Download a ready-made business plan for a boxing club. The idea of ​​​​a business is to make money on boxing. Description of services provided

Are there not enough boxing schools in your city? No problem - you can open a boxing school under the Rocky Boxing Club franchise. Rocky Boxing Clubs is a new take on fitness. Currently, the fitness market in many cities is simply oversaturated with classic fitness rooms. People have virtually no choice. The boxing club is something new, not standard. The uniqueness of Rocky clubs lies in a non-standard approach to teaching professional boxing to ordinary people, office workers and employees.

Training is carried out according to a specially developed methodology "Rocky training"! This technique is based on the introduction of the English and American experience of the "white collar boxing" format (literally - boxing for white collars). Philosophy of White Collar Boxing, Developed in America, Successfully Functioning All Over the World! Office workers, top managers take off their suits with special enthusiasm and go to the gym to beat a punching bag! The cost of the franchise is 500,000 rubles. Royalty (monthly payment) for using the brand is 150 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter. The total investment is at least 1 million rubles. The franchisor helps the entrepreneur at all stages of starting a business: assistance in the selection of premises, assistance in design, assistance in the selection of personnel, business support, assistance in preparing the necessary documents. To open a club, you need a room with an area of ​​150 sq. m. The minimum ceiling height is from 2.4 m. Ventilation and air conditioning systems are required. The building should be located as close as possible to the central part of the city. The term of repair and design of the premises is at least 1 month. The club requires the following staff: trainers - 5 people, administrator - 2 people, manager - 1 person.

As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what kind of sports you are going to teach your customers. For example, to organize a martial arts section, you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, bars, and horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of the balls, sportswear, and the arrangement of the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks. If you want to have only modern models of simulators, then, when compiling, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you must provide for additional costs in the start-up capital, since modern “health machines” are quite expensive.

How to open a martial arts club from scratch

During the "rush hour", you can simply not get to the club and your customers can stand in a traffic jam for hours without reaching you. Stop your choice on the sleeping area of ​​the city, in which there is no such institution yet. Such a tactical move will allow you to save on advertising, as well as guarantee a constant influx of customers.

And since now almost everyone has their own personal vehicles, equip even if not large, but car parking, this can be an additional plus for choosing your particular section. Staff of workers Even at the stage of drawing up a business plan, you must clearly understand what services you want to provide to the population, since this will determine what kind of personnel you will have to look for. A good and durable business cannot be built without the coordinated work of employees.

Opening a martial arts club: a business idea

Naturally, customers should easily get to it by public transport. Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the sleeping areas.
This will provide you with a regular influx of customers. At the same time, choose places where there are convenient parking lots so that your club members can park the car in the right place. Employees At the next stage, you must decide on the staff, because without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that you will be able to competently organize a business. Do not forget that every month you will have to pay for their work.
Advertising In order to reach as many people as possible about your section, you need to systematically advertise your own business. Let's advertise in newspapers, on the radio, put up flyers on the streets.

How to open a sports section of martial arts

Equipping the institution As experts say, the founder of the project should be well versed in the specifics of the case, when the chosen direction will be sports. A business of this kind requires knowledge of the nuances of choosing equipment and various necessary equipment. After all, a person who is not versed in such a technique is unlikely to be able to properly equip the hall.

Therefore, when this topic is not close to you, ask the advice of an experienced coach. To open a full-fledged sports club, you will need to invest a fairly substantial amount in the purchase of equipment. As a rule, when you are going to open a section, the owner must take care of the availability of mats, benches, and mirrors in the hall. In addition, you will need specialized equipment for the chosen sport and several sets of protective equipment.

Moreover, you need to remember about the convenience of customers and provide for the most comfortable conditions for locker rooms and showers.

Be careful!

Another principle by which the premises are selected is for whom the martial arts school will be designed, if for the elite with a large subscription fee, then the premises must correspond to the contingent. Also located in the city center. But if the institution is designed for the middle class, then the premises should be chosen more modestly. Where should you start? If you decide that you are ready for a new business and opening a martial arts section is a dream for you, but you have absolutely no information on how to do it and where to start? Our article will help you understand all the intricacies of this business.

