Work at two enterprises. Work at two jobs is officially what the law says. Legal registration on the work book

Recent changes: January 2019

The idea of \u200b\u200bpart-time work often arises due to insufficient earnings in the main job, but sometimes the second job is associated with excess free time or a request from the employer. Be that as it may, the question arises whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially, or whether such employment is illegal.

In fact, the law provides for varying degrees of employment without prohibiting the performance of duties for two or more employers. At the same time, the design of a side job entails some nuances, which everyone should remember.

Is employment legal in 2 jobs

The presence of a part-time job implies employment in the main job, and only then registration of additional employment at another workplace as a part-time job. In addition, when determining which of the employers will be considered the main, proceed from the amount of work and the amount of time spent on the performance of duties. The main workplace will be work involving greater involvement in the labor process.

The right to apply for two jobs officially and place a second job is enshrined in article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the main points of such employment are described in a separate chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is possible to determine which company is the main place of employment from the text of the labor contract concluded between the employer and the subordinate.

Without making restrictions on the number of possible jobs, the law introduces a ban on second jobs in relation to the following categories of citizens:

  1. Workers under the age of 18 are employed in a single place of work, and they are entitled to use the statutory benefits.
  2. Persons employed in heavy industries requiring increased physical returns and a longer recovery period.
  3. People working in harmful conditions.
  4. Other cases of prohibition established by Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (deputies, judges, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.)

In some cases, work for 2 companies is possible under special conditions:

  1. Combining a managerial position in an organization with other employment is permissible with permission from the owner of the first company.
  2. For athletes and coaches, part-time registration requires prior agreement with the senior management.
In any case, it is advisable to combine two jobs only if there is sufficient time that the employee would like to spend on part-time work, while the quality of the performance of duties in the main place should not suffer. A frequent case of double employment is the shift method, when a person would like to earn extra money during a long break between shifts.

Design options

Work at two jobs involves sequential execution - first in the main place, then for a part-time job. Thus, it is impossible to get a job at two main places at once on 1 labor.

The first full-time staffing involves the use of a standard scheme:

  1. The company signs an employment contract with the employee in which his employment and terms of cooperation are recorded.
  2. The employee is introduced to the duties, as evidenced by the signature on familiarization.
  3. The personnel service issues an order for admission to the state.
  4. In the work book (if any), make an appointment, and take the document for storage until the moment of dismissal. In the absence of labor in the personnel department, they are engaged in its primary registration.

The main difference in subsequent admission to an additional workplace is the lack of need to submit a work book. The employee is required to provide a minimum package of papers: passport, diploma or other document confirming the level of education, a certificate from the first employer, which indicates the nature of the employee.

As with admission to the first place of employment, a citizen signs an agreement (indicating part-time jobs), and gets acquainted with the list of actions to be performed. Further, the personnel service is engaged in the issuance of the order, without requiring the part-time transfer of the work book for storage.

Sometimes the company keeps a part-time job, but not required. This happens when an employee of an organization takes a side job within 1 company.

In total, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for 2 alternatives:

  •   Inner. When the current employer offers to take on an additional burden with the performance of other duties. The procedure for receiving an internal part-time agent does not involve any problems, since all the necessary documents are already stored at the enterprise, and the services are only required to issue a personnel order and coordinate new additional responsibilities.
  • External. If the employee is looking for additional earnings outside the walls of the main enterprise, the host company draws up a part-time job in strict accordance with the legal procedure. For the new employer, additional documents will be required, including a certificate from the main place.

Do not underestimate the importance of formalization when intending to take a part-time job, since the same social norms apply to the part-time job as for the main place of work.

Work on 2 labor

Since official part-time employment does not imply employment, a second document is not necessary. The main company that employed the citizen accepts the document for storage, and when part-time, it is no longer needed.

And yet, workers are often quite interested in the prospects and legality of finding two jobs. The labor law, without prohibiting the official work of two jobs, warns against possible dangers in maintaining two work books:

  •   Possible problems with tax reporting.
  •   Suspicions of attempted fraud and the application of penalties.
  •   The calculation of the total length of service when applying to the Pension Fund for pension payments is more complicated.
  •   Not every employer is ready to work with citizens who report that they are already employed and consider this job as a part-time job.
  When work is carried out according to one workbook, there are no problems with the calculation of length of service and submission of statements by the enterprise. If a person starts a second document, this fact may raise doubts about the law-abiding and honesty of the employee.

