How many photos should be in the photographer's portfolio. Photographer portfolio. Professional wedding, children's and family photographers and their portfolio. Portfolio of wedding photography

Examine the work of great photographers in the local library, on the Internet or in the nearest museum. Ansel Adams and Eugene Smith created heterogeneous images with similar skills and methods. Their portfolio is available and tee. Adams was focused on the landscapes, while Smith was a photojournalist, but their collections contain commercial high-quality images that are inspiring and instructive.

  • Examine the work of photographers who make commercial high-quality images at present. Adams and Smith worked many years ago, but their most recently available in museums and libraries. Successful photographers demonstrate their work on their sites and in the markets for universal ferris.
  • Limit the studies of photographers who share your interests to the subject.

Determine the purpose of creating a portfolio and find out how to create a portfolio of photos for this purpose. Photographers can create a portfolio to themselves, to then share with him with their family and friends, while other photographers plan to use a photo as the only means of survival.

Decide with a suitable portfolio medium that can be selected by different methods. Stitched book with selected works A good option is the same as a collection published on your site. The target audience is an important factor for selecting portfolio carrier. Traditional artists prefer a printed option, while more modern photographers prefer the convenience of the site.

  • Decide the target audience before choosing a carrier if possible. It can save your time and money. Several portfolio may require several copies. Photos are easy to copy from one digital media to another, while printing takes a lot of time and energy. Making copies in one place will be cheaper and take less time if your plans are implemented on the run of the start.
  • Collect existing photos in the selected format and create an assortment of your product.

  • Take a picture of the objects that need to be included in the existing collection to create a large portfolio.

    • Select the most suitable number of photos that need to be included in the portfolio. Make sure the work prepared for the presentation is a reflection of your skills as an artist. A limited number of photos will not be able to show the entire depth of your talent, while too much snapshots can distract from the best in your collection.
  • During the acquaintance of potential customers with a photographer, the portfolio plays the role of the familiarization material, according to which the conclusions about his experience and professionalism are made. Quality, expressiveness, creative content of the pictures presented in the portfolio, determine the desire of customers to contact the services of this photographer. Studying pictures, customers evaluate the skills of the photographer, professional skills, experience. This article will consider how to create a photographer portfolio.

    Which photos choose for portfolio

    Portfolio is a meeting of the best photos showing the professional level of the photographer, personal style and "handwriting". But it is impossible to overdo, selecting photos for such a collection. It is necessary to choose not so much perfect photos, perhaps, the miracle resulting how much are those frames that the photographer without any problems will be able to fulfill again. Thus, a guarantee arises that new pictures will delight customers, and not disappoint. After all, distressed clients may noticeably spoil the reputation of the photographer, and satisfied customers are a magical powerful force, creating success.
    The portfolio of the novice photographer should be shot by photographs, captured in his favorite genres, which he plans to do, or in it there should be pictures of different genres if the photographer has not yet decided in which direction will work. The demonstration selection of photos should consist of about 20-30 pictures, this amount allows you to appreciate the professionalism and style of the photographer. Snapshots in the portfolio must be placed in genres so that, if necessary, it was possible to sequentially demonstrate to the client, as far as the photographer owns a one or another genre and, so that, in this case, it was not feverishly looking for the necessary pictures among others.

    To evaluate the work of photographers, Portfolio is the only source to compare the work of different photographers and make a choice to whom to contact to create a photo session. Each photographer, as far as its professional activity, begins to give preference to a certain type of shooting and it is necessary to emphasize this in his portfolio, placing more pictures of this genre. It is better to be a specialist of several genres than photographing ineptly, trying to embody in his work all genres of photographs.

    Portfolio format

    What form will be stored and demonstrated a photographer portfolio, in digital or printed, it decides on the basis of my own considerations, it can be photo books, simply folder with printed pictures, digital folder with files, slideshows, presentation or personal site. The last method is considered the most progressive, because in addition to the demonstration of its professional opportunities, on the site you can also post another useful information, including discounts and other tempting offers. In addition, on its own site, you can upload an unlimited number of photos of different genres with a handy menu and navigating them. Well, of course, if the portfolio is posted on its own site, to evaluate the photographer's skill, a potential client will just go through the link that he can do without leaving home.

