Safety instructions are agreed by the union. The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of labor protection instructions for employees. Who are the instructions for labor protection in the organization agreed with?

"Human Resources Department of a Commercial Organization", 2013, N 7


The obligations of the employer in the field of labor protection are quite extensive. Among them is the obligation to create a regulatory framework for the organization. In addition to acts containing state requirements for labor protection, local organizations must develop local regulations, including safety and labor protection instructions. In the article, we consider what instructions an employer should have, how often they are developed, how they are approved, and what needs to be included in them.

By virtue of Art. Art. 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employees of the organization should be familiar with the requirements of labor protection and safety rules at the workplace, should be familiar with safe methods and techniques of work, know what actions are prohibited at work, and be able to provide first aid to victims.

In order to establish rules and procedures for acquainting employees with safe working methods and other labor protection requirements, safety and labor protection instructions should be developed in accordance with the names of professions and the list of types of work approved by the employer.

Some industries use generic occupational health and safety guidelines. For example, for employees of the fuel and energy complex (oil and gas industry, oil products supply), such Model Instructions are approved by Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated 04.07.1995 No. 144. That is, based on the Model Instructions, organizations in this industry approve their instructions. In those industries where there are no standard instructions, employers develop them independently.

Who should develop the instructions?

By virtue of para. 22 h. 2 tbsp. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is required to develop and approve labor protection rules and instructions for workers. Since there are a lot of obligations to ensure safe working conditions, it is clear that the manager as a representative of the employer will not be able to realize everything on his own, but he can attract other officials of the organization.

Immediately, we note: as for the labor protection specialist (if he is in the organization), guided by the section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Specialists Performing Work in the Field of Labor Protection" of the Unified Qualification Guide for the Positions of Leaders, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 05.17. 2012 N 559н (which entered into force on 07/01/2013), it mainly implements organizational and control measures, and the development of labor protection instructions is in its duties included. Therefore, their development, as a rule, is entrusted to the heads of departments.

Note. According to the new CEN section, the labor protection service consists of the head of the labor protection service and a labor protection specialist.

At the same time, the labor protection specialist provides methodological assistance to the heads of the organization’s structural divisions in developing new and revising existing labor protection instructions, as well as in drafting training programs for employees on safe practices and working methods.

It should be noted that the Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08.21.1998 N 37, which ceased to apply to the qualification characteristics of labor protection employees, provided for the duty of the labor protection engineer, together with the heads of units, to make lists professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed. Since the availability of these lists allows us to systematize the work on the development of instructions, we believe that such a duty should also be included in the job description of a labor protection specialist.

Note! The obligation to develop safety and labor protection instructions must be included in the job descriptions of unit heads or those who will be involved in this. In addition, the employer must issue an order that establishes a list of necessary instructions, the persons responsible for their development, the persons involved in the development, and the deadline.

Once the instructions are developed, they must be approved by the head of the organization. In this case, before approval, the instructions must be approved by the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other authorized body of workers in the manner prescribed by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations.

The employer sends the draft instructions to the elected body of the primary trade union organization, representing the interests of all or the majority of workers, who, no later than five working days from the day the project is received, sends the employer a reasoned opinion on the project in writing. If the trade union body does not agree with the project or contains suggestions for its improvement, the employer may agree with it or must conduct additional negotiations within three days after receiving an opinion.

Disagreements are documented in a protocol, after which the employer has the right to adopt a local regulatory act, which the union can appeal to the GIT or to the court.

So, if the trade union agrees with the instructions, a note “Opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization is taken into account” is made on the title page indicating the details of the document expressing the opinion of the trade union or other body authorized by the workers.

What provisions should be in the instructions?

When developing an instruction, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of laws and regulations, including intersectoral and industry standard labor protection instructions, the types of work for which the instruction is developed, working conditions specific to the respective positions, as well as the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors. In addition, safety requirements set forth in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturers, as well as in the organization’s technological documentation, taking into account specific production conditions, are taken into account. All requirements are stated in relation to the position, profession or type of work performed.

In the development, you can also be guided by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2002 N 80 "On approval of the Methodological recommendations for the development of state regulatory requirements for labor protection" (hereinafter - the Recommendations).

1. "General requirements for labor protection." This section recommends reflecting:

Instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations;

Requirements for the implementation of work and rest;

The list of dangerous and harmful production factors that may affect the employee in the process of work;

The list of overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment issued to employees in accordance with established rules and regulations;

The procedure for notifying the administration of cases of injury to an employee and malfunctioning of equipment, devices and tools;

The rules of personal hygiene that an employee must know and observe when performing work.

2. "Safety requirements before starting work." In this section you can include:

The procedure for preparing the workplace, personal protective equipment;

The procedure for checking the health of equipment, fixtures and tools, fences, alarms, interlocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc .;

The procedure for checking the source materials (blanks, semi-finished products);

The procedure for receiving and transmitting shifts in case of a continuous technological process and equipment operation.

3. "Requirements for labor protection during work." It is recommended to provide here:

Methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, the use of equipment, vehicles, hoisting mechanisms, devices and tools;

Requirements for safe handling of raw materials (raw materials, billets, semi-finished products);

Instructions for the safe maintenance of the workplace;

Actions aimed at preventing emergency situations;

Requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

4. "Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations." It is recommended to reflect:

A list of the main possible emergency situations and the causes that cause them;

Actions of employees in the event of accidents and emergency situations;

First aid measures for injured in case of injury, poisoning and other health injuries.

5. "Requirements for labor protection at the end of work." This section indicates:

The procedure for shutting down, stopping, disassembling, cleaning and lubricating equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms and equipment;

The procedure for cleaning waste received in the course of production activities;

Personal hygiene requirements;

The procedure for notifying the head of work of deficiencies affecting occupational safety discovered during work.

