Crm for services with a schedule. How to make millions as movers. Top menu Control

Storverk CRM is a reliable tool for the professional services industry.


CRM functionality for b2c and b2b services allows you to effectively store and find all information O leads and clients, in any context using the “Additional details” subsystem. Integration With IP telephony allows you to keep track of and record calls, and the built-in mail client quickly navigate your correspondence history. Using subsystems telemarketing and SMS and e-mail mailings, Storverk CRM allows you to both support sales to current customers and expand customer base. Using Storverk CRM at service enterprises allows you to get additional competitive advantages in the fight for the client. Trends market on personalization client proposals and omnichannel sales can only be met if modern software products and industry solutions are used.

Availability of different negotiation scenarios are decided straightaway several problems typical for telephone sales: firstly, managers feel more confident, following the branched diagram, using the tips and photographic materials attached to it; secondly, the leader any time can analyze both the quality of filling out information on the client, and the stages at which the loss of the client occurs and optimize the offer; Thirdly, all information by interaction automatically structured and can be used for further analysis.

IN Storverk CRM for b2c services you can choose a convenient form email reminders, via SMS or in the notification window.

Meetings, calls, sending letters occurs in one system, which allows the manager to carry out analysis of employee activity and employment online and during the selected period. Accurate forecasting of employee labor costs is possible thanks to work time planner And automatic start of business processes. At any time employee knows exactly what he should do and doesn't waste time on creating a daily routine and ranking tasks.

" BIBOSS will dot all the i’s and help you make the most optimal choice.

It’s worth starting with a short story about these companies. Both of them began their existence in St. Petersburg. Gruzchikov-Service appeared on the market in 2010 and opened a franchise relatively recently (2014). The company is engaged in providing loaders and general workers to warehouses, production facilities and for relocations. By the way, the company has its own fleet of 10 cars of different carrying capacity, so Gruzchikov-Service can fully organize the relocation or transportation of goods (i.e. provide both personnel and a vehicle).

In turn, “Personal Solution” has existed in this area a little longer, the company dates back to 2007 and has been working in the direction of franchising since 2013. The “assortment” of labor provided by the company is the same as that of Loaders-Service. The only caveat is the ability to provide cashiers and other personnel for work that does not require special knowledge.

As for the franchising offers of companies, there are differences. The initial investment in the Personal Solution franchise will be greater, but the monthly payments to the franchisor will be less than in Gruzchikov-Service. Accordingly, the payback period for the latter franchisee will come faster.

Regarding profit, the minimum amounts promised by franchisors are approximately the same. The income of both companies is formed in a formulaic way: the number of working hours is multiplied by the rate. For example, 1000 hours per month multiplied by 50 rubles, and from every 50 rubles the employee receives his share - approximately 50%. The rest goes to the company. It is worth noting that for both companies the cost of an hour of work differs depending on the city and type of work, so the rate can be 120 or 250 rubles. If you look at the companies’ websites, then “Personal Solutions” prices in St. Petersburg are much higher than those of “Loaders-Service”.

Just like most companies that have opened a franchising business, “Personal Solution” and “Gruzchikov-Service” have provided for several business formats. The first has five, the second has three. However, franchisors have different approaches to ranking them. If “Gruzchikov-service” divides franchise formats according to the scale of cities (with a population of 200-600 thousand, with a population of 600-1000 thousand and Moscow and St. Petersburg), then “Personal Solution” - depending on the services provided by the franchisor (IT system , business plan for receiving a subsidy, number of consultations) and exclusivity offers.

Full automation

We must pay tribute that both companies have a developed CRM system that allows you to automate all processes: from selecting a team for a site to rating each worker. So the IT product “Gruzchikov-Service” itself “issues fines”, records lateness, calls, etc. And the “Personal Solutions” program simplifies the hiring of personnel close to the site due to geolocation.

When it comes to leasing personnel, especially if this service is provided through a franchise, the question arises: how to ensure the quality of the services provided? The answer lies again in controlling employees using a CRM system. If a worker is late or another complaint is made against him, the company no longer cooperates with him. Due to the fact that everything is recorded automatically, it eliminates human factor, and irresponsible workers can be easily identified.

