The program of the birthday of 35 years. Festive jubilee-on-bis company - all for your anniversary. Your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary to bis! Competition "Festive Bouquet"


The celebration of the birthday of the house is very troublesome. It is best to entrust the preparation of a festive table to professionals. Therefore, now the majority of the celebrations are ordered to conduct an event in restaurants or cafes. You have enough to discuss the menu, and the rest will make employees of the institution. Most restaurants and cafes specialize in providing such services. In addition to serving the table, they can offer an original decoration of the room and the entertainment program with the master. If you are not going to invite a lot of guests, you can arrange a holiday at home.

In the event of an order of premises in the restaurant, your hassiness preparing troubles are reduced to ordering a menu from the existing list in the institution. Independent preparation of the feast involves thinking of dishes recipes personally. The problem of choice can solve the bundle table. Light snacks are quickly prepared, and their variety allows you to please any guest.

A feature of the buffet table is the portion of dishes, each of which can be easily taken and put on a plate. Cooking Canape takes little time, but they look very appetizing. To make pieces of meat, ham or bacon it is convenient to take, they will be riveted on the skewers. The same is done with vegetables, shrimps and other seafood. This menu is suitable for the celebration indoors, and for a picnic. What could be better birthday celebrations in nature!

Dancing and drinking conversations are, of course well. But so that it is truly fun, without entertainment and contests can not do. If the festival passes in nature, you can take badminton, balls and other games. The room limits the possibilities, but not so much to think of anything.

"Phanti in time." This is entertainment for the whole day. It is preparing in advance. The birthday name writes notes with the tasks to each guest. For example, someone at 16:00 should stand up and loudly closer. It will be very interesting to observe the reaction of other guests to such a surprise.

"Pregnant". Play mostly men. The inflated balloon is tied to the abdomen. After that, small items scatter on the floor. After the signal, the men must collect them, without bursting at the same time. Who will have more objects, the winner.

"Dress me". For the game you need opaque packages with a set of different clothes. It can be gloves, a hat, bra. Those who wish are broken into the pairs and choose the package. They tie their eyes. After that, one of the pair should put another touch. We win those who have a partner more correctly and is dressed faster.

35 years is the middle of life, the flourishing of forces, this is the age when a person is at the peak of its capabilities, both physical and intellectual. Career is at the raising stage, most likely there is already a family, children. Such an anniversary is another wonderful reason to summarize the already achieved and passed stages. Mom, wife, daughter, whose colleague or boss - and this is all connected in one person. Therefore, it should be honored accordingly.

Voice greetings on the phone

Right now choose the option and send directly to your mobile phone jubilee.

The solemn atmosphere and an extended unofficial part is the recipe for an ideal anniversary woman of 35 years old. Best to the Tamada to make a loved one's friend. If the professional lead is hired, then it should be aware of what constitutes the basic life milestones of the celebration.

Here is one example of a standard anniversary type. It all starts very solemnly. The presenter says a small and heartfelt speech about the jumper, which she reached. In this case, the traditional words are sounding that it is only the middle of the way, a lot of many years ahead, many years of happy life.

Excellent continuation - execution of some kind of birthday songs by her friends. At the same time, the character of the song can be anyhow, from touching to funny, from romantic to parody. Reading poems is a separate conversation, it does not always look well and not everyone knows how to read them well.

After follows, the most interesting part is unofficial. Here you can also organize anything interesting, anniversary scenario 35 years old woman It does not have to be boring and very obforn. In general, the further part should also be made homogeneous. Competitions and competitions can alternate with toast and dancing. But it is impossible to throw guests to the arbitrary of fate, they can easily bother. The musical repertoire must be thought out in advance and the best to make it up from those compositions that loven the birthday girl.

Mandatory item program - comic contests. So, for example, with a bang usually comes a competition, on which the person ties eyes and give two glasses of water. At the same time, all the phrases are recorded that they are pronounced. In the end, it is voiced that this is exactly what she said to the first wedding night.

Portal presents his version of the anniversary scenario 35 years old woman

35 years is a good significant anniversary and it is necessary to celebrate it. And if this holiday beat also according to the script, it will not only be joyful but also memorable, for all guests!

"In your 35, she is able to conquer the whole world." On such a day you need to praise the jubilee, sinking it with compliments so that she felt and knew that she was really beautiful and as good as before in his youth. The room decorate brightly, balloons, colorful tablecloths and napkins. At 35, the woman reaches everything, its appearance is impeccable, and the household is in order and cleanliness, and our contests will be devoted to everything.

