Rating tour operators of internal tourism. Tour operators in Russia. Search rules and purchase of the cheapest tours

7 8 The best size of the network 9 Housing rental offers 10 The oldest tour operator of Russia

Vacation is a rare and quite expensive event. I want everything to be perfect - the best hotels, fast and trouble-free flights, interesting excursions. Therefore, it is important to entrust the organization of recreation to a reliable and responsible tour operator.

But it's not too easy to choose the best. There are several criteria to pay attention to - for example, the capital size and reliability of an insurance company operating with the firm is desirable to explore first. It is also important to look at the year of creating a tour operator. The longer it keeps on the market, the higher his reliability - poor-quality services would bring business in the grave.

In order to make it easier for you to decide, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the rating of the reliability of the tour operators of Russia. We have chosen the best companies based not only on financial indicators and services, but also on recalls of real customers. All of them offer their own product, not overbought from other firms, and have receiving companies at the place of arrival of tourists. In addition to the designated areas, everyone has tours within the Russian Federation.

Top 10 of the best tour operators of Russia

For ease of comparing key parameters, we have compiled a table. In it you will find everything you need to make the primary conclusions about the best tour operators of Russia.

Travel agency

Number of directions

Capital, rub.

Size agency network

Percentage of negative reviews

His hotels

His airplanes

Year of the start of work

no, but a lot on warranty

no, under the contract

no, under the contract

no, but a lot on warranty

no, under the contract

own airline

no, but a lot on warranty

no, under the contract

Biblio Globus

no, but a lot on warranty

no, under the contract

Mouzenidis Travel.

own airline


no, under warranty average number

no, under the contract

no, under the contract

Naturally, the table reflects not everything that can interest the tourist. To familiarize yourself with all the nuances, we invite you to read the detailed descriptions of each tour operator.


The oldest tour operator of Russia
Number of directions: 59
Rating (2019): 4.1

And the rating of the most reliable tour operators of Russia originates at the dawn of the USSR "Intourist". Today, he occupies a rather strong position among international tourist holdings and provides high-quality vacation in almost 60 countries of the world. Included in the oldest holding of the world - Thomas Cook Group, existing since 1841. The share of the tour operator accounted for capital of 46 million rubles. Responsibility for insurance lies with the company with a maximum reliability rating assigned by a number of well-known analytical companies. However, for so many years Intourist has honed the organization of recreation almost to the ideal.

In addition to tours to the most interesting from the point of view of tourism of the country (including Japan), the tour operator offers accommodation in its own comfortable hotels. In addition, it is almost the widest and interesting network of internal tours, including the Crimea. But not all tourists like how "Intourist" works. About 7% of customers leave negative reviews. However, positive many times more. And the tour operator itself supports customers who write an objective view of rest, and presents gifts for filling out the questionnaire.


Housing rental offers
Number of directions: 58
Rating (2019): 4.2

Quite interesting, although not the largest tour operator with a big list of areas. Collects information about future events in popular tourist countries and offers its potential customers to make those able to choose the most interested in their tours. Financial guarantees make up only 30 million rubles. However, it has one of the best insurance companies on the rating of reliability and more than 95% of positive customer feedback.

On the site you can find an extensive list of shares and discounts for seasonal offers. So with due luck it is easy to save. The tour operator has certain guarantees for accommodation in hotels in the country of arrival. But the network of partners has such an extensive, like the rest. When departing on a journey, you can accommodate not only at the hotel, but also to rent a separate accommodation. But, unfortunately, so far only in Cyprus. There are several properties that are perfect for large and not very companies.

8 Mouzenidis Travel

The best size of the network
Number of directions: 8
Rating (2019): 4.2

A specialized tour operator, which mainly works in the direction of Greece - both mainland and island. For traveling to this country it is difficult to find the best tour operator. You can also go to other countries - for example, in Hungary or Cyprus. All in stock eight directions. As a rule, tourists leave quite a lot of positive feedback about the company as a whole. But the non-professionalism of individual officers can cause some negative, which, however, is easy to correct.

