, it's a pity that most of these "specialists" cannot distinguish a diode from a resistor at work: mad :.

03.07.2013, 22:04

artsite1.0, and what qualifications will be?

03.07.2013, 22:13

a radio technician in cellular and telephone networks earns as a very good programmer, and the head does not think so much and the brain does not wear out, and the eyes from the computer do not break, and there will be no hemorrhoids. So everything is OK. RTF himself finished. I was very pleased with the past 5.5 years, very much! (by the way, the modeling and design of circuitry on a computer was very useful, absorbed everything like a sponge, and repeatedly came in handy in life, they made a special robot on an android and also a game machine :) ...) In addition, in radio engineering, military special equipment will have air defense and radar, there the lieutenant starts from 120 thousand rubles, so if grandmas are needed, you can rush there. The work is dust-free.

04.07.2013, 00:15

Good day! Who are you, kind members of the forum, will you advise me to go to study? Namely, to say whether I made the right choice of specialty. I don't want to be a pure programmer - that's not mine. But at the same time I would like to work with computers, computer equipment. Therefore, I chose the specialty "Radio Engineering". How do you think this specialty is in demand in the present and near future? Is it possible at least some kind of employment in the vastness of our homeland?
Or spit on everything and become me a gore programmer, an undersystem administrator))? Any points of opinion will be interesting, but without flooding :)

Now my little brother gets a job in the police, in the technical department. He graduated from FIS and regrets not being radiotech. If you love pieces of iron, that's it. And the specialty is generally in demand, in the cop at the young lieutenant's salary is under fifty dollars. And in general there is a lot of equipment, it is necessary to maintain / repair it. A competent hardware specialist is always in the price.

P.S. And about the sysadmin and programmer, it depends purely on the desire. It will be interesting on your own, no one bothers to master.

04.07.2013, 00:41

It is interesting, of course, that two professions are compared in general from different "weight categories". Both a programmer and a radio engineer cannot always combine these two hypostases. The programmer may not even know how to depict, for example, an amplifying stage on a composite transistor or how to correctly calculate and wind a low-frequency transformer. However, a radio engineer cannot always correctly write a program for calculating the current strength for a section of the circuit at a given voltage and resistance.
In general, I mean that you have to go to study in the specialty, to which profession the soul lies. If you study without interest, then you can fly out from the first or, at most, from the second year, without completing your studies at all. Or become an awesome specialist who, as a result, after graduating from university (institute, academy), will go to the store as a sales manager.
And you can get an interesting profession of a radio engineer and, if you want to increase your knowledge and your applicability, go to the programmer.
In addition, you can go into business after training.

Added on 07/03/2013 11:46 PM ----------

In general, radio technology rules! It will be very useful in life, guaranteed!


04.07.2013, 00:49

chose the specialty "Radio Engineering". How do you think this specialty is in demand in the present and near future? Is it possible at least some kind of employment in the vastness of our homeland? Yes, for example, in JSC "ISS" ( a lot of work, but not everyone is hired.

04.07.2013, 07:38

Judging by the attitude of the TS, it is generally better for him not to work, so as not to become: a bitterness, a non-physician, a paramilitary, a city businessman, etc.

04.07.2013, 08:08

The TS question could be expanded to the form "is it worth doing anything at all." There will be arguments for the fact that nothing is needed nafig.


04.07.2013, 08:53

Or to spit on everything and become me a gore programmer, an undersystem administrator You can always be only an idiot, then you don't need to study.

Remember the main thing that they hire for qualified work in the specialty "Radio engineer", basically, applicants with work experience in this specialty or, in extreme cases, who are able to work independently after additional verification of the quality of knowledge in practice.

04.07.2013, 09:52

I have two diplomas:
microelectronics (manufacturing of microcircuits) and programmer

As I received my first diploma, there was nothing to do. I went to the polytechnic.
Shas I work as a programmer for the bourgeoisie ...

Those who fumble about something in electronics, here in Lviv, repair devices for a penny at a radio market.

04.07.2013, 10:07

In this life, there is generally an imbalance in earnings. You can not really own any specialty and cut a decent babos, but you can be an excellent specialist and get a penny. It's all about the level to which you managed to jump.


