How to make a presentation about. What a perfect presentation looks like. A good presentation should be publicly available.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful set of tools for creating presentations. When you first study the program, it might seem that creating a demo here is really simple. Maybe so, but most likely a fairly primitive version will come out, which is suitable for the smallest shows. But to create something more complex, you need to dig deep into the functionality.

First of all, you need to create a presentation file. There are two options.

Now that PowerPoint is working, you need to create slides - frames of our presentation. To do this, use the button Create Slide  in the tab "Home", or a combination of hot keys "Ctrl" + "M".

Initially, a title slide is created on which the title of the presentation topic will be shown.

All further frames will be default by default and have two areas - for the title and content.

A start. Now you just need to fill your presentation with data, change the design, and so on. The order of execution is not particularly important, so that further steps do not have to be performed sequentially.

Customize Appearance

As a rule, even before filling the presentation with data, the design is configured. For the most part, they do this because after adjusting the appearance, the existing website elements may not look very good, and you have to seriously process the finished document. Therefore, most often they do this right away. To do this, use the same name tab in the program header, it is the fourth on the left.

To configure, go to the tab "Design".

There are three main areas here.

About the last option is worth telling a little more.

Button "Background format"  opens an additional side menu on the right. Here, if you install any design, there are three tabs.

These tools are quite enough to make the presentation design not only colorful, but also completely unique. If a given standard style is not selected in the presentation by this moment, then in the menu "Background format"  will only "Fill".

Customize slide layout

As a rule, the format is also configured before filling the presentation with information. There is a wide range of templates for this. Most often, no additional layout settings are required, as the developers have a good and functional assortment.

If, nevertheless, there is a need to create a slide in the layout that is not provided for by standard templates, then you can make your own blank.

At the end of all work, press the button Close sample mode. After that, the system will return to work with the presentation, and the template can be applied to the slide in the manner described above.

Filling data

Whatever was described above, the main thing in the presentation is filling it with information. You can insert anything you want into the show, as long as it harmoniously blends with each other.

By default, each slide has its own title and a separate area is allocated for this. Here you should enter the name of the slide, the topic, which is discussed in this case, and so on. If the series of slides says the same thing, then you can either delete the title, or just do not write anything there - an empty area is not displayed when the presentation is shown. In the first case, you need to click on the border of the frame and click "Del". In both cases, the slide will not have a name and the system will mark it as "nameless".

Most slide layouts use text and other data formats for input. Content Area. This section can be used both for entering text and for inserting other files. In principle, any content brought to the site automatically tries to occupy this particular slot, adjusting in size independently.

If we talk about the text, it is calmly formatted using standard Microsoft Office tools, which are also present in other products of this package. That is, the user is free to change the font, color, size, special effects and other aspects.

As for adding files, the list is wide. It can be:

  • Images;
  • Mathematical, physical and chemical formulas;
  • Schemes SmartArt and others.

A variety of methods are used to add all this. In most cases, this is done through the tab "Insert".

Also, the content area itself contains 6 icons for quickly adding tables, charts, SmartArt objects, computer images, Internet images, and video files. To insert, you need to click on the corresponding icon, after which the toolbox or browser will open to select the desired object.

Insertable elements can be freely moved around the slide with the mouse, choosing the necessary layout by hand. Also, no one prohibits resizing, position priority, and so on.

Additional functions

There is also a wide range of different features that can improve the presentation, but are not required for use.

Transition Setup

This item is half about the design and appearance of the presentation. It does not have such paramount importance as setting the external, so it does not have to be done at all. This toolkit is located in the tab "Transitions".

In the region of "Transition to this slide"  There is a wide selection of different animation compositions that will be used to transition from one slide to another. You can choose the presentation you like best or the one that suits your mood, as well as use the setup function. To do this, use the button “Effect Parameters”, there for each animation has its own set of settings.

Region "Slide Show Time"  is no longer related to visual style. Here you can configure the duration of viewing one slide, provided that they change without the author’s command. But it’s also worth noting here the button important for the last paragraph - Apply to All  allows you to not impose the transition effect between slides on each frame manually.

Animation Setup

You can add a special effect to each element, be it text, media file, or anything else. He is called "Animation". The settings for this aspect are in the corresponding tab in the program header. You can add, for example, an animation of the appearance of an object, as well as the subsequent disappearance. Detailed instructions for creating and configuring animations are in a separate article.

