Interesting sales cases. What is profitable to sell now? History in the fitness center

Mistakes of sales managers

The vast majority of commercial enterprises in Russia have ineffective sales departments. Sales are several times less than they could be, the financial situation of enterprises is deplorable. And all because extremely harmful myths have taken root in the heads of general directors and sales managers of these enterprises.

These are the myths:

1. Sales managers actively work and sell

How do we imagine the work of an active sales department? From morning to evening, sales managers actively make calls to Clients and go to meetings with them. At these meetings, they negotiate with Clients, enter into transactions with them, and sell the Company’s goods and services. And the Companies earn a lot of money. It's like that? No not like this! This whole Christmas picture is a lie and self-deception!

One of the most important principles of professional sales management says: 9 out of 10, or even 19 out of 20 sales managers, left to their own devices, cannot sell at more than 20-30% of possible intensity. This means that the intensity of their work is one third, or even one fifth, of what is required. That is, they make 3-5 times fewer calls and meetings with Clients than they could.

Most sales managers themselves cannot force themselves to work with the required intensity. Only sales managers can provide the necessary intensity of work for sales managers.

When actively working, a sales manager can hold 10-15 meetings a week, lasting an hour or more each, on-site to clients in different areas of their city. So, most sales managers who work according to this scheme either make no more than 1-3 meetings with Clients per week, or do not go to Clients at all.

And if businessmen try, out of laziness and for the sake of their convenience, to resolve all issues with the Client over the phone, we are no longer talking about sales. The maximum that they can do in this case is to more or less successfully conduct sales. That is, offering Clients what they need in advance at a price that suits them in advance.

The work of an active corporate sales manager is hard, nervous, and in some places downright disgusting. Most people are simply not cut out to do this work in any effective way.

There are, of course, some morally and physically strong people with a powerful energizer inside. They are able to independently, without management control or outside prodding, make many meetings with Clients - day after day, every day. And we all know such employees. But there are very few of them - as mentioned above, one out of every 10-20 sales managers. And you can’t form a sales department from them.

All other sales managers are able to work intensively only under one condition: almost continuous control and managerial influence from the sales manager. Needless to say, most sales managers have no idea how to organize this control and exercise this influence.

What's even worse is that CEOs don't even know anything about these critical functions that a professional sales leader must perform every day, from morning to evening. In order to control the intensity of employee work, it is necessary to introduce into the work of the sales department such an important reporting and control form as “Commercial Work Statistics”.

Moreover: it is necessary to develop and approve standards for commercial work - which are good and acceptable statistics of daily and weekly calls and meetings with Clients. But reporting and control forms and other similar pieces of paper are dead without managerial influence.

In order for the “Commercial Work Statistics” to actually be filled out and applied, it is necessary to start every morning in the sales department with a morning operational exercise. Such operations should be carried out by sales managers, in the morning of every working day, lasting 15-20, maximum 30 minutes.

During the morning routine you need to track:

The results of work for the previous day are based on Commercial Work Statistics.

The fighters' plans for today - and how you can help them.

Questions and problems that have arisen with Clients - and how to solve them.

Sales results from the beginning of the month - and expected sales until the end of the month.

Provide an infusion of morning energy.

. “Questions, wishes, comments are free. Disperse!

2. Sales managers will work hard because they want to make more money.

Yes and no. In general, even the best, most effective and adequate system of remuneration for sales managers has some positive effect on the intensity of their efforts only for part of the month.

Usually, the closer to the end of the month, the stronger the motivating effect of a good remuneration system. But in the first 10-15 days of the month, even the best motivation system has virtually no effect on the intensity of calls and meetings of sales managers.

On the contrary, if the remuneration system is crooked and poor, it ruins all the efforts of sales managers and completely kills their desire to work. Another danger that you should always remember is that a high, stable income, obtained without much effort, is one of the strongest demotivators.

The main thing you should not forget about is that no system of motivation and remuneration, even the best one, will force your sales managers to work actively and make the required number of calls and meetings. This can only be ensured by strict regular management influence based on standards and technologies. What we already talked about above.

3. HR specialists can be entrusted with recruiting personnel for the sales department, and they will cope with it

In many companies, selecting new employees from the labor market and hiring them is entirely the responsibility of HR specialists. In most cases, personnel officers try not to let anyone into the selection process. Insisting that they are professionals and no one can do this job better than them.

