Types and sizes of cages for rabbits. Construction of cages, calculation of their needs Instructions for construction

Cages for breeding rabbits can not only be bought, but also made by hand. The main thing is that the “home” for furry animals should be as comfortable as possible, then the animals will grow quickly and gain weight well. Cages for domestic rabbits are very different, for every taste and budget.

What should be the design

There are a wide variety of cages on the market. The design can be either single-tier or consisting of two or more tiers. Here are the basic requirements for the design of any dwelling for rabbits:

Cells consisting of several tiers have another name - "sheds". Sheds intended for kindling, keeping young animals and adult animals have minor differences in design. But the general principle remains unchanged: the space is divided into zones using cells separated from each other by partitions. The number of tiers depends on the number of rabbits. Additional insulation is laid at the bottom. All wooden elements and accessories must be made of the most durable wood species so that animals do not gnaw through them.

When choosing cells industrial production you should not buy European houses, you should give preference to domestic ones, since other breeds of rabbits are bred in Europe, and animal housing is made according to other standards. It is better to buy the simplest dwellings aimed at Russian livestock breeders, or construct cages on your own, for example, using the Zolotukhin method.

The size of the cage for rabbits is calculated, depending on the breed and the number of livestock.

Cell types

It happens that a person has long decided to breed rabbits, but cannot choose a place to keep them. A novice rabbit breeder can easily become overwhelmed by the abundance various kinds cells. As a rule, in Russian farms the following varieties are used:

  • Cages intended for the rounding of the female;
  • Premises for rearing young animals until puberty;
  • "houses" for adults;
  • Premises equipped with an aviary, with the possibility of walking;

Each species has its dedicated supporters. Also, very special cages are made for animals belonging to the Giant and Californian breeds. Depending on who exactly the dwelling is intended for, the cells have a different size and a different internal structure. You can make a cage of any kind yourself using drawings and diagrams from the Internet. Also, good ideas for beginner rabbit breeders can be gleaned from the old Soviet magazines "Plant Farming".

Author's cell designs are also very popular. Among them, cages made according to the Mikhailov method and dwellings for animals “according to Zolotukhin” should be noted. Such cages for rabbits are much more convenient and compact than purchased ones.

Cells designed by N. I. Zolotukhin

Cages developed by N.I. Zolotukhin are very popular with domestic farmers. Here are their main distinguishing features:

  • The animal housing consists of three tiers;
  • 6 rabbits live in one cage;
  • The floor is made of wood or slate, there is no mesh on the floor, there is also no pallet;
  • The mother liquor can be removed and moved from place to place.

Animal houses made according to this model are compact, inexpensive, they can be easily made with your own hands from improvised materials. They are also very easy to clean, which greatly simplifies the care of animals. Such "houses" will be appropriate both on a small farm and on a farmstead with a large livestock. Making cells according to the Zolotukhin method at home will not take much time if you have the basic skills of a joiner and carpenter.

Cells designed by N. I. Zolotukhin

Sheds for rabbits

Translated from English, the word "shed" means a barn. Shed, in fact, is a construction of two or three tiers of cages installed under one common canopy. Here are the main features of the sheds:

  • Base made of metal or durable wood;
  • Mesh cells;
  • Dimensions 60×3 m;
  • Automatic supply of food and liquid for animals.

One shed is designed for 500 individuals, but if the rabbit breeder makes the building with his own hands, the dimensions may be different, it all depends on the number of livestock. Shed gives good protection from wind and sun; in cells of such a plan it is easy to maintain the required temperature and humidity. This is a truly versatile home, suitable for both young and adults.

Important! If the shed is standing on the street, the canopy must be especially strong so that street dust does not get into the houses.


An aviary is, in fact, not even a cage, but just a place fenced with a chain-link mesh. But, despite the numerous advantages, the aviary has a serious drawback: in the conditions of aviary keeping, animals can quickly become infected with dangerous infections from each other. However, many farmers consider an aviary the most convenient home for furry animals. In order to make an aviary, it is not necessary to search the Internet for drawings and diagrams, it is enough to drive pegs around the perimeter of the site and cover the place where the animals are kept with a strong mesh with small cells. Still, sheds are better for rabbits than aviaries, especially in regions with a cold climate.


Many rabbit breeders successfully keep their livestock under a canopy. The canopy allows you to keep animals in the fresh air, but at the same time the rabbits will be reliably protected from rain, wind and sun. The following requirements are imposed on the canopy:

It is also necessary to foresee the possibility of ventilation and protection from drafts in advance, since rabbits catch cold easily, a draft can cause mass death of livestock. The design of the canopy should be the simplest, but reliable. It is not worth looking for industrial production sheds for sale, since they independent production will be much cheaper.

Bunk cages

If the livestock is small, cages consisting of two tiers are well suited for keeping animals. Below are their main features:

In order to make it easy to remove the litter, you can create an additional gap between the two "floors". A litter tray is placed in this gap. If the rabbit house will be in a garage or shed, it is enough to cover it with a chain-link mesh. If the cage will stand on the street, it should have solid walls. Outside, the tree can be treated with a composition that is resistant to moisture and mold. Designs consisting of two tiers are suitable for keeping rabbits of any breed, including giants. The main thing is to regularly clean the room, otherwise the animals will often get sick and may die.

