Crafts migratory birds do it yourself. DIY crafts from various materials. Blue bird from an egg: an unusual DIY craft

Marina Suzdaleva

Spring comes into its own. they return home from warm countries, make nests and prepare for the appearance of chicks. Such changes in nature could not remain without the attention of enthusiastic mothers and their babies. Participants "" prepared 7 detailed master classes in manufacturing dIY bird crafts. Chickens in different techniques, paper birds and cones, a dove of peace and a bird's nest will make your spring creative activities with children even more interesting and diverse.

Dove of peace with a card

My daughter turned into a little thing. She is already almost 3 years old and is interested in everything that she sees. In anticipation of the central street of our small town occupied. When asked what this is and why, I decided to tell about the great heroes who saved the world. Including her great-grandfathers, one of whom came to.

At home, we decided to make a card for the great-grandfather in the form of a dove of peace, which carries a card.

We needed:

  • A4 album sheet;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper (velvet);
  • Paints;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Felt-tip pen.

The dove is made in the style of origami. In this video you will find a detailed master class:

When the dove is ready, cut out a small rectangle and bend it in half.

We make a slot on the card and under the tail of the dove.

Insert the tape into the slots and tie the ends.

We hide the bundle under the tail of the pigeon.

Decorate the card. We glued a St. George ribbon from orange and black velvet paper. The inside of the postcard was decorated with paints and a cotton swab. True, I planned to draw a salute, but Nastya wanted flowers.

The result was an original DIY gift. I hope great-grandfather will like it.

Victoria Pechieva with kids Nastya 2g. 8 months and Matveykoy 11 months., Belorechensk

In the first week of May, we accidentally ended up in Nakhabino, Moscow Region, so nature itself helped us in creating the crafts!

We had white paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and glue stick. Gathered on the site. Cut out of paper - tail, wings and face, so that you can fold in half. Decorated with pencils and felt-tip pens. Details stuck to the bump.

Now the birds decorate the yard, waiting for us on.

Olga Antonenko and Olesya 1 year 7 months., Yaroslavl.

Movable bird

We got a moving bird crafts. Her wings move, if you pull the rope from below.
For crafts, we used: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, an awl, glue stick, brads, thread.

Manufacturing process: on the cardboard painted the body of a bird and two wings separately. They cut it out, and in the place of bonding of the wings and the body made holes with an awl. Then they began to adorn the body and wings of the bird with “feathers” of colored paper. Upon completion, glued eyes and beak. After that, the wings were joined together by a thread (folded several times so that it was thicker). They made a loop (ring) of thread between the wings. Wings with brads attached to the body. The bird is ready.

Pull the thread from the bottom and the wings of the bird will rise up.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena (2g4mes), Yekaterinburg.

Bird Nest

For crafts, we need:

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for a child?

  • pasta in the form of nests;
  • brown gouache and a thick brush;
  • plasticine of several colors;
  • kinder surprise box (can be replaced with a large piece of plasticine);
  • sequins (beads).

We start with the preparation of the nest: paint the pasta nests with brown paint.

While the nest dries, we make a bird: on the box from the kinder surprise we attach eyes, beak, tail and wings from plasticine.

We roll another piece of plasticine into an egg and decorate it with sequins (and / or beads). You can attach decorations with your fingers or roll an egg over decorations scattered on the table.

At the last stage, we collect the crafts: we place the testicle and the bird in the nest using plasticine.

If the child has the strength and desire, then you can make a second bird or several eggs.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Misha 1g. 5 months., St. Petersburg.

What bird to do, I didn’t have a question - it means it's a chicken. For the manufacture of birds, I discovered a new waste material -. This is the finished papier-mâché — soak and sculpt. I took this note to myself, and for today's crafts decided to take the cells themselves.

I cut out the parts necessary for the idea from the trays, and removed the rest. For the chicken, she took two indentations and connected them with masking tape so that it opens according to the principle of a casket.

Now all the blanks must be painted, which my son did with pleasure. When painting, they got a little wet with us, but we left them to dry and then continued to create.

From cardboard I cut yellow wings and beak in advance, and from orange - paws. We glued all the blanks to the chicken, drew gouache eyes and our chicken came to life! For the cockerel and the chicken, I cut only beaks and scallops. I glued them to PVA glue. She also painted eyes with gouache.