We meet our jubilex,
She today is 35,
She became a little older,
But not to say on the face
She is on appearance as a model
And the house contains clean,
She is fluffy like spruce,
She is always on top!
(under the applause enters the jubilee)

And immediately I will tell you everything,
I do not hide, I will not lose
Gifts from the heart hand
And with the 35th anniversary I congratulate!
(Gifts are preparing in advance)

For your gracefulness and beauty, I give you dream cosmetics! (Set of high-quality cosmetics)
So that your kitchen is good, hand you give you a new set of dishes, let the soul rejoice. (Hands a set of dishes)
And so that everything happens on the personal front, I give you a set of bed linen so that only the best dreamed! (Hands a set of good bed linen)

And now I invite you at the table
And the glass of champagne pour!
(Jubilees occupies his place)
For your beauty, for your charm,
For your femininity and shine!
(musical pause, meal)

I want men I prove,
That is not easy to become!

Competition "Man and Cosmetics"

Participation take 6 people, three men and three women. Men sit back to the audience, women are issued according to the standard cosmetics set. According to the team lead, they begin to turn men into beauties, apply makeup to them. Further, as soon as everything is done, men unfold. The best is determined by the strength of the applause. Prize: female and men's shower gels. After the competition, cosmetics, of course, washed off.

I understood now a man,
It is not easy for us to live women
And yet now I suggest,
For our expensive jubilee drink!
(musical pause, meal)

And now everything is dancing,
With a smile and suitable!
(good rhythmic music is included, guests are dancing at will)

And again you need to drink to us,
And let them confirm our words
Let the jubilee expensive
Happiness will not see the edges!
(musical pause, meal)

And now the competition for cooks,
Come out more in a row!

Competition "Kitchen worker"

Participation is accepted by everyone. Each is issued in the chair, on the knife, a plate with potatoes, a bowl with water, a plate for purified potatoes. According to the team leading, all participants must start cleaning potatoes. Who will do it faster and better, he wins. Prize: Packaging of potato chips and a device for cleaning potatoes.

What can I tell you
You need to congratulate the jubilee
She is best today
She takes over us
And for her, all congratulations,
Gifts, fun and inspiration!
(guests alone congratulate the Jubilex)

For such gifts, for such words,
I pour everything around the wine glass!
(musical pause, meal)

And now a congratulatory song!
(Everything is rehearsed in advance)

Song-alteration on the motif "White Roses" Groups Lasky May

Copper #1.
Today we gathered here with you, on a festive evening,
To say (name) congratulations all

And we will celebrate her anniversary bend
That we are pleased to be immensely this joyful meeting,
And we will celebrate her anniversary bend!

(name), native and expensive, congratulations to you,
We wish happiness, we wish endlessly to through the edges,
Let your life be like a fairy tale, today, tomorrow yesterday,
35 Wonderful holiday we, all for you!

(I repeat once again, after which the artist leaves the scene for loud applause)

And the holiday continues
And everyone is smiling here,
Dance, sing and dance,
I will replace me!
(Leading leaves, the holiday continues)

Qualitatively prepared festive action with contests, songs, dancing - this women's anniversary script 35 years. We must have two leading, not from a timid tent of the girl, the festive plan is big, you need a serious preparation, but it will be interesting to everyone.

Women's anniversary scenario 35 years - the beginning of the celebration

Meeting of the Jubilee
Nikolaev "Congratulations"

(Guests lined up in a row of three or four people, are ridicked by the words of the lead. The hall includes the jubique and stops against the "Star Track".)

Marina: Persay friends, Pass,
At this moment, smile from the heart,
Skip forward without doubt
You have a birthday.
(Coming out the jubilee.)

Olga: Dear Natalia!
Today, all your guests are brightly illuminated,
After all, the reflections of their star on them you send.
So let your rays and in the future gave us
And it seems to us the life of a big magic fairy tale.

Marina: To extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
You slowly succeed
Star track.

Olga: Each Star is just a mystery,
You will need only one deposit.
Get up to get up on the star way
And guess at least something!

Marina: Each of us dreams about it,
I think that including you
Get from the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers)

Olga: To remember then your biography.
We will now do this ... (photo)

Marina: His husband from now on Polau,
After all, he gives you her ... (Kiss)
Olga: for all the culnery of the celebration
In such moments,
Give, ready without end we ... (applause.)

Marina: Wonders today we can not get around
Let him roll off from the sky now ... (confetti)

Olga: To be always with friends together,
You need to fulfill us ... (song.)
(Guests are performed by the song "Croodile Men's Song".)

Marina: And the time in honor of these minutes
Hear us here is the anniversary ... (salute.)

Olga: You have passed the tests, birthday girl, on Divo.

