A letter to grandfather about excellent studies from his grandson. A letter to my grandfather. Ded Moroz, Russia

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Recently our country celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Parade on Red Square. The whole class watched the live broadcast, this spectacle did not leave anyone indifferent. Someone just quietly watched, someone did not hide their admiration for the valor of our soldiers, and someone remembered their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. I also remembered my great-grandfather Vasya and thought, what would I ask him if I had such an opportunity. This is how my idea came about, to write a letter to my grandfather.

Letter to the girl.

Prologue appeal.

Dear strict commission. I know that there is no such word "deushka". There are words: "grandfather", "grandfather", "grandpa". But in our family my wonderful grandfather was called that way: "deushka". Let me in my letter address my great-grandfather Krasavin Vasily Pavlovich in this way, and do not consider it a mistake.

Hello deushka Vasya! I am your great granddaughter. I've only seen you in photographs. We have a lot of them, among them there are your military photographs. Now I look at the photograph and see a young man in military uniform with a kind smile. Here in one photo you are sitting on a motorcycle, in the other you are standing by a military vehicle. I know from the stories of my mother (your granddaughter) and grandmother (your daughter) that you were a military driver and served in the signal troops. Deushka, I know that war is scary. And I know that you almost never told your loved ones about the war days. You probably loved your family so much that you didn't want to frighten them with terrible stories about the war. Still, I know a little about how you fought. I know, deushka, that you started the war in Novocherkassk on June 22nd. On this day, from her mother from Taganrog, my wife was traveling to you. On the way, she was caught by terrible news, and my great-grandmother returned home. And you, girl, did not see her until the end of the war. How did you get through this separation? After all, Taganrog was occupied by the Germans, and for several years you did not know anything about your beautiful wife. I know that you were in Stalingrad during the worst days. I am holding in my hands your medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". She is already so old, with a worn ribbon. What's behind it? For you to tell me about those days. I know it wasn't easy. Many books have been written about the Battle of Stalingrad, many films have been shot. But not a single book, of course, can convey and convey what you felt during that hot time that you, my heroic grandfather, experienced. I would very much like to ask you about the war. But I don't want to know about fear and death. I would like to know how you lived. What we did in between battles. Have you read books, sang songs? What did you write about in letters home? I would also like to ask you about your front-line comrades. What were they like? Have you been friends? And I also want to know what you saw in the window of your front-line vehicle? After all, not only horror and devastation? You've seen different people. You've been to different countries. Here is another medal in my hands "For the Liberation of Warsaw". We now have a very difficult relationship with Poland. Some people who have not been to the war themselves are trying to remake history. Deushka, how I would like to ask you about how you liberated Poland. Is it true that you were greeted as liberators? What did the inhabitants of Poland say when they saw our troops? You have many medals and orders. There is a story behind every award. Your military history and the history of our country. How I would like to ask you about all this. Thank you, grandfather, for the fact that you fought and defended our country. Thank you, your front-line comrades. I'm proud of you grandfather! You are a real hero for me, as well as for our whole family.

Letters to grandparents are often written by their loving grandchildren. In the letter, you need to ask about the health and well-being of grandparents, tell a little about yourself and your life, you can write how you miss them. Here is an example of such a letter.

"Hello, my dear, grandmother and grandpa! How are you? Does your health fail? I hope that you are doing well. I miss you very much. We are fine, I started going swimming, I really like it." I study well too, without triples. Soon the new year, yesterday we bought a Christmas tree, and today I decorated it all day. Mom and Dad say hello to you. I really look forward to summer and a new meeting with you. Goodbye. Your granddaughter Katya. "

Nowadays, letters are rarely written, but they are still there, because older people do not like the media, such as the telephone, it is very difficult for them to master them. Especially modern gadgets and smartphones with many different functions that modern children and adolescents love so much. Our grandparents prefer classics to new technologies, so it's better to write a letter to contact them and please them.