Hyperlinks and control system

In many serious presentations, control systems are also configured - control keys, slide menus, and so on. The hyperlink setting is used for all this. Not in all cases there should be such components, but in many examples it improves perception and systematizes the presentation well, practically turning it into a separate manual or program with an interface.


Based on the foregoing, we can come to the following most optimal presentation creation algorithm, consisting of 7 steps:

  1. Create the desired number of slides

    Not always the user can say in advance about how long the presentation will be, but it is best to still have an idea. This will help in the future to harmoniously distribute the entire amount of information, configure various menus and so on.

  2. Customize visual design
  3. Distribute slide layout options

    To do this, either existing templates are selected, or new ones are created, and then distributed separately for each slide, based on its purpose. In some cases, this step may even precede the setting of the visual style, so that the author can adjust the design parameters just for the selected arrangement of elements.

  4. Enter all data

    The user brings all the necessary text, media or other types of data into the presentation, distributing them into slides in the desired logical sequence. Immediately editing and formatting all the information.

  5. Create and customize additional items

    At this point, the author creates control buttons, various content menus, and so on. Also, quite often individual moments (for example, creating slide control buttons) are created at the stage of working with the composition of frames, so that you do not have to manually add buttons each time.

  6. Add secondary components and effects.

    Set up animations, transitions, music, and so on. Usually done at the last stage, when everything else is ready. These aspects have little effect on the finished document and you can always refuse them, which is why they are dealt with last of all.

  7. Check and fix bugs

    It remains only to double-check everything by running a scan and make the necessary adjustments.


In the end, I would like to stipulate a couple of important points.

  • Like any other document, the presentation has its own weight. And the bigger it is, the more objects are inserted inside. This is especially true for music and video files in high quality. So you should take care once again to add optimized media files, since a multi-gigabyte presentation not only provides difficulties with transportation and transfer to other devices, but in general it can work extremely slowly.
  • There are various requirements for the design and content of the presentation. Before starting work, it is best to find out the regulations from the management, so as not to make a mistake and not come to the need to completely redo the finished work.
  • According to the standards of professional presentations, it is recommended not to make large piles of text for those cases when the work is intended to accompany the presentation. Nobody will read it all, the announcer must pronounce all the basic information. If the presentation is intended for individual study by the recipient (for example, instruction), then this rule does not apply.

As you can understand, the procedure for creating a presentation includes much more opportunities and steps than it might seem from the very beginning. No tutorial will teach you how to create demonstrations better than experience. So you need to practice, try various elements, actions, look for new solutions.


Why "experienced advice"? I just happened to be in two roles: how to make and present presentations myself, and evaluate them (of course, not as a simple listener :)).

In general, I can immediately say that most make out a presentation, focusing only on their “like / dislike”. Meanwhile, there are still some important “points” that simply cannot be ignored! That's what I wanted to talk about in this article ...


  1. Many educational institutions, firms (if you are making a presentation on work) have their own rules for the design of such works. I do not want to replace them or interpret them in any other way (just supplement :)), in any case, the one who will evaluate your work is always right (that is, the buyer, the customer is always right)!
  2. By the way, I already had an article on the blog with step-by-step presentation creation:. In it, I also partially dealt with the issue of design (pointed out the main errors).

1. Not compatible colors

In my opinion, this is the worst thing that is only done in presentations. Judge for yourself how to read presentation slides if colors merge on them? Yes, of course, on the screen of your computer - this may not look bad, but on the projector (or simply a larger screen) - half of your colors will simply blur and become faded.

For example, you should not use:

  1. Black background and white text on it. Not only that, the contrast in the room does not always allow you to clearly convey the background and see the text well, but also your eyes get tired pretty quickly when reading such a text. By the way, a paradox, many people cannot stand reading information from sites that have a black background, but make such presentations ...;
  2. Do not try to make the presentation rainbow! 2-3-4 colors in the design will be quite enough, the main thing is to choose the colors successfully!
  3. Successful colors: black (though provided that you don’t fill everything with it. Just keep in mind that black is a bit gloomy and does not always fit the context), burgundy, dark blue (generally, give priority to dark bright colors - they all look great), dark green, brown, purple;
  4. Not successful colors: yellow, pink, light blue, gold, etc. In general, everything related to light shades - believe me, when you look at your work from a distance of several meters, and if there is still a bright room - your work will be seen very poorly!

