How to get honey surveys for work. Do all employees undergo a preliminary medical examination upon admission to work? Based on what document is the list of such employees? How to determine the list of workers who need

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The main task of passing an employee of a medical examination is to check the ability of an employee to fulfill its duties without any damage to health. In addition, this event can be organized for the company's specialists with a prophylactic goal: to identify the first signs that indicate professional diseases, and make appropriate measures to prevent them. That is why every potential employee should know which doctors are included in the medical examination when taking a job.

The direction for a medical examination allows the employer to monitor employees who fulfill their duties under the influence of negative factors in the enterprise. Such a procedure makes it possible to exclude the emergence of any diseases that have arisen due to the company's leadership.

In addition to the fact that the employer thereby complies with the existing requirements of the legislation, it also attracts more reliable specialists to its organization.

Types of medical examinations

At the moment there are several types of medical examinations for enterprises, namely:

  • preliminary;
  • periodic;
  • extraordinary.

The first type implies the passage of this procedure for the purpose of the device for a new job. If a specialist has been in the company for some time, he will need to visit the hospital at least once in two years. In accordance with Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees who have less than 21 years are required to undergo a medical examination every year.

As for extraordinary inspections by doctors, they can be carried out according to the desire of the employee itself. The reason for such a request to the management of the organization can be medical recommendations from specialists.

What do doctors need to go

The list of physicians for a medical examination when taking a job can be different. Everything will depend on what position the specialist plans to settle. This procedure is also featured and in accordance with the sexual basis.

If we talk about a standard medical examination, you will need to seem like the following doctors:

  • okulist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist (to obtain a medical examination).

In addition, it will be necessary to pass blood tests and urine, as well as visit the cabinets for handling the cardiogram and fluorography. This list is not strictly established, because a mammologist and a gynecologist can also be provided for women. Or, for example, for the device to the position of collector, you will need to check your vision from an ophthalmologist, since healthy vision is closely connected with the future responsibilities of a specialist.

Human reception in adolescence

For adolescents, the passage of preliminary medical examination is provided according to the following items:

The suitability of a potential employee is determined by its state of health. To do this, you need to pass a medical examination. Due to the fact that such a package is paid, a situation arises that requires clarity: who should pay it - an employer or applicant?

Acceptance and medical examination

Enterprises where working conditions are associated with danger, harmfulness and physical overloads, require appropriate health staff. There should be no contraindications, the presence of diseases incompatible with work in such a company. These conditions relate to industries: petroleum, gas, atomic.

Primary and regular subsequent procedures for identifying HIV infection are representatives of specialties associated with contacting with HIV-infected. This is mainly a medical sphere. Such a survey can be passed directly in the medical institution where a person works or going to work.

Existing primary medical examination order

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that primary medical examinations can be carried out in any medical institution, regardless of the form of ownership (public or private). The main condition is the presence of a license for this kind of activity.

Psychiatric examination should be carried out only in a psychoneurological dispensary. Help from a private psychiatrist in this case is not valid.

When the head of the enterprise presents the employee to the direction of the primary medical examination with the list of specialists who endure the appropriate conclusion.

The basis is a sanitary minimum, the results of the passage of which are recorded in the median. He provides inspection in such specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • psychiatrist;
  • okulist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • surgeon;
  • gynecologist / urologist;
  • therapist.

Many are interested in whether there are exceptions or any peculiarities when passing primary medical examination for juvenile. The answer is laid in Art. 69 TC RF, which states that minor applicants are subject to mandatory preliminary inspection.

The main condition is the requirements for the medical institution where the inspection will be held. It should have a license for all necessary types of medical practice. It is not an exception for minors and gynecological examination, if it requires a work activity.

Validity The resulting conclusion on the state of health of a potential employee depends on the type of activity in which he intends to work.

In art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Health No. 302 contains a detailed list of professions subject to mandatory passage of the medical examination. These regulatory acts contain information on specific types of medical and laboratory surveys.

There are two types of certificates of medical examination, each of which has its own validity period:

  1. Document F 001-GS / y - 12 months. This certificate concerns the sphere of public service. The applicant is a free inspection in any state medical institution.
  2. Document F 086 / U - half a year. This reference for other categories. You can get it in the medical institution of any form of ownership at the place of residence.

