Remote home work for retirees without a computer. Homework for retirees, which option to choose? Typing at home

In this article, you will find out what work from home (remote work) is for retirees in Moscow.

Dear guests of the project!

During the existence of the site, we have helped many retirees who have contacted us to find remote work. Basically, all of our vacancies are related to writing informational articles. It's always up to date, so do not hesitate to write to us at the [email protected] if you have a good / interesting syllable!

The procedure is simple: we give you a topic - you reveal in detail the questions based on the terms of reference.

According to statistics, former teachers of the Russian language and literature, and even mathematics, easily cope with the work 🙂

How to be those who do not own a pen, but want to earn their grandchildren for ice cream. Next, you will learn how to become our author and make money using only personal experience and charisma.

Every day we receive letters from applicants of retirement age, asking them to try their hand at writing articles. But it often happens that not everyone succeeds in writing according to the technical assignment. Therefore, we decided that we would pay for your life experience, and, as they say, you won't drink it up and everyone can write about it!

The best way to write an article is to experience something, take a photo and tell about it.

We are about money and laws. We write about personal finance, travel, emigration, life in cities and countries, business, etc. Our main goal is to help the reader not to lose, multiply, save and earn money.

Our favorite topics are documents, laws and law, property and real estate, litigation, medicine, utilities, taxes and deductions, investments and savings. It is especially important for us to write about the problems of ordinary people.

Here you can write about everything unusual and strange: how much does it cost to own a boat, how much they pay in the crowd on television, how much does Lenin's double earn on Red Square. Sometimes we write about competent consumption, topics like “How to choose a lawyer”.

Russia is a country where you need to be on your guard. Therefore, we feel special tenderness for articles about how they make a fool, deceive, throw, bred, substitute, wind, twist, drain, dilute, mix and in any other way try to fool honest workers. Our article is unlikely to go "How to choose kitchen furniture", but we can easily take "How kitchen sellers are cheating on you."

Not about money and laws - not us. Not our topics - everything related to food, parenting, psychology, personal life and politics. On the other hand, we may have articles like these: "How to teach a child to manage money wisely", "How much does a psychologist cost" and "How to start talking about divorce and division of property"... We have everything about money and laws.

Work calmly. You are free to organize your work as you see fit. Use this to your advantage: write at a comfortable pace, do not strain yourself, do not perform feats of labor out of the blue. We want you to write a bunch of articles with us and make money, so save your energy and work with pleasure.

Payment procedure. Payment immediately after checking the article is made by payment to Yandex.Money / WebMoney e-wallets or a Sberbank card.

If all this does not scare you and you are ready to write your first article, welcome 🙂

Mailing address for communication: [email protected]

Well, well, really, situations in life are different and you are determined to work in retirement. There is only one problem - the only acceptable place of work for you is your own home. Well, you can find a way out of this situation. Although we note that the output, in no case:

  • is not conditioned by your unwillingness to communicate with the white light - on the contrary, you are ready for all "100", if not for the circumstances;
  • does not relieve you of the need to continue to actively take care of your health; let you be attracted to work in your native "four walls", but as always, you will strive exactly at "7:00" (even at "19:00") to go to the path of the nearby stadium and run your prescribed 5 laps, 2 kilometers, a little more 10 minutes; then a shower, breakfast and to work, everything is strict and no deviations, self-discipline is the strictest, because age has taught this, and pensioners hold on to that, and that's what they value.

Both conditions are extremely important. They are the key to your future success.

The first condition will determine your willingness to actively seek and find such a job, in the end. The second condition is your ability to work, because a constant seat at home, and even at a computer, does not at all contribute to health and work, in the end, too.

Such freedom is a double-edged sword, it requires the obligatory ability to manage your time, samo-dis-tsip-li-na.

We immediately ask forgiveness from those for whom such work is the only way out of a difficult life situation. There's nothing you can do about it, and working from home is just salvation to be closer to the world. So, who said that "you need to throw a song in the war." It's just that this song is different, we still sing along with those who have come out and are still quite ready for work, both physically and emotionally.

Why are we talking about working at a computer? It's just that this kind of work is assumed initially (unless, of course, we are talking about assembling ballpoint pens or jewelry).

First, you'll start by searching the Internet.

Secondly, we can say with a high probability that the work will be connected with the computer.