At best, sales managers are allowed to conduct an individual interview with the applicant at the very end of the selection process. As a result, the vast majority of general directors I know complain that recruiting sales managers for their companies is only possible with enormous difficulty.

And the few sales managers who do manage to get hired are no good at all. And they are completely incapable of selling. In fact, the problem is not at all in the labor market, where most of the time there are many promising and even quite strong candidates available.

The problem is how professional personnel recruit employees. Most of them are pathologically unable to organize effective recruitment from the labor market. Their abilities are somehow enough to hire drivers and accountants-cashiers.

Organizing a competition for key positions in large, well-known, respectable companies with high salaries and an extensive social package is also not a Newton binary. But recruiting sales managers is a completely different matter.

Sales managers and sales representatives are the most in-demand specialty in the labor market. The largest number of vacancies in every newspaper and on every employment website are devoted specifically to the search for sales managers and sales representatives. It is for employees of these professions that there is the most fierce competition in the labor market.

In order to attract good sales managers from the labor market and hire them, it is necessary to organize a powerful competitive selection using strong, effective technology. Most personnel officers are completely incapable of doing this. And the pitiful results that personnel officers can provide by selecting applicants at their usual individual interviews cannot satisfy the company in terms of either the quantity or quality of personnel recruited.

4. You can find professional sales managers on the labor market

How do you think the number of PROFESSIONAL sales managers correlates with the number of jobs where they are expected and wanted? Optimists believe - one in ten. Pessimists think that the more likely ratio is “one in a hundred.” That is, for every truly professional sales manager, there are from ten to a hundred jobs where they want him.

Next question: Do PROFESSIONAL sales managers change jobs more often? Or rather rarely? That's right, rather rarely. Because many objective reasons keep them in their current job:

They already have an established customer base.

They are well versed in the specifics of the goods and services that their company offers to its customers.

Personal relationships have been built with clients, thanks to which sales are made easily and regularly.

They are valued in the company, they are “stars”.

Half a day is enough for them to earn good money.

During the remaining half of the day, they go about their business, interests and hobbies.

Many of these “stars” have a favorite hobby - blackmailing management.

Why change anything under such chocolate conditions?

Therefore, true professionals rarely enter the free labor market. However, sometimes a person who looks like a real professional may enter your competition. He behaves like a true professional. He knows how to present himself well. His resume may include very respectable companies where he previously worked. And all is well. Only his places of work change quite often.

From all of the above, the first principle of recruiting personnel from the open labor market follows:


Let's say you managed to find a professional businessman. But will he be a professional in selling YOUR goods and services? Hardly. To do this, he needs to know your specifics well. And this will take time. And the experience that comes from dozens and hundreds of negotiations. The likelihood that you will be able to attract a READY professional from the labor market for the specifics you need is close to zero. Then who should we look for when holding a competition? Who to target? This is where the second recruitment principle comes in handy:


One could say: we recruit the most suitable ones. But we agreed: there are no suitable ones. Therefore, we do not seek to recruit ready-made professionals. We are looking for the material from which we will create and grow these professionals. The clay from which we will sculpt our works of art. Our task is to select the most suitable material that the labor market can provide us with this month. And then we can turn this material into the professionals we need.

5. Sales managers can sell

One of the most fatal mistakes of most sales leaders - and many CEOs. A good cure for this mistake is extensive experience in personal selling and managing a sales team. The more experience, the greater the understanding that most sales managers are pathologically incapable of selling. And what’s more, they will never be able to sell.

Of course, everything is not so bad as long as we are talking about selling simple, standard, in-demand goods. But as soon as we are talking about selling complex, high-tech, expensive goods, or complex services, or turnkey projects, everything becomes much worse. The likelihood of successful negotiations with a potential Client for most sales managers tends to zero.

It is not possible to come to an agreement with many quite promising Clients at all. With those with whom it is possible to come to an agreement, contracts are concluded for not very large sums. And more often than not, on not very favorable terms.

If the company's commercial director had negotiated with the same Clients, he would have concluded significantly more transactions for significantly larger amounts - and on significantly more favorable terms. That's the whole point.

To think that every ordinary manager in the sales department can conduct key negotiations with Clients and conclude deals at the same level as a commercial director or head of the sales department is, at the very least, stupid and naive. Especially when it comes to large, complex transactions involving significant amounts.

If so, wouldn’t it be better to immediately select several of the strongest negotiators from among the company’s managers and employees? And involve them in key negotiations with almost all serious and promising Clients of the company?