On a note! Bunk dwellings are also suitable for keeping nutria.

Cages for rabbits with mother liquor

During the littering period, females require increased attention. During this time, rabbits can be aggressive, so they must be kept separately. For this, special cells with a queen cell are used. The design of such a house is by no means original and is a kind of "nest" for the mother and newborn children. The rabbit should feel as comfortable as possible. They differ in the following features:

  • The room is equipped with a separate place for childbirth and feeding of cubs;
  • Sawdust is suitable as a heater. The main thing is that they are out of the animal access zone;
  • If the cage is spacious enough, the mother liquor is placed inside;
  • If the cage is crowded, a paving stone base is attached to the front wall, which is then covered with a mesh.

In regions with cold weather, an additional heating source can be installed under the floor. The main thing is compliance with fire safety rules. If the female is kept outside, the cage must have a canopy. inside desirable complete absence metal parts and accessories.

If a farmer needs a cage for a rabbit with a mother liquor, the dimensions of the dwelling depend on the “dimensions” of a particular female. The main thing is that the rabbit should be spacious, and not cramped.

Cells with mother liquor

Materials for making cells

To make your own house for rabbits, you can use almost any material. Which material to choose depends on financial opportunities farmer. Plastic will be the cheapest, metal and wood will be more expensive. At the moment, domestic farmers prefer the following options:

  • Wood combined with chain-link mesh;
  • Polycarbonate, which is also used for greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • Metal;
  • Plastic.

If a metal mesh is used in the structure, it must be fixed with wooden or plastic rails.

Important! All parts made of wood that are inside the cage must be free of sharp corners and notches so that the animals cannot injure themselves. Highly flammable materials such as certain types of plastic must not be used.

For the floor, wood or mesh is usually used. Wood retains heat well, and mesh floors are easy to clean. Metal is not used in the manufacture of the floor, otherwise the animals will be cold. If animals are kept outdoors, wooden walls can be galvanized for insulation and as protection against moisture.

How to choose a grid

A rabbit net is one of the main expenses for a novice farmer. Choosing a mesh for making a "house" is not easy. Here are the main requirements that must be met:

  • The strength of the material from which the mesh is made;
  • Small cell size;
  • The mesh must be securely fastened;
  • It is desirable that metal fittings are not used for fastening.

Important! For the manufacture of the roof, the chain-link is not used, because even the smallest cells will let rainfall inside.

The mesh is used not only for finishing the walls and fences of the enclosures, but also for making the floor. Thanks to the mesh floor, the litter will easily fall through the cells, which will greatly facilitate cleaning.

It is better to buy a cellular grid in specialized stores for livestock breeders and farmers.

Features of cell location

Rabbits are quite vulnerable animals, so their health and development largely depends on where the cage is located. Here are the basic requirements for the place where animals are kept:

If all the above requirements are taken into account, the animals will grow well and gain weight quickly. Also, cages and enclosures should not be located in the immediate vicinity of the place where dogs are kept, since rabbits are shy animals, and dogs have a pronounced hunting instinct. If the dog suddenly breaks off the chain, he will certainly want to eat rabbit meat, so you should not intentionally provoke the dog by placing animals at his side.

For those who are just starting to breed furry rodents, it is best to use commercially produced cages. More experienced farmers may well design the simplest houses on their own, using improvised materials and drawings.

Among various domestic animals, rabbits occupy a special place. Their content is quite profitable: the owner receives meat and fur, while giving very little. For a good profit from rabbits, you will need to follow some maintenance standards. And although a lot depends on nutrition and care, but first of all you need to think about the cells.

If for cows, chickens or goats it is enough to have a simple barn, then for rabbits it is worth taking care of special conditions. The optimal solution in terms of price - quality - make your own rabbit hutch. It is not only cheaper, but it is possible to take into account all the features of the breed being bred and the location. What material is suitable for this and what points should be taken into account, we will talk about this in the article and present photos and drawings of some cages for rabbits.

Where to place cells

When choosing a place for breeding domestic rabbits and placing their cage, it is important to avoid wind and drafts.

But it does not matter at all whether the cage is outdoors or indoors.

In addition to weather conditions, the number and size of the cage for rabbits is taken into account.

With normal breeding, one cell will not be enough. You will need a room for pregnant rabbits, their cubs and males, and this is a whole residential complex.

Dimensions - the dimensions of the finished rabbit cages largely depend on the breed of pets, but there are minimum values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are calculated based on the data given in the table.

Technological elements of a rabbit farm Maximum number of rabbit heads per unit area Norm of area per 1 rabbit head, sq.m. Dimensions, m
Length Width

For rabbits of the main herd

Two-section rabbit cage

nesting branch

1 0,5-0,65


0,6-0,7 0,9


Group cages for keeping rabbits in sheds (sheds)

For young animals 6 0,1 0,9 0,672
For replacement youngsters:







Individual cages for keeping rabbits in sheds (sheds)

For young animals 1 0,13-0,16 0,29-0,36 0,45
For replacement youngsters 1-2 0,22-0,32 0,48-0,72 0,45

The height of the cages for both domestic rabbits and rabbits kept on industrial rabbit farms is taken to be at least 45 centimeters.