Here we have such a funny chicken family. You can use them as candy canes, and chicken - as a surprise box.

Kosteva Oksana and son Sashenka 1g. 11month., Dolgoprudny city.

First, we cut out two circles with a diameter of 8 cm from cardboard, and inside the large circles we cut out smaller circles with a diameter of 4 cm (we no longer need these small 4 cm circles).

We put two 8 cm circles together and wrap them with yellow knitting threads, the more you wind, the more magnificent the pompom will be. Then we cut the threads with small scissors along the outer circle and at the same time we put the thread between the circles from cardboard, we tighten this thread and tie it. Remove the cardboard circles. The pompom is ready, it will be the chicken body.

In the same way we will make the head of the chicken, only a smaller pompon. To do this, cut out two circles from cardboard with a diameter of 6 cm, and inside them circles with a diameter of 3 cm, then similarly.

We connect two pompons with each other. On the head we glue the eyes and the beak of red faux leather or hard felt, and can be knitted of red threads. Glue the paws on the body. I made from twigs, also from solid brown felt.

Such a funny chicken is ready!

Postcard "Chicken"

For a card in the form of a chicken that hatched from an egg, my daughter and I made handprints with yellow paint on a white sheet. You could, of course, circle your palms with pencil on yellow paper, but this is not at all interesting for my daughter.

While our palms were drying, they cut an oval out of yellow cardboard for the figure of a chicken, cut a semicircle for shells from white cardboard, and a beak from red cardboard.

We prepared the basis - our postcard, where we will collect the chicken. The hands were cut along the contour and glued to a postcard, then they glued a yellow oval. On the yellow oval - the shell, eyes and beak.

We sign a memory card and you can give!

Gavrilova Faina and daughter Taisiya, 1g. 2month., Arkhangelsk.

Master - class "Birds flew"

Craft for students in grade 1.

Purpose of the master class: making a paper model of a white stork for Bird Day.

Goals: develop a cognitive interest in the nature of the native land through the manufacture of a bird model; to develop elementary ecological and ethical standards of behavior in nature.


The development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Formation of motivation for creative work, paper skills, work for the result; the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, respectful attitude to a different opinion;

The formation of aesthetic taste in the design of the work.

Equipment: sheets of white paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, table “Do you know birds?”

Class progress

1. The story of the teacher.

Spring. Nature awakens from hibernation. One of

the first reminders of the onset of spring are birds that return from warm countries. The bustle of birds, their twitter welcomes the revival of nature.

The white stork is a bird of the sun, peace and good. Every year he returns to his old place in late March or early April. People are used to seeing her as a guardian angel of the hearth, as a peaceful symbol of constancy and prosperity.

Storks are listed in the Red Book. They need to be protected. In June 2012, an action was carried out in the Novooskolsky district - a census of white storks. In our settlement, these birds live in the village of Tavozhanka.

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

I want to suggest you make such a guardian angel.

3. Work plan.

1) Cut a square from a sheet of A4 white paper.

2) We draw the workpiece.

3) Color the tail and wings with a black marker.

4) Turn diagonally.

5) Cut the head and neck, cut feathers.

6) We twist the cut feathers on the tail and neck.

7) We twist by inserting the tail into the incision.

4. Performance of work by children.

5. Dynamic pause:

To the sides of the hand gently wave

These are birds flying to us.

How they sit quietly

We show - the wings are folded back.

Bent over and crouched.

Engaged quietly sat down.

6. Summarizing.

Why do we need birds?

Why do they need to be protected?

When is Bird Day celebrated?

You can make an incredible amount of different crafts.

In this collection of workshops you can learn how to make various birds from plastic bottles.

Here you will find simple ways to make beautiful birds that can decorate your house, cottage and / or garden.

You can involve children in the process of creating birds from plastic bottles - they will surely like to do something new and interesting, and you will be glad you tore them off from your computer, tablet or phone.

Do-it-yourself chicken from plastic bottles

There are several ways to create a chicken from a plastic bottle. It all depends on the size of the bottle itself and on its shape.

If you include imagination and connect children to this creative work, then there are a lot of options.