The main stages of medical inspection

Stage 1. The worker receives a direction that contains detailed information on working conditions (danger, level of loads, possible harm). Based on this, the requirements for the health of the job seeker are indicated. With this document, he is departed primarily to the therapist or a tradecologist.

Stage 2. The therapist carries out a survey and determines the degree of compliance of the health of the applicant to the fulfillment of the selected specialty. If necessary, he sends it to other specialists for additional inspection.

3 stage. In the medical record, records of the conclusion of each doctor, to which a potential worker turned.

4 stage. The decision of the state of health is recorded by the decision of the Medical Commission. If it is positive, it should be issued according to the standard form, in particular, it should reflect specific recommendations of the doctor. For example, wearing glasses or a hearing aid.

5 stage. With a negative solution, the document indicates the causes of the inconsistency of the physical condition of the chosen profession. The original reference is issued to the applicant, the copy is sent to the enterprise.

When is a physical examination?

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation consolidated a list of categories of applicants who must pass a physical examination:

  • juvenile;
  • medical personnel;
  • employees of customs, private and departmental protection, police;
  • representatives of the beauty industry (beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure, pedicure, cosmetology, tattoo salons);
  • watched workers;
  • athletes;
  • employees of health institutions;
  • judges;
  • workers of dry-cleaners and laundries;
  • employees related to the food industry and the publication;
  • pedagogical and service personnel of educational institutions of all levels, including pre-school.

For details on who and how to send to a medical examination at mandatory, told in this video.

Payment of medical examination

A medical examination is paid at work in various variations:

  • The company concludes a contract with a medical institution and makes payment on non-cash payments, both for a primary physical examination and periodic. For this, a calendar plan for the passage of the medical examination is drawn up.
  • Upon admission to work, the employee pays for medical services itself, and the employer guarantees him a refund with the first salary.

There are often situations when the head refers to his promises irresponsible and does not return to the employee of its costs. Most often this happens if the applicant has not received a positive conclusion of a doctor. The employer enjoys the case and motivates the refusal to refund spent the means that the employee does not conclude a contract. However, in both cases, it violates the requirements of the legislation.

Even if the contract is not concluded, the applicant has the right to compensate for expenses. You need to know your rights and be able to defend them, if necessary, in court.

Whim of the employer

Sometimes there are situations when the head forces the applicant to undergo a medical examination even at the enterprise where the law does not require this. On the one hand, this is a kind of concern for the health of the employee and the entire team, on the other - the violation of human rights.

So that such a case does not convey to the conflict, the employer who intends to achieve his goal should try to convince the medical examination in a voluntary order. The effective method is the offer of payment of medical services at the expense of the company.

If a person does not agree, he has full right to this. Any actions of the head aimed at coercion are regarded as illegal.

Information for those who pay medical services

The head of the enterprise, from the budget of which pays for the passage of primary and regular medical examinations, should be aware of the legitimate requirements of such monetary operations. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount that is listed in the medical institution is not subject to VAT. In addition to accrualing insurance premiums, no other social fees are made.

In accounting, calculations for the passage of the medical examination are carried out in several versions, depending on a number of circumstances:

  • in the case of calculating medical services, according to the invoices, it refers to gross expenditures on ordinary activities;
  • when calculating the medical examination of the applicant, reimbursement of funds relates to other personnel operations;
  • the discharge of settlements with suppliers and counterparties includes an operation that is performed in accordance with the contract concluded with a medical facility.

What to do with refusal to compensation?

When applying for a job, the applicant carries appropriate expenses for medical services. Each employer knows that he must refund costs. But there are often cases when the applicant receives a categorical refusal, and the employer finds some arguments for this. The reason for this may be the absence of funds for compensation in the budget.

The applicant has the full right to apply for the reimbursement of costs to the judiciary. For this, he must have a documentary confirmation of the violation by the employer.

It is necessary to know your rights and be able to defend them. To do this, it is necessary to require a written refusal to the employer, because it will become the main evidentiary document.

The essence of the passage of the medical examination

Despite the peripetias arising from payment for the passage of medical examination, it is worth paying attention to the essence of this event. It consists in taking care of people working at the enterprise. Thanks to the primary medical examination, it is possible to determine how much the physical condition of the employee can cope with its own duties in production. In addition, serious health problems are often identified, the presence of dangerous diseases that a person did not suspect.