An important feature is a tour operator belongs to a huge holding Mouzenidis Group. Due to this, it can provide better service for the areas in which it works. This includes excellent hotels, various entertainment for tourists and much more. There is even a private airline, due to which there are almost never problems with the timely departure and availability. Due to the ownership of the holding, there is a huge size of the agent network - more than 2000 branches. But there are some drawbacks - with the size of the holding of capital, a small tour operator is small - only 50 million rubles. At the same time, an insurance company that ensures reliability has not the highest, though quite good, rating, "on the four".

7 Biblio Globe

The best directions
Number of directions: 67
Rating (2019): 4.3

For 2017, more than 2.8 million tourists took advantage of the services of the tour operator. In incomplete 2018, with the help of the "Biblio of the Globe", 2.2 million went on the journey, so it is quite possible a new record. Such trust among customers is not accidental - by insurance is made by one of the insurance firms with the highest reliability rating. Although the capital of the tour operator is small - only 30 million rubles. Among the proposals of the company - shopping tours, cruises, outdoor activities and much more. It is easy to find anything to taste.

The main positive quality of the operator is nearly 70 countries in which you can go on vacation with it. Biblio Globe allows you to organize the rest of any orientation in most popular countries in the world, including the United States. Allows you to get only on the plane, but also by train, and in some countries it has its own hotel with comfortable living conditions. An interesting feature - the tour operator has its own book online store, so when buying a tour can be at the same time buy something to read on the road.

6 Sunmar.

Best combination price-quality
Number of directions: 21
Rating (2019): 4.4

The tour operator positions itself as a dealer of the most economical proposals in Russia. In general, this is true - "Sanmar" offers pretty favorable tours with good conditions. More than 95% of customers leave positive feedback on the company's trips. Despite the "young" age (the tour operator has been operating since 2005), in reliability, it is not necessary to doubt - 110 million capital and the best insurance company will allow you to entrust the vacation of Sanmara. In addition, the company has already managed to conquer several prestigious awards for contributing to the development of tourism.

It pleases that the company has an excellent network of partners - there are agreements with dozens of airlines and thousands of hotels in all directions. Therefore, there are practically no problems with places even during the vacation season. Also every year there are many new directions and contracts, which allows the company to actively develop. In general, we can say that the tour operator allows economically to travel to one of the proposed countries, observing the balance between the price of the tour and quality of services.

5 AnexTour

Pretty much economical vouchers
Number of directions: 35
Rating (2019): 4.5

The company occupies one of the first places on the organization of recreation in Spain, Thailand and the Dominican Republic. Allows you to make the most enjoy the rest in 35 directions. Accommodation and flights "Aneks Tour" also takes on itself - the company has its own hotels and air transporters, which improves the quality of the services provided. High capital has more than 200 million rubles. It is serviced by an insurance company with quite high, according to analytical agencies, reliability rating. So you can safely go on vacation along with this tour operator.

It is convenient that the company seeks to offer tours of various costs - you can find both elite offers and quite economical. The latter, by the way, quite a lot - even with small income, you can afford a completely comfortable stay. Unfortunately, the company with such tours is ideally not all - more than 7% of tourists leave negative reviews, noting some problems with the placement, flights or other aspects of rest. However, often emerging misunderstanding the tour operator quickly decides.

4 Pegas Touristik.

The biggest financial guarantees
Number of directions: 22
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tour operator covering the most massive tourist routes and is in great demand. Allows you to go on a trip to 22 directions as an aircraft and by train. More than 24 years old and tens of thousands of satisfied customers emphasize the reliability of the company. The list of services is extensive - in addition to the standard options there is a sports, corporate and VIP-leisure with unique parameters. However, at the expense of mass, small problems may occur and confusion - a little more than 5% of customers remained completely satisfied with the service.

It pleases that the tour operator has a wide network of contracts - more than 2.5 thousand hotels guarantee accommodation in all directions of rest. The company has more than 220 million rubles as financial guarantees, so in case of unlikely problems, it will easily pay compensation to all tourists. In addition, Pegasus Touristik cooperates with an insurance company, which a number of analysts assign the highest reliability rating, which once again emphasizes the success and increases the level of confidence.

