Personal life of show business stars contacts contacts. News of show business. Star Revelations. News of social life in Russia

site/RU - Main show business portal. An unparalleled national community of artists, music, fashion and film. Catalog-rating of figures in the field of music and club culture, film and modeling industry is unparalleled.

The portal constantly publishes the most interesting new videos, music, current events, parties, concerts and presentations. The main source of information is performers, artists, musicians, DJs, art directors and other representatives of all areas of recreation, culture and entertainment.

On the pages of the portal there are also the best DJs of Russia, popular performers and groups, nightclubs, whose representatives daily publish club and music posters, photo reports, trailers and many other useful and up-to-date information about artists and celebrities.

Each user of the portal has the ability to quickly and easily download music that musicians, artists and DJs publish every day. In addition, it is possible to listen to the radio online.

The attention of portal users is also offered a large specialized forum where you can learn how to mix tracks, write music, where to download the program, buy equipment, where to go on weekends or in the evening and a lot of other useful information in all areas of entertainment.

Show business, artists, stars, celebrities

Modern show business in Russia is an interesting and fascinating world that exists in an environment of unusually high competition between its inhabitants - artists.

The term "artist" does not have a clear definition, because this word means both an expert, an artist, and a master.

The concept of "artist" is used in relation to several categories of people who differ from the rest in their non-standard thinking, and who have chosen art as their profession.

Artists are referred to as representatives of the music industry (singers, musicians, bands, sound producers, DJs, etc.), artistic crafts (architects, sculptors, photographers, painters, etc.), choreographers or dancers, and representatives the film industry (actors, producers, hosts, clip makers, etc.) and other celebrity groups. It is in the concept of "celebrity" that the artists belong to the modern show business, because any of them strive for fame and recognition.

Nowadays it has become extremely difficult to see the boundaries between where the end of handicraft work and the beginning of creativity. Therefore, the concept of an artist is often attributed to the figures of some administrative positions - promoters, art directors, PR people, etc.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that artists in the modern Russian show business are those people who, with the help of creativity or work, impress the public with an impression of inspiring, beautiful and inciting to actions and thoughts, reaching world fame and entering into a special caste called "stars". ". Only those who stubbornly go towards their goal, who are true to themselves and their favorite work, who do not think of copying their colleagues, deserve to receive world fame.

But is everything as simple as it might seem at first glance? After all, it becomes much more difficult to surprise the audience every day. Accustomed to the fall of all frames, restrictions and complete frankness, people have almost completely ceased to feel something special in any manifestation of contemporary art. Therefore, many attempts by celebrities and various representatives of the Russian show business to create creative know-how often fail.

Mankind in all ages has demanded bread and circuses, and if everything is in order with “bread” now, then spectacles in all their diversity have long been bored modern people striving to discover something new every day.

This state of affairs is increasingly prompting representatives of the entertainment industry in Russia to “go into all serious trouble”, experiencing more and more new options for creativity. Thus, we see a lot of diversified celebrities, - as they say, - “The artist sings, the artist dances, the artist is a poet, the artist draws. He writes music for poetry, the artist himself is capable of everything!

In pursuit of celebrity and recognition, many people are willing to literally do anything to get noticed. In such an active pursuit of a “place in the sun”, it is important to always remember what brings the artist to this environment - to create with a big heart and never deviate from the goal. After all, it is loyalty to one's path that many people hold in high esteem.

The life of celebrities, their actions, words - all this arouses genuine interest in the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to pose and give interviews to reporters who make up the secular news of the Russian show business.!

If you read about the life of celebrities, then in a magazine that publishes reliable facts. Gossip coverage is a special art, and our correspondents really master it. The secular news of the Russian show business appear in the magazine with enviable regularity, while the articles are supplied with interesting photos and interview. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, clashes between star couples - by reading our magazine, you will be the first to know about everything.

News of social life in Russia

Not everyone can get to a private party or be at a prestigious film award ceremony. But every reader of WomanHit magazine can easily find out about everything in detail and without unnecessary embellishments. Secular news is not taken from the air, we get it first hand - from the most famous and influential people in show business. Often, the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit - chatting at ease over a cup of tea, we learn "hot" news and interesting details. You can read about them in the "Visiting the Stars" section.

When we receive reports from weddings, festivals, film premieres, we immediately publish them. This is how secular news about the stars of Russia is created.

An online magazine for modern women - these are only useful articles and only the latest secular news of Russian show business. Living interesting and bright, our readers do not get tired of rejoicing, wondering, dreaming!

The life of celebrities, their actions, words - all this arouses genuine interest in the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to pose and give interviews to reporters who make up the secular news of the Russian show business.!

If you read about the life of celebrities, then in a magazine that publishes reliable facts. Gossip coverage is a special art, and our correspondents really master it. The secular news of the Russian show business appear in the magazine with enviable regularity, while the articles are supplied with interesting photographs and interviews. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, clashes between star couples - by reading our magazine, you will be the first to know about everything.

News of social life in Russia

Not everyone can get to a private party or be at a prestigious film award ceremony. But every reader of WomanHit magazine can easily find out about everything in detail and without unnecessary embellishments. Secular news is not taken from the air, we get it first hand - from the most famous and influential people in show business. Often, the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit - chatting at ease over a cup of tea, we learn "hot" news and interesting details. You can read about them in the "Visiting the Stars" section.

When we receive reports from weddings, festivals, film premieres, we immediately publish them. This is how secular news about the stars of Russia is created.

An online magazine for modern women - these are only useful articles and only the latest secular news of Russian show business. Living interesting and bright, our readers do not get tired of rejoicing, wondering, dreaming!

What brightens up our gray everyday life and helps to forget about the difficulties of life? Of course, show business with its unique characters and real stars who are adored by the whole world. Millions of people every day eagerly catch the news of show business in Russia, discuss new music albums, films, concert programs. Their attention is focused on the vicissitudes of stellar life, weddings and divorces, new creative unions and idols' plans for the near future.

Especially for all this on our information portal a section has been created in which the news of show business and stars, their personal and creative lives take center stage. The site's team closely monitors the world and Russian show business in order to be able to tell visitors about the most interesting things in a timely manner. To do this, they monitor the boundless expanses of the Internet around the clock, follow the updates of the personal websites of the stars, view their press conferences, communicate with representatives of celebrities, members of fan clubs, and carefully study specialized magazines. Not a single detail escapes their all-seeing eye.

Professional experts and real masters of their craft will thoroughly analyze musical novelties, tell in an interesting and non-trivial way about the main directions of modern show business, tell the history of their origin and development, highlight prospects, as well as talk about previously unknown details and the latest news from show business celebrities. .


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