What to write a letter to grandparents about

And so, the letter should contain the following points, they can be changed at your discretion:

  • Greeting. This is a mandatory item. Example "Hello dear grandma", "Hello grandfather".
  • Tell me how are you. Example "I'm fine, just came from school."
  • Tell us about your news, achievements. Example "Tomorrow there will be an olympiad in biology, I participate in it," I signed up for the pool, now I go there 3 times a week, I really like it. "
  • Tell me how your family is doing. It is important for grandparents to know how other relatives are doing. Example "My sister and I stopped fighting and now go to the cinema together on Sundays", "Imagine, dad was promoted at work, we are so happy for him."
  • Share your problems, ask for advice, because older relatives know a lot from their life experience. Example "Grandpa, what do you think, which club to sign up for: football or basketball," Grandma, please tell me the recipe for mom's favorite cake. I would like to bake for her birthday, make it nice. "
  • Be sure to find out how your grandparents are doing, especially your health. They will be pleased with such concern. Example "How are you? How are you? Is everything okay?" ...
  • Invite to visit or say that you yourself would like to come, express your feelings. Example "I miss you so much, when can I come to you?" "Mom says hello to you and grandpa and says we are expecting you to visit next weekend."
  • Parting. Example "Waiting for an answer soon, bye", "See you soon, kiss".

    How to make your grandparents happy with your letter

    If you want the letter to please your relatives as much as possible, you can show a little imagination. You can decorate the letter, put a small craft into it, or there may be a verse that you wrote especially for them, as well as a small gift, preferably made with your own hands.

“Dear Grandfather Frost!
I am very glad that the New Year is coming soon and my mom and dad and I will be decorating the tree.
And I expect you to come and visit me!
Most of all I would like to receive a dog as a present.
I promise to behave well and help my parents. Thank!"

You can write this letter with your child. Or to persuade his friends from kindergarten or school to write a general message: then the kind grandfather will definitely not pass by the New Year's party and bring long-awaited gifts.

What to write in a letter

Like any person, Grandfather Frost is unlikely to like impolite treatment, mistakes or an orderly tone. Keep this in mind when helping your child write a New Year's message.

The letter should contain the following points:

  1. Greetings (dear Santa Claus, dear Santa Claus).
  2. The name and surname of the baby (there are a lot of people who want to receive a gift, you can inadvertently make a mistake)
  3. A short story about the child's achievements over the past year (he was obedient, helped his mother with the housework, learned to read, etc.).
  4. A request for a gift in a polite manner (or better, several - to choose from).
  5. In conclusion, thanks to my grandfather, it would also be useful to say goodbye until next year. You can also go to a matinee or visit, he will be pleased!

Making a New Year message

Well, the text of the letter is ready. It remains to work on its design - after all, it is somehow frivolous to write such a message on a piece of notebook paper! What are the options?

Ready-made letter templates to Santa Claus

This is the simplest option: you just need to print the sample you like from the Internet.

But a self-made postcard is much better, isn't it? Therefore, we call on imagination to help ...

Children's holiday cards

Very elegant cards are made from bright cardboard, decorated with Christmas tree rain or plain cotton wool. Make a card out of a sheet of cardboard, and use pieces of fabric, pebbles, beads, beads, broken Christmas tree decorations, or nutshells as decor.

A postcard can have both a chaotic applique and a New Year theme: a snowflake, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a white bunny, Santa Claus and a Snow Maiden.

Surname letter

Why not write an important family letter to Santa Claus with a coat of arms and a seal? That's why he will be surprised and delighted!

Together with your child, come up with titles for the whole family: let dad be the king, mom - and he - the prince or princess. Next, take a thin parchment paper and write the prepared text on it in beautiful handwriting. At the end, do not forget to draw the family coat of arms and put a seal.

New year collage

Another option is to cut out suitable pictures of children, Santa Claus, gifts and Christmas tree decorations from magazines. Then stick them on cardboard and write the text. The holiday message is ready!