Any search engine will give out a lot of offers. But here you need to be very careful. The range of conditions when it comes to working from home is very wide. At first, you probably can't do without support from your family.

Here is the well-known Russian firm "Elar", as it recommends itself - the market leader in the translation of documents from the old paper type of Soviet times to the electronic computer - offers work at home to everyone who knows a computer and is ready for this kind of activity.

The firm provides payment of salaries twice a month to a bank card, which will be created by the direct owner of the documentation. The work is carried out under an employment contract, therefore, one day it will still be necessary to appear in the Elara office.

A very good offer. According to experienced "homeworkers" who have already collaborated with this company, everything is extremely honest, and the company really works from "Moscow to the very outskirts". Perhaps the prices leave much to be desired, but there is plenty to choose from, the list of offered works is quite large, from simple typing to scanning documentation on your own computer.

Here is a whole series of proposals from individuals, groups in social networks to engage in network marketing - this is Oriflame, Avon, etc. In such work in the network, much depends on your inclinations, but the first thing that is offered to a pensioner is to correspond and consult. In any case, interesting and lively communication with the whole world will be provided to you.

Here is another layer of proposals and an overwhelmingly large one - an online store manager with obligatory training in intricacies at the expense of the company. It must be said right away that this work can even bring a very good income, and by the standards of the capital too, but on one condition - you are an active person in life, you are ready to communicate, you are ready for problems that you are used to solving with a constant smile. If this is not the case, if you feel uncomfortable with this modern computer method of communication, then you should not get involved with such work from home. You will simply waste both time and hope.

There is a job that does not require, however, some kind of close communication with the customer - I received a “photographed” text, typed it, sent it, received a salary and that's it, we continue.

Here, however, get ready to get yourself an electronic wallet and learn how to transfer money from it to a bank card - many customers pay with “electronic” rubles.

This is how it is, home work in Moscow for a pensioner, more due to circumstances. But someone finds in it the rest of the soul, which wants to plan its own load and not obey anyone, to a certain extent, of course. After all, he took the order and must fulfill it on time, and no one is interested in the fact that the heroine of the next series upset the employee so, and he does not want to do anything.

I am glad to welcome you to my blog! Today we will talk to those who have retired and found that they are not ready to mess around. After all, the size of payments causes indignation: even in Europe, 60% of elderly people are looking for additional sources of income, while in the Russian Federation the situation is sadder. Work for retirees at home and abroad will help to cope with difficulties, since the possibilities of the Internet and offline are at your disposal. But what do you need to know to avoid fraud and improve your financial situation?

What kind of work is available for a pensioner at home

Work from home options for seniors fall into the following groups:

  1. You will continue the activities that you did before: teachers will switch to tutoring, accountants will offer services to several firms.
  2. A home business is good for those who want to plan their day on their own. You will not have salary restrictions, because you will set an income level and start striving for it.
  3. Thanks to creative activity, you will realize the potential that has not been revealed due to lack of time, and improve your financial situation. After all, work should bring more than just money, especially considering that you've spent most of your life on a career. If your financial situation allows, focus not on what you learned in the past, but on mastering new things.

Finding a job for retirees is easy when you haven't lost your self-esteem. After all, you have experience, knowledge of the chosen field and understanding of business processes on your side. When you get down to business, you will not be dependent on the modest amount paid by the state.

How a pensioner can choose a field of work: at home and not only

Whether it's financial trouble or boredom, you decided to find a job while you were retired. First of all, define the field of activity by answering a number of questions:

  1. What makes you look for a new occupation: the need to improve the financial situation or the desire to be useful?
  2. What amount is missing for a wealthy life?
  3. What activities are fun? What type of work do you prefer?
  4. Do you agree to be responsible or do you want to get by with the easy one? Will you receive additional training?
  5. Do I need a free schedule?
  6. Are you going to do a private business?

Having identified these nuances, you will understand whether you want to work in a familiar field or take on a new activity.