This principle is used in many effective sales systems. When “Schedules of boosters” hang on the wall, and the motivation system provides for the allocation of a percentage for boosting transactions, then there is confidence that the majority of key negotiations with Clients are carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible. And in negotiations against the majority of Clients, the company uses its main caliber artillery.

* * * So, we have discussed several of the most common myths. The full list is ten times more extensive.

To top it all off, there are also myths specific to CEOs:

6. The Company has a sales department

Outwardly, everything can indeed look quite decent. There is a department, there are employees in it, they are engaged in sales... But in fact, this is a mirage, a fiction, a deception! In many companies, all that remains of the sales department is a sign.

The employees who work in these sales departments and are considered businessmen have long since become lazy and relaxed. They sit in the office, do not conduct any active commercial work - all they do is collect money from clients attracted in the past. In fact, these sales departments spontaneously degenerated into customer departments.

It turns out that in these companies there are only customer departments - admittedly, slanted, crooked, and pretty corrupted. And they don’t have sales departments as a class. And nothing, such businesses have existed for many years, they somehow work and even make money somehow.

What can you say about the employees of such departments? They, spending not so much time and effort and being busy for a quarter or a third of their working time, earn pretty good money. Most of them have become corrupted, degenerated, and become greedy.

They are ready for any illegal actions - including a trade union rebellion and direct blackmail of management - in order to continue to make money and earn a high income. And never again engage in the same active sales for which they were once hired to work in your company. What if you recognized YOUR business in this picture?

Do you want to do something to turn the spontaneously organized customer department into a normal sales department again? I have to disappoint you. If the sales department has spontaneously degenerated into a client department, it is IMPOSSIBLE to turn it into a normal sales department again. If people have become corrupted, accustomed to sitting in the office and collecting tribute from clients instead of making cold calls and spending all day meeting with new clients, they will no longer return to active hunting.

All you can do is create another parallel department. Call it, for example, the development department. Recruit new employees there. Do not give them ready clients, so as not to corrupt them: a well-fed wolf is a bad hunter. Of course, this department must have its own head. They will perform the functions of the sales department in your company.

7. The sales manager can build management of the sales department

To effectively administer a professional sales team, 13 management activities must be carried out regularly. Some - daily, some - weekly, some - monthly. It is necessary to implement, develop and improve a huge number of technologies and sales standards - up to 27 types of documents. And before that, all these documents also need to be developed...

Possession of effective technology for searching and recruiting personnel from the open labor market is also of utmost importance. However, hiring sales managers is just the beginning.

Equally, if not more important, is the regular implementation of events for adaptation, professional training and certification of sales managers. Including training in sales as a profession. And also the specifics of those goods and services that this sales manager should sell. Conducting both internal sales training and professional training.

And do you know many sales managers who can carry out all this - week after week, month after month, at a good professional level? That's it... Did you really think that it was enough to give a good businessman a business card with the inscription “Head of the Sales Department” - and he would immediately become a professional leader?

8. You can hire an experienced sales manager and entrust him with organizing the work of the sales department

However, a situation is possible when the CEO and owner of the company himself understands little about sales. I have never been involved in active sales myself. And he has absolutely no idea how to organize the work of an active corporate sales department.

This CEO may think that the smartest thing to do is to find an experienced sales executive in the job market. To entrust this experienced manager with building the work of the sales department from scratch.

Since problems for such a general director usually begin already at the recruitment stage, in most cases a suitable head of the sales department cannot be found. Fortunately! Because if you still manage to find and hire an experienced sales manager, then innumerable disasters begin.

In most cases, experienced sales managers who come to a company and see that sales are a mess, do not help eliminate this mess. Instead, they come to the conclusion that it is much more profitable to take advantage of the situation for personal gain and fish in troubled waters.

And they will be able to do this in dozens of different ways, each of which will be extremely unpleasant for CEOs and company owners. We can confidently expect internal corporate intrigues, conspiracies, and blackmail.

And also leaking key information to competitors, tax and law enforcement agencies, leaving for competitors with the removal of Clients and employees, creating your own business, like two peas in a pod similar to yours. Feeding on kickbacks, ratting - and banal theft.

And the worst thing is that the probability of all these unfortunate phenomena occurring is very high - no less than 80%. That is, out of 5 experienced sales managers hired under such circumstances, only one will help the CEO build the work of the sales department. The remaining four will not only not provide assistance, but instead will do their best to damage the company for which they work.