    Have several demonstration versions of their portfolio even more practical. Suppose to customers with whom the photographer seems to be personally, it is more convenient to demonstrate a photo book. Friends and friends on the Internet, as well as, sending a commercial offer to potential customers, it is more convenient to demonstrate a portfolio on their own site.

    Professional photographer portfolio

    Professional photographer portfolio his own complements information about awards and prizes, but also a professional portfolio is distinguished by masterfully made by photographs that can fascinate, admire and amaze. No sport photography becomes real art, in skillful hands. But you should not be upset with beginners, with time, with the acquisition of experience and skills, as the professionalism will change, the collection of the best pictures will change, transforming every year.
    The network you can find the portfolio of different photographers and make your own analysis than they differ from each other. Browsing the photographs of professional and beginner photographers, you can make your own conclusions about what their work is different and take into account this, when drawing up your own portfolio.

    Accompanying text to pictures

    It is very convenient when each photo in the portfolio is accompanied by information about which important thing is the same photo, as well as the ideas of the photographer, as he could beat the picture shown. Thus, the information promise of the portfolio increases - the visual demonstration of the photographer's capabilities is complemented by a slight acquaintance with his creative potential.

    Portfolio of wedding photography

    If the photographer is engaged in wedding photography, he needs to have a separate, demonstrating wedding photos of the portfolio. Such a portfolio should be not very small, but not too big to clients do not have to view hundreds of photos.

    To demonstrate to potential customers, the wedding photo of the portfolio must contain the following pictures made by the photographer:

    - Portraits of brides
    - Common area plans
    - Photo of the details of weddings, their design
    - Portraits of Grooms
    - Photo, transmitting emotions of guests and newlyweds
    - Photos in unusual angles
    - Group photos
    - staged and non-producing photos of newlyweds
    - photos of banquet halls
    - Reportage moments

    By creating a wedding photo portfolio, it is necessary to be aimed at a selection of photographs that best show creative and professional skills that are most important when photography at weddings - capture important moments, allocate key details, perform portrait and group photography, creatively approaching your work. The wedding photographer portfolio is also complemented by snapshots made during the shooting of Love Story.

    So, what should be a photo portfolio?

    - Expressive. To do this, it includes the best pictures.
    - concise. It should not be too few or too many pictures.
    - Original. All pictures should be unique in its own way, denoting the author's personal handwriting.

    Prehistory of professional portfolio

    To make a professional portfolio, you need to have quality work in your personal collection, so that there is something to choose pictures that can cause interest from potential customers. For this, newcomers are photographed by all and everyone who agrees to photography. But this is not enough. To obtain professional skills, it is necessary to post the experience of photographers, accumulated by humanity today, so that not the method of "tyka", but with the knowledge of the case to create wonderful photos. provides all the wishing courses of photographers, where everyone can master photo art. Professional photographers will be trained from the zero of beginners. Each green novice photographer who will visit our courses will be a ripe professional after learning. When a person has a desire to take pictures, but is not dedicated to the alchemy photography process, he does not have the opportunity to truly express his ideas, his creative potential. And after training, you will have all the necessary skills. We will eliminate the lack of knowledge standing between your ideas and their embodiment.

    Not a major holiday fee without a professional photographer, which is ordered in advance to the celebration. Creative shooting, beautiful frames, lively atmosphere of photography, all this outcome of the work of this master of your business. But any photographer must have a portfolio for the presentation of their work to the client. The main thing, with the mind to approach the question:

    • How to create a portfolio of a photographer?

    And, without fail, have:

    • Sample photographer portfolio.

    The main weapon of the photographer, it is not only his camera, but also samples of his portfolio. Before you are invited as a photographer for a celebration, you will definitely ask for examples of your filming. Therefore, your portfolio must be flawless.

    How to create a portfolio of a photographer

    When you captured all the foundations and secrets of shooting, you need to create your own portfolio.

    Portfolio - This is not just a gallery of the work of the photographer, but also his face, style, professionalism.

    Portfolio is a set of professional artistic photos, which the photographer positions as examples of their work.