Fig. 1. Presentation design options: color selection

By the way, in fig. 1 shows 4 different presentation designs (with different color shades). The most successful ones are options 2 and 3, for 1 they will quickly get tired of their eyes, and for 4 they will not be able to read the text ...

2. Font selection: size, spelling, color

A lot depends on the choice of the font, its size, color (the color is described at the very beginning, here I will focus more on the font)!

  1. I recommend choosing the most ordinary font, for example: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana (that is, without sans serifs, various stains, “beautiful” freaks ...). The fact is that if the font is chosen too “lurid” - it is inconvenient to read it, some words are invisible, etc. Plus - if your new font does not appear on the computer on which the presentation will be displayed - hieroglyphs may appear (how to deal with them, I gave tips here:), or the PC will pick up a different font and everything will “move out” for you. Therefore, I recommend choosing popular fonts that everyone has and which are easy to read ( note: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana ).
  2. Choose the optimal font size. For example: 24–54 points for headings, 18–36 points for plain text   (again - approximate figures). The most important thing - do not fade, it is better to place less information on the slide, but so that it is convenient to read it (to a reasonable limit, of course :));
  3. Italics, underlining, text selection, etc. - I do not recommend parting with this. In my opinion, it is worth highlighting some words in the text, headings. The text itself is better left in the normal font.
  4. On all sheets of the presentation, the main text must be made the same - i.e. if you chose Verdana - then use it throughout the presentation. Then it doesn’t work out that one sheet is well read, and the other - no one can make out (as the saying goes "no comment")

Fig. 2. An example of different fonts: Monotype Corsiva (1 on the screen) VS Arial (2 on the screen).

In fig. 2 shows a very illustrative example: 1 - font is used Monotype corsiva , on 2 -   Arial.  As you can see, when you try to read the font text Monotype corsiva  (and especially to delete) - there is discomfort, words are more difficult to parse than text on Arial.

3. The variegation of different slides

I don’t quite understand why to design each page of the slide in a different design: one in blue, another in “bloody”, and the third in dark. Meaning? In my opinion, it is better to choose one optimal design, which is used on all pages of the presentation.

The fact is that before the presentation, usually, they adjust its display in order to choose the best visibility for the hall. If you have a different color scheme, different fonts and the design of each slide, then you will only do what to configure the display on each slide, instead of telling your report (well, many will not see what is displayed on your slides).

4. The title page and plan - are they needed, why do they

Many, for some reason, do not consider it necessary to sign their work and not to make the title slide. In my opinion, this is a mistake, even if it is clearly not required. Just imagine yourself: open this work in a year - and you will not even remember the topic of this report (let alone the rest) ...

I do not pretend to be original, but at least such a slide (as in Fig. 4 below) will make your work much better.

Fig. 4. Title page (example)

I can be mistaken (since I have not been “hunting” for a long time :)), but according to GOST (on the title page) the following should be indicated:

  • organization (e.g. educational institution);
  • presentation title
  • surname and initials of the author;
  • surname and initials of the teacher / leader;
  • contact details (website, phone, etc.);
  • year, city.

The same applies to the presentation plan: if it is not there, then the audience cannot even immediately understand what you are going to talk about. Another thing is if there is a brief summary and you can already understand what this work is about in the first minute.

Fig. 5. Presentation plan (example)

In general, on this about the title page and plan - I finish. They are just needed, and that's it!

5. Correctly whether graphics are inserted (pictures, diagrams, tables, etc.)

In general, drawings, diagrams, and other graphics can greatly facilitate the explanation of your topic and more clearly present your work. Another thing is that some overuse it ...

In my opinion, everything is simple, a couple of rules:

  1. do not insert pictures, just so that they are. Each picture should illustrate, explain and show something to the listener (everything else - you can not insert it into your work);
  2. do not use the picture as a background to the text (it is very difficult to choose the color gamut of the text if the picture is heterogeneous, and such text is read worse);
  3. an explanatory text is highly desirable for each illustration: either below it or from the side;
  4. if you use a chart or chart: sign all the axes, points, etc. elements on the chart so that at a glance it is clear where and what is displayed.

