What documents are needed to open a brick factory. Each method has its own characteristics. Useful tips for those who want to open a brick business

In our country, brick factories are not uncommon - in almost every city there is such an enterprise. But this does not mean that such enterprises are idle without work and that it is impossible to open a new brick factory. Nowadays, the construction industry is actively developing, so the production of brick factories is always in demand.

Many in this business are attracted by the quick payback and relevance of products. But there are different types of enterprises:

  1. Powerful factories for the production of 30-60 million bricks per year and a payback period of 1.5-2 years.
  2. Medium-capacity plants with a productivity of 5-15 million bricks per year and a payback period of 2-3 years
  3. Small enterprises producing 2-3 million bricks per year and a payback period of 3-4 years.

These figures are true for existing enterprises, and new plants will require investments of much larger amounts. In this regard, the enterprise should be developed from the very beginning when the entrepreneur is confident in the marketing of his products.

Brick Making Process

Those who want to open a new brick manufacturing enterprise need to understand the principles of production. This process consists of several stages, and the complexity of production is proportional to the capacity of the plant. Typically, middle and large class enterprises are automated and therefore can produce a large number of bricks per hour.
  Any production begins with clay. It is convenient if the quarry, where clay is mined in an open way, is located not far from the plant - no more than one or two kilometers. In this case, transportation costs will be minimal.

Further, from the quarry or the clay reserve, the raw materials are sent to the hoppers of the feeder on an inclined conveyor, where various impurities are also added: increasing the plasticity of the clay, fading, plastic, etc. Various industrial wastes may also be added as impurities.

After this, clay enters the coarse mill for crushing and eliminating solid inclusions. The prepared mixture enters the mixer, and from there to the press. There it is pressed into bars of a given size, which in turn are cut into bricks. One such bar weighs about 4.5 kg, and the finished brick - 3 kg. Therefore, the bars are transferred to drying sheds for natural drying, which takes place over two weeks. Then the raw materials are burned in an oven and finished bricks are obtained.

The process of obtaining finished bricks can take 3 weeks in a small production and 6 days in a large factory. Moreover, the speed of obtaining finished products depends on the following factors:

  • Applied Technology
  • Type and performance of equipment
  • Weather

The choice of a brick kiln is important. They are tunnel and ring. The first type of furnace is more expensive, but the process in them is fully automated, but a ring furnace at a lower cost will require manual labor. The quality of bricks made with a ring kiln will be lower than in an automated tunnel kiln.

Weather conditions are important for enterprises using the natural drying of cooked bricks. If the weather is damp, then the raw will dry for a very long time. Even if the plant has forced drying, weather conditions still affect, although to a lesser extent.

Brick production has its own seasonality: in winter, the demand for this building material is reduced, since neither private traders nor construction companies, as a rule, are engaged in construction. In addition, in the cold season, clay extraction from the quarry is difficult. In this regard, it makes no sense to continue production, therefore, brick factories usually work from April to early December, and then the staff goes on vacation and the production process stops for a while.

When opening brick production, one must be prepared for quality control by state bodies. Every year it will be necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity, and technical supervision will occur once every half a year.

Types of bricks

There are different types of bricks, the receipt of which depends on the equipment and the capacity of the equipment in production and the raw materials used.

  • A solid ceramic brick (brands M-75, M-100 and M-125) is a brick of low strength, requiring large energy costs of production. But the cost of such a brick is quite low. Usually it is made by low-power enterprises.
  • Hollow brick with good thermal insulation properties requires less raw material than a solid brick. So, the production of 1000 of such bricks will take 2.5 tons of clay, and the same amount of whole-brick - 4 tons. Such bricks are produced by large plants.

Business organization

First you need to take care of the raw materials, that is, you need a quarry with clay. In order to obtain rights to use it, you must obtain an appropriate license from the State Committee of Natural Resources. As a rule, a permit for the operation of an object is issued in the case of proven reserves for 20 years - the amount is approximately 500 thousand cubic meters of clay.

Such a license can cost from 6000 to 12000 cu In general, the registration procedure will require an investment of 30-35 thousand cu If it comes to buying a small brick factory, then it will take 250-300 thousand cu By the way, if the selected facility runs on coal, its gasification will be required in the future, and this will require about 100 thousand cu.