    Photos of the portfolio must be high quality and professional


    Portfolio is a presentation of the photographer's work. . To begin with, you must decide on the design of your portfolio.This will require a special album or folder. It can be made of any material, whether it is an ordinary cardboard or genuine leather. Of course, the folder looks more expensive and presentable, the better. You can decorate it yourself with various embroidery, stickers, painting. Do not overcome, the abundance of distracting design can push the client.

    Pick the folder according to the size of the printed photos than the size is more, the better. Also decide on the photographic paper, let it be the highest quality.

    Folders for the portfolio must denote the photographer as a person of creative and professional


    Focus on the audience. If you browse the portfolio will be client who is interested in shooting the wedding, it means that you need to enable wedding photos in the folder.

    You must collect your photos together. Naturally, all your photos will not be seen in the portfolio, so it is necessary to sort the topics on topics. For each topic, a separate album, your own design and original signatures. The client will not be interesting if all the albums are issued equally.

    Themes in the portfolio must be sorted


    The priority property of your work is their quality. You better provide customer with 25 technically high quality and creative photos than 50 unreserved boring works. Photos must be sharp, clear, focused, beautiful. They must highlight the moment, reflect the essence.

    Photography is the capture of emotions that should always transmit a snapshot. And the snapshot is the soul of the photographer, which he invests in his work.

    If the client will interest your work, it will definitely respond to your shutdowns.

    Shooting in the style of "Report", "Children", "Women", "Men", "PIN.- Up.»

    Portfolio format

    You must have photos, both in printed form and in digital. What portfolio format will require the client is unknown, so you must have both options.

    Portfolio is two types:

    1. . For this type of portfolio, a special album is required, where photos will be stored.
    2. Digital portfolio. It is also called online portfolio. At a specialized site, you can place all your work on topics.

    If you place your personal site, it will be a plus, since you can always provide the client to the link to your online portfolio.

    The photographer must have both types of portfolio

    Creating a portfolio, you must remember the important components:

    • Introduction: Information about the photographer and the description of the topic of the portfolio.
    • List of photos.
    • Signatures for photos: a brief description.
    • Date and place of shooting.
    • Contacts of the photographer.

    Do not forget that the photos in the portfolio must have a certain order to create a mood. It is always more interesting to watch work from beginning to end than absolutely in incomprehensible order.

    Technically high-quality and beautiful photos - the key to the perfect portfolio

    Several secrets of the creation of a photographer portfolio:

    1. To shoot photos, only expensive and high-quality cameras are used. It should be a mirror, with a removable photo skip. The camera should have at least 3 lens for different tasks.
    2. Portfolio cannot be permanent. You create new masterpieces, your experience is constantly growing, so your portfolio as a photographer should increase and update.
    3. For printing photos used high quality photo paper.
    4. The portfolio of the photographer should not be heaps of photos. Otherwise, the client will simply get tired of browsing them, and all photos are alive in one picture.
    5. Portfolio work should not have a small size. Standard size 10x15 is not suitable. Ideally, it should be photos of 20x30 cm.
    6. For the design of the portfolio, approach with the mind and creative fantasy. This should not be a boring book with a pack of glued photos.

    The photographer is a professional of his business. He must have many fresh thoughts, ideas and ideas. He must not stand still, and all the time improving. His portfolio must change and expand, and most importantly, every time it becomes more attractive and better.

    The photographer is celebrated on the portfolio, so it is profitable to show your work - this is important. Modern tools allow you not to simply post photos, but also create history around them. Beautiful site will help you understand that you are a professional and distinguish you from inexperienced lovers. We asked Jan Plushev, Tilda Publishing Platform Designer, tell how to make a site for a photographer. tilda publishing - - the idea and structure of the site - Study and inspiration - Sketch of the site or prototype - Preparation of content - site design Step 1 - Idea and Structure of the site Step 2 - Research and inspiration Look sites in related categories: designers, illustrators or even photo agencies. It is possible that you will find an interesting move that you can apply. step 3 - Sketch site or prototype Step 4 - Preparing content Step 5 - site design Margetize on 1) commercial photographer 2) wedding photographer\u003dmelissaweis 3) photo studio\u003dBallanceStudios First screen navigation