The essence of the medical examination also lies in the prevention of certain diseases. When examining the doctor can determine the predisposition to death. Here playing the timeliness of the detection of the reasons that can cause disorders of the internal organs. A person may not feel, for example, failures in the thyroid gland, liver or improving the level of sugar, which can lead to diabetes.

In this regard, the employer must conclude that such measures justify any costs. He should be interested in his company to work healthy people who can effectively fulfill their duties.

The job seekers, in turn, must remember their rights and also take care of their own health, whose value cannot be overestimated. In case of violation of the right to the head, they need to decisively defend them. It must be remembered that you can always find support based on the current legislation.

The services of this specialist may be needed not only with planned inspections, but also if a worker occupied in the field of increased risk, felt ailments. Profitologist provides such services:

  • Conduct medical examinations on high-altitude work;
  • Provides medical and advisory assistance to patients whose work is associated with a harmful environment and risks;
  • Conducts diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspicion of a professional disease;
  • Conducts expertise to the professional work of the employee to a certain position;
  • Carries out the dispens period of patients who have already diagnosed occupational diseases;
  • Engaged in the organization of measures to prevent the working capacity of workers.

A specialist organizes events designed to prevent the emergence of occupational diseases. Profitologist monitors working conditions in enterprises, conducts inspection of jobs.

Who needs to pass a medical examination at the trade

Usually, a visit to this specialist and obtaining an appropriate medical permissive response is necessary to representatives of such professions:

  • Transport sector employees;
  • Assemblers and high-speed;
  • Industrial climbers;
  • Athletes;
  • Food industry workers;
  • Beauty workers;
  • Medpersonal of different categories;
  • Municipal workers, etc.

Help for work in the Far North 302n

People working in the difficult conditions of the Far North are also forced to take place periodic and preliminary inspections from this specialist. Permanent stay in severe climatic conditions, negative impact of magnetic fields, low temperatures and other dangerous factors require strong health from workers here. Acclimatization of a person in the conditions of the Far North lasts 2-3 years. Whole this period, the trade libertist should regularly check the condition of the body of the employee.

What other specialists need to be visited to obtain a reference

To obtain permission to work in the conditions of the Far North, except for the tradeologist, it is necessary to visit such specialists: dermatovenerologist, therapist, psychiatrist, neurologist, narcologist, surgeon, otorhinolaryngologist. It is also necessary to pass a number of analyzes, pass an ultrasound and fluorography.

Admission to high-altitude work at the trade

High-altitude works are divided into two categories: topworn - are performed from ladders, stairs, lifts and other designs; Works at height - are performed at an altitude of 1.3 m or more. Will receiveb Help admission to work at a height of 405 It is possible in the clinic "Medprofi 24". We have experienced trademarkologists who will conduct all diagnostic and therapeutic events at a high professional level. Here you can also gethelp Electricase welders 302.n and representatives of other potentially dangerous professions.

What diseases treats a tradeologist

A specialist is engaged in treating only professional pathologies. These include:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system caused by excessive physical exertion;
  • Respiratory diseases caused by the negative impact of the environment in the enterprise;
  • Vibration disease;
  • Diseases caused by permanent effects of toxic substances in the enterprise.

Also, the tradeist is engaged in the therapy of allergic and oncological diseases caused by difficult working conditions.

Where you can o Buy a certificate from the tradeologist

Clinic Medprofi 24 offers its services in the design of almost any medical records. We have specialists from different profiles, there is own laboratory, modern diagnostic equipment. To make an appointment with a tradecologist, call the registry. The clinic works from 8.00 to 23.00.

The direction to the primary physical examination upon reception is issued by the future employee by the employer. This document indicates the information about the employee and the name of the medical institution, in which the inspection itself will be inspected by doctors.

The future employee when passing the survey should have a direction that is issued by the employer, and the passport.

The medical institution starts a map where conclusions will be recorded when the inspection of the specialists will be recorded.

Order of passage

The list of medical institutions that need to be broken, depending on the post occupied by the future employee.

Also, the list differs depending on the floor of the employee.

Standard list of doctors during professional development when driving:

  1. okulist;
  2. otolaryngologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. psychiatrist;
  5. therapist.

Women are usually assigned to a gynecologist. Medical examination at the gynecologist when taking a job required according to order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 03/14/1996 (ed. from February 6, 2001).

A specialist inspects a woman, takes bacteriological and cytological analyzes. If the gynecologist is mandatory due to the belonging of a profession requiring an annual inspection, a woman cannot refuse this procedure.