The first thing to start with is to choose the right place and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The room should be spacious so that there is enough space for all the necessary rooms.

How to open a sports club from scratch

You can stop there, or you can rent a room with an area of ​​​​200 m2 or more, make expensive repairs, purchase expensive equipment, find 5 or more assistants from outside or among your students, raise the lesson fee by one and a half times, put the administrator so that the assistants do not pocket proceeds and be called a martial arts club. The advantages are obvious, the main of which is the ability to conduct classes in parallel, respectively, to receive income from a larger number of man-hours. The salary of trainers is not less than 20,000 rubles per month, the salary of an administrator is not less than 35,000 rubles per month.

What. A lot of? But no one will be tempted to pocket contributions, because everyone will cherish such a highly paid job! A martial arts club with 5 coaches with an average employment of 6 hours a day will bring its owner about 600,000 rubles a month.

Most popular of the month


Such a start of a business is suitable not only for entrepreneurs who are adept at exotic martial arts, but also for traditional ones - karate, aikido, etc. The second stage is the martial arts section. When you save up 200,000 rubles, you can rent a room with an area of ​​80 m2. in a residential area of ​​a large city or in a small town with a population of no more than 250,000 people, you will pay about 60,000 rubles for rent. Then you can equip the premises at your own expense, or you can educate the children of the owners of construction companies or those who have the authority to make decisions for free and save 50% or more on the repair and purchase of equipment.

A few weeks before the move, start informing your pupils about the future move. If the new room is located at a distance of no more than 10 minutes from the old one on foot, you will not lose a single student.

Sports section business plan

As for the whole complex, the year of operation of this institution will cost 4,000,000 rubles. True, the turnover from doing business will have significant differences. The annual revenue of the section will not exceed 2,100,000 rubles, and that of the club will be about 5,800,000 rubles.
It turns out that the profit from the organization of the sports section will be equal to 600,000 rubles, which will make it possible to pay back the business in about a year. Earnings at the opening of the sports complex will be about 1,800,000 rubles. and will return the investment in the project in a year and a half. As you can see, both formats will turn out to be a very promising start to their business.
Therefore, it is appropriate for an entrepreneur who decides to do business in this direction to first try to launch a project with a sports section, and gradually developing, to raise the level of the institution to a full-fledged club.
Let's think about the staff Speaking about how to organize a sports section, you should clarify the minimum list of vacancies that you need to open. So, a small studio should have at least two instructors and an administrator. About 65,000 rubles should be provided for the formation of the wage fund. In order to save money, the owner will have to deal with the current accounting of financial and organizational issues. When we talk about a full-fledged sports complex, we need to consider the following list of employees:

  • manager (2) - 21,000;
  • coach (6) - 19 5000;
  • massage therapist (2) - 17,500;
  • technical staff (electrician, cleaner, watchman) - 40,000.

Even to create a small sports section, you will need at least two coaches and an administrator. As you can see, in this situation, the cost of paying salaries will amount to 194,000 rubles.

How to open a martial arts club from scratch

Moscow) - Top management (management) - Management (development department) - Management (sales department) - Management (advertising and PR department) - Creative department (creative group) - Legal department and accounting - Global advertising and PR (brand promotion , development)+ with the promotion of the Managing Partner in the local media / TV - Organization of rating tournaments in Boxing and MMA Work with personnel - Interaction with clients - Interaction with partners - Control over the quality of service - Participation in PR events (including mass media / TV) - Assistance in the process of BUILDING BUSINESS #1- Assistance in the process of DOING BUSINESS #2 disclosure see below What does it include BUSINESS CONSULTING? I.


Today, sports clubs are not just rooms with a variety of exercise equipment, they provide many additional services, for example, halls for martial arts, self-training, for training other sports programs. The better these services are provided, the more visitors such an institution will have. To open your own successful martial arts club, you first need to think over a business plan.

