Stimulates life. My life incentives. The psychologist Kreklina Alina Pavlovna answers the question

Which feed me when I am too lazy and reluctant to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle are very simple and understandable. There are only three of them, but they are so important to me that I put them in the first place in my thoughts and wishes. And now you will understand why...

life incentives

I, like everyone else, have parents. All the bright memories of childhood are associated with them. They gave me not only life, but also the foundation of existence in this world - character, skills, knowledge, habits. I love my parents very much and really want them to be healthy and live as long as possible.

The first my life stimulus is connected precisely with them and consists in the fact that I must be healthy and happy, at least so that my parents, seeing me like this, are also happy. Probably, it is difficult to understand for those who do not have their own children. But no matter what they say, dad and mom are happy when everything is fine with the child. And the main component of this “good” is health. When everything is fine with me, my parents are fine too.

I must do with myself everything that the result of which will make my parents happy. Not to mention that health is needed in order to be successful and be able to help them the way they helped me for many years. This should not be confused with the justification of parental expectations. This is completely different. And I believe that this is not a duty, but a duty.

Second the incentive is always to maintain the love, respect and expectations of my beloved wife. No matter how strong love is, it must be protected and cherished throughout life. Unfortunately, over the years we are not getting younger. After all, I want my wife to lean on my shoulder for as long as possible to feel elastic muscles there, and not flabby jelly. With admiration, as many years ago, she looked at my body and posture. All this is directly related to a healthy lifestyle. Agree that this is a worthy incentive to keep fit. And this is really important in family life.

Third And, perhaps, the most important stimulus is the children. More than anything, I want my children to be healthy. And also happy and successful. Those who experience the joy of fatherhood and motherhood understand what it is about. I realize that now, when the children are small, it is my wife and I who create their future. So tell me, isn't this an incentive to be healthy only in order to fully and richly live life with your children, give them maximum attention and care, and in old age not be a burden due to illness and weakness? I think this is the most powerful argument in favor of healthy lifestyle. Plus, this is an example for children to be the same in the future. A personal example is the most effective method education.

Someone will ask: "Where are you among these three incentives?" The answer is obvious - in the center!

For me, these are the most powerful incentives. take care of yourself, lead healthy lifestyle life, achieve your goals and do everything to ensure that the most expensive people on earth - parents, wife and children - are happy.

What I wish you - be happy!

To live life is not a field to cross;
Life is not only blue skies
Sometimes on the path of life
We find stones instead of bread.

Sometimes there is pain in the heart;
Sometimes - a bereavement;
Sometimes I can't control myself
We throw a stone at the brother's back.

Called by the name of Christ
We live as if we don't believe;
Not wishing for a cross
We gain new losses.

Turning to God in Silence
We don't hear God's answer;
And, groping in the darkness,
We get used to living without seeing the light.

What is the reason who...

My life is striped
Like a vest on me.
That I am a winged bird,
The way a worm is on the ground.
I haven't always been lucky
Ile is submissive to fate.
Because striped
He arranged life for himself.

Seen a lot of stuff
Colors of miracles
From the deep dark
Until the sky shines.
Everything passes in sequence
Both good and evil.
But the soul has not cooled down yet,
Know how lucky you are.

The waves are turning again
From fire to fire
I can barely swallow
The air of life in yourself.
And I'm going up again
Life is like...

Life is drunker than malt
And stronger than cognac.
What comes without a reason
She will be gone forever.

Life is like a flame
It will burn out soon.
Will it still be with them
It just flies away.

Life will cover with spells
Roofs of all houses.
fall under the blows
And not to dream.

Life is sometimes long
We have to wait for something.
Often aggressive
Death cannot be avoided.

Life sucks, life sucks.
I stand and look, the edge of the sky turns red.
It's not in vain, it's not on purpose
Perhaps this is the only thing I know for sure.

The sun has just risen and warmed
The sky just reddened from the west...
Here is a blizzard, now there are clouds.
Life is a wise thing, it teaches a lot.

It is sad in moments of fatigue,
Forgive me such weaknesses.
This is my survival test.
Life is fully known in suffering.

So I suffer, fate commanded me.
How did you grow up? Immeasurably...

Life flows, and past with brilliance
Cities fly by.
Everything will pass, from the heart with a bang
Will break forever.

People, buildings, cares -
Everything flickers outside the window,
On the way to work
Everyone dreams of their own.

In this life the monotony
Suddenly a man flies
Surprising that humility
That has been here for a century.

He whips with emotions
Every gesture is beautiful
Evidence shines,
He is always eloquent.

