Space photography. Space images, their types and differences from aerial photographs What is the difference between an aerial photograph and a terrain plan

Class: 6

Lesson topic: Image of the earth's surface on a plane. Aerial and satellite imagery. Geographic Maps


The student must know / understand:basic geographical concepts and terms, differences in plans and geographical maps in terms of content, scale, methods of cartographic representation

The student must be able to:conventional signs of the plan and map, read the plan and map, use the scale, put the knowledge gained into practice.

Equipment:geographic atlases, wall geographic maps


I ... Organizational moment.So, guys, you and I made imaginary travels using the globe. But the globe is not always at hand, you cannot put it in your pocket, it takes up too much space in your backpack. What to do?

II. Learning new material

One of the most perfect images of the earth's surface is a geographic map.

How to show large areas of the earth's surface on a piece of paper?

A geographic map is a drawing of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface, made according to special rules. These rules largely coincide with the rules for building a plan. Like the plan, the map is drawn to scale using conventional symbols.

The map is much less detailed than the area plan. Tens and hundreds of kilometers can correspond to one centimeter of the map, while one centimeter of the plan, as a rule, tens and hundreds of meters. The globe is convenient when we want to see the whole Earth, the plan is when we are working with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain. Territories of significant area are depicted on geographical maps. The geographic map is similar to the plan in that the surface of the Earth is also depicted on a plane, in scale and using conventional symbols. However, in comparison with the plan, the card has a number of very important distinctive properties.

First, the map is nowhere near as detailed as the plan. Due to the fact that large territories are depicted on the map, it is necessary to use a generalization, and a smaller scale. Not all are shown on the map, but only the main objects or phenomena. Real distances from tens to hundreds of kilometers can correspond to one centimeter on the map.

Secondly, many of the conventional signs that are used in drawing up maps differ from those used on the plans. For example, on the plan, forests are depicted in green, and on the physical map of the hemispheres and Russia - the lowest places of land - lowlands. Oceans, seas and their parts on the maps are shown in the form of clearly delineated outlines of blue (blue) color, mountains - in different shades of brown. To show the different depths of the seas and the heights of the mountains, a scale of heights and depths and the method of layer-by-layer coloring are used on the maps.

Symbols with their interpretation form the map legend. The word "legend" means "what is read." The legend is the key that reveals the contents of the map. You should always start working with a map by studying its legend.

- So, what do we see in the map legend?(primarily a scale of depths and heights, which shows the height of the place)

- What does green mean?

- Why are there two shades of green?

- What other colors is the card represented? What do they mean?

The greatest difficulty in building a map is that it is necessary to depict a convex earth surface on a flat drawing. This inevitably leads to distortions. And the more territory is depicted on the map, the more distortion becomes. If you can neatly peel the skin off the orange by cutting it up and down, try spreading the skin flat on a piece of paper. Unfortunately, it will tear, first of all, at the edges. This is because a convex surface cannot be flattened without distortion. Notice, for example, how differently Australia and Greenland look on the globe and on the oceans map. The closer to the poles, the more noticeable the distortion on this map.

The first to solve this difficult task was the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes. It was he who developed the first projection - a method of transition from an image on a ball to an image on a plane. There are a great many projections. Maps created in different projections differ in the pattern of parallels and meridians.

How have maps changed over the course of human history?

The first drawings of the earth's surface appeared before writing was born. In primitive society, these blueprints were very simple. Hunting places, main roads, rivers pointed to them. The origins of modern cartography are to be found in Ancient Greece. After all, it was the ancient Greek scientists who pointed to the sphericity of the Earth, calculated its dimensions, suggested using a system of parallels and meridians, and, finally, created the first "real" map with a degree network.

The first collection of maps was placed in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy "Geography". Since that time, maps have been used not only for scientific, but also for practical purposes (for collecting taxes, calculating areas and distances).