If necessary, other sections can be included in the instructions.

Based on the Recommendations, it is not necessary to use words in the instructions that emphasize the special significance of individual requirements, such as “categorically”, “especially”, “necessarily”, “strictly”, since all requirements of the instructions should be equally fulfilled by employees.

Duration of Instructions

The validity of labor protection instructions is five years. After this period, the instructions must be reviewed, and ahead of schedule they can be reviewed in the following cases:

When reviewing intersectoral and industry rules and model instructions for labor protection;

When changing the working conditions of workers;

When introducing new equipment and technology;

Based on the analysis of materials investigating accidents, industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

At the request of representatives of GIT.

If during the validity period of the instruction the working conditions of the employee have not changed, then the order of the employer may be extended for the next term, which is recorded on the first page of the instruction, namely the current date, the mark “Revised” and the signature of the person responsible for the review instructions indicating his position and decoding of the signature. The period for which the instruction is extended is also indicated.

Instructions storage

According to the Recommendations, the place of storage of instructions is determined by the head of the unit, taking into account their availability and ease of familiarization with them. Current labor protection instructions for employees of the structural unit, as well as a list of these instructions, are kept by the head of the unit.

Instructions on labor protection for workers can be issued to them for study at the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or sites, or stored in another place accessible to workers.

In addition, magazines should be available that record labor safety instructions and issue instructions to employees. If there are few instructions on labor protection in the organization, the labor protection engineer can record and store, and the second copies or copies are then kept by the heads of structural divisions.

The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with labor protection instructions for signature. To do this, you can provide a familiarization journal. It should be noted that the employer should familiarize employees with labor protection instructions not only when applying for a job, but also when:

Transfer to another place of work within the organization;

Conducting briefings on labor protection;

Conducting vocational training classes;

Retraining (advanced training);

By order of an authorized official (body).

In conclusion, we recall that the employer should not at all allow an employee who has not undergone the training and instruction on labor protection, training and knowledge testing of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

17.06.2016 12:50:00

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures should be followed. And the employer must teach such measures to workers. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the obligations of employers established by the Labor Code. However, such instructions are far from being found in all organizations, and sometimes they are, but they are adopted, as they say, under King Gorokh. In the article we will tell how and by whom the instructions for labor protection are developed, how they are stated, what they should include and where to store them.

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures should be followed. And the employer must teach such measures to workers. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the obligations of employers established by the Labor Code. However, such instructions are far from being found in all organizations, and sometimes they are, but they are adopted, as they say, under King Gorokh. In the article we will tell how and by whom the instructions for labor protection are developed, how they are stated, what they should include and where to store them.

By virtue of Art. Art. 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to ensure safe working conditions and labor protection lies with the employer. To this end, he should first of all conduct safety training with employees, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, provide workers with protective equipment, work clothing, etc.

And of course, like any other norms, all safety and labor protection rules in a single organization must be fixed in local regulatory acts. The obligation to develop and approve labor protection rules and instructions for employees on an equal basis with other obligations of the employer is expressly set forth in Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's get it right. But first, we note that the Ministry of Labor approved the Methodological Recommendations for the development of labor protection instructions on May 13, 2004 (hereinafter - the Recommendations), which we will refer to further.


What labor protection instructions should be in the organization and are they needed for each employee?

Safety instructions are prepared for each position, profession or type of work performed. For example, by position (profession), it may be “Instructions on labor protection for the driver of the truck”, “Instructions on labor protection for the welder”; by type of work performed - “Instructions for labor protection during loading and unloading operations”, “Instructions for labor protection during sporting events”, “Instructions for working with a computer”. These may not be instructions, but rules, for example, “Rules when working with copying and duplicating equipment”. Such acts apply to a group of employees engaged in one type of work.

In addition to the instructions for the position (profession) and types of work, there may be instructions that apply to all employees of the organization, for example, “Fire Safety Instructions”.

Legislation does not require that an instruction be developed for each employee. This document should be developed for each position (profession), and then it will apply to all employees holding such positions.


What can be used as a basis in the development of labor protection instructions?

   An instruction on labor protection for an employee is developed on the basis of an intersectoral or industry standard instruction or rules on labor protection. For example, the Order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated December 23, 1998 No. 213 approved the Model Instructions for Labor Protection for the main professions and types of work in forestry. For some industries, the Ministry of Labor has developed separate Methodological Recommendations, for example, on the development of labor protection instructions for the main professions and types of work in the furniture industry (from 05/11/2004), for workers engaged in public services for the population (from 05/18/2004).

If there are no standard instructions, the employer develops them independently, guided by the safety requirements set forth in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturers, technological documentation of the organization, and sanitary and hygiene rules. Working conditions specific to the position or work are also taken into account.


To which of the employees of the organization, the employer can assign the development of instructions? Should an occupational safety specialist do this?

According to Part 2 of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must ensure the development and approval of labor protection instructions. But with regard to who exactly the employer should impute this labor function, no recommendations are given. Many believe that this should be the responsibility of a labor safety specialist.

However, in accordance with the Professional standard "Specialist in the field of labor protection", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.08.2014 No. 524n, the labor function of such a specialist, in particular, includes:

  • interaction with representative bodies of workers on issues of labor protection and labor and coordination of local documentation on labor protection issues;
  • revision of local regulatory acts on labor protection in the event of the entry into force of new or amendments to existing acts containing labor law standards;
  • the provision of methodological assistance to the heads of structural divisions in the development of training programs for workers on safe methods and techniques of labor, instructions for labor protection.

If guided by this Professional Standard, the development of labor protection instructions for jobs and types of work should be entrusted to the heads of departments (divisions), since it is they who have complete information about the labor functions of their subordinates, and the labor protection inspector assists in such development. You can also connect the legal department and the human resources department to it. In addition, as a rule, official approval of an already developed draft instruction is carried out with the labor safety inspector.