3 Coral Travel

Two insurance companies
Number of directions: 32
Rating (2019): 4.7

Tour operator specializing in popular areas of recreation - for example, Turkey, Spain, Tunisia, and so on. But for those who want to visit other countries there are many interesting proposals. Total firm serves 32 destinations. And on 17 of them she has its own hotels. Tourists are settled in the rooms of varying degrees of quality and comfort, depending on the cost of the vouchers and the selected conditions. The tour operator has a wide network of partners among airlines, so that tickets are almost always in all directions.

The company has quite large capital - 110 million rubles. An additional bonus for reliability is working with two insurance companies, one of which has the highest rating. The second is not ideal, but its very presence as insurance makes it possible to note that the tour operator is everything excellent with reliability. It pleases that only in Russia, the Coral Travel has more than 680 offices in many localities. In addition, the company does not stop at what has been achieved - several new directions, dozens of contracts with hotels and air carriers and thousands of satisfied customers, leaving positive feedback appear steadily for a year.


European reliability
Rates: 39
Rating (2019): 4.8

The largest tour operator of the European Union, working since 1995. Allows you to go on vacation in 39 directions with top quality services. "Tui" takes care of reputation, so seeks to organize the rest of the clients in the best possible way. In particular, the tour operator offers its own hotels in various "stars" and the level of service, and organizes flights on private aircraft - several comfortable sides are available at the disposal of the company.

It pleases that the tour operator allows you to organize various types of vacations - from the lazy beach to the extreme sports. Also in the price list you can find full-fledged cruises of various durations. It all depends only on the desire of the client. Of the features - unique recreation concepts created for a separate target audience - for example, for young people or for family pairs with young children. As for reliability - Capital in more than 160 million rubles and the insurance company with the highest rating allow you to entrust the leave of the "Tui".

1 Tez Tour.

Best percentage of satisfied customers
Number of directions: 30
Rating (2019): 4.9

The first place is deservedly occupied by an international tour operator with more than 20 years of experience in the market. It offers more than 30 diverse tourist destinations - from popular Turkey to Israel and Maldives. One of the largest tour operators in Russia and in the world, which has a minimum percentage of negative reviews - just 1.07%. So, recovery problems are unlikely to emerge - more than 98% of holidaymakers can be trusted. The reliability of the tour operator is confirmed by capital size of 100 million rubles. At the same time, managing is entrusted with one of the most reliable insurance companies with the highest rating of a number of analytical agencies.

The company has quite a lot of diverse services. You can organize not only a family holiday or alone, but also a conference or vacation for VIP clients. It is convenient that the recreation organization "Tez Tour" is engaged exclusively for their own - tourists send and accept employees of the company. From "outsiders" on vacation only hotels and airlines with which the tour operator has many agreements. By the way, the guaranteed places in hotels are on most destinations, so the problems with housing are unlikely.

Rating 12 most reliable tour operators today

If you want to relax without problems, do not be afraid that your tour operator will go bankrupt just before your trip, you need to figure out who can trust your vacation. Select key criteria for reliability and evaluate large tour operators on them, which create tours in all directions. In this article, you will find 12 best tour operators who can safely buy vouchers and not be afraid that the rest will break.

Another important point is the tour operator and the travel agency is perceived as one concept. In fact there is a difference, and, planning a trip, it is worth understanding this issue. Well, I prepared the material to navigate when choosing a tour operator, how to choose a better and reliable, whether to access travel agencies.

Before identifying the most reliable tour operators today, it is worth first to deal with the concept.

Tour operator and travel agency - what's the difference

The tour operator develops and commerces a tourist product. After all, the tour is not just a choice of travel destination, and a set of services that is expected from the tour operator:

  • flight
  • transfer airport hotel and hotel airport
  • accommodation
  • set of excursions

Probably, remember how in previous years the tourists are also stuck in airports due to the fault of the unrelated tour operators. Now for organizations that are planning to work by tour operators, measures and regulations are approved at the state level. According to the document, they start working only when providing financial guarantees. Before obtaining permission to activities, the tour operator makes a fee in a specially created Foundation "Tour Recovery".

Rosturism compiled a single federal register of Russian tour operators, all tour operators are listed there - i.e. Firms that have made an insurance premium at least in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles, which have the right to create and sell tours.

Before paying for the tour, it is worth looking into the official list from the growth of growth, and make sure that the tour operator is present there. So you at least protect yourself from scammers.