In the Middle Ages, cartography, like science in general, was consigned to oblivion. The second birth of cartography is associated with the era of the great geographical discoveries. The discoverers sailed and walked on the maps, new lands were laid on them, the boundaries of new possessions were established. The invention of printing made it possible to quickly replicate cards. The map is no longer a single piece of art. It has become widespread and accessible to all.

The Dutch cartographer Gerard Mercator made an invaluable contribution to the development of cartography in the Middle Ages. He created a projection in which all angles are shown without distortion. This projection made his name famous.

During the existence of cartography, the technology of making maps has changed. At first they were drawn by hand based on direct measurements of the earth's surface. In the first half of the XX century. aerial photography came to the aid of cartographers. Today, cartographic information is supplied mainly by artificial earth satellites, and is processed automatically by computers.

The computer memory stores the coordinates of millions of points on the earth's surface, the outlines of rivers and mountains, seas and lakes, borders of states and natural complexes. From these points and lines, according to the principle of the constructor, a new map is built. The cartographer just needs to choose what needs to be displayed on the map in accordance with its purpose and scale.

For example, on a political map, you need administrative boundaries and cities, but on a vegetation map it is better to show the boundaries of reserves and national parks.

Computer cards have a number of obvious advantages over traditional cards. They are distinguished by high precision. They are quickly created. Computer cards hardly have time to "age". Any change in geographical names, borders, outlines of objects in a matter of hours can be reflected on the map. A computer map allows you to quickly move from one scale to another and from one projection to another.

Since the computer card exists in electronic form, it is very affordable, compact and compatible with most computer programs. In the case when a computer map is supplemented with text material, tables, programs for constructing diagrams and graphs, the resulting computer product is called a geographic information system or GIS for short. With the help of GIS, you can quickly and efficiently draw up a plan for the construction of new roads, city blocks, determine the most profitable way to use land, and monitor areas of occurrence of dangerous natural phenomena.

Cartography today is not only a science about a map, but also a technology. It used to take years to create maps. As a result of the development of computer technology, electronic maps and atlases appeared, displayed on a computer screen. It is very convenient to use them. Maps can not only be viewed and flipped, but also combined with one another, reduced or enlarged. A huge amount of cartographic information is stored in computer databases. This allows you to create a wide variety of maps in a short time and use them together with text or other graphic information.

What's the best way to get an accurate, flat image of the earth's surface? For us, residents of the third millennium, the answer to this question is quite simple: we need to photograph her from above.

Shooting the earth's surface from aircraft allows you to get a detailed image of all the details of the terrain.

- Let's look at figure 27a on page 30 of your textbooks. What do you see in this picture?

Is it convenient to work with such a source of information?

Space images are taken from satellites moving in orbits around the Earth.

The satellite images clearly show cloud accumulations and giant air vortices, flood zones and forest fires. Geologists use satellite images to identify fault zones on the Earth's surface, which are associated with mineral deposits and probable earthquakes.

The coverage of the surveyed area and the scale of the images depend on the altitude at which the satellite flies. The higher the satellites fly from the Earth, the smaller the scale of the images and the detail of their images (Fig. 28 on page 31 of the textbook).

Geographic objects in space and aerial photographs are presented in an unusual form for us. Recognition of an image in pictures is called decryption. Computer technology plays an increasingly important role in decryption. Geographic plans and maps are made using satellite images.

So what is a geographic map?

A geographic map is a generalized reduced image of the Earth or a large area of \u200b\u200bits surface on a plane using conventional symbols.

The cards are very diverse. On many maps, in addition to depicting the surface of a certain territory, the location and connections of various natural and social phenomena are shown. For example, on the maps of Russia, you can separately show the ethnic composition of the population, the composition of forests and their condition, and much more.

Geographic maps differ in spatial coverage of the territory

The dimensions of the territory shown

World and hemispheres of Continents, oceans and their parts of the States and their


Figure 29, page 33 of the tutorial shows the maps various scales... You can see that:

The more space you need to depict, the smaller the scale should be;

The smaller the scale, the less detailed the map content.