Marina: We want guests at the table all invited.
(Birthday invites everyone at the table. Guests are cleared.)

I feast

Olga: We all gathered for a holiday
We know about it firmly.

For it you need to drink
-And we do not mind.

Marina: Your holiday is very light today we celebrate

For it you need to drink
-And we do not mind.

Olga: And we want to wish - never lose heart

For it you need to drink
-And we do not mind.

Marina: in December, when cold and strong wind,
There are various amazing demand for holidays.
Someone glad to the day of Kudesnik, someone's animal day,
And today we celebrate Natasha Birthday.
We welcome the granted guests from the soul,
And open with the joy of Nataline Anniversary!

(Fanfare sounds. The applause of the guests. The garlands are lit on the main design of the backbone. "Masquerade Waltz")

Marina: Let this day go to the story forever,
And the birthday only joy will bring
And the guests are having fun. Let be careless,
Nobody, I hope sad from the anniversary will not leave.

Olga: so that the celebration began to start, as it should be
Fill all the glasses are offered.
(Music. Guests fill the glasses. "Suddenly like in a fairy tale")

I suggest the first toast to drink standing.

Marina: Happy Birthday, Natalia with an anniversary!
That evening we are with you.
And good words will not regret
For you your beloved and native!

Olga: I cordially congratulate you,
Health strong to you
And we wish your personal happiness!
And I have a simple offer:
For the anniversary to drink standing!

Author's scenario of the birthday or anniversary of a woman "Rainbow Life" - Absolutely unique, fully decorated musically, the program includes both fun and touching congratulations that are easy to organize on their own. The program is rich in costume and game moments that will delight both the culprit of the celebration and all guests. All music makeup this can be downloaded directly in the script. .

Scenario of the anniversary "Rainbow Life"

Color draw before the evening start.

In different corners of the hall hanging the bundles of the balls of blue, red, yellow and green colors.

Leading: Dear guests before you conveniently get this beautiful and appetizing table, I ask each of you to approach the bundle of the balls of the color that you are most like. (Guests are suitable for balls).

Great, now it is clear to me why each of you came to this holiday. I will reveal and you mystery. Those who chose the balls of red came here to have fun! Those who chose green - get drunk! Yellow - eat something delicious! And the blue balls preferred those who are full of strength and ready to dance until the morning. Guess? Not? As they say, the evening will show, but for now, take the places behind this beautiful table.

Sounds 1. Pugacheva. Come visit - Background

(To download - click on the file)

First feast

Leading: good evening , today we are with you: leading (name) and di jay (name) - I will be happy to spend a holiday that is dedicated to the colors, bright colors and the performance of a variety of and multicolored wishes of the birthday girl (Jubilees)Irina. Fill your glasses!

First toast

All-all lovers of green and red color,

Raise the glasses for Irina - the finest!

All-all yellow connoisseurs, as well as blue colors,

Do not fall behind, drink soon for Irina, the most beautiful!

For the youngest, charming and attractive birthday party in the world - for Irina! Dear Irina, today everything is just for you!

Sounds 2. S.Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Musical acquaintance of guests on the anniversary "Raduga Life"

Leading: And now I propose a little to get acquainted with the help of musical and dance feast greetings. Welcome to us will be colored, like all on this holiday. Remind me who in the hall preferred red, raise your hand (if guests can be asked for a bitx names, if guests are a lot - selectively get acquainted with someone of them). Dear red lovers, when the song sounds about red, I ask you to get up and get together for it, using welcome movements with your hands (show what).Now answer who chose green (also completeor selective acquaintance).When the excerpt of your song will sound, I also ask to get up and breed, but use in the dance of movement, imitating the arms, such as "barrels" (show).I will admire now on yellow lovers (acquaintance),you are in your symbolic welcoming dance, please use the American gesture - "All about`s" . And now a group of lovers of blue, outdoor activities and dancing - (acquaintance),you get movement from all the famous dance in the film "Criminal Chivo".

All lovers of red,

We distribute around your attracts! (Shows movements)

Did you come here to have fun?

Then - Ozarit a smile face! - The group "Red" gets up and tars

Sounds of the song "Red Currant" -

Who is green - the best in the world?

Swipe the sewing sewing! (Shows movements)

The hostess is enough alcohol,

To eat all to eat! - The group "Green" gets up and tars.

Sounds of the song "Green Light" sounds -

Who is yellow - all relatives?

You, of course, all about`s! (Shows movements)

Waiting for you a generous feast,

A variety and expathed! - The group "Yellow" gets up and tars.

Sounds of the song "Yellow Tulips" -

Who likes more blue?