Internet work: is it a scam or real? Distinguishing fraud from real money

It will be possible to find work at home for a pensioner without investments using the Internet. You don't need to spend money on expensive equipment: a regular tablet is enough to access the necessary functions. But older people, not understanding the principles of the worldwide network, become victims of fraud. How can you avoid falling into the trap of deceivers? Remember the following rules:

  1. An employer should not ask for money in exchange for providing materials or access to assignments. Don't believe the stories that a home pen collector is required to post a deposit for parts. Swindlers take money and do not buy out the finished product.
  2. A common variant is when a pensioner is asked to pay for a professional to improve his resume: supposedly, this will impress the boss who makes the final decision.
  3. Seniors are misled into buying and installing programs. Although using new software for work is not uncommon, look for free versions or contact the official distributors.
  4. Some sites that offer real earnings include fees for expanding the functions of the account. But before making transfers, use the capabilities of the free profile and reach a stable profit.
  5. It happens that “employers” ask for bank card details, ostensibly to transfer money. Do not rush to provide information, because gullible pensioners even transmit codes. As a result, money disappears from the card.
  6. A sign of dishonesty is high pay for simple tasks. After all, if in real life you meet a person promising 100 thousand rubles. for activities that do not require specialized skills, you will recognize a fraudster. Take this approach online as well.
  7. If management asks you to complete a voluminous "test task", then you most likely will not see the money.

How to determine if a part-time job online will bring you finances

First of all, a potential customer puts forward clear requirements and lists the required skills. The descriptions from the scammers are vague, and anyone falls under them: age from 18 to 65 years, access to the Internet and Russian citizenship remain the only wishes. During a telephone conversation, the clarity is not brought, and you hear: "Do not worry, you will be trained."

To avoid cheating, check the information you receive beforehand. You will find reviews about the company or the way of making money by looking at the sites "Otzovik" or

Check your employer information before believing the fast money promise

Also, rely on intuition and common sense: ask more questions and analyze the answers. If a potential leader avoids clarification, it is better to refuse cooperation.

What to consider when working from home online

Remote work on a computer will bring money even to retirees in small towns. But those who are going to improve their financial situation using the Internet need to consider the following:

  1. To carry out financial transactions, enter wallets in electronic systems: “Yandex.Money”, “WebMoney”, QIWI. They are distinguished by a high level of protection, which will protect funds. You subsequently use the money for online purchases or withdraw it to a bank card. It is important that you do not provide passwords for accessing wallets: these data will not be needed to transfer funds.
  2. The main problem when working in the network is the remoteness of the employer. When you create a name for yourself, you will ask for a prepayment (50%). But how to protect yourself from lovers of profit at the initial stage? After all, the employer may simply not pay! The use of eSCROW systems: It is implemented on freelance exchanges where customers post jobs. When you take on a job, the employer immediately transfers the payment to the intermediary's account. Then you submit the finished result and the money goes to the wallet. In case of misunderstanding between you and the customer, the claims are considered by the arbitration of the selected site.
  3. When looking for a home-based job for retirees, you are likely to find a customer who will ask you to register on a specific site. Don't panic, there are many handy work tools on the web. But if during registration you are asked to provide personal information, you should refuse to cooperate.

Do not lose your critical assessment, check the nuances that are in doubt, and you will be able to avoid scammers.

Work and part-time work for young retirees not far from home

Seniors have to look for additional sources of income. But while age discrimination is prohibited by law, even young retirees face difficulties in hiring. Some options are still available, especially for those who have conserved energy and are not tied to home. If you wish, you will find a job, if the need to earn money remains more important than personal ambitions.

How to become a nanny: a job for young retirees

Women over 55 years of age have experience in parenting. Apply it as a nanny, and look for older preschool and primary school age wards. After all, looking after babies is difficult due to the high level of responsibility and excessive mobility of the wards. But to do educational games with the child, feed lunch and help with homework, a young pensioner can do it.

True, the following requirements are put forward for candidates:

  • availability of pedagogical education;
  • foreign language skills;
  • possession of modern development methods.

If the responsibilities also include helping around the house, then in Moscow the payment starts from 10-15 thousand rubles. in Week. But applicants who just raised their own children will find vacancies, although earnings will be lower. In this case, the nanny is required to feed the child, put him to bed during the day, take a walk on the playground. Payment starts from 15 thousand rubles. a month, but the responsibilities are not burdensome.

Who can a man work: options outside the home

Pensioners who do not have the required qualifications will try themselves in the role of security guards. Having settled in a store, you will learn to control what is happening in the hall. At administrative enterprises, the implementation of access control is also implied. The salary will be 25 thousand rubles. in Moscow, but sometimes there are offers of earnings of 50 thousand rubles.