Sometimes it takes the cold, hard truth to burst your cozy bubble of self-satisfaction. And sometimes, all it takes is 38 cold, hard facts. The editors have prepared an article useful for beginning sales managers in IT.

These sales statistics reflect the “inconvenient” truth that sales teams have to face every day. You or your team may be losing hours of productivity and money due to these mistakes. Don't consider these statistics to be the definitive law on sales. Instead, let it inspire you to think of new ways to solve problems.


Email may be every salesperson's best friend, but too often it is misused. Some people don't know how to communicate effectively via email. Other people don't spend enough time on what is arguably the most important element - the subject line. And others need a goodbye letter to a client who doesn’t respond for a long time. These statistics prove that email can be a much more powerful tool if you do it right. 1. Email is 40 times more effective at gaining new clients than Facebook and Twitter combined - McKinsey Email is an incredible communication medium, but if you don't use it correctly, you're wasting a lot of time. Use templates and personalized messages. 2. Email Marketing Has 2x the ROI of Cold Calling - MarketingSherpa You read that right. Email is twice as powerful as cold calling, so get the most out of your emails. 3. 35% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line and nothing else - Convince and Convert First impressions can help make a potential sale or lose interest in the email overall. Tell people right away that you have something worth their time by writing effective subject lines. 4. 43% of email letter recipients mark email as spam based only on the sender's address - Convince and Convert Even if you send a message from a legitimate email address, people may still consider it spam, be aware of this when sending. B2B sales in IT 5. 35% of professionals read email on a mobile device - Convince and Convert Short and to the point messages win when it comes to a mobile device. 6. Threads with the recipient's name are 2.6% more likely to be opened - Retention Science Personalized message lines also help create rapport. 7. Using words like “answer,” “learn,” and “book” in the subject line makes it less likely that the reader will open the message - Adestra, 2013 Surprisingly, not all B2B professionals want to see hard fact after hard fact. Give them something juicy and practical. 8. The best time to send emails is between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm - GetResponse This is an extraordinary seven-hour window. Take advantage of this. Create that winning cold email, and set reminders for yourself to respond.


The telephone call has been the backbone of sales for decades and remains the driving force. But it's not that simple. Not every cold calling professional knows how to immediately grab a potential client's attention. Here's some revealing data to help you optimize your calling processes. 9. 92% of all customer interactions are based on phone calls - Salesforce Email is great, but sometimes, nothing beats a one-on-one conversation with your prospect. Become an expert at cold calling and reap the rewards. 10. 75% of executives surveyed are willing to book an appointment or event based on a cold call or 1 email - DiscoveryOrg Give your prospect an offer they can't refuse, and never underestimate the power of a cold call or email. e-mail. 11. 85% of prospects and customers are unhappy with their “phone” experience - Salesforce When you're on the line with a prospect, you can't take any chances. 12. In 2012, the average voicemail response rate was 4.8% - InsideSales Lesson: Get your leads over the phone. Respond to their needs in real time. 13. Sales Reps Spend About 15% of Their Time Leaving Voicemails - Ringlead That's the 15% of time you can spend making sales. 14. The average sales rep makes 52 calls every day - The Bridge Group If you make 52 calls every day, they better be damn effective. 15. If you call a customer within the first 5 minutes after they fill out a web form, you are 100 times more likely to make a sales call over the phone - InsideSales Cold Emails Use this powerful fact. Tracking your prospects' completed web forms gives you a major advantage. 16. 42% of Sales Reps Believe They Don't Have Enough Information Before Making a Call - Lattice Engine We like to have all the information we need right in front of us when we make a call - sales software facilitates this.

Conducting correspondence

If there's one thing many sales reps don't do well, it's maintaining communication. It's the same old story - you don't want to be intrusive and therefore behave carefully. But you must develop a strategy that will help you get more clients and help you close more deals. Keep these statistics in mind as you plan your relationship strategy. 17. 92% of salespeople say no after getting four nos, but 80% of prospects will say no four times before they say yes - Marketing Donut Expect, accept, and deal with rejections. 18. 80 percent of sales require 5 follow-up calls - Scripted That's a lot of calls and a lot of potential hassle. 19. On average, it takes 8 follow-up calls to reach a prospect - Telenet and Ovation Sales Group That's even more follow-up calls! 20. 44% of salespeople refuse to continue after one follow-up call - Scripted There is no excuse for this. Tenacity will show your edge and how serious you are about closing the deal. Knowing how to properly re-engage with a customer will increase your chances of achieving success and making sales.