04.07.2013, 10:35

In this life, there is generally an imbalance in earnings. You can not really own any specialty and cut a decent babos, but you can be an excellent specialist and get a penny. It's all about the level you managed to jump to, and this is also useful when a person already practically knows that there is a lot of freebies, but, on the other hand, there is no freebie at all;)


04.07.2013, 10:45

artsite1.0, didn't you have a hobby?
I have been engaged in radio engineering since I was 6 years old, but went into programmers.
Radio engineering is not given to everyone, that friend barely graduated from college and university - and there is no sense in general - he knows nothing and can not.


04.07.2013, 11:43

I have been engaged in radio engineering since I was 6 years old, but went into programmers.
Radio engineering is not given to everyone, that friend barely graduated from college and university - and there is no sense in general - he knows nothing and does not know how.

Shl. onotole approve

04.07.2013, 12:01

brother gets a job in the police, in the technical department. He graduated from FIS and regrets not being radiotech. If you love pieces of iron, that's it. And the specialty is generally in demand, in the cop at the young lieutenant's salary is under fifty dollars
In, right! This is not for despicable Google, or Yandex, code.

04.07.2013, 13:00

Judging by the attitude of the TS, it is generally better for him not to work in order not to become: a grieving teacher, a non-physician, a paramilitary, a city businessman, etc.
Do you think he should have gone to the police? ;)

TS, it is not the name of the specialty that is important, but the ability to own it.
In 90% of cases, people do not work for whom they studied. The value of our education is not in "specialties", but in the social circle and (if taught) knowledge / skills to find and apply the necessary information.

04.07.2013, 13:04

it is necessary to take from each reproducing contact - after n years, remind that they gave wise advice. well, and in accordance with inflation, take a fee. only a price list for wise advice should be developed ..

LLC "pythia-service". after three episodes you will be a good Neo!

04.07.2013, 13:27

Do you think he should have gone to the police?
Hardness is not dullness.

04.07.2013, 13:54

wherever Comrade Shoigu sends us ...\u003d1

04.07.2013, 17:06

radio technician in cellular and telephone networks earns as a very good programmer

In addition, in radio engineering, there will be an air defense and a radar station, where the lieutenant starts from 120 thousand rubles, so if grandmas are needed, you can rush there. The work is dust-free.

Where do you work, who, and how much do you get? And then I saw over there that NPO Almaz is required a year ago, a design engineer of the REA with an experience of 5 years - a salary of something about 10K, while a handyman - 15K.

Interestingly, I threw a link on one forum, on this page theirs with vacancies, like see how "cool" they pay in the defense industry, so they crawled and deleted the page.

ZY And why have we forgotten how to fly rockets?

04.07.2013, 17:29

Lieutenant with a salary of 4 thousand greens ... In the states, go, warriors get so much ...

04.07.2013, 17:41

In the states, go, warriors get so much ...

And here is nifiga, they have less ( here ( in Russian


04.07.2013, 18:18

In the states, look, the warriors get so much ... they would not mow the rabbits if, as in the United States, up to $ 30,000 in the military registration and enlistment office of the Russian Federation (equivalent and naturally - in rubles) would pay the poor conscript for the realization of the "patriotic" desire in orderly ranks

04.07.2013, 19:33

i put the cable offline, I won't say how much they give, but for an ordinary on-liner it will be a shock if it finds out :) Then the air defense and there are on duty underground, I can not vouch for the information, consider the personal opinion of my friend who is underground right now. :) At the same time, find the salaries of judges and flight attendants on the Internet, not to mention civilian pilots. Well, for a snack from cashiers in large chains in Moscow :) and no education is needed. Education and interesting work is a HOBBY today :)

04.07.2013, 19:35

i put the cable offline,
Do you play siku?

04.07.2013, 19:49

04.07.2013, 19:53

Do you play siku?
You can’t play with any sika - this is taught in childhood: dont:

05.07.2013, 00:15

Well, for a snack at cashiers in large chains in Moscow

05.07.2013, 00:48

Guys, we have an average salary in the city of 9 tr. be afraid damn
Which region is this?