The position of a security guard is suitable for those who do not get tired after 8 hours of standing on their feet. If the workload becomes overwhelming, seek out a porter or concierge job.

Hostel Administrator: For those looking for an accommodation option

If you are interested in accommodation options for a pensioner, pay attention to the vacancies of the administrator in the hostel. Working with seeming ease requires health and strong nerves, but you will be able to communicate with different people: tourists, foreign students and just newcomers who have not had time to find a rented apartment.

Responsibilities include the following:

  • meeting guests;
  • check-in by numbers;
  • collection of payment;
  • maintaining order, cleaning.

The work implies a “2 by 2” schedule, and the remuneration is 2 thousand rubles. per day. The day begins with the recalculation of the money that the partner hands over for the sold coffee, shampoo, washing powder and other goods. Then the pensioner will have to check in the arrived guests, remind the remaining about the duration of their stay, and make adjustments if necessary.

After the guests of the hostel leave for work or a walk, you clean the room, wash the bed linen, order household goods. In the evenings, you observe the order; at 12 o'clock in the morning the doors are usually locked and visitors are asked to take sleeping places.

With proper accounting and no fines, the income will be 30 thousand rubles. monthly.

There is enough free time, because the main load falls on morning and evening. But you need to make sure that guests do not drink alcohol in the hostel and observe the rules of decency. According to reviews, difficulties arise even with foreigners, but the main problem is created by residents of the former republics. They often try to check in without passports, so you will have to strongly report the lack of seats. The main skill will be the ability to recognize an inadequate guest and refuse to move in.

Earning money for retirees on the Internet: income at home

Wondering how to find a job for a senior retiree? Pay attention to the possibilities of the Internet. There are enough suggestions, but first I will list options that will only become a waste of time:

  • book boxes and sites of active advertising;
  • writing reviews for money.
  • With hard work, you will receive $ 8 per week, and the strain on the eyes will be noticeable for the pensioner. Do not waste time, but tackle the ways that bring you a steady income!

    Copywriting work for retirees: selling texts

    Do you know the rules of the Russian language and like to express thoughts in writing? You will love the home-based copywriting job of writing articles and selling them online. Works created by professionals are in special demand: a former lawyer, accountant, builder can get about 100 rubles. for 1 thousand characters.

    Selling articles will be a source of additional income, but work is associated with eye strain

    Lacking deep knowledge in the areas in demand, take up rewriting. If copywriters write articles from scratch, based on experience and knowledge, the rewriter reads someone else's text and, based on it, creates his own. Remember how you wrote statements in school, and get down to business.

    Place finished articles on copywriters' exchanges:

    • eTXT;
    • "Advego";

    Start at a low price to build a rating and become familiar with current text requirements. By adjusting for customer comments, you will gradually increase your price.

    For a start, eTXT is suitable for retirees, since on other exchanges, newcomers need to first gain a rating, and only then are they allowed to post articles in the store.

    Do you prefer to receive daily payments rather than waiting for buyers for the finished text? There are alternatives to selling articles: apply for placed orders. Don't be upset if you don't understand the meaning of the requirements at first. Complete several tasks for 20-25 rubles. for 1000 characters, understand the terminology and move on to more expensive options.

    Proofreader: literacy and specialized knowledge

    On freelance exchanges, you will also find work as a proofreader or editor. There are offers on regular job sites as well, but a potential manager will give preference to an applicant with a professional education. On the exchanges, the customer will be interested not so much in a diploma as in factual knowledge.

    The cost of proofreading and proofreading is 15-17 rubles. for 1000 characters. Higher payment is offered when it is necessary to make semantic corrections in specialized texts. If you have knowledge in the economic and legal field, the monthly income will be 21 thousand rubles. True, you need literacy, attentiveness and perseverance.

    Ideally, look for direct employers, not intermediaries, because they keep 50% of the profits.

    Sales manager: communication and assortment knowledge

    Young and active retirees will try themselves as sales managers in online stores. Since the pay depends on the result, the work will not be as calm as that of a concierge or security guard at a construction site. You have to take the initiative, because the responsibilities include:

    • attracting potential buyers (calling, drawing up and sending offers);
    • answers to customer questions and objections;
    • placing orders;
    • control over compliance with the deadline for their implementation.