Note! Whatever employee is involved in the development of instructions, this task should be included in his job responsibilities (in an employment contract, job description).


What to look for when developing an instruction?

When preparing safety instructions, it is recommended to adhere to the structure established by the Recommendations, in particular to include the following sections and paragraphs.

1. "General requirements for labor protection." This section recommends reflecting:

  • instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations;
  • requirements for the implementation of work and rest regimes;
  • a list of dangerous and harmful production factors that may affect the employee in the process;
  • a list of overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment issued to employees in accordance with established rules and regulations;
  • the procedure for notifying the administration of cases of injury to an employee and a malfunction of equipment, devices and tools;
  • personal hygiene rules that an employee must know and observe when doing work.

2. "Safety requirements before starting work." In this section, you can state the order:

  • preparation of the workplace, personal protective equipment;
  • health checks of equipment, fixtures and tools, fences, alarms, interlocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc .;
  • verification of raw materials (blanks, semi-finished products);
  • receiving and transmitting shifts in case of continuous technological process and equipment operation.
  • methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, the use of equipment, vehicles, hoisting mechanisms, devices and tools;
  • requirements for safe handling of raw materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products);
  • instructions for the safe maintenance of the workplace;
  • actions aimed at preventing emergencies;
  • requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

   4. "Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations." Need to reflect:

  • a list of the main possible emergency situations and the causes that cause them;
  • actions of employees in the event of accidents and emergency situations;
  • first aid measures for injured in case of injury, poisoning and other health injuries.

   5. "Requirements for labor protection at the end of work." This section indicates:

  • procedure for shutting down, stopping, disassembling, cleaning and lubricating equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms and equipment;
  • the procedure for cleaning waste received in the course of production activities;
  • personal hygiene requirements;
  • the procedure for notifying the supervisor of work on deficiencies affecting occupational safety discovered during work.


What is the procedure for developing and approving labor protection instructions?

The process of developing and approving the instructions begins with the publication by the head of the organization of the order, which defines the list of instructions, the employees responsible for the development and deadlines. We give a sample of such an order.

  (LLC "Wisma")


30.12.2015 № 125


“On the development of labor protection instructions”

Based on Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


1. The head of the sales department V. Galkin, the head of the procurement department M. Sorokin, the warehouse manager P. Voronin before February 15, 2016 to develop draft instructions on labor protection for employees of all positions, professions and specialties according to the staff list in the corresponding structural unit and the list of professions and positions (Appendix No. 1).

2. By February 28, 2016, the employees specified in clause 1 of this order shall coordinate the draft instructions with the legal adviser Vorobyeva S.N. and labor protection specialist Petukhova L.N.

3. Until March 4, 2016, labor protection specialist Petukhova L.N. send draft instructions to the trade union of the employees of Visma LLC in order to get a motivated opinion.

4. Until March 17, 2016, labor protection specialist Petukhova L.N. submit instructions for approval.

5. I control the execution of the order.

Familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Galkin  / Galkin V.M. /

For your information. The procedure for developing labor protection instructions can also be established by a local organization act.

The instruction should be agreed with a labor protection specialist, and, if necessary, with other officials, departments.

Prior to the approval of the instruction by the leader, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for taking into account the views of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by the employees in the manner prescribed by 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If there is such a body, a draft instruction is sent to him for approval. Not later than five working days from the date of receipt of the project, the trade union sends a motivated opinion on the project to the employer in writing. If the opinion of the union does not agree with the draft instruction or contains suggestions for improving it, the employer may agree or, within three days after receiving such an opinion, conducts additional consultations with the union in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution. If agreement is not reached, disagreements are recorded in a protocol, after which the employer has the right to accept the instructions. In turn, the trade union may appeal this act to the labor inspectorate or to the court, or start a collective labor dispute in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code. If the union agrees, an appropriate mark is made on the cover page of the instructions.

For your information. The title page of the labor protection instructions for workers is recommended to be drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Recommendations.

The instructions should be numbered, stitched and sealed with the seal of the organization (if any). Although such a requirement for execution has not been established, it is better to do this so that supervisory authorities do not have unnecessary questions. Instructions are approved and put into effect by the order of the head, on their title page the head puts the stamp “I approve”, the date and signature. We give a sample of such an order.

Limited Liability Company “Wisma”
(LLC "Wisma")


18.03.2016 № 9


“On approval and enforcement of labor protection instructions for employees”

Based on Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 4 of the Methodological Recommendations for the development of labor protection instructions approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 13, 2004.


1. To approve instructions on labor protection for workers, taking into account the motivated opinion of the trade union LLC “Wisma” according to the list of instructions (in duplicate).

2. Enact labor protection instructions from 03/21/2016.

3. To the head of the sales department V. Galkin, to the head of the procurement department M. Sorokin, to the warehouse manager P. P. Voronin no later than two business days:

- transfer the instructions for registration in the register of instructions to the labor protection specialist Petukhova L.N., leaving one copy in storage at the labor protection service, the second at storage in the relevant structural unit;
- acquaint employees of their units with instructions for signature and provide employees with copies of the instructions;
- ensure proper storage of second copies of instructions in units.

4. Labor protection specialist Petukhova L.N. ensure proper storage of instructions in the labor protection service.

5. Control the execution of the order to entrust to a specialist in labor protection Petukhov LN

General Director Pavlinov / V.V. Pavlinov /

Familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Galkin / Galkin V.M. /

Head of Procurement Department Sorokin / Sorokin M.V. /

Warehouse Manager Voronin / Voronin P.T. /

Labor protection specialist Petukhova / Petukhova L.N. /


Where should instructions be stored?