Fig. 6. Example: how to correctly insert a description for a picture

6. Sound and video in the presentation

In general, I am some opponent of the sound accompaniment of the presentation: it is much more interesting to listen to a living person (rather than a phonogram). Some people prefer to use background music: on the one hand, it’s good (if it’s the topic), on the other hand, if the hall is large, it’s quite difficult to choose the optimal volume: those who are close to listen too loudly, who are far away - quietly ...

Nevertheless, in presentations, sometimes there are such topics where there is no sound at all ... For example, you need to bring sound when something breaks down - you won’t show it with text! The same goes for video.


(Note: for those who will not present the presentation from their computer)

1) Your video and sound files will not always be saved in the body of the presentation (it depends on the program in which you are making the presentation). It may happen that when you open the presentation file on another computer, you will not see either sound or video. Therefore, a tip: copy your video and audio files along with the presentation file to a USB flash drive (to the cloud :)).

2) I also want to note the importance of codecs. On the computer on which you will present your presentation - there may not be those codecs that are needed to play your video. I recommend taking video and audio codecs with you as well. By the way, I have a note about them on my blog:.

7. Animation (a few words)

Animation is some interesting transition between slides (fading, shifting, appearing, panorama, etc.), or, for example, an interesting representation of a picture: it can sway, tremble (attract attention in every way), etc.

Fig. 7. Animation - a spinning picture (see Fig. 6 for completeness of the "picture").

There is nothing wrong with that; using animations can “liven up” a presentation. The only moment: some use it very often, literally every slide is “saturated” with animation ...


Finish on the sim. To be continued…

By the way, once again I will give one little advice - never postpone creating a presentation on the last day. Better to do it in advance!

1.1 An example of the correct selection of material: Years of production: Country: England Power: 520 hp Max. speed: 347 km \\ h

1.2 Example of improper material selection: Jaguar XJ220 was released by Jaguar in 1991, and is listed as the first supercar of this concern. It was created as a continuation of the XK120, released 40 years before the XJ220. In these 40 years, the XJ220 is the first racing car to be used on public roads with a speed of 217 mph (347 km / h), not counting the Jaguar cars that competed in the LeMan races. The XJ220 was first conceived by CTO Jim Randle and a small team known as The Saturday Club. They saw the launch of the Porsche 959, which was a four-wheel drive supercar prepared for the races of group B. Already in 1984, a small team in Jaguar was thinking about creating an all-wheel drive Jaguar that would lead the company to the top. Since the start of car production, Randle’s team has supported the feasibility of production and racing entry into the arena of car makers. This naturally meant that the V12 should be installed in the middle of a lightweight aluminum chassis.

2.2 An example of an incorrect presentation structure 1. Part of work 2. Basic concept 1 3. Part of work 4. Basic concept 2 5. Intermediate conclusion 6. Historical / lyrical digression 7. Part of work 8. Concept And so on and so on.

3. How to properly arrange the presentation To properly arrange the presentation you need to: Use only neutral, pastel colors. White background if you intend to present the presentation on the projector to the public. If possible, provide information with illustrations. Highlight important information in bold. If necessary, use animation

An example of an incorrectly designed slide. It is located in the Himalayas and is located on the border (the highest in the world) of Nepal and China (Tibet Autonomous Region), the peak itself lies on the territory of China. It has the shape of a pyramid; the southern slope is steeper. On the southern slope and edges of the pyramid, snow and firn are not kept, as a result of which they are exposed. The summit consists mainly of sediment. Located in the ridge Mahalangur-Himal (Khumbu-Himal) on the border of eastern Nepal. The southern peak is 8760 m. The north-eastern shoulder is 8393 m. Glaciers flowing down from the massif in all directions ending at an altitude of about 5 thousand m. The summit is partly part of the Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal). At the top there are strongest winds blowing at a speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour, and the air temperature at night drops to minus sixty degrees.

4. How to “Present” Actually During the presentation, follow these rules: Do not read anything on a piece of paper. Do not read what is written on your slide yourself. Do not make long pauses, but do not speak too quickly. Show your interest in the topic. Examine each item. mentioned in presentation 15

Presentation is a special form of presentation of information. For this, technical means are usually used. The main objective of the presentation, for example, is to interest the audience in a promoted product, service, idea, etc. Just before the presentation, a so-called script is drawn up.