    Usually the employer offers a minimum rate and percentage of sales, so you will determine the level of income yourself. Just pay attention to the type of product: it must be in demand and of high quality.

    When getting a job as a sales manager, do not buy a product for your own money for further implementation: the scheme is common in network marketing, which will not become a source of constant income.

    Selling Handmade Online: Get Paid For Your Talent

    The ability to knit, sew or make soft toys will bring a good income, because hand-made is in demand. Even if you do not have special skills, with the right approach, you will still be able to make money. One of the successful projects in the capital was the assembly of unique bouquets of vegetables!

    Selling vegetable bouquets will not require large costs for materials

    The main rule remains competent promotion, so master social networks and advertise products. And to be successful, remember a few rules:

    1. Set a reasonable price. Before selling, take a detached look at your creation and consider whether it is worth the money. To determine the price of things, look for similar offers at the "Fair of Masters".
    2. Choose a popular sales channel: List your items on Etsy and Spinbo.
    3. Even a beautiful thing will go unnoticed without photographs. Take pictures in daylight from different angles, placing on a plain background. The more photos you upload to the site, the better.
    4. Do not forget make a detailed description, telling about the material and specifying the dimensions. It should be clear to the client how many items are in stock, which method of shipment can be chosen and how long to wait for delivery.
    5. Get in touch promptly and submit orders. Try to give your customers more than they expect: bonuses will help build customer loyalty.

    The disadvantages of this option include the instability of sales and the possibility of criticism: when you knit hats for friends for a symbolic amount, the requirements are lower than those of buyers who paid full price.

    Organization of a pensioner's workplace

    Whether you decide to become a copywriter or take on hand-made, you need to focus on the business. Not everyone succeeds in allocating a room for an office or workshop, so equip a permanent workplace. Take care of good lighting, and daylight is not enough: you need a source that can be moved depending on the type of work being done.

    Compliance with deadlines becomes an important condition in any area. But do not try to remember when to turn in the text or send the package: a cork board with stickers hung on the wall will allow you not to miss important things. By properly organizing your workplace, you will save yourself the discomfort.

    What else can a pensioner get money for: ideas and analysis

    If the listed methods did not bring enough money, then you are free to supplement them with proven methods of earning money for retirees. Their implementation will require material resources and health, but the return will not be long in coming.

    Sale of agricultural products

    The owners of summer cottages will grow vegetables and fruits for sale. Start-up capital for a business is equal to the cost of seeds, inventory, fertilizers and irrigation equipment, although these items of expenditure will require a lot of money. The benefits are the following:

    1. The strawberry business will delight you with a profit due to the value of the goods. You just have to take care of the sales markets, because the berries cannot stand long transportation.
    2. Growing garlic turns out to be profitable, since the plant is unpretentious, and the cost of the final product is high.

    The maintenance of bees and the sale of honey will cost more, but with the right approach to business, you will quickly recoup the costs.

    Renting out real estate: additional income

    If your health does not allow you to work in the country, rent it out. You can also get money if you have a spare room with minimal furniture.

    There are enough pitfalls, because on the network you will find complaints about unscrupulous customers: they can run away without paying long distance phone calls, ruining furniture or owing money. In order not to get into a mess, follow a number of rules:

    1. Examine the resident's passport and make a photocopy... Then make a contract by downloading a sample from the web. Make sure it includes the duration of the hiring, early termination conditions, and the amount and payment procedure. Specify separately the nuances with the cost of utilities, indicate how many people will live in the leased area.
    2. Take a deposit equal to your monthly payment... In the event of damage, the amount will at least partially cover the costs. To be on the safe side, make an inventory of expensive property: furniture or equipment.

    Do not forget that the law requires you to pay 13% tax on the income received. Although profits will decrease, legalization of activities will save you from unpleasant surprises. And you can find out the details from the video (ask your questions in the comments):

    How retirees are cheated on the Internet and beyond: network marketing

    Retirees looking for work are often victims of network marketers. They involve gullible people in a kind of pyramid, convincing them of the exceptional usefulness of their products. The distributors of dietary supplements resort to similar methods, because they lure gullible pensioners with promises of quick income. As a result, older people spend modest savings and even take out loans from the bank.