We make a hand like this, beautiful! (Shows movements)

Here you do not have to miss you,

We will sing a lot and dance!

Sounds 4. Excerpt Song "Blue Inay"

Lead: Wonderful! Then for acquaintance!

Sounds 3. Factory. We are so different - background

Leading: Yes, we are very different, but still we together gathered for the birthday of all your favorite Irina. But we will not talk about the age, because such beauties, like our birthday girl, are not obeying every year and passport data. Therefore, let's talk about Irina.

This is what is written about girls with the name of the encyclopedia. The name of ancient Greek origin means peace, peace.

In the orphanage, Irina are independent and decisive. Have good abilities, and study does not require special efforts. Can actually approach the assessment of their surrounding reality. Responsible to the fulfillment of any work.

Sociable, quickly establish contact with unfamiliar people. Irina - in love, but the heads in hobbies do not lose, always seek to preserve independence.

Professional activity in their lives always plays a significant role.

Irina are able to cook well, are fond of fashionable systems of raising children, sports and never disappear.

This feature corresponds to our Irina or not, her parents know best: (names) - We welcome them with applause. Today, each of the guests in respect and love for Irina would like to make her a special gift, but the most important of them made her parents - gave life!

Toast for parents

We would be a miracle with Irina,
Magic wonderful moments
Only a miracle was created before
People who gave her life, the birth!

Please raise the glasses and drink the parents of Irina!

Sounds 4.Poval . Mom-mommy.

Leading: The word is provided by mom's jubilee (name)-

toast mom ....

Leading: And now the word is a person who knows Irina on professional qualities - boss (name)

Word and toast chiefs ..

Sounds 5. Allegrova. Birthday.

Leading: At this solemn part of our holiday ends, and we are pleased to come to entertainment!

Immediately I will say, invited artists will not, as far as I know, the people of clockwork and talented gathered here. Today we will be artists ourselves, and also work a little wizards and we will try to the bright life of our birthday girl and our own adding joyful paints. (In the hands of the leading flower)

This is a seven-family flowers, each petal is one of the innermost desires of Irina, which we are pleased to fulfill, right?

So, Irina Vladimirovna, tear the first petal, I propose white, because this is the color of the beginning and all clean and innocent.

Irina takes off the petal - the magic sound sounds + "In childhood to look."

The words in the passage are:

"And now is the name, and now is the name


And in childhood to look, and in childhood to look

Want very much…"

Sounds 6. Song. Together having fun to walk through the expanses -

(Baby goes out - two of the guests wear capes and skirts in advance, take away from the lead leaflet with words and bows, which in the course of the number, attach to different places)

TO omal congratulations. Babes with gifts.

First: We are babies from kindergarten

We congratulate aunt happy

We didn't just come so

Gifts Tete Ira brought

Second: This bow is certain

On her head Nada

To, like us, she, too,

To be beautiful and younger! (Bow on the head, better bezel with a bow)

Aunt Ira we have beauties

All unuse she likes!

First: Well, what handles,

Not simple - gold.

There are no more gentle in the world

Knife adults and children!

We will cover bows on the handles,

To steer handles! (bows in hand - on rubberbers)

Second: And these bows on the legs,

To the city tracks

They fled quickly quickly,

And carved sole sparks.

And so that their beauty to pay off,

Bow to them must be attached ( bows on the feet - on rubberbers)

First: And this bow is never somewhere

We attach it on the chest!

On it there will be awards and medals,

We wish you rather gave,

So, gorgeous, and neither somehow

Let the bow decorate Irina breasts! (Bow on the chest on the pin)

Second: And this bow will be tied to the place,

Which is closer to the chair or chair.

There is also a bow tie

So that Unyaden lure them,

To turn there - here

And they will say: "This is yes!" (bow on the ass - on the pin)

First: And this bow will not attach

Aunt Ira knows when to get it

After all, this bow - sexy,

We wish it more often it is relevant.

Where B neither was aunt Ira at home and not at home

He will put on the day of sexual lifting! (Hand a bow or attach an atmosphere)

Second: Well, how do you like aunt Ira? Like?

U.S. too! She has a beautiful woman!

Good decoration

For this birthday!

And now the photographer make a photo to us

And aunt Ira pour us 100 grams! (Photographed with babes)


For the performance of our most intimate desires!

Sounds 7. Lubash. Happy Birthday.

Leading: Does guests know Irina well? Please answer me a few questions to me, and in the fact how much you will answer - I will judge the degree of intoxication of the gathered.

Pouring crochet. In honor of the Jubilees

Leading: As always, irresistible

In this nice day ... who?

Everything: Irina!

Leading: We are delighted with the cause:

Our meeting in honor of ... Who?