For example, a chicken, for the base of which you need a 5-6 liter bottle.

1. Paint the bottle yellow (inside). You can use regular paint.

2. You can cut beak and scallop from other bottles.

3. With a knife, make holes in the bottle and insert everything you did.

4. Take toy plastic eyes or just plasticine and make eyes. You can also colorize the eyes of the chicken.

How to make chicken out of plastic bottles

To make such a chicken, you will need:

Plastic bottle


DIY plastic bottle peacock

You will need:


Plastic bottles;

Synthetic foam;

Glue gun;

Wooden post;

Abrasive mesh;

Metal rod.

At the end of the text instruction you will find a video instruction.

1. We make blanks for feathers.

First you need to make a blank of cardboard;

Feathers should be made semicircular whole with cuts of different lengths.

2. We make blanks for the tail. They should be long.

Cut the bottle along and cut a strip of the width you want out of it.

* Feathers are preferably sorted by size. Prepare sachets and fold feathers of the same size into each sachet.

* If at the end of the creation of the peacock feathers will be missed, just finish it yet.

3. Create a peacock layout.

Prepare a synthetic foam and cut out some of the necessary details (body, neck and head);

With a glue gun, connect all these parts;

Take a wooden post and insert a metal rod into it;

Fasten your bird's body to a metal rod;

Cut a circle from a new plastic bottle (in this case, a red bottle);

In this circle, make one incision, going from the edge to the center, then twist the part into a cone - you will get a peacock's beak;

Fix the beak on the foam with a glue gun.

4. Glue the feathers.

It is worth starting from below, where the longest feathers are glued, and the higher you go up, the shorter the feathers.

* Feathers overlap.

* After breast, go to the back.

5. To make a crest, cut out strips from which the feathers are glued from plastic bottles.

6. To create eyes, you can use both plastic bottles of a different color and plasticine, paint or toy plastic eyes.

7. To make wings, use an abrasive mesh. Feathers are glued to the wings carved from it. The tail is done in the same way.

8. Attach all remaining parts and you're done!

Video instruction

DIY plastic bottle bird: swan

This swan will not only decorate your garden, but will also become a beautiful flower bed for one or more flowers.

You will need:

5 liter plastic bottle;

300 ml milk bottles;



Black marker;


1. Make the torso.

Take a 5 liter bottle and draw a line marker on it as shown in the image;

Line the holes

Insert the wire into the hose, and insert the hose into the bottle through the neck - you will get a neck frame

2. We do the plumage.

Take a white bottle (from under milk) and cut the bottom and neck;

Now cut feathers of any shape and size from this bottle;

At the edges of the feathers, small incisions can be made;

Each feather should be treated carefully with a lighter (from the outside);

Now start stringing two feathers per wire.

3. Putting it all together.

For the neck, white bottles with a cut bottom are used (in this example there were 16 of them);

For the head, the upper part of a large bottle with a cropped neck is used;

In the place where the hose ends and the beak begins, make two holes on the opposite sides (in the plastic bottle and in the hose), then use the wire to secure the entire structure;

Make a beak from a plastic bottle painted with red paint or use a bottle of the appropriate color;

Start attaching feathers from top to bottom and in a circle.

How to make a dove do-it-yourself from plastic bottles

You will need:

Plastic bottles;




Toy plastic eyes or plasticine.

1. Cut the neck of the plastic bottle (see image). This blank will serve as the body of a pigeon. Make a breast.

2. Make cuts on the bottle as shown in the image. Press the incised part inward to get the body of the pigeon, and then pull the workpiece with wire.

3. From the foam, cut out the head of the pigeon.

4. To make feathers, it is worth cutting the middle part of a plastic bottle. The strips should be of different lengths, and round their ends.

5. Make 2 holes at the base of each feather.

6. Using the wire, screw the feathers to the net.

7. Attach the pigeon tail to the pigeon's body.

8. It remains to paint the head of the pigeon and make eyes (stick plastic ones, draw with a marker or use plasticine).

DIY crafts from plastic bottles do-it-yourself cock

You will need:

Plastic bottles

Plastic plates

Plastic glasses

Plastic spoons.