Every year, many companies say goodbye to the “productivity clock.” They are too busy entering data and logging activity. The sales team at Foursquare experienced this until they implemented CRM. They needed 16 clicks to get the call in Salesforce, but only 2 clicks in the new system. They are now able to focus more on interacting with prospects and closing deals, rather than wasting time on manual data entry. And if that's not enough to convince you that you need to work on your productivity, these statistics should. 21. Lost productivity and poorly managed leads cost companies at least $1 trillion every year - CMO Council We don't think you should lose even $1 in lost productivity. 22. 71% of Sales Reps Say They Spend Too Much Time on Data Entry - Toutapp Emails, phone calls are automatically tracked with a CRM - so you can spend more time closing deals and less time on data entry. 23. 42.5% of sales reps need 10 months or more to become productive enough to contribute to company goals - Accenture Using a simple onboarding program, you can get new sales hires up to speed much faster. 24. 68% of Companies Fail at Lead Generation - SalesStaff Most companies use cumbersome CRMs that provide clunky organization at best. 25. Highly effective companies are 2 times more likely to have automated sales processes compared to ineffective companies - Velocify CRM world class can make all the difference. 26. 50% of sales time is spent on unproductive prospecting - The B2B Lead When you prospect, you must be targeted to a specific type of customer. Ask yourself who your ideal client is. Then, look for leads based on this profile. 27. Only 33% of a sales team's time is spent on active selling - CSO Insights Manage time and leads more intelligently. Using a top-notch CRM will allow you to track everything you need in one place. Focus on interacting with the prospect instead of doing useless work. 28. Sales reps who use social selling are 50% more likely to meet or exceed their targets - InsideSales LinkedIn is a particularly powerful tool for B2B social selling. Just don't do social selling wrong. 29. Only 60% of Sales Representatives Achieve Targets - CSO Insights Why? Because sales reps work with a clunky CRM and manage their time poorly. Don't let this happen. 30. 87% of workers are not actively engaged in their work - Gallup Ask yourself honestly: is this happening at your company? If yes, then you need to make some serious performance improvements. 31. 65% of sales reps say they can't find content to send to a customer - Kapost Having a conversation history that gives you context around each lead makes it easy to identify relevant content.


We leave nothing unattended. These statistics cover everything from the importance of reviews to the need for value, and they're just as eye-opening as the previous ones 31. 32. 91% of customers say they give reviews, but only 11% of salespeople ask for them - Dale Carnegie A referral can be a gateway to the next deal. Give your customers what they need, and then ask for their feedback. Why should you do this? Because... 33. 84% of B2B decision makers start their purchase with reviews - Edelman Trust Barometer So get reviews. 34. Increasing customer “retention” by just 5% can increase profits by as much as 95% - Bain & Company How can you do this? Constantly prove your value and stay in touch with your customers. 35. Thursday is the best day to reach out to a prospect - HubSpot Every day is also the best day to reach out. 36. 50% of Websites Get Only 15 Seconds of Attention - MarketingProfs Does Yours Stand Out? Get honest feedback and use it to improve your site. 37. 44% of buyers believe that only 25% of their suppliers help them maximize their value from collaboration - Gartner If you're not maximizing value for your buyers, you may be closing down. Consistently exceed customer expectations by delivering the value your customers deserve. 38. 82% of prospects can be reached through social media. - Sergey Gusarov If calling and emailing don't help you reach your client, sending them a quick message on social media can do the trick. The entire editorial staff of Sales Label in IT will be grateful to you for your comments on the article, for your share and dissemination of the article on social networks. Thank you!

- Hello Vladimir!
I frantically finish my chewing and mumble into the phone...
- Alo-alo, Vladimir, can you hear me?
I'm almost finished...
- Vladimir, why are you silent?
I finally finished and say:
- Mouth is busy)
The client simply killed me on the spot, he asked:
Just like that, then we laughed for a long time)))

History in the fitness center

My story: I am a sales manager at a fitness center. An ordinary working day, I go out to meet the client, show the club, present the club cards... After a short conversation, one might say, at the moment of making a decision, the client carefully asks me: “When will it be possible to discuss my purchase with the manager, I would like to talk to him too chat?"

P.S.: In the evening, when I took off my badge, I saw that it was not mine. It was written there: “Irina, massage therapist.” Apparently she left it on my table, this happens here...

Case with a colleague

The incident happened to my colleague. As a rule, managers have at hand, in addition to telephone and email, a number of different instant messengers.