Depending on the scale, maps are distinguished:

Large-scale - from 1: 10,000 to 1: 200,000;

Medium-scale - from 1: 200,000 to 1: 1,000,000;

Small-scale - smaller than 1: 1,000,000.

The smallest scale is used for the world map. In terms of spatial coverage, maps of the world, maps of continents and oceans, individual countries and their parts are distinguished.

By scale

Large scale Medium scale Small scale

The content of the cards is very diverse. They can be general geographic and thematic.

By content

General Geographic Thematic

General geographic maps show the general appearance of the space - mountains, plains, rivers, seas and other important natural objects. Thematic maps are dedicated to a separate topic. For example, a map of earthquakes and volcanoes, a map of natural zones, a political map showing the countries of the world. There are also different contour maps - only the outlines and outlines of geographic objects are drawn on them. You will also use these cards in the future, putting the necessary information on them.

Atlas is a collection of geographical maps of various subjects for a single territory: the world, a country, a region. Atlases are often supplemented with graphs, photographs, diagrams, and profiles. The atlas is extremely important for studying geography at school. The word "atlas" was introduced by Gerardus Mercator in the 16th century. In honor of the mythical King of Libya Atlas, who allegedly made the celestial globe.


The famous English writer RL Stevenson wrote: "They say that some people are not interested in maps - I can hardly believe that." Whether the maps are old, whether their images are computer generated - they are all tools of cognition and a means of allowing people to interact with each other. The map is an outstanding creation of human thought

An incorrectly created map can lead to dire consequences. The famous traveler Vitus Bering paid with his life, trusting an erroneous map, on which the "Land of Gama" was shown to the south of Kamchatka. Having searched for this land for three weeks in vain, he got into a storm and died during a forced wintering.

The map cannot be replaced with any description. It accurately conveys geographic information, is visual, allows you to study spatial relationships, plan and predict many phenomena and processes.

III. Practical work

1. Study your school atlas. Describe the types of maps by filling out the table in your notebook.

View of geographical maps of the atlas

What is depicted

1. Physical map of the hemispheres

2. Physical map of Russia

3. Political map of the world

2. When and why did geographic maps appear?

3. What is called a geographic map?

4. What properties does the card have?

5. How do the maps differ in scale?

6. What does the legend of the map tell about?

7. Select two features that distinguish the small-scale map: a) small areas of the territory are depicted; b) the curvature of the spherical surface of the Earth is taken into account; c) there is a degree grid; d) a large scale is used.

8. Map of scale 1: 500000 refers to: 1) large-scale; 2) medium-scale; 3) small-scale.

9. Analyze the physical map of your area, edge and draw a conclusion to which maps in scale it belongs.

10. On the physical map of Russia determine the scale - numerical, named and linear.

11. Distribute the maps as the detail and coverage of the depicted area decreases.

1) M - 1: 1,000,000 3) M - 1: 250,000

2) M - 1: 10000 4) M - 1: 100000

IV ... Home assignments:§ 9-10

The task

"1915, March 16 days, at latitude 79 ° and longitude from Greenwich 90 ° from the side of the drifting ship" Holy Mary "with good visibility and clear sky, an unknown vast land with high mountains and glaciers was seen to the east of the ship", - says the report of the head of the expedition, Captain Tatarinov. Determine which land (islands) was discovered by this expedition.

Completing the task

1. Please note that the expedition took place in the Kara Sea. Determine which latitude and longitude the reported coordinates refer to.

2, Open the map of Russia in your atlas. Determine where longitudes and latitudes are labeled on this map.

3.Find the intersection point of the parallel 79 ° N on the map. sh. and meridian 90 ° E. etc.

4. Mark the found point with a pencil. Tell me what previously unknown land (islands) was discovered by the expedition of Captain Tatarinov.