In order to plan the necessary costs and profits, you can be guided by the following approximate figures.
Initial investment:

  1. Acquisition of the plant - $ 300,000
  2. The lease payment for the use of agricultural land is 18,000 cu
  3. License of the State Committee for Natural Resources - $ 12,000
  4. Total: 330,000 cu

Annual expenses:

  1. Fee for industrial use of clay - 22500 cu
  2. Payment of utilities (for 12 months) - 9500 cu
  3. Salary of staff - 160,000 cu
  4. The cost of buying coal (about 90 tons per month, for 10 months) - 56,000 cu
  5. Total: $ 248,000

Revenues for the year:

  1. Sale of produced bricks (three million bricks at a price of 0.15 cu / piece) - 450,000 cu
  2. Profit before tax
      450,000 cu - 248000 cu \u003d 202000 cu
  3. Business payback
      450,000: 330000 \u003d 2.2 years

The calculations provided are indicative and for each specific case and the conditions of the project, the figures may vary depending on the situation.

Attention!   The free business plan offered for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Business plan on the example of a brick factory

A brick factory is an enterprise that will be designed to produce bricks. Brick is the product that everyone will always need for various types of work.

This product will be in constant demand, and will be a very profitable and profitable enterprise for businessmen to invest their money. Brick is used for both internal and external works.

It has a variety of properties and has different production technologies. In the manufacture of bricks, it will be important to comply with the technology of its production.

It will also be important to learn how to reduce costs in its manufacture, only so that it does not affect its quality.

If your factory has one line, then it will be able to produce up to 25 million bricks per year.

To build a plant, you will need a minimum area for the plant.

With this territory and with the installation of additional furnaces and dryers, the plant will produce about 4-5 million bricks.

The success of your project will grow from which room you choose.

Your factory building should have only two rooms. In the first you will make your products, and in the second your products will be stored.

Therefore, if you are building or renting a room, it is best to make it indoor. Such a hangar will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, it will be difficult to find such a bag for novice businessmen.

Therefore, for beginning businessmen it would be better to rent such a hangar. Renting such a hangar will cost you 150-200 yew rubles.

Also for such an enterprise you will not need many workers. All you need is about 20 people who will work in several shifts.

At your enterprise there will be vacancies of loaders, workers behind machines, a security guard, as well as a driver who will export finished products.

Of the production equipment that will need to be purchased and installed, you will need:

  • crushed stone crushing machine (it will crushed crushed stone into fine gravel);
  • mixing machine;
  • sand screener;
  • a stove in which brick will be burned;
  • as well as the moulder.

Brick factory (China), clay brick production

Water will be very important in the manufacture of bricks, so it will be important to conduct water into your hangar. Therefore, when you choose a hangar, be sure to ask how far the water supply is from the hangar.

The price of your equipment will be about 2-2.5 million rubles. This price will include everything from the purchase to the installation of equipment.

There are many different companies that will install the equipment for you.

The price can be reduced if you want to install only the basic equipment. But in this case, performance will be reduced.

You will also need to determine what raw materials you will use in the manufacture of bricks. If you will produce ordinary bricks, then you will need: frayed rubble, sand, clay, as well as water.

For many years, brick has been used very successfully in construction. It is used for the construction of private houses, warehouses and other premises, fireplaces, fences and more. And, since its demand is very high, the production of bricks at home as a small business is a good idea. In addition, if you take a responsible approach to this project, you can achieve very good results, making considerable profits. After all, the technology for the production of ceramic bricks is quite simple.

An ordinary, it would seem, brick has a number of positive characteristics:
  * it is made from mineral materials;
  * The brick is very durable and resistant to various environmental influences;
  * has the correct form;
  * fairly easy to manufacture.

The mini brick business is suitable for those people who are not afraid of difficulties and can afford to invest considerable money in its development. If the production of silicate brick (or any other type of it) is successful, then such a business can bring good dividends. But it is worth understanding that it is not easy to establish the manufacturing process of this building material.

What you need for business

As in any other business, in order to open a factory for independent brick production, you need to know what it will take. First of all, you will need to acquire special equipment:

* concrete mixer;
  * installation of molding;
  * cement dispenser;
  * estrus two-sleeve;
  * dosing feeder;
  * belt and screw conveyor;
  * receiving and consumable bins;
  * mobile compressor unit;
  * skip hoist;
  * crusher.

In addition to all this, hyperpress and clay will be needed, the supply of which can be 24-60 tons. And, of course, the equipment for the production of bricks needs to be located somewhere. For these purposes, you need a fairly large room. As for the materials from which the brick will be made, then for each type different raw materials are used. For example, for ceramic bricks made by roasting, clay is needed, and for silicate bricks, the method of manufacture of which is autoclaved, lime-sand mixture is needed.