05.07.2013, 00:48

And what is the salary of cashiers in, for example, Pyaterochka?
They won't take you anyway.

05.07.2013, 00:48

And the trolleybus driver?

05.07.2013, 00:50

And what is the salary of cashiers in, for example, Pyaterochka?
Taganrog, 10,000 rubles

05.07.2013, 00:52

And the trolleybus driver?
At your age?))

05.07.2013, 00:53

05.07.2013, 00:57

How is that? Lying under the palm trees, of course.)

05.07.2013, 07:06

Well, what will you order to do when your SEO is canceled. Do not go as a cashier.
To work as a cashier, you need to be trusted. And what is the trust in the SEO? He sells air. :)

Or spit on everything and become me a gore programmer, an undersystem administrator))? Any points of opinion will be interesting, but without flooding :)
I am a radio technician by education. Goreradio technician in essence. It would be better if I went to a programmer. But in my youth, somehow the task of entering wherever you want, I did not know how to solve.

As I later understood (and according to the head of the department, when I congratulated on graduation), radio engineering is the most difficult specialty in the Polytechnic. It was boring all five years. The most interesting things that I went through in high school were HTML, TurboPascal, English, Boolean logic and digital devices (multiplexers, etc.), modulation, demodulation, radar.

Much of the study is about radio signals in their mathematical form. Graphs, integrals, differentials, various transformations. And of course, the simplest devices and circuits that work with these signals and are part of complex microcircuits. But many disciplines were not clear to me. For example, automation. It seems that they should learn something that is automatically executed, something related to programming and maybe to robotics. In fact, these are super-clever formulas for transforming something into something ...

A radio technician is a strong specialist and is in demand in many industries. If you are passionate about it, you will find a worthy place. The question is if you like it. I didn't like it. I liked and love information technology. And I made my real choice after graduation.

You should study this specialty if you really, really, really want to know:

How a high frequency signal is converted to sound (low frequency signal) and vice versa.
- how an electronic thermometer works
- how a television signal is encrypted and decrypted
- how noise in signal transmission is removed
- how the sound amplifier works
- how they work and why are microcircuits needed
- how the radar works
- about electrics (transistors, capacitors, resistors, stages, filters, amplifiers, inductors, etc., etc.)
and many other interesting things.

At the university, amid the full-scale boredom in study, there will be answers to these questions. Moreover, they are divided into technical and mathematical parts.

05.07.2013, 15:33

Good day! Who are you, kind members of the forum, will you advise me to go to study? Namely, to say whether I made the right choice of specialty. I don't want to be a pure programmer - that's not mine. But at the same time I would like to work with computers, computer equipment. Therefore, I chose the specialty "Radio Engineering". How do you think this specialty is in demand in the present and near future? Is it possible at least some kind of employment in the vastness of our homeland?
Or spit on everything and become me a gore programmer, an undersystem administrator))? Any points of opinion will be interesting, but without flooding :)

We have a radio factory in the city. Average salary 40-45tr. Average in the city 23-25. And still friends of acquaintances successfully produce and sell some capacitor installations: crazy:
In general, in addition to the specialty, you also need a smart one.

A radio technician is a household, colloquial designation of a specialist in instrument making. The official name of the specialty is radio apparatus engineering.

This profession is related to the profession of radio mechanics. The difference is that a radio technician knows how not only to repair electronic devices and systems, but can also design them independently.

If for the repair and maintenance of radio electronics, primary vocational education is usually (although not always) sufficient, then hardware engineering requires at least secondary specialized education.

Like any other technology, electronic equipment is undergoing changes, it is being improved. To assemble an electronic device, you need to perform a lot of manipulations. Installation operations (electrical connection of individual elements of equipment) are final. This procedure is performed by radio technicians.

They are engaged in the assembly and tuning of radio devices and electronic equipment. The radio technician installs external radio components on the boards (special diagrams with designated places of fastening of parts and the location of wires), performs node assembly and electrical installation according to wiring and schematic diagrams, assembles units on the chassis and inter-node electrical installation, using soldering, gluing, wire and printed wiring.