Everything: Irina!

Leading: Request from now on

Smile we ... who?


Leading: Enough for us to pull rubber,

Pour for ... who?

Everything: For Irina!

Leading: As an elito picture,

We admire everything ... who?

Everything: Irina!

Leading: And today songs all

We will sing about ... com?

Everything: About Irina!

Leading: Well done! At the same time, the cases remembered! Word for congratulations - friends ... ..

Toast from friends

Sounds 8. Indian summer festive.

small break

Leading: We continue to work wizards - the next petal is golden. This color is very to face Irina, because it personifies everything is luxurious and bright.

Irina takes off the petal - the magic sound sounds + "I'm intended for me.

The words in the passage are:

"I am a quiring hour is intended
In the star my country
There is a beautiful boy waiting for me
On the gold horse .. "

(Sultan goes out on the "gold" horse, his wife running with the "golden" gift box, in which the money carpet is to change the guests in advance and explain the essence of the number)

Costumed congratulation of the Sultan and the donor of the cash carpet.

Leading: Sultan Suleiman Ibn-Khotabych arrived in our country to replenish his harem.

(Sultan leaves, his wife help him to get off the horse and take the horse. Sultan goes to Irina)

Sultan: Oh, honorable! (appeals to Irina)

You are beautiful as the just blossomed lotus flower (Suitable for Irina).

Your hair is shine like a river in lunar silver (Touch)

Eyes shine like stars in a night harem (throws hands to the sky).

Your lips are a gentle rose that bloom in paradise (shakes head).

Gentle hands - like two streams flowing from the mountains and embracing everything on their path.

Sounds 9. Alteration "If I were Sultan" - Sultan invites Irina to dance

Sultan: (after dance) This is exactly what I lacked in my harem, what do I tell my older wives?

Wives: Yes, Mr. - exactly that.

Sultan: How brightly did not shine the sun, it cannot obstruct the light emanating from you. Oh, the brightest!

Wives:The brightest! The brightest! The brightest!

Sultan: No matter how beautiful flower blooming in the desert, he is not more beautiful than you. Oh, beautiful!

Wives:Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!

Sultan:No matter how despusting the sip of water in the desert, he is not desirable to you. Oh, welcome!

Wives: The greatest! The greatest! The greatest!

Sultan: Become a decoration of my harem, at least one minute - oh, the most magnificent !!!

Wives:Major !!! Major !!! Major !!!

Sultan:My wife's three days and three nights especially for you whined this carpet (Wives get a carpet out of money - make in advance)

Wives: Spill, spill, and all guests helped (give a carpet)

The incendiary oriental melody sounds - harem dancing, everyone joins the transition to a dance break.

(Other option of costume scene in oriental style watch)

Sounds 10. A. . Rebecca. . Oriental fairy tales - in Turkish.

Dance Break

Second feast

Leading: And we continue to work wonders.

Irina, tear the purple petal, which symbolizes the aristocracy and romance, which is also very to your face.

Irina takes off the petal - the magic sound sounds + "and the artist in the portrait"

The words in the passage are:

"It was a wonderful ball
And artist on the cuff,
My portrait painted "

Lead: Portrait - so a portrait, each of us in the soul artist. (Frame with a place for the future portrait and markers are transmitted from the guest to the guest)

Pour entertainment.

Leading: (It is important to unobtrusively lead the process in order not to lose the dynamics and at the same time, not lose the expressiveness of the submission of the poetic number)Please draw in turn, then what I will read. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be in full height, so everyone complements the work of the neighbor, remembering that each of the guests should contribute to this masterpiece. Started!


Leading: As stated: Find 10 differences who will find more from that toast!

Sounds 11. Basque. Your birthday.

small passesin

Leading: Our seven-family flowers loses one petal after another, and in it only seven colors - the rainbow of the life of our birthday girl is more bright, there are plenty of paints light and not very, but in any situation Irina is full of optimism, apparently, so our holiday is Easy and fun.

No wonder the ancients said that it was possible to give only rich, but to help only strong, but ... to cheer only fun - we would add. And the queue for one of the most cheerful colors in the light - orange, symbolizes changes, energy and health. Irina, tear off.

Original congratulations. What can friendship be more expensive.

Irina repels the petal - the magic sound sounds + "I'll sit in a convertible"

The words in the passage are:

"And I'll sit in a convertible
And I will go somewhere .. "

Leading: A cabriolet may be sent later, but still suggest everyone to go out and together with Irina to go on a trip "on the big balloon"!