In accordance with the topic of the presentation and the conditions for its holding, a video sequence is selected for demonstrating the product, computer graphics, sound and color design, handouts are prepared in advance. The brighter the presentation, the better and more attractive it is for the target audience.

If you want to make a truly colorful and excellent presentation, then our PowerPoint templates are at your service, which you can now buy at a 40% discount.

40% DISCOUNT OFFER: k8pk8azpdv The very word "presentation" means in Latin - to transmit, hand, but in English "to present" - to represent. In the dictionary of marketing terms, the definition of “presentation” is as follows: a speech that can be accompanied by visual images aimed at conveying the main idea and information to the target audience. The purpose of the presentation is to convey information to the audience and encourage them to take any actions necessary for the organizers.

How to prepare a presentation

Who are the organizers of the presentations? Presentations in companies are most often the responsibility of PR-specialists. As a rule, for their implementation a pre-prepared detailed plan is required. Here you need to set out the objectives of the event, describe the audience, present the concept and express the general intent of the PR appeal, make a list of proposed videos, diagrams, tables and other means of visual presentation support.

How is the presentation written? The presentation scenario consists of listing all the main events and stages of the event in a sequential manner. When conducting a presentation directly, the facilitator must adhere to this particular regulation. The PR appeal itself should not be intrusive, but be held in the style of improvisation. Moreover, the text itself should be prepared in advance and carefully rehearsed and tested for perception in a small audience.

The presentation solves several problems at once:

  1. notifies about an event that meets the interests of the audience;
  2. encourages the audience to actions that are generally consistent with the ideas of the presentation and its overall concept;
  3. contributes to the company's goal of attracting customers.

The presentation strategy is as follows: at the first stage, build trust in the company, and then proceed to convince the client of the actions proposed in the presentation.

To ensure that the performance does not seem dry and boring, the organizers should pursue another important goal - to entertain and surprise the audience. Without this, the presentation runs the risk of becoming an empty meeting.

Presentation Performance

To maintain interest in the presentation, the speaker should choose the optimal time for its perception. The “report” should be interesting and original. It is necessary to try to talk about a lot in the shortest possible time and not bore the listeners. Elements of humor dispel the distrust of the audience, it is only important to monitor their relevance.

Presentation Preparation

  1. studying the topic of speech;
  2. definition of tasks and goals;
  3. audience knowledge;
  4. presentation structure;
  5. introduction and final part;
  6. visual materials.

Audience study

When speaking, you need to focus on the audience. It is important to consider: age, education, professional qualities, ethnic and gender, social steps, etc. the smaller the audience, the more information you need to get about it before the event starts.

A fascinating story, this story is divided into several parts at once, in which there is an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. To capture the audience’s attention, you can start the report with a pre-prepared joke. If the speaker is asked a question from the audience, it is necessary to thank the questioner and indicate the importance of his question. Presentation involves freedom of speech and speaker. It is hardly possible to achieve trustful contact with the audience, being constantly in one position. A dynamic speaker can inspire more public confidence.

Contact with the audience

To establish contact with the audience are rhetorical questions and short provoked discussions. It is important to feel the audience you are speaking to. Facial expressions, poses, reactions, phrases - this must certainly be monitored and, in accordance with manifestations of indifference and inattention, strengthen interest and counteract it with certain methods of fading. You can choose one listener from the audience and apply directly to him during the story.

The terms to be used in the presentation should be understood by the audience. If you plan to use visual materials during the presentation, it is important to remember several key points when perceiving text from the projector screen:

  1. headings and titles should be printed in black font;
  2. uppercase letters are usually perceived worse than lowercase, because their use is recommended only in short headings;
  3. on one slide, do not place more than five lines and more than seven words per line;
  4. if several colors are planned to be used on a slide, their number should not exceed three. In order to distinguish between elements of schemes, some diagrams, it is enough to use only 1-2 colors;
  5. it is important to follow the style: if an element on one slide is highlighted with specific colors, the same color should be used on all other pages and slides of the presentation.