It is also important to draw up a business plan for the production of bricks, in which it is necessary to display a detailed production plan, indicate all the waste, profit from business and other important points. This will allow you to most accurately control your own business.

Brick making process as a business

The technology for the production of ceramic bricks is as follows: clay or a clay mixture is formed in the form of bricks of a certain shape and fired. This type of material is divided into two categories: ordinary brick and facing. The first category is used for laying internal or external rows of walls, but with subsequent plastering. Its lateral part may have an indented geometric pattern, which will provide better adhesion to the plaster.

The production technology of silicate brick differs from the previous technology: the formed mixture is sent to an autoclave, where the brick acquires all the properties it needs due to the treatment with hot steam. The composition of such material includes: sand (90%), lime (10%), a small amount of various additives. If desired, you can add pigments that will make the material a different color: blue, red, pink.

Having purchased all the necessary equipment for the production of ceramic bricks (or silicate), you need to take care of choosing the right technology. So, for example, plastic molding of a material is suitable only if it is planned to produce huge volumes of products (at least 30 million brick units per year). And this may not be possible due to a lack of budget, because this project is far from economical (its price can fluctuate within 1.5 billion rubles).

A cheaper and no less profitable project will be the production of building bricks by hyperpressing. This technology allows you to get high-quality material, and much less will be needed to create such a finance business.

Production technology

The production of ceramic bricks requires a lot of power. If you have the necessary equipment and qualified specialists, you can achieve good results. So what is the manufacture of building material of this type?

At the first stage of production, raw materials (e.g. clay) are prepared. It is unloaded from the dump truck into the reception department, from where it enters the conveyor belt, previously covered with sawdust (this is necessary so that the clay does not stick). Before sending the raw materials to the brick making machine, the conveyor feeds clay into special equipment, where it is processed together with additional components.

At the second stage of production, foreign objects are removed from the raw materials: stones, large compounds. Clay comes in separate batches, which are separated manually using a special roll. At the same stage, the raw materials are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, after which it is sent to the molding department.

A brick press is used to mold products. Raw materials enter hyperpress with a certain moisture content. First, the first unit of the apparatus makes a solid rectangular beam, 10 bricks long. Then this beam is cut in the second node and the finished products are sent to the conveyor at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

To avoid financial losses, it is better to buy equipment for brick production with new ones, since those machines and equipment that were previously used by another company may turn out to be unreliable. As a result - permanent repairs, production shutdown, unplanned unplanned waste, loss. Therefore, it is better to immediately pay for a new conveyor, hyperpress and other mechanisms, rather than then fail.
  As for the premises where the production of ceramic bricks (silicate, clinker or refractory) will be established, its area should be at least 400 square meters. m. The optimum ceiling height is 5 m or more. The area near the mini plant should allow unhindered access to large vehicles. The building itself should be located in the vicinity of the settlement (in its industrial zone).

The premises of the plant should be divided into three zones:
  * the first is a mini warehouse for raw materials;
  * the second is a warehouse for finished products;
  * third - the room where the equipment for the production of facing bricks (silicate or refractory) will be located and hyperpressed bricks are made.

It is equally important to hire highly qualified personnel. Of course, specialists will have to pay more than inexperienced employees. But this has its advantages: the quality of products will be the highest, therefore - its demand will increase, and revenue will increase.

Own production of facing bricks has its own problems. For example, this business will not pay for itself immediately: it may take one or two years. In addition, not a single enterprise is insured against personnel malfunctions or power outages, which significantly slows down the production of material and causes losses. Force majeure circumstances may overtake the production of silicate bricks: fire, robbery, inspections by state bodies, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the “brick” business is an ideal project. But if you show patience and diligently deal with this mini-project, then business can become the main business of life.

Estimated Costs

When organizing the work of a brick factory, great attention should be paid to the room. The production workshop should not only have a large area (about 300 square meters), but also ceilings with a height of at least 5 meters. At the same time, the room should be ventilated, heated, have water and electricity supply. The approximate rental cost of such a workshop will be at least 225,000 rubles per month.

The main equipment will be a brick making machine. Its cost is about 225,000 rubles. Such a machine involves non-firing pressing of raw materials. A concrete mixer is required to knead the raw materials. It will cost about 120,000 rubles. Finally, hand tools and a hydraulic trolley will require another 105,000 rubles. Accordingly, the total cost of opening a small brick workshop will amount to 450,000 rubles.