(Relatives export an office chair - a birthday party, to which a large bunch of gel balls of all colors of the rainbow is tied. Irina is invited to sit in it, and ride on the hall under the applause of guests. Such a congratulation can be organized and, without giving a chair as a gift, just rented it on 5 minutes in a restaurant or cafe)

Sounds 12. Christmas tree. On a large balloon

To make this moment more significant and touching, you can continue it with such a ritual.

13. Quietly sounds cool. When I close my eyes.

Leading: (speaks against the background of music)Irina, today you have made a flight on the balls of rainbow colors - this is exactly what life awaits you ahead. But this is just a balloon and they are not very reliable. To see the earth from a height and scream "Life is beautiful!", There are other reliable ways - your friends. I will ask you to go here. Show your girlfriend land ... from a bird's eye view (Several friends raise Irina in arms and circle around the hall) And let this flight be remarkable, primarily the fact that it is guaranteed reliable. You are supported, and all your life will support friends and relatives: Enjoy their true friendship from above! Now go down to the ground (friends omit for birthday)and hug them for the fact that they are near, for supporting the shoulder in a difficult moment, and always sincerely rejoice in your luck. Do not forget this flight and your friends ever!

14. Pugacheva sounds. One hundred friends.

dance Break

Third feast.

Leading: Well danced - it's time to fulfill another dream of a birthday boy and this is a red petal - the colors of love, joy and fun.

Irina tears the red petal - the magic sound sounds + "everything will come true"

The words in the passage are:

"Salute spring sow me birds ....

It's time to fall in love and again get into the trap .. "

Leading: It's never too late to fall in love, and spring for this is the best time of year, and why do we and, really, do not arrange a salute spring and our beauty birthdaynice, Wizards are we or not? And for this you do not need Fireworks purchased in stores - we will do everything ourselves.

Comic greeting.


Sounds 15. No. - tone. . DowN. . - Chief

Music greeting. Man with a hat.

Leading: Irina, it's time to tear the next petal, it is yellow - the color of joy and optimism.

Irina takes off the petal - the magic sound sounds + "I will listen"

The words in the passage are:

"Lose Serenada singing under the balcony,
Waiting for attention and affection.
I am clean and fresh, like a rose in paradise,
I will listen to their sweet fairy tales. "

Lead: Irina, Serenada, so serenada, easy and without preparation. I ask you to leave five men who love the birthday's most (come out, each ordinal number is heard for performances and different hats: a glamorous hat (A la A.Rybak) + violin - №1; Children's Panama - №2; construction helmet - №3; classical hat - №4; Cap "Airfield "- №5).

The words in the passage are:

"I want to dance, I want to dance until the morning"

Dance entertainment. Rainbow dancing.

Leading: I do not know whether to dance until the morning, but before the closure of the restaurant is quite possible. All - all, the birthday girl and those who love her and wishes her a lot of happiness, please go to the dance floor. (All guests distributes balls of seven rainbow colors). Now I propose to once again remember that our life is full of bright colors and events, you just need to see them in time. Cutting from songs, about all the colors of the rainbow, as soon as hear a song about the color of the ball, which in your hands - go out into the center, the rest are supported, then give your balls Irina and give way to the next dancers, understandable? Then we went.

Rainbow dancing sounds.

(slicing from songs about different colors glued together and sound nonstop)

Further program continues in random style.


TO scenario "Rainbow Life"

Scenario anniversary 35 years

Human friend was an anniversary. I sometimes entertain myself with this kind of holidays. This is the script for which evening.
Ladies and gentlemen!

We are glad to welcome you on board our NVL-0901 airliner.
The entire crew of our airliner performing flight from Tsykka "Dream" to your apartments with a long flight over the territory of Tsykka, thanks you that you have chosen our company. The flight time is within 6 ... 10 hours. The temperature overboard the liner is 25 degrees, the temperature inside the liner can rise to 40 degrees. The flight will be held at an altitude of 1.5 ... 2.0 meters from the floor level.
And now I will introduce you to all with the rules that must be observed during our entire flight:
- when taken over and when landing everyone needs to fasten the belts,
During the flight it is allowed to unbutton to abundant adoption,

When takeoff and landing the backs of the chairs to lead to a vertical position, during the entire flight it is allowed to tilt your chair to the neighbor with its permission, but not 90 degrees,

The editorial call button is missing, so please contact me personally in oral and writing,

The doors of the spare and main outputs are there anywhere where the entrance to the circus

The toilet rooms are located in the tail of our liner near the way out,

Get up and go home during the flight is allowed only after agreeing with the ship commander,

During the whole flight, you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and hot dinner.