Envelopes and stamps

Their goal is to attract the attention of the addressee, so they should also be bright and festive. Bookstores sell large, colored envelopes. On them you need to write the address and stick the stamp. You can also make an appliqué on the envelope or create a special New Year's stamp.

Where to send the letter?

So, the letter is written, exquisitely designed and packed in a holiday envelope. It remains only to write the address and take the letter to the post office.

Here are some famous addresses of Santa Claus:

Ded Moroz, Russia:

1. Mail of Father Frost, 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, per. Oktyabrsky, 1A.

2. 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost.

3. St. Petersburg, Shuvalovka, "Russian Village", Santa Claus.

Ded Moroz, Ukraine:

1. Mail of Santa Claus, st. Khreshchatyk, 22, Kiev-1, Ukraine, 01001

2. House of St. Nicholas, st. Friendship, 84, city of Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region, 78600.

Santa Claus, Belarus:
"Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Father Frost ", p / o Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region, 225063.

Santa Claus, Finland:
Santa Claus, Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Weinachtsman, Germany:
Weihnachtsmann, Weihnachtspostfiliale, 16798 Himmelpfort.

It is not so difficult to give your child a miracle. What if Grandfather Frost not only sends an answer on New Year's Eve, but also fulfills the most cherished childhood wish? Who knows ... In the end, you will always be aware of the content of the letter yourself and will not let the kid get discouraged.

    Did you believe in Santa Claus as a child?

Shortly before the New Year, people rush, think with concentration, and visit stores. The excitement is due to the preparations for the holidays. If for adults the New Year is another reason to spend time with family, children associate the holiday with a miracle. For it to happen, be sure to write a letter to Santa Claus with your child.

Even if the pen does not obey or the letters fall unevenly on the paper, my parents and my writing instructions will come to the rescue.

What to write in a letter for Santa Claus to answer

It is really possible to send a message and receive a festive greeting in return. With the support of parents, even a first grader will cope with the task.

  • Talk to your toddler and discuss writing a message. The child will tell the idea of \u200b\u200bthe letter, because throughout the year he was obedient and wants to receive a reward for good behavior in the form of a desired gift.
  • Tell your child where Santa Claus lives, how he celebrates the New Year holidays and who gives the best gifts. The kid will be able to dream, give free rein to imagination and independently decide on a gift.
  • Grandfather Frost will not like it if you only write requests for presentations. Start your message with a greeting. Be sure to include your name, as the wizard has many kids.
  • Briefly describe the achievements over the past year: learned to swim, mastered the English alphabet, helped dad in catching carp, helped mom around the house.
  • Politely ask Santa Claus to present the desired gift. Indicate several gifts for the fairy wizard to choose the best one.
  • At the end of the letter, thank your grandfather, congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and say goodbye until next year.

If the child has mastered the technique of reading and writing, he will write the letter on his own. Advise him to carefully prepare for the process, prepare paints and pencils, because the news to a good grandfather without a drawing will turn out boring. Have a child draw a winter landscape: a Christmas tree, a snowman, bunnies, and a few snowflakes.

Santa Claus contact address in Russia and Finland

You can put a letter to Santa Claus anywhere: in the refrigerator, under the Christmas tree, on the balcony or under the pillow. In this case, the parents know what the children want to receive for the New Year holidays, but they also have to answer the message.

To get an answer from a kind grandfather, a letter is sent by mail, after putting it in an envelope, pasting a stamp and writing an address in Russia or Finland.

  1. Russia: Santa Claus, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, Russia, 162340.
  2. Finland: Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Many parents consider the child's desire to send a letter to Santa Claus as a moment's fun. In fact, the process strengthens the little ones' faith in miracles. What can we say about boundless joy from the received answer.

3 samples of the text of the letter to Veliky Ustyug

Now let's look at examples and a sample text of a letter to Santa Claus. After carefully reading, you and your child will briefly and clearly state your thoughts and wishes. Additionally, the information will be useful to those who have difficulties in writing a message.