The thing is that the second labor often indicates violations:

  •   the person is trying to hide from the new employer about problems with the previous management, about complaints and reprimands;
  •   an attempt to falsify information about the level of education entails a desire to update the content of labor;
  •   receiving benefits for temporary disability, benefits laid down at 1 place of work, in double size.

The work book is the main document that allows you to track the history of professional activity, relationships with previous companies, etc. Using the second book can lead to trouble and errors, even if the employee did not plan to break the laws.

Nevertheless, one should keep in mind the responsibility that awaits unscrupulous citizens who decide to use the right to establish 2 labor for personal gain:

  1. The revealed falsification leads to liability under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, where measures are taken against the violator in the form of imprisonment or a large fine (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
  2. Misleading regarding the duration of work (length of service) entails dismissal under the article (see clause 11 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. Some categories of citizens are entitled to use the right to a benefit in the form of a tax deduction at the place of work. Double use of benefits is also punishable by law (liability arises under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Legislation allows for a denser load and an increase in working time through registration in 2 or more places. The main thing is that the additional load does not affect human health and does not reduce labor rates. It is worthwhile to carefully evaluate your capabilities, correlating with the additional income received, and of course, it is better to forget about informal employment. A company that allows an informal reception of employees is unlikely to be law-abiding, and in the absence of supporting documents it is not possible to prove the fact of performance of unpaid work.

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Many citizens who want to find a job in another company to receive additional income are wondering: is it possible to officially work in two jobs? Yes, it is permitted by law. In addition, the implementation of additional performance activities will be called part-time work. Its duration cannot be more than 4 hours a day. At the request of the employee, information about additional career activity is entered into his workbook, which is located at the head of the head office, but only if there is a document confirming official employment. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the head also has the right to terminate the contract with a subordinate part-time worker, if it was concluded for a certain period of time.

How to proceed

But what if the citizen carrying out labor activity in one organization was invited to work in another? Yes, you can quit and get a new place. But it is better to apply for a part-time job, especially if there is such an opportunity.

In this case, the citizen will need to submit to the personnel department only a passport and a document on education. In addition, a person who plans to work part-time at an enterprise where there are dangerous and harmful working conditions needs to take a certificate of the nature of his activity from his main place of work. Citizens who are not eighteen years old cannot be part-time workers.

It should be noted here that the law does not limit the number of jobs where employees can be registered. Therefore, when answering the question of whether it is possible to officially work in two jobs, you only need to give a positive answer.


When applying for part-time work, a work book is not required. Therefore, information on the experience of the employee, at his request, can be entered into this document at the main place of official activity, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states this.


Is it possible to officially work in two jobs and is a person entitled to carry out additional service activities in one enterprise? This question is of interest to most citizens who want to increase their family budget and improve their financial situation.

It is possible and not prohibited by law to carry out additional service activities in free time from the main work. In addition, this can be done in one enterprise. Such labor activity will be an internal part-time job.

Example: A citizen works at the enterprise as a secretary from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. After this period, she performs the duties of a cleaning of office premises and mopped floors until 18.00. Accordingly, a woman works under a different labor contract at the same enterprise, but in her free time. This is not prohibited by law.

Additional labor activity carried out in the free period of time from the main work in another organization is external combining. There are a lot of citizens who work at several enterprises.

Example: A citizen works in a company as a master repair technician from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After this period, he works in another organization - a janitor for 3 hours daily, which is not prohibited by law.

Therefore, the question of many citizens about whether it is possible to officially work in two jobs, you need to answer only positively. Because the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit citizens from working at several enterprises. Confirmation of part-time work will be a contract signed with the head.

Performance of additional duties

A citizen has the right to work part-time both at one and at different enterprises. In addition, he can carry out additional service activities even during work. This will be called a combination, which is possible only if the employee agrees.

As a rule, such a proposal is made by the head to his subordinate, if the staff does not have enough employees. In addition, the combination of two posts by one person is the most advantageous option for superiors in terms of saving wages. Nevertheless, an employee can refuse this and continue to serve only in his profession.

For combining two positions, an additional payment is always established, which is prescribed in the supplementary agreement to the contract. The head sets her size independently. An example of combination can be a joint work:

Lawyer and secretary of the head;

Accountant and economist;

Watchman and janitor;

Locksmiths and mechanics.