He does not wait and does not play,
He always runs forward
He flies with the world
Doesn't let you breathe...

I'll start life from scratch
Leave all worries behind.
I'll take rainbow colors
I paint all the roads with them.

I'm going to look for friends
And a faithful heart to boot.
The door to the fairy tale will be opened.
I will be happy and successful.

I will find friends, my love,
And I won't part with them again.
I will fill my life with happiness.
I'll get the star of luck!

Life without motivation is very sad. Without an incentive, you don’t even want to get up in the morning, because you need to wake up in good mood and with grandiose plans for today. How to live if there is no incentive? A difficult question, whatever you say, but you can look for an answer. First of all, it is worth figuring out where this incentive went, and what, in fact, happened. Since the nature of his absence may be different. And consequently, the solution of the problem on the topic “how to live?” will also be different.

Option 1. You have already achieved everything: stable financial position, prestigious work, respect and recognition of colleagues, a strong family and wonderful children. And now, when all this is there, you are incredibly bored, it seems that all the accomplishments are behind you, and there is no incentive to set new goals.
What can be advised in this case. The first is not to anger fate and do not forget to thank her every day for the fact that you have all this. This is the most important thing.

And to add spice to your life, find an extreme sport that you like and add fresh impressions. If you've never skydived, do it. Or go to exotic countries - good thoughts and interesting ideas often come up on travel.

Think of some really large-scale project that will captivate you - and the incentive will appear. Or do charity work, but not at the level of “giving money” (although this is not bad) - but by volunteering: come and help people who are less fortunate than you. So you will do a good deed, and remember how much you have been given, and how much you can do.

Option 2. The loss. Very often, “no incentive” means that some very important person has disappeared from your life. This may be a loved one who has recently parted ways, a child who entered a university in another city or got married and left his father's house. At such moments, it often seems that something in life has ended forever (however, the way it is) and there is no special meaning in this new life (but this is not true).

Now is the time to remember that the most important person in your life is still you. It is difficult to come to terms with the departure of children from the family for some time, especially if all these years you have lived with their problems and needs and completely forgot about yours. Well, it's time to remember them. Go to friends you haven’t seen for a long time because they live far away, sign up for oriental dances, yoga or bead weaving courses, plan the improvement of your summer cottage - start doing things that you didn’t have time for before.

If sadness-spleen overcame you because of parting with a loved one, find the strength in yourself to take up work on yourself. This is a common story - after parting with her beloved, a girl out of chagrin and despair goes to shaping, English courses and hairdressers. And now, a year later, she has an ideal figure, fluent English, her favorite job and - yes, yes! - a new lover. The former, of course, would like to return, but who cares now - after all, his role in her life was completely different. The main thing is not to lose heart, but there will definitely be an incentive.

Option 3. Pension. Everything is clear here - a very difficult time. Yesterday you were an indispensable specialist, and today, after solemn words and the presentation of a vase, you already seem to be a free person. But somehow this freedom is not fun. And, what is even more unpleasant, it is not at all monetary.

First of all, remember all your past merits. But not in order to once again voice them to loved ones, but in order to believe that everything will work out for you, no matter what you think. Agree - now you do not set new goals and objectives just because you are afraid - it will not be easy to achieve them. And absolutely in vain. It's never too late to start over, especially now that you have so much free time. And to live if there is no incentive is very sad - so it's time to find it. Just look around - and you will see a lot of opportunities. Of course, as soon as you stop repeating that they are not.

Option 4. It just seems to you. And it also happens - autumn or spring, blues or beriberi. The mood is so-so, and it seems that nothing pleases and in general. So no. Try, firstly, to drink a course of good multivitamins, and secondly, to take an inventory of everything that is valuable and important in your life. From best friend and plans for the summer to your favorite sofa and cat. Do not hesitate, a bad mood is temporary, and life is full of interesting and important things.

Text Psychology:

Since ancient times, people tend to think about both the meaning of their existence and the stimulus of life - after all, these concepts are closely interconnected. Unfortunately, no universal and exact answers to these questions have been found so far - too many individual factors play a role. However, there are some common ways that help to live and develop.

Stimulus to life - why it is hard to find

As the saying goes popular expression, which is attributed to various philosophers, "the right question is half the answer." Therefore, trying to find an incentive to live, a person should first think about his goals: why does he live in this world. Depending on the meaning that people put into their existence, it is worth choosing an incentive - after all, the motivation of a Buddhist monk, an American athlete or a Russian teacher will be completely different. Having defined your goals, you should prioritize: what will contribute, and what, on the contrary, is an obstacle to achieving the desired result.