The size of the rabbit nest-box: length - 50 cm, width - 36 cm, height 30-4 cm.

In the manufacture of cages for keeping rabbits, a galvanized metal mesh is used, the mesh size of which is 24x24-50 mm, the floors are 16x48 mm.

Farmers can take care not only of the dwelling of the wards, but also of a place for walking.

Photo of wooden cages for raising rabbits

Cell materials

The choice of material, as well as the place, must be treated with attention. Usually they try not to use metal parts in the construction of cages. The frame and supports of the cage can be assembled from wooden parts. The choice of wall material is more diverse, you can use a board, plywood or mesh. The final option will depend on the climatic zone and the location of the cells.

Some tips for choosing and preparing material:

  • The cell size of the rabbit cage should be small;
  • To fix the mesh, you can use wooden or plastic slats;
  • It is important to take care of the safety of animals inside the cage. For this, all wooden parts are processed.

Making a rabbit cage and its dimensions

Optimal dimensions cages - dwellings for adults is 1500x700x700 mm. If you make the floor out of mesh or wooden slats, then caring for rabbits will be more convenient. Waste products will be automatically removed from the cells. The street version is assembled with a two-level floor, where the bottom layer is made of boards.

The roof of the rabbit hutch is made from the same material as the walls. But if you plan to keep it outside, then you need to take care of protection from precipitation. Can be covered with slate or other similar non-metallic material. If the roof is made of metal, then in sunny weather it will heat up and it will become very hot inside.

Finished cells are advised to be placed at a short distance from the floor or ground. This will provide protection against rodents and make the care of domestic rabbits convenient. Rabbit feeding equipment must not be contaminated. Some have solved this issue by making retractable or hanging feeders.

A little more about the size of the rabbitry. The front wall of the cage should be about 10-15 cm higher than the back. The entire area of ​​​​the finished dwelling is divided into several sections, which are interconnected by small manholes. A hinged lid will help bring a little convenience in care.

It is worth mentioning once again that the size of the cage for rabbits largely depends on the breed, quantity and place of detention. But there is general recommendations to any type of cells:

  • The section in which the maintenance of males is planned should be large enough. This will allow the animals to move freely and not become lazy, otherwise they will be unable to give birth.
  • For rabbits, a separate spacious cage is allocated. This section can accommodate up to four pieces. It is important to take into account - at first, the rabbits are kept next to their mother for fattening.
  • Make one free cage in which it will be possible to feed the rabbits. Some babies do not gain enough weight during their time with their mother.
  • The hole in the nesting compartment should be raised by about ten centimeters. In order not to gnaw it, you can beat the edges with steel. But do it carefully, without leaving nicks.
  • The front wall should be equipped with two doors - one for the main compartment, the second for the nest. And if the first option can be mesh, then the last one is necessarily solid.
  • Outdoor cages for domestic rabbits can be provided with a walking hole. To do this, a hole is made in the back walls into a special paddock, fenced with a net. This will give the rabbits a chance to frolic and enjoy the fresh grass.

Making a cage for rabbits with your own hands is not so difficult. If you apply the tips written above, then you can hope for a good increase in profits and convenient care for the animals.

Drawings and photos of cages for rabbits

Photo of a wooden cage for raising rabbits on a home plot with dimensions

Cage for three adult rabbits (for home keeping). Consists of two levels. The lower level has double doors that open wide for easy access to the cage. The upper level consists of two separate compartments connected by an entrance. One of the compartments of the cage is designed for sleeping rabbits. The other compartment is covered with mesh and this area can also be opened for easy access (great for cleaning out the cage and for caring for and feeding rabbits). The design of this cage is quite simple, and you can make it yourself for keeping rabbits in the garden.

In the photo, rabbit cages made of wood and metal mesh

Photo of cages with walking for rabbits

Drawings of cages for rabbits and their young

Drawing of an adobe cage (1), a wattle-clay cage (2), a combined cage with a paddock for keeping rabbits (3), a cage from a box (4)

Drawings of cages for keeping rabbits at home

Industrial cages for keeping and growing rabbits

Photo of one and two-tier cages for twelve rabbits with offspring (dimensions 2.3 x 2.05 m)

In the photo, one and two-story cages for fattening meat (up to 144 heads)

Video tutorials for building cages for rabbits

Video about making a rabbit cage with your own hands:

The sizes of cages for rabbits differ depending on the age, breed, sex of the rodent and the purpose of the enclosure. Exist standard sizes recommended for pregnant females. Very important place, compliance with the conditions of keeping the animal.

Group structures are used to keep young animals. Depending on the size of the enclosure, there are from 8 to 20 rodents in a cage. Animals are kept together as long as they have enough space. When the sex of an individual becomes possible to determine, the rodents are seated. It is recommended to keep no more than three individuals older than three months in one cage.

The minimum area of ​​an open-air cage for two individuals is sq. m. Height - not less than 0.35 m. The size of the structure depends on the number and age of rodents.

Open-air cages for outdoor placement are built in one, two or three floors. It is recommended to raise the floor above the ground by 0.35 m. In winter, it is necessary to insulate the enclosures by adding straw to the floor.