    Portfolio Blog Price List Add a section on the rules to the photo gallery site. For example, that you can cancel the reservation at least in three days. Or about how to return payment. Customer reviews After the price list, do not forget to add customer reviews. It attracts attention and trust. And at the very end, repeat the contact details. Use for this blocks from the category "Contacts" Before publishing, take care of SEO - write the title, description in the page settings, description and add a decrease in the social network. If you want the site to open at your own address - connect the domain. To do this, in the site settings, we write the address, and the registrar, where the domain was purchased, specify the IP tildes to one line. Do not forget about statistics. Register onGoogle Analytics. or Yandex Metric And connect the counters in the site settings. Before showing a site to friends and customers, look again at him with a fresh look: pay attention to the overall accuracy and style - there is no free space on the site, whether there is enough free space between the elements. Try to be ascetic. The easier you do, the less errors and the site will get stylish. Examples of photographers sites made on Tilde:

    The photographer is celebrated on the portfolio, so it is profitable to show your work - this is important. Modern tools allow you not to simply post photos, but also create history around them. Beautiful site will help you understand that you are a professional and distinguish you from inexperienced lovers.

    We asked Jan Plushev, Tilda Publishing Platform Designer, tell how to make a site for a photographer.

    Yana: One of my tasks in Tilde - Create website templates For users. Templates are ready-made pages that users can take the basis and adapt, creating a site on their own. Therefore, my task is to think over all-all-all and make functional pages that will be beautiful, and comfortable.

    Tilda Publishing - modular designer, which allows you to create cool sites in a short time: Portfolio, Landing, Longrides, Special Projects, Interactive Stories, Blogs.

    In general, the process of creating a site consists of the following steps:

    Site idea and structure

    Research and inspiration

    Sketch of the site or prototype

    Preparation of content

    Site design

    Step 1 - the idea and structure of the site

    Before starting, determine for yourself, what is the main idea and the task of your site and what exactly you want to show. Think about those people you would like to see on your website: these are your customers, fans, gallery owners, maybe just your friends? Decide with the audience - for whom you create a website. Then try to put yourself in their place and assume: why they came to you and what they expect to see.

    Take a regular sheet of paper and sketch the structure. Think about whether you need a multi-page site or it is enough to choose 10 best works and place on one page, which will be easy to scroll. If you are a photographer and own a visual language, then most likely write good things too. Will you have a blog? On the same domain as the main site or on a separate? Your work is divided into categories or you do not go beyond one genre?

    The page structure will depend on your activities - if you are shooting in several directions or only one type of activity.

    Step 2 - Research and Inspiration

    When you roughly understood what site you need, do a little study.

    Most likely you and so regularly view sites and portfolio of photographers, whose works you admire. But now you need to look at a different angle - you need to notice which sections use other photographers and make a list of main or repetitive elements. For example, it may be a story about himself, about his classes, about its history (as photography began to engage), the cost of services.

    Look at how modern internet looks like, without binding to a specific topic. There are quite a few resources on the network, where enthusiasts collect good samples:

    Try noting what exactly you like. It may be a good rhythm, a good typography or a combination of colors.

    Step 3 - Sketch of the site or prototype

    Sketch or prototype is a schematic image of the blocks from which the site consists. Your visual scenario. It is just done: take a sheet of paper, felt-tip and draw a scheme that it will go. No need to draw in detail everything, only a common idea.

    Step 4 - Preparation of Content

    Select the photos in advance that you will have on the site, fold them into a separate folder, and ideally reduce size up to 1680px to more side. So photos will save good quality, but they will not slow down the site load. Because if you put on the site of Hayrez, and then open the site on the phone, it will be hard.

    Text Write in a text editor. So it will be convenient to edit it. Some moments can be changed directly on the page, but the basis should be.

    How to write text for the site. If you write text on your own, use the following scheme:

    • Write a short text about yourself. It should be one phrase that appears on what you specialize. For example, Alina Lyalina is a children's photographer in Moscow.
    • Write a little more detailed text. Explain what your features are. Write simply - as if you told it a friend for a cup of coffee - the most understandable language.
    • Highlight three main chips - why people order photos from you.
    • Describe the advantages. Tell us that your customers get when they appeal to you, give details.
    • Think about headlines. Thought in a solid text, people are often brought, and the headlines are read without effort, so do not get carried away with beautiful metaphors, write in the headlines.
    • Take reviews. Ask your customers to say a few words about you. Work perfectly.