Today, both among young people and more mature men, various types of martial arts are very popular. Even the female half of society cannot resist this sport. Opening your own section of martial arts can subsequently bring good money, especially in small towns with little competition. To organize a business in this direction does not require huge investments. And the business project itself is not only commercial, but also beneficial to the health of society.

Analysis of the situation in the sports services market

Most often, this type of business is formed on the basis of educational institutions, when their gyms are rented for training.

Before opening your own business in this area, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of similar institutions already existing in the region, find out their focus, and assess the demand. Based on the results of the analysis, it will already be possible to decide on which types of martial arts it is most profitable to provide services. If you yourself own any kind of martial arts, then the direction of your activity is predetermined by itself. But, if there are no such skills, then, of course, you will have to hire experienced martial artists.

For the selection of coaches, it is worth organizing a rigorous selection according to the following criteria:

  • First of all, reputation as a coach.
  • teaching style.
  • Achievements of the students of each individual candidate for the position of coach.

A special teaching style, qualifications and a positive reputation of a trainer are the key to the success of a business in this area!

Demand for sports clubs

The market of sports services: sports clubs, martial arts sections, fitness clubs is in great demand. Despite the huge number of institutions already open, the demand for these services is not fully satisfied today. Therefore, the sports business is quite in demand, has good payback rates.

Boxing is an occupation from the series “does not kill, but makes stronger”. Like other martial arts, it teaches you to resist stress, improves reaction time and the ability to control the situation. Excellent physical shape, coupled with balance and psychological stability - isn't this what a modern city dweller needs? Give it to him, build a business in the unique niche of fitness services.

Opening a boxing club is a super-relevant entrepreneurial idea. The people are fed up with ordinary fitness, and have already acquired a craving for a healthy lifestyle. Improving your own body today is not a luxury, but a request of the mass consumer. At the same time, the Russians are ready for experiments in terms of the format of classes.

The niche of fitness services (sports and health) is relatively free today in cities with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants. But even in megacities there is where to turn around. Here you can successfully compete with online fitness players by occupying a narrow niche. The ideal moment has come to open brutal fighting schools and cozy studios, today such establishments are increasingly attracting the audience of the usual fitness. Narrow specialization, sports business with charisma - this is the basis of the school's success. But first things first.

Key business indicators: investments - from 500 thousand rubles, payback period - 0.5-1 year.

Business model

Boxing clubs are a kind of fitness centers and belong to the fitness services market. Therefore, the same rules apply to business as to the industry as a whole. However, there are nuances.

Boxing clubs that train the youth sports reserve and professional athletes are essentially educational: they use additional general education and general developmental training programs, and conduct appraisal of students. Such activities are subject to licensing and are not considered in this article.

The essence of business. Product

A boxing school (club) is a commercial sports and health institution specializing in boxing training for ordinary people, not athletes. The essence of the business is to adapt professional boxing for amateurs: clients improve their physical fitness by mastering martial arts. The main product is boxing classes, which include general physical training and training in fighting techniques. The degree of specialization of the club may be different.

In Russia, projects are successfully operating, tailored for one type of boxing and developing several areas at once:

  • classical;
  • Thai (Muay Thai);
  • French (savate);
  • kickboxing, etc.

The list of workouts can be supplemented with crossfit, which is used as a general physical training for fighters, and stretching, which is useful for kickboxing. One of the most popular areas is women's kickboxing, which is more effective for building an ideal body than regular fitness. And it's also fun.

Additional sources of income for the club: holding competitions, selling equipment (uniform, gloves, bandages), detox bar.

Classes are divided into:

  • group;
  • mini-groups;
  • individual (personal).

The target audience. Center Format

The boxing club's clients are people of any age and gender with an average and above average income. As a rule, successful projects are focused on working with men, but additionally recruit children's and women's groups. You can focus only on the neophytes or conduct classes for boxers with training.

In large cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants, the format of a boxing center for "white collars" is promising. Intellectual boxing is practiced here: managers / managers relieve stress after a hard day, improve their fighting qualities, abilities for concentration and self-control.