    The scheme assumes that you will be engaged in the sale of goods that do not arrive in stores: chain firms provide for the sale from hand to hand. But distributors insist on the fact that you yourself must study the features of dietary supplements and make sure of the miraculousness. Of course, this means making a purchase! After all, networkers receive money not only for sales, but also for each person involved in the pyramid. For this reason, the pensioner is also persuaded to become a product distributor. The problem is that you have to pay for the goods out of your pocket and then distribute them. Products are not in demand due to inflated prices, and you risk being left with jars and pills you do not need. The spending of naive people caught in tricks reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles.

    Gullible retirees involved in network business do not earn income, but lose money

    How to avoid cheating? Don't mess with the network business! But the difficulty lies in recognizing the scheme in time. After all networkers are aware that information about victims is becoming more and more known, and mask their activities... You will distinguish cheating on the following grounds:

    • they offer bonuses for attracting new employees;
    • during a conversation with a company representative, he focuses on the elite and profitability of the business, emphasizes the achievements of top managers (an ordinary distributor cannot achieve these heights);
    • cooperation implies that you are obliged to regularly purchase a minimum set of goods or services.

    Remember that network owners profit from inflated prices for mediocre products. If you fall for the trick, you will have to deceive other people to compensate for the loss! Do not become critical in order to avoid losing money.

    Links to Internet resources on the topic "Work for pensioners in Moscow"

    You can view current job offers on the Internet resources:

    View vacancies, send your resume, and finally post it on the websites. Your chances of finding a job will improve if you take full advantage of the opportunities.


    Retirement does not mean that your active life stops. You have at your disposal both familiar activities, and ways of creative realization, and simply not burdensome work. The main thing is to avoid openly dishonest people: remember that the assembly of beads or the packaging of parts is now performed on automated lines.

    The Internet will also improve your financial situation: take a few months to become a confident user. Once you understand the laws of how the network works, you cannot be fooled!

    One of the main features of remote work is that it is available to literally everyone. To work on the Internet, you do not need to have a special specialized education, vast work experience or meet other strict requirements. Teleworking from home is suitable for everyone, even retirees. How to start make money on the internet elderly people?

      • What vacancies exist on the network and which ones are most suitable for retirees?
      • Features of working in the network for a pensioner
      • How can retirees find work on the Internet?

    What vacancies exist on the network and which ones are most suitable for retirees?

    Teleworking from home today has many types of employment that suit people from a wide variety of professions. But it should be noted that not all work on the Internet is suitable for retirees. The main forms of employment on the Internet are as follows: programming, design, advertising, website promotion, copywriting, social networks, administration, graphics, multimedia, etc.

    For retirees who have skills in one of the demanded Internet professions, in principle, it is possible find a profile job in one of the specialties. But it is also worth considering the modern requirements for work.

    If you are a retired designer, architect or advertising specialist, you should be well acquainted with the specifics of working on the Internet and the specifics of a particular field of activity today. So, if you are an expert in the field of design, but have not worked with special software in this area, released in recent years, then remote work from home in this categorymay not be available.

    It's another matter if you are a specialist in administration, recruiting, translating texts or writing articles - in this case, it will be much easier to find a job, since the working conditions and basic requirements are the same both in office employment or work in an organization, and on freelance portals. ... However, for retirees, such remote work at home still raises a lot of questions related to getting a job, paying for them and organizing common everyday issues.

    Features of working in the network for a pensioner

    People with the "old school" are often surprised at the possibilities of working on the Internet at a computer and are often apprehensive about it. AND the first question older people have is often related to getting a salary... How can I get paid for work performed remotely?

    In fact, it is quite simple - you need to use an electronic money system, for example WebMoney or YandexMoney. You can receive payment to your personal wallet in the system and there are no cases when money disappears from such wallets.

    This is a really reliable form of payment. Of course, getting paid for seniors other than cash seems strange and very unusual, but this is how modern freelancing works.

    The second important point of work on the Internet is associated with the peculiarity of the formation of wages... People who are accustomed to working on a wage all their lives often find it difficult to get into hourly work.

    On the Internet, you should be prepared for the fact that you will receive payment only for a specific work performed.