For the construction of the structure, natural materials are used, since artificial ones negatively affect the health and development of rodents.

When designing, it is important to pay attention to lighting and the location of the cage. Young growth needs protection from drafts and subdued light. Adults better tolerate cold and temperature changes (depending on the breed). But for the winter, cages with young and adult animals are insulated.

Cage for adult rabbits

The size of rabbit cages depends on the age and sex of the rodent. Females with young are kept in large cages. For an ordinary rabbit, the cage parameters are 0.7 m wide, 0.6 m high and 1 m long.

For an adult, the size of the enclosure should be increased to 0.8 m wide, 0.5 m high and 1.5 m long. In dwellings of this size, rodents feel freer, develop faster and grow better.

An important stage in the design of rabbit housing is ventilation. The rabbitry should be well ventilated, protected from drafts, bright sunlight. Daylight hours range from 8 to 16 hours. Attention should be paid to cleaning the enclosures. Adults should be examined during cleaning, disinfection measures should be carried out in the cage.

Shed bunk

- a two-story structure, consisting of several cells placed in a row. The installation of such dwellings helps to save space, simplify the care of animals. It is recommended to use this type of outdoor content in regions with a warm climate or in heated rooms. Shed is also installed outdoors in the summer.

It is important to build housing, raising above the ground to a height of 0.5 m. The optimal dimensions of the structure are 2 m wide and 1 m deep. Bunk sheds can be made independently on a one-sided type from boards, slate and metal mesh.

The foundation is recommended to be concreted to increase the stability of the structure. Experienced rabbit breeders install manure channels and pallets to simplify the care of animals. This method facilitates cleaning and reduces the risk of disease.

Sheds allow you to keep multiple rabbits at the same time. Drawings created during the design phase can be used to create additional rows. All cells in the design are created in the same way. A canopy is installed over the sheds. Structures are installed close to each other.

In warm regions, shed keeping is possible all year round. In winter, water for rabbits is heated. The space between the cells is allocated for the storage of hay and grass. For feeding, non-waste systems are installed that need to be replenished every 3-7 days.

The bunker feeder is made independently from metal sheets. In the warm season, it is possible to use automatic drinkers. Transitions are installed at an angle to the exit. The back wall is solid. Several windows with bars are placed in the cage. In cold weather, the windows are closed with wooden sheets or folding doors. In the passage between the sheds, a suspended structure is built for transporting feed.

Double cage with mother liquor

For pregnant females, a capacious cage with a queen cell is needed - a removable structure for rabbits up to one month old. The stern part occupies most of the cage. A manhole is installed between the department. Such housing is intended for two individuals of different sexes or two females with cubs. It is recommended to install a slatted floor.

A cage for a rabbit with a mother liquor, the dimensions of which are 2.2 × 0.6 × 0.5 m, is made of natural material in compliance with all safety rules. Rabbits need comfort for reproduction, proper growth and development.

Double cages with mesh aviary

To build a structure with a mesh aviary for walking, you need:

  • Grid with large cells (3.5 × 3.5 cm) - 0.6 sq. m.
  • Lumber - 0.2 cubic meters. m.
  • Metal mesh (1.8 × 1.8 cm) - 1.3 sq. m.

The aviary is used for non-pregnant rodents, adult rabbits, cubs older than 3 months.

Sizes of cages for rabbits Zolotukhina

The cells of N.I. Zolotukhin are widely known among rabbit breeders. The salient features of the structures are:

  • No pallets.
  • Wooden or slate floor.
  • Inclined installation of back walls.
  • A mesh is built into the floor near the back wall.

The dimensions of the cage with the mother liquor, which is also removed, are 0.7 by 1 m. To ensure the safety of the cubs, a board is installed in front of the door. The mother liquor is located in a common cell, fenced off from the rest of the space by an additional board. It is possible to place the feed compartments on top of each other. On the Internet, you can find cages installed in 3 tiers, photos, sizes, drawings of which are also available to rabbit breeders.

There are also Maklyakov cells - modular systems in which you can easily change the purpose of the cell. The design uses drinkers with heating and modern systems waste disposal. In the aft compartment, infrared heating is used.

Sizes of cages for rabbits "giants"

The breed of rabbits "giants" is common among rabbit breeders who breed rodents for meat and skins. The cage for fattening rabbits of gray and white giant breeds has dimensions: 0.35 × 0.6 × 0.4 m. 65 m

Sizes of cages for fattening rabbits

The standard dimensions of fattening cages are considered to be the following parameters: 0.5 × 0.7 × 0.3 m. Such structures are made from a grid with square cells, connecting the parts with wire. Install drip or small feeders. During the fattening period, animals should be carefully looked after and observed.

Cage sizes for Californian rabbits

Unpretentious in content. Variety - a mixture, and. The size of the cage for the Californian rabbit is smaller than the enclosures for giant rabbits. The variety is frost-resistant and can be kept without litter. A dwelling with a fodder department is constructed in size from 0.4 sq. m. For the maintenance of one rodent, 0.3 square meters is enough. m. Hard hair on the paws allows you to keep rodents on mesh floors. In block constructions, it is recommended to exchange a number of animals with the same age category for ease of care.