As a rule, the employer approves several copies of the instructions that the labor protection service registers in a special register of labor protection instructions for employees (in the form of Appendix 2 to the Recommendations).

In this case, one copy is stored in the labor protection service, while others are issued to the heads of structural units of the enterprise organization with their mandatory registration in the register of issuing labor protection instructions for employees (in the form of Appendix 3 to the Recommendations). If there is only one copy, a copy is issued to the heads of departments.

Workers who are covered by the provisions of the instructions must be acquainted with it under signature. For this, a familiarization sheet is compiled or a special journal is started. In addition, you should make copies of the instructions and give them for signature to employees or place them in electronic or printed form in an accessible place for review.

Note! The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with labor protection instructions when hiring, transferring to another place of work, conducting labor protection briefings and retraining, reviewing or adopting new instructions.


How long are labor protection instructions?

The validity of labor protection instructions is five years. Rather, according to the Recommendations, after five years, the instructions should be revised. Their validity period can be extended if the working conditions of workers have not changed over the past period, intersectoral and industry rules and standard instructions for labor protection have not been revised. Extension of the instruction is carried out by the order of the employer, about which an entry is made on the first page of the instruction, namely, the current date, the mark “Revised” and the signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions are indicated, indicating his position and decoding of the signature. The period for which the instruction is extended is also indicated.

If before the expiration of the five-year period of validity of instructions for labor protection, the working conditions of workers have changed or intersectoral and industry rules and standard instructions for labor protection have been revised, instructions for labor protection for workers must be reviewed early by the employer and, if necessary, new ones are approved. Early revision of the instructions is necessary when introducing new equipment and technology, according to the results of the analysis of materials for the investigation of accidents, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as at the request of representatives of the State Inspectorate. Speaking about the duration of the instructions, we note that the Recommendations allow the development of temporary instructions on labor protection for employees of new and reconstructed industries that are commissioned. Temporary labor protection instructions for workers ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (works) and the safe operation of equipment. They are developed for a period until the acceptance of the specified production into operation.


We briefly recall the procedure for developing and adopting labor protection instructions for workers. First of all, the employer should determine the list of posts (professions) and types of work for which there are no instructions for labor protection or for which they need to be reviewed. Then, the employees responsible for the development and approval of the instructions are established. If your organization has a union, be sure to consider its opinion. The agreed draft is approved and recorded in the instruction book. And the final stage is familiarization with the approved instructions of the employees and ensuring their storage.

We also note that since the obligation to develop labor protection instructions for employees is provided for by labor legislation, if it is not fulfilled, the employer may be held administratively liable. Therefore, this issue should not be neglected. Without delay, check whether you have labor protection instructions for all positions (professions) - if not, you need to develop them, and if there are, you may need to review them.