    When you are ready content - photos are selected and the text is written to the direct creation of the site.

    Step 5 - site design

    Margetize on , Immediately after registration, Tilda will offer to choose the page template. Especially for photographers on Tilde there are templates:

    1) commercial photographer\u003dsamphotographer

    2) wedding photographer\u003dmelissaweis

    3) photo studio\u003dBallanceStudios

    If these templates are not suitable, look at others. The template is a sample of a good design and an example of using blocks. The selection of the template does not limit your creativity - at any time you can change it beyond recognition and even start with a clean sheet.

    You work with images, so the first thing that the visitor of your site should see is a photo that will immediately show your specialization (for example, weddings, food, exhibitions, photo studio interior).

    First screen

    Specify on the first screen contacts: Email, telephone, link to social networks, city where you work. It is convenient for the client. In the header, be sure to specify your name and surname. Place your logo there. If you wish, you can put a big photo of half the screen so that the client saw your face.

    On the cover of the site of the wedding photographer, create a gallery on which you will place your favorite photos about your activities, as well as headlines for popular Internet requests, such as wedding photographer in Reykjavik


    Think of navigation - as a visitor will focus on the site, go through pages or move inside one page. For the organization, add a menu: a roll with references that will be at the top of the site. It can be static or fixed with scrolling to always be before your eyes. And can meet the laconic "hamburger." Learn more about the menu design, you can read in the article "Design Menu Site and Application in Practice"

    Important: Do not overload the menu, this is a functional part that should help navigate. Use short words to name items, do not make items more than 5.

    In the library of the Tilda blocks there is a special category "Menu"


    Select several blocks to show the portfolio. Add tabs if you want to submit multiple photos of photos. Click on names, go from the section to the section. Each section is worth showing the best photos of a specific activity.

    For example, if you are photographing the wedding, add a gallery with selected photos increasing under the click. Next, you can add photo historical information about where there was a wedding and what date. You can enable the section on the best weddings of the last year.

    Under photos it is worth adding a button when you click on which you can go to a separate project page and see more works.


    If you have a blog, place it on the page. Show the last three posts and add a button by clicking on which the user will turn on the link to other posts.

    Price list

    The next block on the cost of shooting can be made in the form of a table or cards. Specify the popular services and prices for them. Add a button "Order Photossessia". Clicking on it, the client enters the form for collecting data, which he will send to the photographer's mail.

    If you sell photo studio services, tell me what premises and equipment you provide for rent, specify the cost and tell us why it is worth choosing your room and equipment. By adding images of backgrounds, reflectors, diffusers, cameras, cyclora, water zones, etc., you significantly increase your chances of being noticed (and earn).

    You have finished photoshocol, full of knowledge, skills and energy to create, develop and become a successful commercial photographer, earning your favorite work. In this article, let us talk about the practical aspects of a good portfolio of the photographer, as the main tool for sales. It hooked your portfolio of a potential client - he is almost yours, not hooked - it will pass by. The portfolio of the photographer is also the same, the dutch at the Institute: first you work for it, then it is on you. Let's try to list several chips of successful and portfolio that works for you:

    1) Qualitative and Interesting Works

    In the first minutes, when the potential customer opens up your page, your work should like it at first glance, hook! If this is bad technically and not interesting for the content of the scenes, your chances of losing the client from the very first seconds increase dramatically.

    2) Diversity

    Many photographers sin the fact that they lay a huge number of photos from the same shooting. Often, the frames are different not particularly much - turn a head, smile / without a smile, in a red blouse / in a dress in a flower, sits / standing, but in fact it is the same frames. The same model, one and the same location, one and the same image - let everything else differ in the photos, they still will look like the same ... such a monotony terribly brings boredom and acts against you. Choose from each shooting 3-5 (this is maximum!) Better photos, which and place in the portfolio. Distribute them on your website not in a row, but in the scatter with other photos, so that everything looked varied.

    In social In this case, you can upload more photos (in the form of a series) - in albums or just on the wall with a brief description of the shooting.