    If in a regular service in an organization the salary is received day by day, regardless of the employee's activity, then on the network everything is different and if you spent two hours on work, then get paid per day these two active hours of employment.

    How can retirees find work on the Internet?

    Remote work from home for a retiree may seem difficult for the reason that it is difficult to find it on the Internet. In general, in truth, online jobs can be found even faster than real jobs.

    Remote work at home for retirees can be different and if you have the right skills, you can get a stable income. For example, if you know how to write articles well, then all you need to get jobs is to register on a large freelance exchange and go to an employer.

    Work from home for retirees appears on large remote employment sites quite often, for a performer it is important to fill out a profile, write about yourself, your experience and upload examples of work to the site... The employer can even contact you himself if he finds your profile in the directory.

    Watch the video - What opportunities does remote work offer for retirees?

    One of the features of sites for finding work on the Internet is paid registration. Exchanges require payment for searching tasks, for example, buying a VIP account or universal applications. For a retiree looking for work from home, asking to pay for an account may seem outrageous and suspicious, but it is normal practice for freelance exchanges.

    You pay your account and thereby confirm your serious intentions regarding the work, and usually an account costs no more than $ 5-10. Well, there is work in the network for retirees - this is not a myth, not a fairy tale, but a very real way to earn money at home.

    Working on the Internet is not available to all retirees, but only to those who have special skills and responsibilities that can be performed remotely. Also, remote work will require basic knowledge of a PC and special software. You can find work on the Internet for retirees on special freelance sites.

    Working from home is very attractive. And everyone wants to do it: both adults and young people. But is there a job for retirees at home? Very often, age leaves its mark on a person's health, and he cannot fully fulfill his duties in the old place. That's when you have to look for a new job, and at home. Let's try to figure out if there is work for pensioners (disabled people) at home.


    Before starting to study our today's topic, you need to prepare a little for the process. This is very important. Especially if it is work on a computer for retirees at home. Not every elderly person knows how to "communicate" with this machine, which can considerably hinder the process of finding a vacancy and employment.

    The first thing we need to do is study the computer. You can attend special courses that will teach you how to work on the World Wide Web. You can also do this on your own. When you learn, feel free to move on.

    The second point is getting an e-mail box and a virtual wallet. It would be best to use "WebMoney". It would also be nice to get yourself a plastic card for withdrawing funds. For example, from Sberbank - there is less commission.

    And the last thing that is required of you is the desire to work. Teleworking for retirees at home usually requires perseverance and commitment to development. If you are sure you want to get started, let's take a look at the possible jobs you may come across.


    A very common job offer is a home call center operator. Here you will have to install Skype for yourself and register in it. What are the responsibilities? You will have to make "hot" or "cold" calls (depending on the activities of your head office), and then offer goods and services. Sometimes operators simply inform potential customers about new products without selling them anything.

    Rather, it is work from home for retired women. The main point here is clear and intelligible speech. You can get paid for such work from 10,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. To be honest, usually the bar stops at 15,000. How much to work? It depends on how much you want to receive. Usually 4-6 hours. In rare cases - 8. You will take a short training course and then get to work.

    Sales Manager

    Next on the list is our sales manager. To be honest, this vacancy is more suitable for young people. Although quite often the elderly are interested in it. Of course, you will be required to sell the product and advise potential customers. Often the emphasis is on things for expectant mothers and clothes.

    As a rule, the whole process takes place on the site your employer. Except for finding customers: you have to find them yourself. These can be friends, acquaintances, just strangers from social networks, and so on. You submit them to an online store site and then place an order in their name. You will receive a fixed percentage from each sale.

    By the way, the salary of sales managers depends precisely on the number of orders they have placed. Usually the salary is 6000-7000 rubles, and the rest is a percentage of your sales. This position is also suitable for energetic people. If you have already worked as a sales manager and you liked it, you can quite count on success in World Wide Web. This kind of work at home for retirees without investment is just what will suit a lot of people. In any case, in practice, older people are engaged in this occupation more and more.

    Cosmetics seller

    To be honest, you shouldn't confuse sales managers with cosmetics sellers, these are different vacancies. And they differ in many ways. Nevertheless, they are about the same in popularity. Such work for retirees at home, especially for the female half, is a sheer pleasure.