Equipping a pit for rabbits is quite simple:

  • it is necessary to dig a recess with parameters 2x2x1 m,
  • strengthen the walls with slate sheets or concrete;
  • put boards or a grid on the floor;
  • construct a fence and a canopy on the surface.

It is recommended to supervise the rabbits to prevent mating of close relatives, as this impairs the performance of the animals. Be sure to have water and food, as well as regular preventive examinations of rodents.

California rabbits are fed dairy products, fish and meat meal, nutritional supplements with proteins. The variety is gaining popularity among rabbit breeders due to the ease of breeding, the quality of the fur and meat. Female rabbits give birth to 6–8 young rabbits, sometimes up to 12 young in a litter.

Optimal cage sizes for rabbits

The standard size of a rabbit cage for a household is 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.5 m. It is recommended to install a mesh door and a mesh insert in the floor.

A cage for a decorative rabbit should be at least 0.9 m long and 0.7 m wide. At the same time, the animal has enough space to move and play. The height of the cage is determined by the "growth" of the animal.

The same dimensions of the dwelling are equipped for a dwarf rabbit. Be sure to install comfortable drinkers and feeders, add toys to your pet so that he does not get bored.

Sizes of industrial cages for rabbits

A distinctive feature of industrial structures is the ability to add new elements without changing existing ones. The modular design has dimensions of 2x2x1x7m. Uterine departments are also built in. For convenience, springs and manure removal systems are installed on the covers. Lifting lids assist with cleaning, feeding, removing pups from cages, examining and mating.

Depending on the age and size of the pet, cage parameters may vary. For example, rabbits of the "" breed will require special cages. Certain breeds will also need their own special cages.

The length of the cage for females with hatching should be 175-185cm, width - 1m, height - 60-70cm. During the hatching period, it is important that the female feel comfortable. Rabbits are incredibly afraid of dampness and drafts. Position the cages so that they are not under constant sun exposure. The facade of the cell must be placed to the east or west. Dig the post into the ground (to a depth of 0.6-0.8m), place stationary cages. Portable cages can be placed on stands or on wooden goats. At the level of 70-80cm from the ground, single-tier cages can be installed. In order for rabbits to move easily in cages, the structures must be free. For rabbits weighing over five kilograms, cages with a length of 130-150 cm, a depth of 70 cm, a back wall height of 40-45 cm, and a front wall height of 55-60 cm will be required.

Group cages are used for transplanted young animals. In such cages, from eight to twenty rabbits can be kept at the same time.

From three to five animals under the age of three months or two to three rabbits over the age of 3 months are kept in individual cages.

For one rabbit, the cage area should be at least 0.5 square meters. m, not less than 35 cm - the height of the walls.

When making group cages, consider the number of individuals, because each animal will need at least 0.15-0.20 square meters. m.

Outdoor cages for keeping rabbits are one-, two-, three-tiered. From the surface of the earth to the cells of the lower tier should be 35 cm.

In winter, when you need to take care of suckling rabbits, you should cover the floor in the nesting compartment with straw. A layer of straw - up to twenty centimeters.

Choose non-artificial materials for making the cage. Synthetic materials badly affect the development of rabbits - this rule is important for all breeds of rabbits.

Cage for adult rabbits

Since large cages are needed for a female with a hatch, then for an ordinary rabbit a cage with the following parameters will be enough: width 60-70cm, height - 60cm, length -100cm. These are the minimum cage sizes for one adult.

Rabbits are growing and they will need bigger cages. For adult rabbits, cages with the following parameters will be suitable: width - 60-80cm, height - 50cm, length - 120-150cm. Farmers say that in such a cage, an adult will feel free and will have personal space. The experts agreed that the floor of the cage should be mesh or slats. In appearance, the cage should resemble a block consisting of two cages, each of which can contain an adult.

It is possible to protect the feeding and nesting compartments of the cage with a wall, although the pet will not get lost and will find food.

Even when choosing cells, you need to consider gender. A rabbit cage will not fit a rabbit, although they will be of the same species. Consider the dimensions of the cage and the external conditions when creating the cage.

Two-tier shed - a row of cages placed in one or several tiers. Details about. Suitable choice there will be a two-tiered shed - it reduces the working area, does not complicate the control and care of pets. This design is used in the southern regions or on the street. But such an aviary can be organized in a barn or for the use of summer keeping of rabbits. Shed should not stand on the ground. It is preferable to place it at a height of 50-60cm. Given the size of the pet, the width of the shed should be up to 2m, and the depth should be up to 1m. You can also make a two-tier shed yourself. You will need boards, slate and a strong steel mesh. They build a shed on a one-way principle. A concrete foundation will increase the stability of the structure. The improved design includes the presence of a manure channel and pallets. Sheds - The best way for keeping rabbits. The arrangement of the shed allows you to keep several pets, makes it easier to care for rabbits.

It is important to make a blueprint of the cage and add additional houses or even rows of houses for new pets in the future. In sheds, all cells are the same in size, the houses are covered with a canopy, placed close to neighboring structures and placed one above the other. The convenience of this design is that rabbits will spend spring and summer outside.