During the flight, some passengers can feel the turbulence zones, be careful,

And now, dear passengers, please let everyone stay in their places until a complete set of height. Let me present the crew of our liner. Ship commander Our charming jubilee Lebedeva Natalya Viktorovna, Assistant Commander - the first pilot, and part-time sponsor Konstantin Stanislavovich, as well as the evening with you a flight attendant I am just Lyudmila.
The ship commander and the crew wishes you a pleasant time.
1 Toast
People languishes in anticipation,
And more slow do not reson.
That's why he and birthday,
To the glasses struck the ringing.

Dear passengers, please fill your glasses and the first toast I offer to drink standing, commemorating our jubilex.

Do you remember how it all started?
Born 3,200 total.
Such pens,
Such here legs,
Such here are her cheeks.
How together you all shouted
Changed you sliders.
Natasha Mom and dad called
And the baby began to grow

We drink to the bottom for this miracle:
Born into the light of man
And brighter has become the sun color!

We drink to the bottom for this miracle:
It happens only once
And how good that we have

And not somewhere in Paris
Or even in Moscow.
It all happened here on our land.
Raid she is not knowing neither care, nor hassle
And here we celebrate her 35th year!

Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

So, dear friends, our airliner scored height. The evening continues. You can unbutto the belts, it is allowed to get up, but not everyone immediately, it is allowed to walk, but not further than before the jubilegar. And so that we all have easier to communicate during the flight, I suggest everyone to meet. And we begin with Natashai Parents: Mom-Wonderful woman, the kindest soul of Man-Agharkova Lydia _____________, a dad-amazing man, a charming interlocutor - Agarkov Victor Mikhailovich,
The younger brother of our jubilee- handsome guy, Andrei, relatives -________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fellow students -__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For our company
Good, Millu.
I drank
Stack not chill!

3 toast
Slow music sounds

Jubilee invites Father's dance

My friends, we regret dancing. Oh my God, when the father is dancing with his daughter. And remember, Viktor Mikhailovich, how 35 years ago, your wife gave you a small bundle. Remember how gently you kept a tiny, fragile little daughter's body, as they looked in her eyes, as I wanted to see her smile, hear the word Dad, how carefully you have touch this little angel, and also tremble and gentle now you are kept in your Hand hand has already been repeated daughters.
Andrei Prigasi Mom Dance. Native! Favorite!
You need them so much!
Good and "beautiful you,
Heart gentle.
Support you for children
Hope and happiness,
You give them affection,
Love and fate
This great happiness to be children and have children, enjoy this happiness as long as possible, take care of each other
Victor Mikhailovich, shut down Soyuly and beloved, and quietly, so that no one heard whisper something good and gentle to her. Thanks for the day, thanks for the night, thanks for my son and for my daughter, thank you for the fact that the surroundings of pain and the evil you are a close world of saving.

4 Toast
You know how in the people they say: the husband and wife is alone Satan, and even without me you have a loved one to fly with one wing.
In the end, we do not have a bomber, and the planning liner, so the word for congratulations to the ship's commander is provided to Konstantin.
5 Toast
There is a person about whom those girls who do not have it, and who have often swearing with him, argue, but still no longer a person for them. Of course you guessed - this is a native brother. Word for congratulations is provided by brother Andrew
6 Toast
Fox checked over the lioness.
Where it is good - give birth only one young a year!
And the lioness answered: - Yes, right, I have one cub, but he is a lion!
Cute moms of the only child, do not be mistaken, and proud of your lion's share.
For a thoroughly from our glasses!

Now I suggest you call some animals, those who are more pleasant for you

In transport how ...
With relatives like ...
With colleagues at work like ...
In the store how ...
At home as ...
In a cafe or restaurant as ...
With the boss how ...
In a friendly company, how ...
In bed like ...
In the doctor's office like ...

The appearance of a doctor
Yes, what is it, you're some one only. Well, the youth went. I did not have time to be born, and they went to the goily, would not have time to wash. What is happening what is happening. I am your doctor, I came to the address for a newborn bypass, and they are not. Well, I have to start a card. Where is the milf here with the fall.
1. What is the girl born?
2. What is the birth weight?
3. Height?
4. What was called?
5. At the time of birth, the girls are registered?
6. Dad, how many days did the baby wash?
7. What time is the time of day the girl was born?
8. How did the hospital get?
7 Toast
Congratulations to relatives

8 Toast
Congratulations to Friends
Birthday will not buy anywhere.
He comes for free one day.
He does not forgive you to pay,
But he does not come per year twice.

It will come - the performance unfolds,
arrive suddenly the wizard to you
To ask: You're happy, right?
Be for all grateful to fate!

And then before you unfold
This star and Milky Way.
And the bad will not return,
Forget about sadness and sadness.