1. Cut off the top of the plastic bottles and fasten them with adhesive tape as shown in the image.

2. Cut the fringed plastic cups and put them on the bottle one by one.

* You can use cups of different colors and alternate them.

3. The tail of the rooster can be made of plastic plates. After that, attach the tail to the plate.

4. Wings can be made from the remains of plastic plates.

5. You can make a rooster’s head out of a plastic ball. It is attached to a chopped cup glued to the bottom of the previous cup.

6. You can cut beak and scallop from colored paper. They are attached with tape or hot glue. Eyes can also be made of colored paper, plasticine or use plastic toy eyes.

In the design of a garden or playground, when decorating a children's room or setting a festive table, can be used do-it-yourself birds made from a variety of materials - from wood to simple plastic bottles. In addition, you can tie any bird you like using the amigurumi technique, you can get a penguin or a feathered cartoon character. Do not forget about another fascinating type of needlework - the creation of various figures from rainbow loom erasers, for example, so you can make original Angry birds key chains.

DIY birds from bottles

A beautiful well-kept lawn or a small improvised garden in your yard can complement the figures do-it-yourself birds from bottles they can be made by any member of the family, but it is better to make this work collective, because during the process you can have fun, chat with children and learn new techniques for doing crafts with them.

DIY plastic bottle bird It will look perfect on the background of a green lawn or in a flower bed, so you can start performing this crafts, but be prepared that you will need special tools and materials in the process, because this crafts will be very difficult.

The most beautiful do-it-yourself bird, which will become a real decoration of any homestead and playground, this is a beautiful peacock with a painted tail. You need to stock up on large quantities of plastic bottles, and you will also need five-liter eggplants. Among the materials also appear blue trash bags, foil, adhesive tape. We will carry out crafts using scissors, a stapler, and for decorating the finished peacock we also need acrylic paints and a brush, to fix the result we use varnish.

When all the materials have been prepared, you can begin the creative process: start with the processing of plastic containers. All bottles that you have prepared must be thoroughly rinsed inside and out, removed labels, and dried. It is necessary to wash the container in order to get rid of the glue trace on the outside, as well as on the remnants of the liquid inside, otherwise your hands will become sticky while cutting the bottles, which will complicate and slow down the work.

The most difficult thing is to make the peacock's tail, so we’ll start the process from it: the middle part must be cut into three oblong tongues. The neck and bottom must first be cut off.

One end of the plastic tongue must be rounded so that it looks like a feather, and then you need to make small cuts along the edges. On each rounded tip you need to attach a blue oval from a plastic bag and a circle of foil. You can fix them on the tip using a stapler. Since the tail should be fluffy and voluminous, you need to do a lot of such blanks.

DIY birds for the garden

For the next step, we need a five-liter eggplant: we need to cut off the neck and bottom, and cut out a semicircle from the middle part, to which we will attach the cooked feathers using a stapler.

Now we’ll execute the bird’s body: cut off the neck of a five-liter eggplant, cut the bottom off of a two-liter bottle, fasten the cooked parts together with a wide adhesive tape.

The next step is to fulfill the head of the peacock: cut the neck and twist them into an oblong funnel, where the long tip will be the beak. The prepared part should be connected to the cut bottom using adhesive tape, and then the workpiece is fastened to the rest of the body.

DIY material bird it will please you not one year, because all the materials used are excellent in weathering, plastic and polyethylene will not deteriorate in the rain or snow. In addition to the fluffy tail, one must also make plumage for the body. For this we will use blue plastic bags, it is recommended to take garbage bags. They need to be cut into strips, make the tip pointed, and then attach to the body. The strips should be fastened in rows, overlapping, moving to the neck from the tail.

Torso and tail dIY birds for the garden you need to fasten the rope together, for this you first need to make a hole in the place of bonding. So that the finished peacock can be fixed on the lawn, a stick should be firmly attached from below to the calf. Eyes and beak can be painted with paints, fixing the result with varnish. You can decorate the bird with a crown made from foil. So that the plastic figure is not taken down by a strong wind, it should be heavier, for this sand is poured inside.

there is dIY birds for kindergarten, which are much easier to make, for example, penguins, to create them you will need paints, because we will draw a penguin based on. You can complement the penguin with a hat made of socks or threads. And if you enlisted the help of men in your creative process, then you can make more complex designs with a metal mesh as the basis and polystyrene for decorating the head. And do not forget that crafts for decorating a playground in the form of birds can be made from a car tire.