When the tour is prepared, it needs to be sold. The tour operator can do it independently, and may delegate this part of the work to the intermediaries. Here intermediary is just called Travel Agency.

Travel agency works with several tour operators and the tour operator may have several travel agencies.

The product itself, that is, the tour is staffed by the tour operator, and the travel agency only serves as a seller. Plus, the fact that the seller will always tell me what is better to choose the tour to ensure that it meets your requirements and budget. In this case, the travel agency also analyzes what proposal from which operator is suitable for you. The services of travel agencies do not have to pay, as the tour operator is interested in selling the product, and provides the agency with special conditions for the acquisition of Turputovka. Therefore, the ticket is better to go to the travel agency, since there are a number of advantages:

  • travel agency will choose a tour of one of the tour operators (while the tour operator will not advise you to offer competitors)
  • some travel agencies provide additional discounts (though, at the expense of their own commission), but more often the price of the tour will be the same and in the agency and the operator

A good travel agency will not only provide a selection of vouchers in all tour operators, but then through it you can find out if the hotel is paid, check the right armor correctly. The probability of unexpected and unpleasant surprises is already in the process of travel seeks to zero.

Who is responsible for the tour - agency or operator

If you have questions about the tour, then the responsibility for complaints bears the tour operator, regardless of where the tour was purchased.

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How to understand that the tour operator deserves confidence

And then the question arises, how to check the tour operator for reliability. Pay attention to such aspects:

1. How many directions are served by the tour operator

The world is unstable, and if, for example, a cheap tour operator is focused mainly on Egypt and Tunisia, and tomorrow, in one of the countries, something will go wrong, and tours will be canceled, then such an operator, most likely, "seeks", which inevitably will affect tourists. If the company has a large number of destinations, the risk of being at the airport with a canceled flight is much lower.

2. Availability of host companies

A reliable tour operator takes care that in the host country he had its own tour accomplices and travel agencies. The task of these organizations to book and pay for the hotel, arrange a shuttle service and excursions. The journey will pass much more comfortable if people from the same company will work from the beginning to the end.

3. Arrangement with airlines

This criterion affects, first of all, the cost of air tickets, which make up the lion's share of the price of Turputovka.

4. Financial Sustainability of the Insurance Company

Even the perfectly planned vacation can under the action of certain events to go collapse (cancellation of the flight, refusal in settling, bankruptcy of the tour operator, etc.). In this case, the work includes an insurance company, from the financial stability of which (solvency) depends on the guarantee of insurance payments.

Learn the reliability of the tour operator for these selection criteria on its own is not always so simple, so I prepared this rating for you. The rating is formed not only at prices, but also in terms of the quality of the services provided:

  • obtaining a visa
  • registration of the insurance policy
  • booking a hotel room

Also the number of claims from tourists and the level of development of agencies was taken into account (After all, the more the operator know, the higher he has sales). In Tours, you will see the names of the companies that are hearing today. Since almost all the leading tour operators of the Russian Federation through advertising recognizable.

Focusing on this list of reliable tour operators, you will not be mistaken with the choice.

© PlatFormlondon / Flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Rating reliability of tour operators

The first top three is headed TUI, CORAL TRAVELand Tez Tour.. They periodically change places, but always in leaders.