It is worth noting that the issue of control over personnel is very important in this area of ​​business, since the level of services provided is the calling card of the company.

“There is no competition between brands in this area,” shared Ilya Ivanov, a representative of Gruzchikov-Service.

According to Ilya, the brand doesn’t mean anything here. You must scrupulously monitor the work of your employees and, if problems arise, take full responsibility. The client should know that he can come to the office, talk about the current problematic situation, and it will be resolved, and not be told that “the company is not responsible for the actions of the loader, you can go to court.”

It must be said that both “Loaders Service” and “Personal Solution” have succeeded in attracting clients, since they include well-known companies. For example, the first serves Vkontakte and Gazprom Transgaz, and the second serves Lenta and Mavis-Stroy.

However, if you decide to find services for renting movers on the Internet, you will notice that “Loaders Service” does SEO optimization of the site better than “Personal Solution”.

Franchisee's opinion

Among the interviewed franchisees of the two companies, there were no sharply negative reviews. Some partners did not even consider other franchises in this area; they found “Personal Solution” or “Loaders Service” and ended their search with the first franchise offer.

One of the Gruzchikov-Service franchisees said that in the process of choosing a franchise, he considered both “Personal Solution” and “Gruzchikov-Service”. However, Personal Resolution, in his opinion, was unable to provide comprehensive information on the issues that interested him, and the Gruzchikov-service company promptly gave detailed answers to them, so the choice was made in favor of the latter. As the franchisee noted, in fact , it all depends on the skill of the specialist who sells the franchise.If it is done by a professional, your choice has already been determined.

Each company franchisee highlighted something different. However, in total, the advantages of both companies are the same. The main thing that the partners of both companies wanted to convey was that they received the necessary help in starting to create a business.

Dry residue

As you can see, both franchisors are worthy of becoming their partners. Their differences are not so significant, and you can choose the option that is most suitable for you.

Thus, both companies provide their franchisees with a well-developed IT product and a proven marketing strategy. Just keep in mind that if it is convenient for you to invest a large amount of investment at the start, but have a small percentage of monthly deductions, then the “franchise” is suitable for you. If it's the other way around - "".

Also, if you are opening in a small city with a population of 200-600 thousand people, then by purchasing an offer from Loaders-Service, you will receive all the necessary materials and assistance specifically for this city format.

However, if you want to independently choose the services that the franchisor will provide you under the contract, regardless of where you plan to open a business, buy the “Personal Solution” franchise.

After reviewing the presented franchises, you can express your opinion and

I have been purchasing power tools from the same chain for several years. Usually the purchasing process was ordinary: twice a year I bought equipment there, checked it in the hall, and the sellers issued a receipt and a guarantee. I recently needed a chainsaw. I went to my usual network and bought it. They asked for your full name, date of birth, phone number, and within a minute they gave you a discount card with points awarded for the purchase. A few days later I received an SMS about a promotion for February 23rd - I bought a serious set of socket heads. Then I received a notification that new oil for my saw was on sale. This is how they increased the frequency of my visits. And why? As it turned out, CRM was introduced in this network relatively recently.

The development of online communications, specialized platforms, social networks and services has made inevitable adjustments to relationships with clients. Pampered and informed, buyers and customers strive to receive goods (services) quickly, efficiently, and professionally. They expect unobtrusive attention, ideal service, after-sales service (new products, promotions and even... happy holidays). If you hesitate a little or misfire, consumers will go to competitors - fortunately now everyone knows about everyone and in most cases it is not difficult to find an analogue.

It doesn’t matter what field you work in - b2b or b2c, whether you sell concrete structures or balloons, in any case, your task has long outgrown the well-known classic capital turnover formula “money-product-money”. Now the formula has expanded and requires maximum attention to be paid to the sales process. CRM systems play an important role in the sales process. If previously they were the province of fashion companies who wanted to count and take into account, now they are essential software that, with the right approach, allows you to advance your business to a new level.

What types of CRM are there?
If in 2007 I answered this question “analytical and operational,” then in 2015 I will answer unequivocally: cloud and desktop. Developers of all stripes felt the growth of the enterprise software market and began to create their own numerous systems that compete with solutions that have been working since the early 2000s. Some of them can hardly be called CRM, some burst into the market and grabbed a powerful share.