To complete the work, about 3 employees (2 technologists (37,500 rubles per month) and one laborer (30,000 rubles per month) are required. In total, 105,000 rubles will be required per month.

For the manufacture of bricks with dimensions 250x120x90 mm, it is required (for 370 bricks - 1 cubic meter):

    • - cement - 400 kg - 2400 rubles;
    • - water - 140 l - free of charge;
    • - sand - 1.5 tons - 465 rubles;
    • - plasticizer - 2.5 kg - 120 rubles;
    - other additives (pigment, resin) - 15 rubles.

In total, the production of 370 bricks will require 6,000 rubles, respectively, the cost of 1 brick is about 8.25 rubles. The selling price (wholesale) is about 18 rubles / piece. Accordingly, the gross profit from the sale of 1 brick is about 11.5 rubles. Break-even is achieved with the implementation of 31.5 thousand bricks or 85 cubic meters of material. In fact, production capabilities involve the manufacture of 10 cubic meters of bricks per shift. At 22 working days per month, the total production volume will be 220 cubic meters, which will bring profit at 100% sales in the amount of 525,000 rubles.

* The calculations use the average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 300 000 ₽

The cost of a simple machine

from 245 000 ₽

The cost of brick from the wholesale price

Payback period:

from 12-18 months

Brick is one of the most popular building materials in Russia. Brick production as a business is interesting in that, along with large enterprises, it is possible to produce brick with minimal investment.

The production of bricks and brick products is a business accessible to everyone, even a novice entrepreneur. Modern automated lines for the production of bricks can minimize the use of manual labor and get a diverse range of products. The business provides a sufficiently high profitability and reasonable payback periods for initial investments.

Brick production: market prospects and volumes

Brick is one of the most versatile building materials in Russia. Growing volumes of construction suggest an ever-increasing consumption by the economy. In terms of creating a business, the production of bricks is interesting in that, along with large enterprises, it is possible to produce bricks with minimal investment.

The main consumers of bricks are construction companies. About 70% of the brick goes to housing.

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About 700 enterprises are engaged in brick production in the Russian Federation. As a rule, they sell their products in the territory of their region, since the delivery of brick over long distances can significantly increase its price. It is economically feasible to supply brick no more than 200-300 kilometers when it comes to road transport.

The largest number of bricks is produced and sold in the Central Federal District, as the most economically active. Since 2015, the production of ceramic bricks fell, in 2017 - slightly increased. As for silicate brick, there is a steady tendency in the market to reduce its production.

This situation in the brick market is due to several factors. The main one is the decline in household incomes, which began back in 2014 and continues today, as a result of which the residents of the Russian Federation are investing less and less in housing. Another factor that leads to a decrease in the number of brick production is the increasing use of alternative methods of building construction, such as the construction of buildings from sandwich panels, monolithic construction, construction of wood. It should be noted that brick construction, with all its advantages, is one of the most expensive and long-term methods of building construction.

In the Russian Federation there is seasonality in the production of bricks. The maximum production volumes are in the summer and autumn months, that is, the period when spring stocks are already sold out and construction is activated.

Types and classification of brick products

First of all, brick differs in the material from which it is made.

Ceramic bricks are made of clay with various additives. The main production of silicate brick is quartz rock, that is, sand. Hyper-pressed brick is produced by pressing in special forms of screenings of marble, shell rock or dolomite, or from cement, quartz sand and crushed granite.

The second classification of bricks is based on its purpose. There are building or ordinary bricks, facing bricks, which is divided into textured and shaped options, stove or refractory bricks. Clinker brick, which is made from refractory grades of clay, is also distinguished.

Depending on the nature of the filling, the brick is divided into solid and hollow.

Three standard sizes of bricks are standardized in Russia; bricks are also produced according to European standard sizes.

As you can see, bricks come in completely different types, each of which has its own characteristics of production and scope. Carefully analyze the brick market in your region and find those types of bricks in the segment of which the competition is lower or higher than its consumption. Pay attention to the quality of products on the market. If you can provide the best quality, this will be a significant competitive advantage, as many consumers are willing to pay a higher price for the exclusive quality of the goods.

Brick Technology

Let's say a few words about the basic technologies for the production of brick products, since the type of equipment purchased depends on this. Immediately make a reservation that production technology is a complex process in which its nuances and subtleties are present. We will not dwell on the technological aspects of production in detail, but describe only the essence of the technologies used, on which the type of equipment used will depend.