A placeTour operatorYear of creationMain directionsRating
1 Coral Travel.1992 98/100
2 TUI1995 Turkey, Cyprus, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Spain98/100
3 Tez Tour.1994 Turkey, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Tunisia92/100
4 Anex Tour1996 Dominican Republic, Turkey, Thailand, Greece, Tunisia90/100
5 Sunmar.2005 Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece, Tunisia90/100
6 Pegas.1994 Turkey, Thailand, Spain, Greece, Tunisia88/100
7 InTourist.1929 Turkey, Russia, Thailand, Italy, Greece88/100
8 Mouzenidis Travel.1995 Cyprus, Russia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Greece86/100
9 Biblio Globus1994 Turkey, Cyprus, Russia, Montenegro, Greece86/100
10 Vedi Tourgroup2002 Czech Republic, Russia, Bulgaria, Sri Lanka82/100
11 Pac Group.1994 Czech Republic, Italy, France82/100
12 ICS TRAVEL GROUP.1992 Israel, Cyprus, Russia, Montenegro, Italy82/100
  1. Company Coral Travel. - Leader in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia and Turkey. Work experience for more than 25 years. The organization is part of the Group of Companies of Oti Holding (which undoubtedly adds a "coin" in the company's reliability piggy bank). The tour operator practices regular and charter transportation of passengers.
    • Number of directions: 28
    • : 1,66%
  2. TUI - Tourist giant of Europe, the company serves up to 30 trends, has a developed agency network under a personal brand. Works over 40 years. Provides an exceptional tourist product with a large number of interesting concepts. There are planes and hotels.
    • Number of directions: 30
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 1,95%
  3. Tez Tour. - This Russian tour operator can no doubt entrust rest, and it will be held at height. He has been working since 1994 and specializes in two dozen destinations, including Turkey, Thailand, Egypt, Spain, and others. At one just mentioning the Tez Tour of the tour. The company with the smallest share of disgruntled customers is only 1%.
    • Number of directions: 20
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 1,07%
  4. On the threshold in the first triple, while the company trams Sunmar Tour And it is possible that one day it will be able to get there. Sanmar, like Coral Travel, is part of the international structure of Oti Holding. And the people of Sunmar called the cheap coral. Vouchers are really cheaper here, and many tourists do not feel the differences in the tours.
    • Number of directions: 14
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 4,12%
  5. Anteks Tours Serves more than 32 countries. The most successful directions of this tour operator - Spain Dominican Republic and Thailand. It is famous for its inexpensive selections of vouchers. I somehow flew in Vietnam with them, I was surprised that in 6 hours of flight, both there, and back, were fed 2 times.
    • Number of directions: 32
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 7,25%
  6. FROM NTK-INTOURIST. It is convenient to go not only on hot beaches, but also for winter ski slopes. Intourist is engaged in 23 directions, among which the UAE, Thailand, Italy, Austria, Vietnam, India, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and others. The organization of internal tours in Russia is also a fairly impressive part of the tour operator.
    • Number of directions: 14
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 4,12%
  7. W. Pegas. There is a suitable touristure for all categories of citizens. Pegasus works in 22 directions, organizing group, individual and corporate tours. With a developed agency network (more than 500 sales points), to purchase a tour from Pegasus tourist will not be difficult. There is your PEGAS FLY air carrier with 29 aircraft, as well as a line of hotels with PGS abbreviation in the title.
    • Number of directions: 20
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 3,18%
  8. Tour operator ICS Offers tours around the world and Russia, on the market for more than 25 years. In addition to Russia, our own representative offices are open in 7 countries. Effectively solves the issues of obtaining a visa in almost all directions, due to accreditation in the consulates of workers' countries.
    • Number of directions: 40
    • Share of negative customer reviews: 4,17%

© Skitterphoto / Pixabay.com / CC BY 2.0

Useful services

For those who "the travel agent itself" will be very useful for services, allowing you to search for vouchers for all tour operators:

In order for the journey to end only with pleasant memories and a huge number of photos in the tape of the social network, careful preparation and the right choice of the tour operator are required. Try the choice of travel agency or conduct an independent market analysis - to solve you.

You will see all tour operators from which we sell tours online through the site.

How to buy a tour from tour operators online?

Select the tour operator you need, and you will go to a special search page for your chosen tour operator.
You can also search for all tour operators on this page. Or search for burning tours in all tour operators.
You can book yourself a ticket for both the coming dates and on the early booking system.
We want to draw your attention to the fact that the price of the round early booking will always be more profitable by 30-40%.

How to buy a tour in the office?

Can't choose from which tour operator to buy a tour? Or maybe you can't decide on the hotel? Nothing wrong! Our managers will come to your aid and help you understand your situation.
Write to us or come immediately to the office, where we will only pick you up!

About these tour operators:

These are the most famous and demanded tour operators who have already deserved confidence from many customers.
Search tours will occur by selected operators you can see on this page.
Only quality services from the best in their own business!
We also want to draw your attention to the fact that these tour operators cover more than 90% of the tourist services market.

Ranking Reliability of Russia's tour operators for 2019 is interested in many tourists. Tour operator rating 2019 is based on ten criteria, thanks to which the company's reliability is determined, as well as its travel business.