I wish the environment of evening stars
The brightest star be.
Be spring among the songs of Spring,
And do not forget about happiness!
From the anniversaries in life, do not go away,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Heat soul, heart particle.

Beautiful, tender and cheerful,
Charming, crazy
Always beloved and in love
The soul is forever young
With fire in the chest, with a dream in the heart,
Incomprehensible like a star
And an undelivered riddle
You stay forever!

Appearance of Gypsy

"Give your hand, my gold! I'm to you, Golubushka, Rogue, yes, I will say the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. She goes all the time in the mountain, you will become, my diamond, a big man. Oh, men will love you, but you will be unshakable like a rock. You will have another car, that's just not to figure out - white "Mercedes" or a green "Moskvich". And another handsome along the line of life of your life, well, it does not retreat. Oh, good! All women from him do not descend the eyes, and he strides everything to you. Watch, my pearl, yes, how I did not recognize it - this is your husband. Ah, my precious, glitter see along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You can buy a cottage outside the city, you will protect your anniversaries there, you will invite all guests for every holiday, but now - give a coin, my rich, gilding a handle for what I have paid out. " Yes, I do not regret the money, my hundredth, I'll still say you that your guests think about you, I will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear! "

Guests pull out gypsies prepared in advance, and the Gypsy reads the text on the papers:
1. Oh, what woman, what a woman, I b it!
2. I will never forget you
3. Madly I love the girl the one that does not notice me
4. I love you to tears
5. killed me your clear eyes
6. With what delight I meet your adorable eyes, but I often notice in them,
They do not look at me
7. And I forget about everything in the world with you
8. What is sapphires and diamonds, pearls and turquoise,
everything is not a pity immediately for Natasha's eyes
9. I invite I want to dance
You and only you
10. How to save to you, you are the one who has long been waiting
11. And I catch myself that you almost already love
12. Natasha, Natasha-white chamomile,
Clean, like snow, the best person
13. And I admire you one
And you do not know you yourself,
that beauty eclipse any
Queen of beauty
14. How fate thanks
What brought me with you
15. I am ready to kiss the sand for which you went
16. My fish, I am your eyes,
My bathhouse is your basin,
my darling
17. No, you are not just best
You are just better than all comparisons.
18. Mal Spool, yes Road.
19. Drink-drink, yes, I have.
20. I love you I do not know, but it seems like I love.
21. The ribbon you are my finish, everything will pass and you accept me.
22. I sleep badly at night, because I love you.
23. Old friend is better than new two.
24. Who told you, well, who told you who invented you that I did not like you.

Gypsy (after burning): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I am soothing to me is nothing. Pyida in the Tabor, the kids were waiting, and the husband is strict, harsh, does not like when I tried to work ... We will bring everything! And the jubilee and family I wish you happiness, wealth, health and well-being! I will drink a gap to the walkway for the hospitable owners of this house yes for guests of them! ..

Since here we were talking about men, the surroundings of which she and sweet and comfortable, we will give the floor to men, the sultans that came to visit us.
Sultan song.

Congratulations from the Sultans on the motive of the song: "If I were Sultan, I used three wives ..."

From someone else's side
From overseas countries
We came to you
To the country of Russians
Oh, Natasha - Beauty,
Oh, the queen of the day,
We dance, singing
Only for you!

Nata now
big anniversary
Well, sultans,
Dance fun !!!

35 - not trouble,
Only part of the path.
Look at you -
You give only 23.
Like air is light
With sparky eyes
Like birch of Slim -
Oh, go crazy!

And it is true,
Do not lie the Sultany
Your spells!

Let's just say you
Oh, Natasha- Jean,
In your harem would you
Everyone took Sultan!
The hands of such golden
In the world not to find
Allow us for
You kiss you!

Nata now
big anniversary
Well, sultans,
Dance fun !!!

I see that intellectuals and merchants gathered behind this holiday table. And now I want to know if you can dance ... in unusual conditions. Fulfill the dance, without getting out of the chair. Competition participants should be four.

Four guests come out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. Alternally sound march, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll. Participants perform the appropriate dances. The winner is chosen together and then give him a medal. "For the best execution of dances." After that, everyone can get out of the table and fulfill the "Gypsy" dance. The best dancer gets the medal "First-class () Gypsy".


Draw eyes, mouth, nose, ears, cut with scissors, smear glue and paste on Watman

Well, and a couple - goose da Gharac! Or as they say: two steam boots.

Upon completion of the dance competition, guests return to the table, and the lead announces that one woman congratulate the jubilee's accident to congratulate the anniversary. Guests appear "Gypsy". She proposes to repay the anniversary.

Farewell to candles


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