In case of refusal from the medical examination of the gynecologist, then the employer can don't hire.

Some vacancies are explained to the passage of psychiatric examination when taking a job.

What tests are given when taking a job? A future employee with a preliminary medical examination should take blood test and urine analysis, as well as undergo fluorography and electrocardiogram.

After passing inspection, all specialists and testing, an employee should be conclusion from a physician. How much is a personal medical examination when taking a job? Help-conclusion is valid from six months to a year depending on the form.

If during this period, a person sick or suffered an operation, then the certificate is considered canceled. In this case, you need to pass a new physical examination.


For a preliminary medical examination, with employment, the employer provides a direction in which the name and address of the medical institution is indicated for the passage of this procedure.

Between the employer and the medical institution that has a license for conducting medical examinations, most often contracts are concluded.

If the contract has not been between the employer and medical institution, then the future employee undergoes a preliminary inspection of specialists in any medical institution that has a license to conduct data procedures.

City, district, republican, village clinics have such a license. When contacting private medical centers and clinics, it is necessary to clarify the availability of such a document.

Forms of medical certificates

№ 086 / U

This form of a double-sided medium, has 12 points. Fill the therapist of medical institutions with an indication of the personal data of the employee with the introduction of a list of diseases transferred earlier, information about vaccinations.

Then every specialist who conducts an inspection puts the mark in the help. Here are the results of the tests and possible limitations. The conclusion about the professional worker makes a medical board.

The doctor who issues it gives this reference form is also the signature of the head physician and the printing of medical institutions. Help (form No. 086 / y) is valid for six months from the date of issue.

Medical certificate forms № 086 / :

№ 001-GS / y

This certificate form contains a conclusion, which indicates that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have diseases that prevent the passage of civil or municipal service of the Russian Federation.

This certificate is also used to examine the person undergoing a survey, the presence of a disease in which the passage of these types of services is impossible. Help Signs a doctor who issued it. Also put the signature of the head doctor and the seal of medical institutions.

Help (form No. 001-GS / y) is valid twelve months from the date of issue.

So, before the employment of the future employee, a referral to a preliminary medical examination is issued. When inspection, it is necessary to go through all doctors specified in the certificate issued by the therapist.

This procedure is necessary to assess the health of the future employee and the compliance of the future position.

The law in Russia provides for the need for a medical examination for a certain group of workers at the time of receipt of work.

purpose - Evaluate the general health of the potential candidate, confirming its professional suitability or by identifying possible features and diseases that do not allow him to take a vacant position.

Mandatory medical examination can prevent the spread of epidemics and prevent accidents.

Mandatory medical examinations

Medical surveys are divided into types:

  • Preliminary.
  • Annual (periodic).
  • Inspections out of turn.

A preliminary inspection is carried out during the device of a new employee to work. Annual inspections are held by workers belonging to certain categories, and working in harmful conditions. When inspection out of turn, the worker himself may ask the head due to the recommendations of certain medical professionals.

Mandatory medical examinations are subject to payment by the employer and are characteristic of certain employees. The obligation to conduct such surveys of citizens can be established by municipal authorities for specific enterprises.

Preliminary medical examinations

When admitting work, it is necessary to determine whether a person will suit the state of health to fulfill the duties at a particular workplace. For this, employers require a preliminary inspection. Labor legislation establishes norms that guarantee the safety of earnings.

The process of a preliminary medical examination depends on the floor of the employee and on the nature of the position to which it is arranged. A list of doctors to be visited may vary.

Here is a general list of specialists:

  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neuropathologist doctor.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Doctor therapist.

In addition, the employee will have to pass traditional overall analyzes, pass the ECG and the fluorography session. After visiting the citizen of all doctors, the therapist gives a general conclusion about the health of the employee.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations

Mandatory inspection by specialists when admitting the work of the new employee passes at the expense of the employer or paid after the employment.

The employer issues a special list of inspection (direction) to the future employee, on the basis of which the survey specified in him will occur. Often the survey takes place in a medical organization with which the company has concluded a contract. It is necessary to appear on a medical examination with a passport or other document, allowing you to verify the person.

In the patient's personal card, the results of surveys and the conclusion of the therapist are recorded. It indicates information about the overall level of health and the presence of either the absence of the peculiarities of health interfering.