There are a lot of contacts, and this is one of the fastest ways to respond to a client’s question. So, one working day, my colleague received a question on ICQ about a request for components. The question came from a friend named Igor. My colleague received exactly the same request via email this morning. mail.

My colleague has a friend who works in the same field as us, and his name is Igor. 100% sure that this request was from his client, my colleague writes to his friend in ICQ that he received this request from the client today, and why, in fact, he is interested in this request. To which he received an answer that it was he who sent this request and decided to clarify how things were progressing there.

My colleague was a little confused, but refused to capitulate. Being an impulsive person (and communication with a friend was informal), my colleague, feeling that he was being scammed, went on the offensive. With the words “Why are you here for me…. Look, it’s definitely not you who sent this request,” he unleashed a bunch of indignation on Igor. But on the other side of the screen there was a response wave of indignation, saying this and that, yes, I sent it, etc. with the same turns and embellishments of Russian speech.

Ten minutes of verbal skirmish could have continued for a long time, but then my colleague received a message in ICQ and the window blinked. Opening it, he saw that his friend Igor had written to him, and on the other side of the screen was the client who was sending the request. This is where the realization of what happened came. After all, yesterday my colleague, sending contacts to a new client after tel. call, indicated one of the means of communication - ICQ. The client decided to quickly resolve the issue, but that was not the case... 😀 I had to, of course, apologize to the chief engineer of the enterprise, Igor Petrovich, but this is one of our best customers.

How do incredibly successful salespeople differ from the masses of average sales professionals? Why, given the same sales techniques, approximately the same level of education and work experience, do some salespeople succeed when others fail? Maybe the answer lies in their heads?

During the first four years, the human brain forms and grows by 90%. In the future, it develops, interacting with the outside world and recording new impressions and experiences “in the subcortex” throughout the rest of its life.

It’s hard to imagine, but it’s how our brain works that often determines whether we will be successful in any activity or, no matter how strong our desire, we will be doomed to failure. Having studied more than a thousand outstanding sellers of our time, scientists have established several distinctive qualities and features of their thinking.

1. “I’ve already seen him somewhere,” or exceptional memory for faces

Some people can easily recognize a person whom they saw only once, many years ago. Obviously, this is an important social skill, especially needed by salespeople who are constantly in contact with many different clients. Unfortunately, as research has shown, this memory ability is innate and cannot be developed or developed. In other words, either you have the face recognition gene or you don't.

2. Does rejection really hurt?

So, you've just learned from a potential client that the big deal you were counting on has completely and irrevocably fallen through. Obviously, you'll experience mental and emotional frustration, but also physical pain, according to a recent study from Columbia University.

By analyzing the brain and psychological response of an emotionally rejected person, scientists have found that mental pain and physical pain actually have much more in common than they might seem, proving that losing clients can literally hurt!

3. Love for drawings in the margins

Have you noticed the habit of automatically drawing or drawing something during telephone conversations, business meetings or meetings? These impulses of our imagination were called “doodling” (from the English doodle - “draw doodles”).

Doodling is interpreted in different ways, but in general it is any sketch, drawing or pattern made spontaneously, almost automatically, as they say, “wherever the hand lies.” Surprisingly, according to cognitive psychology research, such drawings actually lead to better retention of data, and doodlers are, on average, 29% better at remembering a past event than non-doodlers.

4. Are you always so cute?

Recent studies have confirmed that human qualities such as courtesy, kindness and generosity are directly related to the activity of the hypothalamus and the production of the neurohormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which are responsible for feelings of tenderness and affection.

It turns out that a good salesperson's natural need to help people is actually the result of a chemical reaction in his brain.

5. Is it necessary to read?

Most sellers don't like to read. It's just that their brains are wired for talking and not for reading. While speaking comes automatically and is the most natural part of brain activity, reading skills require three different areas of the cerebral cortex to work together. It is worth paying attention to this fact when creating materials for coaching the sales department!

6. Shyness is not a death sentence

One of the most interesting discoveries: contrary to stereotypes about pushy, egotistical salespeople, 91% of the best salespeople have a humble and humble disposition. In addition, research shows that the most brash and brash sales professionals, full of bluster and arrogance, alienate many more customers than they win.

7. “I’m not nosy, just curious.”

A person who constantly experiences an irresistible thirst for new knowledge and information can be called curious. An insatiable desire for knowledge, or the so-called “inquiring mind,” is a common characteristic characteristic of all effective salespeople.