The main condition here is the performance of additional duties by the employee directly during working hours. Therefore, one should not confuse combining with combining.


How to work on two jobs officially? Very simple - part-time. Only by law, not all citizens can carry out additional service activities. These include:

Persons under 18 years old;

People whose main activity is related to similar hazardous working conditions.

Therefore, when applying for a person’s work, the manager asks him to submit a passport that indicates the age of the intended employee. And also a certificate from the main job, if there his activity is associated with harmful working conditions.

What the TC says

Is it legal to work in two jobs officially? This question is asked by many ordinary citizens who do not know all the legal subtleties. Yes, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not prohibited. Moreover, the law states that a person can engage in additional official activities (up to 4 hours a day) in his spare time from his main job. In the event that a citizen has a day off, he has the right to work a whole shift.

Additional performance activities must be confirmed by the conclusion of an employment contract. It must be noted in it that the person was hired concurrently. It is not necessary to submit a work book to the personnel department.


Is official employment for two jobs possible and how should it be formalized? These questions always arise for citizens who want to work in several enterprises and positions. Yes, according to the law, officially working in two jobs is not prohibited, but there are some features:

Additional activity can be no more than four hours on one day; at the weekend, an employee can work a whole shift;

Vacation at the main job should coincide with the period of rest in combination;

The sick leave is paid to such an employee if he has been working at this place for more than two years;

The period of validity of the performance agreement is determined by the two parties;

Submission of a work record is not required.

general characteristics

Additional labor activity is a design for two jobs. Officially, this is confirmed by the conclusion of an employment contract. After which the employee is deemed to be part-time. Information about additional performance activities may be entered in the work book, but only at the request of the citizen himself.

You can work part-time both at one and at different enterprises. But only in his spare time from the main activity.

The sick leave is paid only to those part-time employees who have worked in one place for more than two years.


A contract with a part-time employee may be concluded for a specified period and for an unlimited period of time. In the first case, the agreement with the subordinate is terminated in connection with the end of its validity. In the second, due to the adoption of another employee for this position, for whom this work will be the main one.

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs? A similar question in the context of the financial crisis is relevant for many people. Unfortunately, the lack of minimal knowledge in the field raises certain questions, misunderstandings and worries, which, you see, is absolutely unacceptable for professional work. So, is it possible to find yourself in several labor directions at once and not violate the current laws of the country?

general information

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs? Yes, the modern Labor Code officially permits such actions and even calls them the special term “multiple jobs”. Within the framework of such a combination, it is possible to perform labor duties not in two, but even in three, four or more companies. The main requirement for this is compliance with the design rules. For the most part they are set out in chapter 44 of the TC, namely in

The main nuances

When answering the question of whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially, it is necessary to mention two main types of combining jobs:

  • External. It means work in different places.
  • Internal. It implies work in one organization, but in different positions.

In this case, in order to classify labor activity as combination, certain conditions must be met. They are expressed in:

  • The presence of the main place of work.
  • Performing additional duties in his spare time from the priority schedule.
  • The conclusion of the regulator is yet another working relationship (without fail).
  • Compliance with all social guarantees.
  • The presence of a liability agreement.

Ban in combination

Formal employment in two jobs may be prohibited for certain categories of citizens. So, these include minor citizens of our country (under 18 years of age). Among other things, such a ban will be relevant for everyone in the event of an attempt to combine the main work with dangerous, difficult or even harmful types of work. Also, if you are already working in such an enterprise, do not try to find yourself additional responsibilities.

Let's move from general recommendations to particulars. If your main activity is related to driving, part-time job will also be in the restricted area for you. In addition, there is a whole list of professions that prohibit the performance of any additional work. These include:

  • Lawyers
  • Judges.
  • Police officers and other law enforcement officers.
  • The prosecutors.
  • Representatives of foreign intelligence.
  • Representatives of municipal authorities.
  • Members of the government (with the exception of scientific or teaching activities) and deputies.

Design Basics

Quite often, various pseudo-experts negatively answer the question of whether it is possible to formalize in two jobs officially, motivating this with Article 66 of the Labor Code, which contains information about the illegality of having one person two work books. In fact, everything is much simpler. It is necessary to clarify that in combination, one type of activity is always considered the main (initial work), and the other - additional. In the first case, registration of the relationship takes place through the work book, in the second - with the help of the labor contract, the obligatory clause of which is a note that the employee is working concurrently.