In winter, rabbits in sheds are fed with specially heated water. Usually a nursery for grass or hay is arranged between two houses. The cages have non-waste bunker feeders - they need to be loaded for 3-8 days. The bunker feeder can be made from steel sheets. In the spring and summer, the sheds use an automatic water supply for the rabbits to drink. The passage in the shed is located at a slight slope from the central to the exit. The back walls of the cell form the walls of the shed. Sheds have small windows with bars. In winter, the windows with bars are closed with folding doors. Doors are made from the inside of the cells. Be sure to hang drinkers and feeders. A suspended road for trolleys (for transporting feed) is equipped along the middle aisle.

You will need a double cage with a mother liquor. The mother liquor is a removable compartment where babies up to a month old will be. It is also called the feed section. Most of such a cell is called feed. Between the cells there should be a hole, 17x20 cm in size. A similar design is suitable for a male and a female, for two rabbits with babies. A solid wooden partition or mesh will separate the compartments. It is best to make the floor from wooden slats (1.5 cm step), then the manure will fall into the lower pan.

Rabbits do not live long and they should be comfortable in the house. You should not overly save on materials, because healthy pets will fully recoup the costs. A double cage with a mother liquor includes a nursery, a door to the nesting compartment, a mesh door, a folding drinker and a feeder, a support post, a feeder axis.

The designs should be such that it is not necessary to constantly open the doors to fill them. Sawdust or small shavings are not suitable for bedding - the dust from them will cause the rabbit to sneeze.

Double cages with mesh aviary

To build a double single-tiered cage with a mesh aviary, you will need 0.6 sq. m grid (cells 35x35mm); lumber - 0.2 cu. m, 1.3 sq. m of metal mesh (cells 18x18mm) - if it is not there, then an all-welded mesh (cells 16x48mm) will do. Similar designs are needed for non-pregnant rabbits of reproductive age. They can also contain adult rabbits, young animals, weaned from the uterus.

Cages for rabbits with devices for laying feed for 1-2 weeks

These are advanced cells, they are made from various building materials. Features: in the center there are structures for the breeding stock, and along the walls there are enclosures for young individuals. Designs can be two-, three-tiered. But make sure that feces and urine do not fall from the upper cells.

For the uterine compartment: 40x70x60cm, for the light compartment: 60x70x60cm. Autodrinkers, feeders, nurseries for grass and hay are located in a bright compartment. Install a mesh or rack grille at a height of 5-10 cm in the uterine compartment and at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor in the light compartment. In summer, you need to clean the cages more often, because worms form in the manure.

Cages for rabbits Zolotukhina

Zolotukhin Nikolai Ivanovich - a well-known rabbit breeder, developed his own concept for keeping rabbits.

There are no pallets in such cages, the floor is made of boards or slate, the back walls are mounted at an angle, there are no special queen cells, grain feeders are fixed on the doors, only along the rear walls of the structure there is a narrow strip of a mesh floor. Cell sizes: 70x100 cm, cells are placed one above the other in several tiers, queen cells are also placed. So that the rabbits do not fall out through the open door, they put a board in front of the mother liquor. The mother liquors are placed one above the other. Common to all structures put a separate opaque door. The mother liquor is located in the cage itself, only part of the removable board is fenced off.

Sizes of cages for rabbits "giants"

The breed of large rabbits of the meat-and-skin direction was called the “gray giant”. Required dimensions designs: width 35cm, length - 60cm, height - 40cm. You can make a more spacious cage: height - 61cm, length - 96cm, width - 68cm. The gray giant rabbit lives in areas with different climatic conditions.

Sizes of cages for fattening rabbits

The following design will fit: width 50cm, length 70cm, height 30cm. To make a rabbitry, you will need a soldered mesh, the cells must be square. You will need wire rod, diameter 6mm. Thinner wire should be wrapped around the joints on the structure. In such structures, water is supplied through teat drinkers, and there are also small feeders with a supply of food. Approximately a week fatten animals. During this period, they should be carefully looked after.

Cage dimensions for Californian rabbits

Californian rabbits are easy to care for. This is a hybrid of Russian ermine, Soviet chinchilla and New Zealand breed. The dimensions of the structure can be 1.5 times smaller than for the "grey giant" rabbits. These rabbits can tolerate the cold well even without bedding. For a cell with a queen cell, 0.4 sq. m, for one individual - 0.3 sq. m. It is easy to keep them. On the paws of Californian rabbits - hard wool. When placing individuals in grid blocks, settle pets of the same age - this will make it easier to care for, feed, and conduct veterinary examinations.

To breed Californian rabbits solely for meat - keep them in a pit. It is very easy to equip a pit, and the living of these rabbits in a pit will be as close as possible to the natural conditions of their habitat.

To arrange a rabbit pit, you need to dig a hole with approximate dimensions of 2x2x1m, strengthen the walls with slate or concrete, lay a mesh or plank floor, enclose the hole with a fence, and make a roof. California rabbits will burrow, mate, breed, raise young.

To avoid degeneration of rabbits - do not allow closely related mating. The rabbit breeder is obliged to supply water, feed, periodically conduct selection selection. To avoid closely related mating - the first generation that has grown to puberty, obtained from a specific male, must be caught and replaced with other rabbits.

California rabbits eat dairy products, fish or meat meal, and various protein supplements well. In winter, pets should have warm liquid to drink. Permanent access to water is a must for rabbits.