Presentation Types:

  1. image;
  2. training;
  3. interview;
  4. briefings;
  5. trading;
  6. motivational and informational;
  7. first meetings etc.

It is generally accepted that a presentation usually refers to business areas, but more and more you can hear about presentations by the non-profit sector, organizations, all kinds of assistance programs, educational programs, presentations of cultural projects, etc.

The main objectives of the presentation

  1. Informing;
  2. Conviction;
  3. Motivation for action.

Presentation Benefits

Presentation - live communication in a dialogue mode. The audience at the presentation is interested in receiving the information she needs, and therefore feedback and quick response to customers are very important here. Another important advantage of the presentation is the efficient and rapid dissemination of large amounts of information. The use of visual means only enhances the effect of the presentation, making it more lively and visual.

PowerPoint Presentations

A clear and lively presentation greatly facilitates the perception of information by the audience of listeners. Presentation today is not only an oral presentation by the speaker, it is a new format for presenting information. With the help of the Microsoft Power Point program, speeches, lectures, reports become even more clear and transparent. Dry speech without visual aids is poorly perceived by listeners, the demonstration of images, videos, understandable and convincing slides with large headlines, numbers, allow you to relax a bit from your own imagination, and focus more on the perception of basic information.

The main elements of PowerPoint presentations are pictures and images, concise and clear texts, graphics, animation, video, audio. Thanks to these components, the listener is able to absorb a much larger amount of information, moreover, new knowledge is thus acquired, as a rule, in an interesting and exciting form. Multimedia files are manageable, that is, if you launched a PowerPoint presentation, you can easily manage the slides, showing them at the speed with which the maximum effect is achieved for listeners to perceive.

To create a presentation, you need a template. Important components for an effective presentation: design, structure, the ability to immediately start editing your presentation - insert texts, logos, charts, graphs, images, etc.

Free Presentation Template by TemplateMonster

Power Point - a program that organizes an electronic presentation in the form of successive slides. PowerPoint presentations developed by the TemplateMonster Russia team have the ability to add and edit not only text, images and logos, but also add sound. View the presentation in slideshow mode. Various original transitions between slides will revive any even the most serious presentation. Presentations do not require much time for editing and are an inexpensive option for presenting new products of your business to the target audience.

PowerPoint presentations allow you to choose the appearance of the slides, adjust their number and sequence of the demonstration, change the color scheme, use various animation elements, as well as create whole photo albums.

A complete guide to creating, designing and filling presentations. There are examples, the advice of Guy Kawasaki, one of the first Apple marketers, and templates that are not ashamed to speak even at the international level.

But if you don’t have such a person in your submission, and you still need to make a presentation, this article will help you, where we have collected almost all the necessary information. Templates, ingenious examples and professional advice will help you do if not a masterpiece, then certainly something outstanding!

Presentation (from lat. Praesento - transmit, hand) - a way of presenting information both with the help of technical means, and without them; oral presentation, which may be accompanied by visual images, aimed at conveying information to the public, convincing it of certain actions.

Depending on what you want to tell in your presentation, its type will depend. It can be informational, persuasive, image-building, motivating, polling and multi-purpose.

Guy Kawasaki, one of the first Apple marketers, advises following the 10/20/30 rule: 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30th font. 10 slides is the optimal amount that the audience can fully absorb. If you have done much more, it means that you were not able to single out the main points. 20 minutes is the time that viewers can focus without interruption. The font of the 30th size will allow you to put on the slide only the most necessary and important information.

Presentation components

To achieve the desired effect, you need to clearly understand what and when to speak and show. The classic presentation structure looks like this:

  • The title slide (topic, contacts, information about the speaker, about the product, service).
  • Table of Contents (optional).
  • Introduction (what the presentation is about, goals, tasks. Ask the listener why he needs to spend time on your report).
  • The main part (all necessary information: may contain several sections, at the request of the author).
  • Conclusion
  • Application (optional).
  • Thank you for your attention (do not forget the final slide of thanks).

Presentation Rules

Now you will not surprise anyone even with the interactive presentation of Prezi. Therefore, “take” others need. First of all, excellent stylish design. And if your company does not have a single corporate presentation template, this gives you a huge field for creativity. Just do not overdo it.