How to describe the location of an object on the map?

It is important not only to be able to find an object on the map, but also to describe where it is. When describing the position of objects on the map, you can use the following rule: all objects lying on the meridians located to the left of this one are west of it, to the right of this one - to the east; all objects lying on parallels located above this one are located to the north of it, below - to the south.

5. In what direction is the nearest city marked on the map from the islands discovered by the Tatarinov Islands? What is it called?

6. In what direction should the schooner "Saint Mary" move to reach the nearest promontory on the coast? What is the name of this cape? Determine the distance to it (in kilometers).

7. What is the position of the open islands in relation to the Novaya Zemlya islands? New Siberian Islands?

8. In which part of the Kara Sea are open islands located?

Additional material for the lesson

Using maps in scientific research

Scientific research

Examples of using maps

Geological and geomorphological

Study of the features of the spatial distribution of continents, oceans, mountain systems, mid-ocean ridges, analysis of their shape, position relative to the coordinate system and poles, hemispheric distribution, symmetry and asymmetry, zoning, etc. Obtaining information during measurements on maps about the average, maximum and minimum sizes of planetary forms: heights, depths, areas, volumes, geophysical characteristics and relationships between them. Identification of mineral deposits on maps using special techniques. Study of maps of the Earth, the Moon and the terrestrial planets of the Solar System to detect similarities in their structure, identify elements of similarity and differences in planetary structures to predict the structure and relief of planets. Use of relief maps for agricultural development of territories and land reclamation, for the design of structures and various types of construction.

Physico-geographical and landscape

Study of the structure and zoning of natural complexes, the establishment of relationships between individual elements of these complexes. Comparison of landscape maps with other natural and socio-economic maps and in order to obtain an assessment of natural conditions for agricultural development, planning of anti-erosion and irrigation and drainage measures, the deployment of capital construction, the creation of health and tourist complexes. Study on maps of analogous territories to identify patterns in little-studied or hard-to-reach areas.

Oceanological and hydrological

Morphometric study of the ocean floor, analysis of the distribution of heights and slopes of shelves, slopes, hollows, the largest forms of underwater relief. Study of currents, interactions between the atmosphere and water masses, calculation of biomass, etc. Study of channel processes, structure and development of floodplains, river systems, basins. Study of the dynamics of processes occurring in river basins. Study of the hydrological characteristics of lakes and reservoirs.

Soil and geobotanical

Characteristics of soil and vegetation cover, the ratio of areas occupied by one or another soil or plant associations. Analysis of the relationship between contours on maps of soils, vegetation and other natural components. Study of the distribution of soils for agricultural development of the territory and land use.

Medical and geographical

Study of the spatial distribution of diseases, foci of epidemics. Establishing a link between the spread of diseases and the natural and social factors that contribute to their occurrence. Predicting the spread of infections.


Analysis of the characteristics of settlement, types of settlements, population density, etc. Territorial planning of long-term development of the economy, industrial and urban construction. Economic zoning.

Historical and geographical

Quantitative characteristics of the phenomena of the historical past. Getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe administrative-territorial structure, the development of cities, ports, industrial areas, trade relations, etc.

Environmental studies

Rational use and protection of the environment, integrated exploration of oceans and seas, forecasting natural disasters. Study of environmental pollution. Study of human influence on natural complexes. Monitoring and development of measures to prevent hazardous phenomena, preserve and reproduce natural resources.

A way of teaching map matching to terrain and a tutorial for doing it

Class: 6

Lesson objectives:
Educational: 1. Get acquainted with different types of images of the Earth and learn to recognize them
Developing: 1. Develop the ability to recognize the studied objects in photographs, analyze and compare them, as well as continue to develop the skills of working with the globe
Educational: To contribute to the formation of an ecological worldview, information competence of students.

Equipment: globe, computer, geographic information program Google Earth, multimedia projector and parallels.