The choice of the target audience depends entirely on the concept of the institution. It is important to clearly position the club. Pricing, the level of professionalism of trainers, the location of the institution, the specifics of advertising and marketing efforts, and other important factors will depend on this in the future.

Boxing club formats:

1. White Collar Club

The antipode of a glamorous fitness center, although there is more than enough elite here. Designed for managers serving a working day in the office. It is located in the city center on large areas (from 500 sq. m.). The format implies high prices, the presence of a sauna, showers, massage rooms, bars (and not only with protein shakes). Target audience - men aged 25-50 with an income above average.

Successful projects and analogues: BOBO GYM (Moscow,, Oktyabr Boxing Club (Moscow,

2. “We box and lose weight” or “Family”

The club is positioned as an alternative to fitness, a more effective way to lose weight. Therefore, the program includes crossfit, stretching, women's kickboxing. The concept can belong to both premium and economy segments. The format is aimed at the general public, the audience is mixed: men and women with an average income and above, their children. The quality of training and service at a high level. Hammams and saunas are optional, a fitness bar is desirable, the possibility of consulting a dietitian, fitness testing. Target audience - men and women aged 18-40, children.

Successful projects: Boxing School No. 1 (St. Petersburg, www.boxing78.ruzhenskij-boks/), Boxing Academy (Moscow,

3. Boxing for kids

The club specializes in an audience of 6-17 years old. The emphasis is on strengthening the body, general physical training, but with elements of martial arts. Coaches are both good teachers and athletes at the same time. Particular attention is paid to occupational safety.

Success stories: No purely commercial projects have yet been discovered. The CYSS system is functioning, often with them enthusiasts open general strengthening boxing sections on a semi-commercial basis (parents pay a minimum fixed amount per month).

4. "Boxing for the sake of boxing"

Typically, such clubs specialize in hard boxing, rely on self-defense skills, and bring up real fighters, including women. The format is functional and rather ascetic: without nutritionists, saunas and bars. The most popular are Thai boxing and kickboxing, as well as their combination. Usually this is a “one-man theater”: a professional athlete opens his own school, where he trains personally.

Successful projects: Thai boxing club "Predator" (St. Petersburg,, Thai boxing school Legend Fight Club (St. Petersburg,

Pricing. Service payment system. seasonality

The pricing of the industry has its own peculiarities. As a rule, fitness centers implement a complex system of club cards / subscriptions, which provides for a loyalty program and takes into account all types of memberships: corporate, children, individual, family, etc.

Payment for the services of the club is based on a combination of different options:

  1. Subscription. The vast majority of Russian fitness clubs use a subscription system of payment for services. The client buys a club card for the duration of the contract: from one month to two years. The visitor, in fact, credits the institution, receiving in return the opportunity to unlimited visits to the center with a choice of training areas. The system with a long term of validity of club cards is not ideal - it is poorly adapted to the changing living conditions of consumers.
  2. Freeze subscription. A variation of the previous payment scheme with a well-thought-out “freeze” system, when the client can interrupt the contract for a while and resume it at will.
  3. Payment for training. A fixed fee is set for one lesson, in bulk (10 or more workouts) - cheaper. Personal and trial training are separate price list items.
  4. Payment for training with a decrease in cost. The client is offered a package of classes (daily or several times a week), each next workout is cheaper. Payment is made weekly. The system is rather exotic for Russia, but it is successfully applied in the USA.

The periods of peak sales in the fitness business are spring, autumn and winter. Summer is a time of recession and outflow of customers. During this period, it is advisable to apply additional discounts and promotions, as well as forcefully attract new customers.

The main problem of the industry is customer retention, therefore the success of a business is measured by the percentage of contract renewals. Clubs lose 30-50% of their customers annually, and the average cost of attracting new customers is 5 times higher than the cost of retaining old ones. A well-thought-out loyalty system, the professionalism of trainers and the quality of service are extremely important.


When choosing a club, the consumer is guided not only by the price level, but also by the quality of service. The institution should be located in a convenient location for the target audience. If we are talking about an elite audience, then the club should be opened in a prestigious area / building. For a democratic office audience, a school in the business center of the city is suitable.