  • 1.12. The procedure for termination of the employment contract, regardless of the will of the parties. (Article 83 of the Russian Federation)
  • 1.13. The procedure for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. (Article 81 of the Russian Federation)
  • 1.14. Suspension from work.
  • 1.15. Overtime work.
  • 1.16. Collective agreement.
  • 1. Social responsibility of the company (obligations of the employer)
  • 1.18. The procedure for the development and approval of labor protection instructions.
  • 1.19. Assessment of workplaces.
  • 1.20. The procedure for internships at the workplace.
  • 2. Organization from
  • 2.1. Introductory briefing, content, procedure.
  • 2.2. Initial briefing at the workplace.
  • 2.3. Periodic briefing. The procedure and dates.
  • 2.4. Targeted briefing, procedure. Content.
  • 2.5. Unscheduled briefing. The procedure and timing.
  • 2.6. Three-stage control of labor protection.
  • 2.7. Who can work as a fitter?
  • 2.8. What should a track fitter know during operation?
  • 2.9. What should the installer of the path during work?
  • 2.10. The duties of a fitter before starting work.
  • 2.11. Duties of the installer of the way after the end of work.
  • 2.12. Occupational safety instructions for the installer of the way.
  • 1. General requirements from
  • 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work and when moving to the place of work and back
  • 3. Requirements for labor protection during work
  • 4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations and in providing first aid to victims
  • 5. Security requirements at the end of work
  • 2.13. Information system "Worker on the way."
  • 2. General Provisions
  • 3. Injuries and occupational diseases
  • 3.1. Causes of work-related injuries.
  • 3.2. The concept of an accident at work.
  • 3.3. Measures to prevent injuries in the workplace.
  • 2. Carrying out measures to improve occupational safety at work.
  • 3. Implementation of a professional risk management system.
  • 3.4. Research methods for industrial injuries.
  • 3.5. Classification of industrial accidents.
  • 3.6. Classification of accidents by severity of outcome.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2005 N 160 "On determining the severity of health damage in industrial accidents"
  • 1. Industrial accidents according to the severity of health damage are divided into 2 categories: severe and mild.
  • 2. Qualifying signs of the severity of health damage in an industrial accident are:
  • 3. Severe industrial accidents include:
  • 4. Light industrial accidents include damage that is not included in paragraph 3 of this Scheme.
  • 3.7. Dangerous and harmful production factors. Their classification.
  • 3.8. Procedure for investigating an industrial accident.
  • 1. In the event of an accident, the employer is required.
  • 2. Notice of accident.
  • 3. Formation of accident investigation commissions.
  • 4. The procedure for the investigation of accidents.
  • 5. The procedure for processing accident investigation materials.
  • 6. The procedure for registration and registration of industrial accidents.
  • 7. Consideration of disagreements on the investigation, registration and registration of accidents.
  • 3.9. Requirements from in emergency situations.
  • 3.10. Lighting.
  • 3.11. Ventilation, air conditioning and heating.
  • 3.12. Noise and vibration. Protective measures against their harmful effects.
  • 3.13. Radiant energy. Protective measures against its harmful effects.
  • 3.14. Personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs from harmful production factors.
  • 3.15. Signal clothing, signaling accessories, media and communications.
  • 3.16. Requirements for personal protective equipment. Standards for their issuance and storage procedure.
  • 3.17. Labor protection requirements for industrial, office and domestic premises.
  • 3.18. Analysis of occupational injuries at the Far Eastern Railway for 2012-2013.
  • 4. Electrical safety
  • 4.1. The effect of electric current on the human body.
  • 4.2. Factors affecting the degree of electric shock.
  • 4.3. Types of electric shock.
  • 4.4. Classification of premises by the degree of electrical hazard.
  • 4.5. Technical measures for the prevention of electric shock.
  • 4.6. Personal protective equipment against electric shock and their classification.
  • 4.7. The procedure for assigning an electrical safety approval group.
  • 4.8. Safety measures when working in electrified areas.
  • 4.9. Step voltage.
  • 4.10. Release of the victim from electric current.
  • 5. Fire safety
  • 5.1. Responsibility for violation of fire safety.
  • 5.2. Means and methods of fire fighting.
  • Powder Extinguishers
  • 5.3. The procedure for working with fire extinguishers.
  • 5.4. Fire safety measures for the installer of the way
  • 5.4. The procedure for the employee in case of fire within the railway station.
  • 5.6. Safety measures for extinguishing fires in the vicinity of the contact network.
  • 6. Safety Precautions
  • 6.1. Safety measures when moving to work, from work, when moving around the station
  • 6.2. Security measures at the entrance to the place of work
  • 6.3. What should the fitter of the path before starting work?
  • 6.4. Security measures while being on the railway tracks.
  • 6.5. What is forbidden to the track fitter while on the train tracks?
  • 6.6. What are the requirements for an installation tool?
  • 6.7. Safety measures during work.
  • 6.8. Labor protection requirements in the manufacture of track works
  • 6.9. Safety measures at work at height
  • 6.10. Safety measures when working on railway tracks in conditions of poor visibility.
  • 6.11. Actions of railway workers in the detection of a foreign object on the railway tracks.
  • 6.12. TB when working with batteries.
  • 6.13. Safety measures when working with a bench tool.
  • 6.14. Security measures during the handling operations.
  • 6.15. Occupational safety requirements for work on bridges, tunnels and other man-made structures.
  • 6.16. Labor protection requirements when working with a manual traveling tool.
  • 6.17. Labor protection requirements when working with track machines.
  • 6.18. Labor protection requirements when working with mobile power plants and mechanized tools.
  • 6.19. Occupational safety requirements when cleaning railway tracks and turnouts from snow.
  • 6.20. Labor protection requirements when working with pesticides to destroy vegetation on railways.
  • 6.21. Labor protection requirements in the production of work on a production basis.
  • 7. Medical assistance
  • 7.1. First aid in case of electric shock.
  • 7.2. First aid for clinical death.
  • 7.3. First aid for frostbite and hypothermia.
  • 7.4. First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning (co).
  • 7.5. First aid for burns.
  • 7.6. First aid for food poisoning.
  • 7.7. First aid for dislocations and fractures.
  • 7.8. First aid to the victim during drowning.
  • 7.9. Transportation of the injured in an accident.
  • 1.18. The procedure for the development and approval of labor protection instructions.

    Instructions on labor protection for employees of an enterprise (organization) are developed in accordance with the "Regulation on the procedure for the development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection", approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 01, 93 No. 129 with amendments and additions made by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation from March 28, 94 No. 27

    Instructions are developed both for employees of certain professions, and for certain types of work. They are developed by the heads of production units on the basis of standard instructions and safety requirements set forth in the operational and other documentation. After coordination with authorized or authorized persons from public organizations, they are approved by the head of the enterprise (organization).

    Safety instructions should contain the following sections:

    General safety requirements;

    Safety requirements before starting work;

    Safety requirements during operation;

    Safety requirements in emergency situations;

    Safety requirements at the end of work.

    Instructions should be periodically at least once every 5 years (for work with increased danger at least once every 3 years) be reviewed with the necessary amendments and additions to them in accordance with the Regulation.

    The obligation to ensure the rules and instructions on labor protection of employees of the enterprise and the heads of departments lies with the head of the enterprise. Issuance of instructions to the heads of departments (services) should be carried out by the labor protection service with registration in the register of issuing instructions.

    The head of the unit (service) of the enterprise must constantly keep a set of instructions valid for employees of all professions and for all types of work of this unit (service) operating in the unit (service), as well as a list of these instructions approved by the head of the enterprise. Each head of the site should have a set of valid instructions for employees employed in this area for all professions and types of work.

    Instructions to employees can be issued on hand against receipt in a personal briefing card, or posted at workplaces or sites, or stored in another place accessible to employees. The location of the instructions is determined by the head of the unit (service), taking into account the need to ensure accessibility and ease of familiarization with them.

    An instruction on labor protection for an employee is developed based on his profession or type of work performed. The instruction is developed on the basis of the order of the employer on the basis of an intersectoral model instruction by the heads of the respective departments. Instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise.

    1.19. Assessment of workplaces.

    In accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for certification of workplaces under working conditions of 14.03. 97:

    - an order is issued for the enterprise to establish a certification commission;

    - a list of all jobs;

    - an assessment of jobs is carried out according to the degree of harmfulness and danger, according to the degree of injury risk, the provision of PPE workers, as well as the effectiveness of these funds;

    - registration of certification results (1 time in 5 years).

    The requirement for the mandatory certification of workplaces under working conditions is established by article 212 of the Labor Code.