Lesson teaching methods:
reproductive, practical.

Forms of teaching a lesson: conversation, practical work, independent work, individual work, work in pairs.

Lesson type.
Learning new material.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. (2 minutes)
Hello guys! I am glad to meet you. The topic of our today's lesson: « An image of the earth's surface on a plane. Aerial and satellite imagery
Let's remember what model of our planet we met? (the globe is a reduced volumetric model of the Earth). And what do we already know? (determine geographic coordinates) Today you will get acquainted with flat images of the Earth - space and aerial photographs, and learn how to work with them . (slide 1)

2. Checking homework.
But first, let's repeat the previously studied material.
Individual assignments are given to 4 students. (Working with the globe by cards. Appendix 1), and at this time we will talk to you, and during our conversation we solve the crossword puzzle: "Degree network"
So, who was the first to suggest drawing conditional lines - parallels and meridians - on images of the earth's surface. (Eratosthenes is an ancient Greek scientist).
Now let's turn our attention to the crossword puzzle. (Appendix 2)
Horizontally. 1. Circle parallel to the equator.(parallel)
Vertically. 1. A semicircle through the poles (meridian)
Remember which sides of the horizon the parallel and the meridian indicate (the parallel shows the direction from Zna B, the meridian from N to S).
2 horizontal: Largest parallel.
Remember the name of the prime meridian, and why is it so named? (Zero)
Into which hemispheres does the equator and the prime meridian divide the Earth into two hemispheres? (equator N and S, zero equator - West and East)
Vertical 2. What is the name of the network consisting of conventionally intersecting lines, parallels and meridians, which are plotted on the globe and the map. (degree)
Determine from the atlas maps through what number of degrees the network is drawn on the physical map of the hemispheres. (after 10 or 20 degrees).
How many parallels of meridians can be drawn through one point? (1 parallel and one meridian)
Horizontal 3. Distance north or south of the equator expressed in degrees(latitude)
Vertical 3. Distance to the west or east of the prime meridian, expressed in degrees.
Horizontal 4: The value that shows how many times the distance on the globe is reduced in comparison with the real one. (Scale)
4 vertical: Reduced volumetric model of the Earth (globe)

3. Learning new material.
3.1 Teacher's story with elements of conversation. Topic of today's lesson: “The purpose of the lesson. Lesson plan " (SLIDE 1-3).
3.2. We got acquainted with one of the models of the Earth - the globe. However, using it to solve most practical problems is inconvenient. The main advantage of the globe is its volume - this is also its disadvantage. To obtain a very detailed image of the earth's surface, the globes must be huge. Therefore, most often people use flat images of the Earth's surface. What's the best way to get it? We need to photograph the Earth from above. The earth is photographed from planes, from orbital stations, airships. (SLIDE 3-10).A story about aircraft and types of shooting.
3.3. Geographic objects in space and aerial photographs are presented in an unusual form for us. Let's compare the features of the image of the terrain on a globe and a satellite image. (SLIDE 11, 12).Work in pairs. (Appendix 3)
Features of the image of the island of Madagascar