The level of club service consists of many factors:

  • showers and convenient parking;
  • spacious training rooms, good ventilation, working condition of inventory and equipment, its sufficient quantity;
  • high-quality information support for the work of the club;
  • ensuring a high level of occupational safety, the correct selection of the intensity of loads.

But the main thing for business is the professionalism and friendliness of trainers, the friendliness and customer focus of administrators.

Relevance. Time to go to the regions

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Russian market of sports and fitness services has come a long way: fitness has ceased to be a privilege of the rich, has become a mass product and is increasingly associated with investments in health. Fitness center services are now more in demand in the comfort, economy and low cost segments than in premium and business segments.

Despite the crisis drop in the incomes of Russians and the decline in the average bill in the industry, according to RBC analysts, fitness services showed a positive trend in 2015 and grew by 3.6%. The forecast for the next 4-5 years is favorable - the market will continue to grow.

Why opening your own boxing center is an event with great potential:

  • the percentage of coverage of the Russian population with fitness services is only 3% (in Moscow this figure is 15%, in the regions - no more than 2%);
  • the desire for health and beauty is a global trend, it is difficult to save on this;
  • the low cost segment is developing;
  • the popularity of the studio format is growing, the usual fitness has become boring.

At the moment, cities with a population of 125-500 thousand people are promising for opening boxing clubs, where there are few or no large network projects, but there is interest in martial arts. But both in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is still room for development: the supply of fitness services is uneven in the districts, it is rather empty in the middle price segment (the cost of an annual club card is up to 50 thousand rubles). In addition, boxing clubs are a rather narrow fashion niche with their own specific audience.

Current problems of the industry: low incomes of the population, high rental rates and equipment prices. All this leads to a decrease in the marginality of services.

Instructions for opening a boxing club: briefly about the important

Before opening, you need to choose the format of the institution and draw up a business plan. Proceed to specific steps only after you know: what, to whom and how to sell.

Since 01/01/16, GOST R 56644-2015 “Services to the population. Fitness services. General requirements". The activities of commercial boxing clubs are subject to the standard. Certification according to GOST is voluntary, but the document is indispensable in the work and preparation for visitors from the authorities: it contains requirements for the safety of clubs, the quality of equipment and premises, and the qualifications of employees. Read, apply and be prepared.


For a commercial project, the organizational and legal forms of LLC and IP are suitable.

OKVED codes must be selected according to the classifier OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) as amended. dated 26.08.16:

  • activities of sports clubs and fitness centers, holding of sporting events - 93.12, 93.13 and 93.11;
  • fitness bar - code 56.30;
  • services of baths, showers, saunas, etc. - code 96.04;
  • massage salon - 86.90.3.

From the forms of taxation, the simplified tax system is suitable for income (the rate is 6%, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation can be reduced to 0%). For individual entrepreneurs, there is another attractive option - a patent for the type of activity "Conducting classes in physical culture and sports" (rate 0-6% depending on the region). Both taxation systems are under regional jurisdiction, we recommend that you first study the issue on the ground.

Licenses, Permits, Notices

  1. Medical license. In general, if the club does not provide for a medical worker and a massage room, then a license is not needed. Therefore, it is not necessary to obtain the conclusion of the SES.

    If the club has a medical and / or massage room, you will have to obtain a license for medical activities with all the ensuing consequences (according to Government Decree No. 291 of 16.04.12, the package of documents for obtaining a license includes a free economic zone for premises, documents for medical equipment, medical personnel, etc.).

  2. Educational license. If a commercial boxing club provides sports and health services and is not engaged in educational activities, including training for the fitness services market, then a license is not needed.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor notice. According to Law N 294-FZ of December 22, 2008 “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs ...”, catering organizations and those providing household services (including bath and shower services) must inform the regulatory authorities about the fact of the start of activities. If the club pleases visitors with a phyto-bar, sauna or hammam, you need to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor in a standard form.

No other permits are required according to Law N 294-FZ, but the activity must comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements (see below).