Approaching the peak of popularity cloud solutions- easy to deploy, intuitive, and does not distract employees from their favorite browsers. In the vast majority of cases, they are delivered using the SaaS model - that is, a monthly subscription fee is paid for CRM and the system is deployed on a third-party server (most often third-party even relative to the vendor). In principle, such systems are suitable for small companies that do not care much about data safety and security. Alas, when it comes to three-way (and sometimes more) interaction, the risk of problems with software increases. In addition, cloud CRM is dependent not only on the Internet, but also on connection speed. Since not all of Russia is doing well with this, working in cloud services is sometimes very difficult. The most popular representatives in Russia are bpm"online from Terrasoft, amoCRM , Client base; for some reason clearly classified as CRM Megaplan And Bitrix 24, which are essentially a corporate information system with a built-in CRM module.

Second class CRM – desktop. As a rule, these are systems with a long history and strong functionality. They are deployed on the client’s server and are completely owned by him after a one-time (although installments and rental are also available) payment for licenses. You can work offline in such CRMs without fear of losing data. Desktop systems are distinguished by well-developed modules, the presence of built-in integrations, configurators and SDKs. Previously, such systems placed certain requirements on the company’s hardware; today, many of them are so optimized that a regular computer can act as a server. Some of the Russian desktop vendors are gradually moving to the cloud, but nevertheless offer customers a choice. Today, Terrasoft and Freshoffice have left the desktop systems market and offer only the cloud to new clients. On-site solutions are offered by a foreign vendor Microsoft Dynamics CRM(there is a cloud) RegionSoft CRM(no cloud, but there is a rental scheme), Client-Communicator Click CRM(there is still a damp web-CRM) and so on.

I am a supporter of desktop systems, so I will not give unambiguous advice without knowing the structure and features of a particular business. I can only talk about the economic aspect. If you do not plan to close your company in the next two years and are implementing CRM for business, then the desktop with all the functionality turns out to be cheaper: you pay once and for all, and rental payments for the cloud in a short period of time outgrow the cost of implementing CRM as a desktop project and become frankly unprofitable. After realizing this, a business has two options - either buy CRM again and migrate the database, or continue to pay, because the database has been developed, work is underway, there is nowhere to go. That's what it's all about.

What can CRM do?
It's no secret that any CRM takes into account customers, products, and transactions. Today, the line between CRM and ERP has almost disappeared - most popular systems have become universal. Therefore, modern CRM systems, in addition to their standard functionality that has been refined over the years, perform a huge number of functions, meeting almost any business need.

Planning, task and project management. An important functionality that allows you to organize working time and optimize project work. With the help of planners and project modules, you can work collectively on one task, dividing responsibilities and regulating deadlines. Reminders and notifications that arrive automatically help you not to forget anything. Some mechanisms for planning and project management are provided even in the simplest CRM.

Setting up and managing business processes. Every company has processes that occur periodically and according to the same pattern: logistics deliveries, inventories, purchases, approvals. During such chains of operations, most often there is a weak link: forgot, missed, did not meet the deadline. As a result, entire units suffer. The business process mechanism helps to deal with such problems - you strictly configure the algorithm, define the stages, assign responsibilities, deadlines, actions and reminders - as a result, the work turns out to be coherent and timely.

As an independent module, business processes do not exist in all CRM systems, therefore, if creating a graphical and logical process algorithm is extremely important to you, you should carefully consider the choice and take a closer look at CRMs that include such functionality.

Managing clients and interactions with them. Even based on the decoding of the abbreviation CRM, this is the main functionality. Until now, many companies find a place for their clients in Excel or, at best, Access. At the same time, sooner or later problems arise both with data samples and with damage to all information in the tables.

The task of CRM for business is to create a single workspace in the form of an interaction interface capable of processing data from the database and performing various operations with it. In this case, the user only accesses the data, but has no influence on it - it is stored in the database unharmed, regardless of the correctness of the operator’s behavior. Well-known powerful CRMs help create mailing lists, group clients, store relationship history, etc. All this makes CRM an indispensable assistant for front office managers and sales people.