The basis of the technology for the production of silicate brick is pressing. At the first stage, a mixture is prepared for the production of bricks, which consists of lime, water and sand. Next is the pressing and autoclaving of bricks.

The production of clay-based ceramic bricks begins with the preparation of a homogeneous mixture free of impurities. Next, the brick is molded, dried and fired.

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Clinker brick production scheme is similar to ceramic brick production technology. The differences are in the feedstock - refractory shale clay and a high firing temperature.

Hyperpressed bricks include cement and screenings of limestone or other similar materials. The method of hyperpressing, or, in other words, double-sided pressing in the manufacture of bricks, is to obtain the product by compressing finely dispersed particles under the influence of excess pressure.

As you can see, brick production technologies can be conditionally divided into two groups - technology, using firing and non-firing technology.

The choice of production technology should be made based on what type of bricks is most in demand in your local market.

Brick Production Equipment

A large brick factory requires investments of several hundred million rubles. For example, Kazan Plant of Silicate Materials LLC produces up to 230 million pieces of silicate brick per year, has more than 200 employees.

In this article we will talk about a mini-factory, the investment in which is an order of magnitude lower. The variety of technologies gives rise to many types of equipment. We will not dwell on the composition of the equipment for the technological line for brick production, since its composition depends on both productivity and the selected technology.

For the production of ceramic bricks, the necessary equipment consists of the following main blocks:

    line for grinding raw materials;

    line for forming a brick;

    line for drying and firing.

The following basic equipment is used for the production of silicate brick:

    equipment for the preparation of sand-lime mixture:

    equipment for the formation of raw bricks;

    autoclave raw material processing equipment.

For the manufacture of hyper-pressed bricks, equipment will be needed:



    receiving and consumable bins;


    screw and belt conveyors;

    mobile compressor units;

    concrete mixers and other equipment.

The cost of equipment depends on the technology used, the degree of automation of the production process and line productivity.

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The simplest brick making machine (by vibropressing method) costs from 245 thousand rubles. On this machine, it is also possible to produce wall stone, wood concrete, Lego brick, paving slabs and curbs. The productivity of this type of machine is about 100 pieces of brick per hour. Of course, most operations on this machine will have to be done manually. More productive equipment, with a capacity of 500 bricks per hour, and in which part of the processes will be automated, will cost about 1.8 million rubles.

A small line for the production of bricks by hyperpressing can cost about 1-4.5 million rubles. The availability of raw materials is an important factor, since production is based on the low consumption of Portland cement and the use of mining, cement, metallurgical industries and various types of dumps as waste fillers.

A more productive line for the production of silicate brick, designed to produce 22 million pieces per year, will cost about 60 million rubles. Naturally, such equipment is delivered to order within 4-5 months. As a rule, the price includes personnel training services, equipment setup depending on the characteristics of the initial mixture, installation supervision services and other services that allow production to be launched as quickly as possible.

Equipment for large-scale production, that is, more than 50 million pieces of brick per year, will cost more than one hundred million rubles.

When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to the possibility of production on this equipment and other products except brick. This will significantly diversify the range of products sold and reduce the risks of opening such a production. Some equipment lines allow you to produce up to a dozen different types of products that are widely used in construction.

Brick business payback and financial results

The profit in this business depends on the productivity of the equipment used and, accordingly, the capital costs of acquiring the equipment. As a rule, equipment with small investments pays off faster than a full-scale plant.

The payback period of the mini-plant is about 1-1.5 years. A large brick manufacturing company pays for itself for about three years. This is subject to the fact that you will be able to ensure a production load of at least 70-80%.

The main investment costs when opening a brick production are equipment costs. The total volume of investments, taking into account the equipment and equipment of the premises, will be from 300 thousand rubles.

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The total cost of manufactured brick products is approximately 30-50% of the wholesale price. The spread in the cost of production depends on the degree of automation. At fully automated factories, staff participation in production is minimal, which reduces the weight of wages in the cost structure. But automated lines are much more expensive and require qualified personnel to set up and maintain production.

Profit, depending on the scale of production, can range from 300 thousand a year for a mini-plant and up to 50 million rubles and higher for a large enterprise.

The cost of production and, accordingly, the profit of brick production is significantly affected by logistics. The main customers should be located as close as possible to production, since long-term transportation of bricks is not always cost-effective, and it can also be damaged during transportation and loading and unloading operations. More importantly, proximity to sources of raw materials.

Legal Aspects of Starting a Brick Business

To open a business for the production of bricks, any organizational form is suitable - both LLC and IP.