The document is assigned to the seal of the medical institution. The conclusion is subject to the extradition of the employee, and the second copy is placed on the patient's personal map, which is stored in the clinic.

Non-past medical examination, a citizen cannot start working.

Employee's duties when passing a medical examination

All employees are responsible for compliance with labor protection requirements, and the employer provides them with safe working conditions.

If the employee belongs to the group of citizens to be mandatory medical examination at work, then it must go through the necessary inspection. This applies to all types of medical examinations.

It is believed that the worker broke the labor discipline if he did not fulfill his duty for no reason. As a sanction, you can serve a reprimand, comment and even dismissal.

An employee who has not passed the mandatory inspection, according to the Labor Code is removed from work.

A responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of enterprises for signing with applicants for an employment agreement without compulsory medical examination.

Such behavior entails fines:

  • For officials - from 1 to 5 tons.
  • For IP - from 1 to 5 tons. either suspension of business activities up to 3 months.
  • For organizations - from 30 to 50 tons. or suspension of activities on a similar IP term.

If the person who violates the legislation has already been administered administrative sanctions, under subsequent violations of the same kind, it will be subjected to disqualification for the period from year to three.

Tk of the Russian Federation found that the labor agreement may be terminated when a violation of the rules of its conclusion is identified. If the employee is not to blame, then before the dismissal, he is obliged to offer to take one of the vacancies. Reducing, a citizen receives an amount equal to the monthly wage at this place.

If the applicant is refused to pass a mandatory examination, the refusal to him in work will be legitimate.

Accounting expenses

The costs that enterprises are carrying in the organization of periodic examinations of their wards are envisaged by law and are subject to special account.

These cash spending:

  • Taken account in the tax base relative to income tax.
  • Cannot be taxed by the income of individuals.
  • Do not entail insurance charges in the FIR, FSS, FOMS.
  • Not taken into account when paying compulsory insurance contributions from accidents and accidents in the workplace.
  • In the formation of the tax base, the amounts spent by the employer for the content of therapeutic offices and items used for compulsory medical professional workers are also taken into account.

If we are talking about medical examinations that are not provided for by the Russian law, they are not taken into account when determining the income tax.

Citizens who undertake to pass a medical examination with employment

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes groups of working citizens who are obliged to undergo a survey when admitting work:

  • Persons engaged in harmful and dangerous work (including underground).
  • Persons working on vehicles.
  • Employees of food industry enterprises.
  • Citizens working in nutrition and trade.
  • Persons engaged in works related to plumbing systems.
  • Persons working in medical organizations.
  • Citizens engaged in works in children's organizations.
  • Other persons working in certain areas.

Juvenile future workers when receiving a free position must be subjected to medical examination. Persons who wished to conduct labor activity in the regions of the Far North, when a work device must have a doctor's conclusion, which confirms their suitability for work and life in this climate and terrain. Otherwise, the contract with them is not the employer. Mandatory inspection should be athletes with employment.

In addition to the Labor Code, the obligation to pass the inspection is regulated by other laws. Judges, train machines, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Customs are subject to medical examination.

In the regions of the country, local authorities can determine an additional group of citizens subject to mandatory medical examination. An employee of children's institutions, food enterprises and organizations of the household sphere are obliged to have bees where the results of all inspections of doctors are entered.

Who pays a medical examination

Mandatory inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer. The company's payment is subject to even the survey of the applicant who has not been adopted as a result of work for any reasons.

If the inspection is not necessary, but the worker himself wished him to go through or did it at the insistence of the employer, then such a survey the employee pays himself.

To reimburse the monetary amount spent by a citizen to a mandatory medical examination, a statement is needed with attached checks and documents.

Failure of a candidate from the passage of the medical examination

If the applicant refuses to undergo a medical examination, which is mandatory by law, a labor agreement cannot be concluded with it. If an employee fails to undergo an annual mandatory inspection, it is removed from work.

Registration of a document on the direction and as a result of a medical examination

To pass the survey during employment, the candidate receives a special direction from the employer. Its form is established by the enterprise, is assigned by the signature of the head and printing of the organization.

After visiting everyone specified in the list of directions of doctors and testing, a candidate for a position goes to the therapist, which makes final conclusions and gives a medical conclusion. For a successful employment in it, information about professional benefits should be indicated.

Mandatory inspections by doctors - a useful thing. If you want to work in a healthy team and not to raise yourself and others, the need to be examined will not scare.


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