If you agree with the statement put +. Small conclusion.
3.4. (SLIDE-14) Shooting the earth's surface from aircraft allows you to get a detailed image of all the details of the terrain. Space images are taken from satellites moving in orbits around the Earth. Using the Google Earth program, let's see how our planet looks like, in particular our neighborhood. (SLIDE-13).A story about the geographic information program Google Earth. (We switch to the geographic information program Google Earth.) Let's consider how our microdistrict looks like from an airplane flying at an altitude of 7.4 km, and from the ISS (351 km altitude).
3.5. Pictures of the Earth are taken from the aircraft. The coverage of the surveyed area and the scale of the images depend on the altitude over which the satellite or the plane is flying. The higher the satellites fly from the Earth, the smaller the scale of the images and the detail of their images. (SLIDE -15)
Let's see how our microdistrict looks like:
- airship flying at a maximum permissible altitude of 2500 m
- from the board of the IL-14 aircraft flying at an altitude of 7400 m,
-from a satellite of the Don series located at an altitude of 306,
-from board of the meteorological satellite "Meteor" located at an altitude of 625 km
-from ISS 351 km.
Look at how our neighborhood looks from an extremely low altitude, the picture was taken from a helicopter flying over our neighborhood at an extremely low altitude. (SLIDE 15-21)
The bottom panel displays the height of the camera above the ground
All these devices have risen to the maximum height, which devices will have a larger-scale image, and which ones will have a smaller-scale image? List the aircraft in descending order of detail and scale of the images obtained by these vehicles. (Appendix 4)(on the magnetic board, attach the aircraft in the desired order )
3.6. Recognizing objects in a snapshot is called decryption. Let's try to recognize the main objects of our neighborhood. In the Planet Earth program, I will indicate the main objects (MOU SOSH 24, Post Office, kindergarten, 26 CSTI). (If possible, you can put each child at the computer.)
3.7. In addition to our planet, there are pictures of other planets, such as Mars. What can we say about the planets by looking at their space images ... (SLIDE 22 if the internet fails).Switch to Google Earth to the image of Mars.
Let's compare how these planets look in images from space.

They are made with special aerial cameras installed on airplanes, and space images are taken from manned spacecraft, orbital stations, automatic satellites using photographic and scanning equipment.

Aerial photographs are obtained with the help of special cameras, which weigh tens of kilograms, are charged with photographic film, usually 18 cm wide, and installed above a special hole in the aircraft fuselage so that the lens “looks” directly at the Earth. Already during the First World War, military pilots took photographs from an aircraft for reconnaissance purposes. In the 30s. XX century aerial photography has replaced ground surveying and has become the main method for creating maps. By the mid-50s. with the help of aerial photographs, topographic maps of the entire territory of our country were compiled in 1: 100,000, and a quarter of a century later, a huge work was completed on creating a map at a scale of 1:25 000, consisting of 300 thousand sheets. The appearance in these years of colored aerial photographs contributed to the fact that they began to be widely used for studying rocks, soils, compiling geological, soil, geobotanical maps, studying the relationship between natural components, and conducting comprehensive geographical research.

After the launch in 1957 of artificial earth satellites and spacecraft, geographers and cartographers received new materials for their work - space images. It turned out that even from a distance of thousands of kilometers it is possible to take pictures that reflect many details of the earth's surface, and such a survey is sometimes more profitable than aerial photography. After all, one space image replaces thousands of aerial photographs. The satellite flies over areas inaccessible even for an airplane - the highest peaks, icy expanses. A satellite constantly operating in orbit can repeat the survey from day to day to observe rapidly changing,. In short, the shooting capabilities have expanded significantly. To obtain images, they began to use not only cameras, but also such equipment that would make it possible to transmit an image to the Earth via radio channels, for example, scanners. When scanning (from the English scan - "to trace sequentially, in parts"), the area is viewed in sections across the route line. Light signals arriving at the radiation receiver from each area are converted into electrical signals and transmitted through space communication channels to the Earth, where they are recorded in the form of small elements of the future image - pixels, which means “picture element”. This side-to-side view yields a snapshot line, and the accumulation of lines along the flight path gradually forms a snapshot. The advantage of the scanner survey is its efficiency: you can get an image of the territory directly during the satellite flight over it. Another advantage of scanner shooting over photographic is the ability to see what is not visible to the eye, since scanners are sensitive to such radiation that neither the eye nor the film can perceive. The image taken by the camera and delivered to Earth contains so many image details that the human eye cannot see them, so the image is magnified. More details can be seen when zoomed in. At the same time, the integrity of the image will not be violated, there will be no breaks on it, it will remain continuous. Photographs can be magnified 10 to 20 times.