    CERTIFICATION OF WORKPLACES UNDER CONDITIONS OF WORK- assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and to take measures to bring hazardous materials into compliance with state regulatory requirements of health and safety. In accordance with Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation A. p. m on UT is carried out in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

    A. p. m. on UT is an integral part of the confirmation of compliance of the organization of work on health with state regulatory requirements of health.

    The actual state of UT at the workplace is assessed: according to the degree of harmfulness and danger; degree of safety; provision of workers with personal protective equipment, as well as the effectiveness of these funds. Certification is subject to all available workplaces in the organization. At the same time, all employees harmful and hazardous production factors .

    Main goals A. p. m. UT:

    assessment of actual values \u200b\u200bof harmful and dangerous production factors at workplaces;

    planning and conducting labor protection measures in accordance with applicable regulatory legal acts;

    justification for the provision of compensation to workers engaged in heavy work and work with hazardous and hazardous materials;

    consideration of the termination (suspension) of operation of the shop, site, equipment, etc., representing a direct threat to health and (or) the lives of workers;

    the application of administrative and economic sanctions (measures) to guilty officials in connection with violations of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on environmental protection;

    preparation for certification of labor protection in the organization.

    A. p. m. on UT is carried out by organizations independently. Responsibility for its conduct and results lies with the employer ( head of the organization ) The organization can carry out work on measuring harmful and hazardous production factors on its own, using available means (laboratories, etc.). If this is not possible, then third-party laboratories are involved in the measurements, but in this case, the invited laboratory must be accredited.

    DatesA. p. m. on UT are established by the organizations themselves ( enterprises ) based on changes in the conditions and nature of work, but at least 1 time in 5 years from the date of the last measurements. In order to ensure timely and high-quality implementation of A. p. m. on UT issued an order in which the personal composition of the certification committee of the organization is determined (if necessary - the composition of the workshop certification commissions); the dates and schedule of certification are set, instructions are given to the relevant services in order to effectively organize certification work.

    Certifying commissionthe organization manages the certification; forms the legislative and regulatory framework and organizes its study; controls the quality of work at all stages of certification; certifies workplaces and makes a decision on their further use; determines compensation to employees in hazardous and hazardous facilities; makes proposals on the readiness of the organization for certification of labor protection; develops proposals for the improvement and rehabilitation of UT; considers and approves draft contracts with the involvement of third-party accredited laboratories to perform the necessary measurements; compiles a complete list of jobs (a list of jobs of the main equipment, auxiliary production and jobs of managers and specialists - engineers).

    The chairman of the certification committee is recommended to appoint the technical director of the organization. The certification commission includes specialists from the OT service, labor organization and wages, chief specialists (chief power engineer, chief mechanic, technologist, etc.), a shop doctor, specialists in structural divisions, heads of the personnel department, sanitary-industrial laboratories, and representatives of the trade union committee (labor collective). A hygiene doctor can participate in the certification, providing advice on the preparation of a list of harmful and dangerous production factors for each workplace. The centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance can help organizations with this.

    Workplacesare compiled into the list in accordance with the organization’s current staffing structure and the production management structural scheme, as well as labor standards and other standards in force in the organization (service rate, time rate, personnel number standards, etc.). The name of the workplace is assigned by the name of the profession, position. It is necessary that they meet the requirements tariff qualification reference book . At the same time, one record is made for each workplace, regardless of how many shifts it is used. For each workplace (or a group of similar in nature work performed and for UT jobs) certification card for working conditions . Based on the full list of workplaces in the organization, the certification committee determines the list of hazardous and harmful production factors to be evaluated at each workplace, based on the characteristics of the process, the composition of equipment, materials and raw materials used.

    Hygienic assessmentexisting conditions and nature labor made on the basis of instrumental measurements of physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological factors. When A. p. m. according to UT, all hazardous and harmful production factors, the severity and intensity of labor, are available at the workplace. Instrumental measurements and assessments are recorded in protocols. The duration of exposure to a harmful (dangerous) production factor on workers is established on the basis of timing measurements. The results of studies of environmental factors are compared with hygiene standards, in accordance with which the classes of hazardous substances are determined. According to the hygienic criteria of the Guide R 2.2.2006-05 (depending on the degree of deviation from the hygienic standards of the production factor acting on workers) UT are divided into 4 classes: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

    The most laborious work is the determination of the class of UT by indicators the severity of labor and labor stress . Assessment of the severity of physical labor is carried out on the basis of all indicators given in the "Hygienic criteria". Assessment of labor intensity is based on the analysis of labor activity and its structure. Regardless of professional affiliation, all 22 indicators listed in the Hygienic Criteria are taken into account. Selective accounting of individual indicators for an overall assessment of labor intensity.

    The main objects of TRM assessment (workplace safety) are: production equipment; fixtures and instruments; facilities learning and briefing . Before evaluating TRM, the availability and correctness of maintaining regulatory documents regarding collateral are checked labor safety . Evaluation of TRM is carried out by checking the conformity of production equipment, devices and tools, as well as training and instruction tools, with the requirements of regulatory legal acts. In this case, the availability security certificates (established sample) for production equipment.

    TPM assessment is issued   protocolwhich indicates:

    Based on the results of the TPM assessment, the protocol provides brief conclusions. It is indicated which points of norms, rules and standards do not correspond to the estimated workplace. The positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of the evaluators should be recorded. These persons put their signature on the protocol. Brief conclusions of the results of the TPM assessment are also included in the certification card of workplaces for TPM. Separately, according to the results of TRM assessment in accordance with the classification of safety equipment for injury safety, it is established   Hazard Classor an opinion is given on the full compliance of the workplace with safety requirements.