Do-it-yourself birds

If you look at possible options for creating dIY birds photo, then pay attention to the variety of materials and techniques used. The most common figure is a peacock, which is not surprising, given the beauty of this bird, which is amazing with its painted tail. It is the bright tail that inspires needlewomen to use the most interesting techniques.

A made peacock tail made of beads can become a stylish pendant or earrings, and to get it, you need to choose the right accessories. On a wire basis, you can make a volumetric peacock with a fluffy tail, which is performed using the French weaving technique.

Let's not forget about another popular technique for creating stylish jewelry - kanzashi, which today is common among needlewomen. It is used not only for hairpins and flowers, but also for other original crafts. To make a peacock using the kanzashi technique, you need to make a wire frame and wrap it with threads, and a cardboard semicircle will become the basis for the tail.

Even going to a masquerade, do not forget about such a bright peacock tail, which can be done in a few hours. The skirt will be asymmetric: the front is very short, made from strips of brown tulle with a splash of green, but the back will be long, it is better to use bright tulle - green, lettuce, turquoise. The main decoration of the tail, of course, is the “eyes”, which are created separately, and then sewn to tulle. To create “eyes” you will need felt or fleece in four colors: brown, lettuce, blue and blue. The boy can be sewn.

How to make a bird with your own hands

Solving the issue how to make a bird do it yourself, let's not forget about. For example, you can make a cute yellow chicken, and the craft is quite simple, so even a preschool child with her mother can make it.

For this craft, skills on how to make pompons from yarn are very useful to you. First, it is necessary to perform paired blanks from cardboard: a large diameter of 45 mm and an inner diameter of 15 mm, as well as a smaller one - 15 mm in diameter. You can take any strings, but, of course, yellow. The blanks must be wound so that the inner hole is completely filled. To make it easier to wind the thread, you can use a long thick needle. Then cut along the outer edge, thread a thread between two cardboards and tie a tight knot. Spread the strings to make a fluffy ball. By the same principle, a smaller fluffy ball must be fulfilled.

Two balls must be connected with the help of threads that remain from the nodules. And you can proceed to the design: cut the scallop and beak from felt, carefully sew them to the head, as well as two black beads as eyes.

Chicken will become the main decoration, such birds can be used for serving a festive table. For crafts, we need a chicken egg, glue and colored cardboard, scissors, a marker, plasticine and gouache paints.

In a raw chicken egg, it is necessary to make a neat hole in the bottom and top so that the shell does not crack. Then you need to blow the contents into a bowl and rinse it with running water so that no traces of protein are left inside. An empty egg must be left in a warm, dry place so that it dries, after which you can begin to do the work.

The shell must be painted with yellow gouache, left to dry completely, and during this time you can cut the beak from color cardboard, paws and wings for it. The paws and beak will be attached to the base into pieces of plasticine. You can draw eyebrows and eyes on the top of the egg with a black marker.

Cut paper wings should be rounded and glued to the body. You can complete the craft with a neat bow or a stylish hat-cylinder.

DIY wood bird

DIY wood bird - This is a craft that can only be done by a real master who knows how to work with special tools. It is called the “bird of happiness” and, according to popular beliefs, it brings happiness to the house and protects the hearth. For example, if a person came into the house, then they immediately looked at the suspended amulet: if he turned his tail to the guest, that means that the person is bad, if his head is good. Since ancient times, such a talisman was considered the best gift for relatives.

For crafts, they usually use pine or spruce wood, we need a chock about 30 cm long, from which we need to break off two bars. One will be used for the trunk, the second for the wings.

On the bar, it is necessary to draw a contour of the wings, and carry out further actions with a chisel: make locks and round the tips of the wings. If the wood is fresh, then the wings can be split immediately, but dry wood must first be steamed. Creating wooden charms is a laborious process, but everyone will be delighted with such crafts.

If you don’t have time for complicated crafts, a great option for winter creativity will be original do-it-yourself bird feeder, which will also become an adornment of your garden, and the child will be able to observe birds in the winter, which will flock to feast on the grains.