Beach Tez
Sanmar. Tour operator

The most reliable firms

  1. "CORAL TRAVEL" ranks first among the rankings of the best tour operators of Russia 2019. He is part of the largest OTI Holding, which was founded back in 1992. With regard to the rating of reliability of tour operators in Moscow, 2019, then this company also occupies a leading position. In the Russian Federation there are 20 representative offices of Coral Trevel.
  2. "TUI" - the company belongs to two countries - Germany and the UK. A very famous world firm that occupies the first places among the rankings of the best tour operators for the reliability of 2019.
  3. "TEZTUR". Date of 2010 - 1994. Leading tourist firm Tez Tour holds leadership positions in the Russian Federation. Thanks to her, you can visit Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Dominican Republic, Spain, Italy, Mexico, France and other countries.
  4. "Sanmar" founded in 2005. The company is also included in the international OTI Holding. It offers the following directions: Mexico, Tunisia, Thailand, Greece, Spain, India, Vietnam, Bulgaria.
  5. "Natalie Tours" is a domestic firm holding a leading position in the ranking of the most reliable tour operators of 2019.

Do not miss and.

The best firms of the capital

  1. "Tez Tour" is a well-deserved high-tech company of the Russian Federation. Interconnected and automated work is very convenient, progressive. The loss of information is excluded here, thanks to full computerization.
  2. Inna Tour - occupies the dominant position in the travel business of the Russian Federation. Wide range of services (group and individual trips). Travel company implements projects on business tourism, which provides a large income of the company.
  3. "Action Wei" organizes tours for extremals, covers the whole world. Services are provided to both adults and children. There are different levels of preparation. The firm has exclusive routes. Professionals work here. You will be full of sharp sensations.
  4. DSBW Tours is a solid company that provides a good, comfortable stay in European countries. The firm finds an individual approach for each client. They provide memorable tours. Firs comments also have bus services.
  5. "Sunrise Tour" is a leading firm in Moscow. This organization completes the five of the best companies of the Russian capital. The prestigious firm has many awards in the tourism industry. Work for more than twenty years, they offer high-quality rest. A worthy competitor among such companies in Moscow.

Most tourists want to spend their vacation and travel. Someone goes on a trip to have a good leisure, for some it is a favorite activity. In order not to encounter problems in 2019 and not to be disappointed on the trip, you need to know the rating of the most reliable tour operators of Russia.

The best firms of Ukraine

  • "Accord-tour." Her specializes are bus routes by Europe. The services of the company also include: aircraft, children's, marine, ski tours and even wedding travel;
  • "Travel Professional Group" is the largest tour operator of Ukraine. Services are distributed not only for tourists, but also for business travel organizations. Thematic, corporate events, services of overseas business consulting. Organize air transportation of all classes in all directions;
  • "Extravaganza". Travel trips to all countries of the world are provided by this company for many years. Offer tours by bus and plane, organize corporate trips;
  • "ALP" has been working since 2000. Invites directions to Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Macedonia, Turkey, Hungary, Dominican Republic, India, Jordan, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, and other countries;
  • "Tesutt Ukraine" is an international travel company. Offers tourists Austria, Andorra, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Thailand.

Companies in Greece

  1. "Aneks Tour". Organize tours from 2001. They travel to 3 countries: Greece, Turkey, Egypt.
  2. "Intourist" refers to the asset of the National Tourist Company Intourist. It is a multidisciplinary tour operator, engaged in tours around the world.
  3. Polyar Tour provides optimal and comfortable rest, exciting and educational trips. Offer affordable prices.
  4. "Muzenidis Travel". Tours in Greece are organized since 1995. It occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best tour operators in Greece from Moscow 2019. Leading tour operator of the Russian Federation.
  5. Solveks Trevel (1993). It was originally a company in Bulgaria. Over time, organized other directions. Directions in Greece, Slovakia, Israel, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries are now available.

Rules for choosing a holiday trip

In order to avoid deception from travel agency, it is necessary to carefully study the trip:

  • familiarize yourself with all services related to accommodation, flight;
  • do not forget to read everything that is written in a small font;
  • take the decision on the "sober head" by weighing everything for and against.