    Provision of workers personal protective equipment (PPE) is established by comparing the actually issued funds with typical industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other PPE to employees. At the same time, their effectiveness and compliance with the actual state of the UT are evaluated. The quality and effectiveness of PPE should be confirmed by certificates of conformity. The evaluation results are entered in line 070 of the workplace certification card.

    Overall ratingthe actual state of UT at the workplace is determined taking into account the results of the assessment of harmful and dangerous production factors, the safety of workplaces, and the provision of PPE. In the absence of harmful and hazardous production factors at the workplace, if their actual values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to optimal or permissible values \u200b\u200b(1st and 2nd classes), and also when fulfilling the requirements for safety and security of PPE, it is considered that the working conditions at the workplace meet regulatory requirements. The workplace is recognized   certified.

    In cases where at the workplace the actual values \u200b\u200bof harmful and hazardous production factors exceed the established standards or when the level of injury safety and the provision of PPE do not meet the standards, UTs are considered harmful and (or) dangerous. When UT is assigned to the 3rd class (harmful), the workplace is recognized   conditionally certifiedindicating the appropriate class and degree of hazard (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, as well as 3.0 - for safety). The organization makes proposals to bring conditionally certified workplaces in accordance with regulatory legal acts on occupational safety and health in the plan of measures to improve and improve health and safety at the organization. Conditionally certified jobs are not counted as certified when certifying work on environmental protection in the organization.

    If UT is classified as 4th (hazardous) class, the workplace is recognized   non-certified. Re-equipment or liquidation is required.

    Jobs are subject to mandatory re-certification after the replacement of production equipment, changes in the technological process, reconstruction collective protective equipment etc., as well as at the request of state bodies examination of working conditions if violations are detected during the conduct of A. p. m. UT.

    The results of the certification committee of the organization are recorded in the protocol A. p. m. UT. The certification committee develops (taking into account the proposals received from the organization’s departments, individual employees) an action plan to improve and improve the health conditions in the organization. The plan is signed by the chairman of the certification committee and after coordination with the joint committee (commission) on occupational health, trade unions approved by the head of the organization, included in the collective agreement.

    The head of the organization issues an order in which he evaluates the work carried out and approves its results. Information about the results of A. p. m. UT communicated to employees of the organization. Certification documents are considered strict reporting materials and must be kept in the organization for 45 years. The certification results are the basis for creating a database of existing utilities at the organization, district, city, region, republic level.

    The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of labor protection instructions for employees

    In accordance with the requirements of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure the development and approval, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by the employees, of labor protection instructions for workers.

    The development of Instructions is based on the position of the employee, his profession or the type of work performed, for example:

    1. labor protection instructions for the manager of the car depot;
    2. instructions on labor protection for an engineer on the adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks;
    3. labor protection instructions for equipment mechanics;
    4. labor protection instructions for manual welders;
    5. labor protection instructions for a turner;
    6. labor protection instructions for the boiler room operator;
    7. safety instructions for work at heights;
    8. instructions for labor protection when cleaning roofs from snow, ice, icicles;
    9. instructions for labor protection when performing work using an electrified tool.

    The basis for the development of the Instructions is the requirements set forth in the standard instructions for labor protection, labor protection rules; safety requirements set forth in the repair and maintenance documentation of organizations manufacturing equipment, as well as in the technological documentation of the organization itself, taking into account the peculiarities of its production. If necessary, the Instructions may be made. Requirements set forth in the safety rules, the rules of the device and safe operation, safety instructions, state standards of the system of labor safety standards, building codes and rules, codes of design and construction, state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (sanitary rules, hygiene standards, sanitary rules and norms, sanitary standards).

    The development and approval of the Instructions is carried out taking into account the written reasoned opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another representative body authorized by the employees (if there is such a representative body). The collective agreement, the agreement may provide for the adoption of local regulations (in particular, the Instructions) in agreement with the specified authorities.

    The procedure for taking into account the views of the elected body of the primary trade union organization when adopting local regulations is set forth in Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    If the Instruction is approved taking into account the opinion of the representative body of the employees of this employer, this opinion is not indicated in the upper left of its title page (in the Instructions, a complete set of which is available to the labor protection engineer or employee, who is assigned by the employer's order the duties of the protection engineer labor, it is advisable to have a document containing the opinion of the representative body of workers).

    If the Instruction is approved by agreement with the representative body of the employees of this organization, such approval is indicated in the upper left part of its title page.

    The instruction in the organization is developed by an official or specialist who is entrusted with an order with the responsibility for developing the Instructions. Due to the fact that the duties of a labor protection specialist include, in addition to providing methodological assistance in the development and revision of the Instructions, their approval, he is not entitled to coordinate the document he has developed or, on the contrary, to develop a document that he must then coordinate.

    In addition to the labor protection specialist, the Instruction, if necessary, is agreed upon by other interested parties (mechanic, technologist, power engineer, etc.).

    The Instruction is approved by the head of the organization (the employer is an individual entrepreneur) or one of his deputies supervising labor protection issues (according to the order of the employer).

    The development of temporary Instructions is permitted for new or reconstructed facilities being put into operation. They are developed to ensure the safe implementation of technological processes (work) and the safe operation of equipment for a period until the acceptance of these plants into operation.

    Each instruction is assigned its name and designation (digital and (or) alphabetic, taking into account belonging to the structural unit and the section of the structural unit).

    Instructions are reviewed at least once every 5 years. If during the period of validity of the Instruction the working conditions of the employee have not changed, its validity shall be extended for the next term.

    Conditions under which the Instructions are subject to early revision:

    1. the entry into force of new legislative and other acts containing labor law standards, the requirements of which should be contained in the Instruction;
    2. introduction of amendments (additions) to existing legislative and other acts containing labor law norms, on the basis of which the Instruction has been developed;
    3. changing working conditions for workers;
    4. introduction of new technological processes;
    5. replacement or modernization of equipment, devices, tools;
    6. analysis of materials for investigating accidents, industrial accidents, occupational diseases, the cause (or one of the reasons) of which is the incompleteness of the statement of labor protection requirements in the Instructions.