  1. Make it all in one style. Do not “jump” from one background to another. Watch for color, background, and font compatibility. The font compatibility label is on.
  2. Do not use standard PowerPoint design templates. They are boring and tired of everyone. It is better to choose a color palette yourself. For example, at Piknik all the basic colors are collected, and at Color Lovers you can find both ready-made collections of shades, and make them yourself.

See color picking tips for infographics from.

  1. As few words as possible. No one will read huge test blocks throughout the slide. The minimum is the 25-30th skittle, the font is readable. Change the font to highlight quotes or notes. Use headers.

  1. Do not use animation or music when changing slides. Leave it to the students.
  2. More pictures.

    Replace tables and lists with infographics and charts.

    Many presentation services have the ability to add video. True, this requires access to the Internet during a demonstration to viewers.

Developer and startup adviser - Zach Holman (Zach Holman) has long been working with presentations for various projects. On his site, he shares tips on their design.


Choose contrasting colors. This makes it possible to vary fonts, backgrounds and other presentation elements. I have about 4 colors that I use constantly, and 8-10 - with their shades.

The size

Make your text huge, get rid of half the words on the slide, and enlarge the remaining most important text even larger.
  Usually my text is at least 90 pt, sometimes I use 150 pt and even 300 pt.

Words as forms

The letters themselves can be part of the design. The easiest way to make the slide more interesting is to play with the physical side of the letters that make up the words, i.e. with the size.

The text (font) on almost every new slide in my presentations is different in size. So I separate one thought from another. It turns out much more interesting than simply bulleted lists.

Presentation Illustrations

Images are the foundation of the presentation. Presentation in general is a visual thing, so it’s important not only to choose successful illustrations, but also to correctly place them on slides.

What do we have to do:

  1. If you find a picture in a search engine, see that it does not have a watermark. And if you work at a serious level - also for a license to use!
  2. Remember that your presentation can be viewed both from a small screen (tablet or mobile phone), and from a large one (computer screen, projector). Choose photos of excellent resolution.

    Use photos as a background. Of course, for this you will need to slightly adjust the image: reduce the brightness, contrast or darken the image.

    Pay attention to the drawn illustrations. They will definitely add uniqueness to your presentation.

    Choose an unusual, eye-catching image on the first slide. Do not forget about the picture for the last slide (“Thank you for your attention”).

What not to do:

    Do not use standard drawings and illustrations, especially from PowerPoint. They can be replaced by vectors.

    Do not use too many images on one slide. The audience will not have time to see everything. In addition, to fit everything on the screen, you have to greatly reduce them.

    Do not place the image to the edge or corner.

    Do not overlay one image on another.

Presentation Tools

In addition to the standard PowerPoint, there are many more great programs for creating presentations.

  1. Apple keynote
      The main competitor to PowerPoint, close to it by interface. A large selection of chic templates, which is a sin not to try. Available on all Apple devices.

  1. Custom show
      A great tool for creating business presentations from a company with more than 40 years of history. You can not only create presentations and share them with colleagues, but also organize online meetings, work offline and online on various devices, add video and audio, download slides from PowerPoint, change settings in accordance with the requirements of the brand.

  1. Haiku deck
      The program for fans of minimalism. The main rule is the minimum amount of information in the warehouse. One slide - one idea - one visual accompaniment (image, infographic, diagram).
    Great for creating simple presentations. At the same time, editing templates is limited: developers thus try to maintain a high quality of work so that the user does not turn the template into "silent horror."

  1. Slidedog
      This is not a pure presentation editor. You can’t make your own slides, but you can put everything you want into a single presentation: a presentation from PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, a PDF file, a video, an audio file, a web page. No more switching between different programs.

Online Presentation Services

  1. Prezi
      One of the most popular services after PowerPoint. The entire presentation is a single field, each part of which is approached by pressing a key. The ability to see the full presentation from above, which immediately gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure.
      The tool is interesting and original, but not very suitable for serious business presentations. There is a free version with a limited set of functions. Paid starts at $ 4, 92 per month. There is a mobile application and a separate program for the PC.

  1. Google Presentations
      Very similar to PowerPoint with slightly truncated features. Allows you to make simple presentations for basic purposes. Although, if you try hard, you can make cool in Google presentation.
    1. Cards
        Finished slides with various maps.



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