A simplified tax system is preferred for this type of business, however, keep in mind that the maximum turnover for the simplified tax system in 2018 amounted to 150 million rubles.

The basic OKVED code for ceramic bricks will be 23.32 “Production of bricks, tiles and other construction products from baked clay”.

For silicate brick, the OKVED code will be group 23.61 “Production of concrete products for use in construction”.

When starting a business, it will be necessary to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and, depending on the region, Rosprirodnadzor. Additionally, it is necessary to notify the municipal authorities of the place of registration or location of production.

It is advisable to obtain a certificate of conformity for manufactured products. Mandatory legislation does not require this, but consumers of products pay attention to the availability of the necessary certificates. This is a so-called voluntary certification. This stage must be passed after the start of production, when samples will be taken for certification and an opinion will be issued for a period of one to three years. The cost of obtaining such a certificate is about 10 thousand rubles.

Key risks in the brick business

The main risk for entrepreneurs who want to start a brick business is the further stagnation of the Russian economy and, consequently, a decrease in household incomes. A decrease in household incomes can lead to a decrease in the pace of housing construction, which will reduce the demand for building materials. When implementing this scenario, larger enterprises with a large number of large customers will survive. Such enterprises have the opportunity to reduce the selling price due to large volumes of production, as well as a margin of financial strength, in particular, they are much more willing to lend to banks than small businesses.

Another significant risk is the outstripping increase in energy tariffs, which is especially critical in the production of bricks, the technology of which involves firing.

The main risk and the main issue in this business remains the issue of marketing. The competition in this market is very great. To enter the market, you need to make a discount to the selling price, and this reduces profit. To open a business for the production of brick products is necessary only if there are confirmed sales channels for products. The method “here we will produce and we will sell” in this area may well not work. We believe that you can only open such a business if you have at least two or three customers who are guaranteed to collect at least 75% of your production.

Thus, the brick and brick business is cost-effective and efficient. It is significantly differentiated by initial investments, and you can enter the market with a very small amount of investment. A small amount of investment will involve a large amount of manual labor, which somewhat reduces the profitability of the business. The payback period of a business is from one to three years, provided that the production load is quite high. The main risk of this business is high competition in this segment and the difficulty of marketing products.

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One of the main advantages in the brick business is that this business is not subject to licensing and any special permits for this type of activity. The only thing to get is permission from the fire department.

Before starting a business, a thorough analysis of the existing building materials market should be carried out. This analysis should include the following items:

  • Identification of major brick manufacturers
  • Competitive Product Quality Analysis
  • Price analysis of competitive products

After that, you should inquire about the possible sales channels of your products. As a rule, these are construction companies or large construction stores. However, to get such large customers is quite difficult, since they have been in the market for some time and most likely they already have suppliers.

In the next step, you should start searching for a suitable room. The area of \u200b\u200bthe production room should be from 160 to 220 quadrant meters. It should definitely allocate a place for a raw material warehouse and for a warehouse of finished products. The location of the plant does not play a big role, the main thing is the accessibility of the entrance.

From the equipment you will need to purchase a stone crusher, sand screener, brick molding machine, kiln and mixer. For unloading and loading operations, a truck crane should be purchased.

To maximize the production capacity of your plant, you should hire several workers (3-5 people) who will produce finished products. You will also need a storekeeper, forklift operator, accountant, truck driver and cleaner.

For a more competent organization of the production process, increasing the chances of success and reducing possible risks, a business plan for the brick factory should be drawn up. Below you can download and see examples of ready-made business plans.

  - as the name implies, the example contains several sections. The production section provides information on production volumes in the current and planned years, as well as information on the work of enterprise departments. The investment section gives the size and direction of investment use. The financial section contains calculations of the main economic indicators.

- This example is one of the most comprehensive. It contains all the necessary sections. These include: project justification; project summary; general description of the project; action plan for the implementation of the project; alternative projects; estimated range and volume of production; market analysis of consumers and competitors; marketing plans, including a sales strategy.

  - This example shows how to fill out the production section. First, the nature of the products and the scale of production are described. Then the production technology, the raw materials used and the methods of its processing are described. Production prices are also calculated. Plus, this section provides a table of investment.

  - This example contains a large amount of information that is necessary to draw up a plan. The example contains information about the project for the construction of a new brick factory, the payback period of which will be 6 years. The example contains the most significant sections, which provide tables with justification of the cost of equipment, calculation of basic economic indicators and others.


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