    Due to the fact that the duties of a labor protection specialist include the storage of documents containing labor protection requirements, as well as providing divisions with local regulatory acts, he should have: a complete set of Instructions, a register for their accounting and a register for issuing them to the heads of structural units.

    The head of the structural unit should have: the instructions in this unit, their list, the register and the issuance of Instructions (this journal should be available to the head of the unit if there are any cross-sectoral and (or) branch regulatory legal acts, or maybe local regulation provides for the issuance of instructions to employees on receipt).

    The head of the structural unit determines the location of the Instructions, taking into account their availability and ease of familiarization with them.

    Instructions can be issued to employees on receipt or posted at workplaces, or stored in an accessible place for workers.

    Due to the fact that the employee is obliged to comply with the requirements contained in the Instructions, their text should not be “clogged” with words such as “unconditionally”, “obligatory”, “categorically”, “strictly”, “especially”, which supposedly emphasize the special significance of individual requirements .

    Abbreviations (letter abbreviations) may replace the words in the text of the Instructions, provided that the abbreviation is decrypted.

    It is not necessary in the Instruction to make references to any legislative and other regulatory legal acts, except for references to those local regulatory acts, the requirements of which the employee is studying during a labor safety briefing. If necessary, paragraphs or articles of a legislative and other regulatory legal act, the requirements of which were not previously taken into account in the Instructions, must be reproduced in the statement.

    The instruction contains the following sections:

    I. General requirements for labor protection.

    II. Labor protection requirements before starting work.

    III. Labor protection requirements during work.

    IV. Occupational safety requirements.

    V. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work.

    In the section "General requirements for labor protection" should reflect:

    1. conditions for admission to independent work;
    2. instructions on the need to comply with the requirements of the internal labor regulations;
    3. requirements for observing the regime of work and rest;
    4. a list of dangerous and (or) harmful production factors affecting the employee;
    5. requirements for ensuring fire and explosion safety;
    6. a list of personal protective equipment that must be issued to the employee in accordance with established standards;
    7. the procedure for notifying your immediate or superior manager about injuries, equipment malfunctions, etc .;
    8. employee liability for violation of the requirements of the Instructions.

    In the section "Labor protection requirements before starting work" you need to state:

    1. the procedure for preparing the workplace, personal protective equipment;
    2. the procedure for checking the serviceability of equipment, devices, tools, fences, signaling, blocking and other devices (devices), as well as grounding devices, ventilation systems and local lighting devices;
    3. the procedure for checking the availability and condition of raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products;
    4. the procedure for receiving and transmitting shifts.

    In the section "Requirements for labor protection during work" should familiarize the employee:

    1. with methods and techniques for the safe performance of work, the use of equipment, devices, tools, vehicles, hoisting mechanisms, containers;
    2. with the requirements of safe handling of raw materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products);
    3. with requirements for the safe maintenance of the workplace;
    4. with the main types of deviations from the normal technological regime and with methods for their elimination;
    5. with actions to prevent emergency situations;
    6. with requirements on the need to use personal and collective protective equipment;
    7. with requirements on the need to carry out only that work, which is part of his professional duties and with safe techniques and methods of which the employee is familiar with;
    8. with requirements on the inadmissibility of the presence of unauthorized persons at his workplace and the performance by them of his work.

    In the section "Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations" should state:

    1. a list of emergencies that may occur at the workplace;
    2. employee actions in case of emergency;
    3. actions of the first aid worker to the victim.

    In the section "Requirements for labor protection at the end of work" you need to reflect:

    1. the procedure for safely shutting down, stopping, cleaning, lubricating equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms, etc .;
    2. waste disposal procedure;
    3. order of delivery of the workplace;
    4. personal hygiene requirements;
    5. the procedure for notifying your immediate or superior manager of deficiencies discovered during work.

    If necessary, additional sections may be included in the Instruction.

    Dear Vyacheslav Ivanovich, a situation where “everyone says that only an occupational safety engineer is responsible for this” is mainly due to the fact that the organization does not properly organize an occupational safety management system.
    In accordance with GOST 12.0.230-2007 "SSBT. OSH management systems. General requirements ”at the level of top managers of the organization (clause 4.3.3.) Should be appointed a person or persons vested with duties, responsibility and authority to:
      a) the development, application, periodic analysis and evaluation of the OSH management system;

      b) periodic reporting to senior management on the performance of the OSH management system;
      c) facilitating the participation of all employees of the organization in work to ensure safety.
      Based on the requirements of GOST 12.0.230-2007, the enterprise must have a local act “Regulation on the organization of work in the field of labor protection” or a standard that has the same meaning, where, in particular, the duties of officials on labor protection are indicated.
      The existence of such a local act follows from Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Obligations of the employer to ensure safe working conditions and labor protection”, where it is obliged to organize the development and approval of labor protection rules and instructions for workers, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization for the adoption of local normative acts.
      In accordance with the Regulation on the organization of work in the field of labor protection, the development of instructions for labor protection can be assigned to the heads of shops, departments, services, etc., who know the working conditions at workplaces, the existing risks and the features of the use and operation of equipment, machines, mechanisms and tools, or, if the team is small, to the chief engineer.
      The role of the labor protection engineer in the development of labor protection instructions is that he, in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of December 17, 2002, approves them, thereby confirming that the instruction is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation and regulatory documents in the field of labor protection.

    Tags: Labor protection instructions, labor protection engineer, Labor Code, obligations of the employer to ensure safe working conditions


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