Research has revealed that 82% of successful salespeople have an extremely high level of curiosity compared to “mere mortals.” It is this quality of mind that largely pushes them to discuss even the most complex and inconvenient topics with clients in order to close all questions of interest regarding the transaction - which largely contributes to its faster conclusion.

Now you know what kind of people you should attract to create the best sales team. Try to identify these thinking patterns and personal qualities when hiring an employee, and a high level of sales will not take long to come!

What is profitable to sell - 5 options for high-demand products + 5 fashionable products + 5 products that are suitable for trading online + useful tips.

If you want to open a business related to trade, you are probably interested in: what is profitable to sell.

This is a completely natural question that arises at the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey, because no one wants to work at a loss.

Due to the economic crisis, the purchasing power of the population has decreased, but people still continue to buy goods and use services.

It is for this reason that sales will always be in demand and profitable.

But you still need to find your niche, analyze demand and set adequate prices, otherwise you may be left with nothing, waiting for generous buyers.

How to determine the demand for goods that are profitable to sell?

Opening any business begins with market analysis, namely, determining demand.

Why is this so important?

Imagine finding suppliers from whom you purchase goods and opening a brick-and-mortar or virtual store.

You spend days, and then weeks, waiting for the first buyers, but the goods still lie there.

Where are the promised benefits and profits?

Therefore, to prevent such a situation from arising, it is necessary to conduct a demand analysis.

Instructions for demand analysis:

    Refer to the Internet.

    This will be especially true if you want.

    To do this, you need to study query statistics using Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends.

    For example, you want to sell educational toys for children.

    To do this, enter keywords and check the number of requests.

    If the figure is modest, it means that no one is interested in such a product.

    In a situation with a large number of requests, you have a chance to start selling your toys profitably, but at the same time, this niche may be occupied by many competitors who will create interference.

    Conduct marketing analysis.

    To do this, check the supply and demand ratio in the selected niche in your region.

    Pay attention to what people are buying and which stores are empty without customers.

    Also analyze the prices.

    Perhaps they are overpriced for some groups of goods, and therefore the population is not ready to buy them for this very reason.

    Decide on your target audience.

    Here, analyze the gender, age, purchasing power and location of your future buyers.

    For example, people from a small town are unlikely to appreciate your desire for luxury dishes, where one plate will cost 5,000 rubles.

    The same applies to the sale of agricultural machinery in the center of some metropolis.

    But if in your city there are many young families with small children, and there are no stores with goods for them, but you see that there is a demand for them, then this is definitely your option, and you will be able to sell them profitably.

    Conduct a survey of potential buyers.

    Compose a short questionnaire with questions, print out the required number of copies and distribute them to residents of your city.

    Questions should be short and succinct so that a person can answer them in just a few minutes.

    If you don’t want to bother with leaflets, then just conduct a survey on social networks.

    To do this, find groups in your city and talk to their administrators.

    Try a trial placement of contextual advertising on the Internet.

    Let's return to the online store.

    Thanks to this method, even before you start selling, you will be able to understand what is profitable to sell online.

    To do this, create a landing page on the Internet (the user goes to it when they click on the ad), on which you will place information about the product.

    Of course, users will not be able to place a real order, since they will be notified that the product is out of stock or there is a problem with the server.

    But by the number of clicks from the order page, you can analyze how interesting your product is to the population.

What is profitable to sell: 5 categories of goods “high demand”

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the laws of economics knows that demand creates supply.

This truly catchphrase accurately demonstrates trade relations.

When a population has certain needs, someone must satisfy them.

And those seeking an answer to the question: “What is profitable to sell?” come to the rescue.

And what the population wants will be profitable.

Products in high demand include:


    But it’s important not to make a mistake here; if there is one grocery store for every three residential buildings, then this is definitely not an option.

    To sell food products profitably, you can choose one of the following options:

    • opening a store on a busy street or in a new area of ​​your city (this is especially true in big cities);
    • opening stores with a certain category of goods, where you can offer customers a wide range of tea/coffee, dairy products, baked goods, organic vegetables and fruits.
  1. Cosmetics, personal care products and household chemicals.

    After food, this category of goods is in second place, along with clothing.

    Such products are used up quickly, so people must constantly renew them.

    If you want to sell them profitably, then take a closer look at new brands, as well as those that can only be found on the Internet.

    Clothes and shoes.

    During a crisis, many are looking for an opportunity to save money, so it is profitable to sell inexpensive clothes and shoes.