    3) originality

    Invent interesting ideas, costume produced photo shoots, look for amazing models, catch unique emotions, take off in interesting places, look for cool processing ... Original and uniqueness is always in price, it will always benefit you against the background of universal banalcins and monotony! See the works of famous (or not known, but good and those that you like) photographers, watch movies, read books, perceiving all this as sources of inspiration and images for photo shoots.

    At the same time, it is not necessary for good and interesting frames to inflate the budget to the impossibility (about it in). Even the usual children's / family / wedding / portrait photo session can be removed trite and boringly and in general as it fell, just to "shoot", and you can approach any shooting creative and with a soul: to extract interesting ideas on posing, angles, compositions and frame idea in Overall, prepare (or make sure that there is in the photo studio / to rent) at least a little props, even if it is simple, but which will help you make your interesting clinging and original photo.

    4) Recalling the portfolio regularly

    Every six months revise your portfolio, remove the photos that you think no longer worth being (including in social networks too). If you grow and develop professionally, there will always be such. When it is desirable to do such a root in 3 stages, because From the first time it may not work: you just wish will remove so many frames. But there is no place of nostalgia, to survive in the portfolio should be the best of the best, which is achieved, usually, to the third viewing!

    If after half a year or the year you still like absolutely all your photos "from the early" - this reason to think about it.

    5) only beautiful models

    A good photographer should be able to photograph any model nice! Properly selected angle, light, the image makes your business, and you can imagine in the best light not even very beautiful in a person's life (according to the generally accepted standards of beauty). Or vice versa, make a beautiful girl fuck those in the photo.

    In general, beauty is different, taste and color, as they say, all markers are different. But in most cases, the human eye likes frames precisely with beautiful people according to generally accepted standards.
    If the photo is a person with ugly features of the face, clamped emotion and pose, but at the same time made technically great, with an interesting idea and beautiful way - no one will analyze these components separately! Frame just will be unattractive because of the model! I observe a lot of such frames, where, unfortunately, it is not a very successful model that spoils the work done by the whole team.

    Conversely, emotional, not clamped and pretty model "makes you a chic frame from nothing, even without complex images, clothes, locations! And even small technical bugs will be forgiven by the viewer (and the inexperienced look is not noticed at all)!

    Even if you made your maximum photo as a photographer, and displayed the model in the best light, it may not be enough to like the picture to others. Often, the pattern is triggered that when we photograph, and then we proceed, we like it very much and the frame, and the model. Therefore, show as many photos as possible by other people for the purpose of the survey - like / do not like it. It may be that the model that you already in the process of shooting and processing seemed pretty, others will find ugly and even repulsive.

    Want to take off for yourself, for pleasure - be sure to leave this frame and do not go on the society: this is your work and the main thing that it brings you pleasure. But if you want to be a commercial photographer and attract a lot of customers, hide this frame and do not shine in the portfolio in general!

    In general, the meaning of a simple - portfolio should attract and seduce each of his scenes!

    6) Target Audience

    Try to choose your direction in photos, where you will specialize, such as children's shooting, family, wedding, portrait and TP. Of course, no one forbids shooting different, but it is always better to determine for yourself the area (or several areas), which brings you the most pleasure and photos in which you get the best, and to improve and develop.

    7) Copyright

    There is a pattern: the better the work of the photographer, the more unnotines its copywrithip. And vice versa, for some reason, every photographer, just yesterday I bought a mirror, considers it necessary to insert my logo where it is necessary, and it is not necessary, and necessarily such active that it seems that it is the main object in the photo. Do not rush to put your copywrites in the initial photos, remember these words, you will also be ashamed for him.

    Later, when you already consider that the level of your work is sufficient for copywrites, follow the rule: the logo should be noticeable only to those who are looking for specifically, and not everyone is in a row to rush into the eyes. The levels of transparency of the layers in Photoshop to help!

    8) Print your portfolio

    As long as you just start and you have little good frames, collect them in electronic form on your photo (group in social network). As soon as you get to at least 20-30 excellent frames from different filming - print your work! The printed photo looks completely different than its digital analogue. Print works on A4 format (A3) or make them a photo book (the benefit of resources for such a print is now enough) and be sure to take your portfolio to a meeting with the client. Believe me, the impression of the seen and "splashing" body of your work from the client will be much larger than from viewing them on the Internet.

    © 2015, Photoshkola Photo Studio Photo


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