Nuances of registration in combination

Now that you know whether it is possible to officially work in two jobs, it is necessary to clarify the additional nuances of combination. First of all, you need to stipulate the schedule officially authorized by the TC. So, for additional work a citizen is allocated no more than 4 hours a day, provided that before that the employee performed his immediate labor duties during the entire shift. A day off (if it falls on the interval from Monday to Friday at the main job) can be used for part-time work in full.

Another limitation does not apply to the duration of the work per day, but to its total duration. So, the additional load drawn up under the contract must necessarily be limited by the time frame, that is, the term of its validity must be given in the document. However, it should be noted that termination can also be arranged for unlimited. In this case, their termination is carried out at the initiative of one of the parties or by their general agreement.

The algorithm for receiving additional work

How to work on two jobs officially? What documents must be provided for registration of part-time jobs When leaving for a second job, do not forget to bring along your main (passport), diploma confirming your qualifications and specialties, as well as a certificate from the place of main work, which contains information about the conditions of its implementation and specifics. Please note that such a list of documents is general, the local personnel department may well ask you to convey other necessary information. So, males are always asked to provide documents, and it often turns out that the certificate of pension insurance is also useful. As for the work book, its availability for re-registration is not mandatory, since it is stored directly on the main job.

The next step is the signing of an employment contract with a mark of part-time, on the basis of which the personnel department issues an order for employment, and then it starts a personal card for each such employee.

Employee rights for additional work

Is it legal to work in two jobs officially and what rights does the employee have in his second, additional job? In the sphere of rights and obligations, concurrent activities are no different from the main ones. So, the employee can always count on the regularity of receiving payment for the actions performed by him.

In addition, he may also receive allowances and various bonuses, if any, are provided for by the company’s regulations. We should not forget about social guarantees, they also remain unchanged and are regulated by the Labor Code. Working part-time, you have the right to receive paid leave in each company.

However, there are still additional nuances in this matter. Thus, allowances and guarantees for workers in the Far North are provided for the main work and do not apply to additional work.

If an employee is ill or is going on maternity leave, then he can take advantage of social benefits in both companies. This moment of Federal Law No. 255 is determined (Article 13, paragraph 2). In this case, sick leave in the prescribed form must be provided to each employer.

About an additional entry in the labor

Is it possible to officially work in two jobs and at the same time make all the entries in the work book? Yes, this is also possible - directly at the request of the employee. Even if you work in more than two companies, entries about this can be made in an official document. Moreover, all of them will be carried out by personnel officers at the main place of work. To enter information, it is necessary to provide certificates from companies that will contain information about the duties performed and their nature.

Can I get two jobs officially? Now you know the answer to this question. However, in the pursuit of financial resources it is still worth being extremely careful and not forget about your own health. Remember: significant stress can worsen your condition, reduce physical and mental activity.

Work on several jobs brings not only money, but also takes energy. How to maintain self-control and switch in a timely manner, we will tell in the article.

We often decide to take another project, to find a new customer in addition to those that already exist. Of course, people are not working for a good life. You need to pay for an apartment, save for your business or vacation for the whole family. Whatever the goals, working in two, three jobs is difficult. You can, in a professional way, become a hysterical person with a disturbed sleep cycle and even earn health problems. However, working in two jobs at the same time may not be so exhausting if you take into account some tips.

No matter how tight the schedule is, you can always plan your day so that there is a place to stay.

If you work 12-16 hours a day, then you don’t even have enough time to sleep. However, a busy and busy working day can be organized so that life is not so unbearable.

  • For example, set priorities a week in advance.
  • First of all, carry out those projects that are already approaching the deadline.
  • Remember to include some good habits in your busy schedule.

For example, if you do not have enough time for fitness, you can at least climb the stairs on foot. You will also feel much better if you give up sugar and flour, and switch to greens and clean drinking water, and start taking supplements.

Planning is the key

if you want to work hard, but not at the expense of your own health.

Work on two jobs at the same time - a nightmare?

Transfer part of the responsibilities to family members.