    It tends to be updated more frequently among the population, so you may end up with repeat customers.

    If you are ready for a larger-scale business, but do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on advertising, then pay attention to popular franchises.

    It is profitable to sell them because babies grow quickly, so parents are forced to constantly buy something new.

    Particularly in demand are diapers, hygiene products, baby formula, bottles and other products necessary for children.

    Household products.

    This includes everything from small kitchen utensils to furniture and household appliances.

What is profitable to sell now?

Now let's move on to what is profitable to sell today.

    Small sports equipment and sportswear.

    If you take advantage of the fact that fitness is fashionable now, you can create a profitable business.

    Therefore, feel free to start selling home sports equipment (dumbbells, elastic bands, steppers, fitballs, weights, etc.), as well as sportswear.

    Coffee scrubs and Black Mask.

    These products gained their popularity thanks to.

    And despite their great variety, you can break through if you offer the girls new manufacturers or a better price.

    Original accessories.

    With the right presentation, you can profitably sell cases for phones and tablets, backpacks, bags, wallets, hand-knitted hats and scarves, newfangled chokers, jewelry, pillows, cups, photo frames, candles and home decorations.

    You will be required to create a specific concept for the chosen direction, and try to offer customers something that is not yet on the market.

    For example, you should not sell bags and wallets that can be bought in a regular store; offer handmade accessories or in a specific style.

    Anti-stress coloring pages (coloring books for adults).

    This is a bestseller this year and last year.

    You can really get hooked on these coloring books, and having painted one copy, you want to start a new one.

    Plus it's a great gift.

    Therefore, look for a variety of options so that the buyer can choose what he likes.

    Beard care products.

    Again, it was fashion that left its mark here.

    Increasingly, you can see young people and men growing beards on the streets.

    Therefore, various means for their care are extremely relevant.

    Open a small conceptual and stylish store with a wide range of beard care products (oil, gel, wax, shampoo), or create a website selling them.

    The second option is even more profitable, since you do not need to pay for the maintenance of a stationary point of sale.

What is profitable to sell online?

We gradually approached the topic of what is profitable to sell online.

The volume of online purchases is increasing every year, because buyers benefit from them:

  • no need to go anywhere and look for something,
  • you can buy everything that you can’t get in your city,
  • there is an opportunity to think things over and find a product at a better price.

Of course, it is profitable to sell clothes, cosmetics, children's, sports and household goods on the Internet.

But in this section I would like to talk about those categories that we have not yet touched upon.

5 profitable products to sell online:

    Electronic equipment and accessories for it.

    This includes smartphones, tablets, e-readers, smart watches, portable chargers, headphones, cases, protective glasses and films.

    A markup of 200-400% allows you to sell goods profitably and quickly recoup your investment.

    Despite the crisis, people periodically change their electronic equipment, especially since now it can be found to suit every taste and budget.

    Spare parts, cosmetics and accessories for cars.

    The constant increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in demand for various components and accessories for them.

    And during a crisis, sales of them increase to huge volumes.

    This is due to the fact that the population cannot always afford to buy a new car, so they prefer to update spare parts for it.

    In addition, not everyone lives in large cities, where there is a huge selection of spare parts, special cosmetics and accessories for the car.

    And you can find everything you need on the Internet.

    Drones and quadcopters.

    Nowadays there is a boom in products of this kind, as people love entertainment.

    By attaching a camera to them, you can view the earth from a bird's eye view, which certainly attracts people.

    The relevance of selling drones on the Internet is due to the fact that initially they could be ordered in foreign online stores.

    In addition, the network has a large selection of aircraft in different price categories.

    Hobby goods.

    This includes: embroidery, diamond mosaic, items for drawing, scrapbooking and decoupage, etc.

    Opening a store with this content is extremely unprofitable, since it is impossible to gather a large number of enthusiastic people in one locality.

    LED lightening.

    In an era of colossal energy consumption, many are switching to more economical consumption of light.

    LED lighting is 5-6 times more economical than incandescent lamps.

    This is why it is so profitable to sell new generation lighting.

    By providing a wide range of lamps of different wattages and price categories, you can satisfy customer demand.

To trade goods from China online,

Pay attention to some of the nuances that are outlined in the video:

Remember, only after a thorough demand analysis can you know what is profitable to sell now in modern world.

Take your time and look at a few ideas.

Explore each of them in more detail and choose what you like.

Only in this case will you be able to establish an interesting and profitable business.

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