In recent years, it has become very popular with farmers to breed California rabbits. This breed is easy to breed on specialized farms. European rabbits are the ancestors of this individual. Initially, breeders set themselves the task of breeding a meat breed of rabbits with good skins. This breed is one of the most famous meat breeds of rabbits. 7-8 rabbits - the average fertility of rabbits. When breeding, rabbits can bring 11-12 rabbits. The rabbits are white (grayish) at birth, and by the age of 3.5-4 months they become similar in color to adult rabbits. In two months, newborn rabbits gain two kilograms of weight. Adult rabbits weigh 4.7-5.2kg, rabbits - 4.5-5kg. If you cross white New Zealand rabbits with Californian rabbits, you can achieve excellent breeding results. Rabbits of this breed have lowered legs. California rabbits are successfully bred on slatted floors. The tail of the California rabbit is close to the body, the chin is symmetrical, the head is planted on a short neck, a wide back and shoulders, a cylindrical body of medium length.

This breed may also be called the "California White Rabbit" because it is pure white in color. However, the tips of the ears, tail and paws may be colored brown or black. Usually such a rabbit weighs no more than 5 kg. If it weighs more, it is obese. The paws of the rabbit are thick and short, the eyes are pink, the skeleton is strong and light. The length of the ears does not exceed 10 cm. Experienced breeders advise beginner rabbit breeders to pay attention to breeding California rabbits, because they are not difficult to keep.

The length of the coat is approximately 3 cm, the length of the body is 50 cm. The head is rounded, not large. The rabbit's coat is shiny and thick. California rabbits can also be bought for entertainment, because they have a peaceful disposition, a cheerful character. With proper care, California rabbits can live up to ten years. However, due to their large size, such individuals will be difficult to keep as ornamentals. For their maintenance, rooms with a moderate, constant air temperature, with lighting are suitable. You can feed them with hay, grass, cereals, flour, vegetables, cereals.

Optimal cage sizes for rabbits

Cells with dimensions will be suitable: length - 120-150cm, width - 60-80cm, front wall height - 45-50cm, the door should be mesh, dimensions 65x70x50cm, slatted or mesh floor.

Sizes of industrial cages for rabbits

The constructions of industrial cells are modular, which, taking into account the stages of the process cycle, allows you to add new designs to the existing ones. Dimensions: 2x2x1x7m, there are ten uterine compartments, 40x92cm in size. To facilitate access to the boxes - there are spring-loaded covers. The operator, using the lifting covers of the partitions, can easily clean the rabbits in the section, perform weaning, individual therapy, palpation, insemination. To remove litter, all cages have removable corner panels.

  • In this article, you will learn how you can keep rabbits efficiently using the free space you have. How can you keep up to 300 animals per 30 m², observing all sanitary standards.

Today, more and more people are starting to breed rabbits. Last but not least, this is due to the ability to quickly start your own business. From one pair of animals within a year, you can get a whole herd of eared ears, and hence a solid profit. Rabbit breeders, who have small free areas at their disposal, try to use them as much as possible to raise as many of their pets as possible. Recently, there has been a boom in the emergence of farms specializing in breeding rabbits in burrow pits. In one such hole, occupying an area of ​​4 m², up to 200 individuals can breed. But at the same time, the rabbit breeder cannot control each pet, do universal vaccinations and exclude the possibility of family ties.

Today I want to talk about another way of breeding rabbits, which also effectively uses the usable area, but is devoid of the disadvantages of the pit method. To do this, I propose to contact one of our regular readers - Konstantin Senatorov from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. On a useful area of ​​30 square meters, he built blocks of three-tiered cages and a feed warehouse. Cells have greater strength and durability, since the main materials in the manufacture are metal corners and a metal mesh.

The area is used to the maximum

What are the grids?

Metal mesh is a product of metal rods of different lengths and diameters. The metal mesh is characterized by the size of the cells and the thickness of the bars, it can be welded, woven and woven, it can be black or galvanized, as well as coated with a polymer coating. Nets are supplied in cards or rolls. Rabbit breeders use nets of various purposes.

it is used to strengthen the plaster layers of buildings, to screen bulk materials, to dry food and non-food products, to filter liquids and gases, to provide thermal insulation industrial equipment. Made from stainless steel. May be made of steel wire, but galvanized or tinned.

Mesh masonry for strengthening reinforced concrete structures and brickwork, erecting walls, concrete screed. Due to the fact that all joints and intersections are carefully welded, the welded mesh is resistant to deformation. This mesh is strong and durable.

road grid also used in the field of pool reinforcement. This mesh is strong and durable. These qualities of the road mesh are achieved by contact spot welding. The road mesh has cells with dimensions of 100, 150 and 200 millimeters, therefore it is rarely used in rabbit breeding, mainly for feeders.

Gathered by weaving zigzag spirals of wire into a single interlacing. Mesh of this type is made on the machine by screwing one into the other wire spirals with a flat coil, wound directly on the machine. A small chain-link mesh can be made from soft wire at home. First, the wire is wound on a bar, then removed from it and stretched into a twisted thread. Then, in turn, one thread is screwed into another. The section of the bar determines the size of the cell of the future grid.

Interview with Konstantin Senatorov.