It is very difficult to work in two jobs, but at the same time to try to fulfill some household chores. Do you have a teenage son or daughter who staggers idle for half a day while you plow from morning until late at night? In this case, load them with household chores. It’s quite realistic to shift part of the homework to someone else’s shoulders, especially if they do not bend under the burden of responsibility.

Today you can order food and goods on the Internet, there are a lot of devices for cleaning, and therefore you can, with a clear conscience, agree with your family that they will free you from the lion's share of household chores.

How to work on several jobs and relax as a normal person?

Despite all the difficulties, working at two jobs at the same time will allow you to have enough time to relax if you learn not to give up sleep and breaks.

This is difficult and requires some skill, but if you analyze the working day of any person, it turns out that a lot of time is spent on social networks, long tea parties. Just imagine that you could sleep 2 hours more today if you hadn't started flipping through Facebook feed yesterday!

Is it possible to work on two jobs simultaneously for years?

You need to keep in mind the ultimate goal and understand why you are now plowing like a workhorse.

If the thought that such a schedule will never come to an end is haunting you, then very quickly you will stop dealing with stress.

Therefore, always think about what the next step will be.

For example, you will pay back a loan and for the remaining money you can still reward yourself with a good vacation. If the final goal is not defined in time, then very quickly you will begin to get tired. This is how our psyche works. If we do not see a solution to the problem, the final stop, then we start to panic and lose endurance. How long will the current situation last? A year or two? When can you give yourself a break? You need to understand the specific answer to this question.

You can work on several jobs, but it is very important to do what you like.

For example, if you are a creative person and constantly receive a lot of orders, but do not feel tired from what you are doing, then you are in luck. You can live life non-stop by working and improving. At the same time, you will earn decent money, but not get tired as if, say, you worked in the office, and then you took the projects for completion home.

However, if your main activity exhausts you, then try to find something to your liking. For example, some get up earlier, and after working in the office they continue their day to develop some personal projects, their own business, which brings pleasure. In this case, you are working for the future and in order to leave the exhausting job for hire.

When people ask about whether it is possible to work in two jobs at the same time, the answer is unequivocal - of course, it can, if there is such a need. However, you need to be able to plan, disconnect from thoughts about work at a time when you are resting.

Tip - write down all the things you need to do. For each project, have a separate card, notebook, notepad. As soon as you complete the task, then immediately delete it.

Physical action, deleting the work done from the to-do list will allow you to feel relief, even if you work a lot and are constantly tense from the rhythm of working days.

Give yourself breaks.

You should always be able to give yourself a break at least a couple of minutes. For example, allow yourself to turn off the phone and not get in touch for two to three hours. You haven’t gone anywhere, but just been able to take a nap or even just be in. Only all this must be planned in advance. No need to justify your freeze on social networks by the fact that just now it's time to do nothing. Procrastination should not take a length of time from your full sleep.

Unfortunately, Russians are not always able to earn as much as they would have enough for a normal, full-fledged existence. That is why many, sitting at work, often think about where to make extra money. Is it possible to work in two jobs officially, are there legal possibilities and grounds for this?

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How to get a second job officially

Everyone understands that ahead of old age, you need to “earn” a decent pension, so citizens are seriously considering different offers. Today it is beneficial to work officially so that the pension is decent.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a possible second official employment, calling such actions of a citizen "". When asked whether it is possible to get two jobs at once, experts say that there are no restrictions for this.   You can find yourself at least three or more, if you follow some of the nuances of the law.

Basic conditions:

  • a person is already officially employed at least once;
  • the employee is accepted by internal or external combination, the first is appropriate in the same organization (appointment of the second position), the second for outside employment;
  • schedule and responsibilities should not interfere with core business.

An activity is considered an official combination when the respective responsibilities are agreed upon with the first contract. An agreement is concluded between the employer and the employee. An entry is made in the book. Another question involuntarily arises, and how many labor books are allowed to have under the law, is it possible to have two labor books at the same time.

Second labor

When planning to find a second job, people are trying to find out whether it is possible in their case to get two jobs officially, whether to start a second work book and whether it is legal. Experts, studying the code, give the following explanations: when applying for an additional official position, they do not start a second work book.

Or organization, the head simply makes the appropriate additional entry in the document. Based on this, appropriate deductions are made. Having entered a position in a third-party organization, the employee is in one way or another obligated to make a note in the existing document, but not to start a second work book. Although many, when they try to hide the fact of additional employment from the main employer, they do not.