However, the question of the true meaning of life, which has been worrying humanity for thousands of years, has not yet been found the only correct answer. There are different opinions, for example, according to some modern philosophers, the meaning of life is in itself. Every moment of life is unique and valuable, and trials and hardships are necessary for balance, balancing the happy moments that have befallen a person. After all, to understand what “white” is, you can only compare it with “black”. And only the person himself will be able to give an answer about the meaning of his existence, and therefore, choose the appropriate incentive for himself.

Thoughts about finding a stimulus to life often come during times of crisis. It is not necessary that a person has experienced any shock or hardship. It happens that people, having achieved, it would seem, everything they dreamed of (marriage, financial well-being, career, etc.), understand that they have lost the most important thing - the desire to strive for something again. You can try to wait out this moment, taking advantage of the circumstances for rest and gaining strength for new achievements, or you can reconsider your life tasks and goals - because some just need to stop from time to time and think about how and why they live.

Finding an incentive to live is like working on yourself

It happens that a person feels the need for a stimulus and under the influence of negative circumstances (loss of work, divorce, death of someone close and other trials of fate). When hands drop and you don’t want to live on, you can’t allow yourself to become more and more bogged down in these thoughts. As the main character of the cult "Gone with the Wind" said, it's better to think about it tomorrow. For now, focus on the essentials. This will be especially effective if the actions are associated with physical exertion - cleaning the home, washing, or any similar activities. No matter how trite it sounds, but such advice, according to a number of psychologists, is quite universal and at the same time effective.

For many, the incentive is money, or rather, material well-being. And there is nothing wrong with that, if people strive to provide for themselves in honest ways, without going too deep into the work. However, when work or the process of making money becomes the only meaning and incentive for existence, it is worth thinking about your priorities - it is important to find a place for others no less important factors needed for a fulfilling life. Communicating with relatives and friends, having an active rest and doing sports or your favorite hobby, traveling and making new friends, you can feel that life is filled with meaning, and there is simply no need to look for an incentive!

As the saying goes, which is attributed to various philosophers, "the right question is half the answer." Therefore, trying to find an incentive to live, a person should first think about his goals: why does he live in this world. Depending on the meaning that people put into their existence, it is worth choosing an incentive - after all, a Buddhist monk, an American athlete or a Russian teacher will have a completely different one. Having defined your goals, you should prioritize: what will contribute, and what, on the contrary, is an obstacle to achieving the desired result.

However, the question of the true meaning of life, which has been worrying humanity for thousands of years, has not yet been found the only correct answer. There are different opinions, for example, according to some modern philosophers, the meaning of life is in itself. Every moment of life is unique and valuable, and trials and hardships are necessary for balance, balancing the happy moments that have befallen a person. After all, you can understand “white” only by comparing it with “black”. And only the person himself will be able to give an answer about the meaning of his existence, and therefore, choose the appropriate incentive for himself.

Thoughts about finding a stimulus to life often come during times of crisis. It is not necessary that a person has experienced any shock or hardship. It happens that people, having achieved, it would seem, everything they dreamed of (marriage, financial well-being, career, etc.), they realize that they have lost the most important thing - the desire to strive for something again. You can try to wait out this moment, taking advantage of the circumstances for rest and gaining strength for new achievements, or you can reconsider your life tasks and goals - because some just need to stop from time to time and think about how and why they live.

Finding an incentive to live is like working on yourself

It happens that a person feels the need for a stimulus and under the influence of negative circumstances (loss of work, divorce, death of someone close and other trials of fate). When hands drop and you don’t want to live on, you can’t allow yourself to become more and more bogged down in these thoughts. As the main character of the cult "Gone with the Wind" said, it's better to think about it tomorrow. For now, focus on the essentials. This will be especially effective if the actions are associated with physical exertion - cleaning the home, washing, or any similar activities. No matter how trite it sounds, but such advice, according to a number of psychologists, is quite universal and at the same time effective.

For many, the incentive is money, or rather, material well-being. And there is nothing wrong with that, if people strive to provide for themselves in honest ways, without going too deep into the work. However, when work or the process of making money becomes the only meaning and incentive for existence, it is worth thinking about your priorities - it is important to find a place for other equally important factors necessary for a fulfilling life. Communicating with relatives and friends, having an active rest and doing sports or your favorite hobby, traveling and making new friends, you can feel that life is filled with meaning, and there is simply no need to look for an incentive!


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