    The point is that the responsibilities will include the sale of cosmetics of a certain company. Usually, social networks are used for this - there you can quickly demonstrate a product, as well as find customers. You will receive a higher salary than in the previous case - about 10,000, and the rest is interest on your orders. Typically, the seller takes 10% of the total order value.

    This is a very good telecommuting job for retirees at home. Only, to be honest, women are usually hired for this vacancy. Payments are made once a month, usually to a plastic card or electronic wallet, from which you will then have to issue a transfer to your plastic. How you will receive your wages should be agreed in advance.


    There is also some work on the Internet for a pensioner at home. This is nothing more than text editing. Today the editor is a very popular job. Moreover, regardless of age. For many, working here is a real pleasure.

    All that is required of you is a good knowledge of the Russian language. You are given the text, and you edit it. As a rule, wages are calculated based on the number of characters checked. And the average cost of 1000 verified characters is 40 rubles. That is, if you edited 100,000 characters a month, then you will receive 4,000. In truth, this way you can easily receive 40,000 rubles a month. After all, sometimes texts do not require editing at all: you just read, make sure that they are correct and send them wherever you need them. In some cases, the salary consists of a salary. Usually it ranges from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. Most often, the vacancy of an editor is free in different publishing houses. And that's a good job for retirees at home.


    Do you know foreign languages \u200b\u200bat the highest level? Do you want to channel this knowledge in the right direction? Then try to work as a translator. This vacancy is available even on the Internet. Moreover, it has recently become more and more popular. And they take on it any person who can translate the text, regardless of age (of course, if you are over 16 years old). Do not work only with children.

    The work of a translator, as a rule, takes from users 4 hours of work. They translate the test and, by sending it, also receive money. The situation here is exactly the same as with editing: either payment for 1000 characters, or a fixed salary. For a thousand, the price varies from 60 to 100 rubles. Depending on the complexity of the language and text. Sometimes you can even find options for 150-200 rubles per 1000 characters. This is a very rare occurrence that spreads to rare and difficult languages \u200b\u200b(say Japanese). The fixed salary usually ranges from 30,000 rubles.

    The main advantage of this vacancy is the ability to independently plan your working day. You can work 4 hours in the morning, and then be free (and at the same time know that you have a good income), or you can sit at the computer all day. That's all. Just remember: your knowledge should be top notch. Only in this case, one can hope for success.


    To find a job for a pensioner at home, as you can see, it is possible. Another job idea is a teacher.

    Private teachers are a more subtle issue than working at a university or school. Your income will depend on the number of students, as well as the cost of one lesson. Nevertheless, private traders often receive about 25,000 rubles a month. And they teach not only school and university subjects, but also provide the services of various circles: cooking, handicrafts, carpentry, and so on. Any person is suitable for this job. Especially if he has interesting and useful information.

    Sale of handmade

    Working at home for retirees can be even more exciting. For example, you might try to sell something that you create with your own hands. This is called handmade. Customers can now be searched not on the streets (usually such a product was sold in the markets), but on the World Wide Web. And everything is done through the Internet. This saves a lot of time, effort and money.

    Do you know how to knit? Weave? Embroider? Making furniture or toys? Then feel free to sell your goods on the Internet yourself. For example, for help social networks: put the product there (photo), and below it - the description and cost. You can also make handmade to order.

    In truth, this job for retirees at home is very profitable. Often in this way, many earn about 30,000, or even more. And with all this, they are doing what they love. But there is also a vacancy that requires attention. Which one? We'll find out now.

    Typing at home

    Recently on the Internet more and more often there is a vacancy for a typesetter at home. Honestly, you shouldn't pay attention to it: it's a scam. Also, do not "get fooled" by offers from the series "PC operator" - also a scam.

    But attention should be paid to such vacancies (more precisely, work) as copywriting. AND rewriting. What is it is that? In the first case, you will need to write your own original articles to order, and in the second, you will need to rewrite the finished text in the original version. Payment here, as a rule, is made on the basis of 1000 printed characters. And the average cost is 40 rubles. So you can earn about the same as when editing text.

    This work is suitable for those retirees who have a good store of knowledge, and also know how to present material in an interesting way. It is best to look for this type of employment on special article exchanges. For example, Etxt or Advego. There you can quickly receive an order and place it, after which you will receive payment for the article.


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