The second work book is started if the main one has been lost. To receive a new document in return for the lost, a corresponding statement is written. All records from the old are entered into the new document, if there is a possibility of data recovery.

It often happens that after acquiring a "duplicate", a person finds an old book. Of course, this is not reported anywhere, both documents remain. However, only one of them can be considered valid, which one is specifically chosen by the employee together with the employer. We answered the question of how many work books can be legally required. Yes, as much as you like, only to make all the main entries and use is allowed one document. The use of several work books at the same time is prohibited by law.

Important!  The employer does not have the legal right to demand a second labor. The parallel management of two documents is prohibited by law and is considered (Article No. 66).

It is recommended to keep all available books, because when applying for a pension, accruing maternity benefits, a new document often finds errors, inaccuracies, then the information is taken from the old version, which was once lost and then found, but then never kept. The old form is also considered valid.

Often people do not even think about whether it is possible to work on two work books at the same time. For example, having an unpleasant record, due to which they are unlikely to be taken to a good place, they deliberately start another document and do not say anything about the former. In this case, if the fact of fraud is proved, the employee faces administrative punishment.

  Legislation does not prohibit working officially on two jobs

When multiple jobs are impossible

Looking for additional employment (part-time), you need to know that many categories of citizens such actions are prohibited by law.

  • citizens under the age of majority (under 18 years old);
  • whose main work is considered especially life-threatening (the presence of harmful, dangerous, difficult working conditions).

Specialists note that the following professions fall under the ban: vehicle driver, military, government officials (police, representatives), members of the government, deputies, lawyers, prosecutors, judges. At the same time, there are adjustments, for example, members of the government can simultaneously conduct pedagogical practice, get carried away by scientific areas. Some may combine an additional position within the organization where they work.

  Citizens under the age of majority cannot work part-time

Required documents

When applying for the purpose of additional employment, employees often hear the question of whether it is possible to work in two jobs officially, a negative answer is not true. It is forbidden to conduct two labor at the same time, and part-time work is allowed. Is it possible to work in two jobs officially without breaking the law - yes! The main thing is to fulfill all the nuances of proper employment, so that the corresponding deductions, deductions are performed.

Turning to the new employer, the employee provides:

  • passport;
  • diploma of existing education;
  • other documents confirming the conformity of the position: driver’s license, certificates of completion of continuing education courses;
  • a certificate from the head from the main place of work (the document should contain specifics of the specifics of labor, the temporary period of employment);
  • application for admission.

The list of basic documents can be supplemented by a pension certificate, military ID, which the representative of the personnel department deems necessary to request. It is not necessary to provide the original of the work book; they keep it at the main place of employment.  New entries are also made there, on the basis of additional employment documents.

When settling down for the main position, the employee is registered on a labor basis, and in combination, is accepted by agreement.

Registration for part-time work

Deciding once again to legally find a job, a citizen applies in writing or personally to the employer.

Having discussed the nuances of future activities, the part-time reception is carried out in stages:

  1. The contract is signed.
  2. The head issues an order of admission, which clearly states that this is part-time employment.
  3. The employee provides the necessary documents to the personnel department of the selected organization.
  4. An entry is made in the labor.

Usually re-employment takes a little time. The employee starts a personal file, his duties, rights, how to work in two jobs officially are clearly explained. The employee retains the right to receive bonuses, allowances, holidays, sick leave.  Vacation is planned according to the vacation time in the main place. If the second job is shorter, or the employee has not yet earned it, they will still give it “in advance” or it will be unpaid. After working for two years, in the second job you can get paid sick leave. If the period is less, then sick leave only at the main place of employment.

  Re-employment takes a little time

Work time planning

When preparing the contract, the employer is obliged to stipulate a schedule. It is believed that additional employment cannot take more than 4 hours a day.  Working hours may be less if the main job includes a full shift. Weekends that fall at the main place of employment from Monday to Friday can be used as full working days for additional work. The part-time period at the request of both parties may be unlimited or clearly limited.  This nuance is necessarily prescribed in the preparation of agreements.

Useful video: legal advice on whether it is possible to officially work on two or more jobs

If you are going to find additional official income, you can get a job under the law without violating anything. When settling for an additional position, a citizen should not wonder if there can be two main places of work. This definitely does not happen. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which employment will be primary and which additional.


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