Vladimir: Konstantin, first of all, I want to thank you for your active participation in the work of the site, including the contest “Show your rabbits to the world”. Today, visitors can not only look at your pets, but also learn about the conditions of their maintenance. Where did it all begin?

Konstantin: In the fall of 2010, the uncle just brought 19 rabbits from the garden and 3 cages knocked down from old doors and nets. By winter, he made something and left 3 females and a male for posterity. In 2011, 44 rabbits were slaughtered. In the fall, they got sick en masse. If not for the first losses, the start would have been even more successful.

Vladimir: Judging by the photographs, you quickly abandoned the use of temporary dwellings, switched to the option of multi-tiered placement of cages. This allowed a sharp increase in the number of...

Such cells were before.

Konstantin: They began to cook cages instead of temporary ones. In 2012, there were: 21 capital cages and 2 wooden ones, 68 rabbits were already killed, 6 females and 2 males remained for offspring. Last year, 90 heads grew. Now 27 capital ones and next year I plan 6 more. The whole farm, taking into account the placement of feed, occupies 30 square meters. meters.

Such cells now.

Konstantin: There is not much to say about breeds. I choose for the offspring of rabbits according to the exterior. From the big immediately refused. I want a Soviet chinchilla, because its description fully fits my needs. What rabbit breeders offer at the bazaar leaves much to be desired. An acquaintance once bought a supposedly purebred chinchilla, but flew by, because she brought 12 rabbits to the first litter, starting with downy and white, ending with black and red.

Vladimir: Let's get back to the main topic. What are the features of your particular option - a multi-apartment square-nested rabbitry, consisting of cells like automatic lockers?

Konstantin: Firstly, cells are built based on the conditions of an existing place. I make it more spacious on purpose so that a rabbit with a mother liquor could fit in each. I made them (mother cells) from thick-layer plywood in the form of a cube with a side of 50 cm. They pass through the door normally, the females also like it, they immediately begin to hide in them. In cages, depending on the size, from 4 to 10 adult rabbits fit.

New building ready for occupancy

Vladimir: I agree, this is very important, since in your version there is simply nowhere to hang the mounted queen cells. A lot of rabbit breeders do just that. Large doors also allow queen cells to install and effectively clean cages, make minor repairs if necessary, since there is access to all corners of the home. How is waste management organized? How do stocks work? Is there a ventilation hood?

Konstantin: The role of ventilation is performed by the front door to the barn. I think that this is quite enough, the air is quite clean and the rabbits feel fine. Drains are grids with a cell diameter of 20mm. Installed instead of one of the boards in the floor of each cage. Below I put a box, well, every morning I rake out of the cells everything that has accumulated during the day and night.

Instead of one board, a grid

Vladimir: Let's clarify. As I understand it, some of your cells are located on the street, some in the barn. How is its square and cubic capacity effectively used?

Konstantin: There is only one advantage in my cells - saving space. In a barn on an area of ​​​​10 square meters, I now have 11 females, a rabbit and 30 rabbits aged from a month to two. When seven more females will give birth, I have not yet decided, a lot of snow has fallen this year, I'm afraid we'll swim. It will get warmer, I will take out the young, and the “old men” will continue to give birth. I think without resorting to frequent rounds of heads up to 300 to breed for the winter. Not immediately, of course, but within a year. There are different rounds from 2 to 13 pieces at a time.

Vladimir: What about the cost of building cages? After all, it takes a lot of metal, and, as you know, it is not cheap?

Screen from our crushed plant

Konstantin: It is very difficult to answer your question. The corner has been available since Soviet times. It was lying around or bought for buying up scrap metal (it leaves all without residue, even pieces of 5 cm go, for example, to loops). The last block, which is in the photo with new floors, was assembled with approximately the following costs: a pack of electrodes, for 2 thousand rubles, sheds, latches, bolts, nuts, washers, drills, boards for 2250 rubles, although there are still some. Yes, the grid is a screen that has worked out its own from our crushed stone plant, I took it at the price of scrap metal somewhere around 280 rubles. per piece (1.70m x 4.00m), but a lot goes to waste, so you have to take it with a large margin. Drains - grids - 800 rubles. per piece (1.7 x 5 m).

I confess that I recorded this interview last year. I did not immediately place it, I wanted to make sure that this option is viable, the rabbits feel normal, the ventilation, feeding and waste disposal system is functioning smoothly. Recently, I contacted Konstantin again and asked what changes he might have made to his design. This is what he replied: “I haven’t made any special changes yet. There is an idea to complete the cages with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers, to use compound feed. Until now, the truth has managed with hay and mash. Currently, I feed hay and breadcrumbs in the morning, and in the evening I boil vegetables and steam the bran.”

From myself I will add that the method of breeding rabbits in multi-tiered cages (in various variations) is quite well-known and has been used by rabbit breeders for a very long time. It is convenient, saves space and materials, simplifies construction. In such racks, so to speak, most of the partitions belong to two neighboring cells at once. There are much fewer wooden parts that periodically have to be changed than in classic cages. And even if you decide to save money and use a wooden beam instead of a metal corner, the design will turn out to be viable and durable.

The site administration thanks Konstantin Senatorov for his help in writing this article and wishes him further success in his noble work.

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