  1. Greetings, Santa Claus! Sasha is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to the third grade, I study diligently and listen to my parents. I like to play football. I really want to get a little puppy for the New Year holidays. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave diligently in the coming year and study perfectly well. Goodbye!
  2. Dear Santa Claus, I look forward to your arrival. On New Year's Eve, I will decorate a Christmas tree with my parents, prepare a gift for you, which I will make myself and learn a rhyme. I promise to study well, be kind and polite. I would like you to please me with magical sweets from Veliky Ustyug and a radio-controlled car. Misha.
  3. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Masha is writing to you. I am 10 years old. Thank you for the gifts you gave me before. I love math, drawing and board games. I dream of getting a teddy bear. I promise to be a good and obedient girl. I look forward to meeting you.

Children, while writing a letter, are interested in why adults do not write messages to Santa Claus. If the child is persistent and wants the parents to participate, agree. It's so fun for the New Year holidays to find a small, but pleasant gift under the tree. It doesn't matter who does the wizard's job. The main thing is to keep the kids' faith in magic and miracles.

Hello grandfather!

Your great-grandson is writing to you.

Now, on the eve of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we all remember the people who, in one way or another, were touched by this war. Veterans come to the school and remember those terrible years. Pupils write essays telling about loved ones and strangers, whose lives were distorted by the war. I also wrote an essay about my mother's paternal grandfather. But about you, about my grandmother's father, I know almost nothing. But this is not correct. You didn't hold me on your knees, you didn't take me for a walk, you didn't talk about the war. And I suddenly wanted to turn to you, to talk to you.

Grandpa Seryozha, I know so little about you. You were a tanker, you died at Stalingrad. Your surname is Danilishen. That's all. Grandmother (or rather great-grandmother) did not receive a funeral for you, because you were not scheduled. How often during that war the relationship of people did not continue. Fate united quickly, but war separated - very often forever.

I don't know how you fought. But I'm just sure that you were a good soldier and did your duty to the end. In the history textbook I read that the 84th Tank Brigade took part in the Battle of Stalingrad. Maybe your tank was part of it.

I don't know how you died. Maybe your tank was hit and you found your last refuge in your combat vehicle? Maybe a sniper's bullet hit you when you got out of a burning tank? Maybe you and your comrades defended one of the houses - fortresses in Stalingrad. Maybe you died of wounds in the hospital, never seeing how the 62nd and 64th armies close the ring, how Field Marshal Pauls surrenders, how a long chain of captured fascists is stretched. May be…

I'm proud of you, all of you. You did not flinch, did not give up! They did not abandon their weapons, did not become numb in fear and meanness, declaring: whether we are fighting for. You fought, died and won for us to live.

Grandfather, you wouldn't blush for us either. Your granddaughter, my mother, has been teaching children for almost 25 years. She is a good teacher: children love her, parents respect her. My brother and I are studying. I'm already in the 9th grade. However, I don't know yet what I will do after school. But definitely something interesting and useful. We have a normal family: we love sports, trips to nature; we rejoice at the guests. And we just try to live honestly so that, as my mother says, it would not be ashamed to look people in the eye.

And I will definitely come to Volgograd. I would like, of course, to come with the whole family. Slowly climb the Mamayev Kurgan, enter the hall of military glory and find your last name - after all, I can't do anything else for you.

I read somewhere that “there are no war victims at all”. I consider my grandmother to be injured, who never saw her father, my mother, who called a stranger (albeit a very good one) grandfather, myself, because she did not sit on your lap, did not touch your orders, did not hear your stories.

I will never get an answer from you, but it doesn't matter. We remember you, you are alive in our memory - that's what matters!

Your great-grandson Linar.

Municipal educational institution

"Srednedevyatovskaya secondary school"

The writing

Grade 9 student

Khaliullina Linara


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