Personal qualities

This profession is for those who like working with equipment, digging into small details. For the attentive and diligent.

Education (What you need to know?)

Fundamentals of radio and television technology, principles of operation and operation of equipment, rules for repairing, tuning and adjusting radio and television equipment, rules for using control and measuring devices.

The most important thing in this work is to understand how the processes occur within this or that apparatus, to be able to think logically. After all, radio magnetic waves and radio beams are invisible and intangible things, however, you need to be able to imagine their movement and propagation.

Place of work and career

It is not difficult to find a place - radio engineering services are needed today at any medium or large enterprise. These are factories producing various equipment (from household appliances to military ones), scientific research institutes, medical institutions, video and audio salons, television studios. Many college graduates go to work in the rapidly developing field of cellular communications, where there is a lack of specialists who understand radio electronic equipment.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Specialty Forms
Cost per year
score (2018)

Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics (branch of GOU VPO "SIBGUTI" in Yekaterinburg)

Radio engineering

Full-time (4 years)

free (8 seats)
111 740

Graduate School of Electronics and Computer Science

Full-time (5 years)

free (16 seats)
146 400

Radioelectronic systems and complexes

Full-time (5 years)

free (45 seats)
168 000

Institute of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies - RTF

Radio engineering

Full-time (4 years)
Extramural (5 years)

free (40 seats)
168 000
85 000

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Specialty
Suitable educational specialties: Radio mechanic.
Key items: Physics; Engineering principles; Construction; Assemblies of electronic devices; Informatics

Tuition fees (average in Russia): 164,000 rubles

Description of the profession:

* tuition fees are indicated for 4 years of full-time undergraduate studies.

Features of the profession

A radio technician is a household, colloquial designation of a specialist in instrument making. The official name of the specialty is radio apparatus engineering.
This profession is related to the profession of radio mechanics. The difference is that a radio technician knows how not only to repair electronic devices and systems, but can also design them independently.
If for the repair and maintenance of radio electronics, primary vocational education is usually (although not always) sufficient, then hardware engineering requires at least a secondary specialized education (technical school level).

A radio technician can be responsible for organizing and assembling radio technical devices and systems, and adjusting them according to existing technology and technical documentation. It can also participate in the development of new models of devices, their calculation and design.

Electronic technology is constantly evolving through the efforts of such specialists and development engineers. But the development technologies themselves do not stand still. For the design of devices, for planning the assembly and installation technology, modern specialists use special computer programs, the so-called computer-aided design systems.
Newly developed devices, assemblies and systems are always subject to certification tests. This is also done by radio technicians.

The profession of radio engineering, like any other, leaves a special imprint on a person. For example, a radio technician has a special relationship to the devices that surround us in everyday life.
He, like no one else, can appreciate the quality of a TV or DVD-player. Unlike an ordinary TV lover, a radio technician is able to appreciate not only the image quality, but also the beauty of engineering, the build quality.

As a rule, people come to this profession, since childhood, fascinated by radio electronics, enjoying the design of radio transmitters or robots, hours of fiddling with boards, parts and working with a soldering iron.


A radio technician with a diploma of secondary vocational education can work in production, in a design bureau, repair shops, etc. as an installer, controller of electronic devices, technologist and even an electronic engineer.


Salary range as of 11/21/2017

Russia 40,000 rubles.

Important qualities

The profession of a radio mechanic presupposes an interest in technology, engineering skills, the ability to manual labor, good intelligence, good memory, ability to concentrate, and perseverance.
Low vision and impaired fine motor skills are contraindications to this profession.

Knowledge and skills

A radio technician must have a good understanding of the laws of physics and engineering principles on which the operation of devices is based, know and be able to use the standards for the design, installation and assembly of radio electronic devices.
It is necessary to be able to read and create electrical circuits, instrument circuits, be able to work with a soldering iron, carry out diagnostics and repairs, own computer design tools.

Where do they teach

Secondary specialized education in the specialty "Radio apparatus engineering" can be obtained at a college or technical school.


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