Another thing is an image obtained by scanning and transmitted to the Earth via radio channels. Signals during this transmission refer to specific, usually rectangular areas of the terrain. When zoomed in, it will become clear that such a picture consists of many rectangular elements of the same size, inside which there are no details, and the tone of the image at the boundaries of the sections changes abruptly. This is a discrete image. Each pixel of the image corresponds to a number stored in the computer's memory that indicates its brightness. Such pictures are called digital. They are recorded on optical CDs and can be transmitted over telecommunication networks over the Internet. A continuous photographic image for processing on a computer must also be turned into a discrete digital one; this is done using laboratory computer scanners.

In the middle of the 19th century, a balloon rose over the capital of France, Paris, and photographer Nadar took a bird's eye view of the city for the first time. The Parisians saw how the city blocks, streets, the Seine River, on the banks of which the city grew up, looked like from above. This is how the first aerial photographs appeared - reduced photographic images of an area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface (er - in French "air").

Currently, aerial photographs are taken from aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles, including multicopters.

The aerial photograph shows houses, roads, bridges, rivers and ravines, fields and forests - in short, everything that we see on the plan and map. Learning to recognize geographic objects in an image is a cheat to learn decrypt aerial photograph. Not only objects are important, but also the tone of the image: the wetter, the damp the earth, the darker the tone of the image. The water in the river or lake will be completely dark in the picture. You cannot see on the map whether the soil is wet or not. Yes, this is not required, after a few days the soil on the field may dry out.

If the plane is flying high above the ground, then the scale of the aerial photograph is small. If the plane is flying low, the aerial photograph will have a large scale, a small area will be visible on it with great detail. During aerial photography, the plane flies in a given direction and takes pictures at regular intervals. Then it turns around and flies back parallel to the recent path, again photographing the ground. Neighboring aerial photographs are glued together and, using them, a plan or map is drawn.

A map is a reduced generalized image of the earth's surface. For the image on the map, they select the most important, the most significant, that which will not change in a week. The names of rivers, settlements, main roads are inscribed on the map; the plans show both the direction of the river flow and the nature of the road - asphalt, unpaved, etc. Material from the site

Lesson topic:
Image of the earthly
surfaces on a plane.
Aerial photographs and
space images

The purpose of the lesson:
Get to know different types
imaging the earth and learn
recognize them by pictures
Flat images of the Earth (photos)
The difference between the Earth model and its flat
Features of aerial photographs and
space images
Image recognition from snapshots
(Practical work)

Shooting of the earth's surface is carried out from:

From the plane
From the airship
From satellite
From the orbital station

Satellite photography - photographing the Earth or other planets using satellites

Earth satellite (AES)
revolving around
Land on its own
In Russia for
Don series satellites

Envisat, Envisat - a satellite built by the European Space Agency to explore the Earth from space

Aerial photography - photographing the territory from a height of hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers using an aerial camera,

An-30 is designed for aerial photography and airborne geophysical work.

In the middle
equipped five
photo hatches, of which
can be produced
planned and
aerial photography.
Aerial photography
performed in
scale from 1: 5000 to

Il-14FK - aircraft for aerial photography. Notable for the presence of special flight and navigation equipment, 3 cameras

Unmanned aerial vehicles are used in different countries of the world for aerial photography for military and civil purposes, as

An airship is an aircraft with an engine, lighter than air. Airship Au-30 - for 2009 the largest Russian airship

Madagascar island (space photo)

Features of the image of Madagascar Island on the globe and space photograph

Image features
Space photo
1 top view
2. Shown are all objects visible
from above
3. Only important items shown
4. Items are depicted as they are
look in reality
5. Items are shown conditional
6.. Alphanumeric and alphabetic available
7. Can know the distance accurately

A geographic information system is a complex of digital maps, statistics "tied" to them and software tools that allow

Google planet
Land - project
Google, in
within which in
the Internet was
photos of all
earth surface


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