As for burning tours, they have both pros and cons. They are the greatest demand in travel agencies, they are considered the most popular and profitable.

The advantages include:

  • low price is the main reason why people choose the last-minute tours. Prices can be different - it depends on many factors;
  • little period for expectation. For your dream, a little time is spent (a couple of days).

By minuses include:

  • operational fees of suitcases;
  • burning tours are not returned back;
  • minimum selection;
  • depends on the season.

This decision is due to the fact that on June 16, the Bank of Russia withdrew the license at the Universal-Garant.

"The company excluded from the register does not have the right to implement tourocrators as tour operators, but they are obliged to fulfill all their obligations on previously concluded with the Customer Service. Tourists as a result of the exclusion of tour operators from the registry will not be affected. Once companies issue proper financial support for the tour operator and in the prescribed manner. They will send confirmation of documents to Rosturism, they will be restored in the registry, "explained in Rosturism.

However, experts believe that the actions of Rosturism are not entirely legitimate.

Register Tour operator number Name of the legal entry
1 Prnt. 010311 LLC "Touroperator" Intevel Tabletopics "
2 Prnt. 010820 OOO "Tour Operator UNEX"
3 Prnt. 012405 LLC "SKO" Mir "
4 Prnt. 013000 LLC "SoyuzKurort"
5 Prnt. 014374 LLC "Time Success"
6 Prnt. 016004 LLC "Alliance"
7 Prnt. 016145 LLC "Sunny Country"
8 Prnt. 016265 LLC "ORBITA"
9 MW. 001114 LLC "TK" RVS "
10 MW. 001445 LLC "LINK TA"
11 MW. 002724 LLC "City-service"
12 MW. 005821 LLC "Voyazh"
13 MW. 007338 CJSC "Individual Tourist Service"
14 MW. 008547 LLC "Aturis-Tour"
16 MW. 015102 LLC "MAKO"
17 MW. 015364 LLC "Children's Center of Tourism"
18 Mt3 000176 Travel Agency "Gala-Tour"
19 Mt3 000339 LLC "West Line Travel"
20 Mt3 000348 CJSC "Chaika-Tour"
21 Mt3 000350 LLC "Darim You Mir"
22 Mt3 000453 LLC "ITEK"
23 Mt3 000751 LLC firma "Vitaly"
24 Mt3 000824 LLC "Pegas Tour"
25 Mt3 000836 LLC "Ivist Tour"
26 Mt3 001009 LLC "EXELELS"
27 Mt3 001081 LLC "SERVIS Voyage"
28 Mt3 001089 LLC "NIKA"
29 Mt3 001129 LLC "Everare"
30 Mt3 001149 LLC "Art-Travel"
31 Mt3 001166 LLC "Idzumi"
32 Mt3 001211 LLC TK "Adamas Tour"
33 Mt3 001471 LLC "PEKS"
34 Mt3 001612 LLC "Touroperator Ai Ti Em - North"
35 Mt3 001828 LLC Tavrida
36 Mt3 001912 LLC "Gagag Touroperator"
37 Mt3 001961 CJSC "Interconnect Management Corporation"
38 Mt3 001998 LLC "Destinayshn"
39 Mt3 002111 LLC "UNIVERSAL TURS"
40 Mt3 002417 LLC "PC" Archegg "
41 Mt3 004625 SYOT LLC "His people"
43 Mt3 005574 LLC "River Lines"
44 Mt3 005619 LLC "Latinatrevel"
45 Mt3 006229 LLC "SARD Trevel"
46 Mt3 007021 LLC "Travel Service Norter"
47 Mt3 007373 LLC "Primaver"
48 Mt3 008543 MTS LLC "Siberia"
49 Mt3 008677 LLC "Queen-Express"
50 Mt3 009033 LLC "Huamin Soluks International Trevel"