Every day, many people throw more than thousands of plastic bottles. At the same time, few people know that many amazing things can be made from them (for example, model boxes, vases, feeders for cats and dogs, and more).

Consider how you can create a beautiful peacock from bottles. For work, we need the following materials:

  1. A log of wood is the future stand for our bird.
  2. Bar made of metal.
  3. Styrofoam.
  4. Plastic bottles (green, blue, transparent).
  5. Unnecessary plastic of different colors, paints, PVC glue, scissors and foil.

From the foam we cut out the peacock (body and head) and make indentations for the eyes. We fix a metal bar in a log and put a peacock on it. Carefully cut out different sizes of “feathers” from multi-colored bottles.

We round off the feathers, and then with the scissors we cut out the waves at the end. Then we make circles of foil of different sizes, paint colorful eyes on them and give the feathers a realistic look with the help of paints. Now we fasten them with a stapler or glue on the tips of the “feathers”. A few short “feathers” are glued to the head and neck.

We make a crest of dark plastic, which we stick to the head and draw eyes in the pits. From the details - "feathers" we form a magnificent tail, starting from the end, which is fixed to the construction grid using wire. It remains to attach the tail to the body.

Cute Salt Dough Birds

Due to its elasticity, the dough is ideal for sculpting a variety of crafts. Preparing our mass is very simple.

Starch (a tablespoon) is diluted in one hundred milliliters of ice water, which is then poured with boiling water (200 ml). Next, take one glass of flour and mix well in equal proportions with salt, pour a mixture of starch and knead the dough. We carefully divide the finished dough into five identical parts, then add the desired color to each of them and knead each piece again.

We sculpt all the necessary parts of the birds with the help of a stencil, which is pre-drawn on paper. Now our dough product must be sent to the oven preheated to 50 degrees and baked for about an hour. When the birds and decoration elements are baked, leave them to cool and cover with paint at our discretion, and then with colorless varnish. It remains to lay out the craft in the form of a panel and attach all the details with glue.

Craft made of cotton pads

If you have a small kindergartener, then you can make crafts from cotton pads together with him. The production of one bird takes about five discs, as well as multi-colored paper, decoration ribbons, as well as scissors and glue.

An owl is cut out of paper. From the discs we cut ovals - wings that stick to the body. Glue the beak and eyes from colored paper. Decorate the neck of an owl with a ribbon. There are many other crafts from cotton pads that you can find on the Internet.

Feathered Miracle from a Raw Egg Shell

An unusual product is obtained from a raw egg. To do this, make the same punctures on the egg on both sides and extract the contents from it. We give our workpiece to dry well.

Now you need to put the crafts on a special stand and carefully paint over. We leave the body of the bird until the paint has completely dried, and then through the punctures we insert the fishing line and hang it anywhere - as if it is floating in the air.

Plasticine bird

Another handicraft can be done with your own hands for plasticine kindergarten. For a bird, we roll up 2 balls - one larger, the other smaller. Then we make triangular wings and a tail, as well as a beak and black eyes.

Cone birds


You can make your own original penguins. We need fir cones, plasticine and white paint. First of all, you need to mold the head, beak and wings from plasticine.

We make a pretty face - we attach a beak and eyes. Now we attach the wings and head to the bump, part of which is pre-painted with white paint. Wings can be made and corn cobs, painted in black.


We put two pine cones on top of each other. We make eyebrows and wings from oak bark, and nose and eyes from paper. We cut eye circles in a circle with scissors. We cut the incisions with threads - expressive eyes will be obtained.

Application of cereals

For this craft you will need:

  • color cardboard;
  • pVC glue;
  • various cereals (corn, rice, millet, beans, buckwheat, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds).

First you need to draw a pencil with a bird and a tree branch, and carefully apply a layer of glue (medium thickness) on the drawn template. The next step is to put the cereal on the bird blank, depending on the color and shape of the patterns, as well as the imagination of the master. It remains to fix the application, apply a layer of glue on top and leave to dry.

You can make birds from any materials, the main thing is to turn on your imagination and be patient. To make the process fascinating, call the children, as these classes are very useful for developing their thinking and creative skills.


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