Integration with services and equipment. CRM for business should act as the basis of a unified infrastructure, therefore, if there is special equipment or services (website, online store), the program should be integrated with them. This is necessary both from the point of view of correct accounting and from the point of view of obtaining the most relevant data.

Accounting, reporting, analytics. The data accumulated in CRM should serve as the basis for decision-making and the development of marketing and sales initiatives. For data analysis, CRM provides built-in tools, such as sales funnel, ABC analysis, and summary reports. Some CRMs allow you to create unique reports that you need, for example, using OLAP or the Fast Report designer. In CRM knowledge bases you can accumulate experience, best practices, and survey clients. Thus, the system also performs a training function - a new employee will not have to ask for every little detail, it will be enough to study the accumulated materials.

In almost all popular CRMs, you can create templates for documents, contracts, commercial proposals, and generate primary and closing documentation. Programs (especially desktop ones) are easily customized and adapted to the needs of any business. But it would not be amiss to remind you that improvements require additional money and you need to be prepared for this. As well as the fact that an ordinary programmer may not be able to cope with the logic of software that is new to him, so it is better not to save money, but to turn to the vendor. Moreover, often improvements on the part of the vendor will cost you much less than the six-month salary of your developer, who never completed the task. In general, I recommend not treating the vendor as a seller, but cooperating with him throughout the life of the project, because no one except the CRM developer can provide you with prompt and professional service.

For a more visual representation of the use of CRM, we will analyze two simple cases.

CRM for sales: wholesale and retail
It seems that in a retail store CRM for sales is definitely not justified - the operator simply does not have time to enter every customer into the system. I have come across this opinion many times – and it is fundamentally wrong. Modern CRMs work with retail equipment, huge product ranges, POS terminals, and at the same time can be the cornerstone of starting a loyalty program.
  • CRMs provide effective accounting of item items and warehouse management - using a system that has warehouse accounting (RegionSoft CRM or KliK CRM), you get full control over the warehouse online and can send orders for missing items for production or application to the supplier on time;
  • By entering customer data into the system and using discount cards, you can create loyalty programs for various consumer groups;
  • Thanks to reports with many parameters, you can analyze the structure of trade turnover and promptly display irrelevant product items - this is how the store owner protects himself from illiquid balances in the warehouse;
  • CRM helps to take into account the efficiency and productivity of each employee - thus, management receives grounds for motivating or depressing staff.
  • In addition to popular printed leaflets and TV advertising, you can send SMS messages or colorful HTML letters to your customers who provided an e-mail when registering for the loyalty program. If you have an online store, you can integrate it with CRM. You can also integrate CRM with the website and receive leads for further work directly from there;
  • Some CRMs are well designed for working with retail (MS Dynamics CRM has especially succeeded in this through paid third-party connectors and RegionSoft CRM in the Professional and Enterprise editions) and they can even be used to print price tags on special printers.
Of course, the process of implementing CRM in a large store or several locations is neither quick nor cheap; it requires additional hardware and human resources. However, grateful customers will always return to the company that attracted them with attention, quality service and a loyalty program. This is why CRM projects successfully pay for themselves and provide a reason to differentiate themselves from competitors who are not ready or unwilling to develop their IT infrastructure.
CRM in the service sector
Recently, “Zuckerberg Calls” published a cry from the heart of a beauty salon owner who had never found his system. The author is either being disingenuous or is only familiar with incoming offers about CRM, being too lazy to scour the market. He stops at the first stage - the stage of collecting and entering data, and is silent about other aspects of the relationship with clients. Meanwhile, it is in the service sector that CRM is becoming increasingly indispensable. Let's consider the situation. There is a salon, the salon has a paper logbook for recording clients and provides for the issuance of a discount card after accumulating services for 10,000 rubles. How it all happens: a person is signed up for 30 seconds, then they are asked to keep receipts in order to wait for the card, then they are signed up again and, if the client does not come very often, they may not count him as a regular one. With CRM the situation looks different.
  • Yes, the initial data entry takes more than 30 seconds. But now there is gender, age, date of birth, phone number, payment history and structure of services used are accumulated. Result: the card was issued on time, the birthday greeting was sent, a colorful newsletter with new products was sent, and the additional service that was most interesting to the client was successfully sold;
  • Sometimes a VIP client goes unnoticed if you write it down in a notebook. For example, client A visited you and spent 10,500 rubles - you gave him a card and he will not return to you. And there is client B, who has been spending 3,000 per quarter for the second year. He doesn't walk often, but consistently. The changing managers at the reception do not remember him - but he has actually been a VIP for a long time and ensuring his more frequent visits and a larger check is a matter of several proposals;
  • A client portrait and a portfolio of services are formed. By correlating them with each other, you can carry out effective promotional events that hit the target audience exactly;
  • If we are talking about a network of salons, then a properly configured CRM will make it possible to collect and centralize data collected from each point into a single database in real time.
The extent to which everything will be integrated with the cash register or serve only for customer management depends on the skills of the staff and the desire to build a unified IT infrastructure. Let's return to the beauty salon: it purchases a lot of consumables and cosmetic products, which tend to run out very quickly. The receipt of products and their consumption can also be taken into account in the CRM and it is easy to send an order if everything is finished. In this case, CRM (for example, RegionSoft CRM, 1C CRM, MS Dynamics CRM via connectors) will be able to work with the cash register and discount cards. It would not be amiss to plan the work of staff in CRM and calculate their motivation using the KPI mechanism - key performance indicators. This functionality is available to almost all of the solutions listed in this article.