Documents regulating the activities of fitness clubs

  1. GOSTs:

    GOST R 56644-2015 "Fitness services";

    GOST 12.1.004-91 "Fire safety";

    GOST 32670-2014 "Services of baths and showers";

    GOST R 52024-2003 and 52025-2003 “Physical health and sports services. General requirements” and “Consumer safety requirements”;

    GOST R 55321-2012 “SPA services. General requirements".

  2. Sanitary requirements:

    SP 31-112-2004 "Physical and sports halls" (parts 1 and 2);

    SP No. 2.3.6. "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations ...";

    SanPiN 1S67-76 "Sanitary rules for the arrangement and maintenance of places of employment in physical culture and sports", ed. dated 31.10.1996.

  3. Laws:

    No. 2300-1 dated February 7, 1992 “On consumer protection”;

    N9 329-FZ of 04.12.07 "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation";

    N9 384-FZ dated 12/30/09 "Tech. regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”;

    N9 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “Tech. fire safety regulation.

Premises and equipment

The location of the club must correspond to the chosen format. However, in all cases, premises in industrial zones, as well as those that are inconvenient for customers in terms of "getting there", will not work. Throughout the world, fitness centers are traditionally located in rented space. Preference should be given to long-term leases in order to recoup investments in repairs.

The club can accommodate 150 sq. m, but this is the minimum. Ceiling height is important, it is better to choose from 3 m or more.

Regardless of the size of the room, it is necessary to highlight:

  • a gym, and preferably two: one for training, the second, with a boxing ring, for competitions and performances;
  • reception area;
  • locker rooms;
  • room for showers and toilets.

If the audience is not only male, you need to take care of separate locker rooms and showers for women and children.


We need coaches and administrative staff. The higher the professionalism of the coaching staff, the better. Invite athletes with real achievements: masters of sports and champions, people with coaching experience and higher education in the field of physical culture and sports. You can’t save on staff, the success of a business lies in it.

If the format requires it, hire a dietitian, masseur. A medical worker in the staff of the club is welcome - the sport is traumatic. Accounting and cleaning functions should be outsourced.

Advertising and marketing

Potential clients - active Internet users, offer them the most complete information about the club on the site: about training, student achievements, types of boxing, training methods (if any), trainers, payment system, discounts and bonuses.


The boxing direction of fitness services is developing very actively, so there are many franchise offers, there are plenty to choose from.

1. Boxing Academy Franchise

  • Lump sum: 350 thousand rubles
  • Investments: 1,950 - 3,600 thousand rubles
  • Payback period: 1 month
  • "BOXING ACADEMY" ( is a network of premium sports clubs for women, men and children. The company has been in boxing since 2011, and was one of the invited consultants from the professional community to develop GOST for fitness services. Requirements for the premises: from 200 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3.5 m.

2. Rocky Franchise

  • Lump sum: 350 thousand rubles
  • Investments: 500 - 1,500 thousand rubles
  • Payback period: 6 months
  • Rocky (rockyclub.rufranchasing) are white-collar boxing clubs. The company has been in the know since 2013. They use unique Rocky training methods. Requirements for the premises: from 200 sq. m. with a ceiling height of 2.5 m.

    Boxing clubs Moscowboxing ( and Udarnik ( also have offers, but little information has been published for franchisee partners.

More and more people are starting to pay more attention to their health. To have a good physical shape and a beautiful, muscular figure for many people today is becoming extremely important. But many are driven to gyms and private sports classes by the desire to relieve negative energy and stress, or to achieve outstanding results, to become a professional in their chosen sport. Boxing is considered an excellent option to achieve these goals. It has always been consistently popular both among those wishing to engage professionally and among amateurs. Therefore, everyone who is interested in boxing needs to train somewhere. Having a well-designed business plan, you can quickly promote a newly created boxing school, and get a fairly high profit.

Where to start a business?

In the sports field, there are a lot of offers for any wallet and in various directions. The competition in this field of activity is quite high - these are almost all sports sections and clubs that offer training using various techniques, first of all - boxing schools and sections.