51 Mt3 009109 LLC "Zelensky Corporate Trevel Solyushnz"
52 Mt3 009425 LLC "Imperial Trevel"
53 Mt3 009598 LLC "Bon Voyazh Ltd"
54 Mt3 010993 LLC "TURINFO RDR Group"
55 Mt3 011515 LLC "TSMT"
56 Mt3 011582 LLC "Muslim-Tour"
57 Mt3 012244 LLC "Elita Travel Club"
58 Mt3 012943 LLC "Old Town"
59 Mt3 012988 LLC "DIYMONT TURS"
60 Mt3 013061 LLC "AMERIKEN Express Travel Service East"
61 Mt3 013070 LLC "Premiere Tour"
62 Mt3 013285 CJSC "Mime"
63 Mt3 013349 Petrotur Auto LLC
64 Mt3 013481 LLC "RTI"
65 Mt3 013532 LLC "Adventus Tour"
66 Mt3 013668 LLC "Blue Bird Plus"
67 Mt3 013959 LLC "TUTTI STORY"
68 Mt3 014257 LLC "ADONIS"
69 Mt3 014307 FSUE "GT" Arktikugol "
70 Mt3 014308 LLC "Touroperator Opening"
71 Mt3 014493 LLC "Corporate Trevel"
72 Mt3 014628 LLC "Terra-Minora"
73 Mt3 015069 LLC "Cloud"
74 Mt3 015073 LLC "ILVA"
75 Mt3 015110 LLC "ROYALMEDGRUP"
76 Mt3 015140 LLC "Progress Tour"
77 Mt3 015144 LLC "Talaria"
78 Mt3 015222 LLC "VK Sokol"
79 Mt3 015268 LLC "Terra"
80 Mt3 015365 LLC "winter tour"
81 Mt3 015566 LLC "REST VOIZH"
82 Mt3 015578 LLC "Reservation Center"
83 Mt3 015579 LLC "United Tourist Center"
84 Mt3 015581 OOO "China Line"
85 Mt3 015613 Alpha Odyssey
86 Mt3 015661 LLC "Buddha Tour"
87 Mt3 015662 LLC "TSMT-Moscow"
88 Mt3 015698 VIA Maris LLC
89 Mt3 015700 LLC "FEST"
90 Mt3 015701 LLC "Premium Trevel Group"
91 Mt3 015703 LLC "DI EM SI RUS"
92 Mt3 015705 LLC "CDK"
94 Mt3 015761 LLC "Thai"
95 Mt3 015825 LLC "Creole Travel"
96 Mt3 015929 LLC "TK" Cleo-Tour "
97 Mt3 015983 LLC "Oh Om Travel"
98 Mt3 016084 LLC "Travel Company" Tourism Council "
99 Mt3 016139 LLC tour operator "Raduga Travel"
100 Mt3 016142 LLC "Agency INTERTUR"
101 Mt3 016143 LLC "Arizona Tour"
102 Mt3 016158 LLC "TK" Intrevel Tabletopics "
103 Mt3 016186 LLC "Brava Tourist Avia"
104 Mt3 016188 LLC "Asgard"
105 Mt3 016253 LLC "Fantasy"
106 Mt3 016303 LLC "Inurso"
107 Mt3 016304 LLC "Zaya Travel"
108 Mt3 016306 LLC "Jet Voyazh"
109 Mt3 016375 LLC "MYS GROUP TM"
110 Mt3 016428 LLC "Havanatur International"
111 Mt3 016482 LLC "Mysh Line"
112 Mt3 016835 LLC Polar Vip Tour
113 Mt3 016968 LLC ", who, from the information contained in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators, excluded the sphere of tour operator activities" International Outbound Tourism "
Register number of the tour operator Abbreviated name of the tour operator
1. MT3 011961. LLC "Multur.ru"
2. MT3 015773. LLC "I-Touroperator"
3. MT3 015978. LLC "TSMK-Tour"
4. MT3 014772. LLC "KIPING"
5. MT3 000806. LLC Petropolitan Tour
6. MT3 008685. LLC "NMK"
7. MT3 001593. LLC "Laguna"
LLC "Calypso M-Tour"
18. MT3 016481. LLC "Calabria Tour"
19. MT3 013775. LLC "Lusitan Sol"
20. MT3 000805 LLC "TK" Buro-3-Visa "
21. Mt3 005709. LLC "HOLIDEY-OPERATOR"
22. MT3 016140. Ano "Pilgrimny Center"
23. MT3 016426. LLC "Kaprikon Travel"
24. MT3 010384. LLC Pluto
25. MT3 009389. LLC "Russian Express - West"
26. MT3 015699. LLC "Centro M"


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