CRM in the service industry works on two fronts - it performs its main function of tracking and managing customer relationships and works as an accounting system for the entire business.

Which CRM to choose?
Alas, just as there is no single cure for all diseases, there is no absolutely universal CRM. It is worth considering systems based on a number of factors: requirements, need for modification, company infrastructure, availability of a technical specialist on staff, price. I basically put the price in last place for a number of reasons:
  • you can find good solutions in any price segment, even free ones if we are talking about one user (for example, desktop KliK CRM and RegionSoft CRM Express);
  • The imaginary low price of the cloud, for example, can in three years outgrow the cost of a desktop project several times and throw off all your preliminary calculations;
  • experience shows that the average cost of implementing CRM in a small business is about the annual salary of a middle manager. For some reason, managers often easily hire “extra” employees, but actively resist paying for a tool that can not only free up enormous amounts of managers’ time, but sometimes even replace some of them. In most cases, implementing a CRM is a low-risk investment with a quick return on investment.
It is much more important to understand who you are and what you need. If you just keep a list of clients and look at the results of transactions, almost any of the modern systems will suffice. If you are going to seriously manage your marketing, it is better to take a closer look at CRM systems like A CRM system can significantly automate a business operating in the service sector and help free up the resources necessary for the development of the company.

CRM for the service industry

CRM for the service industry

To date CRM in the service sector are practically not used. There is no automation at all. Therefore, the level of service leaves much to be desired. How can you use CRM to sell services?

In Europe and the USA, CRM has long been used in the service sector. If a client comes to the hairdresser to get a haircut, the CRM system automatically books him for the next haircut, and sends a notification a few days before the visit. And this is not fantasy.

Obvious advantages of a CRM system for accounting services: saving employee time and eliminating the human factor. The administrator will not forget to warn the client. And the likelihood of retaining the client is high, since the level of service is much higher.

In Russia now everything is done manually. It is not uncommon for people to make mistakes, and as a result, a business suffers losses.

In Russia, less than 10% of companies use CRM in the service sector, annually losing hundreds of thousands of rubles in potential profit.

amoCRM for the service sector will help correct the situation - a program for accounting clients and automating business processes, integrated with popular services, SMS and email newsletters, with built-in telephony for convenient calling clients. This is not just a multifunctional database in which all the necessary information about clients is spelled out in detail - it is a key tool for the development of your business.

amoCRM is perfect for completing the assigned tasks. The system implements functionality that allows you to analyze sales, set tasks, assign deadlines and responsibilities. The manager can monitor the progress of work without even being in the office, thanks to online access. In addition, you can integrate CRM with your website or landing pages, as well as Universal (Google) Analytics.

Does your business have specific CRM requirements? There is no longer any need to buy an expensive CRM or develop your own. You can easily customize amoCRM to suit your needs through the free API! With the help of your programmer, you simply adapt the ready-made functionality of the CRM system to the specifics of your company. Enjoy all the benefits of amoCRM - register and start increasing the profits of your business!


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