To take into account all the nuances even before the opening of the school, you need to study similar offers that are in your city. Having established in which niche - professional or amateur, the filling is the smallest, you need to delve deeper into the nuances of price offers and demand for this service by region. Such monitoring will allow developing a more flexible pricing policy, choosing the most interesting types and areas of work for potential clients, and choosing the most suitable location for the future boxing school.

Many aspects of activity depend on the amount of start-up capital, and in the conditions of fierce competition, every effort must be made to ensure that the school offers its clients comprehensive services with high quality.

Equipment needed to open a boxing school

The gym should be equipped primarily with strength training equipment. To open a small school, you can buy about 15 simulators. The amount required for this is about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • sports equipment: pancakes, dumbbells, barbells, etc. - 50 thousand rubles;
  • punching bags (the cost of 1 pear is about 4 thousand rubles) x10 pcs. =40 thousand rubles;
  • rings for training and competitions - from 80 thousand rubles 1 training ring;
  • furniture, household materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • repair, preparation of premises - 200 thousand rubles.

In general, starting costs without renting a room will be about 1,020,000 rubles (including the cost of buying a ring - 600 thousand rubles).

Boxing school staff

The main work in the boxing school is performed by trainers and mentors. They must have work experience, certain sporting achievements. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the groups with which the mentors will work. If, for example, a coach works with athletes who aspire to become professionals, he must have not only experience, but also an appropriate “track record”, awards, experience in training winning boxers.

For novice athletes, such a titled mentor can even get in the way, since he has high requirements that are not realistic for novice boxers.

In children's groups, it is necessary to select not only a coach-athlete, he must also be a good teacher.

It is also desirable to have a doctor on staff, as this sport is traumatic.

We also need administrative staff. 2 people are enough for shift work and a manager, whose functions can be performed by the owner of the school. The services of an accountant, lawyer, tax consultant can be outsourced.

It is also necessary to hire security for the school - 2 people, work in shifts.

Business profitability

A subscription to a boxing gym today costs about 3,500 rubles. If you attract an average of 150 people to the club, you can make a monthly profit of about 525 thousand rubles.

Rent, utility bills, wages, consumables will amount to about 200-250 thousand rubles.

525,000 - 200,000 \u003d 275,000 rubles. - income received for 1 month of work.

Payback with an investment of 1 million 020 thousand rubles is about 4 months.

Documents, licensing

If the boxing school will operate as a commercial enterprise, it is preferable to register as a legal entity - LLC, since this form of business is more significant. The cost of registering an LLC is 4 thousand rubles.

A legal entity must have an authorized capital.

You can register a boxing school as an individual entrepreneur. But in this option, the individual entrepreneur puts at risk not only his own part of the capital, but also his property.

There is an option to register as a non-profit organization. In this case, you can count on state support - the state often allocates various grants, certain privileges apply to NGOs, since they carry out socially important activities. In financial terms, it can even be more profitable than commercial activities. In the case of planning a full-fledged teaching job, you will have to obtain a license. It is not required for other registration options.

The choice of premises for the boxing school

To open a boxing school, you need to rent a fairly large room. It would be nice to have several rooms, in addition to the training room:

  • a gym with a good capacity, so that there is free access to the simulators and there are no queues;
  • a hall with a ring for sparring (at the beginning of the activity, you can combine it with a gym);
  • sanitary facilities - locker rooms, toilets, showers;
  • hozadminpremiya.

It is desirable to have a separate training room for children, if such a direction is developed, since many parents do not approve of training in the halls shared with adults. If girls will study at school, it is necessary to provide separate sanitary rooms for them.

For a boxing school, you need to look for a room with dimensions of 150-200 m. The height of the ceilings in them should be at least 2.4-3 m. It is advisable to rent a room closer to the city center, as most of the clients prefer training in the evening.

In order for the boxing school to attract as many sports fans as possible, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this in it. Only a well-equipped hall with a full set of equipment, a good ring, and experienced professional trainers will be able to interest boxing fans to enroll in clubs and attend the newly opened school.


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